ever, that might Wouldn't it be better to let our feel- furnish him v.ith And St) the farnters from the govornm start to \\'ashingt0n to- which General Price‘ in mm they pardon ready to the -for the baby. the only bright spot that dingy. smoky place, back for their entrance to the at Silversmith period of and four err-sque or Encountered Shoshone 7 ' ,,__,_.'._f3.‘¢.-.4--o _4:~:-—.’:§f‘\. I ‘A :1---y-~~‘ . ’ ~".-~--.**:r.‘'v~ .. ,- -~... : .-7. 3 l. -; .7»: -2 ‘>9 ~ .-.- . . .'. " m - . _-~’ 7 ' . ' . I . o Indians. , -, _ Bing Feeds or phone 9. we traveled on till .-V... “chance to ride in an airplane -- l"ro'.‘n there .~ -. f2''‘«?’iT.??T‘-T75’T‘“ -~-‘ ‘""" ‘=5’-‘-’-"T“ " ‘-er": “-1; -" ‘ . - "“ ' ~. z, n » * - -- ~ . * _ . V‘ ,‘ . s .’ - t 1.".- L‘ lip‘; 31; THE COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1924 L F--. ‘- ' "'-——--W m. ’. . ~‘’_“—‘"'. _ ’””‘ ' "M "'"‘"’ "N. V‘ A" M" elglfi-ed H. Fll¢h¢!’ 0‘ mliflto dro . . r , g _. _ ' 9 I . _ m 4 ‘ .‘.- - m . M up hwfingg so Br‘df°"d5u U0 8. " h v l+ ‘ ""*'mm°-i‘..‘."‘i..'a“" an 5:3." in this. we common people. ol that w B wfzcfs-B Max-’ ARCHITECFURE or Sl'AlN‘C0lumbla W01ll3n‘TellS HOW ltp Colicu: guns morn: m 3 uommh, _' h V. "7 4 ' U '_ ' ' m " 0 p ' ———--—V—;-—--—-— " . O P ' ' 0 . 7 rig .‘g. -. . 3- ll-Uh earth stand at the front. All the. mm '5“, u, 00 npo.-wg,-., wimp. .1 u. ifere ‘they _V|fi§Bd Mi-st. S A .1. . , Eu ' &‘ invention or as wore. to .... .. .....e. ........ .. ....£’... .12: -.-.....~- Are ea... I-'."...‘.‘§‘... ° Crossed Western Plains in 1857 m, mumgegns ...§ . - $9 ---3,‘ _ . us-from the Which"? ' Col ‘ ' . ' .. . . . . _ ~ o. Alli . an ' - - 9‘ cm-cc. I * 3 ‘ , “ ° ' I . "9’ (0? #1 fey! ninth tilultl “#95 e-‘ch shall he -as-1:85-4 la! 5 1. , Colonel Iefiinnwm and Modern house buili.liu3;:x,.l!ike clot.h- mm? lgsirgl ,::":;.y0;:;5 g:°“:;"..elf:£fin ‘f;,,,:1,,.» ugfiygfiflxcw 8Vl|lm¢- - ‘-3-: : . V:;. .m_.\ . ‘I I . m ' —- — — ‘l . . _ ‘ . .. . W. . ‘ . . . 9 u . . K _ l s i ~ ,5 V ‘‘ _.a"~_ {dl-furnished in We ':.u" ““"’u “'h “mm ‘mm "'5 ‘one! Clark-ion were killed in mi Idjustb itself according to Robinson meg qmtu. with herikcpi the fires re ~ guarded: 11": PUB. 1 ; I i - f « - ''°'-'"'- -. -3. ' live We commoners are the folk “mm. ._ 5... Colonel Clarkson was great-uncle ‘fashion. The architectural splendor ‘ -5 -- - ‘v 5 -rh * pane Indians went 70 ‘ ‘l :7’ ‘ r I: _ 3 Guilty ...._ ‘III 33 ' y - . 3"" m k 1 f a m- S-d , 3011- _ . . _ . three daughters, Misses “illie. =11 '"Hh’~- c ’ . . I hm“, open- 3 pfiumbin . . 7, — .- .. ' “‘._.%_____-,3. 3,. ‘.3 {whom gh¢.§g§t 1;; mdugtry .g1g,..¢.,.. 1. base rel - - ‘.0 our g mg i ney ins. who that has invaded America. first in Mn d, d Ed Robmwn at 1 - 3 fiiendly l°t..nd any had little _ , 3 “ {'99 I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " a;;:‘§,-'-'- ' learning -ts-directed. s unto -I I-‘rel 1'00"” “r {did such t some-e during the the new house buikling on we 9.. - “ ‘ “" - '“‘.. ' . -» m . aheatinit rem" 8501’ “" 5" the nu .9-is : .m _. _,i;_‘_m'_.- 9 and erltl-- ‘World’ War'and who says so little cific Coast, 5“ the ‘pen of tile °‘d.l’lOIh1l‘(‘ at“ 1307 \“l‘:ld$Cotl;. st‘:;.-the ex 't:cube with fl Night to‘ Columbia Plumbing-: & He:-.ti.. mm. J ' J. ‘ ' I391? l h b h ‘ - , _ TS. Ollnfion as .9 q -‘ . - . I ' H ‘ace, ,“._ L, : 3 , ‘ !«IlBl.PlhnG THE FRUIT GBOWEF; |.ho.vritl’I same. '1 ! flflllllt lianegciaeu rotugft down umglamor and romance of Spanish in- m."-en“, of ,m._.im, (,m__.s,_d he -«Arm, 3.033,“: the fiumboldt;Coke M ii P to oror}:-0 pm rl ‘ 9' and iii}: .ss .1 Thc~College oi‘ Agriculture oftiie. , —-——-—- , m 3. PP 1' 1 3'0“ *1 mfluence The spell IS potent on 18- ~ l 1, . h d (river in Nevada we came to e mi . , "‘ -ll»! ~‘‘ -- " lieu " ' l . 3" the Univcrsit has received 'hun-‘ A ““"‘ la"”mn' a l "m um c°"'°°‘l°"' "‘ °°“"id°“' three house features in rticular p '-M m ‘Or can -ywt -“ U -l ‘ ‘ D rt’ which W¢“h°l’ °’ f°' gm": hm jk ‘° "h°l‘ '0" 4 i’ :1 gay‘ :‘‘.''‘?‘''''°'":::°:::'::::::sII ‘ ya I ' - I ,_. 0" Editor e Missourian: In an is-.tion of that great and splendid man.‘ the oorway the winlllm and having returned to Museum on the Fnnylimflc him. It was iinpossi-‘tcols or material fora men. 1 “mi. I ..o.noooo~o0¢0' ‘’ ' O!‘ In Ofula lo“ ' i "my 15‘ on G I , I . ' u mrnuzh train over ‘he Un‘on (‘]’():',5(‘ ill. nag .‘ _ k ‘fine O th_ , ‘ iv : ~*_“'~” ‘ lsprayhig fruit trees. The farmers‘::.‘°°8' ‘fie hudunes ‘ad the fintl en "mg A. BRIGHT. thc"out-Aof-door living-room 0!’ P3‘ Pacific Railroad from the W ‘t. L to cross it in tilt‘ d33"~"“°- ‘he ::':ccli:“_ wor ’ uq n 5 F “M £9 l ‘'88-? WE FORGET “‘l‘H"3 “° u“’ “‘’‘‘d ‘°' '“°’°lparagrapli of the a iclc. “laettersi -——~—+-~-~—— }u°' mo": lb?” f°“w"’S'. ‘he ln telling of her oxpericiices, Mrs. sun was < and there \\as_"° This is the b,_.;,.. .;m,. U, ham, .0 l I 1* to Yettcrdny was Decoration D:iy.icare of their orchards. " how Columbiaifs Part in Limoln'6iM -K -T STATION IS dmllrwslldhtsm ll umvdml‘ filopgoni Robinson rm ' ‘we umpd Mn “mh Wm". we cmriiscd amullun lumbin and he Itl; is: ll)_\'pe"_-tzlli-' - be . . . - 5 - - - 3 n am. an a - , - '.. __" v a ' _ , ‘ _ 4% ‘ a.- It wasa beautiful, sunny day. azrcc- Th who have extensive oialfardomng of Price,’ glue the wronlzi hm ueficoll we dwrw: glad lat. about noon’on May 2’, 1854 from l.l_ll£"(.‘ of ti.(.ln\ci:rra ‘es Emma ‘ad 8 d pm "I 1-".5, dum mmimonl _.,.._ ,‘ ‘ ably in contrast with the kind of chard: and raise fruit in , impression so are far .from the: Z . . _ \\athcr.a. ham. which is near the-_i:ims at 1! D _, t » “kc no em“. 9 0,. m.,,,(.dmn an ,. .- , _ L , tam distinct characteristics It vias . . 1. Q J h he C 0 ‘O ke 1' ho.-_ lt. w he ri,.. _ days that have becnsoconstantlti inmscalc have come to realize clcarl)'-‘t""°,f‘°“‘ °l 1" ‘° ° M, h h Y DEPARTURES'thc most elaborate pan of the Pf°M_‘-I‘-t_ site :3 . .t. -zep drfn h J m M” Robmmn became emhus_ M“ an you “.;»,a._ ,, ,,,,_.dcd ‘mm, ,, ‘ l_ ; oyidence the last few weeks. F‘tsgs;the need for the best. of care. but the; 7?‘? l°“°""f 3;!" P“ R‘:“_ 3 ‘it , “i ‘ ..__...___ ‘.hou3e.{mm' and sometimes the only l;‘‘*'‘~‘°=l*) 950- 3) ';‘°:hf’' 9;” :‘‘f_‘;’(: me mm M d ‘an M of , , -. . ’ s were displayed and many personslfarnier who has only a few trees:“"“"lK“°5" ° ‘-l°" "3’ l ‘’"‘g The coming and going of the omgmmu, dean m an 0 Q!-“rig "‘ “"3 'du'°"5 “" “" 5' r" ' _ ‘ N, in the world than ' . : O, s'- . 3 , . f .t;ten'enc and of President Linco n toqozlo M_,K__T_ is “ regal”. ‘S m_ 1 f ‘ on and mxcclf made up the party imttiU' P3 _ ‘ _ MA”) ‘ " ‘em to the “mean” to decor“: from Much he expects ‘0 “ct rm train the pardon in case General‘ - ' l""‘ ”°“d° Th” Hcbrm" held We had too as on-. nd ar- Lid»: '1' 00- "Vic ¢”“P°d ‘ '°° . . ' -' 3' it the graves of their beloved ones. for-his own use often considers iti ' v dtlent, as unoffcnsive and as unno-;u.e go.» o be figuratively the‘ K - h - nd rowed on 3‘”'33‘3'5¢’~'.‘ P: I a. how those who died m we unite a ‘mac 0‘ fimetm mm and 8 my:P:-ice would voluntarily return an 1‘ “cable u we mm“: um “um: °f:,.momhpiecc., of we mm the maze. three horses and en mules ucv.-ks cic a bout 8 week to __.__.,,_. ._____ ,__ m l‘ or their counti and those who fell ‘the trees can-cfullvp lie docspnotluke the mu! 0! f defunct ‘berm? ‘“le sum lsmniuds "“d° ll very literally ‘ml “‘ fhdlll lose any at our Fmck lam? 1:‘ took ud “mm”, of the‘ You -are l|ll88lfl8-*..ilP°3”~lll‘-35103 if; 3 .~ ,_ _Y oi .- _ .the next ineetiiis! o nzress. t‘ls- “cm is “me mi“ ‘bout thcmthe demmtwe nth . t all of too we)‘ through. which was cross t e secoti _ bed Wm _ _ ‘ ’ l'l0 1638 N051)‘. "1 I 35033305 Mid °l'“3ld°P¢Yld 0“ llll‘ "U35 70" his l“‘°fit""ia well-known fact that General Price mmmncr The engineer “d the mined of ‘ immlile elm’ comidered remarkable." Sierras and w'* ‘f"m“y 0; re ’ - -. . - - = . - _ ' , , v s .a oenin . . ,. ,_ . ‘A e ,,. -...- W. . § §_ little services to huinanit)- they are a sidelineifor him——and_ hctnexer ask forna ';3‘;d’O“T)l‘3t:ienfl:e|b.t-‘ken-“n mlkfiquwuy Wm, the my in house_‘:;" with eitléer ‘:1 ‘Hrs Ilollinson told of how thrvy ll.ictitil‘l§. (lmawt V:-mistigmc per-my _ F , ; - hes. yesterday was the one day does not stop to think that the timegerrecciv one o i . _ “on ‘gum mm} 10 o'clock when *_ dee reve“ or 8 u! mm m .veitravcled over the open przmic oi mo oi rec _ ' ' L __ ‘ .w v f of the year on which everyone felt sud tmuble spent in arms for tliem?°'“" °’ "“‘°3“"°'~‘~ ""1 "°"‘".“ “)"_ -they they take their places on megmfeful made mra and inmiseta ui a week. They reach.-«i n -sous M-_ha}«‘i fct.t«~m:l!Ieh;\s:’>m‘;i"ty . ‘E e most deeply his debt of gratitudemwill be more than repaid in the':::n‘£:;h‘f:°$3’gi::°o3: mm . ‘n. :......u.;i.., or designed either with an ‘E11’: ‘’’R.‘‘‘‘‘ .‘’‘‘'.‘‘.‘‘b‘’‘,\ " ,f‘’“‘‘‘ f,‘“;‘ mf, :'n"co,,,,,,,,e,, F,.,,,, Started Rigmt The), . .. I ‘V to those who had made the supremeifruit, both in quantitv and in qua!-. _ ' Tim 1 o'clock gun shine. b¢,,¢v-‘-cl be 1 f . R - hm, - h ' it “"7 l" - 9 T“-“ "‘- ““‘ ““ ‘ - ' C ‘ '3. . ' . prcssionthat he ever regretted the ' ‘ . . ' ‘ ."‘ ° "m°“°’ °"r.'° ' W“ his ‘ t h t th 1’ th ‘.'ll h- - -.-- went on to Auburn. 3-» ' .- _ ’ hY Ed“ hcghm P330" “ymh. od { th h . course he took in joining the Con- $:"t£fig:::“‘;':n thfimtlgtu? 't."::;" °‘{"""" ‘mdl °°l°r M “lllfiph Smsoly ::l'!t1\"lc-‘it th:*cr:i.o Butc ill»:-3 flirt‘ (‘ tve lived about a year a " ATE Half Raised. . e ow muc e raw; e in cm armor, oug . is ii ‘edema, - icoumns or pilastcrs. c oor , ; R , {h . h . f,“ (i'‘‘7x { tlmrc we wcm to sac,-nmcnto, -5 . I i i ._ _; - u nt engi, _ -L. but ca ' -t. , . _ _ . . . r N. up net at ers a ‘L’ ..__ mm _ . _ , ‘ . . __ T whos:ndm:;::e 12;: wuss: s'ny::1e.msl{~c“dk?-.cgp‘:!fQh:‘h‘)fifi.‘ A ‘emu 0%, recent daméd fro: stfioker an:1e;t,3'scogch?‘ggncj ,r1i;l1E::(::\.}.s0‘::?:{?ne; oliflixggd “lg later. she told of the dit'ficuit‘cs ‘Mr:-. Itoliinsovi via: nctgsslf‘ 3 Bah)./chicks started on Red 4 . . . “ ‘ ‘ inn“ C9193‘? .- °’f"‘°“- l3”“‘ {"3 ’ black find mm“, dog amt “em” with ‘ ed ‘ _ _, h Inn‘. travelers encountered in (‘l'.‘)\‘-‘'. Michael Robins c_ 5 ‘o ‘a _ m ._ .. his head in silent prgycr. erything so that at the end of the‘-(er of General Price to rs. \l. H. ic g ass or a om uit a cap- my me Plane which was ._-._ .m “wt. 1“. , (~‘m,,r,,., and Iseuadam Ring Cmck Mash and Red °‘ "- ' ' ° -reason he knows ‘ust which enter-lwillis states Gene cc and M '3'" °p°“ ‘M! h“ “ ‘"'€"‘“)’ “'32 tivating wrought-iron grill. ‘W’, .- -. . x - w ..- h. U, -1 13m V,-hen -c cd back i ' . 3 , But is it enough to feel this way.‘ . . . _ _ _ V 1 of his mm for e._.cm.°m___ New Spain or on the pacific \ mt izticssa u.. m e um: unti ‘ - . 8 W took; . R_ Ch_ k F d ‘,1 _..< B L 9' and show our appreciation only one ‘!"‘l305 58W Pl'0\'*'€l 1710“ Tl'\‘lll0l and glllb‘ 7871111!‘ “filled 1“ 3°“ 0’ “"5 . . . . , _ , ' r with a cattle train hero and m!.. t. Mm.-our: on May 1 . c L . mg ic cc ml grow ~ __ ll '3 tip‘ in the 'ear' It is cas ¢!l0llR'll|Wlllt‘ll ones it will my to continue from Vera Cruz in Deco her. 195' l“ "‘° “’“‘“"“ ’°°m ‘ kmdly ‘mu (°‘”‘ "{ um ‘.'°“"""' ‘h°"' ""3 ("W the assistance they ca-.-e we v.~or.- tlio triiin at Elcoc. N°"'-- ‘ma: , 5 i ’ it telul ldto t yth ‘ "ii the fiiture Those cilortz. whichlG°"- F“‘"k P- Blaih “l‘° lmd M9“ urpultllt gmndlamer. 3” awk"d°°r“-ays damn“ hack to the 0” able to make it across. We hifwi 1‘l’flCll('Il Omaha. Ncb" 0" By 23:. tamer and be healthier mm . ' 3 . 0 . K“ ‘u. go 0 ccumll . -Q - d‘. a bitter political opponent of his. wudw hommg ms’ rbnbboned and Spa""h d“’''‘ t“ b" {°“"d' °"°°“‘ in. men to take us across :14’. :-.i~d nriived in Centralia May 25.? " . " 3‘ . menu with “mu” 9; 3°“-.3370, mlo rot.pa_\. e oi ier iemo es orimt only during um Wm. but for blanketed grandchild whose wrap {O ,, {ow m an m,c;,.M fnissinnt M‘, “W W 3% 10 wk W Th‘: “mg tho “Rt through ‘min: _ if fed any other “-35-, nfion D”_ an,“ is om}. 03¢-1.:.S¢0nlll\t1.t"i entire 5’; So he _-~.,‘-many years previous‘ can “mm pings d wondering gaze re- Th are almost of simpler type» um: mmogs amimhc carriage 1},,...,._ M.” Union iynmfu. from me‘ ,‘: 2 3 5 .y in me ya". ma ac}, one fog... igurcd l‘.l:4 prefitr .rom‘ his fey. mam at his how‘. and an“ greet scinhled closely that of a well- The prixatc ll0u\('\~ (loo.-ways of quanem of 3 mi; _ 1; mo}; ‘.__c_‘_t.. “E R“ mm" condudcd, Broilers and friers in cigfig it t he an ‘gum go be ,1-u-ospec-g|trecs and has fotizxcl that if they arc.ing mm cordiany, “id. «Gwen, trained papoo save for the color the Pacific Coast hase the unostmfmm “my morning um“ sundmw ‘mm -R‘-minmn said at they; E ‘L tive and [fateful toward our fallei:i'l°¥ I“‘0P0l'l)' CE?“ {W3 lll'-'." (10 W‘ ‘Price I called upon you. Sir. to say,“ w°" fl“""W-’ h_::“'~‘ 5'°5~ hnlc =Mt'ft“Wli! hml at Sllafllfili lflnll-'m cross um fiver. Bcfor. mm “W buffalo because they. ~ weeks are possible wmm Rd. ' as . “mien on Om, d”. of tho “Le... l;.roduc«- ‘enough in pay tor the land-I3,“ gtmvc 8 right ‘to {M1 pmmd mo ‘(gr I sat l'!:.'.‘l‘tl'._d0l::l(-1 emnce or subjection to the old spell ( Md Wen M,,,,_1m ,0 (mm. ,._ , . ”_"_Wd on mm “mm side of the; R. F d _-i} m hmmdrd ma m‘u._fi\.c_ . .pon which they stand. A- a consc-cf 30“ 5., a m,5mm.mm an 1‘ 1 iiigl c hm!) shcap tan Med robioerw some are in the grand manner or h.d U, ‘um um dug for «mt. “mm, 3"‘ Rdnmm“ Mm born im mg cc s are used. N I 1-hcreis 3 din-em“: nuimdm h,_“._iwucnce, he has decided to see to it ‘can serve you in any may I am atta'm°"," W ‘e e’ “3 " U8 - in the l|lJl’l£}l‘llt)W style. hel(i!inyhof Wm“, to "0 mm,‘ ])m-mg ..-ir 30,,“ count, but had not known’ my I we“ be mm," ‘in the years to come that his tree.» your command. lf you desire a . _ . -’r,:-8:‘. ric_ } amppoinlnl _0l}l‘5LSk. wait enough (,mm.mm5 “uh...-¢.J -,.. ‘mm .‘'g,—,, ;,,.r(._ 3, rs, Robinson has Ask your gror.-er for Red ‘A -. Chi. l Em: All 93'” W “W “’‘"““K "°°"‘ “'°"° "‘ ‘C “"9 '" ruln’ p um" at populate a Rood-sized toun :.1\.ay:: lo-so-i auvcntuie and ha" i P ' mu ul ii tic.-irc that she may i e _ . ... _.q..-eovopc-my \ i " ‘ “"““"“ """“ “L, . o' These local banks- The “"1 hut‘ ent bank in St. Louis nne dzillzit‘ bills. "f and whc.-n the from 11 KllllP¢llh°lm¢1' id. Federal kc-serve Bank in St. Louis. ' from the treasury in 01 lllfi Washington," one bank employe the said. Xntiona banks are permitted to heir own hills in prnp0!'- ‘ ount of government] the tips oxfords, ca top-coat bonds the have deposited with the t, mutilated bills to the redemption. These are new ones issu . bills of higher denom- coaclfs dporways tth 0? Miss. He Fulton sell D endintrall of f ministry there. ,_ entrance. 1 v o '1‘:-ainini: 2. ‘Wm A1l|¢!'l¢8."=U,luourl. He was a eonscien ous statesman and not a politician, as “ wasshovmatthetlnielieviasgov- " 3. in: § 5 3 8 ,turepassed beaaA moods in llissourimany illionsof Doctor Kerneridollara. Be vetoed this bill, know-‘. hill-llllll-vrouldbepassedoverhis: 0 v,-2* --=~ -~ --, an-1,, $3....‘-==°-=...::. :..i*;.°:-.;°.:;+...“°.':‘:.“f.::.‘“°.....'"*=..::°.t‘.i , ° °".:'.."'$.........r..........‘..e-'-° 3,1; 12,3: , ‘um, ,,,'I ---1 *!|Il=l|I¢1¥*°°“"°”"°"““"“ vi-'3'-."~...i..e.‘.'.“°.ie:so'}'-any-= tiieu’isu.?~3.....c.,,,, l. .~‘l1ierearethsse Vlm'afi‘fiiIt« - "g i Quick Ambiilant‘ PHONE‘ 104 Expert Attendants-Dmay Emergency caiis a, 5hti5h(,ili(‘s. im-t ’ Mrs. Robinson then tiiiding port which they visitml and 0 where hn\'(- curr(-spuml- P08 ;. riage that they had thus far cher-m law 9. “O had our first eneuiiii:er' "ii the " \‘-ll‘: llzv’ VH: n ‘ : .. Hie)‘ the only hail mu-.- lnlil lllt they v.1-ic 1ld\'lH"f‘l in get rid all the luggage that they (‘ivLll:l ply spare. They sold the cm‘- Si Your Friend Won’t Thank You. S a busy man, coull f’ ‘ .i .i.?.“..'::.“.:i:2: :2: m,,es,m§fi{L";§1 d3’ °b“1fs.°Wf? Would you be able to give his the)’ would re<1uire"meS:S mama“ the care and attention ' “P1105? you made a mistake and losses resulted, w ll from your own ,.e§:u:,cgs°.;‘ be Prepared to [lay for them _\Tn ."~ 1 lf"3‘.(l \\"'J‘.ll(l ask you to d - .. . 1. , -- . 0 ‘£1118. you think. But its-..2:"::2 firm‘ as executor and - ~ 11:; 1m to assume Just such duties. no mafifhffiffefialgls not a task _for one individual. commmy for Wmpcf‘ th 9 may be. Itis work for a trust gamma and equi iingoone County_,Trust Co. is or- more the benefitllof ii collecfltliloongh w}.“°l‘ it gives <§l{S§0° that the individual does not po ° °"l3€l'ienoe and facilities I V 88983‘ I \. v Boone County on e... “Mesihe.-at Boone County Milling, C