Ins. ans. Lac. » ‘ l V _ Missouri history wastbeo -l 55...; 1 dv. tongs, N 6@.toG . ee'o'aoooo “ . - - u ' ‘ xu suit of . '0ccessfn r"c , 0. r s. ' ‘b’. .J‘,x‘m;v M fl MIMIC. ‘m“.“"""'h"' up ul“°&lrl ‘O cover expenfies of ‘the ’ ~ . u _ _ _ ‘hon “awn fuumvm add. a nni_ia on ay . . ‘zxmuhe-‘dud ‘bum ‘M moo um": .n . ‘ - 1-hey-,9 oppetmng and healthful 5c 1)", 100.‘. W i A ' A Qfi horse 0 hon’ ' dang‘ with ‘tall:-a in Iluouri embraclllt the ~eounties*' The annual Y. W'. (. A. tint’? for ___Sn‘Cn .5 who“ wheat health I-01],. -‘ Red . “‘° "‘°"' """ hi‘ i“ membership of lens thin forty. h.3'of St. cum... Warren tan-err. Lin-; or ccmfereiice funds occupied “ €“3""‘°"' m'°"° . _ . f01|0Winl “Ilia 3 '“”"|b°’ ti’: helped bring Missouri her deservedseoiu. Pike and Balls. and parts of Aoanin.;3:;":;mpd ‘ham, Tu”d”,.' Two um Adv.2064; or 1245- jig, ......”I: (fly gg uevgg bhfore is fu.-in‘ intaw luck zavnion “,3 ‘wt nan‘ mo’ ?°; in the add °{ "t°r‘tur'I‘°;.':",,s.h:';’t_::tt ‘uoooj .t.3,u.t.;o¢ o§dred :l!ld fin)’ K3715 lllllflmefi ‘it each J -~-- - gr" “' ‘““‘ ._.- ---—- vs’--— -- ' "W ' ' J otfifo panic.) 0 ° ' ' II‘ ti Loxingina nd accevt- t th f id. which wi ma‘:-I pos-: —~ . .- ‘*3’ T‘ ".1 ‘Mi mum“ ' lh..?°"ad!Tbw'dw $3’ an ‘bu ‘ho. ‘lbs Guild numbers among itstingmiz 11:00.31’: ‘:1 use its-Jig (.‘olletri5?b]e'1ou:.i_-n(l two girls instead of f .10 -You]: NOW Grass‘ mm: rnii: sracrscui of using the mails to defraud, and to going to serve his tions of the misuse. of his position. has been de- al!!! the late primaries would seem to self by the charges brought against him. Even yet there are many who believe the charges of Easington, ties, and it remains seen whether the people of Illinois at the coming election will indorse the clean two acts of morals. public a . , . {min i r.umire:.\ln: the ( u at ,“;l__" ". 4: ~ t ‘rate the‘ have nu nut niodels. if when the subject of mad.‘‘- C-‘m¢'S,dents of the (‘allege of Agriculture. ,_ " ' ‘ _ " "’ """ “"’""'“"‘ . ,- - . . . I . g ' 3 . K. ‘ . ; . Th” _ M“ U ‘ gem” who ""“"'“"_ ‘“"‘_‘- P . _ . made at x mm... It on at-ammm-a at l2Bth Field Artiller}. lljlulllvrl. fut. Emergency a Specialtv “WY betkvfi thin ll 3*‘ rlfhl 1 ‘V up° 3 ( an... mg ' ‘ - run.’ 7' ":'m_ ':"ni'"°n '“"" "' Wauhinginn (ivnrrll lyon was appointedlday from the annual lllfipflctioll til’ 0 ° ‘ x honest, kind and lionorziblc to fricmls ' , '?‘'-*''*f—, -558" N‘ I" fill! °i‘"‘K°i ‘"99’-3"‘? i"'.°"" N'"'°"',' 9”"! m “’'"M'" m "V “’ ““""""“’ ‘ """""""'“‘ °' '5" w""‘- -the Minnt‘-.~otu National Guard at 4.... ....u.... ..a .. u... -‘**'=Mrg,.':° 5:535; :,;,;,,,, M '“.°"°8°'- a who ""3" «er» .3 3' :::s;::—:.::':;. .. ..:;.:..:.:.- COL M, N, with the public they have \-.'i-i"‘i'.y ' ' st‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ vmh aw ""’"“f" ‘" “H dm‘°5 wh'§l'iiho Unllnl States over .'.oo.ouo tu ovv-v'-aulr- Ln, .,m,"u__ cm.‘ ‘on —————o—---—— T -‘ I1‘ - ' "' i‘ ‘‘ " will prepare up for manager t e§.crn.e he-r ......x.. of u~..- Third Libs-riy mm. -to ¢ - - ., “llud your ir-in todu ~‘."' ry . . "‘~deM" ibmioni co-wk-ii hi".n'.fl;:i“s‘ rm followinz Year: the secretary-treaivf '°" I-no-I in «pics nuke:-ii» ..»...ri,ix...:ii aut(%tthrl.if1lii:. Strong's Spunisli buns-:1 raisin til- I" Sung!“ T- C" Pippin‘. it has come to be a belief Willi "WW 0" A '“"'l' ‘W’ two,-_ who to trustworthy ood up. "0" in 3' ::. nu: L." ty Day'—"A Lib:-riy ,;t_ Adv.-2m‘. ' lame persons that there is no harm. nesday.~ or should be, of intereett to tnry-old diagnosis, and now. as Ha day, every race of man spoasive to music. It is an expres- is re- worldthat America is not a land of peat musicians, but is it not. rather. vapor Ilccray of Indiana has Here is It movement that no that America does not accord to mu. l is anxiously looking on and won- dering what will happen. 1 ménwar N0. 2 met with enthusiasm by Missouri good roads advocates. Highway No. 2 is probably the Amost traveled artery in the state. ‘ltis here that Missouri gets her', i {good road conditions. From St: Il.ouis east, tourists have smooth, fsailing. The St. Louis-Kansas City- 'souri'a side for a long time. ! ipleted in the state. We. ourselves. 1 Adjournment Date. ‘uy United P» CI ‘Noni ,next week or as soon as the tax Th“ 3" 35339999879’-* ll“‘°9'°¢"_l‘ days. If he vetoes it, it is ’l[IliT(".l:.i:Iil‘ for tvioivccks before the event-; III it will not take more than a day ful day ('0lllt‘5. ;in each house to pass it over his ycto. I~IERI:iIN1905‘ personnel ' Many Visitors Attend I-‘air. It has been found advisable to advertise this -event extensivelyv throughout Missouri. and as a result. many visitors from all parts‘of the state visit the fair. A large num- time out of jokes. impersonations. and take-offs. and who feel that the general public is in better spirits v after twelve hours of Farmers’ Fol:-1 than it was the day one. A few- hours of pleasure and rest from the bountiful A "farm!-rs’ " style. honorary members such suceessf writers as Winston Churchill, nove- list, and Fannie Hurst, short-story‘ writer. both of whom were born in St. Louis; Sara Teasdale, St. Louisi poet: Homer Croy, author of “West, .souri history was‘May 8, 1844, when. Kemper Military School was foun-5 ' institution. the oldest‘ boys’ academy in Missouri, was out tabllshed by Prof. Frederick T. Kem- per of Virginia. ’ system when it provided for annual Weather an important Factor. ‘ Necessaflly the fair depends’ some- cess or failure as it is strictly ant To select a date when no rains shall; 'f!rl-;l:'9£'n ltivifllt Mlsfifillri 11 black 95'!‘ Club, which is composed of the stu-3 “,'J_d’* “““‘;“'"" I In It ‘curate and who will take care of all WM. , ,t,.,,,,. !details regarding finance; 8!'Si§tI!li.‘lA-xington. 15670?“ 11"‘ 901198. and the bcfoie the date of the fair, the pro-= MA)‘ in, lscl-ltill m...i 5 price stabilization nl(‘ilHuI‘t‘ gram it. outlined gnd posters pg-e-.Gow-rriur Jack-an to uupprv-u. rebellion and pared which let Missouri know it is The Guide Book (‘ommittee pub-z ll.\ll(‘S a guide book which gives thcf ifencnce and agreement is reported_3n‘3' 5'98”?- ‘in sight. . Muscle Shoals——Republicnn lead-' The Parade ‘. \\'(ll'l.l) WELCOME VISITORS military inspection and the conimis sionlng of its officers and grndu 8mall's defeated rival in the prima- high“, 1.” hoot; 3 atom in Mis-:what on the weather for its suc-119$ The complctc list of historical May . This wont‘ be the 5,.“ "nd com_ outdoor affair on account of its size.-dates in Missouri is as follows: May I. lF9I~Troop< began to arrive at -' National ls-agur or- ‘on- Iay 3. ‘AN -4 l"ir~.l issue of Harry (‘lay Whig pap-r. id--ii re-in-l llI\'8*~t0l’l. Men-liants Asked to Decorate Shops heir storefronts tomorrow and Sat- RS’. i of ‘May I-{gods Imt ’ Place in’? Missouri State History: Anton‘ fig «gun Ywhiclt 'hqvQ'dtbeAmericaa Expeditionary Forces laadedf; made May a’ significant month‘ in; lahtfia. May is. lllG——‘hoaty made at St. Louhltiun College organization as the rc- {Hughes w tile Baa the trcty -gt. “I there. lay ll to 28. 1305-1159 First. Second on and th , A Ibsen:-l Voiuntnr Infantry mustered intogpreaidellt, and Miss lilopt‘ MOM-80ll‘|' Third. I’ rth. Fifth thellalted 8 May 13 to vlsloaafthe "'1" i"-we mimmw‘ A” “ht 3‘ n‘Ph""i"’°hi“ °"‘i"°°" "I » u - of the Water Tower." and Rn!!!-ti in ii. 1806-—Lewis ndiclark nxuodi-;be held in Estes Park. Colo.. in Aug- . . tdthltnt chart‘!!! Vi°l1t.5°“ 0‘ U1!-"the State Highway Commission. has ‘her. of 311: ~ ‘rd’ iwl3e'r‘° 3:: gowoo, . tattoo of 1‘ooo,t'o,-,‘ umition inn-A p the in-Zuni River. :t,,.t_ ‘ A 11 the time 30 “ant : _ d - d an national banking laws and conspi-igiven out tlm information that more to fine” of the put pan won". wmtun. of c School I.a;hll.“l‘:.‘l$e Ii‘l:l:”Blll appnvan! ‘ ----.._..—.-:‘_EN1_w\_ L 1' th ' I . t da » Let 9300! ecora _ 2. . ggey teviolatethe national bankingithaa a million dollars will be spent ‘am eucuud. ‘M ‘at am“ Mr Joumdkm of the aims‘? ‘p:v‘up:o&ird orf.a‘am." “:!o:r;n:;'iSPBAi\S BEFORE (‘Oh . V 00x em OVEI 0 y 3 nu wgllpgpfg-_, laws is.pgidiiu_uainst him. He is ion highway No. 2, east-and-west an “ugh of “F. R". in hm. ;a;;n:‘ ofw the fll,'8l’.Gl!|;:|b¢l'$ of lll¢'8t.aIt:rof“Mls;o;i"i_._‘n' “M mm’ munkcotumbian Tpiiéi .Aast')ciatio_n of M aka up your mind paints, varnislies,_ stains. U50 WW‘ I.'°V¢m°3' "1 “I5 13“ ‘°m"¢1'°88-Bi-lit 7084. dllflfll 1924- . The the idea of the fair is one of college -~ “ ‘"3’ “ ° _ '- _ ;,,,H 5, ,,t,,,,,, c,,,,,,t,_ its forestation in hlissoiiri. I ' ’ 1 and moutdjnm years to be disgraced with accuse-nchief,engineer’s statement . will be gtudenu who have a really good Another important date in Mil-i 3,, to ,, tt_ mo_t.1,,t ‘anal o,,,,.. Frederick Dunlap uf Columbia. E xamine 0}”. list Sausr t. G teed ZIC loll uaran nation of In Ihaissippi Valley was-nr» secretary or the Missouri I-‘orestry Lou tloo held 1. Mar )5. founded at a no, 1;, 1755.315. out ooon ..t.i,u.i..o4first annual convention of the Mis- Genevieve in the village of Ste. lay l7. l!|6‘o’—Minouri W Vilflifltfi. ill! .ayef,e whgn tho 1-ogdg gre d t. f th dn Le - , h h - lofllllfld 81 8!. 14005» "F11 M = , _ . 3 y and I big laugh gislature gate t e ac ool official. _ _ __ o b°"""‘ 3"“ "'p'°‘°b "W" h"'" “do ‘"5 PW“? “'59” i""'9l°"* fi"d:a‘r’ew3 oed dut to all visitors in M0" in the 918"? millt8|’}'’iI!:ni%imi:e ' W M i W L started May guy. at it‘. was started at. l . lN'iO-The tioa creut . May 29 to 27. lfllli-——Red Chaos W Mia-ouri was t . ‘ - - C t -_ . f ‘h eds-raonlllarrackn for service in the Span» t 1 l- ~_ 1 { C , . Iill of health given Small at the Pri- 16811 put u with discomfort when 3‘:t':mI:;::f8 axle’; ihie” sfgggon 0‘;.i.a-Ame-ru-an War . '5" ':um'."?:','__"m:’;":;u . "n _ maries by his party. ftrnveling the side roads, but thou- the fair officefl The office“ are. '3“; ' “' t1."=°."ml“'(',""‘ °' :""f“‘;_“" In 21 i f ' ha faands of tourists everv ‘car have " ‘t -m 0" mm” Mm“ " n '“-P"''’ " "‘ If 90 mil"? 0 0.“? 300'“! In "1', - 3 chosen from the members of the Ag;N-m- . gt 2;, n.:,¢;_gt.... -r...,t.,,.- A....,,~... ' Jitlla- ll 7 '.’t‘-. ll‘!!!--'l'hr State Historical S0- or not much harm. in robbing the . . .1 . .. .-..t. g 3- - . ( , -_ ' . I ' ‘ _ to ) 0 “units VII Isfflfll . state the Public. the railroad—an)" “AsH”\"1 on . M35 I “"h:secretaiy-treasurer. who shall he of; ‘(Ir ‘- 1935--WW-\-rt WM’-N (-uald or- any 20, l9"£0-—(‘c-nlrnnlal celc-bratiun in-id . . t is M‘ rim“ pm if the tentatiw udguurnnient (lute we “nu. mmwr as the s.creu",y_lgantanl at imllmbia. . _ . ., g,,...,,u, mm‘ a", _l’ _ ' 9 only a month off. the Senate lead- tn,,'__urfl, 1 May 2.. in-.r. The¢ru-i.i rflirror e-- 3,, -;;_ ,,.._,,-, S,’ hm‘, ,,.,,o,,,_ .'h, ‘cum ho bandied a they we" C" ‘any comma"! armngomems ‘...~ . . 1:34 ', |‘:r:..."::;‘bl..i.nlf uv-gal . Kay 2-. train. Fm: o-lrlfnlslfll to ascend accused of otealing from a friend. or for cleaning up the most important ‘,3,’ P‘; r:'’ ’.(.oM""'m;';m_‘,';'.‘_m.m.:::‘ "w_',d: ,._ ,,,‘,’,ff‘;f',.,':f_‘;';;"}flj,';;‘ ,‘.:'”;"",‘|';““"":’!‘;_"""_ allusion the confidence of a friend. of the legislative problems before I u “. th ." ’l u n 9"‘ t" ‘ ea... n. pm on. , ,,,,,,,, ' ' are perfectly composed about steal- that body. 5 °‘°""';.“ ‘;"' ‘' e‘ .3‘ ' '5 fa.” I ll-I 9- N6-1'-»«-i wa-_ ll-tori-oralul ‘ my 2!. ni3o- 11.. um» um «unused ‘ t at t. {ten “ere is what flu“ l n to dn_ ,0!) 11 [st 0 comnii 00 C lf'l!\Cll,tbe county court. in ear.) times, Potu-i gt n|.,.,m;t,,t.,,,_ gt V‘. ,u,-.w.,,dat tn 155‘. Q "N" nwmme” ' '" ° T red ti [,5 ‘Nib - I." -who will work under them. Them.-:'*" """“ "5"" ' """t°n~ any 2-. l!-C2-‘Die ii. Monitor an M amused BM It their ax “C on‘ 353 e 5‘ Tm n h . 1 ,t the‘, comm°t‘eo‘ne‘ HI)’ ll. lbdd-—K¢-rm--r Military Scltlll 3“ ‘filINlat%i It arm. an Uncomlltional Ila’ n i o 11; th fore this time next week. Minor 9 .5 ‘i, see‘ ' - ' ' tINi-h--! -1 |*ooM'"!c- ” mp.-r m 0*‘! 3531?” “ °“-m '13 9 'and it is these committees that’ . - . - n . t !Mr.‘.udments already adopted. Pub-' 1 ‘ . t "V "1 ””‘*~""“”"""" ‘"- I"‘°"4"*r .1!-r '.‘.<. 1.-in -4‘-vii Service Reform A»- IVWTCN - ;z:city for itwome tn‘ returns I r ifell ly put on ill? tall’. lltll'l‘ll)('l"rfedc-ml in-l for farm bun-nus. para; ,7 - .,(,c;.“o,, at n~u_,u,i orxufiudv Tbenletusnot huphoo rt: :33 re- of ‘ ls co rm.” nu?" nohiof committees this year is forty-; Fl)’ _!- ‘IND-~Nun'uIIa.cnt -rrrto~_J hr met any _:n. i