J _ —r I r ' . 1 > .— _ ‘J V_ ‘ _ _ . 1 . ‘ - - .~. 9. _ 1*. .1 W1.‘ W: . __ _' ’ 1' 4- *9‘ " "' -. 3‘5"~"- .‘ " ; TURfiAY..MAY 3 1924 _ j; 13,‘ - " “"' ’ ' ’ ' ' . - _ " - 4; ~ . E IA N SAM _‘ V _ _ _ 4 _ - .——-—.——I Y .;¢;1M.ng %Pp‘;rw«nm;.’i«f.’fi;!t_flo1‘i,”‘-imished 5, dm“‘‘‘ j_‘ _‘ ' ; , . .. I , ,9 « .. . 3 l _ , l'ron.’§ht‘1-1 I-‘ire Bestgltadlo Futures. ‘. on I . , . i M hdmcgcpms ‘ ' ' I ooounun vs-nos rm: . -. _.- ~ 4 1- ; ' ‘ 1 BALL ; um cm... ndard 1 ,you do not Md M 95° ¥““",‘_'. - .‘ "V txl1‘f)¥§?.n:%'U'::onsl.- .. BUB8.U||.PE.!§3lQN III-I-F -. D8 .=' 1 I T°”"s 3*“ *"°"" ‘“"’ St: The ‘Dogs’ - ‘ wux Cleveland. 390 me- {want ads. ""u'- P"°"‘-' 3‘ :3“! ' ' I ' .13.‘ -. . .. V - .3 . . ' ‘ i . tors, 11 p m.--Pmumm by the , _ . , _____,___ . _“""‘-¢- . ' Ile-are IWWN ‘ ' 1 A ~ Lake Eric : . ‘ .‘ uxoeutm none. in sun... route:-:Di-1-nrml of ARE IN Nations. __ 1.1.1. Caps on . , CLASSIFY FOR REN.,_, ,,,,,,,,,c M _ ,_ ,, TH day, Disposed at Gunner l Govuténcut Aid;-ed -. . 1 . , i'St. Louis . 20210 - _ won, Newark, cogs ‘lust.-lrs., , T00 LATET0 mu ‘outfit See W. B_ . A Tenn Btuineu. .3 U “.1 9°" E i ' . . . §Pit1sburgh . 003 00 H 1:30 p. rn.—Jo1nt rccxtn . , > over Peck-.‘_ Phone 1569“ _,,,; J) V 1 The executive committee of thef ¥W;sHI"N""'GToN my 3‘__p,.¢,;, MISSOUH RlVel' ‘ reatenfi Bnttcrie5—Stunrt and Gonzales. Jahn.Vsoprano. Bcth.T1-czlshc. FOR Iv_:NT_6 "ice moms, south _.:.—:—- if I 30"“ °"F“*"‘°" °' W-’ ""“'°"‘~ ' odn'~ rwed the 311* Thousands ofuécrélv-' :21'ud¢ Ind ~°°°°"' 1 1 °°"""‘°' ‘"“’ E"’"“"“ J“ "' issue close in, Single or in np|rt- REPRESENTATIVE WAN .; .1 sumo ""“-°°°"““-‘ ’ ‘ - . . 1 «sf . - - - 2oo o A 1.... baritone. ' - ' ' Calla ' ' ‘it’: Of .- I "hum gm "hm, uwquldhgvepfovldfi G ' .1 .- ,. d'Cl0¢m"3'>’ " — , CJKAC 3 uegll 425 me_ ment. furnished or unfurnished. —To cover Mexico, _Wuy. . 11 ‘’f P‘ ' E‘ Iflmn‘ by ‘of st'1aninereue in pension: for veterans _ N881‘ ” 1-éf;-_;Chl“K° ' mo 0 . .. 1 .. ' on ' F. t 3Rent very reasonable. Phone 2324 duin, Howard. Boone. Mon ‘uh - .- » 10"“ W‘ 9- 5» 3'"'‘°“ °‘ ‘°’““'iot all was except the World Wu , 1- 3gu¢ri¢g—Donoi1uc and Wmco: u-rs: (=30 9- .""‘.. '°’.‘. °'“'° Red. s2os-21o.ond Warren. calling on exit - nigh . But Pike 18 mg‘ jfhundny to make appoint-‘ud of ‘_§tfl_.ns.;,“,ia°w,_ 3’_-$1-‘:Keen and Hnrtnctt. 2 __ 0 Breweries Band 1:1 11 wet Pro. _é__._____ en, “mg”. bntery and e] ., pun ' FY0111 8‘ I399!‘ 33‘ ‘-0 ‘°°‘m' ° r lidxe Stfldiflt 3 Wu’ ' t¢1ylPhn‘d°lPh"" 010.0? 090-,. H‘ B Philadelphia 509 me, FOR SALE—Bnby chicks. 12‘&c men. E stnbhlhcd fIl’m- -1 I the] .' H U dni ht for the summer term. Qgge to Congress on the veto hula: w " "mg ;Brooklyn .. 180.10. 0od—- {H18 n. M” 6.15 p m._The.Bflmchcm teach. phone 1934 “yhim 203,211 ,.,._u,du-d jmcs, use gene:-gt “mi . 1 “ - 3 -°...*"...W '"":..""'= .‘.-.°°“...;s~= =1-W21;-‘ °“';.".:":.':.?.:‘."° »»=1:....‘“::.°'*°:;:*;:*;°.*;. "' ° 1 .-....... 1»,-;.=s ~=,;;=; 11;; mu " ‘ T, “"""" (E. . 100°C“ .35 3‘ §dPln!—,91‘ '3 31”“ . ‘ of‘ r “ ° - . ' ctte in Austin-Cline from ‘ une c inc. rovcn cs_p . 11,91 SH°Ws WELL RECENm:5°P'"*"°*'*= .'*'- Wm ‘‘‘B‘'‘‘’' “"1 T’ ”'“"°_—_ "W Ihd’”°" Y°"‘ ‘ W’ x 33?: 5 3, 10560’ °‘.‘,'{,“‘",‘.1;,.,,§,1,,2,,,"',:',‘,‘,',',.‘:; to September. Phone 2170 Red. ful opportunity. wnte for . ' 3,, - . 1-.-—— ~ lw-1-=-« «M1:»-==-1-°—wN0RTHEAsT.0F 1 ma use-mu °°.= .. .. 1- ""7. 1: 1 m. M B-M » «on Com1n1t.tee 1n IS cuwodinn of experiment enlrnuh oil . .‘ . .- H . !3ftter1es—Ry'an _ a ). qu'11rtct‘,L_eabe11r1lr1_;:.d. .” _____.p_______ . Eqmpment Co" 1520 Low“ SL. . _ 0‘ B N tRead to Make 5"” '°""““”' .""'."'°° “"""""""“ R ‘ ‘_£o‘ -bve!S"‘k°“ and Cycle. 11- v_sP__1s if-_ - I-‘OR RENT—Aftcr June 1. two_1.ou1s, Mo. 5.; 5 . oO_ . _ y is‘?! “.33”: -l‘!“l‘°r'm°ch‘nk of} K, C“ _ V _ ' Aneriun. ‘fry 3 Misgom-inn want Id. _V __ I _ _ __ V . . V___ __ __ Ghd - P1nanc1al1State- the As-ricuituran and EnxinoI!rinz- — - - . .. p 0 fig , o . rm — .11.. M W -M IN DIVISION 11 so A ~ . : « 3Y- entomologist end? nurstcznryualnepeis; 1 - ‘ t '5," gm, * 1.’. B‘n“i(;s_'“,un,wn and Shuck; ‘ .. . . ‘.31. . m —"—'-‘—' Ifitorzchnrles A. tits, 3; n ________ mus __,‘ v ,, .1 ‘ ~, '1 ~ I ' . ‘, Doe! 11332:‘ i‘nr°;:ar‘sndcht:h1Facl..erized'P“b“° ‘Pl-‘lgnfbe dEP“I’|'.¢il‘!|fl1l- ‘Wm’ ‘C°"“'“"‘ "°" "“ "M ?where the rivet llfifl w“hingwr"otl'o' 000 30 4 ' A ; nth): v T '-9"“? 9 “ * 97° °”°' - ' 5; spaces. mun»-‘five feet of the (1 trick. ‘ ' , 00 12 ' m a ‘ R ‘ int‘ "'9 "l"°‘°°"u‘ "'"“’1F"m°" Ffirlbnfermusic summer term 1 Tram‘ ?1":{. Elfirndo spring: maggig workers. *5.» governm¢m{UI'U York .. 001 1 . . ~ I h . . y - : . ,‘ . 1 . l_ R ‘L : tel hem by“! “udcnu of .1“-rgo Hegel The followinz resixmtione were 1111:: oa.7".‘.‘L1...o." lbw" aha on we we" to be“, in Battenfis Scllgguna and ut n last Friday ~ ; Rut! of _Atricl1lt«ure Yesterdlay. d “:3 ?fl;.nceeptcd: Orpheus Barlow. instruc-Q _ ‘"1; mtg’; #11:” lmuhlbrinzing bun as” “d away “,1 once an 2002.0“) 20 . -—*0 9 — 1 _-rd °"'°°".§'°'d "d" ’_m' '{‘:_'ced imytor in physics: Helen Clark. stenozn ,,:_“;}?:1-: -Ivvmt °""“'"°' K‘“"" c“’lb"“-7°53 "19 blflk Itulnsg g_},e;,,.g,r_lP3°'h'l‘t°[;‘c-11;‘;-‘I ° ' mo 000 H “.88 the _. . : [Ben ' i»l'§u3 'thn.:tt?Iin: :r%;mo1'‘¢ ‘" “‘°mph" (Er “dc mum” dcp1:rI:meml:"""'" "M" 11.1'°1""' s§C°“'xcW N°<':il§‘ "u"mqt“Cml’é is ‘mot 200‘ l ttcrics "may 1' ind r;c1nich- . A 7 A T ‘ill: . J . setr . care er a. :1 Lb. 'ir'pAtr . mm L ' St. '. '-'. — . ' . . !.‘.'1é1'“°°"v 5"‘ 8* lid“ W3‘? “P ‘°§-pegagmcm Jfimalfie of the veg."-§-f;tuo.:11..:1’.' ‘ram 1.2: u-conda——NeII' ales-£'“‘l°” "°“ ° N‘ 3 ..0gden and Pcrkms. “Free I-Iavacone” 6‘ “mm” nun. “cc e "ow ‘ ary department: E. R. Hedrick."“’" "‘°"" ,~ ,g;- 1, 5 up ‘ "7" . . -G‘ A” . F inch: -tilted 1.!“ "ism "‘ "f°".";"""°’;;.t1.omatscu department; .1. o111o.,,_‘,‘,‘f,‘_','."‘ "..‘§.',‘;..?‘ “£3.31... °'s’t-.5...}'Z.'u... ’I‘C)DAY’§ MARKETS. .1-:1sr£1rr.u11s11 AT 1111:1111 11 .. Day of the Whlte .' _ .r I tint, the Pike twp: crtiangctg mm Roberts. custodinn of the Iflimllvthfid. C-uodlnnu. wfucworth: fourth, Jono.: , A b V . _:sp.ni5h “Id” ’,r'em_h Clubs new . I 7 M da M a 5 1 E Wm, 10"! “,':,‘,’:.,,:,‘°,,',,"§.,." pi)“; of the"'°“‘°3 R°u“ sh‘“°',' ‘Md i"‘"“°',h:;o'::.-uT1l.T h511‘1:' Spank-ll and f th 5'3"‘ ,' _ T ' bl , janitor-mec me o e ; third. lode-orb. 1:u>o rat I-;; NA ‘ , -.; _ - .- 1, 1 1 - . ._ . . 1 xrg manage}! ¢'i{'2::)° .tF“::s‘:‘°l'l“t;')‘;8";;’:. -Atgirllaculrtuml and Engineering 1.ui1d—'l°.'.'...1. Austin. in. Vernon. Time .211: May 3. C we__R&d‘*“y , nsggt H: pans ram e S MUSIC VlbuallZatI0n . Pun P°'“‘° ° ° of » ndjings; Thelma Walters. trencral dutygw-’°""" . ,_w lket 25c lower then Week 800: III- R d Ham 1 Soul-ian an {_ lnh 3-‘eve It’l.1Ic.nt.>l:K;‘=u: firm gsfsgflkc ‘graduate nurse: Tune}. Woods. Jeni-lh,::£.;::;1 :3. a1;:I1«éu!:i:h(5;';_l“mn:Hi?’ beef fig,-L 37 .75} year!-, cfiisq Frances BrW__,_r and 3:5,. Ft Mrs V . yo‘ e . - . A { Ph)"iC5 ' -:r ' - Ce“ limb‘. 0|d,‘l" ‘mu . ,. . _ -*1 ' 1:. :i):?;}:,°m:a1e’:ta l'l1'.:>’tc11llle:h$1'c\rvr::t:-3 £301‘-) "3838? in English deplflmfflt-lgltaskcls: C211": ':“""‘- “'»"""""'5 $?25@6.‘?5;‘n canners and cudnu.J§::,?:amf‘hl‘rml?1‘:1}d‘ Karen.“ Boone 4. C 0 u n t -‘ , onto we ' ' - ~ - .9: seconds.‘ - e » ' ' '1 .1 - .1 - , Th tnmntce awarded the fol-{tun-u C-1: U-an-L 7"‘ 13335 350; aura, . . .. - - ._ -, Mm! «sd,.=d.,b>=1=m°"°"* "4 w:~..2;v~:.:.::r-.>:;e 3...... ss@8- . ' 1 1 :.t:°::".:-..;.::€.. newspapers by 68- EGYPTIAN BALLET . 1 9“ h'.’°w‘i'- l r show, u,e.cntes in agriculture: H. L. Bc)‘crt.l,,:.-; .yI,._ov.wo'ru1: luctm..on.l llogs—Rcccipts, 6.000; mnrket'm':d°Mi___ Pauline Adams gm‘, 3 _ ‘ " Shi_ ‘There vac t rt-0 nd. the James E. Boffmun. G. D. Brown. rnnciulu. Time gmfiu. lneady .0 15¢ lower; huvy. $7_25@:S :_h~‘ V ‘ _ dance Richard C0mp_ ‘ A, _ . Invest in - __ Em; Lac“ H; ll 0 msDu.m nu 9- 5- C"w”" C‘ C‘ Coma.‘ 1" S'l ' hf ‘ " 91.1.. W to H -7350: m°di“"‘- 37-‘0@"-'55: light’ltp‘n!l)l1\':llpli)c0t'n(‘1-uulo and Miss - ' i an """.“‘."" b °,, ‘;,"‘° ,;,.,,,,‘§;,,,., Dawson. William L. Ermelins. F---,""'-"“ .‘.f'."'Z'...‘.’.‘..‘.l"“.’-'l.....”.1..‘.I?....’.13..is7@7.so; 11.,-1.1 lights. :6.'ss@7x»o:.,§’,',',c’“ ,;,c,,,,ds M. ;, ,.,;,,,,, .,,,.,_ Missourian TICKETS AT DOOR - -mar. nct ‘ 5' tie oine "ids both C_ I,,gc,.,.on, E. C. Uggett. J. R. fltefrtv--nlu. Khnnu clu Northeon-1: rout-th.lI,,,cki,,g sows. $5_35@6.60: pigs“, T ;1k..were mtjdu M nmnhcfi of . _ . A 1.; Role Club HEW the ‘grflffi cgmdr .hO“.1McCn5('. M. ‘V. Bodcstcin, C. C.|ltm-hncr. Kunuu City Wcstport. Diouncel'$5..‘.5@I.‘.; bulk. $7.25@.‘..60. h at Jubs and by-facunv m‘_m_ Ad\»;rt1sIng fpr. atternoon and c\e:‘u!1Kfl Harri.‘ Emerv. De Phip s. A. A. Rum-«Ia-I ‘em 11 anctu.-_-.__ b ,, : Shecp—Rcceiptg, . 150. market 1 c‘ ufo h d. am;mm . V . mm‘ wnpuud of ' e-0 9“ ,3, 31:1.’ mans.’ D. G. St dnub. C. F. Gen-“ "‘."{ "“"“’;l D(;;::‘:" 5-‘:::°.:.,,yy ,,o:::;."' ,-,oming1- ewes $5@8.60: cannerz-fibers 0-’ “rm! um d the‘ '1rngl"llll A - mm’ W’ 5”‘ ‘.“"° 'T°"" 3°- ecu)- ser, 1.. 0. Jordan. 1:. 11. Prior. J. ,j;"_',“."'...'.'.§."'1'1...... 1.'«....... cm; fourth. and cudm $2'@5, “.00, ,,,,,,,,,_ $14: D‘"“”“~ g "A‘i“f_._ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 1 111111 emooll mm sclfrai -I-r,:s‘m,:econd R. Robertson. R. H. Smith. C. C. s-.us1'1.. Kenna can Northeu-t. Height :.;@16 50 ' ; You are n1i.~sing opportunities if ‘ Edit kn flrkcn cs-entinzxl Sev lTh0mP80n R -1- Twill!» 5- 5- "°fi'°1 '"" “ "““"‘ l A I . -——-—- you do not rtrad and uoc Misamurian ' 1 V , ____,. 5 3010 scene was s 1 - ' ' '. 1 ' —-:0-—-— - ~ ’ ’ ' _ _ W H_ “ -_ u . ~ : St. Louis Lush Grain. . __, lklll ‘l:‘t.lle ?1’.'.‘3.‘§".§€.’li 1:10:15: m ’l”"”’ 'bTEP¥Jli:3§::11C\(')rl;‘L~El‘g'Ir:n11‘5:)n's nn~“’ g‘1’_“““1"0”I:‘l"S- M 3_C m \. “M v - - ..__,. emu _ _ -l 9 T 4 A . V 0 a)’ ‘ 0 7 0' .— -“ - . ' -7 A The “Mail! :l|1o:c'“:dns.i‘:l1dgu:>fiP he ' Annual Event to Be Under Direc-1' ‘-3 While. 31@33°3 N°- .3 "‘}“|“’- B . M0 . — . . . usmess we 1=-1»-‘Mm 1*-*=*" -1"“ "'°'°» WED BY ’ “°" °' ’'‘'''°.5 °'”:.." ""’ ! ’’o’.°.'._._’‘1:~’. "2 “..—.'.‘.t‘.. ‘.-,o‘:.° 1.-.1".-. . Th pr99!in:n}lcu:Ihpuslll:t:l.i;‘llctu:ls1dw¢‘lei:e} HE’ The ann'1:a:l"lvlotlh¢c?'1:I).ay at Stc-‘ “'hi'~°~ 4910 @4959? N9‘ 4 white’: . M o e ' . . ammo o« K C STUDENT 1° .1» .w~.= Lea CPS P 1 111:1: 8°*l'.°""' "Si °" ‘ ‘""““".'° “"“d¥ ' ' ‘ ?"°"°“' “mi Mwda-"" The hommon‘. Se 07'... man thefundnmentnl orincipten o! I W‘ and the actors drc.-lsed as n ors and: 4 . _______ 15 u P-rththr.-_ dl_rt:ct1l1)n_.0£nld€haY:19l;l;:. wheat “_°d)_x0_ 2‘ "J2; Na ‘,,M,:::n,“_.,,r:t}$,€%l,m;°,,y;: 1 - ‘fa lw‘k‘l:rl‘gmEorls?i!del'):l:l§'d irti"i3::mer;lh:1vsai.-l (coumud mm P." onu- fiasco‘ u.;;iii?:,:o;tc.::hw1]cge . Thai 3, $1.04‘, No. 4. $1.07. min usual ;e;r'1_ ‘ninth: ' ‘ - '“ .1 1 . '11 rxunsa City . . ' ‘ Whe 1 (hm-d)—No. 3. sums. * =10"-w°°~ 1"“ *°""1°"°' """°‘ ‘ . . . 3 . _ Th also to Curl Rete e, o s h _. .ed md _. 11 °°,me°“h,B,b.m;n,¢,m,_“,°g¢,-.¢_ , __ A . . ‘am 0‘ igterrig gggl‘-3“. air: 3:025: cntral High School, for news story nu; er‘ an“ i 3‘ follows, From actual experience the fundunasul Iyxpcrt Attendants Day or V Lil: were wt - h o h. and on enrollment of that school publish-, "'3 P"°g"mS.:‘:“ ' 1 . ~ u“ not’ ‘ , nrizciolen at mange 3'?-dmadencIlc1r.hgz_ M H" of them bung rat or ca.c y. _ ed . h Ce; ‘L in ,_ Hana“; _ ' 1- ;lly 1.n.:«1 P'r¢~.-. _. ponmccnmplcs, cu _a1‘th1es mm L E C "S - It 5 - pm u-ell—likd..~h7 the audience. \a1-nous "‘ l 9 _ “ "‘__ “m 1”?‘ _ ‘H i .;1.. .. m.~Brt-akin:-L F , SL bums’ M”, 4._Egg5__p,,“ toappgythesc pnn_ conduao mcrgency 3 8 SPCCIB y _ c--n»s.;1»1nx- were d**°1'”"‘ "*' ii”? ”“‘.""}".é..“I1‘§.'.‘.~. ’lZ3u.‘.’.{.~‘x2?.’ ¥.1‘.‘.’.‘; "‘..;"_‘$.f:'..‘.'..“""‘ ""’ lcolmtry cw"°d- 2"" """""" Wan‘ for-B ldct ‘ A “"' th 'nil bet 114211 the son 5. ‘°".°?'° ' _ ’ ' .'_ ‘in ._ e» , fir’ . ., outi ns. ‘p $.45-3-‘~ --. °° 5- ‘l - "9"" 7'' ° . ‘ ‘ . E“ 3.’-' ..’.f.‘."’-.°'.‘..‘.?°“.i’.?.§’.§§f.‘?’ 3* -5’~~T‘-351,1-»__.g,,.;.'...‘~11-:.\- . ";‘:...?i’.£~‘.Z.m.f.- cm. anew s«~a,,,,_««,,. 1:=.-u«"rr-'. «=1 .1 COLUMBIA FUNERAL HOME --" tr ‘ IIHG‘ *9" cc ' W m 1 . .3 '1 ‘ "- "‘-’ "‘""""' ' 5 no uotatlons; ',{irsu.V_- ma ‘ ’ mnmn about .1’. . . ‘ ' 15,. was . . , . . . A. . M F R C t . M standard . q _ . . _. _§ 1 The ‘hows on the, nrtturet rantt, anus 1) an-. 1, p. m..Jra. V 1 0 _ d‘ 3 . _ .‘ “G. 0 V p H_ Suucns To C" Pippin V ‘ ‘- "'1 ‘ ‘unl for feature stor ' on the school’: ~ 1‘ 1» m.-Ruepttou. ,3-c. so;-con .. . ,. , , mm .,¢u-..,.41¢¢.¢uat¢ gala. wguc. V . _ . opened 8001! INN‘ the {ICE Ifld. _ ‘h . hxnzed _n wk.‘ Wm‘ u.n‘",_ pounry_Hens’ 23%“ ‘u,-keys’ ‘flu. N°°bu‘u§_ I Dan! continued. except *0? “'9 M‘ “’°“‘.‘mmmg ” W5’ ’ . ”' 7~1s .. m.-11m 1-... ‘26c- 11 rin 5 52¢; ducks. 24¢: acme. ‘ I---*1 ° ' dinner-time. until nearly 1 o'clock. "_°"“°'}5' '“ “Id °"‘!"°h' "'°"3 pub" .-‘., ...._ i-1.11 1: (1....-... ; “C; crack: '13c_ , vu:—j-j:-1 H‘ M-44 The muuggmcm, of the Farmers‘ :l"‘h°d ‘_" we ¥'""‘|‘t°' _l . 11 114: Ii -':.c;Urr-nitlllflfl "' """'°"' C'“"f ChceM__Northem N-in,“ 13¢; 1 339Wl$@|l:"- ‘ » A - V .—. —- — H - . . -. - _., H. —. -- ..-.-—- M . -—. ~——-3-u" Who F.“ Wu m‘V'r”d)l tthodny ‘to 1i1:§*u1:.p:§'ll.ea:1::ds:1ln: :ul>l£h:|dedt1‘\- 5; -1-tn and Clnthin: l~‘.xhiblU- lwung America’ we. h-uh,‘ (E. ) A » = A» 1 ' I 3 o e even . - - . . - _ , , 4 . - _ ~ check_up be the lfiigh; K‘- Ln‘-’i—n5“'|m'l‘nK M"-'4“ _kV- __,,__ _ , ,_...._.e. — - - . - ——» 7 ———~A-— ~’ xnndc tomorrow. Officers in charge‘ I8 8 9118"?-17'9"‘ "1 9 1"" 1- ,. m.-1uu announced. however, that the netlshnll Democrat-News; given for ex- Th; exhibitions am} the r . . . ~ How Many profit; of an {air would probably ccllencc in a type of publ1cat1on not I maul on Monday are to be open .0 . _ M be in the neighborhood of 81.000. covered by regular C0n$°315- the public. The recital is to be com- . Esti tee of the attendance varied "““’——“ ' med of muxlcal interpretation odthan (50couneein Hist0!'_\'. English. l\lalhcmatiCS.Q)u'nislT."- fromm:0.000 to 16.000. 1"‘ PLAT‘ BOY "ICTORIOUS lgalrccs. Spanish.‘ Russian and llun- P The cleanup of the grounds bc1.ranA",,.,.,,d Coon, win, mug, sch”; _§_3:““‘B‘!°‘°5- ‘:1 “'1°DI“:’"“_'dfiS!:’";:‘J'l' J1‘ beau‘;-,1j¢d on your oone$¢_p1-ograxn; Catalog dcsCribi11gcou.'scslull)‘. l . ‘gdorfi ‘2 3lc1gck.llnstkn:fiiM ;:dm?:‘:.} Typewritinx Contest. ‘a 5° C" "n an ‘up 3 furnished On |'¢Q|-I15?" ‘ "W '°d33"' . .1nuc un ococ s . _ ———..—_+————— ._ _, - . . . 1 when practically all of the stands. Hi”}‘:“'S‘c’:0oi‘;‘_£°‘;_’i‘lf‘t°[{]lui‘: i:'3"(l 30!: are m-SS"!!! 0Pl’°Thli‘{“'“"5_ ‘ff W at ' . tents. platforms and stages 1n use 3 d_ _ . f ~h h, h h l -""1 d“ "M "-‘Ni ""3 "59 ‘”°‘"'"“‘; as e1.L1st»u1L1. f CWCAGO-‘U-'N°'9 > O“; V f _ “F; G 1d,, . ‘ hr, been d,m_m,cd and 5,0,“, amateur msion o filed 1: ac oo1wu1g.d5, , many iec cones 0 lozcn 0 did the . _ V y for non roan type\_\r1t1n1z contest 1: t is morn-, _ w-‘*°r(§°""**" go; .s=,u««m,,.i=;“.';':.;“..::‘.?£:::;:..“':.‘1:..::.:'¥.‘;’.:..::' r; cge o. gricuturc 5 11 _ _ , _ , the entire niyht in the cleanup. qu' ~ “'3” 5°h°°1- }‘‘"5“ CW3 “'°" 5'3“ mt work in‘ “me to drcfl gm. g place in the no\'icc_division.. The oodock than this morning. - cs-c:1|t£cstH_\\'*alsShl:-ldl hi? the ‘htlxseofirnl . e 11: c oo ypewn mg 5- " young“ MR 5335 “Eng sociation to dccldcthc chnrnpions of . ._._...__ ' r- _M1esour1. The winners will go to farmers‘ I-‘air Leadcrs_Gcl ToK¢UI¢f,a notional contest in Des Moines. 6' . ‘OI’ Celebration. 13,, May 17, Fl“ f°"“"" m“"‘3°” °r F‘"“" 1: winning nmatcur tcamis from Ego‘ Fair Wm Benji" mend uwrkulnidoux 111.111 School. St. Joseph; "- TM!’ “'°'§‘ ““’.°‘“;" 1: team includes: wayne Beuu.§ gain. Oentrali-1 - 5 "1 3- ,?'zs1o111e Mindell and mid. Stotts.’ -In Drymon. ¢°“m$' 3¢°“‘- H”T"l'I‘he winning novice team. from Cen-1' I1 won. 8- 8- in Am ‘9!3= 5- *"'""!“:m1 High School, Kansas City. up ‘lPole1'). Riclwdh ‘§'~"“"- 3- 5- m-Albert Walker. Robem 11111 and? A Ag, 1919; ‘V. T. (Bill). Angle. E881 Helen -ralbonr E .55 L°“‘-'v 1”-1 3' s'_’_" A3‘ 1921‘ The representatives were chosen’ . ‘ind 1- 5- 51”‘ T’_“b"°"5' ',“'"‘3"' from district contests in St. Jo-l ¥':5°l;1''ls5‘_‘“‘A!';'‘‘'1v92s‘°‘i'l‘‘' 3' J‘ acph. Kenna City, Monett. Le Plate » be --In - - ‘od11‘1m'11. ‘L1. The former fair mnungers at-" Mi”"M‘:.yeR_ Gmbbs of Exuh “IQ A‘ Clllb HIOCUHK It “I! ior S -n 5 h.d ha ‘ th _ , .3 ‘png c rgeo econ . ~}10¢l‘ l>0"m°" “¢d”°_‘d‘3' "ixm"-ztest here She is president of the .. rode wrether in ‘he P"“*°,11u.-oouri 11131. School Typewrlting » ‘-yesterday morning. and at noon A”°d.“on_ A ‘ 32.. M9" me am 1 an-1e yenterdny I . . ." ~ the Partner-a' 1-.1. together. fig; :3_*;°m"3;nfn ;,°;i';;;ndp1-gcl; §.osT71”viK'i"0R "9" “"‘“ kiddies (and the grown ups) eat on Columbia’s free ice cream cone day, May 1? Everybody is asking this question. Gee! but it was a great day for the “kiddies.” As returns came into our office'from the various “voting precincts” showing how many calls were being made for “Frozen Gold”. in the delicious Havacone, and when our dealers assured us of the appreciation of their customers we felt amply repaid for our effort and expense. One dealer called us on the phone and said~—“Hur1~y out some more ‘Frozen Gold’ and ‘Havacones’; some persons who never ate an icecream cone are eating them, and have found out how good they are.” Another dealer said—“'I‘wo old“ ’ veterans who had passed the 80 mark ‘gummed’ their cones and expressed a real appreciation for the treat.” Another dealer said—“Rush out some more ice cream —‘Frozen Gold’ is elected in this precinct by unanimous consent and that ‘Havacone’ is a dandy.” Nearly all dealers confess that they sold more cones on free cone day than they gave away, and that the plan went a long way to educate the public to what a real treat and Announcement The Northwestern Mutual Life lrisurancc Co. of Milwaukee. ’Wis..' take-9 l1l085§1‘$1|‘. 3"‘ nouncing the appointment of_Glcm1 ans as district agent for the following ler1'1lor_\': Columbia_ and Boone County. Fayette Howard County. & In the future..all transactions and informa- tion relating to our. licy holdcrs_in the aboye territory shouldbd andled through Mr. Dans. When you go after the j‘ tinny tribe you want the 1’ best quality fishing tac- ;~ ltl1.~—it pays in the long ‘ run. That’s just the kind 3' we carry. 1 Signed: F. L. Wl1IGHT. General Agent. .. Note: Office: 11 will be announced inter. l-‘or conference. coll ' ‘ "bee phone 683. When you once get out’ on the cree bank you ___,__ 1 ,. ' _. a real food ice cream and good cones make. 2,516 “Have.- _§ _ 11111111211 1=.-uacnao orrtcizu 1 “*"g;°;o::‘;;u°f.§°g:if'; The wnmm Sign c0upANy mmnm mt . cones” of “Frozen Gold”‘were dispensed free. This __ Q} :§h:§Hw; $w - 2., “cu, ,.,,,, ,,,u, need the», ‘me mt ‘ um mbment of bulk up . 1 1. company atssu1;nes that 1ts_ patrons are Missounans who require being shown.” We go on the theory that it is , , , not What we say about “Frozen Gold” that has won 1t ’ ‘ ,.. O den seed their northern warehouse. This need is true to 1131110 and than 1 high germination We . s“——-—Mm_tin, Plane; .1. r. em or mm was uoétod , §nd1nns. Y 3 president of the Centre! Kuhk’ Fhshnxht seengver chignik La- Tstltletic Association and 11n1.»st11st. _ . 1 _ a place, in the hearts of Columbians, but the gudlityof 7} 1 _ ,5 - ' - Wednesday. §ret.n?;ft:'efn£::lr-:rm:l..n't:1.eeetl:1c;u:lf.t:e Thermos Bottle Wilt you to ‘I00 01!!‘ Std! before you buy. We handle the ct-earn are 3 Missourian rwant " 1» 13». run 1 . 1'§.°o?£".b:.§§:'§£ C“ ""9 ‘““' """'°°° guns need 111 the bulk so that you may be able to see to be shown, th'at’s“why we say all the plant open toall . ._ ' -‘ . . A * n - -- VA. may :1‘. I1‘-‘or-tum ..:n..d1‘::,,n:,_g, ,3, mmg_°.;m5m‘:_ 1111...... cum. I whgt you-‘ta, mm. ' , the public all titetime. See “Frozen Gold 1n the mak- .- 1 ' " - aim _;;«i=-n:.o.n u.‘°""“'. Stnte s.1...1 2.. .1; our Prices Are Rial-t We .1.» have . Lawn. .1 v1-:c1m1s1.11 no . ins. It will increase your appetite for it- 1‘ D“! ‘ . * o 0 1 01! fm Chin“ “.°:d3.“'f::a-3-:i::ioMw:°T:”"M “M u" V. . . Il Po'rA'm fertlliner frotuwhich we have had root! 1111- ~ Smcerely yours, ; tor tlihli-Int lien» §'1iu11:t1u11 ehnmflonIl1lp.!:':.: ‘flu 3; T 1 II!" for 330 llttwo 7015- . , . u"§:h"6h:t,g;.'Ieaeon to sustaining '_ R " 1 8” _ , buy d _, 90. - . 4° 0 _ gactaooiinmooa noverloberly. ' i __ as your eeed potatoes an ~ -_ . _ . ‘ ‘ ‘‘ fin; .."?l'1'.Ci_so Nev v , E Cy 2 corn. I seeds. - ’ ‘ " s“"°°-‘-"‘9h°”° numbe" 350' ‘ - 1 axle 1 1003.901. 1 Hum , . ‘* ‘ 1 1‘ in P. 8..‘;‘We"eeu,hle|- the finest gone on the .' fl § ‘ V"4':"'Q“-riiitnn 3&1‘ vlzualii-.91 . 1 H ...... . .