v-...‘.......-..._.............._. .-. . . a.,..__,_._,* #,_,,__ A 4‘ ._ y -.~. .._o—..—-o-woos...-o ?__. ...... -..¢....._ .._._ I . I § c ...--I 41 and _ _ um 1,.-ogdcuting in Gcrmanyi notebook of any sort. but Illa hi"; begun. Even ;poo-der puffs, mirrors and combs, ° lgnlollo ' 1 How significantlthat the modern girl can combine femininity and la" istructive Galveston -lntrrleane in ...:‘.'*":'.;'.1:;; sememm woo. -we who can lives ‘I 'h‘i?lt. No thought of hostilities.,{'~'"0“'-men and fellow-womc-n,—l born somewhere east of the Canb-‘ ’ . be Th 4_ hp; gxigggd V; eithgf for de- mainly the 101101‘. i bean sea. usually to -ween Ww-‘ :,oSr:1pt:$'n r' wndrchwoevi. puain: um’ h°'""' P°°°°m b" "“‘“:‘:,' '.5l‘O!\'(:E8 sxn CliA.\l()lS SKINS. ward. then vorthvtrfi -yd fine1|v:u.cougo'ron. -snd“0kla'hbma.’ and “ High moo 'lnrg(- sponges. mo‘ “ck m“’h°“t""'d' the” Na‘ l finally passed to the down “,5 an united States gm-,.m.Tz:upcrstition and credulity of their . pan of p calm. dignified. public-official man-' ner. ' “ Best qUi1lll_\‘ (‘hnlnois skinswlo P133’ 707999!‘ ‘V531 “T0 Wllh0U1 Vern Reynolds, as Liane, takes. e part of n flapper who wants. ' "4""- “. -I ‘I T _’ l - l I . ‘l ,5‘ “ -5.37“ . a,’ ‘ ~ ‘ * M-_-'." -.-nvr-**-‘~‘°"" ' ‘ ll 4. ‘ l I I A ‘A .,-—_ v..- ._ ..._ W. . L‘ -— A-‘ . ., . ; ~ - T r -~~ ‘ I - p . - » -—-- » ~ - . v -- vt ~ A— ' ‘ ' ' . "'."~"" ""' "5 0- . - kndcr a" dar('d(’\'il I-‘V.-_' ' . -- _ . - -. V _ .‘.~ A ' -v - V .‘.'.‘. s.V_ . .-, .. _. .. ... .--r- ~.~~ v « -- ‘ We '18 the Ame ' ‘ _ gr '«_ ;_ i - V _ , 1" ' .,______?. . an _. V 3:1” A~D°F ,’_ “of. . Vqhgm du,m{~1he afar, lover of Llnm-g ‘ _ T l ‘ I -3. ,. ‘ 1*» ‘ s . . _ s .r_ .T. T p .p .1: .- .11 .'~‘l.x 1 A,’;fi. 0‘), at , 55.5.1 1. . A , ‘ y , _.," ‘m . ‘ ‘ V‘,-tho and, once again after the war. one . £ '''**‘~ '.‘'''~ ' l w‘ ‘M. I I . Bee I “ id‘ y lag-c‘ ' ‘lo ii-D9 I T- ~—' Q * 5 ' '7. ‘l 1' sinus i " I ‘ -of themost mine thi-em in I'ari=‘- ' if ,._, .' . ‘Q ' K’ T’ '1?! 9°. ., ' - 2? . “"7 3 ' .. a the financial ‘Gave:-nor Arfllur S3. F!:¢a“"¢1.'.p’(oc‘ is I Andre Plcnrd and l‘rnnci~ ;'.xrCo. T T » - *‘ ‘ to hrceaili. 5 _‘.‘ - I ‘ " ‘ ” 5 " ',""““ ‘ - other tribes of Indians in Missouri will be in _J°‘°. 9 leided at meetinl of Girls'- - :b A f “Shadows. of ’ar-ir.'' 1! _. . ‘ ' 3‘. line, the ' - '%"”‘“d b$5*“'h" "" $0.‘? h ' l the U til Stout. Ind 0!! 910585‘; " ‘° “ "“ “‘' '°fld m ‘Loader-chi}: Class held at 6 o‘clock!:s?hi‘c‘i: (iivrloostggcd. in l~‘mncz- on .c. c,. . .533 3):, hduihjdth four tldntl “knew not. if.“ T . -. ...: .,!£..,T. . .3’ nm%.& .- Igloo behalf‘ of the state. Generalf,““fl.y ‘fumoon in Re“; vim” Hommcn um ,.e$pom«,M.. 50,. '3. am’ """"°”" v- '”'h ’"'u“' I V the Navaios fluent the re- flarry Smith of Fort Leavenworth’: “,3 thin Fv irls were Pres.-‘ ' ' ’ h 'cture a "l‘0‘ll ,. Iallyh coast .... .18 3 8.00 pg“ .33 7“: storm; A _' '3-3. 9 » ‘ _l med th me" on behdf of; in Y-. c 8 _ 'puttlng lnto t e DI .. .- " °"“' “' 3 as‘-emlmcllaut" -7 mu ' 3-: that ’;o:.:@»-».seou-l.'W'“‘*‘* 1*’-¢°*°”!*"!¢"9'T9'“¥«*" "’ ° T .ent- .P1-m me "me ‘°' °'° deal or um and melodrama “‘*"°** .2. . - _ ‘ufiwém £0 ‘nu tribe showing a steady increase in; the army. f 1, !d.‘g::‘uqt,:e:m;mto go overt th:‘:it:nt:.5._,g,i so capably brings! out’. ' .- .;‘higs...T ‘ T. . “°“' . “ ' - ' bee P‘ ° S‘”‘‘‘ . . ~ The .'T' omwtw W in 1" 5. » ' Wm‘ u” °°mbT'a?d|5]: mm dtl‘::‘liKaensba"s“C,i1t‘)*8. Clayj§l.I!l1‘ches.,d'l':e “necgct meetIlt1ts6“'£_; M St,p,,I‘:l'1':':-cixxlcfiy ‘and "l‘l:..~.«,;_ which they ° 1'“ ' mom »mi County and St. _Joseph Railway; it #0’ oc D8848)’ 3 9 3:;-"no," a ncvelty picture. M V ‘. __ T . weaken ,1“, in fl”:&tl.dl'0§th and agovernment with Co. . St J h by G“ J_ w‘,;,§ Hall of _8tephens College. .~ , _ _ .- H 1‘ . p 2 V in...“ hw'..n__*‘_ ‘nu-wtvrlllch they have neyer treated forlbd {"1 , . 9:P.ueg(d sw mu: .,-..._..._..... Tr’, Q Mmwumm want “(L _. . . - ' . llldvdtlantic Qlilhial-Ill‘ Ch! I :9 Nnmjo Indhlm been received in a train wreck nearj ~+fi;L:':nlfU: KG . - J‘ “‘ ‘ ' ' Cu!“ 0 '. . . ’ " "' ' “ ‘7 H‘ ' ' a - Glxgnflcs wo""n! T - a “I.” zgnnu ,,,_,,.,i"‘°"i""";'°,‘t' the nation j.odl!- PE Jjannfiu “\taon_ June 22. :1,-ookinz utensils at tread)’ """‘°“d: ’ {*1 '7 <1h'}h&t"'dnc'$."t in ad“ I 4 £3 bulletin’? from the 1.11:3“;-ollli From an em’ ‘."mn“ of Mes“; The 42-llli.le——p;\'_e'nient of. bricli.’pl'lC€S- I ’ ’ I ' ' 31 .T ~ m “cm mm a.. w..1.;.,a...- 9,3,, mm... ....u..,.~.-5 ..n ...g .¢ 33,. ....,_c.V¢N!-o when their fore!-then °f;.oa concrete from I-‘oristell to St." Newman lll\.RDWARE co. COLUMB We-tall 3'9"” ..""“" " _ *5‘-‘”’°?""°" c -1 5”‘ ms arch.-l~lo:iooalooo¢uphlc.so. Once around Tone end of the 'hlgl:'~""°"“"“' °‘ 3"?‘ "‘° '°"'°!‘°"’¢ Louis is now being used. It cost 904 Broaoway. - Phone 234,- MA TE SE01) ' ' directed near Gnchnlati. It V . I V cohjeked out a livelihood, down lfll0“!pwm0. - —-—--6--—— _ _ , to beable to ssndtflifinli M4 "W °“ 'd‘ht" Banner Feature for Ages. tinnevon V ' ;'‘‘’° '’‘°‘““ "°‘i°"' °f ‘.."i‘°’"" ‘.’“?j ".:’“"" T ., , fllfi Theaters. ceaenl Machine Shop . . . a-R . i by p:.._':_. T . ,- .. . gm ‘nu n i we“ ham hub _,,sm‘” 0! ‘W |» ~ d‘ no‘ M“. Navajoes till dry farm lands. While: Forwthc third consecume year. —w°rL ' ' pad tains ta-use mentor a vsniur can rieanesthat crisole a Gull’ of It . I . .'°"‘°" °‘ W "“’° W" ‘"1" ¢°"" K‘”‘°"’=° "D“"°‘"- W 3"°""’“ “Shadows of P-fl-s."* ‘ - l for ;Ql|)¢!'illl¢lIlvll _ "3' "'1" ha’ “"5: an“-ll E ° no any °r ” t ‘hkh “'..“W'c‘. their nationally famous Na-inuneangv-of Agency took first hon-; A" °°h°,,°f t v°r "W ° h ' pew‘-3, acne:-‘ the article lama to lllllll! £151‘! to a probably as an- aun,g;n.1 we agm-b.n¢...mu;g T . T . _ _ _ :50lll'td8 in Shadows of Parts. !'en- 14-16 N. 71 St. h""' " Mn" " C‘ 9‘ deans or colleges and dent in their crisis: as the Min» swi om the-‘land to‘ round uni-""° ”‘“'°°“' 99”"-”‘6 ‘’’“‘‘°.'‘' °’'‘ "‘.‘*‘° "“’* ”"°“ “‘ “‘° 3"" turiflfi Polo Ne$"i oi-loch no the T. Day Phone 122: ‘s°"""‘ Am“ a“ “Mm ' I all I in‘ 5° the North Ameriun ‘end 1: is upon ’ 1" “''’ """""‘°"”"'°° "‘° “’"”° t ‘°“ F‘“" . __ ~feature Production at the Hall Thex:-I “ Ni ht Phone 51: Black i’ ‘"'d°“u°dly we 0‘ [p‘ych°u"“bT‘ .3‘ '1'!“ Can an ' MUCH t occasions that the 'Atlantic‘ mm bet“ to encronh on had! Of? To Put’ I-‘ortnne-Tcllinli. fter this ice . ' ‘ - .‘-“nsitest discoveries in K9betatlol|l5«ll|lB.n’H;l_|C the modern gircliayzzobleo; ffiwm the “am” of _.m“_ can ‘um ” it did'h.Aum. ytbe blnvvi.-"latches nEm\.A___NO Vienna“ Wm hemf Pol. Nari is considered by some: ‘I -39‘ "'9 U3“°d mm" ‘M I T ' ' u ‘9"‘P"“"" l"'°"“"°v Catches Sue.’ ‘ 1 ' . -7 ft be able to Peer into the fu-it be me most emotional actress ° --2." -‘*'-.—- - ' O 3319 lad l‘ k“d°”t' with he’ mnmuh dosh“ ‘ad blue ‘M v‘fl‘“°°"h’fiu' h mm ‘" “By a still .fart.her_xfl3;wa§d ex» §:.tN:::h:?;,n.;f :.::.t?.lr:r\t~ith the help of a clairvoyant. ‘ cl): the screen today. “Shadows or E ‘ , 3. David Stmoflo "“°°B""' ‘i" '°nl hm" °'°d ' °““‘d by '1" ‘gin Ab°“ig‘ d°'"' tension of- the high pressure area 37.; bun nude in Washington to ralmist. layer 0‘ C37“ °'' °‘}‘" ‘W’ ,Paxis" is brimful of scenes allowing‘ . I . 1 and general mlnllfl’ 01 “*9 B“n° Pm“ ”°‘¢b°°l.‘° ,3“ “"9 “°”°‘fi°'::dfl’t; “gr” fm“ ° '“°,’ gu’ {mm ,3". ma,“ ‘tmemem to obtain thei, tune-teller Without Comink inl° °°“° ' her full display of her emotions. - EC-IHIHOIS C0fD°3'“i°“ °f . 'b° ha ‘inc 'h° “t h uric,‘ ‘”nd1,,em_ $1-1,, 3,2.” . 3;; o;°n!::[.l1)8 into Gulfi p .‘ iiict with the An ordinance * From Apache to wife of the pre— , . been visiting the leading !'adt0.a fins sum and waited for a lluso cord d uwd of Cub‘ ‘Mo! meme“ R w” mdl eoffiitionst Trheqflucauyv pea“, has “No, Just enacted imposes a heavy pen- H.“ of police. Negfi flu, eve”. High grade, (iiurnacle Slzti. ' abroaddblnd W03“ 39”“ “'9 °'“9d “ - 'u“"u'°“I'1"".-h°9‘~“’°‘¢"“h|}' d9‘: been"declared between the .\*nvu-~**'l}' 01'! I111 Who N10!‘ N11)’ 0" ”"° jsc-znc. liuntly Gordon plil)‘.‘~‘ the Screened 3" '99- 93"”- Lct us fill your basement. Clark Implement Co. 1, Phone 891' Ol'fl'cc Eighth and ChL‘l'l'}' the act in his usual‘- cme. ' ! It hsstak th ld . . ' ’ A - _ . uh anon believes um‘ “I at‘ )0‘ ya” tfitfpmfumwgiss the S‘. I‘;‘.!,f,,m),._]lq_',._..'[§g.‘Cor- 331:3, '.‘,“;,1,'°.,._.‘..fI.’;.‘f’.,,f_,"",'.'?:‘,..,.,..,..Sy lTlLdl‘llll"t"~lzL.. 60¢. Lnrsze Size. $1.; irettlnz burned. Charles dc flochc‘ _ T . _ -A _ pus Glnstx 1-mrrlqmr however XE“ MAS H.-\RD\\ ARL C0. __ _ - _ - _ 7 _ A I _ ‘ A _ broadcastint will Venus-Minerva combination but ink d 1 th _ . _ o prosper on their meager holdings, _ fl .- _. - - A .0! u'”"°°°‘m° ,- , , . ‘b 3 ‘D c‘r°°” o e" “arms ' b¢1°"3'd m ‘'5? 7”‘ ‘)1’? With an a, ,1‘. 1° .- .h' h - 1904 Brondwuv Phone 234' - ‘ ' so ». o no on we mo-as mm ‘°“"'.". «wens so 5 helm! to be -» -m or no ................ ; .o..;... a... . W...» :..::: . ~-—.— . i from London. Berlin and Pans will would be worth muting for another atmosphenc pressure or ‘high, I dun‘ of milk‘. ‘armed in imp“_ wntmeé‘ unkno-Wu to we Others. -_ 151,1-;c1*mc 1{};;t'rp;n5 ‘ ; -n .. easily and clearly as a thousand. what exnsts prqctncallr perngnnent-_ “N, “"5" t, the n,,,,, m, the . . __ High grade and cfflclellt clccmc ‘ come 1,. 1;. We the mum], Aawuc In» , 4,‘ ,,.. , and shes increasing In num . . V. in-ogram from a near-by city. ' --—|3o3ther god‘ . Kn“ hunk” of: .stormp.mqvetli oh: into fleflcgcwhem b,,.,_ . .hcn:Esw:cc::llh.A,é?c:;cl gas. I. ! GEORGE ‘.E‘\.Am‘E. “Olin E 3,‘.-lip‘ is a greater thing than‘. THE OPEN .;be"’.. sluggish “r H“ confiumuyz ll. waahnally the SP0VGm lS skmsn “O4 Bwadilgv ) A phmLm0.034. (Director L’, of M‘. Band and Orchee-sun) post of the world realizes. W."-hi gover this area. Along its southerniwgun if‘ . '.'.:“ ' “T” ‘ , _‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘q ‘ ' u ; ROSE VE.\’ABl.l:1. Piano I __ __ ‘fang poasibilitiel. All uwenuoni an‘. 5 "I, b u,,.,I¢-dge in the Tropic; little gwirling‘ Hurnape‘ "re- no‘ ' d5 nut Hxh xruie "$33 °p°ng_es' _1‘cf W’ - “*’*— '-‘-—----———r- Limit“! numbcf of pupil, . - 7"‘ " " " ~ - ‘drive straight head. hey ch Best usllt Chamois skins i » ‘V ‘ hatcencircles the world will mean ojpaocau in exposing their views. which dlsturbances occur which are the! . ' ‘ T " ' ‘"3 u 3 . q 3' . I - Lesson periods assigned in order or application i., - T g u d.'aro not necessarily thaaad the In-soorlaa. wed f vb} h - B =swlrls of the cyclonic type. » These medium slses. 60c. Large sure $3.‘ . T ‘L95 W k“°'1°d‘° ""1 W e“ D ‘The as address or the under -us. ' " 9”” ° “’"°‘"’°“' mz ' 1' st ‘ la ’ N ARDW * - ~' ' chance for real’ ""' ' there is a certain infant mortality:','"“”3 f"‘3‘T°T" ' xEw”A “ ARE C0‘ 1 - ' A" ‘V073 lull)‘ n¢€N‘d|‘~¢d . _, _ =°‘ "‘"°”""‘ |¢1"'|" 5' “iv """' ‘°' Wm‘ - 'tlvel slowl° across sea and land 904 3:-cad Pl; 0'4 ~ - - ~' 'even nation. no among these stormlets. especially Y, I . way one .3 Q 401 lil'l'l‘ bllll-IE1‘ .. FIDO!!! NW3? u"-"“- “ ‘"3 } , in ‘in ma 3 ti Then my sometimes at no greater speed than I , .s. “ -“ V at universal'international lan— l_.d"""‘—'h in. con‘ ft‘. Auntie .hi‘h. uananin ‘ brad eight or ten miles But. ‘“"“"‘ "' "“’ ” ‘ ‘ " ‘ '¥ ma" Tum‘ °bm°“"i"g ‘ ob’ E4307’ “"3 Hltflollfiani A 3"-‘Nth hand on into the North American u'°", “ck ‘i’ ,‘°"""-do them fmml 1 ’ S 1 i — A - —— — — - " ' ' .“.“" ' strnction t0 ‘Wu 1‘ "H b’ ‘With ROM! 07 3-he “5uP¢!'°5""=“°’~" continent. forming in Meet a fence. ‘U 5”” ".t°rnfi° ‘P'~’°d""."p‘!"' 1.00 i F I l I V- ' gpnmpoau for the n'Lw station toitunl" about him is waiting. ner- or heavy air which the storms can- °' "W9 ""_‘°5 9“T'"?“'- ' I I HANDWORK "U" '.r°““‘.‘ ‘ND 5 T ' " —*-T ‘the world with “Peace_ on rmusly. for the day upon which. he is not confined to an Tropic,’ “The United: S.ts_t__cs_“cather Bu-T » ‘RI-.P.\lRll\G : E no earth. koodwill among men,” fo: ‘to be hanged. This boy. too, is 19: they I79 dlflipated wiumugpcguging; resu had rather poor fféilities for . G _ _ -0” and Night Emergency Service; S S -; real I ‘ with nndmundin‘ an ¢om¢;he too. is in the staet of llllnols: he the unmd sum my concgrn, tracing tropical storms until after M359 1’) F991» 1130800 paunngy & ROB|1\'s()N ‘ ‘ _ ' our 1 °’y M toodwm ' 31:00. was convicted of mu - mug 0.4‘. -«m;|..,_~ ‘the Spanish-American War in 1898 women. Saturday after- Tm.“-., 2355 51:, 3,,,,d,,,,T; Cut Fresh l:.ver}' Mornlng , —— ‘mu ‘ .T....———'——---— : $1; the la?“ if “But when summer ‘ heat has’ :25‘? hgwmgf \:f“3°;‘5d‘V4:9V¢5'_. 1100"» Salrfilember 31 '____ _ r WA_ A p _ _‘_ _ - The Finest Crop We Have Ever Grown ' tofu?! Nojus AND NO_”o5_ ‘or umanlty,_ _ _sn po ‘warmed up.u.¢ 1.1.5 um mgh. “.11-.._’ . blew ‘;n I est fn «.dc:.\\ 1516 1 son a\ enuc 1 50¢ Dozen and Up , amp I T“ P'*'°"°" "°""“‘ 9"’ ""9" ;§.'3c5fv?ua:xi:oy.":hpen:a°r'::c:;ef:: ' 2§?“'fsx:° .:5o?c":o5.‘l'3l°.' 133:3 ‘.‘2$on.°mi1Ti°‘§"§.’L‘.£2o. 3:’ log» - Bfizfetoatliglnd refit“ Tom Y a Can Mat’ Bi M vi ' ""°"’ 591‘! 93°5_ ‘ml 9308 mpxnvdy in -the milliolmiref sons. was mnvicted 0 America. The atmosphere over the still! closer track of these poten- p ge 5' E28“); “rhik, Atetendifig ‘S§]:‘:6}|, L C00 en)" the Illinois State Penitcntll-I7 h“°§or. evidence given by another. boy f [and becomes 3;’. gum {or ghiffing tially destructive storms." 9 1' § us ,. 1,. I I ~ .- ' Acros f p t ff’ . , ., . 4 F0, . doubt me. . , x — ' .,. se rm. ll lgnl we col ectlon Os Art 8 rom OS 0 me ~ lhone ofib _ .b(‘mm pedoflmng’ "0 . ' funlgncd on “me. chute’ .The l ' —-—--4 ~77 -A;;:‘----—m "-_"_::--'3:-'-'i l(‘.hrlstma:< KY1-etlnlrs to businessl -T A mount (mg. menial tasks of their yonnzéonc who implicated him has slnce INTE-RN VHONAL POSTAL gag" posuge snmps or other 1de_T1 ‘firms ‘nd vrofessioml me“ If you; ‘,3. on 11, “van, F°mer‘y they bore hm ‘t“temenL Bo‘-ever‘: nus. . ' 5 -ls» '“-ould tc. earn to V"“"' _""’-""“““" ’" "' ‘ .-‘. u names of their !'¢8P¢¢l¢d l""°““ '33:” 63”‘ " ’°m°"°°d t° d"’ __j‘ T --:+—-— v s . c a each day dun'mr spare hours this; ' . _ }'0U- 1 14¢}, ma .Lcopold: now the)’ ‘mud ‘Dd Loch ‘his ho, 3'01’! Oltaniaed Country in the lG¢|'lIIIfl)"fi EPCVOVD P113" i“'?f‘-' _ T Efnll, send rec references foré ‘ A T 1,?‘ I‘ designated as are their fellow prls- is’ monefleu trundle” ‘°nd phani World Is Included Except % 'BERLlN.—-‘The former W, _, . p T T v _ ' santples. _l'-It-cry live-wire student . _._ ~ I ,, 5 .°“°"- by '“’mb°'' 7'” "N" °f'ta£y~less. He contends’ that he is i U Afxhmxum ‘prmce of Ge-rm‘ny' who M "I JAt'tann°n V ‘who replies to ‘his ad mu have‘ 3:2" these ",0 young mcnts but a social ‘if at d . ki { th '3' W"-" ”"°“‘- Tlsrgc flour mill and bakery at Ocls. , 9 EQu_iPm9nt several hundred dollars to his-credit _ ‘- , _ - , ‘£1 M acmonm-uon or ‘I l>h>1'-ctl- 1-v*'{cl'3‘.’.°c°. t:o‘;ro:’: ‘J..:"i.o°s§."° " : ,.o’,’,f,:.“i‘,',f;..f’,°,’;',“ ,‘,f;','”§n§§;°’f;; was asked by one local msnlccvoor-= Day 0!’ D381!‘ lb)’ Christmas. e.—— —-— ._.— ——____.— '°" E 9"‘ “’ °‘°‘‘ “5 °""" ‘."."°" u‘°"= ""'°" 9°". “ °°""""“‘*°“ °‘ ' "°"“'b'° '0'-‘°8‘°' °‘ W l-¢"8“¢ §’sZ'£;aZi’ iilldllscth liiogire ' PARKEIVS '1-‘lrFl;E.APRMs‘ AhRT clGl«plLD' . Q .30“ is definite and equal reaction. ‘sentence In this case. an we be of Nations. celebrated its fiftieth’ t- T}, - 5, ti’ -' ‘ .. ‘ t “m."° W‘. ‘m. °'"'u‘ Si’. m s‘ ' ‘”“"°' blamed if on ¢on¢1udc_g_},“ in mg, Jnniverury ),e“e,.da)._ .:w::e thee ;:‘l1\uc:-8 onfizjts tag; Phone 53 a Minneapolis. Minn. 2 I i O 5 mo, _ 3 . ' there is a law of “Justice” for} r 5 ' - Q A ' '- AWN. SELLING OUR V01-Es *3“ _ h 6 they { th ,; It was on September la. 13_74.g!ormcr crown prince-_ twenty goldj __ - R_ R mass... are cooomnaoc apomg ‘’ T"° ""’ “‘° .°’ _° "°,§’," :;§;g;§°un;:;:;3;t‘;;;;, ;;;2;;n{;gg,m-rks for absence v--them law I - T-—»——~~ ~— » ~- — c — ~ ~§ . -“i.i the -Prim‘ "W" °‘ "‘"“““‘“‘§ --—-+-—- Qsigned .c gm... ma we c¢,..,..1»' ELECTRIC nmrzns ' i 3 HESII-1ndardOilCompany (Indiana) F9" 0'-'8!‘ the 00'3"‘! ‘l"'“id°“u“ °1°°° G ham‘ gI""‘:'l‘ph';‘ _ 9 offices of the organisation ever High grade and efficient electric I l is a corporation OI’ . under H?‘ ‘ .fi°“" The cm“. ‘re inwl-aka’ i.llel:nlele:!'t3 .url:on arl:es(*)e.v— 4 ' I ? - . i W.E.Warvid.Viee-Pnos..Can.|ltt.Ill8- ‘"“’ “‘ I0?-ll llll . lfiie” *{"¢h°';‘*1_o,,d pm it gs the on on the wup___ bers of the. union. handle mail for; g_ __...-- ..,-_ _ _ -;-__,.-____.__ -__,,,_,__ ____ ‘ %(P_:dn,V5...p.»..,A.¢_(;..,g.,_ug'_ 993 wl titled to get as In out o t e r pcohmbu‘ Ohio. Sun Jourml Afghanistan the same as though. ” ‘ :"" “ I "‘ 'T' £nbott.V'sno-Pros..Soq»'£raasnsur —"“ votes in the way of'scrviée to their "11,, moan." ‘hm, wise mu; m e were a member of the union. ; - l‘ . _r _ S O An"""‘*‘°"£l ’ V‘°'P"‘3"3 Fm,‘ hountry as they can. ' gap. Look and _Listen.—Dnbuqllc llwhih’ ‘W9 ,i‘,i°‘t;£ "‘ i“'i§"‘“i§“’€ L933“ t°_ ' y ' l I ‘ I ‘ llnllock ,(::]1_ L‘ This campaign funds a bigger de_- lncsdournal. _ a unlon t vs-‘on ren er-E . —_ , t T ___________ 1 1‘lnnpsea. . ,s.l.. N“ mend roc votes ‘than usual. Each as though Clem Shaver vowble the exeh-nee of con:-i g 3 '’-f‘‘"‘ t g ." N“-t ,, ,,-1 =-W--«~~~=w~'°t~~"~=°..'"*"..‘*°'"‘:.’:::‘..‘r*....“*° "°...."‘.°:":°..°; :2: :'.".;':.::.—"::. ..;: . ~ i E ’ termaofthctlllngshewilldofor _. A. . ,¢.!'Ier.t dd fl Humhedb J h: pg-gngegeaonsbv .9. i vetymanontheBoard ofDipeators 32,500. “*9 P°°P‘© Why 'h°“'d"" W "°' 33:: §.’,“.§§'.’..i,‘. ';°.,."'.,.,'°t.1t'"‘ “H” 2: nine. in 1§95?':hd3 Dolntmélil. L E 0f the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) W->W' ’ - . . o ‘ ‘ i E ‘ ::.'.:,-?di, ::::..;..':;:u:.£:.y;. nmmr arr-rs rm}? nuance ldlrair mcmllfizod siietzsccisieigd‘ JAM$ON ' earned his the bill ks and 9% pt .' e ‘ ’ . I ._..j_i 0 v ‘ . - . ; . p w. 3 tya .dldates this early in the game? and i V a postal conference at Pans in 1863.} one ‘ . Many of the mistakes made/in elec- '.§=do'bf "n.n::'n'“_°°'__ “.B' it wasin 1874 that‘ the project was: T P . ‘ EVCFY Of tllfi FOR tions are traceable to hasty eonclu- Mrs. Waiter. fiiller. 1518 Wilson c:l::’:‘:-ate: "gate," ‘ilmergéi . . . .,_ ‘ ‘J p y 1 4 &l'llP3-ny _ :‘l’f’,"'" oiom» The mole are shrewd. They ave-oo_e. whom a member oral M, mm Wimm,_,m,~, -v T . V’? - _ . g anddevotcs his entire ume to theaffalrs " will give their vote to lllm who of- American I-rlondll of Greece So. 4 “-“ . of this Co d F03 , cm mam mm, b a, T conferences. . « . mpany an to no other. . ATS H1061 ll! ftl-flfll.‘ I . ’ an Elk ‘vhkh refined ‘O mflci- ' The S ' . . .‘~ Cohen” . N I 51.3 u I -11:,by,od%u;]: ufirdnxflsniu; 11 th pate lrflhe conference at Madrid in tandald 011 -‘.5: m‘°"° THE (A88 F08 F00 A ' . I‘ T u .“°119l9 because of her 0 sitlvn ‘ __ no auegmnw ‘to l’ "“"""' products P90 1 any Formal opening of the football . . "°'k'h°P’ °‘ - ' - tha ' ' ' .- 4-.‘ F03 T . Athena. Saloniki "-fflyfllg the organisation of the ~ P1000 758 T - - .0 otsamzahon. It stands on its - “"°“ "‘ "‘° ‘“"°“" "‘”" °°".'* and mo. and oufcc pumnceimcrfiou ""5: mimed her N1-tiohs Withl “Suds and -Duds” ‘ » own bottom.‘ ‘ i ' ' E §§’°°,,' fercnoc tordaagalhrigsto- ’ : . A ~ ’~ _- c 1" T . . T-_-_ the frontytze quition 0: whezler or u h‘:Ifl: §gllflrl.fl‘I,l‘dflr.l?nth“r{ T W’ 3" at "d _“n""~ fir ' ' V, Y! can I I’ _ Of the um”,-___. not ch, apart ;.‘;o.cm.ol.. , T..¢ only ouhide lvfimbfh _ - E w_ genie :__ J . ;:‘..'. _/~ _. ' i ‘ pompany (Indians) isits ron _ To those who look upon football a Altihdirlzh -tllithinlon nag only {ma ~3 1,“. L.‘--'~“u‘”_ , ‘__ A I. c ; . 1 ofg-ya. A V ‘ btkk 1 Taskamere gama,a.contsst_toses °" , _ _ f ' - ' ‘ ~ ' . 2 _ *1 ‘ T-=»---t»---~« -~« ...--to-=”“»-~v”‘““-e....~“"'~«~;. —L“' ‘“*'"M: h REM!-NGT 0N T « an-=e= ..=m.t.:st°c*sh«;:.ds=-=ts mac trained. a music which '' I * i_ * , ., :'- c -- ‘ I ’ o , es- arena with 3 dtrength and trickery prodomlnats— »°""‘ ‘ T » . T - the ldfl,-flint end ° success P0 T ' T '* r" “ r - . . . Bosems to chose who look upon football in ¢,,,,,,,.., ’ \ ls 8ChlBV.B(l through service; that ,3“ .. W ‘ _ ' _ ‘ o . . - _ figfln it must seen was I ; T h ; , —~ - L T p l. . _ eervloeoomes profit. . - NR 1 ‘ : “,Tfl1IR‘’' ‘Pol-tsbl.’ll I — f .- ‘- -- .c ;1-‘mt-H to an or ....=..~.::'-.:t"l':.......:.':...':,.~=.'°.‘:..:'::'.. « ~ *§,",,"3'*"°*T°"'¥=*’='*°r=°°t1vsrd=a.ans1 T ,,~;,. and lmmnltles of todnx is g - lcwili give you a will be 5 ‘ ‘ h°"“T7 '3” 9’.3°°°° °.£ ‘hf’ P“"°1' lights. far different fgn this _eom:s|_.-aion 1 fidpmm yfiu-ihjfl yon; gm»; 13¢, t « t)’ and lllstlm-CO all mug, 0 0 . ‘ . . T _ . . . T « ‘ - - o 1 . 1.‘! Biz; ml _::§I3I Lttlno-I i in 3 case only four inches inch. 3 j_ _- 5. oflalg:-— - _ ". '.' '3" ' T . 3 four-mihéyboafde-filo shill.’ ; : T ' flat the. . mlldflfd , m- ’ """“"‘ “" “""*Tt."°" ‘'‘'° F“? T ~ . 3 ’ no higuuchlocc. - . . (Indiana) one of the truly cat s ‘W’ at ‘am but “I - .' W P - “‘ I -4‘ T » 4 i ‘ o 7- . ' a 6 ‘ ma ~ ~ . T g ._onrouirlaosfyou ~.,~;; 4, tlonobtaersioemrflmerlca; . . e.,.cu- , _ __ m u _ ‘y I‘ ‘ ANT ‘ ; fin w M‘ V ' I 2 ' r" $- 9 .s_’; z,_‘,;___ . . w . - ..r.' . ,. ‘ , ,’ ' . ‘ . ‘ - . re. T 1 _ eelassfiaal ‘ ‘ .. ~ '- 3 _ . .T _ _ ~ .. . ° - -’ ' ' ~ 3”" . is of ‘file Ascot: ‘ '10 mg.’ I I c'."'°'“ "'d'°"."‘--—R“""‘!'°" l’°ml>|¢- .-:39 C ‘J...’ course.‘ but ahojqe ne- ‘ T°‘9*‘''°‘ “'5 V“ lilhfvillh ' I V ‘ ;‘ °"" ‘-60’ £""""'-'°"" hi .. or FOR ocu‘lcy'ot tlleilidividnal "" “F85”;-‘g-gbfiir-fins Comm, 1 ' , ' ~ . 1 ; _~ __(lo-final. '5‘-__...l’ orgy oaocuqogh-.w:llo:e of the :....._m my-'T' . "'-‘W W01. _ « I I % ’fj T.otnoo'=suoao:-a I """'a'l'v1 group workistforan id_eal.'.I'hat 3,-._ gm... gm comhm ,3. an ‘ , ‘ _ WE '_ 7; a so *---A-« -~ . ;_ ......_ l8.&II_IRlIt.nlost.c1:l9haticallN;'ather.holae$atnrday .n.c...'.; * " """ Q .‘127Dnrrltez.Co...-.;__ , _ , 5 “ V0!|l|0..Glnca§o F933: 6“. ‘ T T ._ .' . -_-. -- . ..- _.-. To ' ‘ Mo. ’ ‘ - I" 1 L_ ., -. 4 ~‘ "3578 ; M‘ .c ' - ‘ ‘ . T’ ‘ l " ;; 5o ' ‘ I 2- l - ..V ‘ ‘ . \ ' g \ . J ‘ I ‘t I. an ' i ‘I 5 - . 9'» I‘ ‘ I \} ’ ‘ ' .. :7; . . - I‘ :.'.i t T - .2 A. "T? 7.; ’