x 3- ' . . _' ~. ‘v __..‘-_a_.4 n_-._.__. : . ..-._.—_.._.-A ,-.A-._.s- .. .—.o - —~~,.~.-~..-— '-"'5'-"“ TT‘-"4-TF-‘"?:'*I*'—"“.-‘??E‘T’7f7§T37';? L . _¢ .— .1‘ ' " "" «.":7 ‘- ‘ ' 1'. " "' " -I.‘ ' f... - -"v ‘ V. - 7 I .-L If. . w;\ . ._ , I I _L ,. .- e , . ';_—:~_;.:L 1: T-,_o=.‘.~-L , _I"—‘ '=L T - _‘f E _ ' :’ 7' "_."f’ __.. " ' .'L’_:’,' ..’j.___‘g‘:“"._w.;-- . gr" ". ' ‘;‘g;" ' 3 ;~ ‘,2, -L : -3 ‘ I’ ‘ ~_‘_ I T - ' ' ' "‘ “"" ‘”"""‘ "-"°“'i ' - ‘ ' to ’ tothrvfter “ " ‘__m ’ V ‘ r o1wtur.duritbe[m:w:___f T ~____ _ “(L-w _.fi:;.xn_'_su..h yum ~ .. , ‘ ;,.r_r,~&-a r..:- Asunnylocuiouumoa. . It _r1_-:1 i ‘ll vflu‘ 35* -. _ m‘. ’ '‘ ’ " = - TL ‘T ------I8 °"’°'*. .' mm Al. srocx YA . , , , L . - he phntet fnm )' ‘the il1l8ne:_:&c:; at the ' .L“-'T5¢ 359013 53" °'3‘“"°d ‘ 9°“ °“° ‘° ' Police said the young nun ob- - H ' “" it ‘ ' ' ° ‘L 'flh the Amqign cigfiu program, of wifigh flan-ion jaded to the ‘mat ‘ucndirw bk NIYOG In the and catalogs and rs. Fer81lsons_hrother. _ J ; V J g afi:?$:r::fcvI::o:ao:h?h:r: _vru n believed thr:mr:J|L:.t1.er andlshcet guillzite wo he ,‘;,":"',fi’f "';"m',:m"’,“:; wx-rm; conic; ARE YOU? . commerce 5 W , V ‘ ‘ . - , . . _. , I ’“‘°" ""59". “*1 -refused to ca onto. 3‘ km, 1, com m’ ca.‘ -9“: , To St. Louis June 8—Katy ex- - 5 OIIICIIS ‘ ‘L MHIS T .3‘ 3 ghost on the stage In her York to of the pod. 1 ___..- ...__ "7 , P “I _l _ 1 M . , . L School open entnrc year. ., - 3 : join their orgnniutsoo before he , ————-o -— c. o. P. CIIAPLAINS zuuuzn °,‘ I" ‘he P°b1M°4 "mm of dth- “’”‘°""°’}". ‘3 ’°‘"“ ‘""' .5. Enter now. I - r « L L L. I rA1.1.n~.a Puma I-m.Ls calm L In and I be ha 10 whole do In the Hound Cur. -L L . 3 ult>e:!Ild'led tzfagienr. Tl: ‘anduuu E‘? B” u mg’ ‘° ” '°°° “‘ nae“ M‘. on um , Haden Phofle 1095 3 ‘ ' W” '‘'"’3''' "u" Jose llamas Dies When Machine 0 cu, Co. ° - ' . - Ad‘. T - I bk independence of wmt The Fflh on Ki‘. in (min? vdnnd rcutlon. dnhlu wuintmduced In the ° ‘ , LL . . _ L» - 13. -r“_.. - ; . o - _ _Pyears ago. Itisorlyin the lnst~ ’ . _ I ‘ ‘T’ '-‘”- '_ Ilium “am” ‘in ‘pa; tonkhttl :3 Andezasougfipilhc gI'ncr1cr;L- twenty years, however. that it has ' ‘ i in St. Louis. His tall: will be '§n,unu’. km“ when ‘n ‘itphneih-3 been ‘dmud D’ an h- nf naked I“. ‘ru‘u‘ daaopmmt. ” u I 2 ‘ mm uu'°oe1°“ °°'”‘°" "*“' "'°"‘°' " '“‘ "“**'<'<=~the firm session orua-e nzpofiticg ‘r‘L’...f°5.;".'.'.-"“' -‘rm’ '"don'§'::"a7t" " ' ~ T ' SW0" 1159- e ‘°'°= “°'o¢ moo teetoere today one tell .- . 5., . . “ "3 "°."' °‘‘* 3 tnreo! rests with the 0,, um,‘ mm s,,,,.,,, n°,p,':“”’°“‘ °°“"” " "“‘ "°'~"" “ 10° 0! seen with angle or semi- . L -- T - ., wnonnwd today. douhl now mostly‘ -had 3 A Pan‘ .. 1 E §§'“‘h°‘" '°"* W‘ °‘ °°°!L°‘I *h=m§--;- new _St¢phen 1*. we at rm of pair. .oo°"r’eo .'l'hemlaur:e flo: T’ L L I T 1,.‘ an 8‘ . cm. u' of m other ‘Or? gm mt fa.£'I cffl [M the $0!‘ ‘re re’ l) J , . < = ==~»-n--as-Ls -«Low-LL.. or... . .....o.e' .......°** . .......° :..: °°::.‘°;:‘.:;"*°::*...'t;T ‘ TL ingandvnrledcn'eer;”IIevuhorn - - - ' . , 1' *8! .zrownina I ' .. in st Louh.J‘m"_y 8. 1859. ‘M 513:: ‘cg; the 5.:-obahly the lust session on 'I‘huIs-Pxght loan} soil, no olnefh :11. with . _ . Be served as -‘ v'Axc~boy in the |lis- ,,,,, m,., ., an uéhdl — .- - ._.- - A- e - e-- ___- ‘ ' '1 '’“'‘'°' °"‘'' "m ‘M down on him. As for as it h: ’ %.m A Pair '. i "‘°"‘”"”'°""*""" “° |mownittruretiretenreot1C' " ”' " ‘ lpent ax years working in railroad L ’ T ‘T _ .. T _.'; mo. in st. Louie. and nut St. °” '°‘’‘’’‘‘'.___...__. Mr‘ « Louis. For several years he worked Presbyterian Plcalc Tomorrow. ,, new novel - , on&.I4ouisncvIpnpcr¢uIpechI The {the°Pres —? ' "' _ writer and lllustutor. terlan p:r.ll'lkgi:e n bnnkfgsytfi “T118 L0tllB Throne Q I lie has been connected with the t 6:15 'clock' touwrno 1 ‘ ' ' " " V .- theater an actor. Pllrirrixht and 2.. Welcholinll am.’ If it § r — _ . PIIHi¢I¢¢It.cI!'l7i!Ihi8chl'eerbe- picnlevillbehcldlndoora. .» e . . L. . . - L APfii[- ‘ . ~‘ 1éIz’JuI1I'Iu-lo1re's advance Y ——--o——--rumm us . .. L ' L L» I 2 eollacthradthestntewithnn °““'°m‘333l¥0PP° 6 § ° " L , lnnhia.Hol‘zrl11nd-flexico. One of -avian-mt -M’ T T I ‘ ' LL T __ Boys’ and Youths’ E ' his flrst mccaufll play; was “Ah- n_,__ _ ________ —— - L ~ ~ . I — The b¢8|lU' ‘R1951 use ; . ‘ y~_._.' I 3’ ,, 5. _~_- — ~ - .... 7- ”**r . «. t L L T By Edna Wallace Bower — . f Shoes 5 ,. 41. ‘ . ‘ " ”“ ’ “ T’ ' -- ~ ~- - -— )[~ th ad I: If bcarut . t‘. cw youth in abundant . Y _ , ‘ ' ’ '..‘ I t "' mun“) “u'“‘d "I" w’! am: $33 oclirl: otc glue ken’; I !~§t>,'n"|Y Irirl or womxn Whco OM32 ~- - * . 2 - I “’°"' B°"““ G"'°"' her youthful beauty until she die-d'lt an these days.‘ But no oldetn-e T T T -. I: Author of ‘The Cornrhtnd." 7 n 51 {clay can ever do wont my Youth , A- _ I L .5 0" °‘ 3'; “‘°"“' 5‘-'3"k“""3 ' From my earliest years she urged,‘Cl_ay an do. urge you to prove “ ‘T T ‘L _ * _ ’ in “ no." 1 me to follow her example. She told-tlns. My Whxte Youth Clay costs '--; , . . . _ otllcyllyo are: ."l'he Earl 0! Pub I me her . ; we me her formu- : 50 Cell“ 835 31- _ ‘ so L~ ' _," “flu. Letting,’ -..,, tor. 'rhen_w:et or we traveled tht-I Two supreme creams ~ M18888 and CIlIIdl’€1l'8 '15» wdlh soon," ffrhg Witching‘ 3'7‘ beauty-loving world m search off In two man» ernl-ooy earn‘. rnnurmgot p L -~-L. erg- Hour.” “A: A II n Ihinb,” “The; beta!’ in 5. - . _ 1";’°"' ."||*5 -ti-cc an to Inc. » * " “'4 T'T'N°.W3iI«'' Ir. Mother was rich and ambn‘°ns':cnhx:di:no“:\‘uS:n- :r zoo kI'o-3:.“ T ‘ 3 . .-. - ' ‘ - ~'~'’I'- . ‘(toga by pqblighgd . buoy She spared no cost to get for me.m_'M_"_ M” ‘n 0* but an ‘nu; ' L . _~_ L T , of “The P}-int of -my 9* 595‘ I-:;a“'°"‘d “f“°"t:’d‘bo::‘t ‘_’;|=-N found to foster and prune: the skin. , ' T ' T L ' _ 3 a . .3“um 3. result, I me a nmo s 3.! 1 use at nuergry cur. Moo no a night 0 . ‘I . .. p ' I have had A wonderful career on cram. Al-o dnrttmu u 3 ti!-Ger hue. C . . . ' "° .. .. WM‘ "1 3,'°°°1"-'73‘ on the stage. And now. after 40‘Never in my one without at. my child‘: ' . . '- 5' d3’f°"""S “'5' A . - . an in the limelight. I retain !ny:°°l|Ivl¢xinn at my use also-n «rim that . . . - .-'- ;1:R°§;:ft;"M‘;-b- 0°." Cotmbii I 3 ‘ ' L youthful bloom. 1 still notelimmr-ff-3-y -°-3, :‘;___':"".}_*;°; '3' l" I “ T L L "T _ . ‘I ‘erred onpi ‘ - ‘L 1. ougesur.lk' ' ‘?" """ ""' I .- ‘ - o ' e...... .2 his o.o°9"' ' I ‘ti: . , Tomorrow and Saturgoy we alter the followms 2m°‘.?‘r3. °° "" ° ‘$3.2: .E."‘:t:'£.'.. ‘:...:'°....."..’.‘”°"'....... > Mayo borgrnno tor Path: end fig}. E:-,h_I—_tl‘ti1't.y-Iihlli dfifgil i % VEIIICS - . In return {or this. I now desifebgofio to cents. I ‘ ’ Q _’_ *1 M M ‘A T . ‘ T ‘ ' Tr R51’; °r"‘.‘;‘:.'.E".‘.‘.t::.°.‘3.."::.f‘.°“........;;. ‘W... ..*::.‘*..‘:. ":.".:'.‘:..::°':".:.:‘: “F 4 fly reduced vrlbw A continua- : ‘ " L ° TT L 2 P §§§LW"~‘L°¥‘“ ~- - - -351-50 L 8100. Wglmno . .. . . 176.50 ,m,., t»; *;;;gg;n,.~;r,g=;grce,- ,,:s,<;=t,,,°,§L::.':'.':‘*.':.“:.. *.*....;'t"'.':‘.::.::',“‘.‘:.:.: “"1 0'" ; ; . T . an .39».-«/st.-.*: . .«« :.—~.,. . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . :.:::gino:81hgI:;}f0;’ ::‘.:|:vt:-.“thera doom. All . . 5. I . . . . . . .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' "0" We - '. -In!-even» who % my ; . . -,_ 118 . . . . . ' Thorn 1;?! ‘£15 g¢e1rcP0nn‘;1!1¢’}_1ou':‘l:’“:r"'('1~ _s W haul r . --. ,--.’. ~ c y . ‘ 4 eq 3.; _ $135Wi1tooos1.o1.5a. _ _ Thehe gr; e very fine“ in than grades find giglichugmwnnrno the ‘very he1m_.l.i:.'._k _. ‘ - . , é , E _ ,. w e me w 4} Bohr eiutete-mu‘;-and on ‘nu-'2' and led: Ian’: cnxek’j1figq‘:r_m grow ‘ 0 h‘t ‘uh . :0’ T L . I‘ T I I . '.jT. _. - '¢ . . “ . H :> These {our help: embody 52 rn-: rm. , ~.; , _'__ S-B A ‘ I , 1 "’V .. ' ' 1 T j - fl T ' <=:-rl33-§‘x3-"3-e?s?x 4..->409 ~e¢é.—vo-...g' gauge-..— 4 1,... - L :.*..‘".....*’°°":.:‘.;°:.‘*.**-....... o T o as n o , . . T ‘I. 4 ‘ . .,. -_ Of r I l1”xiflh:nt‘o 8 of rowan new T1; ‘ é ' ' ' ' ° I L T‘ “‘ "." But the'erude~In.d uodd! do?! ‘ ’ ‘ L ' I Lesslflpercentforcaah L ‘-"""""""°"°"‘°""‘l-"I °""‘.. T ’ 9 ‘vi 1? * ~ on L -» . .. ::‘."..'t.'.“:‘.'°..‘.‘;'...’°:..?‘.."°'r'-"...""..;'.:.' no. .. ~ l '"~'=".:;%'v:L..‘*:'L“’.o«L..‘“«*=-.i#'.:.-.?‘«~L=~’°;%~% A ° L I '— ‘ . t to ‘ .6 '- 9" . '3 ‘west P“¢°5 V’? h8.V8'been.al2lg_to offeron rnnd. It eoromooo new roof: «- Ax'!l’1§§99‘31,'9!’l£I.1ye:_t1-a and we firmly belieyelh L tofivhichbrlnxmultiplled rernxtu onIv?euInorary'fortheyareFhe1ow'acmn1l ‘ ' T ~ -~“-"‘ 1¢'*8_I‘wvér-day.’ T L ; . 00581; qtproduetionp ., .1; White Youfll any pnrreeure " .— ,_. ‘ . T :1: oflll that dog: it,f .- - , ' L e Is-ea-" .--1"." ue'3-h-~'''‘'in .. T neg 4' L I ' tt.‘°$*rIi:tt‘i‘°i:'°t‘i'."ot3'l" ‘~ L _ ......':-=.....- .0 st; I I " - - . .-l . . -. , _ A . &°’§°T53 I‘ ‘fins 3-"“-'&""—..o.o uni . ' . -.. 4 . . -. . ‘ I __ ‘:2: ;_‘p____w_§.__ W... a___%._‘__ a “h. ztn..¥o$T'*- T "*-* x x A 5 ‘.5. .5 4..-. ... '--;:.o4.~ ‘_ 5”" ‘ ‘ -"-‘ *4 ,,'J*‘‘ ‘ ‘T T‘ 1;” ‘ _ v - "*._ _ . .__J.‘., . < 7'