’ “ -v —-O--.. ...on...‘‘._._, . . QM ';pAn§g:g[x .'l_i‘‘:k ‘ . t ....‘.“.g.‘, -._-vr a‘fi _ ~-_ . I ' ‘ -9-. o . i'o'zmIsr‘s';1eoUis' > man 3 A place *1-'.».'.‘. .7.-3 'fr'v-- *2 I :*-=;‘‘ ; .-“K. '. ‘~'-U ‘ ~ ‘ - ' . ‘. -7.‘ ' .' ' . o..__ of mnfltc, 'ho Kansas City to recover coupe that was stolen from him ll! Dowagiac andttaken to Kansas City jbere. last month. Mr.s.ndMrs. C.R.Msksl.Mr.and Mrs. M. 1-3. llinman, and Mr. . . _ . Mrs. Edward Scott and two childrenlcan-Mexican international bout»: of xewbe"-y. Ind" amp.‘ ‘|t1igtll:te.;d"?l.).cn Maximo soldiers and a troop ‘ms, ti-tee «"30! Metric-n ctvnlrv besw maven“ r with the international committee city's grounds Wednesday no party consisting of left Thursday morning for Saitiers. The Mexicans marched o!;hl3:i"§of. bankers in a cable to his finan- '“‘"‘h°"l‘u°“ i_"_ K h;eB:itTh ll d famil d Misslskilust as tht;eAnl‘fu:¢.?mcaiis°nwcre i.” ch‘ ‘went but fawa‘rd‘e‘d alrialifiqsxfh lqreewho adrift”? “flu - - 1'8 In , Y ‘.9 , ‘ ; Placing most of the blame on his. _ , ' , Vthroughout the A eri .- ' W ... 22"“. .:.:::*..... .2. :2: am «e t ::.::.=.:"':. be :v....~*-°'. were - . t ' . '- is H 11.8, f ’ tati ' , . Wednesday -tzemoon. my me so-"'4'" W “"°" mat” fi‘ht11‘;c‘:.ai-ratitint all lno::’Cr)'l?recn8ono:o:§T”°h°" were -t W-mnsbvrt-no August. in; to Wakita, 0kla., . , to'niake his home. ' ,,,,°,g¢m¢rwhich might vielate the nice rules.[ The following ‘Duran of international etiquette, at once Wednesday at the Daniel Boone Tav- W. K. R Mrs. where they.’ line." 0 ‘from doublevfllo to four-abreast. ‘ad “mnylp‘fl ofuii-olhg into. Amelriican terri ' stopped here Wednesday night on¢0D¢0 ‘"1 ' . , 00000000 their way from Canton. 111-. .to LP|""_""'_ _ ‘ed do“ of ‘7 ' ' ‘ Angeles''where Mr. Shyrock intnda‘ Pru 0 V I I t” "0brI:g0n hirase1f.§°,"',,":u;"‘c°‘,‘,1!,' ;,‘v:m”m'te::’:ffl.,nomics position‘ in Elvins, o. I ‘watchful of 811)’ 111110 inovement ‘cub Md em P10 u Md not been! Miss Florr.-nee Dilland will teach ubey and family of “"95 M Geog“ E “'38 _ Curtis of Kansas City. Mrs. L W.‘ Wood and daughter of Chicago. and Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stone and‘M,,,.4,, or C,m¢".,,¢ children of Kansas City. _,__:-___ :...-- ose ncss on the 30th day of June, 1924. published in the Missourian, a newspaper printed and published at Columbia. State of Missouri..on the wig, thou. who opp‘, 8th day of July, I924. RESOURCE. .Loans and discounts, un- » h j '1 ~ doubtedly good on r- fr?‘ °°“"° °:o‘:°"§‘,f’°",°",,,‘,’e“°;;,,'f- Lo:°““lr‘:l°:lt“:“i of legislatures have only the . ns. a e . . . . . . _ .- - Overdrafts ............ .. .s5T'm-"' "-'°°'"'i °' "'"'m'-°”°°- M 467008" ng with unusua situations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dew fi Mi‘-e Due from other banks and-ha blcct to 1 ' check 25,489.32! Cash items . . . . . . .. 3.290.881 ’gold. silver and other LIABlLfl'l$. lusf heck .. .. 173,726.48, tee of de- posi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,955.83 Collection account 909.89 Total ‘ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . State Sof ' Missouri, County of S: ' M. g. Subscribed and sworn to before 3,615.43 - o Consul Damn: reported the incident la-won! sud tive province, Sonora. American, Obrssoirhnd been met-a within. mo... a reviewing stand; Ngw which straddled the Ameri-0 As column I Mexican rcewasat. iunc attention to the error-—and‘it jg: ______,__:. ,cxpected MUSSOLINI rJ\c'i=:s A-‘crusts yinu.-mt due the -—-———— ' this year. !"asciaIn-.~Re- ‘or suite in National Outcry. re in Italy has. Dr United ‘of thevsocialist critic of Fascism,f .310 Deputy Matteotti. The same irre -" ‘ ‘few sponsibls absolutism has over-1.°“°°m"° ‘ lcssly of his have established ' permanent gratitude. saving fact that party enmitics usually cancel one another and the guumber of injuries is smaii. ,...... new . a I, .14‘ ' . _ Individual “pod” sub. ‘the custom of the country ‘No mat 7‘ me. t3hlsI7th day of July, A. 1)., Witness my‘ hand and material o date ‘ 1927.) BDITIH L. BOBD. * our: Public A. suszmaorna. oi-:o. s. s'r , . BOIJ‘l'WEl.L, D. want ads. n_ p. , -'?-<--é-no I A You are mistlnt opportunities r you do not read and use Missourian j .aj‘O. Mussolini has set up in Italy has shown more efficiency than the Ital- Cash on hand (currency, p“.u‘,,.,,_,m. hm, -ll‘ ,been little time lost in wrangling. 5:332-‘7§Orders have been issu I 32-5,°Ibeen carried out for the one purpose ’ '*'?'r.'_3of benefiting Italy. ' ' ' Total .., . . . . . . . . ...-..‘ ipoggifl¢ (0 question ]{uggo]jni'5 pg. triotism. “pl”! “Sch: “id l"""3 But, Italy is essentially a democ- O G D O I O O O ea ’ te government might opera be open to criticism on y scores. ’'‘—'‘#8 3‘ ilnei-‘national 81 sec will d club." ‘ » course of discussion of a proposal to grant a peace pa ncllmhn’ proposal violently, fiat defiance of the .ples of the Carnegie Foundation. It was pointed out that the venerable {men who meet there in ordl: to dis- c an ling the Mussolini can deal as ruth- with the autocratic in own party as he has done‘ “'9 5 ‘firs kind of ‘super-government ‘in: because ed and have or. it is im- mcnt. Parliamentary disputes are Mussolini efliciently the V ‘ it must‘ rbow _...__._<__...—_.... THE HAGUE TO HAVE CLUB Lawyers May Rave p r Drinks. of ' Pros icewrisht int) ' AMSTBRDAM.—-"Our peace pal- '"'"’d° °' into avulgai-do This alarming cry was heard e Hague town council h°°_.d'i“kl£-cu’ native Various cou ‘I ittflkbd _ .‘3.°.".“..‘3.°',‘.’:.5..§f W“ uss international law ’ peace proposal was negle Rail will contain. 75 c u 3 . into great several tribes a master was quite sure, the Peace ‘Dempleg never become tlpplera. The} and thus Car- thin a few l b room iniley in Detro ado dchil be abl few mon ere, others. Lair TONIGHT ONLY" , «berm who in ‘ prosecutor gen jrepublic little time for ,..u....i" wvshould" _kaQtbeir-heads E 3;. 2 E 5 weeks time, a which international _lIW.'fl-'1'! Ind 1 students can have their .——-—o——— OBREGON SUSPBNDS DEBT AGRBEM drinks. 1 sm.ooo.eoo loan Cannot ' Be Paid . Prue. ' , YORK.--Citing seventeen[Cl‘m‘°“'°° ‘*3 3“l’°""‘ reasons in explanation for the de-’ fault. President Obregon of Merit» announced the temporary sus- on of Mexico's debt agreement t explaining _e government's failure to pay on. . 30 thé interest due on its paid for several months in an cf- ‘to make good the interest. gave assurance the government c to pay up the. bankers by the end . o ..niuzu. ass NEW PRESS I.AWiPresidcnt' ' ———-' v - ‘ n 1... Prensa. . De JANEIRO. Bras press law. which ago, is giv- era! of the. embers gor any other outdoor sport. _‘ rst prosecution of note un-~ Se mm. ,, win -der the press law was a sentence 01 hi‘ chin, to m,,).:,, -one year in prison and a fine of, ______,_ - sorqething like 81,000 for Mark! R03? The Lincoln Highway Completes souri. holding drigues. substitute editor of a popu-1 lar morning newspa in his paper which contained “alan-é P about essos. ex-president of Brazil, and! - - - ration for the do rec, at present one of the twelve judges {ox-mum“ nut is uumm to tum. Philo K of the Hague Court. Thearticle of the press tectng sovereigns or rules of for- htates and diplomatic represen- tatives of foreign states to Brazil. om offenses by the local press is causing the ' prosecutor general no little trouble. chiefly owing to mis- «interpretation of the article by for- eign diplomatic representatives credited to the Brazilian govern- :——:..:_._._. , MOROCCO TRIBES IN R!-ZV'OI.'l‘ Spanish Strong Posts Threatened by Groups of Natives. ' 8! Consolidated Prue. MADRID.—Aecording to an oili- cial note issu in the western zone of the Morocco the situation The line of Spanish strong river guised in the uniform of Spanish troops. Some fighting has taken place; , ofThe posal say-; in other- tennis, golf ~ law. pro- caaouarm no rum IN MANY r>i._acas iurxr rapt of Those mum sesuoi ofl Eucatioa Have Position ' in Missouri Most Many students who gra rated last semester from the Schoo lof Education of the University have grad states of the Union. .-Tulsa, Okla.. Miss Ruth Belcher in’ Pomona. Cal., and Miss Lorene Con-, it. I... I-2. Brous. who will receive an EM. A. degree in education August 2. lwill teach mathematics in the Cen-i -tral Junior High School of Kansas BN1‘ or MEXICO? C,,,_ ‘ Irene lreson will écoach athletics there. ' iss Mary Ella Winchester ins‘. accepted :Fcrguson. Mo., Miss Naomi Breck- ,enridge will teach home economics ,in Webb City. and Miss I-ielcn mathematics in Va in. l Frank McAnaw, former football ‘star. will coac athletics in Excel- isior Springs. rown. who year. won Mrs. Robert Dudley will remain upervisor of manual arts‘ iversity High School. V Every day the Committee on Re- mommcndations is receiving vmunications in person or by ma il.—Bra- ?‘°’°h “U" beam «in t e n ‘from superintendents seeking teach- lers. noso cuiiii-: _is PUBLISHED . its Fifth Official Bulletin. Epitacio o continental motorists. . The volume contains complete di- . rections on the Lincoln Highway? between New York and San Fran-' cisco. Location of camp sites.‘ lpoihts of interest along the roiidfl axommodations, supplies, cost ‘of. trip and other problems that the: tourist will face are carefully es-I ‘Q. ( that every question that‘ ly to arise in the tourists s answered in this volume.‘ The semimonthly Lincoln High-' way road condition report shows, that the roads between New York‘ and Mansfield..Ohio. are in excel-‘ lent condition. Warnings are ' given to tourists to be careful of speed- 0 18 field to are only in fair condition. posts "because there territory ' by-roads are necessary. The road’ ' ii‘ 0'11)’ fair to rood from Omaha Ito Placerville. Cal. From there to San Francisco the roads are in ex. ,ccllent condition. The University will retain some p,.0,.,_.mem_ }°{ “*5 3“d“""‘5 l°' “'°"l‘ h°"°- Mi” ccived numerous calls recently for min‘ W“ “"59” aid in terracing work following the °{ ‘he S°h°°l °{ Edllc" washing away of bottom land _ _ - an English ti, M’ _ ' nit”, of :Bdiior_ Geghmlirleeavy . Sentence an vuh°1,,,.,hip in the Unive,.5i,},_ 9 issouri , The fifth edition of the Complete "OW 9'_‘8“K°d , .Official Road Guide of the Lincoln ‘ '~_l"~'*“-“- “Th_'~' H""°"3' °{ ""3 E liigliway has been published. The °“_'°" 9‘ “°'"‘'", ,,.°ium,_. comprius 538 we“ of i,,_ which will be applied on her prepa- ing on these roads as they are pa-‘ .‘ :1. {avg}; . trolled by state police. I-‘rom Mans-l . rid the uncertain Omaha, Neb.. the roads; '1 This is,‘ , are so many new‘ WARNS WBST-BOUND GIR Y. W. C. -A. Worker Says Vacation- ista Unstaliliae Employment. ‘Br United Press. _, NEW YORl{.—Miss Emma Phin-Z du_'DCy of the national Y. W. C. A. em- ployment department has issued a warning againn girls clams Miss Phinney. the train, expecting the Y. W. C. A. to find them fragmentary employ- §{,.imd3_ ment pass in each city as they rough.“ . iPhinney. She will stay only a s Guy Everett James will go to»_t.imc and she serves on t to uns tandent. 'bilize employment. Sum er or win- Miss Matie Mcliarg will teach i_niter employers east and west shouldimgg 'l*ligginsvillc. and Russell Nolcr will give the local girl first chance. ' . FARM M EETINGS PI.AN.\'ED ‘ p°’m°i"i ‘:°dt.“°h°’ °fsBooue County Bureau Will Sponsor Series of Demonstrations. of thirty-six meetings the county is being lanned by the Boone County Farm l“°°"lBuresu for the latter part of July The meetings will Ml“ An“ B‘"'°“ Vin tuch mlconsist of demonstrations in poultry :management and culling; neighbor- ;hood gatherings at which moving ctures on agricultural subjects pi pl 8”“ M’ “'°°P“’d ‘ h°m9‘°°°',will be shown; and field meetings in ‘ connection with the soil merit work of the _bureau. improve- At the field meetings a study will be,made of the soil rotation systeni. and other methods of farmers who have been successful in soil im- The bureau has re- River floods. IS sn:o‘.-.6: ron iirzonrzrz Former Dean of Lindenwood College in Lniversity. Miss Lucinda dc Le-ftwich Temp- {l,lin. who has been dean of Lin er- wood College spending the summer in Colum for eight years. 2.- :al Library. Miss Templiniis x. _ gnduate of the Univershy of Mi_;_§cally the only kind of niizuscmcnt. l A. B.. B. S. and A. M fdcgrces from this institution. and i.- in the preparation of du- Missouri." in or (ii sophy. from Columbia Univer- =sity, New York City. 5 fessorship of history. and will SP¢‘li.l the next year studying. a. ..Q Name True to I-‘orcfathefs I"ar1y. 3)‘ United l‘re~-. YOUNGSTOVVN. Ohio. July 8. A phjned. M.” of band, rad, daughter born here to Mr. and Mrs. ' _ Th - h «Mark Moore. the former a son of Ed §,r:,,,‘i,:? e "um" m °f ‘he'll. Moore. Ohio Democratic lt'fl(l('!" been named Dorothy I-Imma, so 9, ha.‘ {her initials spell “D I‘? M.’ 1-? Q If you want to buv or sell some- a Missourian want ad. thing try VANITY FAIR Hats cleaned and blocked Guaranteed work 8 South 9th St. -Phone 1772 red ascorc of airplanes, one I-. ‘ of which fell into the sea. while the- - other was burned. The pilots of the! planes escaped injury.. , —._—.__.....___.— - Try a Missourian ‘vent ad. is a wonder. " hauled and to go .1923 Chevrolet sedan. C0 $450 IAL— This car mpletely over- at: ALSO In FLORINNE “She Plays a Mean Accordion” CAMERON & BECK “The - Apostles of Humor" - NELL SHIPMAN "rm: GRUBSTAKE? turned 7315-.-9 - the tables on him. UDE VILLE i ‘ See hat in I h 1... V I , has boefmckeiflinlnwnefitfrioutitoinihieililéollloi . Q" . 7. chute of,p,rosrsui.tomon-ow ' and then look at the others for you. Every car more for it 1‘-D008? in-Outing 1—Nash touring Cashor 16 S. 10th St. ' WeKnowi—It We know these last used cars are going to sell. because we are moving them at the RIGHT PR1 Such offers can't stand long. Others have found our used car lot a wonderworld in motor values. No other offers like these in Boone County. Look at the Specials f Real automobiles ready for real use. Columbia Buick E. 3. Moore. Mn. . There is something here than worth what we ask 2-—Buicks ' l—Studebaker j Terms Agency I Phone, 2250 tired. motor, out: . -' . Nash coupe; a fine car; well perfect. To move it . >--.,. a -..V . migrating. 600 west with the hope of picking up employment to pay the costs of the Q summer vacation. ' ‘ “Girls are already beginning to dock to the Rocky mountains and ,. Miss Lola I-‘or-enian will teach inlC“m°""l‘ i" 3"“ ““mb°""‘ d°"campus. was given by Orville R. B. we .'l"urncr, a graduate of the Unlver- 1each of the girls’ coll9lt99- afoot, some are in cars ‘and others“, , in 1889. M” Tum”, M“. ‘"" "‘‘H”3 ‘he’ "i9 cu’ by dty ‘miprominent engineer in New Mt-xi:-o,',quaie as tlieyare t0d3l'- . ‘spent several days here visiting; “'I'herc were no electric lights. no ‘ water system. no sewn!!!‘ -‘Y3 91“- “Some are 5 Ac: ‘a '. ‘a l 4 ‘University enrollment . ; y,-hm there were no improve- there than you would have seen 20 ‘'ments at all in Columbia; when the in Ger€8'8 "1 3 "‘°"”‘- G°’°"" ‘"5 33'" kmd had a combincdtlien the only than 100. and place in town. “Students 'had little mono)’. Ind énities and one It was It ' ‘t f . f ‘h be , 151913. and the third since he left C 3 ran air. or’ e eas rn gir »U i -, - 1339. _ t°'°hll'° bid herself ‘“i"“ the w°“°'"!urixtilerr:‘ce’r'it‘lry been city engineer of ‘lumbiu. An old ramshackle. affair I and is now served as the Wabash depot. , Major General Enoch Crowdcr. I Phone 392 Wm 3 KLASS COM. C0. ' tics in Stockton. her homeland middle western girls, says Missinamn, New Mexk.o_ ",conducting the installation of $500,- i'3’I000 worth of street improvement .-of the United States Army. who ‘"8" ‘there. lie was a student hcl“(' fromi until 1889. ' “There now that Turner. "On the campus the only “'99 buildings Hall and ision. These. and the old Univc ‘building, of which now ?Columns remain, and the old obser- with !‘U‘t‘<‘l~ vatory, which sat where Jay ll. Neil’ of UN‘ M-'l\'--T33 0990‘ “'85 3 "15"-“W Hall now is. were the nnly l'vni\-cr— The populatiun ul t sity buildings when I came here in aim"! 1883. times a makeshift baseball 3 two girls‘ coll lenrollment of tcolonibio of 1924 l-Iolds Few“ Reminders for,G1jaduate of 188 A graphic picture of the Colum-‘stood in front of one Of 5' =bi. of forty years ago, when therlar confectionery stores 3393 less his first visit here since telephones. and fmltf ON’ “'3” the street in Columbia then. r-barge of the are very fe I can identify." said that remain are Switsler' the old president's team. {mni l‘.'l‘.3 in Turner was in attempt was ‘Football was started soon after my ,_ ..-- ‘ graduation cording to Mr. Turner, ‘them had chapter liouscs. .in small balls each week for their- § meeting. ,Delta Theta. Zeta Phi. Sigma Alpha ~Epsilon, and Sigma Nu. urorority was Kappa Kappa Gamma. "Students had few ninusr-monts in those days," said Mr. Turner. cw student activities were practi- I 00 o re only forty or fifty students in facilities were not one-fifth as ride» I Mr. Turner has jrailroad, the Wabash. ran 31100 0' then Lieut. Enoch Crowder. was in W spot, here the equivalent of the M,._ the University then. There were companies of infantry. , Colurnbia ended at S('V(‘Illll Sl.f'(‘('l man. and west of there rsity houses. There were only the shocks on Broadway west of Sci‘- hut the present locality 3,500, including students. have lwih uttt-ndc-(l the Univt-r.~fit_\' playing without any direction of the "rt-ct-nll_\'. Lcivis U. Turin-i‘ uttcndt-d University. but no ‘made at any other kind of athletics. “L To Work Miss Ruby physical educ of student Katherine ion Chautauqua of Western for several summers. has just taken a position .5‘. . Standard Chautauqua of _ our POPIP . .\'eb.. to do platform superin . ‘iii here lastpintil September 1. The first .‘- was about night. and saw more students enter she will visit is Greeley, ca.’ ~ ":1 Miss Cline has been dam“ With cs.;..,.' J. Cline, i . .__, ation in the U . ,*- ’ work with the i, There 3 Their 1921 tires. like Slightly Used model Ford touring. 9 Taylor Garage. n" TIC!’ . dam Only one MONEY FOUND Selling Old Magazine.’ , A i s ;: _~ i . E E 4! 1 military instruction." R. 0. T. C. at. he town was l‘.'l‘i. and Dni'otii;.‘ student licrc_- in 1917. This E. Watson Lansing Phone 326 13 s. Tenth st; ' Q; I- J‘. 1 there were no Tag 0 .' a few c Insures Work: 0 CLEANING PRESSING « 5 REPAIRING DYEING . , 91.1-:.n‘1.\'a ALTERATIONS . » suns MADE TO onus: _ Only a few buildini-'-" ""“' "'"“?l"‘ HEMSTITCIIING t : “The enrollment of the Univer- mm ‘were ’wnd‘{‘g'ui("l'_ TE“. Mil; Agent for f ‘: 'Fll)' “'38 then between 600 und 650 at anld '£(‘:M\_;;;.(’(:‘sr'e ane Th; Supgrior Lgunll-,\ students. Board and lodging in the ill" ‘’‘‘_'"‘’j' “m ‘ _ .-h “ T T of SL Louis _. ‘best families could be had for $15 “"'-" l’”"'"""" h”'"‘"‘ ‘ M ' r‘ U ' ..-wh iumde » 1 r 'to $20 a month. There were no '~“" (‘I1-"-I‘vm(-iitlmr. 9"‘ - "Ml. 3” DOM University athletics. There was at Mr. 'l'ui'm-i".~ $4.11 and &lU£l’1l('l‘ ""3 3"“? “lI“ ' ' .« ' ye‘...-a. up ‘- The fraternities were Phi The only ‘ 1:- + I § 7 D 1 I i WOOD WORK F. Planing Mill 1.’. S. 8th St. We also repair furniture 1‘ For First -Class of all kinds 0 lo the ' c P. MILLER Phone I34 " I 1'‘ > ’,_'.y- _ :- 'l...;.1 ;.._(.‘w HE United States is enjoying the best rail transportation ' ' ' ry Railroad capacity is being enlarged constantly; service is improving ates 'y; railroad rates tend regularly toward lower The Transportation Act. gundegsvhicls ‘ ds are conducted. been '- era ‘ congestion and delay to transportation everywhere. Since September I. I920. there has been uniform progress in reducing op". sting expenses, lowering ratio. .enlargin an our car she age. congestion and delay throughout the year. the Transportation Act. rate re- . have cut the country's transpor- tation charges approairnately 3603.000.- 000 a car. One-half the rate increases grant to ‘ ‘ . penses havo:l.r.o‘ad‘y‘cl::n wip?df':uut‘.|“'.‘ I. profits as a whole are not as rge as in I 6. “gig, Under ductions 9| but financial r sufficient to encourage 3.1]. ant. gr thousand new lo- comotives and 200.0 0 new freight can I." '33:. ‘ y I:ill.lior_ss of dol. upon or e rguig _ fhd other facilities Which. couibmgd with rncuased ratig cfficiggcy. m 1! to handle the rd-bi-Q traffic of ld923 with reedom from car on -rv~v...,j+_'_‘ \ o ‘ . . shirts? them. rnr: nary’: //"”\-:~\-.-0‘ voult asiiaoan ‘ A Practical Success XfVt%-III’ We Hold No Clearance Sales l l 812 to $15 Extra trousers $5 We still have a few gray flannel trousers left. . Have you seen our bargains in silk ’ . Your size may be among - $3. $3.50 and $4 What is cooler than a Palm Beach suit or more pleasant to wear? Genuine Palm Beach Suits . , , . 7 , V . 4. I’? More and Better 1, 2:... tendyear period In- the 3923. the Katy has ea service. me increase in r t a. Transportation on other America ing steadily. On fie. reductions in reduced the .- '00 the baaieo tonof 33 tion oatimc. ' tn»-5........‘.’.".i.. it.’ of Katy. the pioneer railroad in its ‘ . tad the on! lip all the more important centers in strain. a much larger traffic than it has ever enjoyed. pend "‘_“°l! 3_l5.000_of new capital for each to e of its line in enlarging and irnproy. mg facilities. snaking poieiblg bghu Nlofd ciency and opdrating "38 ' ° the average number of tons possible higher ' 3"!" '° _°'|1Pl°!ees without proportionate .' -‘Q rat s on the Katy. as n flit! IIOCO l7_ bandlhg a mile in I923 was IZA9 per cent less than: it was in l92l. - . ° core arrived Service sserviug with ad approxi- tr are decreas- l I923 traf- l92l have freight one tbepartol’