T C iencedcoolt. Pbonelfllblack. . - 37.511 WAN'I'ED—Poaltion by _ emu-. room or both. Two years for meals. 1918. 1 = —-nos 1 WA2\'TED—Posltion,{or .A“h track mun. Vofkinc for board wdfflflsu-l‘=‘ " ' 3 -’ ‘ I 1 STUDENT wishes to wait’-tables! Experienced. rhonc . .. .."'u “l in fraternities. -1 l‘°"‘ 15‘: 1 . t 1 ' ’ w. or! WA NT!-3D—Practical ““‘ phone 1071 green. WANTI-‘.D ‘WORK-7-E‘ student typist desires afternoon work. Keshen, phone 13081 black. ' 11-13 1 etarisl work. firing sourian. 11-15 nace to fire at $6 per month Phone 2079 red. WANTED — Practical " painting and refinishing. V. E. Mwphy. Phone 1071 green. 13-18 1 1 U PM and refinishing. V. E. Hp:-phy, I12-17 WAl‘\’Tl-2D—Employmen_t; by . 1 cred. perienced in clerkinz. typinfl. rc- nd odd jobs. Address Box X, can lis- 1w.A.1x"r1-:n—-smdent‘ wants’ rue. ?" u‘ 'v 1""'7"“_Ad..‘GooD KICKING Is d,,,_‘°“° "‘ 1 ~ .1.’ -#136.‘ . . - W 1 » ‘ ‘Q‘gn_‘.''‘b”A-‘ sntairs rooms “at-8l0.«48usll8$.1a4lf3. fvonéfinxtnipt Iflnu“ t#nhh;'l5OlBOnoo3ndeA1‘Ngl:'n 1 " . _ . ' " Pb.‘ 13” Buck‘ Q"; ‘#3; fg-Jm Whig. cgupu3,~‘Amh°“5' ‘t’°“- P30!!! - v C _ ~——- — -_-__1-_._ A - , . Cincinnati at Brooklyn. open date. ‘ - 37'“ racuuyor .yle£srrod,?.Ilrs. out w. llullans. .. anus ""5 '--r-I---u-¢ -. .1... .1... .1. "9 S1’¢Y'0"9 ASPWSM8 ---—— o - .- e *0! «km mum 1:. an ..a mum f 1. P] h sraxnmc or ‘nu: cums. P03 nm¢'['__p.mm,,d‘ .pn,:Phane Vitvhits. M“l‘80tt!.i R00‘ AND noAnD'*.I . ::::_D~8I..1su. in was of 3,, 0‘ h ._ Q1068 A011 t 8 _________ Rfllfific 93100 reasonable. _F03,REN-I-‘___2 or 3 ‘Rage. “at hd;I.aiaa;“.ol “lIa::.e. uotroflluix 'I‘eamL-—Freshmen ! Leslie. 1331 roen. G5.g, 1 . 1u”°" hb"_ baa .¢ 1,.‘ 3,,,,4_ - . Club. “on. Lost Pct. NR.‘ . T . guiahed foriéht‘ rhgtuekopeliinzuar Campus. lIhooe2282. 11-16 am. am... «at... ¢..2';_, ,, ,.f_;; Pract1ce,Too. iwa. lngton .. 59 as: V‘ RENT. -One furnished flzM:hflb°"°°”"L Mm 593 ‘mp: 134‘ ''‘‘‘"'''m,u, . 1 .;_:-:‘nu-u. .. Trim _ _. _ ‘ _ New York ...... .. 82 59 .532 “ secggl - ., ; T + W h m cm" d "-1 an: -gnaw: vmIl7esp«~:fithe dzinzzu; of ram wl£h’Dt-troit . . . . . . . . .. 79 64 95.‘ 1 ‘ am‘ We ,3 fox jgmql M .1.» ungm-31.5.4 DA_V1s con, 00, snarl. u-iv ' ‘ C0 M10115 5‘ ate >'t'ster_ )‘‘St. Louis . . . . . . .. ': 69 .514» ‘ A5-tr! M’ ‘‘,,n_ ,.,,‘;,,, .1523_ ‘,1 am .5. s..,.,..,..,. ,,,,_,,,,.aft<=m0on some two hundred foot-Icleveland ..... .. . 66 77 .462 "ha {nu cl (3 8-8 8W 1-4) or Bxtkm ball fans turned cut to watch the"Phi1gd¢_-lphig ‘ \\'Al\"I‘l-ID-—-l\'eat papers bring better grades, theme typing. flim- sonablc charges. Ed Marsh. 717 Missouri Ave. Phone 761 green. w.».:<'r1:n — Plain and ‘ fancy dressmaking. 204 South 5th street. _e_r_‘s. Norton Shepar_wd.___ 13-16 baseman good erty. Phone 1012 green. Hffldtf WANT!-ZD—Psrm hand. I-‘O man with boys. must be good mill:-’ FOR SALE—Lot 31 of West- rnount addition. An east front lot Pv At a price that should interest property. list it with us, as we are ‘having lotsnd iaqulrl ton, Estes and Long. R SAL!-3—§8 room house, near you. Phone .235_3 white. C12tf ; F0 . University. has $80 a mouth income.» 13% .\nthony St. Mrs. G. W. Mul- 3 . room brick house on University lens ‘A ' avenue. 8 - Q -' Ch °stlan College wsom W! 437? 0vfi0Iit0n%nl?I‘Ihc°:tati " ' " """"“’ St. Louis at New York. open date. . Ch , .-.-: -5.’:-.‘.~-1 /fie ,. '.'y.?.."a'4".‘,*._"~'.; . —‘ ; 1 ‘ g ‘I g ’ '__ i ‘_*'-“5-.¥_.§1:...z.“sm.1 5. '.;”.:‘.".,'3: 3“x.:1;'. :3." ._-_p_‘1__~..‘_,_4-_,‘, “ l "1. in _ N a . is Vfsmatlihh. ‘*5: ~W ’ """."1"-'-owal - 11-1» . 1 .. 1, . _ , ~*.'';.,’%:':-.1**.:*..#-»'.**'''.~.....': . l 1: 3305 1"” ' 1 43 0f 3150773 - . -'”.:_j-535,’ 7-~'<1*=<=».;:.; « 1 . = ». . .; 1». . f .~ “em .. 1 ‘ 1 ** ‘ '3'“-.'-’«'-‘*‘-c-=$ »- 1-’ " :‘9t.9.~-1"“. 1'.*-fin nun-:‘fi-‘FIRST OFFICI’ All '. 1 7 P ="°””‘°’°'-"°"’ ‘-'°‘"'l gg t ..-3.-8L'Iasertionafor Scwfiudz 0.1!! . oz — ;l .YBmmn..8 Ram.” isitions: and .1atm.- were ., 1 .+ " " ' ':“-' ‘ W :=~—=+ ~- . = . °“"“K"". ‘ CTI . 1 he ' ‘ "n-eoum-up.-Up. -Isa bhllnsasha a... ~ :~»- — Vhfihfibattfiefim oftb' . . 1 . . It'd ‘lbeamfitha st"1.Ca:I@ee flak in '0“ _9“.'.'§“k‘?”n.§~i0eei'vod chi! B. J‘. ' C l . - l .0” the other mun Roflaky '” 2.-.1-:.-=....a«-1-=---1--1 t-.~.°-*....v“°-.. -M M no-I M VARSITY TEAM 1» w- we 3‘ P-W ....,.,., 3.‘, - ' —- . ~- -P 1 . '. 1 p 1 1 _ ‘ : n, . were at gun , '1: out uneoontrraad has tor . if 1; - *“Mr°1B° ‘hut D°°°m'} . - Deceit. 3:»Washin¢ton. 0- dermc-yer held down the tackle D0- ; """"“.‘."_1"} _- »- ‘ - - ’ * g _______ 1y'gw1York, 2: , 0. sitions, and .‘dcDonough1and ‘Smith “"°"""’ '1 ~ ~ ‘Tu’ H Phladelhi t Cle 1 d 11 died 1." u 1aau-uuuuusn u_.t-another BOARD AND mo‘. 1 - -~ axes , o undred Spectators i P - - W -n - 09*" an 1 <3 wmni es- :-Icetanaaaselatlaa. endeavors to in ‘mi ‘- Kt!-quality, .1] pm-Po“ tnudhd» t F P .. 1;. or called signals '-V":f'_:u'-N‘ ‘Q """ d‘mfl°“"““’l'~°-' . .91.-..;.:,,um, ‘L i a oot a ractice ‘National League. (asteel. halve’s,‘and to §unpson. ......‘-=‘:':'~‘=‘---..... -» .°°'“'.. ..........'°"*’.+°.°.:1*'°*...*°°...... nu:-‘mm co. Yesterday Despite mm». r.::1..‘:*:;:”e:..':«°:.*:':;'***::r:‘*. 7 ll Icon‘ 8‘. cl . A the Rain. "nnin"). (Continual on like Olthtl ‘ Philadelphia. open Straight From the S and B "0"-‘oi ' VI’ q - .... _...... M.-.. ......oo.‘ I 2 7°‘ 3337-4 0? 5-Mom 81311-3 -0-: um N E \'mie- in its first ofiicial ' ‘ , ' ° , ' - ' P116-‘Boston . . . . . . . . 62 HI) 4 i" 1 meat, 2 unhngnlshed. 1:! you .3331-_on, room in new —-[:0 g‘ d 0* The hfr(*fihlr‘liHsll. squad. prac- Chicago .. .. . . . . .. 60 so ,1-35‘; ‘ FOR RENT lm°d°'-".‘“'l°t h°"'9- 9° “ll” l'°°m°« ! - la‘ 14"‘ Plums: (51) ‘mu ‘2nllR0‘trll‘:r.'e(.ll1 Ct}}':nr?1:siumJus:\'n:v2>tP26(lf' Cl b Nuhnfl lllnncllo P . -—The nicest, cl .‘Prs.'3 doors north of Broadway at ;.§,,,«,,,, ' - _° 1 _ ’ - - u . 'on. cl. any but tum‘-bu X0. ‘ Mcsfim. Phone 1821 fed. ACACIA LODGE. No. 602 i ,,.“”l ‘e'°¢:“J:‘thu;nP:r.1'r:yten.l>€1'th1 dopesters who enthusi-llsew York . . . . . . .. 86 55 .610 1 A . « - A. I-‘. & A. 1!. tan ......, ...,,, ,, . In-mm 5' conxmenmi on the mt)’-*Bmokl~n . . . . . . . .. so 7 .r.o . at ‘or tw° p°°pl°- “‘ ‘°""v~ A!” ‘”“°‘ Gevcamoo at M ‘D 1 one as irnntx { \' ' ' be h ' 3 1 centrally located. but us show’ ’ ‘ V ‘ 1 - Gm” ."m°“"I up-in: .l8tl’.L"'..L 1:3...‘ ‘°1.."§.°" ""‘z1m= yfar ' or am” rt s.Plm5b"".h R2 V’ """‘ ll *4? 301;. Call 817-344. J. A.’ 'FOR RENT“3 “Mm'“l5h’d ‘'7' gm "f£f?be~ ‘t the "yd"! °10*P°|I in 0-54 dad of’ 33:: The spectators were given their (C;;3c"m‘u :6 65 $.39 11-'1¢“5"""'* W1 ‘SON. Exchnnse ‘Na-3"""“‘°”" -’°°""- "°“'*“‘°°P‘“¢ 0" ‘ ° ‘’ °° "“'- - "" 1511 of first-day Practice The ad‘ "8°- """" " " 6‘ ‘$36 tional Bank Bldg. Sgoguabedrooms. street entrance. also gs-’ lb‘ u‘-'th°dl“ w°m¢fi'l 1-~ _“"" h‘ l‘'''‘ "“"’ “’ ‘’'‘'‘' . k . .‘ - I-. .9“ ; “ "“‘ ' ~ ‘ - ~ ' - - v 59 3 "5 _....______‘_;#.__._;T:___;_ __ En“ Phone 729 M. LING. Dommm Unmrwr .._ lrl .:am13:.;...u.;..ssfirgpimggkngfn (rxnflle-r»)-30 0 Philadelphia . . 51 so .354 -300 P08 RENT . -, ‘ ‘ avenue, Thu:-sclgy 5. t_ 11 t 10 1...‘ and 5’ H ‘ ton . . . . . . .. . 48 9:1 140 -L . ; .1-oR_.g3,;lr__3_m° d I ~ 1‘. . - P It had,’ ‘:2 M’ meat of the game was touched ‘_______»h ‘ FOR REN'l'——LIIrze light rooms-porch for students ormb§:in::§:x§ zuzmd Ag M are 79'. ‘'’‘‘‘ fitment at t:::nllarht‘l:ohy;.; '11:.-3, “°”‘° "“”"“"'- Puminfi 00¢“ '95 ““”"‘ ’ ' I 1119;-_ boys gm-on 11-om Red C.m_jd“e m “mm” ‘M Brflthny _ - . isuaunor-ales ault. 13.1.91 holdn the first part of the practice. In tiven a stiff passing workout. Silt‘ 9°‘ “7 8' 6”‘ ‘"'°°t~ K9lf:Phone 729 red. L11-1C: J M Logic‘: C'g:UI‘ul'AN' w- ‘L :‘éIl-::~.°'?a‘::d‘wha'n.: :'{.».1'.°"'° im ""3 I-i"dt‘°lI;Ir;t~_x'¢-r;i ltgst year's fresh- :scl:llng occupied fifteen or twc-my ‘ I A ~ ~ ~ . . retary. ' rt , -n.,,.‘,,,_ ,5, ' ‘mun. ext‘? 0 . an is kicks caused minutes. ~ h FOR RENT——Room in modem. FOR REN'l'—0ne room {or boy“! to ~ at fig f3‘('i°F3l>l° Commvlflfi fffilfil coachkes The practice ended with 3 gym. ouse. married couple prefer:-ed.’in quiet home. close to can: I - "“‘ °°"¥"’~ °‘ N-5-~.“" ""’°"““°’5 ‘”"‘- 39? in l P 13’ minute signal dr' It was :11 . ’ ‘. 13'“ 1209 Walnut. Phone 459. Kl2tf:50lA Conley ave. Phone.l803 red.‘ LEGAL NOTIE . l :'r....m"' 1;.'2‘4"oa{tfl-noon Panto“ .Simp5°n' '.r"m°' um fin” ‘ml C°“h H°’"'3' °‘”“" the Tigers Show ‘ g 7 wm.'13' 1 1--. tetanus the hours of also «mock ' _ .'.5Wb¢!' and Linderhlll were Ewen a nearest to difierentiating l)otu‘(-on 85 much class 88 the l PT A I , . , ‘FOR RENT—Double room tori R00 Cone v ; Nah h hU'tO!t‘8 N {I-4 Nelauk P. send that day. ad1z§'°’l“‘“‘ 1" l“°’*"b"lK- 5°30 °‘.9‘°“‘-- 2" P119931 39 C5099 W0 lw"1«~‘ new =gir|s t 1613 Bo 1; u , A1. - , S—-803 ge avenue. adv : u.. 1...... . II-who nu‘ dceribad an owever. was a e to get more rat a d late th'rd. O - ..r , , _ ‘ . 13‘“ir;'g¢, ‘phone 11g9ucg,.ee;,. 1301;?‘ Phone 569 red. Four blocks south-[ 2;?‘ “'7 °" of n. on Wdtéofwi than ordinary re'suhs. Same} the firrht two’: ‘Smith. lasnt 05r']e(ar'< 5“ eaten‘ the-V W1" be * 1 t. A __ B6ti'l on.-an 20t'hP.day'ng( :7 Court aqua. in the cm o! Cnluml?ita‘:1900d spirals were sent oil’ but they worked at, center, 1-‘lank. the Valley champs. . 3 RENT-OM room for borsf--—---~—---—-—--————'- to Court at Boone c... 3..., Wu 0°-mt. II-ours. tor use purpose “W95 “'02”! and Placement ‘me hum at guards were0Le'wi~ and gin quiet home. do“ to amp“, . IIOOUKATE WANTED [All no-aoaa having clnlma u:;:,', .3 .1‘ of asthhlag said indebtedness. interest‘. Signal Drill as Closer. 4Ric,benon, V." Dym, ‘nd Sfifl-Um . 1501,; Conley Ave. phone 1303.3“; WANTED_Ro°m mu‘ for mun':‘un:"'w"3’:"‘ *0 din; Gar ‘a|- “Va.” Tag? OOIPANY . Linemen bucked the charging: were at tackles and Bacchus and /a ‘ 0 gt, ’ wtfion the West Campus at 38. Cell mc:'""' the date ol sald letters. ¢r.¢h!-:2: ‘ - litnlluhmf for. fi{twn- mmm” Md’ “Hush rm “tub ” '"d' 0.3”’ .. _ _ at 1509 buck 13 he pm-1..¢.4 1..., u, 5...“ d ‘u b in g. llall. Vice-Preslden . en were s.hooled m blocking and.l1van, last year’: freshman ca}. FOR REN'I‘—A bargain for light; ' gate; and If such claims be not cxhlhlsd """‘P‘|9l¢85°u Ban. 11-Oct 8 In »l-«icldiflt. While l-hf-‘ blclil Vet‘! 18511» P183111 quarter; Whitcrnan and . housekeepers, on the West Campus,: - N“: . V n on year from the an 1:! on last ‘ - at 506 Maple. Phone 1609 black. ‘,.o(;WmAuu“’D1::;:ngcom:;P ‘ gotta”, mud“? ""”‘°'“°“ °‘ W‘ 5°“ " H‘ ""l"'"" « n zen or hand. .. gm-aals and‘Unive1-sity. Co1nIortabl,e.i ‘mm D’ "I |‘""’°« ‘nub?- ull across from Red Campus. Man a.nd§ ’ g__}2':3“' '_"_"_ 3'"; :7’ ”“- ‘ ‘“~\ Wife ‘17 S. 6111 Stxetf LOST AND TnU3J:?.'3T8;l‘.:'kNf“‘lT1CE. J / V l ‘ h""". - Atom I. , 1 1 LOS'r—smaIl black pocl:etbook.'s'm' ‘” "“'- 57 this certain dead or \ V , ' 1 REN'l‘—Farnlshed roomalcontaining check and currency. Re-33:‘ “N "2; "u',,,:‘’ &' t::':-”:~|!:+ \°/ )\l\l¥\ 313! P110!!!’ 32451811. iwsrd. 3! Margaret‘ N‘ 11.1! Dad: 41 noun 1 , 1. . Alststfphone 2044. 12-e14E:°"‘uf_‘¢:udhok llzeat use 151 convey: /2’ l . ll‘ , , T folbvo roninnr.-:1vr—?ont ro-:11: ;1th1 Lo3T_sm.u Pu,“ conuininggwgfl. “Hm. 0”. gm“ >11» 11' - cl’: 8. Ell. b0 10. ' ' ‘ O I I If you want to sell or rent your‘. preferred. Phone 985 black. Pdtf ‘ tffgrf, ‘Reward to M's5‘;lIT;:::¢momao:;:T"“ (101.53) acres. {am ~ _ ' ‘\ I ‘1 L 5338-3881‘ tumihed . l + ‘ :'°'" W» ‘°"'3|NDq'°rlr-¢ia('bl’(:l‘) ‘ A / l ' ‘ e, _ New-. LOST-On Nu‘ be - ' 1...v,,:"*"'.'. 0!) -we an ' - ' ‘ 1-‘ (3-2 ‘ ’ ggifxrst floor. Fro Will rent asian§5¢.'pt.:,,,1,fl. “_ b1l:¢krh“ndL-‘xv’ -.33d__:'“'5' ¢w " ‘ ' :_-_ ,./5 \_\ :‘P‘”m°m °" W b°3"« 3°39 ““d°"'contents. Return to Columbisn Ho- Wtrter 153) auction mi?’ d.::c.:-{I11 '5" / C \\ ,new management. Phone 790 Rena. 12_13;County Surrey Number 1743 um sou 11.1‘ H [ _,_4 ~ \ ; 3. :I’ut of the center of public ennui \ : -' ‘..______, l - M13-18‘ tween ' '°‘dm“,',,:,”°" “‘ “D” ‘5’ "70’ l -—-‘- "" 5’ N 1/ ‘ Ave.. beautiful home. Weathers Realty Co. Phone 272. 13-15 FOR SAL!-3—Beaun’ful building lot 76 x 220, Broadway Edge- wood. Phone 993 white. I-‘on sALE—l1odsrn 6 room brick stucco house. Hardwood floor. 180 yards from school. Lot 80 x 240, barn. hen house, fruit trees and grape arbor. Price I I-‘OR REN'l'—0ne rocm ‘tor; _wh i you BEN‘l‘—To men, in moderni lbouse, ooms, individual beds,! ‘private entrance, telephone and ‘s two r bower, no other 1-comers. Block ulgtfifrom West Campus. Phone 684 .Wh' . 74-11.’ I O ‘ 1 'working girl or student, can work. -for part of rent. Phone 1494‘ ite. P1112-14? U)S‘I‘—I-‘ountain pen, be ' 205 College and ,Wahash Depot. thereon sltuatd. I-‘inder call 494. Reward. LOS'l‘—Checl: for 810 o eas-1”.“ °!uo‘:lI-’ half us.) o( the north 1 ant Irldill Bank. Phone 841 white.“-on am ('°'*::-tw an ( lo! an, em: . 10 tf . ‘ the _k so‘uthast quart;-p (14, “db” but “L FOIBALB “Inga oftbeeentero! lkaser . - ' "301. north (1! up FOR SAL!-3-Quick meal. coal or"°°"' 1"" 3:13’ "3" '°"’ ““’_,'°_':; ' . the 31029 in good eondition.‘::‘r't‘;'=¢",l,«-ht; and all being -exam us .13. : Phone 1033 red. B13-14%,,‘,“_ MM CL“. trrewtvrelvc (13) The. Phone 1624 green. in FOR SALE OR RENT——New brick 8 room house. four rooms up and two baths. 306 111:: st. Phone , 993 white. mm‘ ' roe SALE-—-:6-room brick house on University avenue. PTi¢°d 1° sell ‘ blew 5-room house. full sise eon-I te basement. '_. 4-room house. lights and batlfl payment down. Co., phone” 2'_72. 12-1 "mica axnr , - REN’l'—House, 7 or 9 FOR _ 1 rooms, opposite campus. PQODG 417. :— Bib‘ FOR RI-2N'1‘-—Garage with. new no I Weathers Realty in I FOR RENT-Furnished room_ near business center for business man or lady. Phone 1324 black. ‘ FOR RENT—Rooms for men,: one single and one double room, one large room with sleeping porch with two beds. Also garage. Phone 12088 green. G12-14 ; eon Ill-IN‘l‘-2 unfurnished 4: suitable for light housekeep- . ,-also one large furnished room- [Phone 1902 white. ' ton RI-2N'l‘—Seeond floor fur- nished front room. Business woma . or teacher preferred. Phone 602-‘ Red. ' - noon neon BOYS-—Convenient‘ 1 le 1 . s l ~ 1112 Paquin. Phone 1266 red. 10.153 i n . concrete" floor. 1216 Walnut St. ' ’ 9 q‘ no . J9’ ron SALE-—Lstcst model no,-a1‘Z‘."'“..u..' 1§."5.."":’.‘.'.‘2'.'.’ °z{v.°i°1;"§f."§'.7 “"1 Ypcwflttl’. Good condition. $35.§|llI0n the surface {or purpu. ¢g Phone 1301.‘ green. 509 S. 5th St. ;°' ‘"’h‘I’ u‘hDt:!r::u wbatsoevu : hi "ml t° 9* Ferment at ca-all cal FOR SALE-—Sorne good L1en'nol.a..-.’Zrs'i.".’:"..,.. ., , Rams. These sheep will increase "I! unpaid. ddault ting.‘ 5... _":d,‘:; A 9 Flflnenl. t.bereo!. ' l ‘V-“mfi-' YOU!’ Wool Ind improve your lambs. ” I ' O. C. Roby. Rocheport. Mo. 13~18 mu:a"al said O4,“ 0‘ t t -3 t at we kn] ho fuldaad at that S‘.“..2“"’ ,.-:1 ......1..'1""‘-‘~’~~~r=.=..~«-.....,,»r--'1': -in ..u .-=: or s or gra , _ net I o bed kindling. Delivered. Ph 1712 §‘,’,;‘;';;_°"f°;; W6-r tor «la n the BT99“ lift?!‘ 6 p. In. E. H. il.lu‘.;’Boooo County, 111...“, is g-glee!-a. m. and 5 °.d°d P‘ E FOR SALE—l1adio, complcte."“‘ "{n:-be purpose o( satisfying .3 tubes. new batteries, loud speaker, ,_,.,m_' ‘M "°“ °‘ Gmvtias this coast to coast reception. Very. BOONE COUNTY C reasonable. Must sell at once. Phone‘ mu” Oolwua" " green. 12-14? 9'.‘ '.""”°" 3°?‘ 14. mt. - 1.. ’ : I-‘OR SAL!-‘FUnderwood «type-. ,whenas.8g?ugs‘;l‘3 mrnc‘ writer. wide carrier. good conditionflua-arrsod. by to ma? ‘ban... reasonable price. Address Box K ¢"" "'° 3404 d-rho! lay. use. an fo- O millions watched their peril» ous flight rejoice toweleonie than home, to honors rich! '._Hatsofl’bo’ern! Toquotcour mm -loam. “ populnritv Phone 69" "1 TOR. for men, 1268176 Missourian. 12-lilfilozfdhgs °c§m:,°'u°"'”'1'.":.,,‘,‘ ¢o.aR' in ....u‘?.;';'.’ ‘ms P'1":.‘1n°*. ‘'9’? 5*“'E‘'‘’"'*' W" in 3003:.-'15‘-ctr»-cl‘-3-l"§ru'1':5.' 'L."°'iZT"‘1......”': v 4%‘ ~ / ‘v ‘ 83 «pm,» per month. Taylor v. . -£°°"“"°”" an M” 8' H‘'F'‘'’’°'5'-»°'+33''‘i‘‘‘‘‘' *=- a~..c...u. ammo. - ‘ . 1 o x F03 -RE":-I-_“v¢u ' fm.,,;,h,d;Phone 889 red. , ‘ 10-15in :3“ 2); " Z ' ' k " &..":e trait room, first floor. modo FOR SHE 12 . - . nous co...-...¢..,u,...,,‘ V - l P FOR RENT—€arooII. mdII'|l»&.alsogange. H02 Bass. Phonegf 1 '9' mu’ '"'°l""'I£ ha-trait: as). l’ H E ', d . brick bunrnlov. fmnishd or In-‘nos. 13.18. °'- 9'“ "°""' Ph°”° ‘§:,1'fi"l-l-‘xii’ ' x=u”ur} 0 It’ ’""“uh°d.,g' 6“ 8' mm 11-13 ’. you REN'l'—Pumished room!-2; A 1 '.'.'..°''......‘’'...,..,’‘' “".._""‘,, °‘ "* "‘7*' - ‘A . C " 1 15” A . large ‘mm porch. warm hoqse,;‘;i£°3 §AI‘ET2chi"’l’l° “'°'?.}’°¢' nrithiabo We! used all ‘ ‘pox BEN'lh-New,hrlek‘h0F°"" be water daily. one block from m 5- 95°” -13$ ,0“-gggyu on gum was an. wast‘-Ll « 1 1 __cl1_'ded:eearthbyalrl ' 'l 6 ‘U“‘ll0.-‘7l|U||9 White cam‘ {acuity or :1 rs cult‘. 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