. .~,-. - «.«.§~._'_'r~,~=.'4»)-zvvg.-.~§$g.,~.il1.1 " -’ ‘ ‘~é.‘.- _. --L. ‘ .;. ' 1 - - _-—. ~ 3 - ' ‘ » * - — .1 ,..~ .- . ~ g ._ ,:'~ ~ ‘ _ . . ' ‘ ~ . — . , . . I n"< »--.-at -if I "‘ iMlSSGURlNlNE his Y - hlfllaslllhollteanldnpu-tzngntgl -, ; 1". baaehll tho , tho J8 m ll.3&w-abet Boo zoo‘ ” * 1 1. . :bouteven'tho!lrItline . . , - '° ""1"" """"'_,_,,...,.,.. 31...... in-.. pt-one % no: i IN 1 Au-riaa. _ 5 IN 1" 111° °““'1'*11-111.119 1-1;! m -1110111 :,‘_’9:;"th°.1':;’t-.‘;”1°“,;° 3* “ constable for Columbia remap, ::'..:.*:.:.+.'%“:.".:.°:.r.:':.'.°..":..“: _____. . _ 81°“-“*1 FOR J AYHAW KS “" “""°‘ ’.’t°‘."'°..."°"..f"“"- »: ANNUA1 EVEN-1«S‘:...""“’...... .::’-n.:..”... ...t..""* “““'....." an we mm a. '1""‘m. °“""‘ '°W1:,1'=° W «>1 11» W .. .x...a.a advurtlslu. n. on... you ii.ai~i'r—A emu at 008' ' - $ experienced was the Jayhuh. ——-— mm“ °°“°" 1° 1° "°"' “"“"‘ hhliuaurismuvanucvcyofi: &b'_ Ph°n.918wHu. T132“: __ ni:::1;11Kl3-p- 6; Boston. I (ll in-i i Tb Cdllllfll nltlofltiln is an.‘5. 1324. . .-.- ...sn Amanda» 0-0-3133 2 ° ° - 7 T‘ ‘ "9" ' "M _:;;:,,b.1,:'a .. .2 ma ‘$14 at ‘ mm ‘wwifilrial Workouéo Today in p,.,,,,.,,,,' 2. c,,im,,,_ , m i,,,,56 Schools Represented can show are tiwo «:3. géau appnrisiovi-1 ‘ , . tion 1- ni . ° ° o ieveninoensve ensln. ._...,N..._._._‘..........'M..........""".. am. -13-; w=-v;h;-- 1.133;; . K3‘. "5" . St. W. .. ci....s.....u_..i... "’ Fm“ E“‘.’3’ 1”“ °‘ ;-mm» and 11» wow that Mu ;. ;,-_w‘‘‘''''1—. - in" '._._.._ ."'..__""‘_ __ _ ~———_»_i 91185 308111111118 ,1 Philadelphia at New York—rain. 5 Largest High Meet ilwdut and play: “heads-up” base- rAi.\'Tl.\'G-B! 111! 110111’ 0' “Vi pox s,Au-:..m¢. am 04.1 —--2 . ——-—— §__ 1 t‘ .._.___. contract. All experienced workmenuen home. an ‘mm. ‘_e:in8:cd «BEN WHEm£R To UMplRE_ American. GROVE“ TO BB 1 30035 xAggp 37 Lacy; m, M. 0-114 $1-£16 “mt P. ' Club Won boat Pet. ' TARTEB 0 t‘ . . I o . I 2-1 u .__i 1 ‘en’ If I “"1! ‘M’ my 9"" T‘ Sh ‘Detroit . . . . .. 9 4 .G92_ - . . . isllvflslell Colbhe to Preserve \\'A.\"l'ED—Lesaons in - (}liiria.;‘13A1"s:1“:"_5;°“"- 1 W111 tooagltlil lgers . ow a lteturn to N” “wk ______ U 9 ‘ _m.wiii Run Preliminaries_ 9...... ...g s.,....,_ ,...;r.t_s..g and firing. caiiM2%i‘1;. - - ' " Form in Batting and llglgiladelphin .; 4; :6. .23 in the Morning, Semi- ,“v;'itii the organization ofan Izaak ‘rec-n. ; 1:-03 SALI-:_undc;-wood type- - - __ I » Icszo . . . . . . . . .. 7 . . ‘a ton League in Columbia, sports- —j‘—‘ ‘ _ k “fiat. mod n nu.’ Libel‘! “mm Fleldlng Prospects Slcvclund 5y 6 .45.'_:f and F111315 imen and nature lovers have com- “ 1*‘-"”".""°‘-’"“ iii.” mp;,':"_ if desired. Adam. box 1, care of Good ,"‘-'*1""'~"°" "' 5 5 ' in Afternoon. 11111"! 10199» the W-ten of 1111- for“ room 1:: (111101 19¢» 2o6_2o§;u;.,,.,.§.n_ 205“ fBoston ‘ . . . . . . .. .. 4 a .3134 country free from pollution and to Inez. Misgourrg mu u-am ¢,,¢.‘(.,.St. Louis 4 ‘J .308 More than 600 mg}, “hm; ,u.,_;preserve the forests and game {critics of the state primary election‘ ———\‘_AN1,F_l)“Thr“. dun. hone“ pan 551,1-;._A,.g;q.,¢ ch“; of Kgnggs mmomm .{g¢,-noon 3,, gm: lsatioiial. sletes are entered in the High schooi the children of future generations. to be held Aunts. 1924. '_ ' drawers and standtable. finished first game of the series that is the 110111; 1431- P131» Dgyuuy, meet S.m,d”.. Fmydi‘ Enough boob M" been ‘Tm. -—-——- - ‘~ men to drive ice cieam wa80118- quh‘ n ‘ gdready to use. At .1. A. Townsend 1011111113 01' 1110 Title!‘ home diamond 11'9"" Y°'°1‘ - - - ~ - - -- -313 schools are represented in the finallon sports and nature to fill a ll- 71'’ c°l““N‘ ni“°“’1‘° 1’ "1 ' Dam‘ "ah? Farm mm Shop. opposite Parker's Furniture H‘11°d111¢-. blouse. winner of last C1“‘_=1"'1“1 8 5 °615:¢ntry list. which makes this thelbrary. and of these. books the educa- 1'b°d‘°d 1° ‘““°““°° 01°’ ,H°'“b‘i ;Z “-A_\-1-gD_[;,¢§¢, go do simple co, 205.203 year's diamond championship. ar-‘gictairo . . . . . . . . .. 9 6 .600; rgest high school meet ever bcldltional department of the Izaak Wal-3“ ‘, °“d1d‘“ 1°’ 15° °“°‘ L ‘ n('ed''‘_o:* 3: me. . .'.\-es to!-ugh‘ for the t“-o.“'ne1 ‘§LOI'l . . . . . . . .. . 4 5 .“‘:in mg ‘mg. ‘on We h“ 0! M ‘ow to i, Materials furnished. Addressed FOR S_Au'3-3911'?!’ ¢°“‘- 11¢111'1Nseries that will be a part of the P11‘51’“1’1111 - - - - - -- 5 3 ‘39i 11,, hi - fouo.-in to 5;, mean. ',the action of thestate primary elec-1 - - calf at me Phone 1395 Green 11‘ 1, sch 1 9. iii! ' Bmoklyn 5 7 417 "‘ ‘°"°°' ‘°""’ "“' """"‘ ‘ -r be h ld A 5 192; ggampod ._vnw‘~l:-pc bl'll1K;p8f2 .‘ . 005 éo‘: Irifm 00 Y I ('llC {W0-‘qt Loni‘ . . . . . . . .. 5 " -15.‘-1‘n,iVinx here wmonou. .ncrnoon.i «The 0! the Bl.ck 8”‘. by. I011 30 C II‘u3t 3 I l M rirun Nm"elt:~' Art 0.. ta. °- ' - _ °. ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ " ' " rm ny I th ‘d’ t‘ h h -‘J A. H I: ll; “Lalt is (ill). FOR 5ALE_Bic,.ck. almost m_.“._ '71"? J‘5'1"“'1‘°1" 1°51_111° “"1 1"° rmhdelphi“ ' 2 6 ‘gm iwill lI(‘nl1(‘l‘¢c?:J lllntl.'8cYl‘d"t‘lf(‘ tF:‘l‘!llcle':' S3:-:.m GamecnF"is‘liin¢" bye Dixnie P" Wk’ - i PM” 210‘ Wu“ Z 5.,‘ _ 7 "1 ~- ‘-3-'—’_—--T‘———:—: A 'b‘ ‘ . 2337 n \."cy games 0‘ the" season 10' ' a—~—.. .. T‘-.I".'.':",Fflir tomorrow’ njgh[_ A [3yg¢'Cgffo]|- “Adgvgnun-cg {D An‘-flu " The C°‘umbi. u”ouri.n "5 nu. ‘I2 AV‘- Rl-‘.Al. EST.\'l1-I '°‘ ’‘’‘‘'"° "1" °’ 3,‘ the Manhattan Wildcats last weelt- . . . 1,“, be - - b. - b. B,‘ C, R ., . .. . " 111°11"~'d 1° ""1°1"1°° -I-11° 5°1*1°11 *1 _________,k at 1504 Rosemary lane. C202--04 md. ‘ad do no‘ “me” M such‘ ‘r|(.[;[{s sun“ ugpgot gr) in r more ‘are coming in _\ train rn ripen ei ner. FlIhllI¢'” . andidue 10,,“ 00-,” of Co", ;___ ,‘,(,\-py -m L(),\\' 0.. commas. -———-———--~:- — . ~-~ m . , , M. . I-‘om! AGAINST Plltl-IRS "<1 1111011105116 Saturday momma. “uh 0 Boy. by 14-om-rd Hum: , ' ' ' ' ° FOR SAI-1'4-l\'l‘\|' P~¢111111lE1U11 as "5 wen ‘S season‘ ‘noun’ The meet is scheduled to sun “Rcminig-cat Tglcg of 311 flumblgi‘-’*—j—— ~-- —--- -— -——- ~ -A -~ —- —— .- . real estate. Weathers Realty Con over Newman's llardwiire. 66-t1_ '3 '5 o-- portablc typewriter. Must I. °" 111° °,u'" h""‘d' .15 in much M1‘ Waters Allow; Only Six Hits irycaily Saturday morning and it is Angler." by Frank M. Johnson; Payments lagging Phone 6112 Red. 1" °°"d"'i°” "1"" "1 19231 ‘md 1”. Second Game-—0ld M 1' éhoped the preliminary events will‘“Fishing Tackle,’ by Perry 8 I-‘ra I 1 .--—-''"'*'*°“ ' ' . given more. than an outside chime ~ ' ' - .. . , ., . . ‘ . ,',I . LOOKING FOR A "0ME___"- so 3061‘ ‘rimming we tndmoml rig“ ' stars‘ on fiinishdedrbcfiore noon so the semi-3:)t'.r.(_ !lnr:eltl"llRtlO(l;'l la Rifle Practice, | not me build you one just likeyou FOR SALE_mmMrb mots_ ‘L50 in both gun“. ‘The Tigers hit their stride offen-. '_'_“‘ {'1 "13 9191118 (‘I11 1198111 I1 “l «O 0 - - o CNIU. 13- 3- A-ti ‘‘""‘l 11- X" ‘“°““" “'1“'1"°" ""11 dozen. Norton ll Shepard Missouri though havinlt dr0r1P'i‘d sway ‘mi ed bu" with LE0 oclqck til“ h I I-"lnofclin II)*levch]doml‘lea'll rt!‘ Ehlelplbril ' 1 . ,i.._.. _- and at a price ._ 1. I h - h _ kw. - great regularity in the two Wash-. p1"°"_"“ 3" - 111 1‘-¢ 09 5'. )_' -N - 0 : In ~ bol‘°‘;'_1 l”‘1;‘t‘ y‘C‘;“ pay {or ‘m on -phone_4_:l~l'-‘:ll.____ - _‘ £l':°¢yi(')!g t.cr::|‘zmt‘ ii‘ bog: inzmrf_"m”_ in ‘he fin.‘ gum studting; lflfclélfilflgdlltc atll'iletE§. will ‘Game Published by Machlil. }.ou,,¢_ J_ A, :’¢_"‘f3- 15,15 """':’°°:§ '2‘ by m"'l°1’° ‘M1 P"1“1¢‘d 1'1 14°11d°11 111 I-‘OR S/.LI-I — Seventeen-room , . God {. I f ‘uh,’ A h W . Md ' 4? 3'11 01' 01¢ 0 “'81 W C11 18 - 1823. In this volume are forty-two e"°°'°o -1 '1'"-‘~ 3 ‘’'‘'“~ “*1 “'3', .i.Fr?.§ 53¢lI§.E:3i'.ie'°§m.' ‘i?.i:*' xaniff. 3-ii; '5§~mi’i«.-uer men gain? Satutdfigj $3.-ans .'...n.."'§?§s§"°.‘;f,’§“.‘j§;“‘,§:’"_' :',‘;';‘M‘}c‘ ‘;‘;{,‘; **1°*°; °ng*;"i;r*~‘ 111310111138 111-111’ 1 ,B'|-' tb_ho\nd ' ~ . .. _ _ 'proosan an-coore tea. ' 1:31;‘: ounguwd an Jzmilcas than 1.500 miles. In cxcellentlud‘ 1" ‘chm!’ 1"‘ d°""“°d 1”‘ 11113 111111 11111111118 0111 1“¢'1‘¢ 111115‘ at the University every spring. P COLUMBIA THEATERI, TONIGHT ONLY WILLIAM RUSSELL In “ALIAS THE NIGHT WIND” . 0 1 I ' ‘ ' " 11 111’ 1110 1"-1P¢'1’1°1' P11911108 01 mcn. lie also had a good dsv J p . - - ‘ . . ‘ . .. ' I . dd condition. See or call A. L. 'I‘urncr.. ‘fill’ ' . , _ O -' ark rl‘0\l'l'. Iuinisas City alumnus , , 1 ii""‘li.‘i'.‘~"’.'.r'.{‘n..-3§fI‘.i.'.'I.."" ‘a1§i’£?vh°°° 7°‘ ‘‘°%‘- “‘’‘'’’°‘’ 3213.’; I.'..".£'. "‘..‘.’i’.’.'.’°" 63$ “5.°."".:'.."-‘T “‘~”' ""4 ”"°"- ‘"“' ‘""°" °"‘ ‘ °.'11=° Un1~'m11>'--'"1b-=11=~= 0111- P01111031 -‘-11"°“"°°111e11tS ‘I .. . .. . .. .- ." .. 1 _ ‘fi1.‘_b8m “:0 mm id mm mugd mi-Io an 11 -~1riir|c- rial starter or the meet. He has . I; Bing Howard, alias ‘The lxight Wind, ""1 “'“‘"‘8"“"" "*1" "'°"" roan mum; came with the Antics. ,uCk""3‘,j"','. 31".‘ D23?’ ""‘,",".‘]:', “‘h"‘r°¢“.1;‘ ‘sh-'*°"":‘ s,,,,m ' '2 was a crook and, like the Wllltl, was never seen A , - . c i r ' an I I .~ c e as . ° 1 :11‘: bri{-‘l.wl;;ii‘s(r;-.i u:t£nf‘loob:s “::r:::K1”i AT B.1\R(iAl.\' i To ?ip€1ltl0(;n0‘f':'0:"lE)|I€t!'ll(‘ here it ‘D conned. {o}r3.c°;ngk, Mom“ R K —— 4.. -..'. P mTh:ed(‘Zl’umhia Xissatxrsian is and-, % —-always felt! - - ‘ 'v - 1 . ‘ ‘. is un ersoo It avis, vc crnn ' ‘ . _ . O .. - . - , - 0;-5 umouncg 39¢}. .- N"“' 5"'P""‘ 1"'"‘3“1°""- cl”-"° mi us‘-“nu? muh.°!iif‘lm:,o,::d’ Jayhiiwlt letter pitcher will he on vi.“ ihcvfmd Fame m “mm um RM!‘ gun as a candidate for the office ‘ill ' $1.000. , ‘ 1 '1 daommweqmgysged ":1 Hugs; the mound. Davis ga.ve Missouri Tm" .'°'d°r failed to .2“ M ‘can .__._.... . ‘ Sheriff of Boone County, subject . The Story of a m-v‘§te“(.mS Wonlan’ a mod. Kw" ""’1°°’“ 1""""'“""! 1°’ “M: lghxk .530;-|,¢,-g. ,}',n,h.d¢- 3 considerable trouble last year, and we ‘"1. "1 ‘gm'urd'y_.“ “mm M Men Not Able to Practice Tuesday to the action of the state primary @711 111@1‘CU1'}'—o':lI'l(1 8 gun-toting Lillpltl. or "'1-1~ . l .,,.,..g ...,w an... ..,,p..,1,.;;r,. :his type or pitching is such um ’f_°"‘ °‘" “"" .""‘~‘ "““‘ “ """'1’ —r.gm and Jayltavrltcrs Are election to be held August 5. 1924. y 5-nmm bungalow with sleeping» ".6 Fun! ‘cod . A ‘plmdid the game Nomi!" m be we M“ .‘~lI'll‘?l(‘Al0 ‘left field. _ t ‘ Mudwd Bum’. __._j V, porch. .~m:~.h siclo.$4 1.8500 down. “hm “ Q50 {cum 0’ $225 pyawd here ",5, scuom 7;“. gm". 1”«<1d'¢‘ 1'11111"- '~‘11l'11«11}11 0- 1111‘ 1909 .rucMiM_.S mi" km Cad‘ C. L The Columbia Missourian is an Also 8-room inudcrn misc. 1 block “ah can 55. ' “V. U ix, and for 3:30 o.d°ck_ team. was onAt_he Tiger bench and Bn‘“_".s' ha" tone” {mm going thorized to announce Wilson; from w,,,l,,,_.. $fi'5[)0_ - ‘ ‘ l The pmbamo “hemp is. '- ’°""" wt-.-mm athletes are slightly above’ physical education dcpmm-in or my. the Aerie nitchinx - M_:s- English Rye. lb. 25¢ Printed Crepes Luclthardt. "”1 ’:°°"‘ 3'1" 3”‘ J’ 5' B""‘h’,""’ their eastern brothers. Though Christian.College. returned Sunday souri connected for only five. b1»81n- Italian Bye. lb. 25: ‘ ' ........;-‘:°".~.~?.~f’~.‘i"1+""‘ 3’?"*“"°i *:'";*%=.W* W-,"°;,°*".:. ::'°* {::'.;‘.."'.*.:*;°:..f;‘.::.,“'::.°....::'.°.,. ".:;1:.';“..::".‘:.°...‘.’.‘. ":.~°.:.°..":..:E.‘: .:..‘:.“.{1 °.';‘.:‘., Seed .. ...‘.’°“‘°"c..... * I " - R('u"" 1" H“'°"d ‘<‘“"°"’‘' "07 LODGE hwncss (tl0In‘lIl;l‘:C"‘rs. :Tl¢I‘l“ll(l:ln‘t“('l| l:la(‘(lltlllu’(‘)‘;lll'l(' American Physical l':¢‘lD(‘Ill0!'l‘8(‘(‘!ll.\ that the Tiircr 811 1111! 3113-1 “If Better Soul Were Proo ‘ 1‘-‘-=-~" *1"'1v'1- P11-"W 1*"-'1 “'11i11= ACACIA Loixzit. No. 002 fdurtecn cant. upon which .. com- Association. Four hundred andihlwk are of about cu hitting: laced. We Would iimraea.- Specially priced at CHIFFON S2°5'207~ A. l". & A. M. parison can be based. The l‘onn.syl- fifty delegates from all parts Ofs$lfl'1lK111- ’ Au 191513551“ "la .50 """I‘T"“ '."- ' ' “- T’ lisle tops. 1: |,i,:(;)_‘\(‘.x,:;.'_l”'1';‘»(,:_l,::,-,. “l”;o°§_2f,§' r Stzieacial communication live event.» while one was ti . Base 3 $ ‘.88 ‘ " ', ' ‘ _ ‘_ *"‘..—.."‘_‘: ucs y, april 29th. 7:00 1°'*l “Asrhb 10 ugh“ l, p. in. 2d degree examina- l Vllllll Rome» had an advantage in the United States were in attend-‘ T111‘ 30118815 1111"‘ I 1'51 ‘Q "43’ ' , ‘in the pitching atafl. wi 'aters. . ancc of Rum W uwmm an ,“,,m 0,1 rim. is in-ta us Walnut the Tiger mound artists, displaying Di!-’1‘U.\.'6lt1hh on every phase physical training were scheduled. The p«-puiu}}T;.- of tennis in the —— ' - . univt-rsitie.~ and colleges of this . . .w_u\--rm, To REN1-_3_~°m "ml — tion. degree work. _ .. "1 _ h_ th he f during the convention. the subjects; _ . dcrfully. furniaihcd npgrtypcgfi of ‘mm ["334 K‘ C’ w‘ n‘ §(::;?t:.:‘€:h(.‘O:‘.;1u.dtlledcu?;:n;pr';n(;. Far)" 1: “:01” slmpl? c‘c'c"c3 to. t"“—'—'—«"—j—-7*"-rr‘ ‘—'~~ T’#- "' V ‘ f _ ' ‘ An M 3118 Address Box A. A. cane of —S°¢nu~ry'—«- — There are almost l.(K)0 varsity ten-imunouexutc ‘ihicucx “.'” the FIDWERS WILL SAY fr‘ '1 I sourizn. A204~2091_' -V COAL 1 " suit players in the fiation who vs'ill,°°"“$""' "1 °1“;°" .°f u"'h Pap; And will continue to say it all summer if you (at then at i.-