T... .".'.r.‘...c «..J«;B&:‘s=;$.79ls‘§3i'£:(4i’flw'§."i'E37‘1:v-.£L:€i'¢;-:1?-t3' I ‘ ,_ --..,, __. .- _ ,_,. ‘V .. . 1 __. 7,. ' ‘, . .-. . . . ,_ . ,. - . . I —,__ . . . .1.‘ V e _ ‘ I ‘: I. I ,‘ 0,, _r _“..-, .‘ __:'. A r - n ’ V . 1"’: ‘ ' - , v ' ‘ ' ‘ L _A_ __ _:.__,__f__ _ ,-___‘ THE T ;_ AYSEPTEMBER301924. .' _ ‘ — ‘ ¢ . W, .-3'-';:—"—. J» I i ‘ "lemony Toelegetee-"linens-'tAate*tsesepo-tatnxehanaehunawea. Lucdle,wusvblt:lI3ln Ooiunbisl ' J‘ TT 1‘ 4.‘ '."““:°'“""‘.“"n‘n 1 . —.‘,__-2.. : r. _, T . ‘ ‘ Units“ . ; ‘pp . aid’, "am. — u . H. 3 l AT STEPHENS ‘listen to 5:30 o’d.o'ck“7_ "W “"— 3‘’‘’’“’T 0"“ ="~*.::~ °* *“'°.*.':. ........*"-.:~.:a.2*.'.‘-t;.r=:.": -=-~e~*......*“°~*.s:;T T tel?‘ ""‘T ' ' ‘ V A ‘ ‘ _ ’ e _ 0 . ’ I ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ _ HOME ‘ Hauwag, ’ coming for the members no for me. 6. aces forthslastwssk. rsumnutlastweek. _ . - ,-, « _ l 3- 5- Welml-“;"a":!" '° hi.-.==-r—~ ~s-- .. .- -r ‘ ' ‘ . . f mer membersof the Red'l'°P Ghris- Rev. ILC. Ahlllyqeliiatj A deapnsts-ation meeting for-h?‘e,E Id Ira. Rice ars‘3i‘°{“-'c°au:°'on huh.‘ 3 _ @A], A‘ ' groans]: - ‘ . < If» I83 33- 30'1"’ n‘-"99 ° tisn Church in celebration of _t1Ie.)liliersburg Sunday .. ,3°°!|¢ “MY telchefl V111 be lirmg on -she tun ol ‘l‘unpkHr ‘ - T - gig” to buy your coal. -_ show this} $113!‘. ‘BUR JARD. Sturgeon were here on business Fri- 102nd anniversaff °f th‘ ‘°°"d"1¢‘Joe Bamnltrtaa-‘s birth<__l§!_,_. If Alhllhdo 060050? 15- A Mitchell: T T - i E. Bay Hall of Jeiferaon City 13;’ New {I mind. cod . en in in 1 p,...'ggjp\{'fl' ' Clemens-' . cftbe _There V1115! “'9 at Hsrg. ' M"-Ch"l°¢SIPPVII0P¢!'Itedr )lrs.Nsu_!iIlIonisItosne£roms!inColuaiiis!II?»01'thY C°“:‘7 numb“ ‘.1 fifl ggVictory." Ill 33‘ liss Lorene Roberts was in 00- usual morning services» .S:nIt_iIY Mr. and Ilrs. Lelsnd._‘l.y‘ues_ and ,0?” ll “"3 30009 C0091)’ Kotvttll ‘visit wlthlia-sar;Edviri_Budson ofldang-hter. Bernice. in Stephens Col lpricfill “C5 )4“ w_ c_ xw-‘dd sand‘; Ih-‘H. 55.35., doing her tail I509-‘Schoolwill be held at 10 oclock. ehuvhter, Betty'Jo, _ _ __‘ week for sp tls. . _ . — . ATHENS COAL (xx audio. T, I-vi i---I -~33,-f-,_,,_-~ — , .,,,,;¢,§I,-um » {onowed by s eennon by the rest» with Mrs. Lynes psuuhr.;lr.- , it Sgagoflnéged ftnerel It"-i l_ln. hunt and darker’ -me stephens College lesdershll!» 5" 4 - 200 origins ...n,‘ “;d 1,.- “In” ‘M P“ “.0 cu, lax pastor. theltev. Horace Hllthet Mrs. T. W. Coleman. at _I,’arl:.; I Y arch SI!-Md-I5’ ,1-Ina were ‘ inning in 0:hiInhia- ‘map o( ths'?Burrsll Bible Class V5000 . ,1; d,_.,i‘,,,_, *9 °”‘ ‘u’ -- ' C‘ S‘ P Following this.’ dinnerwill be served. Mr and Mrs W I lieflarg unllnornlng for ‘Roman Farles. ; u ' ~ - « W *5'°°¢‘* “"'€.'t'l'-1“? ’°"“°"’;‘°"'°’ "°" ‘° 8‘ W” ‘”‘ w°d"T me Rev G. 0. Edwards. dean of-eons "write. ..;a 1iInlialh.«ssd— use’... The Rev. B. P. chemo: is homef Hrs {in-my Burks and nose} “' ‘ “‘T’ " mtfytn 0! e 4 T - , . ~° . -~ ' =" ‘T none‘ h ' ' " ‘T . - i~ ‘ '’."’P as ‘ °‘:'-‘ti-he-innovate Basketball Team §"° ’;”5’df°c‘{‘°‘f:ch‘Pffl:‘°;‘§i'fu.?:‘n,§e;a_E‘;';“,;‘r 23“ W” G _1M_ 8“ ,f.';jn‘; ff: ,1’; :;'.*:‘§n“§if—d_fi1ud=t~ “'7 L at w’« ‘ ' - d » Colurnbiana §fi ‘ I laborious phfl-3w“ dduud Nd” by . ‘con of .(3Y'dr0a’ ‘JV’ ‘ _ mm“ E; !d:u of!’ .51“. ”_‘1_;" ;-plfls media‘ : .’. . ‘uonded an; ’ - what lalen. ”° ~ 7 4 bed ‘n"'” f‘’ 9- H ‘ The relatives andstrlendsoafiallrsfl um "._- J i A pie su be given at the ! ja‘-lno'u~¢| County‘. 0"" "°"‘ 5; ant‘, . gqnd the {act that it: . { . ' ‘T’ , H _ , - V '_ ..a'— ,~ A take part in —- - llrs. J. W. Tucker and Ira. G. S. Am, gobem gathered at the home mm... cu’. , srtln School on Friday mght. _ . . . emhodhs Jgixfiobinaon were guests of Mrs. J0! of urs. Jane Cassel Sunday to cele- gg.-._ L‘, ,1‘ ‘ ‘ .‘.w¢g¢.'1l"unds will be used for thebeneilté Hrs. Moses sold sevuu _ - 3: 31:“ ha‘ 6 “'t . vChlld€tI Ffldly. - hm“ fig-3‘. fiobga-ts’ eighty-nillfll‘ *' t . ,Boon¢ of (ll! school. ‘about; to Jqnea IBM] for Ii!’ - e ye“ thereof’ wasiireticent about hit; Hrs. Scare, Robinson and dsugh- lbinhhy The “now”: were pub gunt’.‘|.‘p"‘ ah. . . - ‘mg: '11,, member‘ of the lane ""1 teem‘ ‘ puma. . - .: , . y¢‘§I~- was I work‘ ’ . . Eur nu-gm.-t, were in Columbia ,.,,, ,,..,,,; c.,1,,,,.1,;.- Nelson snen-4 .,,,.,.u..;, - ‘ .‘ -T “T t the Sunday school classes of the‘ Miss ueeguet Bondurant is’ T118 MlSS0lll'l I ' W“ ‘"'°‘’" ‘F? ‘1"“.'°"m"7 °f.bm"‘ ' Wedn . 5.- Mr and Mra..C W. Chandler. *-"°§,;,. ‘Lnhsécue .33’ '~¢];‘11¢1,,n Methodist Church gave a weinerspeuding the weekend with Miss: "“"' "°“"°" 1""‘§" C-‘°'”°”°°'" " ml” lies Gentile end 1m°8°"° ’°‘"" Iifzell Eh-ndler Violet Chandler. * Ruth izlsio. fies and Bixnee will rout Friday nisht. 3*we1ieee non-en. . ‘ Sto ‘ The mm W‘ """“"“" ‘“‘'°‘. 3’ “°“' "'°'.sou or Golan-bin -rent the Wee” c E Pulis and family Preston mm‘ to mn.,gg,.,,,- 1 Mrs. Sallie whitneld has returned} Mr. and nan. llarvin Douglass’ re aesthetic 1: 5°“ °‘ aw ye“ m ' onenory Tc-nd Vrith Mill Georsin -l°1'm’°“- ‘lkiaddox Mrs O L. Wsinscott and, he” 3“ ou.';u uh chm. dlhome after spending the summer ’ attended church services at Mc- ‘ ¢‘”35°l1 ml ’h"k ‘wmuhed by ' “now p‘‘h.3- 11- Wl1fl3°°'-la‘ "fie Mi“ Pfi°°' children. and ‘Cara.-r Owen and fsm- ,. telephone ghgjg, with ‘her daughter. Mrs. George ‘ Raine Wetbsahy night. T - i 35°11 ‘Merl awash ‘ ubbun Pugh’ 3311- 39500“ C003‘ ‘"5 M"‘- C" L‘ ilv Tlhose present from Mexico 31-}, children .3. 50" 31. in 'Q¢‘Gr.iffen, in Dallas Tex. 1 Rbhert Burks and family and Mn; ' T !-fl0iheI'——th 11"’ om 0" ‘°,:e1uk Chandler Ind hm“! 01 B3“"m9- .I‘.P.!'¢2 Mrs.‘ Alyce hludd, Mrs. J. J. :1-u,e.,,e,. .¢h°°]_' -- ~ . rt 1 Elmer Crenshuir is building a silo. ', and Mrs. Ray Nauser attended a4 O ‘ I ‘ OM 80615 '“’t‘°h° ': “um . 3 . ndH.rs.ChIrl Sh k 1'!‘ _ - _ ‘ ' ' " . -;d.nc. - ft ' the low we on the. °°m°.*=‘~ xii.-‘ City we {fie w3°et-e-Ta iS‘.‘.,‘:.‘;."‘.f;.:.“,‘3.’5.’.:.‘.‘°'.f.".':T ‘é':‘.‘.f.‘. .,.:‘:':.‘;:';.°‘..*:,:.,:".‘:,.‘?' .....n & 2% 3:. ‘°’§;'§‘.‘..’. T........ ’T‘‘ °‘*‘“'1"" “’°““°""”: ‘VENABLE MUSIC STUDIO =..".°:r.‘.. R ‘'‘''m by wind 0! dnvin‘ "ms {S'U¢“.' °‘ “*5 ‘M u"- G’ 1'' sh°°k' ’-Jerrnen. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jerman. Inf,’ will ho}? m .11 mggtin‘ _Clmirh gave I weiner roast Friday Miss Sins of Red Rock is] ' ‘ \~ ill consist . 5-. Miss Ola Campbell and met 1'3» Mr. and Mrs. Frank uecouy andi ‘Q, , picnic 1mg, .. 3,. p,.,... .,g night. zvtetting llrs. lease Coolrthis weeit‘! - GEORGE V.3N-‘\3L3- "‘°““ “ It-ts. There "‘”' ‘"' """"' *“’““.""' "' O that Rice were the ‘seem of Ni“ ununm Schlief of Centrslia; Mrs. 55,. A 3 phfljip. in c.1.'..,.,i. .k The Woman's Missionary Society Gland coohhu just eompieeea a (Director U. or in. Band and oeeheetn) . 4., in We list! ‘Dig: 3?); T piaigaret Quisenberry. Friday I will Points, Mr. and Mrs. John Vyegi g,:,,m'ne,g gm-,¢.y,_§(d. p§£|-’;_rnet the Baptist-Church Saturday 1 large tobacoo ban: on his farm. ‘ ROSE \iBi€ABLE. Piano ‘ P11; I»-‘I18 3e‘>‘e“'°'““-" -"-*9‘ "“““ : mix: on Cainvbell and Mite 35‘ {’.‘§I.‘;.3“’.'t° §'u'r3iL:n §‘J.“°§..‘.’.‘i’. I?" ‘T f,,:L°£"§,' f;f,.§:,'b;'.:°"’ b°° T§.‘..§"’.i‘.‘; 33‘.f.‘é’{’.’.f.°.‘~‘°§.§i‘f’ 3:3}: Pledgd by same Delta an. ”'''“‘5' ''''',:"°.,:' ’:,":' ,;,,i,,, "O l ‘ in‘:‘d"(‘.‘-ree‘ °"' .2 mum’ purlihuu M. m food’ 1"“ ’“‘‘° ''‘”’° "" ¢“°'‘-* °‘ W“ Jame’. in and hire Drswle < ""3 ' ° ._._e——.:. . "Crenshaw led the ineetint. E st;-e.§;n-he at ........;e.'. the‘ “"'°" ""M' """°‘ " W T .1 vi-tum -m it ome. , he be . Frid . V o . I . ‘ _ . . .‘ _ - . ‘. ~ .. _ V " _ ‘mam “mug iIsrgaret. t Qu ‘n :17 ea in. and M ndiH. Mrs.‘ Ashzand ._ V;thVn"”°°Dx‘.1"A?*¢IPP§n¢ton_ ’1;G.‘£!.iv1e¢§jes‘d June I. In ‘ . , . :3: , An‘:1or; r$rlll§1sREccredE1lted Il£:‘u’¢"‘5'P°m31i! .t°' Hnandfirs. Russell Crewsof , H o .3 Mf3.W.P.HInWGnttOJ&4I&‘B§3;ofA§hh;1dQndEEGgypoojl Uyouirsattohuyorsal-‘Isue-J ‘.5 _ -~? . Rook: ' - “*9” hi‘ h‘""°’ .&“‘°d‘ Texas are the guests of Mrs. Crews. . arg - '.City last week» T O ‘ ‘of Columbia returned. last week ' lvhiitt *1’! C'u5I|0||fllI| 'l9*»..I‘- - " A ' ‘ i jeggnfif m.,',.putS;¢;u_$§ns‘1'l.thi8 VI!‘ ‘°‘fi“‘a‘:jparenu, hit. and Lin. Benjamin PliSI.ltu'{lll!§lerd\'l£i1.ed §_1gci_l and Di: iCiM"l;.0r5,I*lk.sll went to : {mm . hunting and fishing trip to} ___.- ,.- -_ ;.._._ _ .~...':____ ,. ' ' + .: , .-_ _ . -- “urn”?-9; ‘ 1!“ C. . II“ ll" ‘y’ E W t wee . - . ' SOIX‘h ‘ ' ' Aflgng no me We'll tell‘ °‘ °“°'Y“‘i"¢:“‘*§ at A. J. Arch nd in-e. Alice ' Mrs. Berkeley Estes was the‘ ;_ (;_ g...;..,,. 1... opebed . mat. T : . ' g a I II I I I I I ' G-‘P338 P013535" F Ifirioen-spent last §’e‘dnesday with guest ‘Friday of Mrs. M. A.“l"urner."imgyk¢¢ in A.h1.nd_‘ A . f L-"den ‘I I I I I I I I I = I I I I D w“"i”3/ii‘ ’"“°"’ “',',°°'°°m"' ‘Mrs. llayme Fence and family of Friends of Mrs. Ernest Black will; su-dig Hick,”-n on; in st, Louie; I - of lb t‘ 33‘ "Pd!" “Pr” "5' “Wk” ‘"7 ‘Columbia. . Bi" 1! 550*?!’ It 1'" 5°31? "931 FTl° ,on business last week. T Oscar Brown is ill. T ' ‘ mmme cu- ‘*" ‘M 5'33’ f’°‘k"3‘t’ “*3 lit. and Mrs. L. P. Lewis and Mr. dsS'- * George L. Quinn has purchased a ,3 :1. Alex Hunt visited Mrs. Aus- A t 4 on, at V3] w conducted the _ P0959‘ jg In. 8 P. Dysart were the Mrs. James Reid has returned new Ford ‘touring car. *‘ ‘ ” “ “ tin Fnrgeson ‘Friday. T ’ "‘ 1 wire m , W “"3 P"""“"”' °"‘*"" roe-ts of Mr. and Mrs Eu-nest from visit with friends nesrfl-lit-l Edwin and Alice Jones spent the. Miss Bnooiraie Hunt visited Miss . o°,°,,,.,,,,";°",', this his I-ttemvte to ‘me '*¢°“' Faxg Sunday. ‘ vine. {weekend at Hsrtahurg; tfielen Jacobs Friday night. c°,u;,_;,;i‘_ . i, ¢i0Ibt!°'°;°|"=5“d"'**“ "'4 Forest Davenport, a student in TT 35- BM‘ -‘°‘""°" °‘ °°“"““'5 Kin Fumes Nichols event the‘ 3”” C'°° ”°"°"” "““’~“' 5°’ Q - ’ T'~~ date rivile ‘N35 " '°°d- the Rosenthal Schoolvf Commcfl-‘G.-58 Yliillflx Mrs. 134- Johnson this; wnkflfl in Huabuu _ mother, Mrs. Win Roberts, Friday. ‘M P _‘ the 1113-1 ‘WW9 .Pf1‘¢tII1sed no Cohimlit Sunday to re- «reek. ; 5,“ Wm“, ,,,,,,,',,, J. w. Taylor spent the week—end open SHE mutton and cauliflower. -em! ‘nun. his enatsee. * .. \ Mrs. J. E. Whittle. who has been ,e,,_.,,-,;,; cm. mt fit "-: ~ with R. '1'. Gentry of Walnut Grove. ~ , . . ~ 2 ‘ wt" “whee Clemeeeeen nu women at the Hethodi-t in with a severe burn. is much im-i ,. pg. -..,,,,,., .m 1,. ,1... 35.. are we Brown and daughter. With the golden glint of October in the air, a keen 1 Books 1.. 1 ”'l'°'°'h °°m'b°°h '°""”" ‘m ""°- ‘ hm” D°‘°"" ‘’'°"‘* °*''‘'‘-‘'"' 5°"°°‘ A°°‘°"°"3 d‘ I 1' h k be t’ rm foods the favorites. A ‘ ‘ '°" . in bed ever nisht by 7:30 her 13. and the can Reserves will A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C 3 “Guam; .01., , ‘OT; .'*““-“*"' r“ ‘ Tr“ ‘ 1'9 15 ma 95 _ mp mg “I3 . . v The Unw oI':. O'clock." he ltli ‘T581 I 29* have one the following Saturday. ' Ed Johnson Saturday. He weighs Louie L . mchualon for T ‘, ' Sandwich, fOI' mstance, makes 8. IlO1ll'lSh1l'lg and :3 “mud an . 391’ 4 0'35‘ in “*9 "‘°"" Those attending the clinic for the f twelve pounds. . ‘I 390 T Yee Laundry ' 1 1 ta t f nt " cm 01 010! iu's‘.do some t exerwexeminetton or eyes for trachomat The women of Olive! chmh RoY.B°“"°u °‘ cdhflyoomud . . Dame“ ar 3.’ S 3' re res. me ' have the p 3% t °{ ‘ "9" were: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Johnlonpmade 815.76 at a food sale in Colu;n- . amend we Amhnd Huh saw] - Service . V . stacks. Th: P 'OV¢'3'°31'i”KX. ndl .Charl All .1" '-b' lastsatrdan - v ’ < - - ' ' - — boob.thl y with wind and ,,.'.,..',, ...'."g..,.;1,,°’...n°'i;.e‘}':§: ‘inn c.‘cf's.p’p otuesetne spent "‘;§,Z;§' mu,“ ‘m be hdJ.,“§ Phone 745 703 Cherry St.- With a nevyly installed automatic electric toaster, HAR “mm “:0; Initiative the . Robinson. ‘theweek-end with herparentl. Hr. . . . .-;._. - ... ._ . RIS’ patrons ave assured of toasted sandwlches that am PM awdolkeep-o ?Ieat C.C.Qui berry.L.C.Stev'- dM.G.H.Co T'i = . . . ._ _ O - - ' " " . no little -never: simple food. son, in. arslunllrs. Ruey Mensa’ '”m..'it1.n. snueft, teacher ,4 ,,,, .--‘-- are J_ust_right. The latest model in scientific contrlclil aspecuesllécg o‘ -mere‘!-«mots-‘t:{.I I srliepn-at gm 1.v2ndn,r.cenaa.on I-‘lred Carlisle scgootlé spent ‘the week-end' . , . of electricity, this toaster furnishes exactly the rig E _ M, ‘W 0, IITMOII . '0 I anes_ _f y dwsterwithlrs. . .Whitt.. E» ‘ ' . _ ‘ all. I don't worry. ~ Wright and sunny :t:nded the J. 1.. I:ynes'df‘Colu;bia was the t ' 9;m0l1.nt Qf heat _and SW95 exactly the fight am°}"}t ° em one 0* tee fee em in the Bwrseon F-ir 'rhnr-dny- west at Mr -mum mhornton W. time to the toastmg process. A perfectly and delicious-, ~ ,,,,,,,e, 0,, iirldwho mtrn-ab-olutely in-. f sin. .1. 3. wnikeernn. B. C.'1.ynes at dinner sandy. .- ,. A I to ted Slice of bread is the result . . T ‘fill! I00 001‘: “ ' $1.93. . Hamilton" (Mrs. Wilson Weaver will be hos- ' as ' ' - ' ‘him ‘word, Gllfiwhan rnetat e omeo{Mrs.G.L.Shock~tes'stos'groupof Home Depart-I """"" " ."‘ "‘ ' ‘ t " ' ' .' 9 1; 4° 35°“ 3' I 1130- 9 Wednesdsylnd made a dress form ment members next"I'hiu-sday. - Y «ma . now have any .Of~ already unsulu : nu’ man“ “I don - - T T 0“ 5' . . . . . '¢ 11!!-' pet‘! I!!! for Hrs. Walker’: sister. Mrs. Men Mrs. M. A. _ er, Miss Ada. ._ . d h th ,.,,,-m, of 3 note. i pay as O , onto the ¢ant,.who is visiting here. Young and me. .ut.'i>eee attended passed variety of regular sandwiches sewe wit . 9 .%:ox...na VFW. ’ A play entitled “Little Timothy" the‘ W, C. '1‘. U. convention last ' ' 1 ast - e .thMIsh ‘what I've in the nenmne Methodist Church. _ \ HARRIS" HAVE PERFECTED IOIII to think The play is presented by the Susan- ' ' f T e T‘ Class at the THEIR‘ S-A-N-D-W-I-C-H-E-S ——‘*"%-- Broadway Methodist Church of Co- . I8 DEFEATKD BY RECORDS lumhis with a cast of twenty-five d rd od gr " . ' """“" the G‘ I Reserv held as ' - ms to 0 er or rem - h ‘ « . 991-‘ New 31:3‘: zetgniimtery hlar in oi‘ High e]ed.e . Crisp ' ’ - 1’ ditori Frida aftern M’ ‘ , . t ' Wilson was a_ student in Besslennliortwoodywss i§d';::.tc. '1": a toasted . . -‘University in .1922-28; During program was given infiianor of the I V . O S!l|dWi¢h¢5 ’ T 3 it ye: hhe areas unfortunate birthday of France: Epiwillsrd. Thefi Hfit S1101) xo more shiver-3, no dread of cold, frosty morning; or. : 10; crisp A ' Millard & 1 Former 81 ..'*°""......... “.::..: ’"*"°.... ....*.:‘:.:'.*°‘' °‘ .'°°". T '°“~ u Norm rem st. eerie we um mm M mm the . ““'“‘ “t” . . T. . 3 5;. us; "9? T S'"'‘‘'’ " “’ "° “F ‘“‘*'°“ “°'”" .C0ZY_’T GLOW 2 ',".'e'n'e'n'e'-'4'-'n‘Fn'e'e'e"e's'u's'-'s'n'-'u'u'u'a'a's'n'u's's's'n'-'-‘n! T ,,,,, ,....,. Electric Heater ‘ - at H A 3 f;m_t‘&t-nth to the nearest electric lightlsocket; in an instant‘ you will em I Nelson II! 507 its wlm 1'lFIvVSv.~a';~a.—sF" ~ , The Cozy Glow,-‘floater will bring-June warmth to your i o ‘ ~ « onjaihan Apples’ Orchards .9 .: Coxnein ‘ McBaine-—Phgie'14!i‘22V__ " 3; . ‘ 4_0cto $1.25 per bushel w . T JOHN L‘ PLATTo . ‘..While.'l=‘hey ; Phone 829. .45 - ‘ ._ ’! 1? So. 9th- ; I f“E_lecvorudeeiseulsr»luu*‘.:.twt-etoyssvtnaeose.flve.er __ . ’ I uyeeeues-ingreeeeeeei-.tsen¢st~aea'neneeeuee’wisaa,ye.toe.n.. - . A . .——.—-" . T 13 _ ; yeeee.utu'aT,reeeneetiIi_eaeeuintaereiieieeeee.se‘,eeseeinieg.' oee_3eeteee- ’ etiuIsrslalw|dsaspssI'-sahuslflagnsssadwsytsri-psrtaatsanssiivs . . /' O scuolzoi _ .~ -T .:*..- T. . i . ._ ' . \ “ “ ___ . ." P h -7. .2 ., ‘I V '.-“ ' 9* Eve/.e If _ " ,‘ _.~ . , ' . .. . . \ ' ' '. . ~ -.‘ t '- , . " « ' ' ". . w-"ow vs 4 '' h''.- o ‘e V r - .' ‘ -.-"- - ‘ -' er’ " ' ‘ _&‘~'_; 7 -‘ , ‘ ‘V _, - ‘ v- ,. ~. ‘- »: -2 -,_ ,,; -0 9 ., . l ' ’ s s ,’.“’r:i_ " ' “ ' ’-'."_" r.‘ .._.,_.-