C ' - ~ . - lsiuondoouonuioihuou. Astrological Disturbance Caused + om ‘e;.hoi...oo. sad e P. 0. ' ‘ - - ‘Bunion. ' were ggradlutad ti-on by Wandenngs_ofAutomobile}§Je:i School of e.ei...:.o. of ii. -- . . - ' yes-sit on-i...,";' ‘ Problems of astrology are still "I£istah0alitah,heah‘a'yo'AStah." in an “Luau. u‘un::.~,_p. of eimeoi. The almanac is yet um-l Whm Stu? _Where'diyo_i_= -set the General noet:ieco.st_sehooee. written that could have foretold the {that Sur?_ That: my Star. cried audy. N. Y. _ d A stellar confusion that occurred the iNi8:v“'°°;¢::¢"«i°thth0l:i34°"' {K A E——o—--—-- ther afternoo th '1‘ Ba - 59*“ fleet.‘ ’ ‘ ' at shop. n at e avern r at. aw’ t e_'I‘|efitel'3 wh H. R. (“N' ii" N‘ hols. “" “. “'7' °°""i , ‘ll-ll. P!‘olJrie:tor of the shtilch to !°t' ‘Dd no "am", sat’ hdhwd ‘ 3""? 91'5" “I31 €03” W311 G!- i an -4-...__ - l . . T B . l - V ‘ section of Ira. Beasley; um _ is , _ i ’ . ,1:-olt. out of the window he noticed 40".. . 5|‘ in I Pldflfl 003188 to the Icretn ; -11,, - . ‘ ‘ -;f~ , 5t‘nat his sm car was not in the'., ."°»'°’.'-" '04-“I-WHEN healer use non Theater this week in H-" _co;u-nbnupou m‘n°f°pu:°;_::;_yh ‘ r 7 _ 0‘ on Broadway where he had l?:“c§;‘:h‘3,1°"". 3° Whuhv liar)’ Pickford's latest picture, m Ii’ 7 what talent’ there "'1: in c5inuihi'o.l A :-’l‘*’* N ' Iii."-°“1‘{.°i"°"‘"'£ii"" gut: ‘:23 “D” ‘W; ‘"1’ 3”‘-" ‘W C” ' 0:311? ‘d ' i Chill 8 v . ' ‘~.° 5" V9‘ " r 1' ' O’; 5 '° Whsuehnuandelnr,thla&lhe XaIlsgg'sDran.sssbdaadkrnn- ‘.3, "mania am "3" of ‘“ Wm « A ' on the departure, as an astrologer ltnih Sn!” ‘t home’ Ah 2'" you i198“ 8090110 breathless, there is. is converting wholesome food latol ‘ . hkeysandexpectedyoualltogo - ~ — hth tit. W .. fplt thatwillexclte ' d.~ viccwn-he-lth But wheaelossed 'm"f‘hc Prilieceprnd insurance compmy .gt"::::o§E‘e'hto'§nl':‘:“; gt?! '3'” .mi’ration. there is roinazzotthcai :*ill ‘ ’ b’ °°"fi"“°" "‘°'“" Vb‘ ‘h°‘i° "“' '"'7 """' °' ixere tréotiled, lghut atth4:3gt.o‘clock in ',,tm 9,”), ‘ad ‘h finaed you - 3 “fly delkhud wmmmfi '3" ‘ dheases. ‘nun’, h ‘“ Q“ h h ' ‘IE8 rnoon eo er rowners augded ta, Gen - n ' '3 . Y * P793‘. "Yo '03 II or the shop had oxhoosoed their ..'Ce,m?_‘;;.,..‘.°‘k‘:,’d ,,,;c‘{“_.‘.'s‘0 you :ent in full force. It is the most! “’°",,,_u,;',,B“‘ "°""' """ “‘ "°"'*'° Kellen aehlevesnut. ‘sympathy and one Star of the eon— d 3“ t Ce tny - d -‘°l1|b0fllv° Pl'°d°¢tl0!| llllt Ill! 1,“; tom 1; '.o,b cut“, ‘ stellation was still in an indeter- ‘0;°}:{:_:ny r 0 n 1‘ “um” .Pi¢kf°"d 5“ 9'93’ ltl»°!l|Pl»¢d. 154* natutrlev at eaten ” mirate position. » - “Yessuh. Ah guess dat’s it." 5‘ "$5" 5°“ '-5°” ""° '°'“'°hl " """“"" ‘° "”"'° """““‘“"i $3173 :2 C ' 3 The show this year portrays the "aesthetic feeling that one finds in iiiusic. Butwith ' - , gin] iugagpgfifiom than u:;nd‘;e . , At about 4:45 o'clock ii negro face, Nick's Star is again in the as- 3 ‘°',' ‘mm "*6 um“ "h° ‘"3 geyzgu lt.fiQw. gnothu-_u.g.3f ma”, “nut. ..4 appeared at the window and said, icendant. Qmftef lmllltmflll-. ; _ ' III C ‘P0051! ll‘ ‘U 3‘ _ . ,.,..,e,, um ,,,,, ,,m be cm; i‘ T»---~ --~--~ ’ -' ~ e—e - ~i——-~— ..i..,. . and .., 3., yo... ,..,.,,.,. ; me. tor mom Am it-an sung suntan’; n--in -«go. “In . C 61 “km.” am“ .iind Thursday in Tebbctts and Aux- is based. on definite estimates orb“, ,, 3,, ,0,“ ‘pend, 1,“ be 1; Nofihs but A114 but an be 1 X-II-cs B:-IL why! “in mm,“ d _‘ ‘flu of a D01‘! iuirse giving talks on the work the 2 the field of fall wheat. and the‘ cod 1,, pun“ any do not °''‘ .“°‘“'‘' 15“ u ' ::b'‘’* .$‘‘‘ m“‘3.7 lets. Therevl ho... Egyptian 5.1. ;i°n‘:”f:: "f"f°."“C’:n*I‘ dong: to -latest report of the c°"dl“°" °‘iror several years. Dorothy ll then‘. i. and by doom: evsrywhue. Kslhggh _ is iodivisuu .- let in fin ‘fl : ‘P H3 l'l:8b:C. lllucCreId"3yFr.dl;fl'- SR3-jng what. throughout C‘;-;‘dg_'eng“ed mirnn her Wm to he?‘ g h 150 h ;’h great part, a"I'\r East ballet. a 133°“, gmh ."m . h.’°th' " “"155 '-"ff 3'11"“ 0'-he" '39“ "b°“.oousin. llalcolrn. whom she has [ hM““‘&d"'"un‘ h-33;’ gunk" hula tam,-m‘ we d‘nc_ ' - - “W W‘ 333"‘ 1"‘ 979- are estimated by the burehu as new, “en. ‘Dd ‘hen ,1“, meet‘: wfi * A lng,aGreel: ballet with its still iige gmumsrs APPRECIATE c.uir-'°"°‘”‘- 0”» 341995-000 bushdsz Sir John by accident ihe believes p A ‘ P“ * “ barley. 71,204,000 -bushels; rye, 12,-. - - pictures and an interpretation of the , ~~~ ~ A V :1” Angeles Man Coinlnends Mis-1358.500 bushels; Ind *flaX!‘-eed.‘ 8.--Wm, 3’ is o E a "'3'. E is 5' E. hsllet that made‘ Paviowa famous-— o. ,,, . _ h Th istakei idetit ..e e. the, «Aunmnnu - ,,_ ‘. souri Hospitality. 026.400 bushels. The potato yield; 5‘ nvfihd foam we W; n y ‘ p. 30312“ wflten “h“e> ‘he: «Tell the people of Hissomi um; is estimated at 49,182,000 hundred-lwum between me two hmmeti V " - lesdlng‘_pnrt_s in two’of ‘fie ' 1 ' ;w9d‘(‘:preci“I“cl ttelgiier P°l.;m.l|}ity'" w°l8lIts. '.Action is fast and furious and the eorge as re s nge— """""'.’““‘ . ‘ ‘.123’ n tourist u the camping mounds Odd Fellows ileceive Instruction. this morning. or with Mrs. Ho- A °d'°°! of mfirucfion '5',” Mad‘ ’ . ‘mm, ‘mi their dulghwr 53 “mm. at the regular meeting of the Odd‘ DOBN-CLONE? LIIIIIIII7 and , th - .- ' home after visiting with friends F‘-‘“"""’ 4”‘ '"¢*“- ”°""’°"’ °‘« C0- 1“. r ing , _ ‘ a‘! "“' ”‘ h ‘in d YR f !h":o‘ ' in “ves" \virg_in,ia and Ohio. W W911! enlertllned ‘» M III’ W‘ n ' . . ' ’ ; ‘s e oworl or c ya an_r la; , nlefl-. ' . ‘ We ‘"11 be in orchestra of UNIVERSITY NEWS oi...» .i.i..-. . ”‘”‘*’ “"“ ’““‘°’°‘ ’“‘* “”“ 1* "”"“ "' 3“ "" '3‘ 11 ' I l I E 1 ....&_... - Arlene. 80 Julia ‘£3-y pad Betty Bl3'V.ogt are “c ’ o‘.jar6 starred. These and other members ._, _‘.._ 4-~_.: ]e¢ged be 1 Q, d e -, _ has traveled more than 9.000 miles: V 4- . . .---__---_._.__ I o,cbu::?o,.rt'h: mu:;c_QuAaumt;f;:,* . H. C. Hensley left Columbia last i since then. . .- I Columbia institutions have given, C. A. Helm has same to Neviton fnirht for M_-lion Qouizty. and True; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Braun and: due privilege; for the evening. {County to supervise the threshing 417- H059 ‘-3113 'm°"“D8_f°".c*n0"'3' } family of Toledo were at the tourist. I —————o-———'—- A . ‘of soy bean plots. :C°“"Wv 'h°"°_ they. "YE" '““l"- ‘if’? L park here last night on their way to* ' OPEN SHELF FOR L“ UBRAR‘ I-‘red Peters cast the first vote for f °°‘mktyt °“”“"°“ d"°’5’°“ ‘gem’ "" U06 51189389 W593? “*9 P1315’ P111113: 35.3.. 7' _ student officers in the College of 3 m" e p’°jEcm' SW “pend “"3 ‘Vim’-‘Y ‘flnnlho l , {Te‘?';:“y:°n: gehrtf w col H ;\g,-jcuuure gm, morning, . l J. W. Bunch of the College of Ag-f Nine touring parties were at the . T‘ Univenhr uhrg) ' in Miss Ruth of the United iriculture will judge the hogs andic-ity’s groumis last night. ' \ . , ' 9 ‘ ' ‘T9’ ,. . - - h tobe h'b'ted tthCet- —--—-~ ' "°m°d “*9 “°P°" '*'°1""°' W‘ b<'"- S“"°" ‘°"""""‘ B°"”‘" °m°° "‘ ‘hsexir in V\;,ledne:dn)'narrindl 0'*'*"°“ CW‘ 355*“ Glm 1: AUTO_TOWlN_G AND . 5. Lo 2 ' 'l~ ' ‘ _ . .';‘::.°‘ **'°“. do mm-»-. . saw me. a ~.;z;;:;:i;';a.c.....— .... S e ‘ s h , '11 ' d th d ‘ - s w - . - : { -7 bookajhis; week is college life and .6! the extensrqn unite mi? of the’. 3 g_ wanna, . man.“ of 9,...-oi2,ooo bushels by the dominion nwniunr e ROBINSON - Cadillac 57 ‘ 1924 Essex Coach . 1921 Essex Touring , ” 1922 Hudson‘ ,_ C ' 1924 _Ford 'l‘ouringS'edan 1922 Overland ‘Touring .' 1922 Chevrolet Touring , . V as her Shop Her/e’s ‘where you ‘; get those real col- :; legiate hair cuts-— [ (I no by men whofi} ¢0ll5¢¢~8P°ft- , J College of Agriculture washeld at gcolfen of .A‘,.5w1m,.e_ class of '23, l bureau of statistics. This estimate Phone 2306 _ 7, 615 Broadway e‘phases of college activities 9 1”"-¥°"°""Y‘" ‘h'-'."‘“ '°°"“- its leaving Columbia today tor} 7-? t 1 if especially stressed this week are the ’ Mine Jennie c. Ferrell. llfm-_‘11‘§Southwest uioeoun: where he win: Bl!-Odes in. how: to earn céirk ‘tn ;h;rjUnxte<: States Division ‘collect tax statistics for the rural‘ -. kl ow. Ford Touring . your my thwneh college and books oi» an _ vestoc Estimates, dlvfllife department of Agriculture. He N0t.0nly The.BeSt . / of;fiction about the_life on the cam- P4‘-4'09"‘. W 0" 8 Wed” 5'0“? t3'lP- will be in Madrid, Mississippi and ._ - 1 ,*“ T ' puaeaof many of the prominent uni- V Bliss June Hinote of‘ the College !Scott counties. , C ‘ ' Where Students ge ounng ' 4 versltiesof tlm country. . fof Agriculture left today for Ray,l H. H. Garlock of the College of ~ W‘ ’ d _ ' p " a’ ,, ' ‘ , ' ' The works on the Rhodes Scholar-glicgry and }.f'_\y.ar;l’ t‘ U" be Ag:-icy) ‘ n, will pend Wednesday ‘ s cc‘ ’stu cm, the: business _ . y G0. 0 - e g - .. ~ g ~ } ‘hip. ‘wording to w_ H. Comm, mt . ~ 9 coon I.’ K ’ 3-"l " " W" ‘ v ‘ §‘n'v,¢'fo ¢‘xc.=llence itilour sevent I ; 2 * ‘' erence librarian, should be of gpartic; ”“’_ ' ‘-‘ "" " ‘ chickefiz.‘ _ 9!: and fifty cent ieguliir dinners, also thirty and‘ Phone _ -- - . - ’ . 31.!‘ ‘D iIhld€fltI It “IQ Ufll°i v v cent lunghem ' '. ‘ _ l . {:__. ‘_—;' ' ‘ versity of Hissouri this year sincei 2 ' _ . . ' * . .., g . « _. ' " * ,,' - -em-»-in u no been-«nu-a ‘ . .....- “:.‘:“:..‘:*;i.::"::;'..:::;’:“:..::.°?:. ::..‘:‘:..‘°°“ 91°B'°*“"°" "‘°°" S'“'“"‘ W" K-‘"7" . w"’°"'i '1'" """ ’ C ‘ l " YOU wiu. Lugs rr HERE '» 0 t “ i of W Some‘ofthe books on the open; 1 ' . _ _ 11. shelfare “WhyGo College?"by¢ . _ ""05 - ‘ _ w ,_ _ _, g s_____, __ __ ' 0 e F C S Cooper’ ‘M the M.noo‘ ‘ ' ..‘.‘_ e‘ - ~ . I - .. by n. a Jordan, "Th oung an's; = - Affairs" by C. R. Brown. “Perso- B d I nal Power" by W. Tucker and 3 e .“Individual Training in; Our Cd.-v ' lotli and Bdwy. Ifusic Every Evening leges" by air. Birdseye; _g.. L 5 i _ I n xs me u« owe i Made Better i . Purim Student 1:: giiriouoo a‘ i _ _ A: J} ' | n‘ ‘B 5 orb I. ' 7 il - ’ ‘ - '- Hrs Edith Nalaonof Kansas City ; _ . . ._ . , . . , A tanner student at din Jior a long time it looked like we couldnt . .»~. »- g 1 1 loge, recently made her New’ Yorltl _ ' ‘ v H g 1» l 1 g . _ grand opera___as ,S'_aiitu_r_.1;I§ , make a good flour__ll,kc H-P _i_iny better /but yse_ H ,- . . ; l is “&yw ?u! "'5 " haxe finiilly succeeded We want you to have ‘ H TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY ; l ' ' e uslnclpals b the Manhattan Opera‘ , 0 ‘ . ' Aasodatio yvrlsich has mar opened your grocer send you a sack of this better H-P en“ 3 -- _ - ,__-_.fl; ;_ . fie New York aeaso . g.- . V ' ” “ ’ I: 0 " . _.;.&e Ins formerly um Edith flour and try it. Orpcall us up—No. 9. Severance o Brunswick, -Mo., and 3°" .;_ attended collate in 1904- . '. j. ' ' ; fl,tvhldita'ini;shevronaz0ld ’ .j . ., f Boone County &“Elevator Co. 4, 3 “ is .f C ‘The Convenient Place to_Trade.” ._ ; Simplifying Homefurnishing . PRJOBLEMS. T 0 ‘J ‘ q 0 REMAKmG.me home does not revising home . 1 Your Clothing? C -If¢_So_.:Call 23s_jBiook "cg-e in Clea;iiing”‘is'~o-ur motto. We spe- . 5,3,9 ' ,¢1e_.m ‘tgfiqyiaiesses, furs, over- ‘ _ - are not made lll 8"d3Y--OI" in 8_ 1 ' _ coats Lil 'suitsn¥or3 pin-ttcular people. . . . year. ‘Most folks my by easy §l3Ke8— 9 .___....___ ° , Mary Pickford-Now As An’. * 3 ‘:a?‘féw pieoestatia time. 5 ‘en good fumltufe 88 . . 5 fifioolOpasN.2. W Wegiveyou .‘ ‘ . ~ _ - ~- “ 6_ . K"£.".:.i or ....i...¢en or°ii.e an- ,e,'f,;,,,;_,,m. ggfety, _ And you win be de. R Eighteen-Year-Old Spitfire _ p we offer, at such easy prices, the matter of making _ i i _ I an-1 M lighted with «thequahty of our workmam .. ‘ - -. n - i the homes more attractive becomes a simple matter . at the lethodist aims last nirht _y ‘hm . g I 58"“ 4¢P|¢t{08 ISWWNIP '01‘: Ml” Pick‘ indeed ' _ _ _ :.°...;°.;':'i'.:‘.°..':.'*;..;'.'.‘.‘;.'.."*.‘.+..:::"... ’ i i i ~ .. h i i:’i‘.y...o£»‘;'2i“o2...°"‘“yo”i$'oe".°‘”".oeié’Ia°§ ~ ' l r :',:'::"_n2 3,,t°,,:"°",,a..a tzowgive the :1: . a mired by millions the world; over. '- L mag; satisfaction. vine; service! _ I-Ieriwonderlul sinilechsnges inau instant toatginpestofiangerendstanipingoiteettpi assmidymmtopleastocpardoo. i _ A ‘ i‘ . ° ' .....- ...... 1 Piclcioi-dinadaring horseback ride. -‘D. , p “ e i‘ . Piussips A . ._ ,, . ’ — ’ ‘ j_ .3" .V ____ ‘ ' '1 l_l {'14 "en Ms .. ._. ~. I ~~ .. . ‘j ‘ : ~ g _ - . .- . - -..- -. 3: ‘ ~ ‘ ~_f"0nseooimtoftheleiigth o£thcfeature;no'» . as '.- ~ — . . ‘ ~ - ' ' . ‘ , .. . V- ‘ “I _ . K > . , ' .‘ I V .‘ _.‘ ‘ E.“ ' ' f“ :3 _ i’. 7'; '‘‘‘:('V‘'.- '5, l‘. ‘ " - . ‘ Q.- . _. J V: "1': 3- . '1 A : >74; .':~- ‘I .# ‘ . - " i ;. t~ -J, ' ' . Ii‘.-"g ' . "‘ ' . .,o .. 2 -c-- J ' 2". ’ .L,‘:‘f 35'» 1;.-75:; ‘~ ‘ “T ._. . i l 1-0»: ‘- 3‘ -' b‘ ' .: «' 3 . V ' -, A0 - »-I «I .-I. «. V‘ ‘ .~’- '~'.'.,—. 5 . ' _. . '. - x . ‘S . . ‘ ,_ ‘ ' . " ‘ 3 . . ’I' ‘ .-~-' .7. ' ' ‘:1;-:’.£(._: _,,_ . .... ,,.,.__.,._______._,... W- - - . ;«;- -.-‘_ ;'- '-Vv.'»-.;:s.'1,P-