THE COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN SATURDAYM Y31, 1924 . i . " ma mg-t ‘N ‘V ._ ' I’ -_ I. . a - . . . ’ ‘ .'. . . - t .d \ L . ~' . - . ,_--'_:_‘,‘ , .' %\"_\_.+( snuxswaceoimwnvuaa-gain . . .—-rs-‘~ ‘- ' 3 z . ‘- ~‘. . s .¢h4‘.é‘..-4‘ .'r~:.--.~. . .2‘ ; ~ -J’ . at‘ ’ V ,1\ . '1-(1 st! -2 ;w_ ‘ _., t\_,5. '~u"je_ , . 0.‘ ' _‘ ' - I ' / j .\ _ , -. §»O _ .0. ' .-_ : . _ .-‘. .- . , : -- .-»-- - . ~ . - . __ ' - ._ __ . ‘G v .'r’ .. ~ - . -. .‘ ' ‘ ' e _ 0 0., ‘o a ‘~ - . U’ I. ‘ ‘.31,’ N.‘ a‘ . . > . VI \ ‘ ¥ . ' ‘ g - ~. I . .3. , ‘ . ‘ q . o ‘ ' 9 . 9 , 0 0' . ' ._' . . ' '- . _ _— .. __ . . ,. 1 . _ - a‘, «‘ ' . I Iv ' . a . , I 1 ‘P34 .; " ’ . ' . ' --' _; . ' ' v 0. ‘u ' - ' . a - . 0 a . . . _ ‘ , , v’ _ _ - ‘ . . _ . . 0 ._. V .0 N . ‘ _ ..:u t i %‘\"5"' ~‘- -- 1........_.._.._. g‘.__. _____._. ~- . _.._._...._.._ . 7"" i.‘é"¥§%'鑧i°?u ‘:5’i?.§’§‘s"nr Women Investing in Insurance CHOICE OF COLOR r.wv- she can dress in we follow- » lors: olive green moss bottle IS INDICA TIVE OF i““ °° ,.. ,. ' ' Children Are Never Too Baiall to_ ‘Afllolll ll“ mill? places where of insurance to protect their credi- nun’ my e! C mp“"' n"y' _ A1 ound Mrs. Mary C. Dysart, 83 L... G... n......., 3... 9., t to. ...;..o .. .......-. .....;:;..I.... A. .........._..... oi... .. WEARER’S CULTURE ;;_v;; 3;; i'l;l;;-fin;m:§{;;~ :5; . fin kncg I cm - l I Ever)’ woman who is Planniiit a~ Three times each year. the chil- give for-1,. acres of land in that vi- Hwpy :3" gm“ ‘re the om”, 01:“ in:t‘_ -:tf“:2'g~c:2t'3°0t" Itditblgtrlrtd ‘git '..A color is ‘S indiattve of one.‘ ':uhndie. apricot. olive brown. cream — vacation this summer shou n to; ‘d f M ., i '1-to h 1’ them. No such pro- . ~ - _ 3 . ' ' . - , ite. o,-ct-took the book, which Wm be i:_ ugly 'c'('::“n§"’:‘)‘;°::‘l_t :'°"16(;’1 Ext Sigoti w':‘°m“:le‘ and the former children whose knowledge of good time COIIIPINES It I18 not _Il0.the inheritance tax on her estate culture as ones language is. To be ‘ ' I VACATION TIME , ‘Yearly Family Reunion Center IS READING TIME l garnet and maroon. picturesobegins in the nursery. Theylltmt ago that many compameswill be about $2,000,000. It is to payl seen in an unharmonious color is’ R i’ bud '0 ten‘ wh“ the cm’ “N-’5tllllr llld Bllllvlblelfi fill“! 011 ll" Broadway, return to Columbia to slaves died in droves from lack of d . h t .. . tn ten { would not into" women no on nndTt_n tn d } th tnte ~ tut bnd tn . 41 - ‘H ~_l fi°°" all ‘'f'“‘_ "'d 3'" ‘hm mt f"“§m‘l".°““‘ l"°ll“lll' °°'“° pay homage to the little W°lllllll ""° W‘ ‘°°"- ts: t igfniiui 'i:m:.°.i;u..; ....‘.’.’. that others did for only smallithfit iii. .:olic3E‘l'i:s bio? tskerinout.-’:iilu xvi: Gillirxir of 53:: oo?."’° '“°" °°"“”"“’°"’ ""‘" ’ V _ 3 Y cube, md 20“ t . . . _ ,_ '. re in _ Y . I t . . . ;other type. according to Mrs. - co. ...u....... .. c.....~. :::?°".::':."..:::3: '.::.'.';.‘:°:..‘:';.‘. ..,.*’::::.:::*:.::*:..;*.;".;°:.n..... 2°" “:2? *::."°.:.**.:.°:.°‘*:‘:.': "“.‘:.‘:.":." °{:°:.‘.“.‘:,‘. ‘::°'°"":‘i....’°.‘.’:’“....‘.E:.‘.".‘:“*:';.::*.: '.':::.:::::°° .;::::.. ".‘i.°.': '.*::.'::.::. ~x want we «tor «he mm“ 14°“ 1-33?" ‘Ml Ml” G3l°‘3 Dysart family took place the last of bond nnd other d0SP¢f8d°l‘o” ‘'5'’ Th 'eml°y" K ll in‘ II‘ of the‘were elssupgdc t w u tzililnd of contract the insured agrees ed Essential to Costume and Itsiwur depends "Po" he’ futures", nyflm P"f°m°'" TM“ "'° Am"' 9-Pl'll Wllllll MP8 D353“ ¢°l¢lll'¢l*-‘ll Mrs Dvsart “We went to bed each e .dIeve.lgpnc wigh their? those f eith ro o‘f'o:ren'ciasse: the 10 DI)‘ so much ‘each 5'01? 10!’ I P¢- Pffil-lcll 9-PPll¢81l°ll'° ‘she "id" icon writers are uniformly Pollular her E.lghty.lhll‘!'lhdl)’. night not lonou-ing what the next mwth P iuttmto at C won?“ or’ the fiod at ya" ten fifteen meaty or M G." . h '. . . .t,'fl““ b1°"d' lb” ‘hf °‘“ “'°" "' . and also worth while. especially for --1'n, . D,-rnoorng, of course" she dn ~ would bring," .3 «B {I “pt ‘“ rd to bu work. moan pm‘ “:1!” hitdnn 1 th 50 It “ th; cm; of an; time “he. '5' I‘ _“"” ‘ °‘‘’‘{_‘5d,l’''’‘‘;"3 of those colors suited to brunette, ' "‘°‘ll°ll Nldllll Wllfll Clll lfiisaid "and a Southerner too", Born ) - li ' h’ldren ' f u f cth blld) ' Y An ' rftfh ‘ c orki . tn e is-still livinlr the comlllan pl)‘; her the csmc ‘mono qt hclrie m ha“ mm'.nd “Ce Vern‘ Aniwnn ‘he an "flayed in moment. of "bum," ‘in fiwdol h C ' . H. be Mrs. Dysart as 'se\en c l .. 0 art or e c rens room. y- case o e woman 17 ng o earn _' . _ 0 Y _ lexperimcnts which a ma e_ on alto“, “me or ... - p oullti ll?" ‘8 9- all of whom are living. They are. way, Joan and Mary are so small.-her daily bread and butter. it was a such amount. or. if she dies pre-.01-oun of 152 girls or different,‘ A um“ C" we“ the “"0 I _ Elinor Wiley‘: “Jennifer born” Mrs Dvsart was educated at Plus» 0, n P D l . - - - - : - 1 1, r 11 ~ 1 - W - - - . _ - . . . . ysart, Miss Mary Dy- pictures on the wall dont mean any-gpresunied she bought insurance,,V’l0u5 Y. t t_ It |lll°lllll ll P3 ll _l~° types of complexion. These rls, , I th°"3h "°t i" “"3 ch” °f 1'¢h‘llllll C°ll9l!¢ "l l‘ll-ll"-5Vl"°< 1“ 1351 thing to them. And I have to put'generally endowment. as a protec- the llfllcllcllfi’ 1131305 ll)’ ll"? lllfishe picked out mostly in the citiuu.'.g°ld' 0”" green’ °m°"ld' “‘°' summer reading," is a beautifullytonon-no rnurriod to Dr, W. P great-aunt Catherine's picture.tion against the horrors of a pennl-:8lll'¢0°ll‘»3- Why ll0l’5ll8l>l!ld- She Wu fl0l- I-ll l88¢t."5'oo9 pohcyd "She no 1ml‘1gerdp.’ha l)'Des. she classified them accord- rose, coral. tea-rose and blue white. ,good pictures on the wall. too? int least the amount of “insurable l“'°"‘f'“m‘ m "'f°‘:m' °{l. ‘:7 _5l"'b' i g to the color of tllelf llllll’. (‘F93 “Color has peroonullly," )5;-;_ all. T “ll l8 W0l‘lll Vllllt $0 El"-' ¢l1ll‘ll"’~°'°5l" he lull ll‘ ll" ‘"3 “’“‘u3',u".’ “C “we 0 t e p°'°’ “ e and complexion. She found that tum um Both the penonnmy of Ldren. even little children. wmethlnri llwlll-'es—blond. the color and that of the girl i.... ‘ ‘cod and not just anythin¢~llic-1 Today a woman may buy an ° mmrmce need” °{ folk nrytbrunette. “combination," titian and . ‘tat dog] to do in only. one“, Dark and light colors. especially igufes dlclfded from Mlle!‘ !’0°m3 °Tl kind of life insurance that her twih.f‘.'"'h we Pena" but the "pr?8°m"'-gray-haired. These in t rn we a lot of sentimental mushinessl bi-other may, and at the same cost.?ul": °‘ Q" 3??“ csmmmfl ‘"3 subdivided into twenty-five small ‘tight b1nc_ wntth intpetnomtten mod. {Children don‘t want soft. cnlPt}’.‘To buy life insurance is the quickest 3 ' nt: 3" if ‘fife’ ‘ °m° W30?’ groups. Meetings were held by t.5t)._ nttccnce "td truth "0 wot.“ ;mg:mly pretty thinzfl." aald Dr_- John: way to create an estate. If a woman gfjiums ‘"0 ‘’ ‘''::‘;"‘i::‘em‘_3 ea group with Mrs. Gillurn and .o,. ton, .,;n,.. n,o,,.,,_. colon, ,. gPickard when asked about plCtI.l!‘¢3| should take out a policy (policy is ‘”_“em.tic‘“y the "mm In . Wen sixty different colors were tried on red. “glow. 0,-nngt. nnd nntplo. on‘. 'for youngsters. gthc term used for contract) today e “t 65 .1 be rent" every member of each group. gcgt noldnt-so ond org bggt oulud "Just what pictures should be the’, ind die llcxt week. l-llfi C0!IlPlll!.:fu't it 1%“ iatunnce is {Sought ’ After one year's repeated cxperi- only to those girls who have a 'C°mP3lll°ll5 Of 3 Child. ¢l¢P¢lldl 091 '°“ld l"3' ll" ha“ ‘he ‘"3’ "‘J“" ‘t t, tmt. bu. it the “on tn; merits, conclusions were made, re- striking personality. Green aug- tllc Clllld Ind ¢8P°¢ll»llY 00 lllll 01'; °{ "5' l’°u°"- u‘°“3h 33” Md Wldide ttdettts '.,,d"d;e, H3; 5,, mt; garding the suitable colors for the itcsts maturity, fruitfulness or her age." he explained. Among; lllll OM Pl'¢lllllllll- ll I dfillllllle P"I“‘.hpft of th; dependents» ' different types. Mrs. Gillum found promise, while brown. tan and -tllollt ll!‘ 8ll88¢8l»¢“f‘:th!ecsnond)ersc‘;'ilt,"l1nsii?id 4 an astute. clever buyer. She runs her liouseho L, ioc. William Rose Benet» 9.4"‘ “‘;"§ “°“"t‘."’ °’ ‘ .“'°“'d “'“°."°"’ ‘" "1"" ‘,"° 9d°’.things hanxinz in her osids piay- J . b . ha . J St "ll .‘;"l'°*'° °‘°"‘ .... ...... ...... ";° :'“'*:; “.*:.:°.‘.:...'..::.'::.’; ".'°"'- ?°"°'°" "‘.';.“'"t.':“.‘ °“° J “‘“°“’ °“ “ “'‘“‘°““ ‘"8’ ' -J ll, 1 , ' just the size to tuc _in u. 'osegays '0 ; er _wa -, owcv I. _ I n 08 0 .pt.tnt3_ « 5‘ '93.» . . _ , . Wk: is" _ " tinted in delicate sbadfiohhgit-1-du'fcellng_ can be eliminated if you cut ~ picture of . chad nttd tog by st, _ She 18 constantly 1]] touch file stores and thCIr ‘ ‘fiarrie. and I'm happy. shimmery appearance_w ic hell '§ the onions under uatcr. ‘ Juno, R_,ynt,1d,_ «fin, gnfnnt . _ _ kn th 1 W- e Ivomlll. Ilpeflltllll 0‘ ll" ‘"311 Wm‘ 5°“ "‘"°"“’ “C '" in baking apple pie or calrc.‘_ Samuel” by the same s-tist, “fliel ofleflngfl. Through the 8dVCI'tl8lllg 8'18 0W3 e 0 J I ' ading. “Hall.-georgette c!'€P¢- 14789 P¢l'l3-lnblc‘ have you ever used 8 salt shaker£Blue Boy" by Gainsbortsgb, "Dance ' a real J treat. looking lll°’5°““ °f 8°°"°tw_ crepe’ to sprinkle the cinnamon. nutmeg. of tho Nymphs,” a coral. god when there are no pressing d0l'I\¢8-‘Which wear well despite their gos- Ind t_tm.t.-_. The spice win dt5t,.tb_i Stuck.“ «Dmce of s,rin8.. we” | ' tic responsibilities to detract from ssmer appearance, are_i-risking NW" utc much more evenly than whemhis choice. Later he isisted upon one‘: reading. If one wants drama«debut in Columbia millincry sll0P5- no: in with ll spoon. ' ’ ' ding “Atlanta's Rad.” by E J! est prices, the best qualities and the newest commodi- Z ties. Long before she leaves the house for a shopping . i nt ted form. llotlllllt One °r “'° °‘ ‘'“‘’°. °'‘ 9 ‘““"“°’ l k ' h . I h .f d 'i.l’oynter and wins it since all'bv.l ° cl? S .. criiuldcmbie lmlflo conAvetni;i!it 't'b;i;fmcl;‘ojl'o:ot‘tcedii;:‘terials is all‘ the adtgfitgepxntf) 3:: that; h:;':,'.:,:.;iu§1t 0:1‘ one_ofof, mm. H t she ‘(HOWE CXICHY Whflt 8113 Walltfi, where t0 3 ‘- nun i C 35'' d°c° ' ll ' h ' ' t l t " 5‘-13 Y PlC C "30. ° 4‘. ° l"”:- ". Mnaeriraret ?l‘a;eorsan-Q. Tlllll V°lll"'° The nom:ai'ma)' llcol fill!’ “ll” "V Agfiirimrifiinicfinigr or‘. F3 ’“l!“Illl. of thins: vrifin their ex- l . It and how much to D8)’. contains some of the Very bl-‘Si PW’ color and is worn with equally fit- instance 1 ,,1o..ny,.« save the twenty- 'peri.ence or the ken oflheir imagi- ' ductions in one-act plays-’ Tll¢.ting effect on eltllcl W’ ““°’°“ five-pound flour-sacks. I washlnationa. are the and in which ; She buys merchandise of established reputation. ll 1 Lo i Cohen collection lag it, as witness the craze for the th . - th (1 it an-mfyoungsters show most ltercst. They L _ _ . J sl:oe:onsi:l:i.i;dd:‘eD!:‘|¢;lfi@:3o"‘:- giisiu oftargstin ;l;i;;::-ngtcolirgg 5.7} Lair. °L'L.iIi"°"a§.;i'...o;.°-'§i. be- like color and action; If_ it's clothing, she knows how well it should wear and lfilllte 3 ~ ytem Y0 r . t.; eii an sot. _ , . o ’ As lihe tendo.ncy of the day lleellllnoggny ‘for the formal eveninl: t“‘.l"t.:ainml :1...» “those one-poundt MY FAv0mTE:RECIPE what the fityle Should b8. It’8 8 muslcal lnsuumenu l to‘ be toward fiction. it is a l'IulCl';fl'0ck during the last few years ‘has tins in “Nth tmktng pt,“.dt., come5_3 ! 0 _ _: ..impossible task to list, out of theéboen almost certain tohaveafril of -they can be used to 5te,,m.t,m,_.n% > 0 she knows what to expect In tone and wofkmandjjp. . multitude of narratives on the mar}: ilver‘ ribbon l3‘ 3: :‘;_i; :b.rcad and pudding. tllld Yclllllrr lea-'41 Plnearrla P||‘ll|8- ; . . d f kel-. iutt those Vlllcll WW” ‘l’l’°‘ l3lll~lm°“ °f °‘"" °‘ ° ~.timc for cooking than when the; One large can of gioapple. ‘tbs a vacuum cleaner’ she knows Inn 0 fiery- i ice it should give. . cream. . - ° . s to read the out.“ 0,, loynlnduuppoiltefl of thezpotnt for the bout:t.iret,f ose slliould inept, dc China or Cnnton cm” it,‘ hpubeftae pipupilliuzg c:: t: Ask Mr and will tell y0u It pay ' ,0 1 ‘cu! anaytlcll ,5 or o ai y arire. . rdw ' in] ice 0 e pineap as s r - '¢‘C|lll|Y'3 °T°ld 57 "V mfwlinen. silk or velvet. The 33:12,. 3;§‘t,t.,.,,,n n:_.:::?on¢: r for twty ilnutes. Pre- advertisements. ' gelatin whl ' . a the l-l ‘ On tuuhtnu wading’ or his I_h0l"l_' soon n nosegay can be easily. Silk (‘repca Easily llemstitchod. 5 one cup of coldwa glories such as “The Urbinian. 'made. As a gutter and startinirj gcmtttttcntntt gootgouo or-onofi One pint of whippl 5 to primitive audiences. Some prcf¢f}newer' and gives a less stifftand for- ‘larger steamer it mt(_d_ Two cup, at m‘“_» like Sabatinlifmsl effect. -—r--*-"—‘*‘ e package of Kim gelatin in‘ 0 ml " 11 h Walpole‘s “The Cf‘ nooogu with a linen center and sur- ;t- 1 th t, tt, rd. pare the 0 ~ . - M °'i‘ “fr 5*"°“"-.'.nu; ‘om’ u"° “lllxis an-ll flow-an of velvet ls : i'i'°.'.'n§i'i.sf.‘.’zt.‘°.'i..°‘.'" aree .33.. It Will DOYYOII. too. It will save your time, money and effort. It will help you dress better, eat better, ’ . . a sleep better and live «better. as = , eapec _lIer “Alhahdsome. To build up the noseray. {to ,,,,,,,,,tt,c,,, -n,, t,,,,,,,, m not Now mix win. the ; il Cure of Souls.” “New Friends in!t,,¢ ntnnu {lowers ill Cll-5" Vdva °r ihard to pull. contrary to ' .« he _ ; . 1; ‘J: ‘I filiachaI1n0lf0l¢l - 3“Cnl:3sIl‘:r.t:3uldmberW0|l V3350" Buck]-am cut in oval shape “ruin V” °f"'o.ic°”nd ‘ml .nyounda'”tfi mfurhal but ’ issue materials are * J 0 ' . ‘Tb; the fuu'fl°¢:iu‘orh"t_ ollouge Polishes l;1.g‘ehrn‘;irlI-ac. Enog. in from the rlargare . ‘'35 ‘!l°l9C‘Y ~ . rangerougeasa l o - ~ -.'~; prise for the American ll°V¢ arranged satisfactorily. ellllfl. - ‘two : kid: but Pnlcnbad the whole-luilver loss or «:1-led ostrich. which iffn:q3:iil:e£t>'th;irl!.‘w;t bit noon}. '' i _ is ‘_ ' i J "'i.'¥"..t-‘»'. :. atmosphere of American life. ,« & Ebb!‘ . 0 ' aaudantherlarra‘ . lo--llrvl-°*°‘ W. ""';°’,'?aoapollahed with lll¢llll1l¢|',"mh_ss Yoacrtsauewillbewellmoested , American womea!r|Iuu_I.!“ -'11:); sins-oundedmbbmD°l°8”.na_.“t" tn, ptnh. nnoon go at. nnn act 0 . _ .0 ‘A ‘ __t .4». tdgvouesoftliendwt-:1---0- u-sacuhf!fib“n‘et",_.nTlIiateverywomandasir1:s... , no ,,'o,,.n¢5::& :plulls="l.i1e‘uf active. ' T (Andes and his-avast \'esst:lIe.‘h ‘h 4. "gr. Dol'¢3|!O3"‘.' “"" ' 1 C10 _ _ _ . - . 1”‘ 'gg‘’m}:.fl.U‘m “::.plsoo‘:£imesofthe'§}r'aaksand dsfllfl‘ . . _ 0 0 , on 0 ' A. A _ , _— J _ -,~ _ -0 utraeaioruiulir-°°l!=a¢otlre°-l=t°ll!¢"lr!-llletlaarl-i‘ - ~ . r .. 2 ,.'ll"'°"i_§,.,t,,..,,..t, , _ t-.3. is 0 ‘ J ‘ ‘J “ J « - ~ _ ~: IA-onion