V- 4 .. _ . ......., .. _- -. . . . . . . . . . 7 —-v~ .—. -v — ~. - ~-r --~'"- tw-' '." 2' ‘ .f "_I_*"'>." ... 5;" -.-r V -3 '-*‘vr_‘s'_V -'_,:j::--. 3'; "2’--"~;,~ -- --gr _~j , 3- - I w. -v- - — v . — ~ - fv ~ ‘ r -_ . . . “ ._ _-E]: . ' _ -‘ _ . ~ '1 _ , . _l _ ._ . . , ‘ _ _. , . _. _ . ‘ ' S . _ . .- . ~ . s _-r‘ V . . _a /. 19TH ANN ERS’ . 51:11? W; FAMOUS =10 3B.|&;bA*;Agf;'§gmR§1PR]ZES To BE . lFarmers’ Fair Exhibits to Deal fN()VEL IDEAS }"'°°'m V1811‘ nun rats YEAR‘: __ 2 -.5‘-‘ 5 *—"— v ’ l - - ' i forms.» This]: Added Attractions; ""'T .-‘"37", r".,\ * . A1 UMN] TO BE :"°"' -' -" °=-=*r“°-- C-M "’. GIVEN AT F 2 With Scienceand Economics» A])VER'|‘|SE FAIR. W... 3..., ,,.,. 1,... .. «S - 0 -S“ E‘ r R'''“' "’ 3' """“"°" . . I 9,000 of Last Year. 4 . ' ‘ T“‘“"°"° ..,____.. i Who ever heard of a fair without pike, more than half of the floats ———’—--—~ _ E The .nmd‘me “ Fume": pm” _ . ‘ ,_ ‘-“ r- N° “*1? *' ‘ ml ‘fir unlés-I there "Local Merchants Offertexhihiu ouhe products of the cow in the parade are not on by the id!» Oats Used ._ on College ‘ bu mnued in 0,, W, M, ,,,,,, . iia plenty of food. In fact, in on you E Premiums at Annual jtry? ‘I11; Fartgnuw-3; fnlair 11:11; {earls (’lIUODItlhCOUil!x1lt1’t:€;veS::ldP Iojfmtt ex, Lawns to Tel] of If;-om 3,000 to 9,000.0! last year. _ ""—'—’ think of Farmers’ Fair you think or» -no escep on e. I lit. are rt elj 0-‘ P6 S_ ’ . , 0. d g 1; g ‘ma at farmers. .;19th Annual Student}.-ieiuy flavored barbecued mi.-nu.» Ag Stunt, lbeing bad in coma-.oo_n with thflthom required consldcmblc work lu pestway. l;;‘;“’w:ir f:fnflf::_"mdam ma .; 1 Stlllli. Be Attended lne" will be ’"°"’l hundmd -—«———-— juhwnfi C°n-at °f A‘"°°lm"' huiibmm . The ‘dc’ '5 m get sump -+-—-—“ . . ifow men who were interested in the . ‘P001303 0‘ """r‘°“v be“ "'4 l’“"l‘ To stimulate the members of the} CW“ 39°93‘ 0‘ °‘l°ll“"“" ‘"5 °d°¢_‘m°’“l “"1. l_”‘°"gl"_‘° lb” ‘“‘ To intt-rt-stniid attract. \'l$\‘ll.0l‘8 ‘to prom”; ‘how’, by we “mien” of; by Representatives .served in real barbecue style. . Ag club to pmduce . p,m¢n'i or¢‘rs'o;!rces for du?£imdT tenltgon oftthe xfrls-tiktzr cg, me‘cta10r.in p,,.m,.,-3' Fair tl1c(i‘lpl;‘bllCll)'l‘(i‘0ml'I}l‘ltE the Cone“ G, Amimlm,‘ 1-5;‘; s . . ..~ - - . educational use. emooo " "w:', - , of other Schools‘ -' The mob“ ‘nu be Conant-ed bl P15" that M" fimipau ‘ll prfliomlddpict the science and economics of chute of this work is ‘ ' " the fur?“ md that‘ ‘ii :l(f):rn in tlic R" that office“ ‘re plank‘ on ‘l old-time barbecue. men who know fairs. the Columbia merchants are t e air is on ‘u I lgmauy meta,“ .u¢,,d.,,“_ 33. go. 1 *""""""" , Iufiir “Ln There will be a bed of offering prizes_ .« V ___e,__._;_'_ -,.__.._._.... '. A \h'li_\' (if entertainment and of (‘dl.l('I- ‘ha .dded .tu.acuon8 of the ‘IV 3 W55 FlRST HELD IN osioosl _t/to feet thick. say the rc- The prize list this year is as fol-3 =‘ _ ~« "0051 ‘’‘‘l"‘‘- {and the other events which Will‘!!! __ _ ’_ . _ -——--— -jports regarding the amount of fuel laws: I The motto of tlw ‘ (-nmunlttfl-_ i: ‘.),gm 3: the “me mag, The Pike is.‘ 2- " '- 1' 4'-.Llst, of Past Managers the agricultural students have sat» W1-M 7:: ‘f_;*°;‘;':;"'n:'::“"‘ ""' ; "1-;.0tXl vmtnrs for l*nrmt'I‘8 lt“¢'_f- being arranged to entertain 14.000, .._......_......___..:'T..—-_.._ .‘ .’ " ,' ' « 7 1 nm-wIsnrlcsr.' ' _ : Includes Names of ,ph::ie," did you say? Yes. tht'rl- 4.3}. 3.2: i:ilr.mmud—.” “I -‘tau’: km’ tfizyffill) "l:::’p::.";“:'n "'"i"“ 95°’ .”’:l'tli,e"{lrt:i':sas’i'::atii’bling of the cmwd.FARMERS, FAIR 3 Many Sucoess- ‘will be pie, sandwiches, coffee and :. Thr ‘I.-.:vci...:..;“‘£:i(‘i.. turns in addition. I-‘iw rudiu utu- iwm be an the gtmts 5; 1o;45i A ; ful Men "cigars, all that a person need think “"“' ",n:"':_'__t ,5" ‘''iL'_‘_“ “, tions were used to lot the flldln {um '0-clock in the mommg to we the, I ' ‘of st mealtime tomorrow will be at ,,,,_,,,_ 5, , ,,_ cmhgn, cm "‘Y\0“' UNI} l0""""‘““_' '"Kl‘l_‘l"' l“f"l ;purudc. All the streets along the .4 - 4. ' - » ,,,,,,,, 0; .54. .1... gnu.‘ ac ‘program is on tho Pike at Columbia. rout‘. of we pm-ude am _ 31315-5 ‘* 2 . ‘'''‘,'‘‘''''' the barbecue stand. . It ' ‘ The nineteenth annual Farmers’; on" commune is Dunning to zftuxmm-y—~FulI rw-¢ bnirrfiiv 33" ’ Fair given by the students in the urn. ‘u “sue” at 1"“ mm. ' 11'“; km mm" on we pnw_” bl . 0‘ A¢|'l¢“lW" W" b°.‘l‘.around. Special accommodations to mus.-. I.r'.1":. - tended by many rrvrrsrnt-t"'°-‘lean for the crowd will be made at 7 1» sew «I --or «M-,U--' W-'-, X'hrc1~[vi-slid In: 0.’ candy. mimic‘: Candy; Thry have to come with the l'!‘ul M {med Wm, ,p,cum,.3_ V and enjoy llw lilggt-st luul lung:-i-l 1,, my; the (35, “mg no; hem on -’ luuirll they l‘\'('l' haul. account of so many agricultural ___._.__. ‘ Post;-rs, hll('l(l°rs uml winduwostudmltu having joined the army or Are Institutions Knm 1 ' from other colleges in the Missouri ., my in [fig 9;-min _ Darin _ ' ' . . ‘(‘1’.l"(l.s vu-re sent out to more than gom: home on account of war con» . - " "1139? I00 07 the 3lld"¢31 C0fll€f'.i::da‘y thefood can beliound in E k':M'§;u,, 0, mo,‘ “,3, km...‘ 5,0 aonflcma-Um: mUCA‘noMu' Lnmwr 700 town-4. The Cnllt';:(- Farmer ditiomi. The two fairs following Tl'11'0l1g‘h0ut America- ‘: encc. These representatives comeptent on the Pike. u.' ll!-rs.h¢y'o. Jack‘: Shack. _ agriculture as well as many other,Bcttcr Than Ever." and they are carried fair nrticlt-s. and copies of it _wcrc purely patfiotic. the profits‘ ‘ one 15 Expression l here to get ideas for similar events ———-o.-—-——— ‘-‘- 7*“ ""‘ "“""'“” °°9“3“‘ °""'~lphases of general interest. nworlcing to make this rt-nlistic.:\u-rc sent to more than 600 towns. being turned over to the Red Cross, ‘ in their OW?! instltlltlofm - PROYHDE REST,R90M . KF."‘;:""',‘..inM_f of Nui_m‘ m_.__,.uuf you gun fifty undgng, work w"Thcy intend to make these t-xhibitslllorc than twenty-five tcgvns were ‘or to buy Liberty Bonds. Of Other. I . The fair officers have sent letters 03' F‘_‘_R£E_’Es__ ‘Am " “n.~.r.~l. an-moon uarim sing}. gpre re these exhibits for _w'hich 30 2005 U191 }m.\'0n9 can well af- visited ‘by students, where they l_.AR"ER8'.'";.—A'l'£'o'Ffi"CERS --'-—~ ~ :.:’..‘.:;°.;‘::° ‘*‘*:‘::.°':. A--0 «o :%~:.;;-'.:.=-.:.::::-.1. 3:4:-73°‘ °“3.°'.°.. *' °°.°’.:"'° “.2”. "*""‘ 2:.-":3: ‘.;:...‘:‘.°..:*'*.::' scum AG C‘-“B ‘S RESP°"S"* ,‘ '_aitora o c niversity., 3,55,, s.{¢),__\|.,¢-3, 1-‘god ,‘ HA’ '1'.o‘ “W mg 'mm_‘ at l'”“w; e wor , one on 4: air is e ‘ .‘ S _‘ '_ - ' -‘ ' - » __________ ..._._____. -’ Governor Arthur . PI dc and I _ mu "m__._, ‘flea. ,.,,_,,‘ spirit that gave rise to the Farmers’. """ ° In 1908 Charles ll. Taylor, a stu— (fang. 9. of A pigulgun All Over ' -“'9” 3.3318. 81‘¢F¢1lT)'y0l 1119 Then. wi1l1"';"t comf,,nn[,])- ‘T011 it-'-<1 «horn: In-n—-A carton oljFair-the spirit of ‘showing the dent in the College of Agriculture. 1].: Nation fin Agked to Send More Than Twent-Y Y“ Board of Agriculture. will be among cqui PM Omen-5 rest mom 0" U“, “‘l"“*' fIj::_"“"‘;- ;;":d?":: $ ’,om~__iworld that the boys in the College 18- was qualified as a steeple luck, or [)¢|¢‘.g¢,.. Of WOPRS Of Merit Are the distinguished guests tcmorrouaipike n we Fumers» pain 1. Ms ,._,_._‘; hm ,m_mm,. Sm“ “wk Sum :01’ _Agriculture are alert and ener- % ‘ during enough fm. p.nllltlnl."l«‘m0l{('i Each yew. im.iut;0M "9 sen‘ om‘ Chanmd to Its A ‘number of newspaper men been announced. In connection with Mx.:.m'rr;i..-Ri:r:‘:;:.r 1:. Follies-—Bog:fl.9tlC., and that their school and ac-: !~lI1Ck.‘Z. During the night a kite was ‘Ly the Farmers. mm. Gain“ .0 will be guests of the fair. Some the rest room there will be :1 “park- 1‘ “N “dad” fin Q.‘ Yew. D_j""m'5 "'9 win” ‘.°.b° pm"? °{'! — —. ____ fl°w” “°""““ the ""°k°"‘"‘,°k 9! _"h" ;vnrious colleges of agriculture Cred“:- of the farm journals will have rep- ing stand" for babies. g.;..;,., ' A an .( ¢;...,., ucamua-. The ?d°“u°mu. exhum‘ d° um Ml The scene of mln?lT\'lS this V0!!!‘ is "M pnwer "mm "° "ml ""5 "‘""‘ -throughout the United States in- ‘ ——-—-- resentativcs here to see the work. There will be plenty of water and cm-n-m. 3‘h°'""¢- ¢“Ph‘°‘uY- Pl“-‘"3 °f the 1 135.1 in 3 negro rtnstaurunt. Tlii- cook, mum be mod M W" “ h°“"°' '_'°l"“' viting them to send dele teas to Two Missouri institutions In t ' the wish drinlts on mod to quench the thirst. }7- '_l’l>-'__h_"' nvblititr III"-__A N3?! °“"°'l‘ °f “'9 ‘lrudflns "ld °f “Cb d°"“-‘gm, and pwp,.i,_.10, an. 0,, the ff’ ‘he ml” T“3"°"- ’‘“''"“l3 '" “ visit the “Biggest Student Stunt in become famous throughout Ann of the Agricultural Club that the the managers say. and there will be """ "'“"""'"° ""‘°“"_iP<|T""9m 0‘ 9* °°"Q¢- “Oh to feed me ‘0ng'1ean_ “Ink. lazy m0Y1lf°)' 5033» _“'35 Pulled “’ “W iAmericn." ca-the Farmers’ Fair. and th¢"I \'l$ll0Y‘3 3318)’ lull)‘ 809 959 d9‘‘¢l°P°:°“°“2h {°°d~ CNS in ‘ll? 50709 000- x-. 11» second he-.: publicity man- EV"? d°P"'"“°m h“ ‘t I“‘’“ ?Africans as well as the fat, fussy. .. n 9 This year invitations or re sent to “"75 5Pl’'ll-" '10 711313-01’ of fl ment and relation of science and nomies epartment will prepare nu mime. Tigrr llarbrr Shop. one exhibit. In general the stu- nah), and nabbflgasted mn_mak_ he bclztm 10 Write ‘Farmers. The {he colleges of ‘gfimlt at we 1 me gm, "Q ¢1os¢.1y 311;,-a_ ‘ 919 0¢0n0ml88 Of llrficlllture as pre- cakes. sInd'Wlcl'K'S Ifld l’5'~’5- 38?“ '9' 1*?“ ’i'''' J" m""."':'!":"" Kg: am“ "°fl‘ 9“ u’°_°‘hibit {mm we ers who tell if their experiences Job was completed Jun at “'9 bred‘ ‘followimz Places: hlashvil . 'I‘cnn.: “The him: at student stunti scnted by the College of Agricul. becued meat and other food will be "":n_“"'!"' ""°" ‘ """"' ' " Idcpartment in which thcy_ are Epc-‘hunting polar bears and elephants‘ 07 dab‘ ind 0 Ph010l!r!'-Pl|¢'l' “'39 S , . . . Stillwntcr Oltln.‘ Lexington, Ky.: America," I there to ml: in icturc of th fo t. 4 . ’ ' . . . . QM }w,d,h{.,,,.u.d gums mnk,.,, A to _ of "fig gicwre now ehnnzx Urbano, Ill..; St. Paul, Minn; East thinks of the Farmers I-‘air. V up his meal.‘ by 5“-all0“oi"g cggg, S" the College Pxurrner Llnsllll. Collins. C010,: .4‘ since!-i‘)o___.“ W Nfimd in when and an H1. Says that in an Om.“ in the field often spell (C);l_legr;3 Staktion. g'eJI:).: C0':::1b08. ml gness always to do a little to r d.Cl h Botll' woi-u._ , . h'._ .- I t‘ h h_ an. ,r , 10: !'00mZ8. .: I ‘ ' 53-" 1»-~« °-‘-’«-"«'~" «»’5"«» «-«r—‘ W W .*'*.°" ""' "° "'°"".i.i.1Lil“:-'"‘...§....’iZ2'1“.£§"...‘I.~i...‘ii..i“?i.§ ‘"i’i"'5=‘r ‘° ‘’3‘’ “%'.'.“°'- W "'9 ‘Ram; and means»-ensues an we Eastern ....g...... defined the I Kn-o liuurr gvurlrl knife. Ilayu Ilardwanutcplrlte exhibits. _ dcpartmentv ‘ _ ' ' ,, . g spa _ “(mom Fa" ‘m the Um‘ { u ' at . 0 Cal“ - - . - - - - ' co- ‘will show all of the p8!'ts'of a radio *8“-‘ “"9 W‘ °' "°‘- -‘W’ '1“ m-my Library terrace and Chris-« 9 °‘“"‘. 5 ‘"3. ""’.°"' °' ‘°"" ’’l’‘"‘ "‘ ”"""'"‘ °’ ‘ 2:. lint worker during an fair—83 for ' md ho‘, to {it ‘man togeum. ._ hatched at any rate," he says, “an and Stephens cone“ l8wn5_ ‘ma. A'ntonn. Wisconsin. Ncfadl. uate of the Missouri College all ' l'1Idlll'.\. . l0"a. Mm“, EOIHSIDO ‘Dd North now natjonguy hon. ‘. ii . E «J l . . . - - ~ . . m¢;n3' 1:‘ rum 0'‘ wuummn-snkiney ‘nu ‘ha ha" ‘ ndw m 3‘-nu] Epizudiuc I-.b(-neezer Aspujxlllls The "198 that "am", .5 the best .Dak0u_ have it in a nu WI _ _ _ . _ , lest solo singer in Minstrels- ture and in advertising the insutu- 5¢!"'€d In Pl¢NY- Pr:-s-sing tirhrl. uaneu 5 Sons. .» 1903- 0" '”°“‘ “'"-'"~"‘°d- "'3' _- ‘ 21. um woman rider--Bottle of ioiicqquently the faculty members are *W" °' "W 5°"’- ‘ _ ‘consulted and often give actual 85- " ""'."“' "'°"" ‘sistsnco in addition to good advice. a tlon. Past Officers Asked to Attend. All the officers of the past Farm-_ era’ Fairs have been invited to at- tend the fairthis year. In 1921.‘ the officers organised an associa-5' 'tion and agreed to meet here each‘ year at the time of the Farmers‘ ...n ,. .....-. . _ ; 50,, In, -_ “,0, tion_ 11,, hgnkujgurgl de- Mentholatum, the bass soloist. 3d".rt5_.§m_, n¢.d~u,, 3' ,1 . ', fr’-u A‘ °“lY ‘{¢”’t‘l’: f"? fill)’; rs. bi"! man “In conatruttloo— men; will 5." . 3;-cannons; in claims that he has never soon a note 3,,,.u11..(; 3,, ml. niimis 0; ,h“.”ff[§§,,§. ” *"’“‘*“ "' "' ’ ““———‘ Wyhltrthe Warld thinks of the Val dfica‘ ° u’ u‘ " "'“""" T"“" ""‘l" u" t tion The athletic department 100 l0W {"7 him “Ml will 9"‘ "W79 of the C II re 1' Agriculture d bt th th’ lt that ts en’ ‘it ‘nd an Mismufi _"__ c‘c:;5".Ad".°f‘ dumnirzfi I3.-.,2:.’.;i-EN mm mknflurm 0‘ C..d" gslilglnprescnt a model of the stadium :10“-' flown’ hr‘ 2918 UK’ "WT? $31’ It .*‘~('('!:I’Svtl1l(lT the fair boosters gcttw thfirye in ‘honor of thee fpegtizre ‘"6 “"3 °'ga"i"ti°" 7” . as utiend ‘:‘_:_3m::'w ft 2». Ik-st-Irorkinr -ovbonion-——samr to be built. In fact. every dt'0Irt- '5{{“'tll“’" hl‘_9k°-'"‘ 359} 7'03‘ Pf=“'l=1ll:!"|? know nothing of the cats and any occasion, which is dear to every ng- ;’h°uy {:3 are 3:“ “."dJ;"'a’ 7 ,-a m33‘3''' “"5 1319'; . V." ‘ ' Mia . ' ' xh'b'g f the o t c c I("(‘n me an o ro mg } t h. },'_ . 3 5 ~ .- C 8&0 0 €81‘ ml llllolll .. cally become members of the asso-l . » 3:-3:4“ bo~t"na.:i:|s-r-A copy or 3" an e ' ‘ ° “them bones 0. mmmionx. :h“: "En: :)f':h’e°:t'; “:21 ‘;'_'§i$ ;_"n'T;l::;r£;"'t;;{°':£; '13:‘ g;r°t;I;d:';u' the Ag Club, the orgsfixationg .9‘ .. v - .0: lo‘ . ' o ' . . - ~ - ' 4 ‘ * "'1 ‘c'''“''''‘ °" "5 '*“'" 3 AVNCAN 301-U135 ' lbizorzrirgttrr-'en‘0o.b’ h “d “an” * In addition to the exhibit! on the Shows will be Riven each hour. ,\ta.~: blunted a few years 820. No dent body. ' (Continued as Page u 5: ‘K'‘*’"'—'‘ *0“? “'*‘~‘-*-‘ ~*- -$2--‘-43 r¢—rC .a»A — -3. 63 _ , _ _ _ _, _ _ '_ __‘ . ___ A‘_ ¥____- _ _- ._,.___V . _ r "' ""j‘"‘- " ’ l * r I -~—- — ~ — ~ ———~ — » —r—r .___ _ 7.- A , ____§ -_ __._ _,__ __.;-_, ,<_____,, _ _. 3 ‘ ‘ :. _ it _ — V -. . ' . ‘ _ o " ‘ ‘ I , ? ’ '~; 9 L ' . ,. r . D I ‘ . 3 I I 21st Annual A i‘ I S I High School Day ¥ C f , i r Friday, May 2 a g KANSAS vs. MISSOURI ° . BASEBALL——2:30 p. m. . 3. .' Saturday, May 3 l 5 =-- . 9:00 a. m.—Preliminaries High School Meet. 0 '- ..,_ I 10:00 at. m.-i—Dusl Track Meet—Washing'ton vs. Mis- ris _, 80lll'i. . S I .. '1:30[p.*m.--Finals High School Meet. ' 5, if S 3:30 1» It'll.-—Basebau—.iKanéas vs. Missouri. \ I I _ “1‘he I t , S Q.-.s . . 1; -to _l ~o._pcn.<..-._ - Q “-'-‘‘‘'-‘-*~‘ -’ 9''-w e.‘ .-.x..1.1.-. .1 r...- .i.:r. ‘ll _ . . "‘ Q ‘ . 3, Z - 5'-.»._ ' ‘ — . . A A . _ __ ,- |':‘ _‘ ' , H‘ , . \‘. . I ‘ ‘ _ . AS A ,. , '-~ . _ ‘ ' _ ~ ‘ 1 ,2’ )§ ' — I l ‘ " ‘ '. -. 'r* o -3‘. .‘ ‘ V ' ‘ ' P 3 V ' ‘ ‘£2 .‘ ‘ ' “ I 4 { X . Z, — .- . ’ H . ’> —. . _ '.A .2 ‘._ ..._ ' . . , . .‘ '.__ . ’ ‘?~ _ _ ". _. Fe. . . -- .-' . -~~ . . ‘ ‘ - . * A '..' . ,' . ‘ _ K . . ‘. . . _ , _ ,‘ . _ _‘ v t _: I . . _ . g o , . " _ ' . _ ~ . .‘~-». . ' _ . . - _ ‘~ 3 ,- A .- , - . ~! . , . ’ _ ° , I ' 4 ~ ' .-, — 3 _ ‘ ’ " : , _ V. _4 ~ ‘ . _ - . . . - . ' . . ‘.a‘ r V ._‘ ‘ J. - .' . ’ _i ‘ '... " .1 .'. ~ - ‘ ‘_I .~ ._ . ~ V 1- .. ~ .0 ~ ‘ - —— vs.-5.‘ :-. rap .~ . - ' . .-s :9.- '... . 3-‘ ~, ‘ ~~.~ ' ~. . . -~ ~‘ -. .. ' ' -A - ‘ ' . “ '1 S-.-@' -» .-. w- - -- -4 S ~ — '. ~ _ , . . _, ~ .._' 3 3: .— :g._ , _ . _ \‘ _ I’ » - . . 1., i - .7 ‘ ‘ .. ‘ . . J I. i,“ ‘Q — _.~ ‘ — _ ~ \‘ - . ~ 7‘. ) ‘ '* ' ~ «- -r‘ r. * ~ , * ~ c « ..‘— 4:’? Q. - ..i‘ ‘c:. a .. ~,. ,- - -. I-:. run ._"§"" . ' -2!: *"' ~ cs. " .35 .1? ‘» wt.’ *»;‘> ~ A '31:’ ‘"3 "S _ -a. ‘ V ' _,_~ __ . - _ -‘ - a. .'si\.G'-".V _ , ,