- . I ~ r., , - ‘c I ' 'LGI M 4 . e p atcvui ii‘ - A ' " Y ‘ 5' ‘i ‘ ’ 1 I V . A ‘ ‘ i ' i . ‘ ltauieinnncanttvoyudn.aIiad’ot 0-rt: must. 1.’ urban. &5 CLASSIFIED AD ‘l‘IsEMl.-ZNIS News in the F zel 0 - M new- we we -at in am. i- -----~ ~ ---— Ruimsrnsnmsim l, , _ , " ' " - gay; 3; ' “ 1: ,. ' 0 I Jdluinon, of Illuourl gave Inlth-nut. lust-nu. not 217;? ‘L. ‘ ~* ' ' rd ii ' c-n ‘ i v f . 0" 0"‘ ‘ W". ' D"' l.”“.' t‘ u ' ""‘ l f:n?Siii‘;:hu:n-nzl‘ yndmmfi llkh I-p—n-at. Iincurl. and lino-§‘“vCgu’“n"d Pmug“:”: ‘.2’ 3’ G”.- 4-— 1 i n _uIn.Wnshlubn.I.iull uni. lieu c, ' P¢"_ anti‘: ~ _n~;‘c;'__-- -I--=1-_-, - - -- Thu. neuonalile rent. .2: Allen‘ ~ ’ 1' Ym'E'‘”‘Y'S RESUL” ’ l ii‘o°i'i"3iii"“wm22."“...."“"',i."'...,..""... M ~ °' ‘ gum or own M4. to Columbia. ii-_.:i-iiu Nun-at ;,,h,,,p;,,.,,¢;14 whim 5‘ Neck : RE ITS ' wunnmdudnm “nub” iii-as--p—vv.-riaincma. was.» o..87D0. i.‘.‘.u.. W’-I. 5"-5' i"°"‘ °""V'”' G2°7'3°3 Y .. American. ~' IN A 119- on IbuIrl.nfl“f‘eetI"l‘ ha/Tgtfpiih Blow“. Em: gm; :30 L P. moi. ..aiiuiociiu‘t-the _——- M lsi,1,o',; -_g_ . Du" - "M I n In . I ll _ an acre: -o 1-2! It’ ‘ '%T'iL;n:3?.i"“mw"i$' ';'H“'o.i.- A8-room. :RumisiiENT;F:rpumm?iii K. U. 7 ii'ashi::io.4i. York. 4. h P ORYW“ '“°:£‘u‘"‘ ‘“’°‘“y' ':”°'mhT':':::‘-:::':"' n d.i1It‘5l::491.1‘8"$,4d0‘t).ll.au S M N: I?‘ -A ' Ire! ' «G1 at: i Chic-w. 3: Cleveland. 2. ’ '' P'k uiio b thlrt mi "‘."" "".;',, 1", "' ""“°"'- '“''a ' ‘ ' ' ....:'.~"Z'i".'i'..‘ " ii.:.i....o .-’”"" um‘ ‘" '’°‘’ '‘°‘‘’'‘» 33°“ M- . Starts G . ‘ Boston. 11; Philadelphia. 0. . ———- ?ii'i‘me'i:iii?::e°ni.. nu-Linen. 1 new I ..i.'.... ii .....i. ”"" '""°‘"‘ ""° L P- Stephen andlwlfe to (2.11. - print ..i, m_m.i Int Ah ,4 an Jon street. phone 2115 Greer» -. 1SS_0U1’l . ame lns .,,._u_,,_ - Washington U. Athletes-member of up min. took aecond in J-v-in thnv—-Woe ., .;....,,_ .,,_ G-my t_.oi as In Dyaart'a Add. u. :T:"5I.':'..i"'..1"':.'uh..u"‘: ’ "2°“‘ Good Sh8Pe—Leads for ‘ ’‘‘‘“‘’"'=h« 3: St Louis. 2- Triumph Over Tigers 1"" "”"' 7°” 5”’ P“‘°“ '°°°°‘ :d-uhlIutoa.‘" 73:‘ i'i°'i"?'i..i.."°°"' "L Column’ lo" am’ « ‘ff i ‘ ‘o _ u ,._ V - - _ —‘ _ . _ . ‘.3!’ """"',"‘_'!‘_‘!'.'.‘:.°£..____...._*""'~ ron REN'l‘—5-room furnished“ the First Six Fisiaieitii "—?°B“"";,‘.' .- bv :1 Score of ‘"' """ "?°' """ '“° "'-v-‘'--- “I '-I-*-we ‘Do-r _ -* --—-—. - . £m_M.,.‘,'BNT..___——- hmnlow. mom 952. “mag”: Innings ‘ cinch‘nululléhicla‘0;3o an. I. .60 to 57 1 xi fKlC‘l¢l'h“'lI|lF’iIYcfilI. -I-;.m.ca;ou. wuiua. aim. Time a‘ J .__ ~ - '__;_ . . cne iii-cw K, f“'h- """"" ~ i-.ai.\1-i:iis WANTED--Wagui FOR nan _.v desirable} . S“ , ._ , . ,, b’ °,:’u me; ,3” in"._ , _ _ Home Owners . _ _ , ‘ N! INC 0!’ THE ( M 85. . . Y I You are musing opportunities if i .. fn-m 7.’-c up. Ai-ply Dr. Brooks Inutment in s-mu: Apt. mioneiscoiii-: EVEN IN bi:vt~:i~mi ———.__ No RECORDS ARE BROKEN 5-"°1iM victors‘ “I-1 we the'l‘lx-’ ,, ,, , d ,, ,,- . s"°“"“““"“"'*""*'*I . ; re.~id«-n:i~nn campus. m8-2l0,$. J198tf': __ American. ‘er: the tvrovpoint lead just beforoy” ° ° r“ ‘m "s‘’ “-‘°"“ln 3 their homes look I \\'\\'TFl) Y unz man to work‘ FOR RI-I\"I'—We have a few renepnce Makes Home Run \'(‘(!‘\l'ul;-'01}. “':m' 1:,“ Ig Ideal weather and Fastimc why. i ‘M uh. I lfaolii an 0‘ m flu“. -- --0. _ .‘ . '- _ ‘ - - - - - - - - , I it used ii-mine“; -p,_,__,__,, . _' no he hardwood oon, ‘ 52;. ‘it'*:f"i::.‘;:,:"; ‘°’ "“*'“*‘“'*ers-. Sam -------- -- :-: - -:°° Tm“ the W i'9=t'i5="375’ sum». and -TM-'3. ms nu ma- .-* .13; =cuim Bldg. phone 2324 mu. ; Threatened In Mld- i.\'aiiiii.¢ion ff: 7 9% I457 Dual Meet °f the l"°1~:,":’,::,',,',",’d ."" "' "'° "°'°""""' MONEE FOUND T- J- CNWIGY, }-itiixirijnt; mjmunmc, shoe S206-208} dle of Contest" Phiindclphiii . . . . .. 6 7 .462 Season I Mn,‘ m__"’;'W W “uh”. ‘uh Pb ‘:92 Mllldnes Phone 2104 White ‘ ri~;:-mi:-x.-. upholsu-n'nc and cI|Ii- FOR REN.r_3 or ‘ mom . 7 ______ Boston . . . . . . . . . .. 6 7 .462 _____ Z___ ‘In ; recoil. Andtvvtfl. Wuhingtom: “'9 Will (12 Banks Are. - not work. Phone ism in-a. Whit-l _ “‘ ' If it had ruined-mall‘ fllllu-d— 51- Imus . . . . _ . . ._ r. as 0.400 W . . . '“-'- "1 -=-4-- _ p 005- 00- L No chu-euros esuium. ., nun‘ 1.-,).*,n‘ 207,012 awn‘! mode“ 93”?‘ “so -bout 0.‘! k 3‘. I“. Ch.‘-(.[.nd P 8 385 h "'hlnru’nb ‘.9.’ “pnnurs ."d ‘"9 "|3"w°‘ "7 (»-IDF- wl5.lX|vD'i§‘_ **;—;___~—— --— — . . _ ‘ '— __-, ‘ " ’ illrden. Phone 1280 white. 'I'l80tfi 2. .°° ’°"'° 5' “ "i " " " “Idlers gave the Pikcr track team wood. Ilonldrr. ll--oun. ‘rim. 4 nln- i”"_ ‘ - ‘— _ , ~— ——-~- ~ __ -”— _ n . M 1.1 fig‘ - Mtlonal. ~. ' us. an -condo. \\'4\NTlCl)—-Ladies to do simple! F0‘ BALE :b:Bnga":;m;::" ‘£:nsas' ‘gurogwz ‘Club,’ “Rm. Lost. Pct.l:‘_£gdn;‘h:‘,et::::‘lS:P ‘I20-n_rd high hurdla-;—Won by Blanch-. ._ §;N‘:llt'hf';)lk nfturlligmdgl 133:3: PC!“ FOR SAL? Nice rproom mod I: g hearty rain would :iu_iit ' ' ' ' ' ' "1". .('c.\ nnd weights, and the St. lpuislrxii. wan". lb.‘ 1* UM ’‘ - _ - _‘°"‘°d F’ ° about have ruined the Farmcn’ lair. Ch. ' ' ' ' - -- ‘ _' - 0 [cam 1....i\- um 55.; 1;," any m¢.fl: Dhtue4hrow—Wnu by rim...-..., m.. stampe-I ciiw,-lope linngs parvcuhrs. em house. cast front. paved street. As it mu, gnu, upmmd um -' ICMZO . - . . .. ...lU I . 30, ‘M omdmr Mast," 60 to 57 iaourl. in feet ii 3.4 inches; -amid. P-luri:=-H -\'' 5“ 0°» Al>.1*°.l*- "Ml 80"» V 1 cw‘ 8'-'1 mi’ Price initinl clash with the ‘rigor. 7 to §""{’i"‘“ R 8 '5°°' Ni. re-om \\'('fl’ broken defllite 'i‘Z'"'.:"'°"i.t..."."ir"' 'i°§Hii"'§....."’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 1 ’ . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ ' ' “W I ‘ on . k ' , ' ('3' - * ;—‘-**—_.i?i‘Ah~tS::e‘;?u"' 1 ‘mm ‘ozagk :“°“":i7C'.°"°" :‘::ckf"_"“ Ara‘ Bgzfonyf‘ ‘ _ _ _ ‘ A . . __ E g‘ the fact that the weather was idenlfll-aouri. “rivet 7 1-! India: second. Si- ,, ni~:Ai. 1-.51 ATE 1! rs an run . includmz g mm 5 H 312 and the mick in rm condition. The_"':"°'_'r‘:"“;“':"‘:l:__';;‘”‘°b"“;’;. w__|_'_ 7 nd . _, _, _ home mm d n. , u_ .,:._i n . . . . . . . .. _ . ‘ mix:-zr TO LOAN on Colninbla. !_-‘OR SAI-E—Und¢-rwood type- by six rieidinizn ..r§i."3.' zllzilllfcrttln b:' ”"“"“""""' -- "' *“"""‘ ‘”""“‘°°- "‘“"-' :30‘) ;"l’ik¢-r tt-um shut ‘Missouri out in the} W; “.0 A .two dashes and in the low hui-dles.;::.c ‘ rml ¢~.~.tuic. Wcatlioro Realty Oo..- fink . Rood Is now. Liberal term! the Bengal infield. _ ~— ‘ . _..-__. whip. gimsourg d..{.,.g..d w.,.i,;,,,_.m,, (IO-yard an—won by Bier. wuuu. on-I .‘.'i-winzu-.‘s llardwnre. 56-tf 5dd"»‘5-‘ 50* Jv “:°°5‘g Thc came started off in fine which had lmpt him out of tho orix:- 5“ "W d‘*""" "'h"" ‘‘'‘'°‘"‘”‘' N" ‘M .‘L".L.ai"°°‘ Bo“. ummu Tu". ‘H 4~ ' so ' . ' :.::..':‘“.'.:~»:~ wt "*tm>’ V - U . . 2 --~«- » v-»-u. ‘ ‘ l~' nw 'n'«' V011 um‘ Juit like you FOR SALE—A Rood Diana for . ‘ . . to ( 0" ‘mu. ‘ uh k°am°’' 0” {"5" “"1"” P'"'"“”' ‘“"‘’‘°“" ""1"" _ . _ ‘ M H " l'n.mu‘ wha" you want ;g5_ phone 1933 mm.k_ “—203_q‘3 cffoits with sufficient S'll(‘(‘(':.£S to running for Taylor. (irvnthuuse W85 kt-pt out of the mile. an event» ' ” " V . ' ‘ ‘_ . . ‘scam. while xi couple of wild pitches sent an easy grounder in lluvis and in which Capps, of Wuhinztomwon. . 1 can plc-we \0U and at 3 price h d b. ) - v . . F01’ the Best In ‘How Hm; V-on My for an O“ FOR SALE__Rhub"b mo“ " so ¢X;T0Gr: liunno. tiht-_l\. L. hlll"l('l'.‘\\'ft.\ Ill;-i-\\«tl out at fir.~t. and Muulilpr of Missouri placed ‘cpl Mum‘. J. Ankwwnn. 205“ P" dozen. xenon H. shepud. tuonlcfl 11:11‘! 0:33 :lsc°lrV;§°q§)Vcn'n8'lll;I'(‘-lg «fhc lmx apart‘: i.nd_.I. lrittingci: ‘took the. h;lf—mil§' SHOE ‘REPAIR pie... «F11. s . ~’ ""“‘* « i“‘"’““‘ " “" ’" '"‘ ‘ SERVICE Fm: >'.\l.lI—Thomughly modern ”"%‘:k m gm sflfond’ _ I‘rrr. .. Ag” 1: '3 ',' 1‘ ‘I, T.'°“"'r.'d“'° "'m" h‘’""' ’°.°°"q' °‘"' mi. mi... ....i won §AI-E-—0r «o be 9 h°"'° 0;‘ ,5 S*°".; «« -» I ~ « *"=‘”;,°r":=.:'"r,:,=:"'°-** “-WW‘ s.. in oak ”m”_._‘_ 1-W" mocks from c‘m_‘gi.\~;)-; 1., h, .p_ gm; 9“. . o t ere_.-t I tscort'—-.. to 0. ‘Ila;-‘L. it .. 5 1 4. i, g. mun ._t “L. }a .. ' ‘ -s.. ..g 3,1,. 1: . gmc, feed grinder, some hgmgsg, And over in the northwest loomed f"!'f“’*- " - f " l l-‘ " “ Tigerii in Lead Before Mile. At p.l.«. Iuu n.i.onu . any terms. . _ ‘_ _ I, mm. ii . .. II I i u. 4. I Phone ll‘-l'.' um-n. £207-208.505’ =*l83=l*"8= l Uultm-bo 1;"'*“"‘"‘ :1" "d- ‘’'“,‘r: W" “ "°""°‘-‘l’ °‘ ’;“’"“ ll:-di:v-. . .. ; .. .. l .. .. with the Tim-r.~ loading 57 u. 55.! 2‘ S Ninth .._. - - ——~— - A ————-——4—-—-———- “"g0n 3 1'. 0 ink mI° 0“ 5- P “uh “.35 ’0t‘o( Uutv(“.n|.p"_ 3|, _ { I _ I I 1 ‘ho (u\~(-nt 01' th’ "cunt-[' (he 0 FOR SAl.E—.\'cw 7 room hficklchino, bgru-I chug-n_ housg-ho|d as the third inning drew to 8 Hair-in. -- . i 1 «- » l 1- mm.‘ :_.,m(. up 10,- ,,.u](.m¢.m_ (;.p-' house with large slct-ping porch and goodii. including cool; stove. hcuting close. The fourth inning llassvd ‘I: : i in um mo,’ of the “.“hm£mn tum. . ‘ lun parlor. Pnone 1809 Red. 1821! store, Red Star oil stove. dining uifdy but the sky grew blacker. _ ",1 hi‘ “am we“. \.m0n~ou5 Is he.‘ iLIlll¢, chairs. rocking chairs, bcds..l’ric(-. Knnsiis shortstop. suddenly 'r.ui- . 4. .x- . :2 — 1 F0“ 5.‘tLl‘. -- S(‘\'I!nl.¢Bn-!‘00flI:x5-ing 1-nu-hing-, kitchen c3binc1,:di1icot‘cred ho had a twisu-d unlqle, ‘ liuagri. , ’.“‘ " L L.“ Ann“ " ° ‘A-- 7 ' ’”“"‘ ‘ ‘ "‘ “ ‘ “ " '“' “"-—"‘ '--- -~-— I ‘ lmu.~r-. I! halls. 3 bulhn. full base-ii“. c,-um {r.¢.;,.,- and other uni. and ten minutes went by while the‘ ""' "~ " "t "< *3‘ , . . . inc-nt. lluilt-in tubs. hot and cold ¢1¢,_ M“, a few whim Rock hcn3]K!lI'I%IS team and Umpire \\'hi-clor J‘ " I 3 3 2 Z Z’ I 50“ :‘0UcR Now i watt-r. Rooms engaged for term‘ ‘mi baby chicks. We are Icat-W“ helped him sit on second lanai. imd my-. lb ' 3 i. o : o i I I.Il.:l’conITalbI In ,, . lK‘:.'iHhiIIt! in 5€‘l‘“'"lb¢"- 5331?" the state and this stuff is staying rub it. Still no rain. D?"-L ' - 1 2 : 4- -' I CI-'-n ’ . B. we of Mi-‘-‘°urinn~ B19‘t1‘herc. If you can use any of it The {inn half of the fifth wcnl. f‘,“.",,“";, " 3 3; [‘ ',‘ ‘; 1' ' ‘'‘“fi ,f‘,‘,f ,','_'°" .. ‘come and get it. If we can't get ' ‘_ - . '; . . - ' 3 , ' .. ’ i 1: . 1")" -“«"\LE—-3-70"!" ~'*1ri€N)' m°d'.our price we'll take yours. lliirry lfl‘,-:,;l::q,:)rn nl.l,mlr::,( t1:|om,_.::,:,:. (‘ESE (‘:‘r:?i:i«::-, I‘. i 3 i ; i -————- _ _ '_ ‘ (‘Ill lnii-l; llf;u'5'.'. nnk floors through- Mnnh’ phom. 35:, giuck First go" gone far cmugh to be wmpku. Vl-tm i- i . : n o u r. o ‘ ‘’”‘\: “,""““°""'b “ml "“°’“li°°' . Hit-te house on Ash!-nd gravel. for four and in half innings arc nli M " «In it if '.' 2 ‘ A Lecture bv . --.\' .- up now. cosc in.‘ -,i - _ . . _ ~ ‘ , ° $,,,[,,, ’”""‘ " -_____ - . - ‘~’°u’” that aw ""°t'W|_r.\ to commute a sum . x v -- o «- o snot-3 REPAIRING . ':x'....7 :..m.m i.um.-iiiow for sale "‘”U"si:"iTciiits i-‘on SALE "“"."“" 1,"""“' " "“’-" °"""" “ K233. ‘i 7. 1' 7‘. II If . . I ° or ‘rut c°nnnu(_ ' _ . Iv.-arnr) . ti 0 I) I» 0 0 S l-“?ert Ir ‘ :'i-mom liunt-rriluw with slcciliflt FOR SALE—G-<')'lindcr 3-seated‘ The "”"‘h '"""‘“ '"""d "3" — - ~ » -— We Call-—I)elIver Q 0 0 - O . . - - - ' ' '. The i-i-vcnth found it few «irons _ *3 ‘ ' '57 ‘3 '3 C II 63 l,,,,‘h_ ,.,. ii, ,,d,._ 54,000, K500 do\\n._roadi:t1r, in good incchziniciil cnndi ‘ _ _ u . F .__ H ‘ ,_ A a , _ _ ,._,.,.,,,, mode," .,.,.,,.,f 1 block-tion. ‘Just tin-__.~m for a iiummcrtof ram inauoruiiz down and in re-y.: }Z’,',.,' .23.} '..,, 1jL..'“.,. ',..,._ _ . . Director, $chool of Slavonic Studies " "'1':-um i~:impu.~. $l3.."i0tI. , trip. Phone 1425 Black. tf;I_corr.- lenvint! the atands. lunsqlf‘ glpyiur lntlnl rm wiini In t-iii. ‘. University of Inn on - l2-zn-mini house furiii.-had. $9.500. R , LE F rd i _ _h‘ the i-core with a.horm- run by QM" ‘V ‘mm -H"! "I ‘-"hi lll-ruum liousc. routh side. $6,500. F0 5: - °m “"2 ‘"~" '3‘ ‘Price followmx D-mn_e.~ P«'|~*9l‘f>T1 to K_'u_ ’ ' ‘ 0‘ ‘ _ ! ‘ow .'.tuccn bungalow. hnsenielit. '"‘"‘l';' 1°‘:";0“"‘-'1 9 “til: first. Brock vicnt in for “titers, ‘how. V" 0:; W’ “Q4 a 6 furnim-. $.‘t.u00. easy terms. . '3" _‘ ‘"1 " ""°'‘‘ " °‘" °" “_'h" had “'“"4°d {"9 W”? "l '1 Summary. Hume run tum Two-haar ’ , We haw other houses. also a °°“d'u°"- S°°°' “" 5- L-T“"‘"- little more than two innings. hit~Ta)lur. Earned ruri—~Kn~~aI 2. st... ’ 1,. "f .11 , for .n Lu ‘,5 Ph"M' 751 R‘-“L T304309 Denny's crror und Lonborgflu .-single ‘W “"" "“"“~ '“-“M "-*""'- 5'"*““ nun‘ (r ‘ 'Lo N L hlI——(ir than-. truck tut «lly 5 . m gm“. you‘ I : gave the JQyfIIWk(‘l‘5 anuthi-r ru “._m_ ,' M. U,,,,,,,,,, 1 "H. on w.. 0 pl 0 (}lI.'t')‘ & Frauu-r R0811)’ C0... ml.PE .“d ‘he k'3d- ten 4 in 5- innings. all Ural 3 Ifl 1 in- - Rm . 4 -v “'11,, Bid _ 5.,-i FORD ’ And then the iky began to l‘l('If saint. «K Dunne i in s :-s inning-. off Dan. ‘1 m 1 nn .. . i 3. pk: , . _ . . . 3 , , . AT 5 d ‘h - . _ l in l-! Inning. ild r-itzhn-—Di.nne 2. . .,1,i_ , 207.208; _ , In e sun p('t|’|(‘d on. on mo , _ _, ___,“ _ L Excellent mechanical condi- . - . ‘ ‘ “U0 00 \-|'-- 03 “-16” "W "M1 L ‘ _ _ _ mentar) lnl('l'\Il.. The .torni had on Du“, , um“, N.” Vb,“ ‘_ I-‘tilt s.\i.i:. uiiii; on RENT» "°"= °‘I“'PP"* “W *‘W‘"~ slipped b_\‘. Two singles. It » . Dfiinr to ll-y-. Dam) in What. Um- -—ll-riwm lvonrdi K lit-uiic practical-' '"'“" H”’”‘k" and an «error sent Brock out of NH‘ Hm W|'«+|v-r- T’-mt‘ =»'-''-. M '. Lt" newly finished. Ono lilock from’ “hwk ‘b5°'b'..”' ‘unmade: 3 thc box and lhl"(‘(‘ Kansas runii M‘Ul'- I ' " ' W": ‘ luoth ('3lfl'l[vu€c.“. Thrce baths. hot: l””‘d 9°" ""°‘3 "ph°!‘“'r?’ rying ncmiui the plate in the eighth. w.‘ )''u_“.”,::."_' we "'-_”°| 3""“" suit--r limit. t-xtrii liirco diningi lnd pun‘ Row‘. A splenmd With nr-no out. ' mg tr’ n ‘ ““oun'm “um . . _ _ . «Ir 0-)? I‘-mm. l'.!u'(-llcnl IDCOIYN‘ PPOPOSI-' "me u ‘emu’ ord“"°° the mound and cu‘ down two - an. ' E 5 5 AUSPICES ALPHA PI ZETA Admission: 50¢. Tickets on sale: Co-Op and Taylor Music Co. 0 tmn n.-. la-;iniin;.: and rooming hou.Ie' °"h' Cd‘ ' ' if liatsmcn. Lonlmrg got to first, - or if |l‘~1'il fur upnrtnwnt purposes.’ scoring‘ Price. when Ix-wi.-i fumbled Notice Graduates WI" °-"P" "ll 1'1")’ 1('l'|'N”-- wi“inK1'” jngcgu Axg0Us' his ground:-r. hut wav caught .~ti-iil- P Them“ “flue” at mt? of In lake in w(-II-I(i(‘ut('d small housci ‘ in‘; gr-¢ond_ "0 P93‘ “'ordS- “ark ”‘ A ' — ~— — —-A -- —A— - -~— — ~--—~—-‘—- -- -—-—— or rent for two or tlirot-~ycar period. '_ “'ANTED—Lnwn mower aharp- Final Attempt to Win Failn. guaranteed. Phone 215 Red !'_'30”‘' 133‘ ___K207-2L1.ening. Door and window screens ‘flirt-c batter: faced Lippman in or 1245 white. ll 1 . - W L051-'AND pofiuu "* ito repair. Chair repairing. Woodithc ninth and the Bengals came to ‘ turning, Manufacture knife nndihnt for a final attempt in saving - - . H - - -———-—- ——-——-»- »- 1,0s'r_,up}~,,. }(.m,,. Kgppg pin_!Iciuors shiirpencrii. Will call foigthe day. Smith. batting for lln)-'5, ju-mm], 1-‘mm s44_ 1-mi, pu¢|;¢u_fand deliver. F. Y. Fen-cc. 203 South ‘fanned. Donny aiiigl intn loft go5.2n‘8th St.. phone 974 Green. W186-7214 field. Mnriiiilcjlc wxilzorl. Then -"i.«i<'r—.\i'inu- gold wrist watch: - T '3°°“5 N3 “am it-§::ii‘}' In-l\\‘i~ui \\':ili:i2:l'i Futinn and Broad-; Fog R]-j;\’1‘_2 firspfloor un. grid Mar.-.nli-ls ad\‘fln(‘(‘d xi l|l|\‘(‘ nmrr lim. Iii-ward. (‘all Jesse llyd g,,,.,,;,bed “gm huuqckcq-ping room5,"Iple(‘(‘. Torr). batting fur l.«-«is, , 3‘ Sl"l"l"'l*~ """"f-'t”- K2°5°2”iClosc to University. Phone 1032. ifnnncd. “lHlllf' threw thivo halls E t l ~—~ = ~ xra < l/).\"l‘--Bliicl; lonthpr purse con-I 206 20“ :;£“’l3;,ot':_E.nn€l“r:r Mn:"D_:,;;' "‘i"i"“ "h°‘“ '“'°m" ‘ 5' Rt" FOR RENT"Ni“' {"°"‘ '°°"" his hurling ace. the rnound. Tay- wand. Finder please (III 827. Lois; .p.nmen'__ Phone 893 “mite, 1'". then bmumod out I long hit to >x‘9:k_h§'d" ' 2°6'2”.left. easily good for two bones. '-"-"T""“"""°““ "°“ Pi“ ““"" FOR REN'l'—Rooms for girls for 5"‘ °°"" "°' """° " 5°-’":.',’,d T." t-'\‘.’0ld. piuiuihly at I-‘armors’ Fair.‘ the summer ‘cm Mm one “me 5059 betwfl‘ 07 W9 SP|’1"l I" ° Ito‘-gird. Telephone 1319. 1005. ng 'm°ms_ n_ L‘ ._ - -_ . . 2°.'°”°“: 3- cows» 1206 P-«um gig,» 2o-"..""".....?.:':.“"J;:L..“'.i:':'"" °' .‘:r:‘.: ,.. .,... M, 0...... l.0.\‘T——Tortoiiie shell glasses in.‘ ' ' settlement v-K b Hi S‘ Q‘ .8‘ Coluiiiliia Jefferson City . ' Crib Line . bet nu vlth all }3- ‘ H . !"~r¥ cw .Ph°!{€ .‘?.‘;‘.:ET__—1_’°“”°_“} FOR RENT-'l'o one iuiy. aoh¢.th- ‘.."."..."i-.'.."..‘."..'i‘£‘.".."§."e 3......" ""o...H".. 35;, . f;_ 3... _,T,',,.,.,. . \\‘AN‘l‘ED ‘D0 jcaat room with In. J. S. Brut in. uourl. I-oi-in ct coin-N-. in Gmfi“, ‘No. u . quuny i ' . mi .1 3 . . WANTI-II) T0 RI-‘.N"l‘-3.:-ooui an-'. ———-L sum’ 9u!—-§‘'—-—-- 32053-820 '0...“ “ ‘anti! l..a(§UNNlN.f’Illrl:.‘ that to both snappy and I _______.____ ..___--._ . p » furnished apartment or small house.‘ [DIXIE NOTICES _ _ “"""“‘ OlUlfYU'|I- P0901” Wm‘ __._:Lr l Adam. Box A. A. are of )fis- —--—-f—---—--' ""‘ """"°" "" " the man for thts biting. ' 2 ‘H l . muriim. iiaoi-zoii - 50531: £020: No. 00: none: or rnut. IRS!-l‘:3N"' . nappy tum-it tsafatvafi: Lgvg Qolumbu _‘ . Leaye Jefierson City L‘.\'l\'l2llSIT\' professor wants to' ' '-and uueutrta of the hate or I. o.' wtth women also or _ - - ’ rent in June or September a 5-room‘ ' Special comiuunieatlonf""""" "'°""‘ "'1' """’ ""' ''w'» 6.598%‘? PNUDD1 “'07- kn W ‘ad hunnlow or apartment. humbly‘ 'l‘ueadI)'. my 6. 7:so‘..".'i‘......" .i7i.:'i"L." '“-iu':.".«%"r.:'.! Sonrontoyouriuod-I Tflern ‘ml Colmnb . I Q 1 next new. Phone 1125 Red. iizoo-me p, m. 24 degree work. ‘:i. can u a... o-.e.. in-ii. WANT!-ID—By ainglc faculty‘ . c_ LUVAK w_ x. *5 ‘WW "5 "“- 3 than. September 1. Room in 1331-‘ ’ '. LoNG‘'3°u.s‘u.”. ' ‘ ‘mu ’”‘°°‘”' i \:te house within 6 or 8 $1. ;.u....g_g.,'u, . A_B :,:i:::°"“" X’ cm’ ‘£93,; DAVIS GOAL co. ‘trot-ice or trim. an-uuaitt ‘ wimren m iii-:m'—iii:oui 5: p mom bungalow. furnished including -4 dishes. for eleven months‘ ‘ ’ July 1. References good.’ Stat; , 1 term: and location in first letter. |""‘ . “ "- Bottle 8:00 a. in ' 8:lll ii. Ill. « 111513-I. 1315!!-IIL 5309,5111. . 5:00 ii. in. 5 «. ' .2 ..7“" 527-’ fans 0 ta f, . i _ .- Per Passeotger e E 3‘ 3 E i E ii ii; ii: REE iii: Box fl._h[gso_t_x§_i§ii._ :07-8|! mosaic: rot-rn ucnoil. '“ ...."""°'.......,°' "".....“"...’..?“..'."'1'.'...................... “""""""' i e A - :+__..- -.....u.¢u-nmuaoum ~- roii iti-ziir-hm. nun--i.«..._a...u.um.m.n..iuu. ni*3__nc:=‘:mdA_i_-_¢mllIl*“__. one _ aaentafter Juie-1..-uctiiu--o-In-----*0-Ii’-'-"" an-L ~ 4 . .. V jp.‘§jjfi.fi1jnIIC§* <, 4 . _.\. - g . "'““" 'fiuhhouu¢elIunoOIIItv.III-uLIIuihI.dun-n-l.‘IrIufin&II&- ; WW*""*°"'-‘*-*'°'=-----~°--~--°-°--'"""""""""' ~roniiNriimittini'i1o1iciiu.49i - tion heoeuitobo quince-u-«I-o.uu .---|---'*-''‘'''''’''''‘'‘' . .... - ~ ’; "M '9'.’ auuauaisunvaai nuts:-on-cum.-n?.liun-mi. _.= p . - —.v t“"°‘“ "”""‘ i ‘ .. ----- - -'=-i.w—=.:.- --~- ‘!!““¢“"t"“‘*"‘ r ' I213 ”' . --;' I .. ' -4 ' .5 ' . ' ::§1 _» ' ‘ ‘ v. ' . \ _ . . _ I 3' in ~‘ - ;_ ‘.“ I ‘ ml: RE.PlT—W!1l4F!'l‘l3‘‘''lM'l!oOnlALCl'I'liZ!I ’ _ Iv--In r p ., _ _ ' ' l . _ » 6 2 7”." - . '. _ _,. . .‘ '“~‘ ‘ ‘ 4-xi.‘ . 3- a‘i=..r.: was: :3; ' “*2 .:~