»1r-~.-«~---- €' — . . . ... . - . .- . . _. _. _ , .. . _ - . --. - ..... . ..—. . .. ... .. - . . ... - : . i r '-—‘ -.* ‘ . - .-* . - - - .‘'< ‘'7 ‘"7’. . . . . .. 1 r . . . .1 .. '*- a- -~y,--- , '~...-.‘— —».-_.............-.-_ .;‘.,,_.v — ' "‘;.:' ' " ‘ ;,,:'._‘.'‘..-za.:*7.a.‘:.:’'-‘...-:‘7-' 7; ..'.-..«..~ ‘.‘ . ..--. .‘...“"I....-“....-':...:... -.- .§..‘5-4¢.’,‘.3:I’.""‘ “*‘.‘ ' - .1 -4- . .- - <' an - ' o I ~ - _. ‘i--- l: > - ~. ‘ 3 ~19 *.'i"" ' - - - 4 o-.'.¢ . 1.‘-. ‘*2 . ‘*3 <--~ «f ‘.~n‘- . - - . . ‘*""'7""“' .. . 7 - »- .- .‘ - :7 . . .. l . . . ... A . V, . . ' 9 ~- s - . _ _-c £1‘-'.~g’«t§-'5 . ~ - ",\ - ‘,5 U’ Q‘, ..~, -~:« - .. :9. . i J‘ F. . < ( . v- -.-.~ _-.o ,- - - _ . ,v_“ , H ‘ '9-§_'t gt-,—~ _ _"t:_¥:‘ - ; *. ~. -_f_ . ,..\ .» . ‘ ‘n - ,. » w > _ , . - -- . , , ~ ‘._§. - . - -.._ P... _ ~.‘ __.‘\r' _ 9 ._ ,~.- . _ _. ‘ . _ r_‘ 5,, -:i‘.o‘.Mfi.:‘.-.-_7__ ._$"\._.f~“__ )7 _ ._l . . ‘I .'. _, _ V ‘Hf ' , ..N_._ ‘.._A .:. Hit‘ 1 5 .‘ ,._. if; 4. 5- _ n . .. ‘ . ‘.€‘__'. .;_..}:._r ‘if’ s _‘ _ ' -_-i l_.- .. _ _. .. ‘ _.; ..o .A H __ --\_ .~,-. ' ‘ -s_~,_-I ‘..‘__ I ,\..‘.._ ,. —__... V. ‘ p. -_, . _ I n.‘ . . . I-.V‘. . _ ,- _, "a ."'!o ‘ I V V __V ' A - n ‘ I ~__ - r H’. I 77 ‘ _‘ '. - I - ._ 7 . g. , . _ - ‘ ' ‘.__ -I ' . ‘. » A I " . ’ A , , . . _ . . , I . ‘ , ' - » PA . l924 . H" W In Y T «."°”°.';’. ’.%‘;°..‘i ".§..""'.’.’;‘.?i’..;.......~. SIDE SHOWSTO- Dazzling Dancers l0,Be Feature lSPIELER$ WILL l..::.f.’.'.:“.:.“..1°.:‘."':‘...:.”.‘:.."'::*'.‘:::‘3?F]]{ST °"t%:'..i:' .‘.'.f‘:.."...‘:.°"..."'&‘“" BE MYSTERIOUS of Annual “Classical Follies" “ “ ’ Watlic . D t . .. . . If in r on u y . Ladi—ees and gent—-el—men.»cal application of the production. 3'00 ve never seen a police Monkey and Da!‘lc- pin“. give me you, kind nnd con,:In 1914 a road show was given at force that met every requirement, .._.-.. t._.-an as icilnt. ve youaeen e nstre 2 . i GUII)E CROWD g ;;r;«;,,;,«:§ FAIR WAS HELD; ‘woman and child. you don't want to 5 ;Each Side Show to Havewniss min: those slick. shininsturdy‘ IN ....-.—o—4<—.-- you will have an opportunity tomor-6 ling Rooster will Be ::l_g“t:_'u°"fi°r" 5°?‘ N; “‘°’“°“;"::1i§c:]dpif?Ji 1;:-fiziteliciczrfe 0:103:12} Men to D956-ibe Its nE:‘>l,lt.’l;)(:lalCw‘x’8pi¢’l"Jrlel’l‘ltl:dN:li g u, 1:‘ e ' I is sort 0 an intr uction .- - - ' - . ~ ~ ‘ . '= ——"'“"‘ ‘ A :3"; mg" SllOWll. ‘piglets “moo ° known motion picture actress, and, , Attract10nS_ ‘ «educhednener is the slap “footen-,FOl‘l'Ilel' Student Stunt ______ ‘ _ "99 9"‘ Farmers’ Rudolph Cameron, whoi i h ...' ’ t" ‘ - f ‘ tn} 1 . _ awer all qualifications for a cop.; wnh ‘may fldfilstgmtnmh yen.‘ fair «(flnssical Folliesy «xiii and production .m:n;?evr ‘fltiri gun pnrmers. F"i'r‘ ‘how audit; piece o mins not yet ocked: was Short Parade From e They must be “,1; {get an ""1 :1: F‘; Vi b- at to my left in Professor , . l .. . ' - weigh at least 180 pounds in dry ,gg?¢]m¢,,e? even: in cnlnmbin gfggthc Opera House a mammoth production the "dc ‘how 1"’ {mm °"° "° th"°' Tuk ‘bout your ‘me show“? White CampuS‘m {I > 3-’. fl 3’ 3 .5 0 ti 3 W _ Farmers’ Fair, they called off their.“ ‘e1 » - "Phat one th called “Wh ‘rt ‘aunt’. lyear. nature 0 e shows is "h‘°h °“”.‘ {W 3'°‘"' 399"“!-D850” I-Dd Worked behind tll¢[.w‘hpa’t all :24]: nitu?ef¢icll:::;°‘u'."‘h*’° alts“ 3"-5 F0118’: €973: Sheets‘ The first duty of the police is to saimilar to that of past years but all‘ ‘ ‘then, an Con,” of some of tnejcomes Dean B. V. D. Dumford ' clear the streets for the parade at ‘with new ideas. The chief purpose‘ 10:45 o'clock. The remainder of the of the side shows is to furnish fun day they will be on the {git groundg i and amusement to the guests of the; ready to be of assistance to anyone ifair. A large sum of money has? 1;;-33¢], hue heen ‘ennui nnd ,n,.,..M.alte way for he sure is the best‘vSHOWS STARTED IN 1908' :go something like this: .f"°’ld _“"~’ ll“’l‘- Che. )_"~'9-I85‘. Plll' , ——--_—~- _ : uudiu ‘mi gentlemen: This is your fist in that kids throat. I Offlcers Appmnt C0mm1t.- , . . - would rather try to talk ag i t th . ._._...———“""“"""""'—"‘"‘“"‘"" gndlivill ‘put d]own ‘any; diaturbsncie. bteen spent U1i!tl}'e8l' in) making‘ the; ‘ . 9' Q 4. - _ \ " ,. -. V, ' > $23!,‘ smm'wbm“f:th‘b:,:'e‘ of the ncesn, or 1;_..§,.?s¢., :1 teemell W110 Take - , ne o t e rues o t e groun s s s am: more a ractivc y a un arm: ‘ .. T _ . ‘ *.~;:~— ' r._ 3. - '. ‘ . _ . . . ‘pro . expostu ate ‘if it ' ,; MANY that “no students of the College of and neat construction. There will: 5 '_ : ‘Sf gt '. ‘J , (¥'~ 3;-)er::i‘;n' $3::::‘"?:o1';"fhi°5°"‘::"t,why is it. and if no? can it so i Charge of an ' .. ’ “Ag'i°“““"° ‘mm l““'° ‘ dill-9 0" W? :59 "0 "1079 fllpllllllf cw"! ‘anal ' ‘~ ‘A ‘V , » ' i I . Vi: .'those who are in wheel chairs) an’d‘ “B°f°"° I Mm“ l"t° m‘mm°llli Falr Plans‘ ‘ T do)’ of the I-‘armerii' Fair." This scrlll llllllbfl‘ 10 build “W Sllllfie: ‘ _ - ., g. C ’ Q I ‘ '1 Wm ,9" you whnt-n to bn nun benefits derived from having King’ —j- .- : + " Will be enforced. according to Chief Tomormw will show a clean row of w -—-_ . ..... _' , 0 c “mas. Fa, P-k ’ 'r.,c_., 5.35; win.-5 cousin-, uncle-sl Tn, pnrnms. Fan. on nmed nt ' u A “fI"liMw.ir t ed it i. :i‘¢l1l:t:ht:a‘:lV‘l::utfndb:i'gt pigs hm" ' '95? ”7:fl£~'.i 2~_~5.-2-.—.~n% . ~ "7;'’7'‘””“‘‘‘‘*‘‘*:_3 ‘ "To my left we in:-e I-‘ollic< Sunif aim" mi on °‘hibm°” ‘l"‘° Unlvmiiy of Missofiri in the _ __ c c ie unnounc t at t e e - V . .. ' ‘ , - . . . " won as’ your cosest and most;Coll f A ri lt " 1905..' . "evil?! of justice" is lllmzry for ac-‘ The spielers this year are of un- - rm: I-‘ARIIIZBS cnoaus cnu.s “hlch ls ¢°"lP°S°0lld- N0 monkey that was sent from South dam-9;. and flashes of wit. It will run off with an mu-,,,.gz,.d },;.,.,nn female patron, but as sun» 3,. in the horse barn and listen to themlength which will pass through Expect at Fair and ::’$°E"?:"it"‘;llr:;:)(;“l!Flt€}l‘l:: t§‘(>em(€.»'!": Americad hryda forniier 3t'udent.. it n.‘-‘,.,,| tin. d,.u.i1s of. student ‘inn, ]f you do no: 5”. the Show you fiP1_l£ht-tti is the hole in macaroni. g’:,"“‘~ ‘filld “:9 lllellll. 5_lll8- dol tflllnstreets tomorrow. This was. not‘, . t». . T h ' bee . is cons: ‘e one o . e . uniqut win.-h were ¢,m.;u.d m the 1m,\-(... Wm nnss 9“. Chan“. nf n m-nnmn it is ain t, because it cannot be. ‘"535 ,‘_‘°l’ 5°“'-'‘‘-' “5 l" 9’ "'3 °’ enmiirh. 50 Shows WON‘ .-laI'lt‘d in the Show Capabili df ‘"9 We me ll "WK sleel sports in the animal lunizdom.'siz_v catalog. Man v «if the uut.~'.tand- . - - .- -« - - . the nolicmc cops are hunting exer- third )‘(.'tl'. of the fair and slmrtly , W,‘ . h I f h . . _ 3 to laugh, learn and line in fill‘ Beginning where I left off, and . . . . St d . c uses or toot picks this meek. Another freak, supposed to be hu- mg .,rg;.ni;mi0m. and personage.-s minuteq Tn. ., 1 i . ' ‘as I _ _. _ Fen ‘ I . d ciso. bay. did I tell you about that,‘ _ u ents_ , _____._____ _ _ . .. t :~ age am seating ca- was saying. on rien s _ ', .c,,M.,.._,..; on n.,. 5, . - . 9 ' man, hIS been called Ch? Wlldfist on [he g-gm yug “'1” be "3 L: e in . - -. . , . . the Col)-‘ d°“'nt“wn go‘ 5079 bi" ___________ 01 '[‘5|[)}, A1'rRAc1-goys bicycle rider in existence game of _ h l_ h_ h h f rrl d ‘ pant} an lingo enough for ewr,\- dt-nounce—l mean renounce, well-— mm? we would not me them and ..-.-_ .. . ._ - _ . . - to de ~ .n-.n ‘ - H » To 31.; REAL TQRILLERS _, _ * ’ _ _ lll 1 9 ¢‘llll3ll"ll)' “'.l(: .1 0)’ Ila}: lll nm- to get in but do not wait forth» and kind citizens, I would like go, ‘ _ ‘ ' ' _ """"" "‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ _""‘ " r¢l:l8p:tid talzit :08: I Fl:-I'!’Qu'\‘hl‘l’llCll '**-- lung Tm‘ bncfleu "id. ‘umehi the "‘"d""‘ . ‘“‘“"“"~"‘- \‘”'°"-‘ la-‘ll =-‘ll0W. 0!‘ .\'0u ma)’ not he abl: I meant to say that Doctor Brooks our {one ‘Old the.m"t' M” I .m' .‘'95- 3'00 030-all and anything. you in Cuba mnnnmcent’ nnd‘")'dl'0Pllll¢‘. Flying Jenny and hf"? been 3°¢l"'¢d find Wlll be 0" lighting and stage arrangzcnic-nt.\ to gay ;n_ gs on we fringe of my immense nnd l“"'l1Pl ‘YOU’ l'a‘°Cl°l-3' .°0""°l"“l"°_",want. The host of persons go there. . ‘here number‘ mum’ and vcrw_ Merfl7~Go-Round Promise New .d‘5Pl‘3' ""d°' h°""5' ‘“"'d° llllfl‘ been lllfldth Watch those chorus Rirls—-they intensely interested audience and and °v°ur,w°’::::m’ '3',“ dd cw‘.-lll-‘1 "OW l “‘l“' P"'“.\’ ¢‘l'¥l“'l (“ll D a a u . I ' e ' ' 1 ' . . . - - - « Eseitements. » The “inside dope" on “who this 7},» d1‘ ‘ { .~ .». « .4 n e -. . - . ‘"5 m‘"‘- N‘ Y" "N “ 3°" '3 the window with a bask:-t full. in h t, L a «ition o the lollu. in 4.4 rt ot. in assure you, Prex), that wt arc , rt‘.’li‘e rlllrfade Tclrrfimliittgewziifis‘ The outside attractions. which l'l‘1lT'8 Tit!" Q 09" N’ Slolllit U‘ the l-‘arnic-rs’ Fair was niad; in "*“*-W C as glad you are ll('l‘(‘ as you are alTad’.°"“.nged' . .wh‘“ 9"‘ ii ‘"3 ""h""' ""-' "h'~' ‘"“- if out when asked “What is to he in‘win lie numerous at the fair this be" will be released in one of the lfill. A student in the ('iillt'i,'t- of. Fair Film l'ruv<-d Popular. that you arc. For if we were not. D‘"” '"’S'” ’’"""g ‘M "d °°“' “Mi , . she can't du, hi-r la-.~lic run." , ,, . . . . -. ., . ~ . . ,, - ,_ ., , , that drinks muddy water, -ats green , we nnnde nnmnflnw nnn.n,ng M year, are real thrillers. There will "?"3'°b0°3§°‘ll": ’t‘l.l(‘;‘:3-m5 N‘: “Ill: Agriculture, ha\i..;: lJL‘t‘ll to N. Flirt) l.'\'HJ}:.l"t.(lhfll.lIlb of last ytans you would not he, and therefore we gram and brown My on‘ ‘ mun -—----— — ' mznnr, V [be n innnb. decnnned nydrnnlnne vii is ri u t o ose w owls Louis to sec a mud 5-h..w 1,,-,,du,._« urn‘I(l‘.~ air as can .~.hown in are both glad. are we not. Aha. l u __.. ... - -v- 4.. 0 . . . -h‘ i, - . . to li 'th th u ht of ii‘ I ' nd. ~ . .~ -. ._ . .- n' --1; .r up .’t'l d ll , . ' .- 1 . “"3” ‘W’ “M”? “"““’ "““‘- 59" ufilng the p‘"‘‘,' ‘inch is 10:9 ‘tin ¢f:i~l:stll'l?fiedn(c’li:irn3 smooth‘) it l-hn9‘;’“Wlll: "f(‘>)ll(fW :lll‘¢'C‘l-i‘