-u_‘.1 3...-“ .1 . u \h§DO§§1‘ 9 o llllll} i _ ’;F. .000 .\ A ‘ . .*-'.‘.‘o‘.4t'8° :0 o 3 ' ’. . V -o¢s~.a-ago-.-u..c-nu. ........,_., \ , . ‘*"°'.‘O",~'. , Hints From Succes . »__._.____.._..._— Modern Verse Is fustzfied by Its Followers Or underneath the hm: 50-5 ;the more flexible medium and no 7"“ "’ "" "““‘°‘ W‘ °‘ """"" itself more completely to the in ' ...___..._.__.____._____.‘~ IT TOOK W. EARP 18 YEARS TO SELL 1 Mod me h in th t - G111 V I on y is ime’ ‘Mrs. Mary Blake Woodson la- mented the fact that the news- short, concen- Writers and authors in Columbia during the annual Journalism Week had much to say about how to write papers demand for stories and novels. Their advice. as tratedped Sb 1 dov;;n" _article(sl dien's stories .to the Chicago Daily; ‘ u M‘ h ‘ usual in a conference of writers. cram e stye o t e writer an ews. i on se ing a manu pt was w a of the mkmich , . . __i j. was varied. Ho ever. the advice caused him to be forced and less “A child realises instantly if tbe_ ‘James W Earp newly elected Vice-‘gnaw; no ‘in; of !lsb‘£:|g_“fi::nt1)i.t':‘Be i1.:eh::; lucid roundplthy $3." [pa-ind in the fife (.{ ;;..::¢:,.:° came from those who have been vivid than he would otherwise be. riter is not o his level. He will. ; president of the Missouri Writers ter tnvecfives “ 6." “,9 hurled at‘. iv;cm,;‘n5 "flecwd .d,quue1 ‘“u‘°’ "b° "7"" G“fld' h‘d ’*° °°"""'d "flu" ‘poetry that dares to a ar ts-‘tho t -‘Ute? “'9 iuV°l"¢d f0m'|lll'-S’ Oflcharacteristics of their a y During this time, he explained. he ppe ' u such as this, the spontaneous beauty ‘ they ¢ou|d no; nae“ om-age. not tolerate an down to him demands the Another cause of cramped style is self-consciousness on the part of the author. which expresses itself successful in getting their material published and getting paid for their Also I child’! truth and is very? of life. if it is productions. b T. C. O'Donnell, editor of the Wri- in stiff and wooden style. quick to perceive a false oo tors‘ Digest, said. “To write. you uttygung 3, , quufion 0 cm “Children are hungry for know!-. ,vertisements,artieles,etc.. which in-_,‘ ' _, _ , must have a personal viewpoint. a penmemw-v gm “id, “After one nu edge and. you must give them factsi lcluded “love stories when I knewiguiegre t:?r::’i:h';:::_§hd.”‘m€l!'_°’t"' ‘the dignity of the Ameficm pea , niugiong, and realities. Scientific stories in. ’ Jiiothing about love, Chinese storiesipnuive ‘hm rhymed w_.,.;:ecbe:,E:; Lhu:orI;n'hliklon:l:eI in. I:_'f.' kmfiy Curl Sludbufll 535 dune I‘ '4'}: _ . . ‘0 ll. ~ In I I - . " ‘ill’. I: not bound to inflexible fo,-ms_ vcr dream. lost in a circus rider‘: silo «Chill any other l0W8!‘d catching a \ 5 .positive philosophy are in demand." she: ’/ °“l5' P°5l‘l"° l“ "°‘ b°i"F l’°5i'~l"'°-the either becomes an idealist or a ulmlflc 10"“ B d ll does "Cl nllttcr wh‘k "lC“" ‘cynic; ‘ or a 1-o[nantici5{. and §flld_ . : C Bllccted in “mug ‘one |¢¢.lI- . . ° l’°l';‘ l‘- 5”“ ‘° i‘ i’ ‘I?’ ''° 3'°“- :50 on. Often the idealist is the man Kffzleifl 793333" blh“ nu“: 0"°‘55 10*’ ‘NC: 5&8“ ll “m“¢h;¢lne:8elc?Srll‘8um:ll)t‘l8 c.ori:ti'n‘tl‘eo”:i blhsfi’: his "smoke nnd Steel" there is l 1; ,, . . ‘ . . . _ ‘ be ‘ . Q . 1 . ' ’ . M t ' 1 .h . ‘ _ ; ' .,._:- ‘ ’' mm‘ C8995 °u'~ 0 W" I 3 °"Y who sees the ugliness of life. a- P u“? u I I‘ ll )' tit, “mac "I‘lc!Ikecf¢r.°m til‘ u gépyaflgeogg an n "at poetry ha been wt"- A Louie“ the ‘stuff of gin epic: .2 lid.” "d not prim‘ue mnur. ten since the Victorian period with bin-lies and nines. mixing ism A an 0‘ ‘"64! k “W t. smoke and him a story is not to make him say.‘ ‘Tell me another.’ but. ‘Now I'll tell said Miss Wells. “For, every person with a sense of beauty comes back only for the reason that must, but bravely refuses to relin- it lacks interest," he said. “An edi- ._..--_____u, ~_~___.—___.——__—~____—.--.——._.. Current Non-Fictio , . J7.-vy — ' ~ "- "VOA: ow-..--.-...-o i~.~...--._ .... l substitute for personality. . . f "An unoriginal subject, or a con- rica. “It requires. however. an ‘eye to ‘ see these stories and prospective to Jhoufht Uh Filher discusses the‘ -wu~v~-u. tor cares little for construction it’ qugsh his mu]; in which he find, y u ()2 ; the story is interesting. A writer’: refuge The ,-9.135;, on the other then 5 u know that you have‘ L ;writing. he began working for the tutlbullry Shuuld u°l 5° “”'°°“'.liand. is of the temperament which amused the creative impulse in him. ' fir-ailroad for the revenue secu iC"l 5‘“d5u!'8. “covered with frills ‘ “"°',' W W0“ -04 the Mr I-va stiuus when you acqu ii dfiflfilgcknowledggg .11, and looks on nu It is st to remember that the .,therefrom. While thus employed he“°d 1‘"'b°l°""" w::d..m. "mm W ha" a" And'°i::'.::i:L:h:’nd the blood of a W ' iooted love of word ideas vanish. ., equal parts of life." one person who can help you write: , ran into the Railroad Man‘s Maggoi The stilted phrascology of this ex- woman. in I am-.~ .'i'"..'.".'"}. 1 4"“ W‘ “filth” W"-‘L thilld -64 blue. . G l\ Chflolertfln. St¢\¢'ns0D."'DiClI- —-—- &:hild’s stories is the child that you: gtsine published by Frank A. hfunsey,Lt!'I¢t from Tennyson‘; “in emo, rider‘: -ilvcr draw-. ‘ VA ‘ 7 " “"5 ‘mu 0"”? 37°“ “Til?” 3‘? “The best that one can write isgused to " ; "in which he found a series of ar-'.!‘il1m" certainly compares unfavor- - 7‘ ""5° °‘""‘°t be “if! ‘ , _ _. ticles headed. “Knights of thefilblf With the clean-cut lines typical Si"°° ‘he 5”“ Of F0934’? is cX- °°““" °h'°n5' "{ {'99 V9“? - pnession. that form which mos °"°*""'-he 8798"?’ N“ 0f ll‘.‘ilh _. -i-"~ if g ling. surely it is not to be conde " ;bec use it does not conform to ... itain meters grown out ’ proved itself to the doubters "id lu ed its existence. But the ‘nu at ‘om x ho‘ i . i e. ‘um’ an W” Sufi“ m we tum‘ Thy spirit in time amoua thr veers: rhyme or‘ verses that are unham- percd by iembics and pentameters. That 0‘ Curl 5l!'Idbul’K_'8 "Ni8hl_ 5'-u5"‘is majesty and drama in the . we modems ‘re .nempung'comes like cool wind in a crowded ,p¢¢¢h of Ameficn, .. speech P °"3 has grown out of the immensity kind of stuff imagin- ' stories - wrote every when .1 knew nothing about China." ver arm. spirit and the idiom of America, rrccn and white among the our. sin! rep“ in .9“, ¢|(3f ,5‘ u_ , Smoke at the heart of i lood ofaman “Victorian poetry is like Victorian " said ‘ After a profitless ten years of" ” :dress and Victorian furniture, . g ‘A runner of fire ran in it. ran out, . 14. _‘- of modern verse truly and clearly expresses the in- tended thought or emotion must be '59“ '0'! plumelots tuft tho Ian-n_ ""“-"=4 the best form. free verse proves Patel‘?- t t And rarely pipe‘ the mounted -o:-otosv-2v:n9!.'3¢ 212::-rigs:-,:-: i ventional theme which inclu es, ‘ characters and experiences with _ , . . - subm tted f rti l - ~——- -1- . which ii writer is not well acquaint-I “Niagara Falls." “nd °h'1d’°" l"’°b‘bl5' "m {ma t gig“; -Ad:e,f::,‘.: of . ‘£2’ en E '“'‘'“''‘‘‘‘i - - Edna Mm . um h h . .1 -. n. f , -1 , delightfully different. mic Amer» ' .. ° ‘ “'9 . . . . P’: "3 3 ° '4.‘ c . is c cause 0 an ui-_e most 0 _ In ngssly’ °f Tod‘)... the editor. in“ wcwpoim socmy Inc Ne‘ Student. In return he receited a - R . « within the limits of rhyme, -- is-_. ,, ’ _ ‘:3’ ‘"“°' Am",‘l'*;‘,'“° ’5_i~'"l’,p'"3 "°‘ F. H. Pritchardg has included thirty- York‘) ’ " personal letter from Robert H Da. for ihfihlnce. never be mistaken i ':l’g t Qfillfifi 0&1? !:u:l:>u;n;dli‘°::;..fi’:; four essays by many of he best i ""3t-)lm‘K“‘“9 NW0!‘ Of 811 Munsey “ 3 Vi¢'l~°"i3" P°9t— ‘ "" ' t E ' E l. ' - * . lv. - ' ° 1 l :~ ;_ tire definite," "3 ““ Aj"t;:::;.h°‘“_‘:‘e°r:f‘;f‘;": ii A Story of Andreyev. ,_'§;‘;“§,‘;;‘?,f5,f‘}'f‘.f;;s‘:;‘} -'fn,?’{.'§,,‘;‘;,'ff_‘§-puTi:? followed by another se- ...nTh£E.EIez::nJ.h .V_f"9"?-” More Mystery ° '“T;_“' ‘.,f;'"'°‘ "°“‘_,,"““ °‘°". . " 7 " « “I ~ h _ -lecuom smack mo much of the m_ A ..,im.,,1 stud). of gnomes An. “Ema NOVEHST. PLAY cm “I ries for the magazine called “ oo- 9., D‘ an“ 1'31"’ by D°r° A Safety pin holds together an-‘ Th: m‘lIl.r.thI:yrr‘\vll :n:"r:...vh°’ .31‘ E i ”"°"°’ .° '°"’. ‘t " "‘ '3 says used in high-school textbooks. dreyev such Alexander Kano.-rat-ssaiiio. mm AND Ills, um’ -'°"°5-" MB 5"!’ ‘"5 “° dlfllall’ y. L ‘ welesd’ but Mn". N“ °f “ ‘Wu’ mystery sto ' b~ J. 1"" ""°"" """ '"“"'"‘ “"’- W.‘ *5‘ C 3. "9 .b°“°' ’“‘"‘"3 p°"“ ‘°" ‘hf’ '9‘ such 3, 30“, ways . Autumn" ,,,.0g..,w,. of silo... 1,,,m,.g¢, ,3 we TORIAN. iii; CAIIE mznrz raoii use ficulty inducing editors to accept his y ‘mun "°"l b" ‘ “'°"“" 5” S. Fletcher Th ‘ th ‘'3 3 ' “"‘ . 3?.‘ ' Q pmn‘ .'"""' whether he be ‘mu’ and “Loslnt 0ne's Train" by \’er- University of California. has writ-. LAND Am) .m"C”“': ‘W ”‘u‘°*3 'material now. For his first stofylyouth "1 enough to “'9” with Wm‘ well~k . boo 6 it“ or of Fhe And ‘H but C" “M wk"! mt " ‘E’: ! ested in poetry. the drama or the non Lee (viola p.g,t) 'gh¢,-9 "e ten. adds ii tlirob to "The Seven’ f,',-7133:.’ 98,533 ‘gum ' Earp received 810. and he confessedimthy the. Wu“: "'°"“u'S aearc Crogs mg“. .Thc..C.h‘rl"g. ° . . - W‘ t wrmng of ,,,,,.,1.._ mm m“ of journon me other mud ‘ “ow exceuené who were H‘nm__d.. md m "He" mun ‘:EAR& ‘L NELSON am. he ‘ct om . whoop th“ ,for what is most real in life. Again Rub‘) ,, h 3-Story“ and Ripphngffo (‘ri:;:'.Y'Tn im the loin of um 1 - is ' ° _ v~ I _ " _ ' . ' 0 . ' .5 v ' _- - “hum Sid-M’ F’ “why "Plessays that illustrate the elasticity “M G?“ SWPP‘-‘d Whlch cw b°‘mD'T or Tm: mu" I‘EAc.m: °' ‘he llndhdy when he got the check. R " “wed mu "' '3 w°m°" “',° est “The Saf”t,'}PiM"'ned M8 M“ Lw°'M' w°'“' ' °'''''°‘ “‘ “" ‘ii’: I 1 resentatite in this country of e ‘ h. f , . . fen om b. than who know theikltfilca. AIONG ins popgj. , , _ l 0 not know what they V,-nm m e 3 u- . .-.,.,...i,g .. r i M“ “*7 G“"dl'“- ‘"5 °d“‘°"“‘ O t '5 cm of .‘-Tnfing. .. - intimateylifz of the author and thC.l‘iAA!1‘.Lg:oK8 --aE.'."m ‘run D?-.m8h-hm unnee" 3”” °f 99''’. 1*’ “"7 5 “"19 clperience. an The story is. th” °f ‘ "“"'d°" ~ I § writer on the staff of that news-‘ ’.“’P"‘ Br°°k’. r“""".' mm‘ ‘s history of the period be "present; ',M,u.; gm; ..A“°.: °"'”3u‘A* P?" ‘ca, '3’ ‘_‘'h°“ 59 ‘'13 ¢lVu|n8;that it is men who are the cruel ro- m'"t'°n" '" “'h‘°h ‘ 1~’i"l- the “'0' u -'-_—‘""'" .“" 4 . p“m,_ written mostly in ‘a strain of Pure K M Md ‘ "cuss" AM-, ”mmA‘E Bonn" higinus nil. his mother would urge.m.,mc;3u_ of the murdered man. and a young Symphonies And Songs}: ’ ..E‘p"imce in me um“ 30”. poetry, may Phtlogophicjl and _ tor nun ‘S access 0 punhxsaso M. B_ “,_ mmuscn. Nm- im to sell his vast bulk of mania! The type, of ‘mm . th English solicitor. are the mai - “S~ h ' - N ’ 3-" I ~ - - - - ' ' ' rivate which have not been - °" "‘ ° “'0'” “ 3"‘? °""3*‘ ‘md 501185. I * -- ,- tn“, ‘neg, ",5 ‘numph, of ‘.1: humorous inclusions. In describing P P3P¢‘J'3 0 ii. _, 50119‘! 88 paper to the junknian for of M“ 1‘ characters Mr Fletch ‘-‘ - ‘F’ is asdential to the young writer's lb“ 5°um¢)' beneath and behind the'“3°d b‘°f°‘’°v “'5 “'5' Aud 3'" 5“-»——i ' A ‘ J ‘ 3. 09"“ Ell’? would tell s’a soptiper wot ' free “me work’ 555 Plot in a most entertfari ‘unfolds ‘Of vane to be rad’ as the ' '1 ~ - - . . - .____"_-__‘:_-'__...'“‘—“.......""‘::'.:r*_"""" - : . 9 ‘ ~' ! fund of mneriat ma. while it mu falls, he says: .helped materially in the completion’; ‘V . L-.-7_T- -‘mother tn“ 1“, mamncripu “.".,bm e“ccfivd;"° anitcliied broad)’ mystifying m‘mm_' At 211:: rannd ;8P9cIfl;6. Eclfih the movement _ 1 ( _‘, n present simuiom in every use b.'Yuouo'll"I; giiniydsizdniiiiuiiy sure am of the _work. The author has been‘. “ Discontinue: sworth thousands of dollars. His ;;,,,_,l _ . s a sensa- mem we rad" think‘ an‘ h o-‘song. as -n written by John . t.._‘ 3; 1 ' which might be "produced with L.“ N": :°";'mm °’"°;'w.1"D::l"":':n‘: dispassionately thorough. The Lyric’ est,‘ _ne€‘of \ers."‘65‘."Vr_mol&‘&ie’bda.-1,’ ‘ ' -..E.,..'_'“"'°".%e"kr " to 1)‘ that ‘ dew .8 ‘O the mntdercr ;dh39:b°"- ”°°"¢- 3.3"'3d'-13“? 9,! U3 I ‘ Pliotostraphic accura(')'. such contact vre-cm I m w--bu the face rumba‘ This Work offers. through the ro- '°'u'y p"H''h°d ‘" 5“. Ffihclk" lam“ '5 "hm" m"““"i“‘" E"°";down to 'ustif - h broken the next moment he ‘ ' n “innfly who rarefied & ' 0 ~ » i .it,‘ the - muse occurrences which a y. I’ and him-in: cloud: of manticism of Andi-eyes-, a view of "°“‘hlY- "P07" l-ll|t»"flt1I'4B-llll now. E839 insists. he does not rate ; ' 1 J - 5. °."l°lf’ ‘~."°u‘°’ baffled . i u °°mpmdy‘u' A‘ in 19.-1“ Mr‘ Mm" '°“ u” A 1 confront human beings in life will ".'"’ "fin m"'''’.' 3'." ‘M’ ‘'°'"' ’‘’'''° "“ the chief tendencies of Russian and'b°° ii hfilillflcimtlflufd F3550‘ 11535. I5 M5 family takes the at-: S ‘ uwlumg mdnndufl ‘mm M Mr megs“ ' llqelaon C‘ Edd poetry pfi" . of course tend to broaden the mi-7"'}?’"- "".'?5 °'i '3 ha \\'est Europdan literature and phi» "- The mlazhunxmminent mud: that it Jim can sell -«.......,.,.'”"’°. °‘ "°““." ""° "'°‘°'“" W“ He h. bee er '5 ‘ mm" °f "1"" ms’ ‘M b°‘"d°” ‘hi’ "°°“" h‘ 1 ’ ~. - I mm m ' mm ch '"'"m’' l v d ‘ ' poetry circlfl.. -. Icrits" eve -bod- I l"“°“°°° chum)‘ because she mu. ‘5 °'"¢ fl-mous as a writer three poems in "Verse. 1 ter, subyectitely. both in the emo. to - couteinpisiion of the falls. at even‘ 0809*!) ""118 159 Nu¢1'~'¢ul-h €30“ - -,3: r ~ c-: - ° '3 5 ° 5° “W in ‘I - - of myste go ~ .. . . uonai nnd inteiiecmd c,p.cm._ ?_bour. and especially by night. when u -. Andreyev stands at the owl... _ ‘ H _’ ‘ _ . _ ~___ I h‘ me". V "e " 3° h.‘KM"‘ J°"°‘!ty Pi " Ty . nu‘ ‘ " the book of ‘en’ wfiwen by 04 - - - , do, of spray becomes an immense vi-iblc. - ' - i "" "‘ """"‘ ""“‘ ‘ r -7" —— ‘ ° hermneo liflvfl‘ passing throu h' ," _‘3 undoubtedly one of the dents of the University, Two q‘ I find the chtgf difigcult) of point of the two decades of Russian. o . th . . , 3 best m ts . , . ‘ , ‘ghost. straining and pathetic and tran-‘In r ‘U wh. h d d . h h R - ; V C etage of get,“-uy In suffnge. . ' 513390089 and its use of these. lullabies. are included it" youthful writers, though they often liseent . . And. II incessant. I ln- ‘’ ‘ '9 '° "‘ ° W“ l 9 9 : e S 6 CS in n; in ,9 ,.g 1 the sltnplegt An 10,5“ ... - .. 0 not realize it themselves, to be‘cviiab1e. and as umnilins ii. the -may "0lull°“- The i“flu'~'''|C°8 0‘ T°l3l°F». ' ' imp: p°[i:.?ngg oi:-in hbér news. to port;-ny its 3 K h 3:,’ rings‘ symph°mes___‘_n_d .S°nn' the influence of a whole world of ““ ”" °“’ W "l - " 5' '’“‘'~G°'Tk)'- Ch“ NV“-5° 9 ‘"3 ° ’ F‘ 9 H: ' - ' ' - 3 nemem’ ‘ - . ' I’ ' . or ::..-:...= .:.-.«.:.::::::. ::::~ ma. Against Hough s North of 36 its: ‘°- "~ Pm-~= son.» .::::'.'*:.' :.’::.**'..:.°.: of immature thought pg-oceggc3' ",5 1, .5, , 5,, Q, 6,. . ; Besides the complete treatmen of‘. . 1 _ ' ' . ’_ 5 " °‘m‘°1i ’ ___._____ - ~ : of imbimy to ‘pm’. the undeflyin“::ou;'?. 5-onus en qauw"“unphrin¢sifo‘;ia:‘au:at:his “my me md his ht‘ ph“°s°_‘L_lii a fortlicoming number of the! was poitiw.» that Houghs use of _have him any other way, 1,, the Be“ Auefiun sen". in E" had a of tbe_W immediate attempt--most of which‘ A d¢1‘¢h“u“>' humorous 0888)‘ is bibliography of Andr€)‘ev's works. ,°?"ew thfm .wm "mar. “ MW km“. H0 h ‘O "' is not likely mu much- "lheuc tem°°nm°m"u“" °f I*°"d°u Publishers vie?‘ tice. mil as may to an an V: were “flaked md “unwed in ch“d.,Ho,b,.°ok hckwws “Mum” 0‘ the u_msl“i0m' ind the criticism ounntteri by Miss Catha lkells. who two men no never saw each other i_|nd too little decency, we re“, “own “at were , I i is . e .s to return shortly ‘g hood. Of course. many break awayiN°"‘°“’°'" l“ ‘_"l}i°l‘ he 5°"3°u1~‘l)' him that has been written in any 3.9.0“ al a,r.°°°m" '?‘°°§"“ °( ‘'°“|d ‘‘ “*9 83 9 stories unless l-193 lhlt what she wants is notiin England for A:ie‘:-icxfe :i‘.:°:}c,:' :;3:refhu,:n‘go:°ncl°d° ' 3... {mm 9,930 hindnnc“ "fly in me';sho_ws the stupidity of the English tnngnngn; it will be indispmuble “:s;>uri riters_Guild in Colun.:bia. they were sec] on fgctg A31 5.). ! om. but a husband and chi]... ”__.____ 1'“ hp 0 . it. most ._ but the most ea-.,_.,_.u..e md quickensinllstence 0!! heme sensible. when for answei-inst the queries of tho.h fetter-'vias;\rl'Il.t9!1 by Miss Wells fl would b e been ready_to so before ; '¢u- _ . ' ‘ Try a Missourian want ad. 1“. in gnu ‘mww dun“ " 7 is ‘imply ‘n immducuodltghe nun,-e of mu, ,3 m...u°ml “ad student’ of Rani“ though," ‘B'“..~ : r_e uttaitgon o theicharses broosllt a Jury o ld-timers with only my. An unfinished and unsophisti-. . ’ , E Y ce. .. ‘M . conuct with we “mu emo. $1,. yhoie mm“). of ex-mm,“ huvuuebsch Inc" New ) gtnins in $I!!‘§On' czigh‘ by Stuart punsupzo wo . but curious!) , I edh book. it shows on the part_ . . .—.:_- 4--- - .- tlonspthouxhu and occurrence: in "‘ E“ '“.‘°''‘‘’‘ ‘° b° "'."°"“‘ ".. . . . . lliteglationacl B?>bltmR.e:'iea:ruel, e lcmllg ° le my motcllilimd “Wm 0 ii; ""l’°' ' °‘.’" °‘ ''°‘“‘?-'_ “'n5T33R,?0U'RB l .. - the lives of those about us. This,‘ “ °l”_K"'m HP“?! in 5- Temple, 30‘ 'SC(‘ll«T'S YEAR BOOK _ M V v " 5°’ P“ "*3 m°‘¢ ‘-0 l full. We 1 ml"! Wit sentiment. a sense. — ' MONEY FOUND . M W, ‘Mk .m,mpn,he, ,°,;'I'hui-ston s_°'shin'n tings" which, any tNLSUALl.i' INTERESTING 15"“ W Fought North of 36- ""1 ‘CW5 4*"! !“~'Pt by my fIther;°‘ ‘WW0? In In intimacy with? ",f¥3-'¢-0-n-n- t 03» ‘ . .. _ i the ind§,.,du.1 peflup‘ more mu’.-tounding in an .epigram, has realjom Bo I V. , 1 According to Eugene Manlove While he 5 making a cattle drive ithe feminine mind (Alba. ‘nd . hear is Iauulla Phat $2 ‘ wmcu‘ . ‘ wide” ma inumdy an" my otherzmulfln Th..N°..hmgli5 mam in this ¢.ll"yPe“!'3.nd Chr.I:dei:s Ouatrious 1?.horli.;s. who ‘like Miss Wells. has from Ksom here ill‘ Texas to Abil. Lzrarles Bonn. New Yorki ‘4 '8 ‘ I u x i W-o{,,.,;°n_ Th“ is “rum om.wor ere is on y deafness." ; 53"‘ l W '3 9 uP the wdaels 701' ‘cm’ “L ‘I'''‘''' '” 3 i very Rood reason why so many pro-i 1“ ‘ ‘kmh °f ‘" h'l’‘h “'5 ll“ . boofecengg‘ - . E"“"°" H°““h' H°‘"'3' d°"°““°°d dnl’ : ,“;,,,m w,.“,” nude uni, sun oniwliich lalliilll. interesting folk-lore i5;“Boyn§:Ou‘,s ‘fgr Baht: thle‘ M'r.“l*loulrl_I as I. i..:nd,_,dooL fined fiétes t M h b S H the mg of . ,,e...,p.p,,_- gzlven. ' ism utler Yea liaslu. t . d ‘k ' ' Wit amazing taes esigned to nab.. I108 ‘ out 3' tuart eniy . i “I don't know wlralf-other writers lhiatwifiinxiidrhn of ‘tire: Eng: ()8, Otis: :d':'°m:°'!°‘o£p:::r::: mggfihgrxplaltnfg }l‘ieoIl:l '°:::dh:;mg ‘em°‘:ll: ; do." said J. Breckenridxe Ellis. re* ;-mumn and of genius which is def: """°“°“" by D“ 3°‘“’- "3°Y' “"‘° ta 'ta—‘ in: weaaeiied .°‘°°"°° “* it should come to lishtl ‘ l Dgesiilddentb of1 tlge llissoluriilio the heart of woman. who. per-igzggu h:;:e‘nG ::£:;‘i funny ‘W933. 70710?“ 70? the bu03’8fll P88: in“ ‘t 0" i th rd ‘ha - TI TI 11 . “ lit 0 not pan: aps because she is wholly conven- ' , ' ‘es of adolescent pageantry." H d - ° "‘‘° ”‘ ‘ "5 "0 *0 939?‘. ~ my stories according to any for-: 'onal herself. loves the unexpected, 16' g;“‘5"‘ b°?k‘ l°' 5°?“ h""°‘nounces the book as a book. He ecalla “Ah” 1 km '~° 5'’ "’°°v 9° 1 7'70“ 3 . mula and I do not think of ways of ‘the crooked. the bewildering." a “I” - “ 7"” "‘d ‘h°3'_d°’ .it a ‘thriller.’ an ‘extravaganza’ and " l'~'"*‘'‘'v ‘" 39"‘ ‘~50 030.1%? to the‘ ‘ pleasing the readers. It is the ideas; (Little, Brown In C0,, Boston) E:-W ' fine.‘ oz‘ ‘if “the amt‘ lP’°t°5‘6 Itlinst ‘the going out of %Im‘"““°“ 3°“ R‘.‘‘"‘'‘" = Lam to i and not the external tricks t t, °“° '"‘ ‘1‘"“ "‘'° °"'- me th idea that ll ' \ ect ' who i ' ' 1 ''‘'l‘'‘' ' “°"" """" . ! “Common Weal.” W‘ v\l‘.’:i.: "1? “vi: °f fl-'°'"‘:‘ ml histogc 0'f.lli‘eu;:Vaesf.flt‘hat children's 1! say: l D A N C E 9 formulas to him are a foreign "Common Way, by we Rt Hon Smifi; fl‘; Slh Pi“: "‘*was.' He speaks of calling . chdgfound for grown persons} ' . ' - - - ' . . . n ; : . . ' . . _g element in ‘writing. He maintains;Hu_bfl_t ma“! m P (0 I rd U . h A M 3.’ w°°f_ 3°, ,'° ‘,’f to such pseudo-pictures or histo es N94 0!! tern life the easiest pd that an author may break all ruleslvenny Eta)’ taint}: ," ° , ":3: E. _' “éfh "' : w'''h C‘‘‘° "‘ with their misguiding informationrlllle Of 810 to write. -A soon’! pain v‘te lessum by 39‘ ‘ K . ':;?li‘°hp:°"(:u:;’P:’°3l:lokW'h::1£>l)i" l:ed‘kvo1nm. ‘ mu; r of l$t:,_;m§,:.;r::' 2;}, «E, pg“?:i';zn:l°If);£'e_E'"' iiuberhutcd imaginations. apu siilougéitg with rses or cattle.lI seem‘; llllelll only. i ‘ '7 . ; ' ues. " p . _ 3 : * ,- ceived enthusiastically. Juvgnd by we §mh°.r um" °i."u"' T‘? °f we N" °‘ *1” Dmd‘ _' M, Rhod . . .. - xthe life. h toytell abistxi‘ Mrso JRIHCQOII ‘MP to the University and city of 'l‘reasure Island" by Robert Louis ' °’ ‘‘”° 1 “'“‘h" 3° °“' 3,‘ l P - James W Earp’; ndvicg in 1,o'1Glasgow. Scotland. The wide parlia- Stevenson and: “Kim" by Rudyard m u"'' ’fi°,°f lb"-,‘(‘" “°“3_:‘ , ‘ d"°' 1 any hue mus 1 ; write about “the things one likeslmehtlrv Ind ofiicill experience of Kiplinir are steal stories. Allof tbeh” ”""“ ““‘ “”‘3"‘°d ""“ “""°"“°1..,, ;.,..m., an‘ ” ° R‘ x '1‘, My "ah! i no 1,”; nnd known bug," fie um gh‘g'l.I'. Fisher has giyen him a point of :lure of adventure fills these two "emf." °{. we "“"M’d' ‘°°“ wouid m¢. i “'01:” ° , i \ thgye-‘re "gore 3-on-‘.nce3 ‘ad xrkfivlfiw W ‘C those Wh0 have l'DEfEly'V0lU"l§. Sb¢pheffi0fl I150 MS \\'l'lk- ':‘ve "1 ‘ye one p‘r"scu‘.r th.‘ ‘he..C8l.tlC ‘ uwedofix or l g l i good stories on the University.‘°“5°3“¢ Imowledse of the probuten other wonderful tales such as ““'.”‘ ‘.‘"‘’° N‘ W" °‘ ‘8‘,""°“|'- . fig, “ ‘°-"“"" i ' cgmpug um. in are jungin. of ,u..lems of the statedo not possess. 'rhe”‘Kidnaped" and "The Black . .§,‘"°"‘""°“- ”‘°“‘°‘,°“h 9"" ‘W. l ' gresul a volume felicitoualy‘l’0W-"' Klplihfl “CI in Cour-a-‘ §p°cumh' h”'d3,“l’ “"9 W9 “V9 3 1 :pbraaed and 11 of pelrng goons" and “Jungle Books” must be he“ b°°k °‘“ '7" h""" RBHARKS 5 l ' titled in. Rhodes was so indignant um. “'7 ""7333 STUDIO. i i evaluate the scene.” he said. “Stu-itsoém Football fans can find many thrills dents. I believe. are too young and CV94“ in too near the scene to make a goodiuud Hinds 31 Neitllbofhood and “F0 )0}, of n, If you write 10.,‘ .,m,‘i,iRaee. of Nationalism and lnterna- ‘D05’! Planning to go to sea some day gnd your gtoflgg .3-Q '0;-Q; tionalism. ill I fashion f0l'CCfl.ll I8 ‘:6 ‘[30 boys W110 aren't. %‘3llld Y. 0 Barbour} .—u¢ story. ' And urteen Years a Sailor” by zlohn !well as interesting- l Jieauggeatedtlieeditors ottheln.-(kg...-i... auuuflu. iternational Book Review impanel a‘ can}; , lalkfzéf for the of‘. lfisa Catheri c,..n::T.i:'..nh.i GEoRG NABLE 4 ‘ ~ ~10" Literary aerial I ilissour-'* a ians." (Ive ind or .' Rx: ‘ENABLE : Hill Wells said, “In use such lurytbouldbecalletl llketo‘-tions of some ~ at all. you'll get them printed, even . 3‘ ifitdoes utliirteen yearaas “ , ,"“""“-—' _ x°'“°u~ 1'-33|t0°dIeIltory.ea-.80 llcforelta menibersandadd » it did inc." . SP1»-it of America.” 1: vhfiiuthey set «Emmi imkmg to” can or otherl. i .. ""““' .*'niesi-i me:-ica” °'°”‘ I": , 0-timenvould-eeeiot l llf 15' ‘"£tDr'fll"Wll|ll‘i:t hlilugzuzyook in gnatenabit for ehlltlrelie‘itfi'm‘ke ‘ "°“‘°""' ‘ i"' “""'"’° '4 A no. a . . . in ii n..un “mm w 6%: Albert Payson ‘rerhuiie mnst_ ‘daughter of Clark Welly: ::.:‘.:::“:' "°“=*.°.:::::."“.':.*.' in mm -.»:'.‘"°';°..""".:.'“° “-'**°°=-- “-...:,, i A E, . i or wri 7 * 3: . ,,,,,,,b,,,,,,,,ho_ ‘terandinitapoiatofview thas ".""" “’°""-2’, “'3 "- y _ -5. I ' , "Extra Credits 1;‘!-I me ' wflldwaraaditslesaoas. 9!‘ - ~~ -_ 'uU!&£$0oul'Qin!liam-yEig&u.q.,mh . . if asualihis ‘ -m y "’ am """ """"' fi’’‘ “*3 . olllllcu Eaiiiiuaa. ' h .. ,- pa lives wild. Jamie and the dog lode hasaabafi r by &" . “'°°'°°“l"“*"'°*' ' ‘ A '~ Catflagaaailnguiiau 'n"3°7'53°03O1lI'(antiiili"