—Lu ‘ Ville ma Detroit ll-2' Cleveland ".0 !the beat eaaaya written on b énoor apartment-. 2 on “'7 “’‘'’' m lb” ‘°’ "‘° °“'°"' ‘V Bola '95- 'w’ - " ' try 03' rel ° em’ ‘°"°°' ; I. 3 was moved b ‘h . ‘flak Q1 ' is fl: - , aghmgium g-1o_ an its ation to other aub- '°°""l""“ y W ’°‘"‘'‘» New \ork. 6-4: P iladclphiu, 0.5.. ’ ‘Ml-ll. Price mane "1 ‘l f - ii rlects. will continue these rue f - __ l lB!'oadira)' phone 'i‘a:i°' ms Em " .’°"‘ Ll°5'd Station to New __ next - Th ' P '- °'-“*4 Pupils from All nude: in the‘ = in . 9 Fmnkhn on the ‘,n)_ home. 1 x‘tiow I K“ )e‘!'-‘ G prl‘e8 were my . rot’ BAIJIJOQQ " 11229-234 ‘hfiflzifi ‘'‘t "if attempt to, pull; Pittsburgh. 4-3; Ennis. 0-2.ig'l‘i:::1iic'?leSociet‘u§pi}cr," °t um Amenuniontdoorc claaa‘:>oin ‘especial’; moo: 775° ':“"u‘:“""‘ ;i'd:c°'-l1°tit°d tel ‘ Columbia All Stan . on o t e mud with a (Second time. 16 innings.) l -11,,_. Ame,-gun chewing Sock ‘O!’ all! Purpose in onelso Sun.“ game ofyficf ogegzfif colo ‘ . ti _ lia constantly doing things to em‘ , y n W» , lplnlicotlrage grid .54 mo“, ;m,,.,,,_,_.d_v-g Sunshine and 1:-eah air. togetheififion of we “fie pfimny ehcfioni Pirates of America '1‘. "3 1 (undefeated whites) in: t ’ » . . 5. on. “air ‘own°l":‘lllln!l‘1el',§l.¢8I1'l they got ‘from a farmer, they. Cincinnati. ‘J-4; Chicago, ‘in one block of Cam In wa"?“"led home in._the pouring rain; Brooklyn, 6-5; Boston, 5.1, “H3 l H P - QI!let:on foot. not being able to din-Tgnine. 12 innin 2-2. . I-‘on ai-:i~i'i~;3,,., . If I ‘m”'_ ‘\\'.-\.\"l‘l~Ill——l.:~.rii money the lies - . ' Street. gs.) ‘u, 1. ° - I i more time ..it .home. ad gm; 3- Roselle, No, 6 wag, cern an h f d - , , ._ . _ . , i“ . D“ H- 13- 3°03". -ll’ Of l-l1€“" °" _“°rh°k‘ n‘"'°d ‘"“‘~t be held A [Int 5 19"-l hm": Tom ¢g:i,‘i,,f:.Y,,u,;,f.' (S-,,.cuti'u,.s_ M wcblilace’ phone mm Buck. °". ‘ N °;m:'‘;;'i‘nm3wy‘"‘::;e 5"" \0!'l<.’l.l:6_._l:hdadc-lDliia. 5-5.i:)Jrr::‘u’:;‘aity£he "The d alaaoci:tion ‘is o:r:""h“E"e’°:::£edm°::::e"”‘dl 0 —_:._...u ' ~ ‘ Game called at fairgrounds at ' impede ‘ r ill\l;:‘.:i.c (1:?)[');on R RENT——'i' room; fun), modjby a car yrhich took them to_Boon-f STANDING OF THE CLUBS. {kind mi, b” “m2” 1-he pup“; ‘re high“: ‘ad méul I-‘or County Aaaeaaora i 3 p. in. Sunday. iaitiori __i (1) "L (.0n"L - 510 s, 5“, SL Phone “8iVlll'-‘o_I"'l\’|nK at 2 0t‘l0€lt In 019: ‘Egan Jwith a membership of about iou;-"attentive. The)’ are gaining welghi,,ith$uS’°:""'l’l' ul”‘;“',"‘;;‘, "‘ ‘“"i Admisaion.25c and 50¢ mm,“ mm ,' '_w__ _ 1-232 morning. , Chm W .‘ V for fl e uiouamd. The“ ‘re ‘hm; “Hazing an increase of th ; o o announce . . Wood2_ ::dcd ....gi.is1~i-:.\iiii;iz.i.i~iii:ii w N'ri-:o.—‘ FOR RI-‘NT A ‘Name use ii§{i.']-3... ,.,,..,,e,_l;.~,.... 3'-Mk 3?‘ ‘‘,’?.‘i' ’:.°,§lioooi sections in the atate oi Mis.IPOunds the first month. Their oyoo-.300‘ §:““;"“" bf" 5-'f§“°' 0‘ 4 l 3:! hi‘ dll‘""°ultl1l§' 0 'enccd,:{o;- “hm, ‘. P;;fi;'°;’2"1;1 ‘::'1"‘°"l; ‘The Japanese people use more Boston Q} 1}; '(;,gitI:>ouri. onein Kansas City, one in sijttrd completions are mticably:c,u?: pfi°,:.:';,";:;“m:°5 §9B:""°': ““ ""* " ’ i 7’: "W "m up” 5" ul‘ 331': ' ecu‘ Chi‘? Powder than any other 0 le~D1'tr0it "" 1" .554’ “is and one in Columbia which is7°“""- Alld ‘~59? "'9 "'0'? ND’. ' ' ' ° ‘_—? HALO. guy ('X|lt‘('lt‘tl and give mmuim C231-233 in pro n- t m . ‘pt: p..’SL L0 ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ° ' ‘ ' lccnnccted with the Univci-gity ”l1lll0ll8.t0 learn. Adm? on, ~ - - l ‘ L’.-233-fidu‘ '¢[1n.'i!lt'lil. ,.....—iiion for ght p‘!-ty.1 Awiirriiizur I-‘OR REN'I‘\\r ?aa J?0A:“lgQh(:“i‘1f,,;":_’fi‘:‘\‘1 auf:*r’;,_ \\innhiii’i;o.;~jff.'f‘:~m -’The American Chemical Society‘ ¢—~..____ w°fi:edLol:ml:rilan°r£:°“;?:; 62:8. — AMBULANCE L . . . 1 ‘an 0,. “‘,,mm_' . 1.‘; omen Fin cued ‘why. A very desiwme “part: M_nmm,(_ of we of the large“ to.“ ‘Chicago _ _ _ ' _ U H.’ w :4‘, ‘is in close touch with the legiala. Try a Missourian want ad. 5 . di ta (0, “senor of,‘ it. , ~ “mu” ll 35¢‘ C"-- ~“"’*“‘°- M0-;‘ 232-23fi‘~'3|ent: lace curtains iit all windows. let goods mnnul'_uctiiring concerns in Cleveland . . . . .. .. I4 ‘.5 .412l§°". °f we °°°m"5" F" l"5‘3“°°-i ———r --C .——- —*T3T—_—‘-lBoone County. subject to Demo- 3 CE ’ -"W. .T. , :":'-re —---——: l en almost, com 1 t i - ‘ ' the world who was in coiomiiin no- Pllilndelphia .. 13 31 33-»: "08 the fixltt over the use of al-. “""‘ "—‘-—--—--— l u ~ ~ 3 -FllR.\lll iii-. R1-.l’AllHNG—-Shoe‘ed ' "M" ‘“"'“3lI- ' . . . . - - hi . . . . . ~ - t°"‘ '3 P""“"Y ¢l°'~‘“°"v M1308‘ 5~~ Prompt Att tion - . . . I . included - . ce tl '. M . bch tz ' th "I - Ya I I. °° ° 9"”) ‘WP ‘"3 ¢l°3°l) V'8l¢ht=d- - ~ » $3: ?*P‘"""l3'- Uitlicil:~.ti»nng’nnd cabinet‘ three outside €iisid:i::lif.' a1t1“;)°0::d, eign )peopl‘e are 1:-ten 8l?t)!;:C ‘:ItllXl(:)llS. Club. . mn\l_~,,,,_ MSL pd‘ iThen when the use of alcohol was to Pohtual Announcemenm .19?" ‘ EQ“_ 1393‘ ' flzidklt llnliutmv 10“ Rd. “'::;n;“}“:4‘1,“§l’tt and back entrance- one blocli to purchase Ameriwn goods mnnflew “wk ° ' ' ' ’ ' " H H '632‘b9 sl(:ihmwl(i!e mm buwbum of “‘——§ 8 ; F“ Count’ J“ G. 3' Day or mght .; " ° - 4 ; in red 'cam ' N American .p. io r-1 i, —g - Chicago . . . . . . .. . 23 its .-'si"'°“ "01 It fit: t at a privi- For hcriff. . Th Col ii‘ I‘ ‘ They ' . . . ‘ tnue. Call 131?.” on Comfy “Eu. eign goods," ‘up n t 0 u) or Cincinnati . . . . . . .. 21 18 .i’.3sil°8? ‘° °l‘°'’‘l5l{ “"3 chemlfltfy the The Columbia Missourian la amlthorified 1:“ :nnou‘i.i:.e Il: “(ll ' l\A.\'l |.lI~—- l Uiillloll. as nurse-I FOR 7 ‘ N V : Brooklyn . . . . . .. . 19 17 ,5g3;3°¢39t)' Willi |°l'°“- Al¢0,l'l_0l 18 I-b-.t.horizcd to announce E. S. Rowland3,PrIther for re-election {or judge: _ Phone 53 sod y_, \‘(‘l‘llt‘.~.-‘ to rimtlll children. Phone: RI-ZINT-second-floor front C Pittsliurgli 18 20 .474 *’°l“‘°l3' “°°°”"3" ‘° ¢h°ml3U’)’- ll in a candidate for the office ofof the Northern District ' t- " ' gm Rial. 223233-room furninhod .,,.,,,m m A at :20 double. single $15. Board Bu-‘ton 16 lb‘ 4'': ‘the supply were limited our hands h rm 1’ B00 9 ' Mme “ I '4' A ____ . ‘ . e ' I)h0ne qt. LO ,.§. . l . . . ' ' ' _ ’ ' ‘ be S E 0 .‘ V-‘_V W -_» ‘7'._ -1 --'7‘ - °" R“ "'-‘~5'”3" -" -“iudwts attending ‘239 “‘d- C‘ WW8. fifini . T224.-°3" l’liilxid:l';iii‘:i ' ‘ ' ' ' I H 3-ls "The a%°l““°n it planning on U1) ‘tile -dw:e‘ll‘l§heA.L.u Emu” 1 l . ..i t _ . . . . .. W W... . ., ‘bringing Dr. Leo H. Buk ‘m '_eecion to e uguat . 1924.% WW J ~---v ti-rm to wan. on tables for F0R~ _________________________ REN'l‘—l-‘urnislicd 5-roomi FOR RENT“2 l“"“l5l“’d "00"" ‘C’: “-4 ‘president of the American Chemical The comm“. an um ‘ l i 9 so n 2 aug nd i . weir ham!’ Mmiy. at Kézglt house. for summer Phone 1643 ll‘ '“°‘l'-‘"’ l‘°'“° 70'' llirllt lI0U8t‘- '—‘-_“ ‘Society here for lectures next year - ll grow ' ' ‘ . . Ra‘ 223.233 ltet-plllg. with goof Phone 1405011;-‘d. COUNTY NEWS |'iDooion'nooiioiond is the inionion of :l.‘.‘,’,';:..) Half a :"f::5‘if;te gr 0‘: L at “um v lll'.ll]—lt{iui‘x’i1rItute for sum-' you RENT__l2_mum modem __ _‘ 23..-.3?-. Ebaekelite. -§— iomce of ‘beta of Boom Conny. ::i,ml\l: lxll't‘i’PU:)iu0l!:3lll0§:‘t0I share goons... 50-; uuryhmd puma Possmh FOR RENT__F0ur furnished ROCIWPM1 ,MM“- STUDENTS PLAN ‘subject to the action of the state. °n,i;;‘,m‘,m ‘. ' 2§o°;3’; stun G:uxustⅈ For inionnniion rooms. Single lied. sleeping porch, mm Jmninm “ _ t W J \*.icA1'i_(iNs IN EUROPE g";';g?’ election to be held A-mutt, e ' "L -4‘. ' ‘ 806 rey riisier Realty (‘i_, new home. 1302 Ross. Me-if ’ ‘ " ‘*5 ‘" °""“ V“ '3 ““‘i"“- , , ' " ' Q in eight “H. YOU Lodxluc f lpimm. 519 or MrS_ W. K. Stone. ° _________ _Ill(‘s.dny. ‘ lA Number I-‘roin M. L-. to Work —_—-—.- _ . 1 ’ - 7‘: l'- ‘I °' °“" 231.233 FOR REi\'T-—Suite of two bed- ,bw"lt'.v Wtlbonn has boucht 61. '“‘°" “"'5'°""—3°"°‘°S°e 75° °°1“ml"* l‘“8°°"M it W t ,- i I ‘en Red. . 'il::ll(-‘U t ll; Elllrllmcl‘. _ 'lhe John‘ ___,_- moms and min‘ mom and private l'ord.car. . g Olympic Meet. ‘thorized to announce Y an - ‘ r .' , ' ‘”l . E. . .<.U ‘..1l(‘£lK0 I8 employ: FOR RENT--New apanmems of bath for Sept L 1306 Ross. phom \. lit. Buggs was in RoCllEp0r'll Europe holds is peculiar fascinii- a candidate for the oflice of ahcrifl l :d. E. l~'_ "‘.l"“f"‘.““"_l'5 U) can’? 0" W-§~ 0!‘ 3 rooms with itns. sink and 2115 Green. M‘-’-231$ km‘ F"d“-‘I’ !tion for University students this of Boone County, subject to the ac». 2 _- ll‘“""“ .“"*l‘° ““““'-‘F “"3" . ~§ 111- One 3-room for Sept. 1, ———~—-————————————————--— G(‘0l'lZl’ Pt-cit-r visited in townlsumuier. probably because of thcntion of the state primary elec on for R011 l’t~>i~l«- nii...—o.«.ioi igho can furnish One block rroni Red Campus. 411 FOR RENT—ltooms for cirio $10. “'t'*l"t'3d=|:~'- Olympic R-mes and the many at-4° be held Auzust 5-1924- tefcrcnci-.< phone 1838 red. 0 ‘South 5th 3;. Phone 1350 Red_ _3ourd (0,. “"18 and mm, 33‘ 1!. R. i’.iiwlin;;.~'. Visitc-d in Rm-hr,-. triirtions offered in the countries of -—-— _ y f 9' - l‘l230-.32 S-_>35u>',,,,_.a1s for $5. um; paquim phom. port \'\1‘(llll'.~'l.l:ly. llie'Ol_d World. _ H The Columbia Missourian is up EN “KO A-B Ginger ; W , H ~ ---.. 3- 5 '_ H ,.u\._.,,. 0. (. Roby truiiszii-ted business in!‘ \:irious ways are being utilized thorized to announce Pleas Wright - Alobeausowaaxtra : .-\.\'ll.ll—»'I'ciiclieii~ and stu- FOR R1-jN'r_For summon go.-m 3. Ban» 0-“ llm-hi-port l-‘riilziv. ‘by the men to get to the continent us a candidate for the office 0! dry ‘ _ _ ;_ ‘ kf:.\k~.\'\l‘.K) V\'UUlll‘llke to travel and yoom furnished apanmem. “fflh - “"-"_ W. B. l‘llll‘1lt"\' spent ]~‘r;dm- misc-nie. who have :i more liberal ‘sheriff of Boone County subject to . Real Jammcg Mllhng ' are lllll'l‘c.~‘lt‘(l in religious work ‘bank .1 mock from M", (.,,,,,pu5.._..‘_ "“'~‘---—--‘ V ' . —-~ Rbthcpon On buginess. . -d{_,m,ing “mum man omen, ‘with’: action of the sum p;.;m,,.,. eh». Cinder dives it a quality 7. C in .~i.~.irc is-.-ofitiible employmciitphono 2265 Red aft” 5 p_ ,,,_ in §(ll:)1‘RL!‘T“._f}:"“‘“l.‘°d "°t‘)’e’:‘i‘“' Mr. and .\lr.~. lirm:-st Drake visi-‘i!0ln8 With expenses paid. in roost tion to be held August 6. 1924. 1 and u how snappy “Dd ‘L “°- "“‘4-*"""'“" W°""!°d PW?" ref-‘ 13-gm ; _‘."‘,,“ ’°°"“ ‘T’? §°‘}l‘;:‘° “.5; mi here (in ivoiinioiin -. looses. by their parents. In a few The Columbia Minion,-,.,, 1, ..,. . °°t*8fYtn¢- Popular with i Cm‘ ‘w. "M 23o.'232‘apmnioni with gas firri-it ri.{.'.‘.’°'3 room and siocnini: porch ror iichi “"“'T‘ ““f"‘°‘“"“" '“"‘“ . . §"“‘" °"."""" W 5"" “""‘ ‘i"°"‘."" ‘°'‘‘‘'’ '3 °‘"‘“““° ’°' “"3 °“‘°'’ °‘ “””” ““"‘°‘“ ‘‘'’‘°‘’°''“° : _:_ . _ Mu”. v______.___‘_ gmocks somh at Bron-dv.u;. " bl -‘ks huusckwping‘ (m or“ “O0 K \\. suiiipsun uvent to (olunibiapay their piisniigc to the Old \\ orld. sheriff ‘of Boone County, subject t(. with women 5159 for gt, V ‘c-Am.l_:.\.“._R Ax” uE‘,‘“R~w0nK : from Red um! WM.-L _ .c-unpgtp cor f h_‘_“_ H3“ “,8 Mnrvkmd last‘ l‘!‘|(\l\;1.\'lullAllU.*llll_'t_‘SS. h lt|)::tR0lll:! third .-lass on American the action of the state primary clec- deigcamiy ptquant flavor ~--’ ~ i——--———-- z *' " " "- ' ' ..: ' ...‘ - rs. '. ‘I. nv~ '. " ii ’ S. t‘ to‘ held A 5. ' i i N(Ilt'l‘liUl' REPAIR siiop l’h°n° 1393 B“°“- "'"""“ ‘___.h M”) mm‘ __ ””"2""' h..o.—.- ll:Il’l'l'l‘-1ll'll';(\Ic'l‘:li.a“ng "1 not ways of workinlz over have '0" W .__‘'£';‘ 19“ * 5°’'‘'°“‘‘°3’°“’ ¢“°°‘°- l'lmni- 7630 rod. 100 Dorsey St.l ~ ~ ~ _ _ . . . , ,- llivl; l-Zlliutt f H i ~ d C. t -ithc most appeal to the University Tl“ C°l“mbl3 Ml“°l1Yll-W l3 30' ‘ FOR Rl'..\T~l-oi June. July iuid FUR ltl-..\'l--ltuonih fur mils. “ug in Kwhelnlsrt Friigfir mm 3’ ‘ it nu‘. Three are going ‘O we thoriwd to announce D. S. while as LA“‘.\. I§.F(¥NlTURE’ August, newly furnished home on $7.30 lu $10 per month. Bmird to --V ‘ “ ‘ ' __‘ ..--_ - Iliuhlxnaii court. Six rounis, two girls rind men $6 per week: two . . . . _ A , REA]. ESTATE Min-“ baths. Garage in liiisciiieiit. Nu nit-nls, $5. Uni--liulf block from hi.” LL“ l‘.r“m’V “H bul’”“."\"“ 1 .m‘: {min were “.".b0mg' “Ml. 0-‘ Boone “mm” gable“ to the -‘U ' - - 1‘ Q; tion of the state rima cl t -9 i lb‘. 232-‘.335 .lc.~s0 Hall. 712 .\l:ir.\’liiiid. l|l2()'l|(' A“l"1‘.\' -hvlllt‘. Who is ill at tlivlmil "l \11~'.\'"\l! t‘3II“1t"l"‘8 0' "W l’ ‘7 9° ‘°"*» 3- . . . 'rillp]'.\- Dun‘-an Hf Sedan“ vifiited coast in chug-ge of chicken Curio. then 8 candidate :0!’ thfi OKICC 0! Bhefln ' sh *—"”~‘-*----~—-—- .i'ld-- . Pl -1'. . _ _ _ . . . 1 Fllil .\'.-\l.E-New S-room com-;‘:.‘.‘__::P__....‘_‘m;_ :_--- -__- e _- ‘,3m_ Mn.“ 39"“ ”u,.,.i_.._m,_ 330,-_»4-3 l3W'!|t’ ‘N|Nl.\' lit-sintttl. is Iiiipruv-llifl-“~5=|Rt“ T1179» Um‘ tiludelll ‘5 d“"' L” M’ 1”” "“‘“"‘ 5' 192* : |"l(".t'l}‘ nii.:._~, i‘~icl;_ ligugic; alevpiiiz FOR ltEl\"l‘——l'I:ci'i-llent 3-room‘ ___,-, In : ‘H ' i mg a ford to Bostoii. where ‘ The Cdumm‘ uiswurun i‘ “I _, .. ll0:‘('li. ..-it ii-,.i~ ihrourhoui. hi...-ii opariinoni. pi-iioio bath and on-: WANT!-ID T0 RI-IN1‘ _-W" Wu 14-1‘ “t“"t° W’ 0"“.°“'““ ‘“ '”““‘ ‘F “P” “’°’“ ‘“"' ""”'*iiiorixeo to announce Oer norm» 0 ~ ‘ from t‘-niivpus. u bargain, on cii. 71!-roan? lioure} lilock'-ifrbm cam-. Splendid rates for the siimmi-r.iroom modern house with gzziriigc. A tank of oil to iinpruve the tovvniflfll‘ 0" 3 “"91" boati While ‘W-‘0 '“0|‘f=im::r;cuf:" orig: 3&2: :;i:;rjyecd.c_: ‘ -‘ p;i:». .':.~,'_'4iii, lhdrs. W. Moiitgonicry, 605 S.i\\'ill rent for year. Tclcphr-ne I042’. 'o'l_Tt't'l5 hilt‘ l'*‘¢'“ "l’d("”*‘d l3)’ '~h"l5u.’d""L'l. Wm esmn 8 5 .pl°ad ofltion to be held A1181-lst 5 1924 i i - -"-"mini: mndi-i'ii huiist‘ on Stcu'ii!'t‘5lll 51- M‘-’--‘3ll§Bliicli._ (‘.228-‘$31.1 (~l;\ic Leug;ie, E }i].«:sourih niule; 10 Shpmllboo dfl'°t"lI ' ~ ii.il. ;\.‘”..iimi or will trade" for scnie- "‘ ' , , . ‘: ' C7 o . l . _ _t'_Wlt-n N Haven. \\llu has been W (‘_"<‘t' l 03' W‘ CW-*5 ‘ 9. V 9' “ For Consllblc. i_ s'[‘_ Louis it ...'. ,.,,m"‘.,. chm. no buganoss sc:,. F03 lu"-l‘T-"l"W“15l"-"‘d flllfl“-l Lost Ah“ H"’£"’ visiting in thlorudu. has return:-d‘l’m‘|fi and lllt‘ l!3m<‘-*- The Columbia Missourian in an-~ 1,i,i_i_ ‘unlit "1 Dumas for Summln-' lhonoi OST._..Bl;u-Ii; enamel iicnrf iin, l0 llU""3|l’ll C0Ulll)'. "*“"‘ "—““""‘ lllofllfil i0 announce Jzibe Subletti ass lliick l’232tf‘ ‘ -v o » ’* I - - t (iood 6-room strictly modern" ’ ' ipeflfl souinir. Reward. Phoiio iii:-i2. ‘“""' ("u“’ “""‘, ‘W1 her dauith- I PERSONAL ITEMS ;ns 1- candidate for the office of con-5 ; -333 tcr. Mrs. Mary Mumr. wont to l{:in- ‘ -stable for Columbia Townalilp. sub- _________.___.______.__ l'K‘vllH' om Buss :l\’0llu(‘. Owner non- 1:-on REN'[‘._.\fi¢e (.001 “-c1|-{um.‘; ‘.’.ll (1 r d h 1 h ‘ ’ I I Q ~ A _ ~ _ _ 9 ‘ _ 5 - - a 1‘ dyoxj‘ u"x‘0u.§_ (0 Se . V n ‘t. 2 f Un-.~ ‘ -<- I. -— - 535 - l 3 till u(’.N'u.\. '‘‘‘’—‘j'——' ' ‘ ‘ ‘. J‘. t to t C. 0 t 8 t-__|.Wm h"u5,_,' basement and fur- versiwpa 31:‘ "in stroetromphofiief Li0bT« -A pair of t*l“‘ll"'"‘"“’d Miss‘ llclcn Mclwe. who has been: Mrs. G. lless, 12A _'.5outh l\inth lmm-3» eiocuon [0 [,¢ hold Aug,“ 5“ Grocery Co. ' ‘ ' ll|"*l“ ‘ “' P“l"‘5 flllvfltllllfl lkllumliiu High School,lSl.!‘I‘ct went to St. Louis lhltl morn- -1924. . whoiudc Disuihmom. comm”. _.___. .1’ v t ll..-‘ , ‘ n oust. . :,:.:i“l.m;;_°¢~,l:$ it flocks mm H .129‘ green’ S23"t_f.iinil Jessi: llall, Friday. Phone 204-1. has returned hnnie for the summenling to meet her nephew who is on! .—_.__._ ' _ . :~.i.-.'.' lllilco on Rollins street.‘ PASTURE I-‘OR nEN'r—Eiizhty! 23933“ Mi-is B0-=~* -tom-II. him Marylhis W83‘ soutlt ' '“?" °‘'‘‘"“‘’‘‘‘ ”"‘’‘°“"‘"' '5. ’”'i -1...‘.".'.. dc and Miss Rhoda k;m.1m5 .,,,.(.ml Mrs. Belle Schoolcr has gone to thoriu-d to announce the candidacy §___j. (Jim) Stewart for the of- ‘ , Sin:-ll piiynidnt down and bnlanceacres of bluegrass pasture; newly‘ L0\.T_A pair 513‘ _ ' . _ _ ' p B “ml-"' ' lfenced with “em “'ire.feM°l p‘cntyl[ll1t3:‘(‘S in vicinitv ‘(if \\'c-st Broad- '11? .Mi)1lu'.‘‘bm 0“ 3 shuppmg {mp laS“'ll{uu$Elllc ‘fuglr: lle“Fdlll):\s'l‘tfit‘zl:i|d of J. i I. W» lizivc other houses and also of spring water during aummcr;;wm, and McBuh;(__ Fwd” phum, “‘:‘-*‘fl)- _ . '1 !¢‘Tu5gc°“=-T 1- - - l 4-“illL'('.~‘ for rent. If you are uok- grass in excellent condition. Call: h('mc10.,.; and ru_(_iw rmvard 23., ll; 55- ll:I\\'lIn;r:< and 3ll8S_‘kri‘- 713 0) 01'» _ 1 ‘~‘r-- .i-.;- propeitv see us. Garey &‘J317 or 776. ‘ll "‘ _,__, __ 1-- '7 5"“ -’‘l'"-*‘ “‘t‘"‘ “Wit-t‘ntl truest-“lo Miss Esther Lee Bride. II sludffil ' ~ -"-~- -- ~~-~—:.-.:. 7:" l o ___Q' v i,,.,..,...,.,, of Mr. and Mrs. r:. '1‘. wiiioi invin the University, went to Mexico‘ 1.0.1‘ .ii:nin l\u 1 i _ ,_ '4 l l .4 ;_- . co" 3 1 mi 2,»_.—~—-- ' .- L ‘n . mm” Ruuty ooms a 90“ SALE !Price and Tenth street on Broad- “"-"l-“l“l“- this mofnifllr 10 Viiill ht‘? P3l'°"l—‘t “ i " . . lv_,. ii - 519. 232-235 . . . [ 0R §ALE__Fummm_ ‘M ,lLw,,,- Friday morning, Reward. MK and lllm Stank-3' Wt-lburnl,o\'cr the wvei<-end- . . '4 ‘ ~ ' x '. WANTED--40 to 1 * v P 3 Phone (,5. 2311f tiovk Mm Httrrs Rudd and her chi!-1 Mix-_i Rosie Dell Willis of Clark as e '*-W "~ ” *" ' Sidney _ .. o _ . -'—""""""""" , _‘ _ ' -'0 as ’ . C-----— §!¢f'~:R:"°0d lmPl‘0V¢m9'|t3 VG“ :’.i;‘ea"ing ‘own’ can mornings at “mi ~""*’"i‘.:~—‘t'T‘——--— — rcn to their home in Monroe City’ uh h been iisitiniz Miss ‘ talvd. Gin‘ Tull ’“ 2” “‘ --i ‘ .~-——~-—--- e _ i t- '_*.°~=..=!N!", ' , , - ; . - ‘CHBIICALSOCIETY m ' pam‘3r.ri - r i~~ o-I --ct.-.~~~fi -. . 3 A - . A c t w ,4 V385 .. News [12 the Field 0f ii “mun”: “SAY Piuzml '.5€laEoLol’Ié inuhfndmbim to nil)! action of the":af?e :fmm. lpq. 9% en a o a . ‘ C V ‘ ' ' ‘ ' . . . " i - n We llltttlaaa {or so a Word. GOLF TEAM WALKS ~ » Jr, and lira. Gal-van 91.1.. ‘ "”'l.°“5"°‘ ‘ ‘ 1"“ WWW *l°=3°M6 be held one ' ‘ -*- C i. i — A . C. ______ IN MLD. I test Padblo—0pen to All ! The quuiaun at fin‘ to do 'fihjMI¢|1ll-_ 5. 1924. ;uwTheVCol;nibia lllaaourian ta au- 3 _ bath and .1,,- r Cjn-yin 300,- V i ; ‘ fh ' I » ; cl '-"F r nixed announce y‘ 4 in om, ,,,pm_"“3 mg liodern gm 3,“: ,, u°:‘§"s‘:'u‘o:_'”"| YESTERDAY 3 RESULTS l; R ‘W ‘M1 -wiotmved that Mr-liirzbieni of fiifinfim fingered to aanouacenk.:”‘:In i‘i'i.oii‘io"'3"""““' ‘°“ "’° °‘“°° 0! iodro «.1 ‘ ,0! Law Building. phom°°2N°‘3l The golf tournament held here .“"d M“ F"“‘°i‘ 9- G""’”'- V50‘ seems almost to be anawei-call a candidate for oflice of of an .N°“‘h°m Dkuk‘ '“hvl°°‘ 3- Wednesday meant a great deaf {KW-‘Pitta League. ih‘“'° °“°"°d 95”’ ‘-0 llltll 8¢lt°°liat last by the results of an experi-lcbllltlhlt for Columbia Township Ya" "no" °t ‘M D°"'°°"fi° "L lmom “duo” “erase for we Boom. St. Lou 3, 5-4; Chicago, 2.“. sand college students this year {orixnent made in a Boston publielrlnbject to the action of the atatdlnury decmml Anfm‘ 6' ‘gm’ -primary election to be held Aunt; ~ --~ —~——— . ’wmn'I{d 66-ti . - .___.._.. .. . « er M M "."m .4 :lliEr?itni:rt.ii)l!il§' co‘:illtlr‘l;°l:l:nsail:eblfe.l1rc‘lli ACACIA LODGE No. 602 ?)‘l'rt}l:.n'lI]llld(;‘l!1]‘.:.“(ll;frlt8t: ”"“ "~ B“”"- “"‘° "“ "°°“ ~ V: A I ’ - ‘ A A fly ; SA.LE——Stl'lCtl)' in ernvfinger’ porch seats. Pm"? 3": A. F. & A. . Th“"“l8.\‘ evenin , here visiting her‘ son, Rent Those _. .. . i misc “ill! fireplace nndoali floora.iGrcen ‘H “in S‘ Bzuul Miss M"). Adams Rawlins enter. Berry, ii student in _thc .Ul|l\(‘T8ll), ~ blocks from University and d - t- gained “-19, 3 bridge pan). 0" “red__I‘¢t\Il'ned to her home in Webster . Pr . Pr.i°?d t° ‘en’ OWN’: FOR SALE——C0mpl('tc second-I TuS:l':_ M:°'m,,'3u';'fn,‘.'_§3 new“). afternoon in honor of her Groves this morning. , moms Opefty ‘ ‘ 3- “- “- Efilégsllégéihand furnace. cheap it’ taken-‘at p ’I'_.i"t)d;g;(_e. ° guest. miss 1-31539 Ila!-pgf. _ Mr.‘ andhlrs. Sidney bevy of . . A ‘ ' ;°"°°: “"""" "°" 9' °“"‘ ;§2“;§§. . The SW» h*t='m>' contmrggfi §§n";“;,,°“;;f'- U",j’§;n{f;"‘°{,nf';§; Many will be seeking From now until Sep- rm: s.ii.i:—woii-iniii and io-f°“""" ' 1 K. c. SULLIVAN, W. iii. hm ';j"'~°d U13’ howl‘ 0; F_- 0- - ta hm may md Wm "mag" “Much _ ~ ioi exist front building site. 80. SALE-—Bicyclc in good con- 1. ii. LONG. secretary. f;,’;",,,,,’,‘°.,{°iI- i’3°°§i§grii.i§. ’°'“° 1-Commencement Week. new quarters in.the. next tember 1, a steady stream ' ‘~’='6 ft-t-t. on one of Columbifl dition. 1591 Anthony St. m2.2:Ls‘ ’ ' ' 1 0, ~ - h , . . - Tt‘=‘i*lt'"1i8l 3l"°°l-53 °*wl°““ *‘ Q R33 AL {mtg !M‘fiiSm\,:,,u,, g1x1*y.p1v;-; 331: pm“, N: %; I({;::i).,e,,:if;, 1,; l3\V0 01' three We€k5- of buyers be Seeklng ...\.ins: and sidewalks in; trait. FOR SAl.E—Pian_o. \-acutlm; N. u;_ T!'!1l:;.;:ll:!' fiiim 2; c"‘_.3(.’ OF "EEDWG ExPEmuENT sin" Mm Mum! D. Robinson. ma . ‘ . p . y ‘ : “d “W” °°'"*°*“°'“ emit’ "“"="'°°‘?°" °‘°““° ““" S‘'‘!‘‘’' “'‘‘“'‘‘t °’ 3" , ,i,..,’ii.,,.?_.'._ ’ ' ’ —~—~ lattending oi. commencement exer- might as well be your Columbia property. If . - two-stuftv restrictions. Owner-it inc. rufia. llrcdédsvriifiiris. tint,-‘m. oya J P DAWS qocy Fame” ‘awed “sum of "o_icis6 of Chfimm Cone“ remmed p h 1 ‘ t tn 1 t.th A . 'ould lllie to sell as soon as poa-‘ "33. 130799 ‘W’ W "3 3°" 0‘ ' ' ’ " ' l Day Tegt on University Farm , , ' Se __ e . 4 . .’._ . ‘c 0“, of the choimg 1,03-...1)[aaon Jars and two benche2?;.2.$i;: :_.:-,-_ :_ ,. Z , y . .~_____:: Yuufd”. hog; t Cake hepnd 19“ um POOITIS t Cy se ecl: as YOU!‘ Y I l 4__ *;~;;_;;;,;“§a,§‘2';“m‘jg_u“'“0n ,°,;_{;';i_____________; COM» 3 fszathgins etc -gvroxgmateo morning for Mexico «om no -on neighbors’. Tell about the know you have property . a; ' - , ‘ u ‘v e oun armers ,- v -_ y ‘f .. phone 27. Exchange Nnuohnif 9°“ 5* E"P"‘f“°‘E"" mm DAVIS coat. co. 2,.’ ,,;','§ ,.°°',',,, U,,;,.(.,’.;t,. m-.,.."““ 13"‘ ‘E; L.‘ “?“.{.‘°" ‘h°‘ “"‘ ~ . d ta - th M- for sale . - . 6-, 9' . P281“ ‘player-piano,. party caving wn. cum‘! mind. cod ~ . , _ neapo is. w o is via: mg er par- a Van ges In 9 155011‘ - p 'nk"B’l'dg " ‘ ' "*“" 1‘ l V payments. Phone 850 Black. an ‘an’; 88. 0 “w‘ st )9-‘:1-"‘dl.‘;_ mlilzlolgfi tf°eegf5 ‘hf cnte there. ra. e rd will then A ~ “FOR RENT 1208 soon. so. St. C220tf. pp“! 50'' res ta o a -y me expen- go in Charleston where she will ° 9 ’ ' - - FOR new 12 ‘;$d§ Franklin County Coal me,¥;,B,°dn,. 2“: 0; ,t.;,,.,,,_ ‘pm the mm with M pm“ man s class’ dfled columns. . - ‘ " °’°°"' 2 300 Rm" . . 1-L '1 Tl 8'3» 5 ° 9 "ll lira. Wharton was formerly Ilia: , , use to aub-lease for aummer':—————-———-——————-- l»i,u,i,. .1 d pg;-imem, of the Col- - H - d d - 11, 9 iirbctwccn campuses. 609 Hitxl FOB RENT--Rooms formtinmmer; 9“ st rxzriuimm’ Md Chan 0‘ {]‘:i“v'e’;':it’:'‘”’ ““ ‘ ‘ll’ °“‘ "‘ ’ p . . p " ’<-{$225 for three months. ml'“"°"‘*- °"'-"P- 3“ 3° dafggs ——————-:5.-;————-— mfifitiflx. c. 1:. mun. county _:_________________. ~ The Price Only lc Per Word ‘ . ,—————i-——* « :1» Ion cam and I-uh 0-mv= 5 "5'? —'°“' 'p,.""¢ -' -""'s"J¢i." Raii1.Es-ui'ri.-:TaANsmB8 » - - ‘ new-To me». 2 mm» on W-<=-°* mm: ------....- 2': St “°..:.':. ‘:12. .. o inaerfioiia for 5c per word a . mode". hon”, inaiviadu t,..1.,¢‘monn for summer term. |ocI-{''--* "* '"'°"""'°‘ ‘;"""‘ cm‘; Pl’ 3 °- ' ' ————-————————-.—-—— . , - ~ . 4 ,, - * ‘*“°"°‘*'°°""’°°"" "°"'° 'P'°*°"‘- Tboa.J.llockandwifetoPlelixL. , _ ,_ ‘.95 tion. near campus. Phone 1203. : ° White. sz2s.2u1“""""" “ '“ "" “”°""" “".‘..’Zi“' steers had iioerrgoa a diet of L,p.m_ 1,0, ,.;._ in ....g 3...: my “'°*‘ °*"'P"'- P“°‘° ‘“ roe RENT-Two or nine furn- ..., '°""".’..iI'.'iT‘""’°°" "'°" '"" '° ‘"" '"°"',.i,.i"' “°‘ “° ““' “"’ °“ W ‘M’ °' M . . weight fiallaville. ‘:3 Non; in igxififinw h°"“’- W1!" 0 re” N“ 8}" the “V” 0‘ . I-‘OR Rl°2N'!‘-For aununer um -Im“¢°‘l ‘°' ‘ "°°"~“‘°°"'. ,......,. y per ii. Doraey and wife et al to - to iiihed,apartinent with l"¢i”e°l°;:":-. :h°“° ‘ml’ ‘:1 or usual: II-$‘I§t fit. diateer.‘ orsototalvavcrfllfi $3 Jaiiai Arthur Petition lnrt otliota °' °‘'‘’‘ “''‘‘''‘° "*'*-*°"“'- "“’“". """'steer! pow!‘ or assnoiissiinciieoiiiiown. “WWW ”'°""""“"“"“""'°"'°"""“'ld-r-tn ' ':‘o:8t!otColaiIibiIi$3830- rho ' ________________ I *1‘ T“ H°sPI'£:*.-3;! ll .1 block from botheainpoaaa. ‘ Red atter'6‘p. Ill. ‘ ' 3% 4 l roa R!-INT--Al'ter June 1. two 0-" furiilahed or un!'iirniabed:"“ gm." 3 “u R0'0!ilS--Modern in every re-~ ~.-‘ , . - 'IliarcaK.anaa caaautvhhpdlle thebtutd ' A ' Gut‘ L!‘ nan t°..ehw‘hat1i.n‘Phuo’o°n;;.4Iuub1a.:’:i::.:L'»iahlpped Sunday. & . " "‘¢- °“"°°"'°" ‘W-”’°‘°"°““""~ 7 ‘ ' imiviuooius-an-a-u-rxéiuioaivuoiiinunvoioio ,__===~««___.____.____.:'°;-'3;-so----. .,._,.,.., . i..o....- ...o«.~o o -a an- §_'l RENT-F‘ui-nialiell FOR BEN?‘--3 roonil. 009 ‘"33: f_ 3, 3..., ‘g, 3. “*3 . late return llIfl€‘|rhY 9* .IplflmU|t,thl'&!00DlVlthl@:WllhII¢apllflp0r¢h.V2!V0UI,Iu'EIL8I.& ” A "1. 1' A V: 4) -3" 1