\ 27347, (72 . . «~ . z-r-«.- , e " - ; . - . gr, ~.« *. -. —- J‘ - , _ ‘ .c-‘F . I. V0 , 4-. I o '7 _ _ . ‘ .,.- s _ ,1‘... v - ~. L. .. V’ “’ ‘ . | _“.:*~- ‘ ' 0, ' ‘ .,~ _~‘_.,. ‘ailing A A PAGES. 59512 ' (Emu; o : . -.,.' i _, . W, .-A ' _,_ I . V _Y\,f. _ ,1_ . '32.».-s‘§s¢‘+ “ _ 1 ‘V ‘T V ‘ l .‘ . _ ’ - The Way lPRE}?ARATlONS ornuwnsrnnn | HIGH SCHOOL - o. o. ...a....... .. o.'.:..... H- ;, School D“ T GERMAN R@Si-‘.3’ ' of Our World I ....'*.°°.*#.r“-o...-9 :'.**'***°*....., 5:: EDITORS MEET ~ ;'....‘~**.."=.::.....'°° ':..:':...."i'. -o-m- : SEEKTOSHOWV ‘ ‘FARMERS’ FAIR -=w-v- ‘ HERF FRIDAY :=':.:*....">.:'."-n;':°"*...o°" '°'”' 333=3‘»s-on-””"=“"-~w-““«‘3‘v'~"“”«‘°A‘l‘-M-“"“‘ 1 THEIRPO A . . __..__ _J _ . yards an ' ‘ 4! vars y A is. . \'( i - fig, flgafly Bsdasisa Pravldaa. For lissouri: Pair tonight and . all shiniu—or soon 19500 -First meeting.Ilissouri lnterocholastic Press Asao- 5 - I-miscaicooisaeci-l"¢“"""' """"' Jridayzriainec pcrat Prida.l " --—— . Vauiio fc da unis ch’ inJ ii. inn. 1 . -I-and-at to the it-nitr-“on W1-lTW°H““d’°d W°"l‘°"3 Pm + P a on ’ *3°°°“d Annual C°"V¢’-DY-1011 an lh¢‘iun: ii..'.i'..'i'° .1’... .3 10:15 -Parb::rs' i-'3 pacsiiuoceiaa ‘ May 1 ~ Euro '55 Labor 3 which is expecfitfid tokb; ’ the_FiniShing Touches 1 5. “an” ‘N POLICE COURT of Interscholastic Press '0 Vll‘1n'l|lVl¢ kclcln thrill III 10:15 to ll:00—-Rehearsal for musicians in University Auditorium l Day ‘god 1) ptzdb " 1, con‘:-as we so _ i , _ over. a oo uaowr! 11.” ‘O 12.3o_c» 18. U . ' ,. e fa y c~.':, . an b . on the _..._....__ : Assoclauon 0 us ________._____ . . ir quartet in nivcrsity Auditorium. , . _- ' 3:6":-In~°.¢;<:d“ig:g fog‘ of Today roiai Pines ass: oazmrrm Were at 10 3. mp“ 3934,33 cognac;-39 3y 1 AFTERNOON. tensive Cessation j M L;‘ _ police con“ "cord {or Am“ - 4 . CITY LAST IlOlt-'1')!‘ 1:00 i;:;‘e:_;g.i;gHMirs"se¢;i;n"l‘r!i‘terscholnntic Press Asso- 1 9f Work 4 *0" PW‘ °' °" "°‘ . v [.531 ll or caacstr-leddri the "' .sire-ciuaiaieoaaccrrasrv iiaio; - . I ° .. ' -—————— 1“ J"-nae ‘wan’. ‘M MVA MEEllihG NIGHT :m‘.’n“;' V?!‘ ma! an“ “S 3“ of CONT%TS TO BE HELD _ P”: Wu. “.'""8_D‘:‘ _l:fll to l:45-—Boys glee clubs in University jtuditorium. - Mong CLASH ‘V1-I-H Pomx _\ it into a treaty would make —‘—"' “mu nu biuu‘ ‘M V” ‘mo _ ._____. _ ~ lL~~ nan‘. 7‘ Gen‘ 4 1:45 to 2:45-—Claas A orchestras in University Auditorium. i __ - it mandatory for both the umoo Farm Takes on Appear- Mina by mum Bum“. ‘ho’ Will Announce Winners 3;“ am“ 8,“. mm.“ Cu’. 2:00 —Farmers’ l-‘air pike opens to we publis. No Trouble Expected in 5“'“"""”‘l""‘° ance of Show Place was also sentenced to niiriy days and Present Medals at :=ol|gctor. npbru 8239438 3‘°° , wgzfiminfilfl in the decl-matorr contests in Rooms : New York City but —; 2:" :3 ""“"“"" “‘ ‘°“” ‘"‘r:‘i::“:t:i"‘»‘:»':s‘o““’“'«-e~:':‘or4 Dim T°'"°"°W ; °°r»e"°“‘ 53:’-e‘i'«?o'=?-°“i"~°‘-‘3°a‘o..=' or _....':.**..*”....—'.:;.-°..*:‘%:...... ...... .. ....... ..... e Usual p......;.,... ‘:6’ ‘W x 0 y ' ‘ v ~ ' . ‘ c . l . ' s ‘ . o . . , r no «mm mm me to T°'"°r*°“- ::.:*".:::*::..‘*:.'°°°... ...-:.';*:..‘:':..°‘:':.: . ;.‘.°f:.. .t":;..‘:.‘.’.*1°'..o'°°"*‘"“'.o......r 32:2: ::::°..:':;. ':':°;::'* 2: “.'".:.:.':"' *°‘“°""'"- o Are 'raken- u i boughtasmany Paris irownsusez _ , """""‘ . ’ _ "" v ' ‘ '. -' t ‘ ‘ . . vars y rum. 2 ' wanted without ¢'‘''” “U0! 150! Th“ " “' we """f'""°” °‘ u" A‘ gzachrc" p£”£ll"“:'n‘“ Winners of the contests to _-W l";:‘h'i°c:'. ‘ 5:45 . ~ —Ilissouri Interscholastic Press Association dinner at rlli van.-.i r.-c... She bought twelve gowns in;QlIllJ 10 }13lk° “"3 N09“-'90“ f"“l“'l ._'_!_"., ..l'"d ° heldby the _hlissouri lnterseholast_.ic"a_ “khan. ‘azofi 8u,ed'm“n_-'4 _,.,‘ Harris’ Cafe. ‘ 33RUN. MI)‘ 1-—Policc broke twenty-six minutes, but all of them§l‘l|’m°|’3 Fill? “."m°"°" “*9 8791' Press Association will be aunouucadmnm" “ma '1 $7138’ [.;vgfi].\'(;_ V up on extensive gathering of com. 4?-eased“ ‘imp’: in “)1: “TM welbzlhfl :?l"tlh::lr:!l1l atwaumgiiliizcsii ‘ ‘din! medlfktliwu-dod'.tt.i the lmgucdi total ‘collections. are distrib-' 7:00 '° ‘2‘°°"F‘""°"" fill’ Pu“ lllln open to public for ¢~‘V¢'"l"¢ lliinunuihila M” D" dcmouuua‘ . ‘ ,' i . I‘! H ' inner o e associn on a : _ '_ . . ere ‘. ‘ A d’.e..°d.'lv'f%n“£.jd‘_S ‘nu 5 mp ylclllb held in U39 SW93‘ Pl‘-'lll°0 hill l 4 ‘o'clock tomorrow evening at Harris‘. won‘ the “nu. fund‘ “‘°l'3 . "-- cm'°.r“mmw.t° ' . L H -1.’ ed . '. ‘E.-.————— 'ni t. Former fair manattns and ’ a - J 2Adjournmcnt will be early enough L." 8.15 —-Oosslujnusical concerts in University Auditorium. .d._,“?‘|” :‘m;‘_‘ mo”! ad" "d. '3: _ :i$‘:flib:‘at1r:ikcs‘lter:‘mil);c‘:r:mi.n- "ho were pmwm' C0 t te d ts~£::mt~h.¢,”¢ {pr.?..°m...::,, ‘mud cup ""*"' “'4 W5‘ ‘l“l‘l”3 ‘ill’ ““‘—"’——-—-—---——-‘ ""“' —‘::E:“'**' -'-*‘—~'-- —-i m";:' "mam ‘°":g bug‘ I ‘ . . ' ., - ; un y uperin n en ° °‘ ' '=- ‘a bond inking 1 nd M456"-‘ """ . “°""' o -— -cc.c sine Reds ouciaua 5 ‘wall’! ‘he sh"l’°“‘ “'1 sd'y“"+ William Paden vice-president of‘ 'I'h seco d annual meeting of the '9'" ' . . ' ' ' " I 4]: DRESSES Aug (znrgx 'wlie _ O , ,~ ._ . i . _ . _ «.0,» 7231 y , u an outbreak seemed irusalaé. mfg?‘ ‘:_;':¢:'; lt.l;cTAg CIl)ub.npl"estd¢‘d lndtctet a‘l;cnci:-I Dedare £3‘ :39! $;:;:o:imu'itl}lw oreptgliu ::wm:‘_“;';E:‘_f‘l_,___‘;‘L‘°'!’l‘;“' B 3 i-L'ui.ic wr-:i.riiaE socurrr; tin arciacii Kbetwcen communists bell edtobe brcakwiththc rro-§° "'9 ' omwm’ ' 0 3 Amen en 1 -- . _~ “ ‘ .. . ! 'Vl' ris.*"——a,i;.. can ?" ."°'°°' °°""’b°"'°""" . ‘ “’“"l;‘ ”"“":'”' ‘“°"""°" ”°’ll:i zrlugcgjogifiizgoourrhor l:i:pudi:fenIcm"- :s”"""‘T“° ' ‘ml “” "" ’°"’ “*9 "1"" 9'“ WW l'°"l4W" .__ l -Is-ho 1‘-I-in . ;‘- (lent to try a compromise in the re-irnore than forty floats, both humor- The text of the resolution tollowm} 5" ‘¢59l°M 0‘ 9"‘ "ll-'¢'~l"8 l{¢i&;°°“k‘ t ‘ n 4‘ ho dd “'5 3" cuflllk W “"3 “P “'9!” L"""‘ ""'“- 3 J. P. ‘Cant was called to Elfi- . ~ — ...~:--~ 1-.=....:- --..-.: -.:.»-.2.-.-cm-~ t° -" *W~. '==:...°.::....° :: ..*:.....'-:"... -=--~ é...r*-*~".'..*:- ......"-' 1;.-.2:-= ..,."°-Mr W an m -- -~ this country. has brought forth much ;the University farm at 10:15 o'clock‘ ' '" °°""' """ _' P!‘¢P8_fll0f)‘*¢ 500?“! 55!“-I . ._ . ' The navy radio this morning,’ 9°" 3 ‘gaunt cf the death of his jaw praise from Japanese olficialsf [tomorrow morning. progressing ;:.;..,,., o; ,,,,u',,.., ,,..,,,,,.,‘."(',‘,_°;,,.:'_gH¢1'(1n83 ‘Wm ht Mld in 300111 m5-l''h'"'’'m’,_'.'' ‘"uB':o“‘I‘°' of ‘item’, broadcast a call for all ships in tlieflliul 1-W0 D908 100! filffllh 300?: u,.,_ 1»; v_ Qua, mg . E , -'-4'-* from the farm to College avenuc,§ioo 0. access. in us may to Dr. Nlcbr-|asI‘J37 11- 3*‘-ff! 3811- ' _ _ §:;°""md ‘M: 'u:d;:':me in. vicinity to watch for the missingl'°°15¢m mu! m°I1l|l0.d§*l!l¢n! W-lu-y_ . gig. .1 lug, Bang, ahgja ‘RN! COQIIFU-tt Dlltolwll. B0,”, on Cone“. "Tune to Br°.d,llurr1.v Butler. at the liacoori dinner in The business session will begin‘ 75 11,-", ports of in corn in, h '3 , , . ' is morn g. _ M:t:or?smCh'§i‘;k::ih.o:or?iinii1t:eR:- ‘Wu’ we“ on Brudww to Six‘hlNE"3¢YlTkf'Ixr1her r-onus. ‘rs. iac cou‘nt.rz.t 9 Odo“ Snufihy momm" 0‘. “mm”. wwc spfinfldd them Weather conditions were excud- mmlm“ "°m‘°d b’ '1" mm am’ NW 38380 584 V5330‘ lfl 0313‘ ' . . - . ' f‘ ‘ll be i ted t tll t t' . flit)‘-three 5°?! and f°fl!- '°°~ trickling in. . . - g . cw" --= di-«oh-ed an-uv rod->w:l§:‘..“ :2Z§“.:“ciLf‘?.:§.'f‘I.“}.§.'{:s:.‘:.":';'.:.".'::';.‘;.:‘:.“..:'":.‘.;m..."*;.:.:.ff -'§3'?iZ"‘«.cuno°ffmm1 uni oififir aim to we conme ‘“‘5"’.. "§"“".’..’:"’°' ..‘“'i ...i.”°"""‘.:i m...o.o. ... known 4.... oo.-ll“ ' ""'*‘.‘:';f.:‘.._.... “*"°' "'1' after its three ‘mo.-mbers had been “re”: south on Nina; “net to Comlsoesi ‘to the coaauiouoa of the United on such problems as increasing the L°_*i“K‘°""t’:°““$“b’:h”fI:;:m,::ld ‘:2 “£0.43; :3, V” :1". and the total is expected to "- ‘‘ uunhd by Pwudcm Cooiidmx ll"? “""““°' “st °" Conley .""u° ‘°'m°iTc rcsolutton was oiierod by Su- “:;m;:,‘£::,,°{i:°t§:' ‘:£v:l21l‘l'lf¢!"l’vl:lrlh£ par.ly. 6n the 7:20”n‘ ‘'6 0" '"°"°‘PPOd Inountaina. 100. "late. number of inland "‘, ' . . 3",, p...“ cm" uh, mum". ‘Mitt street. and south on lli_t.t street H . w d t Wm. R hen” { _ .10“ W huh t - 1] 3,, which skirt the coastline. PG"! (ll-DICE ll la: ‘ Arm m unsuccessful fl‘h‘ W 'to the farm. The parade will be led ;{'::&':b°goum),":,';_.o ‘;’ed.md" u‘; ,thc 3:31 ofh tlie Inbl'lllll ‘and financ- :’h‘~;fl’_-u"'n muicriui; {Sm gzw, Major Martin's _disappcar.-aneecxcess of $l0l0W.(D0. . TU V modify the measure. the resolution by the Lnnm-ty band three ' ,,,_,, “"3 ° "° °° P“ '°"‘°"- adds aoouic: to don hat of thrilling The wioiii reached uic ‘height ofl n . . . - . . - : tro hould - - , 11 d t t . f v ndalia. pg-opoging . (3,514 1.50, .,,,,.,,d,,,,.,.,,_ ;other bands will be included in the $423“ Sf ippmvfl Ont‘ Pglvidgtl. Active membership in the organ vi e an wen y nine ruin a M" muted mm “wk “'1 ‘a son“ - .. Carolina where -——-—— -2 . - - - - - , Thirt - t d is f llc , . . . - - go up comugufion wu Pu,“ mgline of march. _- _‘ Brooks, sand. |g:':°n 'i'§"f:;u°fw:lT':lu8:Uliluicbalt':n:ar-rivcdglifiliz gomigmby $3 part in the American around-the-ljtllie death list reached sixty-stx.rPl‘Og!‘8fll Be cw Q "" ''°‘'‘' ‘7’‘'__.‘‘’'‘‘‘'’'' m ”"”,““"" 3’°°‘“' "Pl! .l° D°°W.io hlissouri ll eligible to ioin. .oa:'°°*’“°-.'""' °"°'""°°"° “'°'°.'"".""‘ "°,;§‘,? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,.,.,;,,,c",'_L""",',",‘,' "__,"' °,,,_,,,"""" "“"',,,,,,°; LawnforJuriior Pamcermaa Italic to Defy A|lin..HEAL 1 0 l_':'ip‘;;e|:n“‘,:"'A""fc:3';_all members of the staff are tlienilllk this afternoon from \’dashIn8° to ma their ‘my .0 in with cow! picked up by ma ‘ind. fluid ",4 Fgrmers. . . TM Pin-German Lucas in Berlin’ ‘ '4'‘ '3” ”"""'“"'°"- 5'95 l’“l’l‘“'-'°“'' ' lparaiive certainty. but on only one_cral yards and dashed against the g ' \ v udayasne 1 § o.¢« -a. -0 .-‘i - -. . .. .. -- 8o'clock --.-.-— '-.'.' is out to defy the Allies in every. ‘ S "mm -11” "and °°m'd°“b‘° com ;"l"Cl'l J0"!-5 18 KlV¢fl II" fmlllcm 07 The °°mp“m°" opcm “ . leg of the flight has Martin becnground or walls. ‘The Inotdlt ofthenuudfiyfl ' way posgible, u-my-ding go . f(-(-(uni; S F3I)‘::;“' 'c"'u'1']':nE3""°D:°:!‘J‘Bt:ub" ithe association to Print in its :::'::'::;n"3::n:::,'u::tr ,°,f,_."'3§';:f able to‘ land with them. Q All Daatiss Are Not Reported. Hunior Fianna‘ WQR found slit revert This was very evident in: -—-.——— mm. C,m,,c’§ -M, wi.,,,,, ,,’;,,,.,.1 ,'”'°°¢" ll" ”."‘-‘°“" ‘"‘°'*°"°'“"i‘m,,, ff, ,,,,,,_.,. T Q,,.,,,,,_ dm, 0; Martin was forced down at Cape; Alabama iiaa eleven doauu, Goo:-coo ‘visitors registered. with ._ recent elections. Doctor Says 90 Per C€l‘ll.§,.,.¢,:,ury of 9,, n.u,°d;,¢ 330.,-d o{}"° Pw" .A'"'°°""‘j°',' W" ‘°'".‘°d the m.‘.;,. m,“b[m,,_.d school of Igvsl during the flight from Scward.gia four. North Carolina three and‘.morc oxpectad durlrc» thejay, ao- ‘.3 ‘ —-—~——-. . , . prcm tame Prombiuon d Pubrcfln the norms 0‘ N3} I1 3 "‘°°"“l'5,F- A an to Chignlk and remained through I:lclll¢l'ln£ deaths were reported- rvding to the officials in charge ._,~, "Hundreds of ‘unmarried gapancrw Of Children 8 Ailments ;MonF’l: Tho“ but is ‘fined to tlegcalled by rcprcscntatu-cs of student. I;|._¢;u.l"m in the hub school mug, storm in the arctic night in his~fi-om Tennessee. Louisiana and Ibo stratiou. 5,3 ,; en. IIIXIOIII 0 mil?!’ IPIMN‘ D to M th ‘ . journalism in Springfield. Boonville,l ‘ . . m “um” '“ ‘"3 . . gm..." ",4 "mm to u,- t .. U8 0 GT5. ‘held before the Ilcthodist General 3 -bu d K - C- up ‘cal contest sponsored by the Univer- ; ,: .2. 5'-'{°"‘ 9" MW lmmllfrugxunllz .- """“""’ - l nfneme m spn"'“cw' ’““"':yc.aT'1:: riiecfitim ls l‘::.:ll’8l“ one aul:‘i"' hen" uflvhg um ‘fwmoom the quuut-—-. —-o————- lwarc wrecked. evcfi bouaeaod P|lb- ‘N.’ .1‘ Fun.‘ ‘‘‘i-'' ’ ' "-\|n<‘1.*' P0?‘ 00111 07 "W flllmmt‘ .Hay 22. to resent the rohibition . , ‘Others will come in tomorrow mom- 1 1 : . 5°“ 5°73 3‘ 35“ Th ' sou into effect July 1. are crowd-- . . " P which n ro ram of addresses and . . lie and small virus baiag ~ “I! all steamers from here to thcl°r ch'|d'"' .""d" 6 "H." 0' .“ q‘’’‘''’°'‘ "ch" lb‘ °°"f°'°"°°' D°c'=contests lfsifbcen tivcn ‘ Sing’ A" "'f°m“.u°" In.‘ * ‘ ad. ‘W m ‘add 6...-an“. “ ofkm. are due to irregular hIbl(.ID)r0l;{1hSC tor gnu: ink”; address preceding Dwain“. ._-“kn "flu. Muklbcen established in the Women: ' . . g ' - . so- 3 3. T '3. . , . n . l withlu half an hour. ‘g a. my . . part of the mother, said . Docto talk called . . .c nasu fro iiicii all coutea- TO . W ‘W3 . .-on-I think a . . l ' / In a recent ball game at (‘.aiiey- 3'""'-‘l‘)' in 3 lllll 0“ "Tlw 70'7"!’ “men and rsrorricn of religious f?i’;in,!. The fmmflzu E‘ °"'m,u“°ngta::s vyill be directed to '1" '3'“ “"°‘u'd n" I34 15509333: ‘ Ville, lll. when the score was 23 to li0"'0l "Filth "Ibil-*°' it ill!‘ Child rnoral principle and public spirit to" t°m1;1h;|‘ ;m':udri?: 5 Ethe various fraternity and sorority . - "I0 * ' L 22 in favor of the visiting team nnd "filth Conferenca this afternoon. strike the Eighteenth Amcndrnentl. - . ,houscs c they will stay during W D Sh W-1'8 O~n]’”C8ndi_ ‘ I‘ l , . _ l “'3 cliéfllllc Babe Ruth knocked a Regularity in fecdins. bathinir. from the Constltntioln.” " ‘ ~ {mum to promote couopcnnonithcir ' - IorCo|umbiI. -. ' ' 3 y hock.“ VA ’h""—."..""""a"' &' home run one of the players on the airing and sleeping was stress:-d‘liy “"""'*‘—"-'- l.'m°"‘ "M p'°p”"°ry'sch°°'l ed‘? The xiirtesta begin at 8 o'clock to- date for ‘mu’ “'9' ‘ml kw’ ' flwllfli _‘‘‘'‘°“''', ‘'7 ‘b v ' . ' g . 3“... ,5“, 3,1,“ l. 1.. .-"in _ .itors, managers and faculty advisers‘ _ - Seventeen were killed in E50 W ag 11 oidofi. _ , . sidelines became so excited that he l)m-inr Bnttershy as essential to tho 9 ‘ .. . lrnorr-up morn it an contruue J 8. G . A ~. ~ lcallfil in the air and broke his leg. normal devclfllltnent 01 children. Ml” A“"° B“l'u- g “°B‘l’"’ "'°'.:m ule cu-h'.'"“° "t. id?” for mhllhrollitout the day. At 8:l5 o'clock udga ‘hm’ °‘ c“md°n' I 3 norm This tlia - Each child would be weixhed "Kw mus, who has been ill of diphtheria»P"°Vlfl¢ "I01? Pl-’bl""_"°"5‘ to uusin the evening there will be a cloa- . wt" "5' ‘wt’ ix CWPI made good progress in the hr“. wd ‘ record hem of 5“ “in. for two weeks. is improving. gldvlnllte of 151' Idflfc Ind lltlllffili coma.‘ m which ,1] we comp“. A special city election to elect I4 it lad ahahd.m.“.u Ilasissippi Valley in the last week he hid ' ,co-operation of the School of 10011!-‘inx mrunuuom ‘ad the Univ“, poice to out the unex-1 aomewliat. it sdl had power to do , hang of g, ,0 ha... “in, ' _ _ , , .alism of the University; andto bac , . . An mu, pircd term of the lab I. L eoaai damllt T70-¢“d"“_u‘ ,3, ’ v “B1-ca bab tti r t ion TODAYS BASEBALL r . . . my chants will take part. 4,, accordingtnasurnmaryofthe wea- ' "51 ’''‘° '3‘; '3 . ithehI8h¢818““d‘_''d °‘ ‘l°“'"‘l“"°.test.swilltakoplaeeinuieUgiy¢.-. Edwardswillbeholdtomorrow. W.worehaI'tln(IIarIotta.twCt! Avid“. user bureau of the United States De- """‘-‘ "‘°‘ °” '“'° "“' ° "°‘ ; feffort and -ch-mmcnt -moan“, Audigofium -5,, m on g. D. siiaw. who racair-ad the ucsno--tnlor-cl in 30¢§!‘¢UN-”"‘9""‘g. . » pg-u.,¢.; of A - R il"'°‘''l"K 0*" 3 “'°"‘ °l “"’° “l ‘gala lnrenlrll-ry-school students. ' - ° crstic nomination and has been serv- killed andalgh bartat Durham aridmd I ' ' ..‘T_wu um. lllhl-nlrlt Ks‘-in l5 3" l"diC‘u”" 0' (‘hit 0 ‘(n .. The officers of “DO l8S0('l«lll0ll't&1-S Ki!” ma s_ in‘ .3 gain‘ fl Jud‘! sinu. ll ‘MI? W h kiémad. VI». llpllhu‘ -5 Gen. Amgnfio 1);". fl,,,,m,,,d,.,_ tiouhlr. Increase in weight should W2 Tare: President. Bernard Van Ilornpsfi ‘in! the of mag‘ .3 an the only candidate. A . Nina children were kllad when 1: Th .‘“.* ' ' ‘RN11 of the Italian armies in the 50 fitsteniatic. not b)‘ rprintirgo _ n."_"5,,."3.f”|,,,,.hj “,4 5chuk,§Colunibio; vice-president. Morris 8.11] I“ 0- of Mug‘ 9... The polling placeaarc: First Wad. uiodbouae at We .5» C---’;...‘ 5. h"%.,‘. . World War. has resigned his post Thumb-sucking. pacificrs, empty SM.“ ‘mi fly.“ P lllarless. Kansas City; socntar)‘°§;.\,-a¢¢'¢e;r1"k“yllolmburg of the Uuiver- Benning's Barber Shop. corner of card in IIa1uralhaHaRa.G'u|Is in “ 7:“ 0%‘. ;&k“—& B minister of war for reasons of milk bottles and flies among other wuhintum _. loo "0 g lg-gun;-g;-_ Jogeph B, Cgu|pbell,j‘ity of okhhom. ‘ad _ . gjfiighth at:-eat and Wilkes boulaard; sonthas-ii Gaoegh wan ralasl. of D.‘ ’.._'.d.‘-. . , till. it announced ycsterdayithingshhould be eliminated. as well N" You‘ 000 om fhlexico. The cxecutiv committeelpommu. form“ pmgu”, of mugc Second Ward. loans Oounu Quart» 1” 0...‘ i“__-—'''‘'‘ A by . A . .- ‘ ' , as indiscriminate feeding while \-is- mtufiu. John.” ‘M mid. gongconsists of Bernard . Van Horn.-1°, aw gngwuigy of gluon-i, The house; Third Ward. Basement 0! the A.n_~ANT" 3" L__3.n‘ 3,. -:=> I'tisticauts7or_i.ii—Tu-romeo or is'ow''""‘‘ 1" di"°"""".. "°"°"' D°°' CM H°‘m*=- ' ’”?‘.“' 5- ‘“'- '''‘'°'‘" °' "°"'P°' awards be presented at the 3"“ °""’- ‘°‘ 3-°"".l' 7”“ ‘°'°"" was well under was God!’ ,,. . rtor Batter:-by said: The past wln- Bow” ____ _ _ on on 00 lldilitary school. Boorivillc, md;"m m,,.__ Fourth Ward. W. I. Stuns? gangs. 1 wfia am: a. -1- Y‘ T u‘“ °‘ ‘l"i”° l" iter has been an unusual uric. bcinrr phn.“phi. __ 000 mg m ‘Robert 8. Mann of the University. pg; sun... 4.3;. of use corner of Illtt street and '_ ‘.-'.‘‘h‘' ‘ " ’ .. E13504-owmlfiflir 0?‘ ‘ll: afield?“ we mp. ¢lI).urlhx lla;cli ha 3.uu.i..: Quinn O-".3. 3,,.,;‘d,Contcsts will be held for the bestjschoo‘ 0! an A,“ d an ungggmavanue. vm ~ ‘t ‘ idea hvfiwfif. ‘“._ Ev - ummm uh“ E9 - """'." """"""" mdlaadfiouggy. \_ 2 °°l“"‘°'P"’"l" "'° ""'l°‘”.sityoflllinois.ar-rivadinooluibh 'l'her>¢|lt U‘. «n,.¢.g1gg..¢_.a “_',._. _h“h i at thancommomand biuhavcnot .. ‘.¢-laaaasofachools. for the but.¢h‘nam°.u..",u...¢f¢hathcnon|U|l‘d°U“"""--at... '55 . ‘ism’ ' _. ihadthebenefitofoutdoorsthatthay Natlual. laehoolmagaaine.forthcbeatnovel;’.d‘a. ae'n|&g..‘jgfl7&0'c'II¢kh&IV§$c5II£-‘Q-‘&.'#"~‘>- msuallyhavc. Porthlsruaaoa. aSt.liouis....flBN idauaedinayaarbook. forth! ; 1'Q;afiaa~escIIaacawlItbaat.a&law1¢ .. J: ‘.V three weeks hawk" mm" 0‘ km. kn hupflmbufl “n.1,” dnuhuu h “Dwain” and . J i _A of «maria ’ « """““"""‘ """"° presents’ rand ptoou Bauaies—8aiass osa|es.. c"____._.._.""' —--0-- ' - """ "’ ""“"‘ “litinoia. urns" oc.'i:au::xcc..umicoocs. mo. §f.'::°""”u”"'....JT£l ‘wuwmfim?m‘um“‘”An . - ‘°' "‘?aoa nahi ColuIaIIhbablu'wlll~CiI:ir'unti one 5.‘; ""1"" °' lam” A "-"""‘ bojlalnadeausnaof their l':”Iu'|‘..‘h~d.a,¢n,f - mlnpmuwmo mljgjofiuuto .r ziouoiiy uiesiissiawag-. uh cine-3‘ sail nl3I|'|'0-upubllabod in the_school pulrlloatlonffi M ‘Ct. 90” "Cl. i _ '- ' 1 .3. ., cocoons”. .. , I ._' §,A“C ;- ‘ 1'1‘ , _ ’ — . A _ g - ., ‘_ -_ , 1' . -.e: — -. -- :r.~y<;-‘~.«_ _ :1 o