...—._._.-.. .. — - ' - .'f""-"P,.".'7'I"‘. ‘C .-vi-~ - . y . —. r-—~.—,~.—~~;.:;r~~v n— -. .,*“-;*'<.'.“.'fi.Tia.“?§!’-'-._?.ll"3l'3’. ,."~' » . ~ . :2 . .;. I , 1- P V . _ 1 _4L _._ ' -v--,r>. - -— 7.‘?-~. - _ ». .r . , -‘- . .—' .. - u - \ ’ - .*W- 1. »-.7':..*- . ~=»r"*-.“."'.‘.~. v ‘.~‘.-‘.- "45.’? .7‘-—“. 3:17‘?-.".".~.y.-;.«,_ V ’ . ‘.‘ - . o» > « j» «.u- . ' ’ ;_ . _ ‘_.- . ~_ ‘ v_' .' - _. ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ . . , ._: .3.-1?“.-'Ln.. 2‘ ‘O-3,5-*;g'&~.-I-1|‘?'*, ,,_._ .~.i;:; “lid .'_£ C * ‘ '; - . g ‘ " " 7' ‘. '1.‘_.'|‘ ‘ “‘ ‘made him an enviable record inlthcjaschool of Engineering. will bel p »- C ‘ ' ’ firm“ ”“?°"°" _ . ‘chosen. __ ‘ It '* p ‘ - ~‘-',._-. ’~ : . -‘- « s- . . . , In addition ‘tic his worlg 03] 3:‘ sum}. holds theo r;nkQof dctlkt :~ ; . ’ . _ ' , , >o~ A ’_‘. _. A m ~i ', ‘-R.O.'f'.C.rictcams. mi ' us 'nt,heR. .«.‘ an sa. _~ . . . Topic of. Conversation _m-gi ofwfin 0:3,,” Wed ,0, we ,3. ,,I,I,e: ,;,,,i;n«;=mb;-go, Wm, ,,,,, M, ,,,.,i " " ~ . v - V"*"*. ‘i d ' t W: 1. «psi. != r . - '10" W“ . ' l""“”" ““#"°‘"“"'°:l§°“°°9*"'d'“u"f"h‘ili‘C. °"u‘?§'andr.msnndmili’°i‘i.i: conneectioi‘: be i.n§i‘”"h‘ K"’3'_————o—-r— ‘l ' ;-7 . “Even-.ao dlitfl. lflkifillifiw . “fl"»h' "'9" h’*'n"'w°' mt N°"7 C“? °‘-(bun "2s'“°'§bocome one of the besbknown fis- Laura Evans Class to fleet Friday. - l . “L -8‘ ummnfind tn.-V“ w“"‘.h.enu on the campus. His unusual ‘The Laura Evans Sunday Sdiool! ', ‘ - do peofi, vaapefll: mun}; amoogiflie an Co. Pt. Lot-ll in Harhlaoaai a-nd com “din hmi ac. 55 of the . rad.“ nmmdm; ;‘ p . ,, . ,.a,,,. . a of ooiumuybclzht m 8 p 3 ‘I .cla . B _ . , .-refit u-hm-:1:-I! ‘A '°'’''’~''-''“'‘'‘‘‘ * ,, ggggg-,o ‘° ‘la - have rendered him peculiarly weu- Church will meet mi Mu; Adeline? _. mm - rt ,. . W‘ " -- - ‘ ' mud r his duties, and wiui his_c_ a ‘ll, 4oo‘sou’ui moi‘ st:-eet.I * = e _..; e *~*..~°:*.?*..=-"v. -*°......o“=-" -'=-.m_.~**=° '~ ** *;.°.~..*'='=~--..........,n.. . —.»l...,-is-'..i';..‘3°:*.:.‘:i.~*:;:e.:.*';ia%»-r.*:“ "‘° """’ ‘““ “ ‘“ ""“‘" “W-°°=» = ".4.-... ‘-" “‘ V - MU_ . , . . ' ' “ " keen . 7 1‘ ~ “7“*"-W" T ~""~ V . that. lor-weran,.the.£aveaiIa. . .-add acme act“ 1119- “I 1-3 0f‘NW'1-.‘ 15f‘3'.“- 33v°‘°- . . ‘ Try a Missourian want ad. ’ pl, .»n-n»-we .. ‘"e~W—?n?l¥=99!’?¥ Im an «her --—:ew~=~i-=- -~....~. -ii ::."'"*~,..n*:-.«.;*:.-so ..."=..~.-ari:~°..W..:.:-,::1..:sd:::~i:..2‘-:::::::..**:.:.5:: --.... ....- _. i i H -- ‘ « ‘ ‘ A ’ Al’ '1’ -~ ‘ I ‘i. b t R - like] , that “.'n_ A ‘_ ‘ ‘"1’ ' "" "° ' ‘A ' '. ‘ C ; : ‘ ~of‘flolatda eat- owe, "£5" 15. W . .1 hog; and crops, last Saturday at.di-at Add‘.-to Clty.of.Columhla, 30.1118 year. 0 15 5 _ * ' ' ’ - - . “' ‘ '* ‘ diam A. King. a freshman in the . A uxwmsm “"""" .~c,"’,-,,3' E bratty. -M I-«Ir: Ninfii---ndfiiv-4"! *Nm~91- 1'» . °‘!-. . _, .. d ., -. ,.._. i ~ 34 '-' “V " "°‘ ‘’'‘‘‘“'‘‘‘‘‘*‘‘‘’°'' 0! tin §,,"‘,,@|",,,,'"',,":"il:ii."l‘§..?il‘e!"nn'f: to“11!.ieil:tl:un la thmweather. 'ihse‘,(;A.~s?L-uJ:}:‘s.n.iri‘w‘a14';x°§w '14‘ :, :~ n » -;- .-7”“ ‘ I finish‘?! ‘"1 '9" °"‘ "“"“*. "“""°°'l""“""“"' M’ children aeeni ail. is, if anyone will listen wyon." is.4s.is,’$o,soo. , " aae&veaethertaaeh'|nz,and-. _ . _ Aaaaehtinnot -nun“, 0, :° .dx' ma-,’dd,d_°,,,d,,,...¢,-_ 1- ————o——-——— , -1¢n=$?o'contrIbvt*-*3-Gift’!-'¢“°‘*!?"*'°“'*°'5*'°"‘-.'§'*~ 3”“ 5.5.5 3.1. i. am runnlhg'atami¢.l There is. the neapectahlefand‘ Univnisri-r harm -Leanna . of 4:2 Om h||D*‘11'°dl'*”°'*74U'Ul"‘ n.. z ' i -n are in" and isoiuioua1_'no~'rnis Yuan rdfihlatue '.u"mu“‘h°e°nvwfi°n"p_ nyhaii-waafallhi¢,outao,law~ahidlIis. flow 70 an 1 " -. . v . - (‘heard allaidea its‘ m.harmleu.' no." """“"" H —- e h. _._ -:uiii-is-Catt atatea.aud7°°‘m°' “. “ta 'f_um,:““n’-’ I-oust-loht-5_I1l3W“'3°F'“. "°-."“'°“""’°‘ "“"“‘ouie¢:an.aiui-yuviuee -rim-nscs—'¢""""°°“'*"“’° '"""‘ ’°‘* d oatheR.0.'l'.C.Rlfle .u world‘ at the end of tht1.n°“,m”aa-'m.beti»m,“t°b¢ tion. ' V . Somflilnfit-i03'°'“°““ °‘ °P’°“ Team. ‘I, new If a your A-uric-"i..iaiy.siiesoecsiiy:iieiioi.u.~in.... 1»°'¢'“““""‘°‘“""°‘””‘°”,."°’u'f:_“",e‘,‘,";° ';°'",""f:,§' :2 . Prominent aaimztb°I°"h°h"° iredfhll service to hiacountrl sedation. The convention was held :33‘ ” 'i"l “min duh ‘Mm; h°n,,._ been active in campus affairs ind m rould'hhvie considered it lull-1 laatuyear in Cleveland,-and the pnco fined?‘ A ,7 C A rather more helpful topic. how- '50 are to he graduated this yea: L “.07. we know that that la vlouaiyear in Kalnaa City. “ a 1 an "er i‘ W!‘ mé ‘honed book .freu'i the University is John A. ‘i ttohealood ~ ‘'---~-.«----—-- D“°‘-"""""'°"“" " I " '- .8mlthastndcntintbeScboolol- . - “COMMENCEMENT ten-e-" -dd we-’ "'°" ‘°‘’'‘‘‘ °’‘ ""“ "" ‘°' ‘ ’°° ' ....i mu. Administration. ' P‘ *3.“ ""'“’t d” 5° ‘ 3°“ . - — . ’ '.'‘‘Love. as aeen in plcturesliowa,"=port?" Sometimes atudenta are 3‘“l“"' n ‘ - " ‘h'°"u" '°fld' auerred another. . gcollffllfl With l-ht P‘°!'¢l}_' 90°’ h‘irh'8m°“':hhh‘:. Int-“any “dad the 3 “ 00*3?d'¥3I‘ €"d"5°“” p IS_GAupUS»QUERy, _‘‘In my estimation,” so runs onagnomle problem. “Can two llVl_, as T C in ‘main M‘ the aim of év'er'y"un~'iver-- . A en‘ , “women do not talk cheaply as one?" while among th '°n“'m£ of’ viwddu of an undue. N name of the institution '-———,' - ,about much of anything.” And older 0M8. the elfimll 3“bl_°'~“T in the R. 0.’ 1 A . “Commencement day. I call it a. . . .. gyears. hat summer. . 9 '~ ’""‘- H ‘ ‘"5!-"" ‘"5’ day‘-of bewilderment!‘ says one mo-1"""' ” “ d°“'i"‘ ‘°. be mad’ 5”” .d"Y' “WIT. C. infantry camp of 111? $°V¢°*-h- 7 ‘ e _ ". T 7. . . . ' - ful in site of the evidence. “Of-Youth.’ : - - . 1 .«il,»fi.‘l Oiulilc . ~ . .. 7- M ’l'°di°' “*9 "h°l° darn author, Carl Van Vechtcn, in p . - ‘ . th ‘dict of ‘Corps Area, at P011 Sflculllli 3111111.... I -- in silica. not that portion of “The Blind Bow Boy.” Mr. VeCl‘l- °°°"°- “me '"‘= °‘°°P“°"‘- 5"‘: *°°°"""3 ‘° .° V‘ "‘°"'iiie was . member I the Missouri: ; , . V‘, . , ‘. -, . . an - p, { "‘ . e favorite aub)ect among women‘ 4 . I \ Oi.) Wdlxl 19% gxkh no‘ dint“, 3: ienmfigi g t eys‘f?r :3. women. balloon tires ‘la. “Who was he?" oge W; ‘E;?"?e1;::3; 9‘ H " C C M J“. « - if ‘Q’ . u ’ ~ u _' - I.‘ 4; ~ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ d four-wheel brakes seem to head - According to the verdict of the h- h ‘con mm - u . is 3,. gm, 'or1d_ not jug of hi, araduateq from the University luv“ , . . . i 5- t is one of the seven is r P ‘£:,_.-a- _ . - ’ _ngi°m if hestudifl his- Jam, :the list of suluects upon whiclywomen, the ever-present an we the Swen”, com. sdme 1‘ 1C8 I E‘ 7 n t. O -' ~ 0 I ' I‘ w _ . _ “wk” 1 - , d 3 oh they are most eloquent. With these'amon5 the men I5. 1. 171384311. 50- A B_ 0. 1-_ c_ in the Nngoui Eng: 2 lg 0.‘ ‘truce, l hat: toomliiriizch own:-)k right 3° ”°" "‘“°hi"°' '" “mm (‘blpoldl Rlrf: Matches, which were held at un , e n s is in -. - . for over 33 years . ' th f t h ~-_-,: - _._ _.___ C; P; ,«Ohio, early in the fall.. a) _- H _‘ _- i e ' ‘Y W“ "P “M “"3 ""‘°'Yl3?:'ught:(:" ifilrundeenz “Again. - - - *- Hismlsiciinszom there won for him -23 O““”~ '{"’ 25' K A ' ‘J =°"1¢.'-'=I“°M °°*h° °"'“'?"‘°3l don't know. Work i guess." i=5M0d€fn Glfl USES More 5031) the added honor of a Place on the AN EMPIREofplay.Woridu'traila 1» of Vhldl ii lltlflhli the answcrtliut one student gave tol ' National 8.‘ O. '1‘. C. team. which‘ -foot. motor and bridle—lead to A food in eastern emisp 0:‘? the current campus question. 2 ' ' "r" ‘‘ ' A O _ _____ #4 _4_‘__ the highest summit: and through the i I tn __ use mm_.,,, _,,o,,_ m,,,,. m we m,,,f,,_ Than Anytlung Else, She Confesses _._- deem mm_“, mm mm _,, “-07 llifltdflcltioflfioinhto 5014"’ °‘ ‘'‘°"“’’ .‘'’‘“‘'°'',‘‘ “A 9", old { ‘ a ‘ti 1 th ' I yuii . “If the powder stays lakes, waterfalls and glaciers and the U3’ “"3359 ”““‘ 3“'9'-““5“‘6°°‘um“ md his "Me traded 0“ m° “modem 0:51: n::y S:l1ffc;0u:lfllll)'e, :n,"i‘t ismloo highly perfumed or! haunts of the bighorn sheep, deerand I N "550" 0’ 155 3¢fl9E‘_‘'m‘ "°':w..$-W fi;mm.' - b durin Jounublbut she does use face soap—more‘docsn‘t match the shade of my; " ' ' ' beaver. Mile-high golf. Tennis,-witha L to the world. notfto his locnl-T. cs.’ 5.0 '1. "0 K [soap. in fact, than she does faeefskin. Something is always vrrong.",’ ~' a mountain thrill. Bright, sunny days; ‘ « ' ' 12'." “,‘,;h'c l‘:;:?)::_°n;t,u:fi?;TpoVdcr. cold cram. route. or. as‘she sig ed weari . . . cool, starry nights. " . '.g , . , _ ' . . - , L . . is.- Edam“, with which ht ,m._ihe.d find me oM_.. ‘ {the ‘user is apt to .fli.ppantly call! Seventy-fue of the 100 31115,’. ‘_ E . >. Round Trip Hon‘ 4 N ithla“la the teat if the teach-=' "Rest." :ins.wered one weary stu- "' “fresh °°"m'ry "L . . 35'" mu" Ah-out "1 even‘ {I ’ . P 1 Mqfiuninniv u we dent «Ya sir. rm going to rest} One hundred Univtsity xxrlaynumber have it cut in a barber? ,. ” _._ Colujnbja, i. »- ; d m ‘- 11 n ‘chosen at random. answered ques-shop or in a beauty shop. The; BC i M" J M 1 K ‘I hpown °h"'°“r' whfiever m - 8 I ' - t’ ho t the com tivelreasou for their cioice is exactly’ r' 9 n g ” hnosgfihy 0,1“-e;.‘n.y be’ we Two students in the School of ‘ms ‘ “ _ , 9"‘, n u , ‘ ,, . ;; » lo. 9 - ~. . . - Law have already been admitted to 33'0"” 05 °°"““' ‘°*.1°* "“=1°‘:’~h¢ “'50- 1*“ d°''° b°"~°’- 5”‘ *: We have been able to get a Two DAILY raamsro DENVER (at l“ k'.'°“" 9"“ h°"-I " W 9"? - and cosmetics they use. Seventy-igirls admitted that their roommates; ii - - - - ,- 1_.._5,_1,.-,m~,(w.b..1,) 9:03 ..u,-.. 10:30 p.m. ,, - ~ the bar and will h-nu out the vr°- . ~ - i few additional senior inu£a- . '1 no l-hltum" 1' fT°m;‘.c,bi,] shingle immedhtei’. 3”" five replied that they use more.cut their hair. They prefer this, . _ Ai.Denvei(UmonPac.) l,2".50%..l'I'\3 nu BI-‘Pt-‘.5! Crime. tilt there IN commencement A number of 5m, 1 soap than other toilet articleagservice because “it's cheaper.” 1; ‘_ tions. ‘ “‘ Y 7 r 3805 PGPDOIIS 151"! films‘!!! it. t00‘._dem,-, in gym school of gngineem-,2 Twenty-three thought they used; When asked why she_does'n't havel Write Ourilluauated booklets. with maps . Ilittle exvcrieme rm -how win ‘take plum with the Western “W-‘ '""°°"“ °‘ 5°?!’ "*4 °°“’ ’‘°’ W’ '’°‘’.‘’°‘‘* ‘. “”. "‘”‘ ‘°“‘l 2 ' If- you failed to get as many . li’.I.fi"" i§.’‘’'‘i‘l‘‘‘‘’‘‘’‘E".'”...un,°''’°"“"°’“'‘ 38 lurtlia, out the oni,i- measuri Electric Co. ouim will work on cmm. One int! and she burs tresses_expluned. Th-ts ‘What -11 y _ as you need come in at once 8‘, “' ‘P °"'°" ' " tisfactiop he can obtain fromorailroeds. Already one has left to P°"d°1' m_°"~‘ 03¢“. 3-5811 SDI! 11:5 '13)‘ 17"?“ ”k' , I d°"l lK'now.i ul . l. .t d ‘ For iniognaiion. ma-— . ., 2‘ pin re:-one - new 1_G'nd‘w.‘t-Ire - position with we s-nu Fe = *°"8-‘mg "““";;;_ °°"‘';;‘ ‘. ‘";,,°°°°:}".°; ,‘e,=,‘;;;':' mi ° ‘"9915’ '5 ""1" - n..~:i..i...$"::.'.;..9:a..:.2'i.‘t...‘:; :3‘:-L... -boll‘ hum wh“ h but m‘!R‘nw.y. ‘ yhdgoreu mctiiitbern t‘o'i1|et anothgr mreasono er gain ' l ‘C l V l r iqthu “tho” ‘ ‘ him” ' The teuhflslf cmpl~oyn‘mm bu-‘lc‘ee :>l-Mcos:n‘:vfiea." b Port? of those questioned have‘ i C U 9 I ' C ‘ l " ‘’°''°''” °" "‘° ""'“° °' '3' ‘um ‘re Igg'*!t'¢‘>gthoL-‘eiirillx'inbce'r 13’; ‘Cold cream and‘i><'>Wd¢r rtnked their hair ah-unpooed rernlarly in If 5 1 S . " M "— as. well as his next-door ' - ' V F * V e ' .: - T _ . will be ‘managed from the School of second on the list in frequency of beauty shop. As many have it done L y ._ _ I n 50"‘): L‘ Ed ti , punchase, and hand lotions. rougrthere “usually” or “oceasionally."~ ‘ '- ' pen‘ I ' ‘ - V WWHUOH 01' "'0 lJfli"€T3ilY. Bean ollllalter Williams is yirtually and nail preparations were thirdjdepending on the state of their1 0 an 8 p' m’ A . haouri rests in the’ hands of {swamped with students who wish to Ten girls said they never uae_ rougelflnances. Of the remaining twentyp‘ T _ ' ' i ' ' ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ J Ilxraduates who go forth from find positions as reporters, feature except on “rare occasions.” One all but ten patroniae a beauty %_“___r 1 hi V _ _ '0 ion June 4. It main; to behsjritcrs, copy readers, and adx-er--indmdu-I replied that she ‘didn't shop at some time or another- Two ' ' ‘ C’ ’ ‘ A ' .,._..- ..__,,-- . ' , _ _____ _ __ ._ _ __V___.___ ' _p A . pp 'heu,e, they will mm.,_. to be] tiscrs. i buy any of the: articles. ‘I use sisters perform the service of sham- . ,. _._ ... .- . _ . ‘ In dab‘, worm 0,. of loan ’**—“‘ ——" my roommates she smiled sweetly. pooing for each other. . u . mum.‘ . . ONE THIN DIM E [S d Eight‘)-bot tbs‘ persons qluestioned‘ the placid creature said, It is _ _ _ -sue»- . tu' esaruerandononecessary rrneogo a 2- - ‘U-I-3“); ‘Dyan-flange P OIV ngticlf alwasys. Most of them like beauty shop. I'm beautiful enough." 4 erl ne “wmduy union variety. One girl has never been “ The others :1.-plied laconically. : ‘ __ of pucm mafia‘. _____ perfectly satisfied with any brand_ Cant afford it. T T _V §w,.i“I:!ec°nuy priM‘d in we .3“taxi ricéee forif<{>$)' ii tllm(§oli5n't ‘ .‘ __-,-_m__, . . — R rislxsn.) Daily Gazette, un- ". "3 ‘° "‘ "‘ "' ‘"“' saunas ‘P0 GIVE RECITAL Mortola of the Argentine Republic; din‘ «AN t Advérfi llll. Thenfort. all of Q1080 of the - Soon Ah" 0‘ Km”. Angus“) F._ ‘ " — " ’ "' required kite take -dvanuse of the Junior Music Club Will Present « - ' . ' In . , , Jardo. president of the club, and ‘reflv aoimded a keynote of . 3 '3'“ "'“°- P'“°3°'°°”°"& Prof.J F Wrench, who ennui. “km 5. and au "cw 50”‘ One small boy in Columbia is the: A piano recital will be given in iougmfiér of am evening, 9 a black and _ . a.'*'1t«read, in part: "A news» » e - i. n _ _ , proud poaaeaaor of the Little Theater at Ste~ Two violin ‘obs were phyed by . ‘Faun °°“’°" "5 "d"'°"*"“"3 white Shetlafld pony and \_vishingi:phen_s College at 7:45 oclock this mi” R038,“ “"110”. accompufied W 3"" 33 ll ¢.¢-"‘°"3 Ill‘ "°"3- to capitalize on his possession. herevemng by members of the Junior by Mi” Myruc L “yum” on an‘ v ‘R15 1157!)’ lllld to Belle” in has turned the pony into a aort of Music Club. The program will be - ' p ‘ ’ Iitorlal integrity of a paper taxi. The owner site in the saddleygiven under _the direction of Miss pmgfgidu me me l we fouo"'_ ' i ‘: aakesita money by chating its and gives the pony the. needed en-plume 31881108. in‘ homnry membu; gnd ‘man 3 fibers" courazemcnt to make him so. The. The club is known as the Neumes. were prawn new “,1 mm 1,. M. ~ . 3,. _ . H ' - _ -leditori-L moreovcnivoints out P"'?""' "“ "‘°" °‘ "*9 °‘'"‘'%'*'''‘’ i‘ “W” "m""'° j““‘°’ "I-if Ttsdel. Prof. and Mrs. Charles A. D k t § I decent paper. from the stand- ‘mi, " um‘ t“"’p°n°d ‘'° N” d°‘u';p_‘n'"°”t °{ I_’‘’“‘ la‘ “'9' "’d ll“ (Ellwood. Prof. J. E. Wrench, Dr. - O a . ti tion. (tional federation of music clubs. 1 ho’ . r _ _ , ,M v.no .M' ld .. '-.- il. c°:1ati:>‘i'ibc;lea;‘:::r:ifai:iLd. Very few‘ we the wiw-11 bow Qwhoi mA;Fh'fmf;*:;:?»¢Mf;:} mgeugnuzf §nn'5ryui.. ll.v‘S'l: Stilllisnan.‘ B°h'°"°“ ( o o . . § . ‘ll >"=i'.'¢'I¢im°n1_i- W“ recot-1"f:‘ ::,‘:°;e: Mullan, Joe rm-ons. A; o. Shelton. l M G Sh——*""‘ ‘ C l‘. “nd"'nd.""°°d m the "flunk into Posaession of the nocessaF)' wmhm C- 1» Jr-. 'PIuiine ” et "wood 5“! P"“p”°u' *1 l- :31, ye; thex.1l3.iaalon¢ steztlo dim,‘ he ,°,u,m.,h mp cu, ,0’ ghgeler. Christine wiignm co:i;u::¢:h:fpf;r;§f:ts':c::';:d . ~ V '. cm on urn ism asawoe - ~ h 1 - i f . yster Jr Char vert, el- . ‘ . hi lees this doctrine. :;':,-"d,5,',‘e_'" ‘ ° """°“’""‘ ° ‘en conic.-.'.ie."..... Smith. Edward S“-“‘ ‘if 5"F"“’,‘°°".l"7t;""’ ‘“:"’ "‘.°v"e“; 0 i ; - ‘ll. o v u _ lrdinen Na“. weim mp ('78 U1 Plrl IV: 110 TECII R‘ Immense amount ‘of money b rm ‘mm’ ‘:3,’ my uifiney "'d:bach. Auriviafalmer, Julie Pear-,fl“’mv Glenn Vi. Hovey. secretary ’ F I ‘nnnflly out 0‘ 3:: I:c9‘nY‘::'k1i.1m.n_ Hanan‘, $9“ Beth of the Y. M. C. said yesterday , . 2 ihrroundfiiz vicinity to enrich mm mm ‘on n In mu woods, .1. D. Hagan. Lindhlou 'I‘ur- . -ftewoom if the» will leave their .7 Nd" firm‘ who in" M i . Pl|9¢|'|¢'¢l' - M.“ Esther chmnma ",4 Gem“ . nanea at the Y. M. C. A. Building. _ o ‘ . t 9"" "I750 1'" Chlfte 15 cents-_Lo,u_ ;Mr. Hovey will s_e_e the pamph- ‘ . -- "conmbn "I, do ‘'0 wh“ I 5”‘ up’ I bet’ I luv‘ The Neunea meet at 11 dclockgkv "'9 9°35‘ l-hem lm'D¢dil*v91Y- ‘ ' . T i ' " 2“ 9 59¢“? ‘OWL Tl“! 09)’ aiough money to buy a taxicab." , ' - - . . ~ ' hav ” nu M '—'m*-*1-— ‘em mm‘ {gr work ‘n .*"""""'*""‘ "' '"“' “ . ‘ ' 1 I ghee ' — ' mg; im, ,0 my ,,M,,,,,4, ,,,~ ow rowan noose is GOING‘ "'” f''‘’‘''‘‘ "' '3’ 3 _. , - _ .. W . _ The f are the present offi~ . W‘ ‘F’ ‘"°'- WW‘ 5'-"P limld Plant‘ That; seniui University ao;cera; _ t. Edith Weinbacha! belt). — ‘ ._ -. '1..." 1. 3.5.. _;s‘:aetary. Jake Baaraun; treasurer, l!!_GliNsssixnsuNI1'Y fli‘,‘,:":’,,:3"c‘;,'.‘*',,';°,°"'l.""‘,° 2; '’;,';f no will oansinue its 'workl ““k'3W““thanthlityyeai-aont1nweataide.d"'h"""‘ ‘n'mb°° ‘ _ in votiiu to rtnit of thfluuinnity amp“. ‘m belganiaed 1 next winter under the. F555!!! 08.l37.52-3 Of Cl!f.fl'| no more. Men are busily working;:"'°°“°“‘A to G“°° E°u°b‘"7- . - _- — . _. zradéa of the college. _ y n indemnity. is an _ tearing It down and fins con since he’ tnaufldn “in Ecnebafi . f A been ' . baa‘ Paid circulation, chiefly =3; ‘ distributed overColum- y , *3 = ‘ bia, the small toizviislof . . Boone County atid“”its C A of rural districts? C 1"”. 0 - _.v