MONEY TO LOAN on Columbia ' real estate. Weathers Realty Con‘ ‘ bath. 1 block from both campuses . Phone 2265 Red after 6 p. m. B228 . ___.£;_ . l-‘OR Rl‘2.N"l'-—Second-floor front, ‘ .." I . ft‘ .7 V .- f. v . .r,_... ‘- ...’w;-.s*o_-..-.‘i%_.‘ ‘ : * ‘- - " ‘ ae— f‘ .2 1"‘- ‘ " ' - . l ‘ . I N . ~ . 1 ‘ "' -‘r_‘>‘-~ i ..=wn9i.nunwi£.. 7 1 E123’ " .- : . -».—s*.:.:ar.mas.c:-.:.n i.'.:ar ~4.v:~.; -;. ', I s‘. ‘ s ‘ *1 ‘n’ _ ;,‘.. >. , ._ ._ r. 7 H. - K V ' ' . V‘ : ’4 *7 1’ . _.V“1_‘~ _ f’.‘i -._‘. |">‘_-.. ‘ '*' - - »-‘r A -. ' - '?§'I".$“$? - -'.~. ___ - 7 .3... . .i-‘«' as guy-,—: .. _ ._ 273.70» .' ‘: "‘~"‘ 34,’; .-. »s . ..... V . I . 2/I‘ - W ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . . ..; .r .- -.'..-.,,', _,!;. J1..- _,___; -. * .=..‘."'.':.'."‘..... ***:..‘"—e...."“‘“‘"B2i~Niins;LAW’S PITCHING SUPERB! “H -. am °§‘°“““’“ ’”"l_‘:’_“"“" “ “*"'thoriaed~to srmou '1'homu~Ae-in ‘i.,..;, ,,,.g,..,.,, ,4._..,a.,., Amp 5, _ summer term to wa on _. or ma ‘"6; 2‘o_g4.3iroouis. Summer rates. Phone 898! _______ .cl_uh . . ‘ “"181 “MUN! thy u ‘ unggu, for 9,, om” ,3. mu‘ .-i hoard. Apply at K of C ; white. _ 335‘94°;'1‘wi1ight Baseball om". _ Won. host. Pet. 9' F “"‘”"‘° °" ’ °“°' ‘constable for Columbia ‘l‘ownshlp,;- ._......... ’'°"'°' . £86.” FOR im?NT—F°i."‘”:i°id “mm P08 RENT-Pomi-bod rooms‘ -Season Postofrice aiiciw iiu:"i'.§.'i2 """ " :54 2?}: gnfltlfef .‘;iio:°§i'°ih.c°:cT:’;' '"M°°"*“b.5°¢t to the -otioo of the we‘ use Columbia llisnourian is an- WA.NTED_Y°ung mm m 'ork.meiit. sgclpzing par; , ¢0D\”‘el1l-I108 3. km. phone 82‘ Huh —. I I in 21 588 ‘"6 ‘O b. hem Au _ E mun primary election to be held Augusrggm-iua gnaw,” _xg 1 ham. ind” P‘“gl3§§2§e&m.l Reasonable uykiii-gang‘ § A235" Wabash Teams it‘ huh‘ """" " 23 22 .'5“‘ 'l'Ii‘°gcoi‘ mm’ is 5. 19“ '‘'''‘‘'''' coanfzyam ...i’Ln"i§"°'o...i :1 ho i_ ’ ;n(‘ . 3 ' . i ' -~ l V on C llm ‘ ' _'_ .0 _ . . -_"l‘_ ‘ L I- iv . 1.0,, Ram-_,..,,,,;g,, ,,m_1 non RI-2N'l‘—'I‘wo well-ventilated. Play Today. ('mun“‘."““°_-‘-_ L: if; :33 tliorlsed to 2 ann w . Th’ w“ §£;.moc primary election, Adgust 5, 'WANTEn"“Tl‘° Mmfl 1”‘ '-d'iment in Dumas for summer. Phonei'°°m-9 ii‘ Pfiflit ll0m°- 303 Hill The B‘ ‘("1-""‘ 6, Cleveland . . . . . . .. 18 24 .429 (uD°°" Hm “ ‘ “"dm‘t' ‘°’ u” ofil. B (Jim) Stewart for the of»: A _ drvsstjs 07 3 Wm 1‘ 0’ little °il"";985 lack. P232tf§‘“'°‘t- 95°“ 16”‘ ' 52"“ .mt cum? fiytbfgggrlficgn “E Philadelphia . 17 26 °m°‘°! ‘he 3”” °°‘""7v {ice is constable of Columbia town-1- * - -- ‘*4 "" “""' ““‘“"’°" ° “° °’ 9 ‘"6? 2 REN'1‘—Booms for girls. my Twilight league defeatint the r . '''’’'’°‘ '° ‘’'° “‘’°" °’ ““ "‘*' -hit» towed to the too 1 tho: - ' “ "“‘“" °‘ 8?": ,3 '“;"'n‘.;° :33 3,’E"7‘;"§°§i°°::'f°“"{',’““ $7.50 to :10 per month. Board for Stephens Publishing Co 6 to o N 01; won. Lost. Pct. g","‘f;‘2'L’ °‘°‘“°" ‘° "‘ "°"' ““"" dootioo to be hold on? some one. ur a . H5 apa men, cc rom oi-A - _ ‘ " ° ew ' lc . . . . . . . ..30 . d August 5. 1924. 1 :,?(fl:esSu‘,t:nul:' 7l&oFmr'§g;:"'y' 3“ Hm "wet" g’2l§f,’;:. m2‘ls.m:5-m°n ‘6 pf’ b‘l'o?kk. S; thzhdeliiglgehsf ‘Iv;r:'.u::(l:kPltf:h’:dk: fim°‘k“°°r' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 28 ‘:3; The Columbifa—§i:-sourlaa is an- The Columbia lflssouriaa ls aui ' ’ L23’ 1 ;‘"°"‘ " . esse “Hall. '32 HnIl'Yllfld.&ll'll2J!‘l;;8plt'1ldld game for the Bunkers. ' ' ' ' ' ” 2‘ ::‘2g‘1thorized to announce y rised to announce J. H. Bootbei . _ ___.__ ' 1:03 RENT-_Fummwd ._pu,t-il86l. rs. Be e arrison. - .:f.lllle {the Bankers bunched their Hut“ 20 22 "sis candidate for the office of aheriffias a candidate for the ofice of; , ‘pdvgu Egan.» \\'Al‘\'Tl'3D—Sevi'ing by an experi-menus, phone 1250 ,-.a, 3234;!‘ . ~. “-5 0 33191 ind. 83506 by """°'&. nub h ' " ' ;of Boone County. subject to the 'ac- constable for Columbia Township.‘ . i 1 , _ -.... ' 1-‘on Rl-2N'l‘—'l‘wo well-ventilated m,,..d we mbbe, M mm M, urg . . . . . .. 2o 25 .444 - : 2 I10!!!-Illent only- enced drehsmalu-r. Phat; 6104; FOR RENT Pu “bed rt mom“ Phone 8.“ wmw mamimy of an pflnwrs c-cum“ 3,” Louis . . _ _ _ H 19 28 ‘N _i::)0:e0;e1rlll;‘u;i:‘tl9 5P;l.1;|‘l'! electlomsubject to‘ the actiolne (Ltd the state. « — » ~ ' 239-244 — tn apn -‘ ' ' .- ., r , ’ , iphgiadéi ma ” 5 2.. ' .: . ‘ . iprimsry section to d August? M '~' llnent. two rooms and kitchenette. am ‘Meet. Hzslmn ‘with Law“ Oflennm‘ 3-"“"° ‘M P .____,__l.. ‘ '35'4 ".'”“'”"‘ ’5. 1924. ‘ - r - s - v r u: S'I‘UDl-I.\‘T liELl’——\\'ant tudent‘,bath. small rec ed rcll. wnirn ~ _;n, -1..., sfiookoro a shutout victory. , 3'; N83,. * '“3° C°‘"mb"* M1o='°‘=fiM i‘ I"-1 —— P5056 A- to do small amount of we:-it for'two blocks osfc eitiher ‘daompus. 401 130?-;O}\{v.!:,E,tTpb0n:n at; This aftcrnoori the Postoffice andi LLS p0l.}._.___mc RATS :"h°""'d t:;.§""°m’°° me“ wfifl“ F“ ‘?°'""’ ""d.'°‘ E “‘ Ally ‘.7 his room. (‘all 1117. Btfliitt. opposite Sampson Apartments. p23-;.242}Wsbasli teams went to the mat inifillgcne Saadker I-‘orees Rodents‘? 9fl°‘?}‘3“° ff" u" °ff‘°' °‘ Tl!’ C°"‘"‘bi‘ ni”°“"‘“ i’ '3“ .. ~ -- -_ phone 506 white. " vzzmu two second game of the. Twilight. I-‘roan Holes mu. Gas. ' °" ° °°"" "°‘"“Y~ “"55” ‘°1t‘*°mod to Irmwmce Wok ‘ ' l FURNITURE REPAIRING-shoe repairing. upliolstirinz aid cabinet work. Phone 1591 Rod. Wliitnian and Roberts. "FOR ill-IN’l‘-—Two apartments fori .liglit housekeeping. beautifully furn-. 2l?_-Zflgishod and located. Phone 1847 white. :BB Ann iii-:fifii‘\fiiiTii: l\'Olt'l‘liUP REPAIR SHOP Phone 7610 red. 00 Dorsey St. l.A.W.\' MOW!-ZRS. I-‘URNl'l‘Ultl-2,_ SCRl~‘.l-INS. ETC. _ 1 PASTURB FOR RENT-Eighty acres of bluegrass re; newly fenced with field wire fence; plenty of spring water duri g summer: , , ._ ,_;-_.________-‘grass in excellent condition. Call‘ RE-KL ESTATE .1317 or 7'16. ' . I-‘OB BALE ‘ ‘ 5341 FOR SA1..l-I-Furniture. party‘: ‘ ‘leaving town. call mornings at 406; FOR SAL!-‘.—Well-laid and io- 5- 90- 5% 0°? "°*‘”'- 2 I J23ltff g FOR SAL!-‘.—l-Extra large clier-E ries Phone W. . ~ R2-I0-245 able; two-story restrictions. Osmer. FOR SALE__pi1mo. ‘mcuuml “:°“]d mm ‘° 5”“ ‘”‘ “P” ‘3 P°3‘§sweeper, electric fan, Singer sewing Rlbllfi ODE Or ‘he Cholcest homfiimuhine. mg‘. M. sprinxs’ m l 5 3" "m ‘"5" °'' ’ i"'ltress. porcelain-lined refrigerator, loffliltlltm (‘Ill and ‘W0 benches. Phone (‘o.. phone 27, Exchange National:1215_ 18‘ 3_ 9t}, ave“. 232,240 Bldg. P23ltf' l-‘Oil SALE‘.-l-‘ive rooms over Newman's H 1-. mdf F R SALE-—Several book st.ands.} Hwpinr n ) m ‘student tables and other furniture.‘ ~ "0 . _; liricl»: bungalow. lots of built in fix—;3:_(:?: 13" ‘buck’ Can‘ ‘09 ‘ . full size concrete basement. ’ ' 5 $7,‘.’5(). For furthcr information ‘FOR SALg_g,mge 3,_m.e with. (""" °"°""», 'oir and warming oven. Phone 239'2“9-I271 green. 1006 University avenue.‘ l-‘OR REN'l‘—-I-‘uniished apart ' 337'?-‘2 r:i)cn,t for the summer term. Phone’ FOR SALE__5_,.°°m modem bum‘: green or call at the Austin-"m1°w; “most new; dose 3“. 34.0005 Cline Apartment Bldg., 705 Ml:-Iphone 1090 ,.ed_ (hf C239-240' souri ave. .-Ffllt SAL!-7-7-room completely FOR SALE_Fumitnm for ‘m. lll0(lt‘l‘ll liiingaluw oak floors hot den‘ rooms’ w‘rdmbe' mdeboard“ . h . _. ’ I ’ . dining table. cooking utensils. bench exit. Ii_\ing room and dim ri r h sens ing room. kitchen. 2 ' main St.’ listli .«.t-reened-in V '°°"‘-“ "°°°"“~ l-‘OR SALI-‘.——Practically new H2331!‘ phone 223i. W. Riggs. 50-F-4. "°°"' BENT-—Front room in n9WiI.eague's schedule. ‘Tomorrow aft-2 bungalow facing park. 812 for one { i,-moon the and $18 for two. 10 minutes w from Jesse Hall. ‘ '37-240 iweeli. the remaining two days FOB R summer term. for either en Providence, phone 1974. FOR REhi"l‘—Strictly mod * rooms for girls. nicely furnisheg. °h3"K"d- . .._2 ; ._ reduced price. 509 S. 8th. 234 4 ‘KEBBLE To OLYMNC El\"l‘— f ' L: """‘T"— \'cfyo§casIdnable fldgo t:l1s!!lltl:l.‘. H"“m°" R';:‘:’°“ 1.. B. Coggins, izos Paquin. phone’ M 0 u "it" *,° '°''- , 123‘ ‘teem C237_24._, c .u oug lxct-‘hie, accompanied ' by Coach Rcbert 1. Simpson left here I-‘OR Rl-3N'I‘—-Single or doublefth for Boston where s with light housekecpingllieebie will compete in the final privileges. to as I want some one for com-:and Saturday in the Harvard Sta- T238-240.idium. Kceble will enter the high ed ‘put :hll;:laeS Ialndhthe hop, éitgp and giiimp. ‘s t ’ - ° v‘“‘°"- l’h°?° 1277}-ilton :!'c':lrefr:2;|' B0!S1l’0llml!W.I?:- “£38”-‘lo ing the tryouts this wet-ii-end. lia - .ilton ‘ enter the ‘all-around 3:1“ ‘fig, events and Richerson will enter the 805 shot and discus. I-IN.'l‘—Two rooms Double bed. Suitable women. 708. S237-240' mt! ed games. and for games of the games are to be played ¢....—_¢o .c pany. Phone 981 white. FOR RENT-—l"urnish merit. H. R \ mg FOR P.l-INT—Nicely modcrn rooms across Campus. Phone 850 white. l’-Ilm street. Price reasonable. Po u.'U. S. CENTER FOR Ill)\.\lONDS I-‘OR ltEl\"I‘—Attraetirc large ’ coo room in Dun“; Ap‘n'mem": LONDON -— Aiiicriczins Ph°n° 985 “'1' 8&8“? bought more than twelve million Two 30033 ",5 gaping p¢f¢)._* dotlarsrworthwf gems hf all 4.-‘harac. {um;,h,d_ $30 per mom,},_ phomjter, but mostly diamonds during the 1797 white A238-243,18-*1 year. It is said by dealers here that the FOR RENT--T0 83718. fufliifilledidiamond trade now centers in the room. summer rates. 1315 Rose-;United States and that re are NWT)’ knee P5009 571 794- P233440} standing orders for all special type FOR RENT_2 mmhhed rooms stones that may be located. for the summer. -o T?‘ .- 1533‘ Columbia Co-op Shipping Associa- at 207 Broadway. phone 1307 black .tion. Phone 749 or at night 1661 jwliitc or 91718. C236-241 floor. Garage and two lots. Will’ - - , ' V player-piano, party leaving town. sell ‘Ill. bargain. Sec Garey Quay p”,menu_ mm” 850 Buck. Fl'llSl(!!‘ ltvlllt)‘ C0.. 0!‘ Mrs. T. B3208 South 8“! so Czzotf Naylnr, I308 (Tonley avenue. ' . 239-2115- _ M T FOR SAL!-3—Chiffonier, student’ ° "W V 7:"--—" 9tablc. 2 chairs. Morris chair. clock FOR RENT land Wilton rug. Phone 1065 black. 1-‘OR ltl-INT-To men, 2 roomsi in modern house. individual beds“: FOR sALE_Chen,ies_ Finest 4”)’. B11039 13449 NICK K2‘°‘242,3thc Sanitary ‘shite Caps on the M240-245 ° 3233.23 ONE LARGE upstairs room at? NOTlCl-I “Sides Jersey Dairy" is $10i_$m‘u9l’ 030v 34- "03 E» B3‘°3d',t'.ie only dairy in Columbia that has '-mics; _*i*a9o.';??-5:?-_ . - 24°-_'—’_‘? USED CARS i=-'07: SALE " A'I"l‘RACTlVE furnished room for summer. Women preferred. No, roomers. Congeniul sur- , roundings. Three blocks White ‘ Campus. "Phone 428. K240-242; FOR SAl.l'-‘.—- entrance. telephone Bandy . No other roomers. 1 ock'»g::;“.'n' from West Campus, phone 584 ‘ ' 'liitc. 'l‘228t.f 4 FOR Rl-ZNT——l-‘or summer teim. 3-room furnished sprayed. guaranteed worm- ; ivercd or at the orchard. Phone Rivervicw Orchards, 14-? 22. 3 B:-:40tf i ! FOR SAL!-Z—Dcsk, chair and FOR RI-2N'l‘—Modern room tor’ “SE” 0”?“ summer term for girls. Eu t of Essex touring ....$200 Rotliwcll Gym. 315 double and $10. 3- single. 80-l llillcrcst. phone 1750.’ C239tf TAYl.OR’S GABAGE gloungc. Suitable for office or stu- ' dent usc. Phone 2353 white. C2«l(itl' in 0" nj I-‘OR SALE—Maj¢-stic range and Ba" mock wt 0;’ Lawiburiton horn. Phone 1844 black.‘ lding- 6 “voomon way’ phoneéol‘ CC“ at College. 3. . mu; ‘ ROOMS—Modern spec! Bui 204 I L nooits roii BENT {buck FOR RI-3N’I'—One large room on‘ T2‘o'2u second floor for one or two boys: with individual beds. Also one. —.—— room and sleeping porch. small: kitchenette on first floor for light; housekeeping. will rent cheap for' tumme 708 Maryland. phone 692 _ F238-243 'i:ooii'.if«iii7a'6iTiiiT"_" ‘ 001! AND BOARD-1'-‘or um- gmcr term. 1207 Paquin, phone 1143‘ ‘White. Beau. . ‘ . i : FOR RBN'1'—~Furmshed flrot-1 FOR RENT—2 or 3 rooms well: “"07 "P1"'1'“°“t- 13"?!’ ’°°m~‘ ‘mllarranged for light houselu-eping,i hath and sleoviniz i>orch- Modemirurnished or unfurnis ed. phone? in every respect. lialf block ea.-M1117 or 370-;_ Cgggu-_ no of Law Building. Pbo I-‘OR REl\"I‘-—Large ;rooms and sleeping porch for sum-. Rm RENT"“R°°“"5 f°" ‘““""_'"- mer term. 1104 Paquin. Phone: good location. near town and with-3221 w},;u._ pggufi in one block of Campus. Quint; street. rs. Roselle. No. 6 Watson} FOR‘ BENT-—Rooms for_ sum-; place. phone 1391 Black. B229tfimer term;“‘;ls<;‘ k first gloat‘. *1----—* rooms for t ouse eeping. um-1 FOR RENT’ FURN1SHED-“’imer rates. Phone 46‘ black. 1208 room apartment. Call phone 1566 Hhquih. 235, green or inquire upstairs ..,....-=1 + ment, 403 Mathews street. 236-241! FOR RENT—To men. _ mew, modern home. 815 for one, hlO_Dl2Rl\ 3-room apartment with; to, ".0. A1” 3".“ phone 3337 gas. first floor, for light housekeep-1°, an 1504 35,,m,,.y 1.,,e_ 235.24)“ mg. Private entrance. Across FOR Bl-ZN'l‘—Rooms in new, mod i A Room in 820 furnished W ' ROOM AND BOABD—$6_ for 3? -meals and $5 for 2 meals. 716 Maryland. phone 1496 white. i B23791 1 ROOM and board for girls, oppo- lsite campus. Also board for boys. nmentbsummcr rates or 3 meals for $6.; with bath for September 1 by fac- lunch and dinner for $5. 515 8.? ulty family. rec members ili.'6l-h Itlffl. llbone .1253. - B237tf: family. Phone 1523. 239-241‘ ROOMS ma bard. summer at“! WAN'l‘l-ZD—-Furnislicd apartment 1312 308031873‘. Phone 1150 Whlwl September 1 by faculty man an D237-242 “3':°‘Mf“'°“ 3°‘ X’ °‘"" ‘.:,:0'f‘.'4’5 noon AND noun for men at ..____- .- .___ .,_,_-_ ,, -_r_~_-_~_;;;$3 Ind $10 at 610 College avenue. war no mum: ;;_-hon. 2232. $__ 235.241 LOS'l"——Penn key ivith a chain? LODGB_rTo"l'Icns ring on it. Monday. Phone 55 or; '-"""'*"'“""""'—-"'—"" return to Iiaaourian office. 234tf_ ‘CA0: ii?‘ ”’ FOR REN'I‘—-2 large wmfortablc rooms for summer located near both campuses. 416 llitt street? phon_c _ 238tf v‘§A1~i1'En”"” “T0 RENT” WANTED—3-room a I . I V i i l from library. Phone 2008 green. ’ 2ss.2u’an home. Desirable location. mo ‘Boss. phone 1977 black. 235-240 room furnished .._apartment. Also ' FOB - ltl'1N'l‘—-I-‘our rooms . LOS‘l‘—3 keys on ring. One (?or-: bin trunk key. Phone 1065 red. a Special coaimuniestlon. Tuesday. June 10, at 7:!) Bniorziii ' I-‘irstdegreexm and garage. 1 Price avenue. pbonaihath. furnished or unfurnished. at-i 1289'red. J231t:f:rax¢. Phone 1230 white. mar, 1-‘OR REN"l‘-—-Furnished. aparto 1:-03 u;m~_i=-.... gm-..i.h.a? merits. Phone 1250 red. 8288t1 .593“, single beds, sleeping p'oreli, FOR RENT--New apartments or"" "°""' 3°’ “°“‘ second degree examinations. K. O. SULLIVAN. (Dim. Secretary. ROYAL ARCH’ IIASONS LOST—-Chain for Ford truck: Phone Patterson Bain. 1|-l-‘- 3 ‘ii... ,, ,_ between 1081‘-Skins lilo pin Price and Tenth on Broad- 2 or 3 rooms with an. ant -oi; ros iir.i~rr—suno of two he-i. Reward. Wu] 13031133‘. 08 . 2812.! O 4. ie bloc from Bed"Campus. utli Stli St. Phone 1150 Rd. ———- —Good GARAGE at 608 Conley. Phone, room near campus. (15 9_l8 white. ' T-tf5llitt street. phone soc red. amt: roii IIENT-Attractive moan! .,‘!0I!El~l‘l‘--V011 desirable an- s \ . canon ' « T” I .p...a..9'0 ‘ v furniahil. r T wsirrrzn-—r ship your livo- p .....a._ 1°’.-'a,.°“' r- oloiasvsu-¢.ouulo&ai. *“ .i.'r. nsvis.' ‘ lJ08l'—.-Phi. gin. 309-‘ Iiscsisannotis ....1 . -Stated meeting Columbia chapter ' No. 17,"l'huraday. Kay 29, 7:!) p. In. Royal. ‘ least coat .. o- u-040-s--cameo-Q“-9. - z .-_ A g I . -‘ -'V ' . ‘ o ' ‘ . . - ~ . .7 _ . ‘ ._ .'_- - . . ‘ _. ; «-. _ . . .> . ‘_ . .. . . ,_ _ 4._ . ~ . .-. . . ._. _‘ _ .» - ..'~‘; L1.‘ 0-41‘ O.. ‘ A "- 1&3 3',“-l—‘ :9 .~ f*.'*_ ' .,_-.-'. -.1 ’ ., .,. ,.-............ -.~ .- _ Eutceie Sandker. West Broadway, u‘n“ton_Bmwn' te‘mf1,¢enuy killed fourteen urge nu‘ tion to be held August 5, 1924. pi”-S um \r,_.u.,-am. of Foreign wag-3,iwhich were stealing his mother's: 320 S!.,2‘Ga!‘th.:I-our games are to be. played eachfthldtflls. by running a hose froni,Q,o,-fixed to mmounce J_ Temp 3,51 0 Ithe stock being reserved for post-:¢Y¢l¢‘ into UK es. ll U18‘: -other Columbia uamimnoy wish to » exhaust pipes of play on the University‘ diamond. Allltfllvfd the fit 50165 Under the barn. ————- on:the rats eamt staggering out and’ The Columbia Missourian is au- em Roiiim. }:;,.)d. No admission will Ix-§W':S"lr‘i£.ed by Mr. Sandker with u tlioriscd to announce I). S. White as pi o ' A‘ we p°i"°“°“‘ 9”“ "'°"' “‘‘’!the action of the state primary elec- 924. i 'I'RlALS{been Itern states but th Already,“ the ‘used . tborized to 1011 are missing opportunities if-‘as a candidate for the otflce of 3'01! \ . want a Will rent for iiummcr§Olympic tryouts to be held Friday __ - Pratlier for re-election for judge’. ._ _ of the Northern District. subjecti 1-’. to the action of Democratic pri mary election. August 5. 1924. __ The Columbia Missourian ls nu thorizcd to announce Charles 1.. Edwards for the office of judge of ‘the Northern District. subject 1 the action of the Democratic pr mary "election. August 5, 192-1. the action of the state primary elcc-- The Colurm bltssourian is au- °‘h““"' “h_":' 01°" 3"‘! "'°‘°" as a and‘ ate r the office oi sherill of Boone County, subject to Willi a . All malaes ' for rent “"3 "*°‘°' WW , tion to be held August 5. 1 as candidate for the ofiicc of sliei-ill is method of killing rodents husiof Boone County, subject to the an. used a great deal in the wesgtion of the state primary election is believed to to be held August 5, 1924. J first time that it has been on rats in Boone County. For Congress. The Columbia Missourian is au- nce Dr. Andrew . Baas asla Democratic candidate The Columbia Missourian is for Congress from the Eighth Dis- announce Oler Bombs th trict subject to the action of c‘ election to be held ‘ c primary mlAugust 6. 1924 e action of the state primary elec- The Columbia Missourian is an- 'i'0l, Iliasouri Ave. ‘ Phone 092 red. ialldio read and use Missourian jsherilf of Boone County. subject th ¢ ' .-on .:.-- E Such popularity mu. 5. it":-in I:JCKnaB;inanoecasionnl" . 2 match. uumm&a._.. uQ1 ' ’ fglmp. Cupac‘a‘n’tbes_souyea_1-‘Vcfadfi. afi, ’ 4'I'h'ere are_eup-viiinnlvsiwgdgac rettAil:sl,tooi. cyestodayasclvlaiclslng O. A . ._' (‘VIQ ~ A l'kLL__- A. o C A. AA‘ 1 ‘ ' . _' . "‘_* I. . ‘. ‘ _..-,_.".,‘*“'.. ., 45....‘ ¢.."'.o.~aaoL..‘.£N.-4.: ' ““ ' .'.'_ - ..._- ....*- ...-.....-._................_