. -"~. . ".~' "r, ' _-at ...-.‘_.> - . .~, . ‘ '_‘$.: '2. ", ‘ ...... .. .’-o-- --. __ .;. l ! I ‘ ' APRIL 21 i924 —g.:..—¢;. .._..--, «.--—__..—oo‘ Oaacaitawordanay. - i in _ the ..._,- fit ‘V ..___.___v i. . ' C _ H Ionic a Hard- l 9 - The ca v - -' . _ Tcrini--lllinoiu at lirhaaa. ‘mm °‘°"L‘ “‘" “"‘° {Wm rarrl high hurdlc:~., and placed second the one-mile event. . . the ‘mm’ M" "°b'b”' “’° °°‘""°‘°' oeianeid. \\'is.. Q. Phone ;Lut lnacfflon Kay 19. Kecblc was clipping B197 , onda glasses, Friday afternoon. Ban-ball—Wa:i-iinglon here. 1322 Green. - May 27. ‘ _______ highl. won the l NOTICI OF FINAL 8E‘l'Tl.2I8N‘l' §~ - an almost .500 percentage. The mm m P795 “"9"!” 5035 l’¢F50M 33' offer an advantage to teach apartment consisting of one or two fun, 0, 'm,,:':;k:_:°;;'.m,_, “iger shortstop has connected wit others who coufd not atwndergvchaocgi Au‘ ‘° P'°"~"'f s'“_'“b‘ Pm°""' ¢°V9l'- “bl” 9‘ is and kitchenette. Must be hoes extent ‘x at the neat Term ousc ri-o.lsix throws in the thirteen times he Reslden“ °l C°l‘"“b'5 “"11 at other times and to those who de. sired to hasten their educational ‘program by taking extra work dur- E inc the summer. ' find their rose bushes and sh ‘infested by plant lice. Prof. Leo Haseman of the entomology depart- opposing pitchcirs so far c°‘"“’- °" this season The record so far All. 1'00!!! hicely furnlghgd, Prefer gout}; gjdc ‘hate Court 70! tion County. Illsaouri. to has faced clean location. 0 "° "°"' ca .1 Columbia. in said “N55 3°‘ Z’ °‘"“' I up min ciaioi nu. mi. ~ 193 t. ANNA rancoasr. rubs ing white this season: it. . PC. MYSTII-‘Y Enjoyed Many Camping Tripsi Columbia housewives is seen in t sin J°hng' prompts them to bring out the wash half- tub every Monday morizi--v ’ 9 e ' V e o . . _B:.i-cbalI—Waahin:ton here. timbers in 15 4-5 Saturday afte -'m.‘l° °"’°”"' ‘\°"’h°“.“ °f ".‘"."“ “*0” KNOW-3" «aid one o1derl.v‘dent I-‘0t}1\'[)._.‘_A wntc}-._ owner n13yf'k’:,::k::‘:u:°‘_’:"’°f3"‘;c“- éhgmutt? t; line 1 and I. noon in the tryouts’ while Riche:-_'C't}' an_d R3Pld5i 13-. divided‘woman. .813 she placed the las‘. A have same by identifying ‘Dd pay- icuuiuh“. flu "kc “ml ‘l'raclt—Wcutcrn Conference meet. son was laying we discus out bephonors in -the high-school class, each in a pair of much-worn b ing for this ad. Phone 1934 White.;8¢ttkmonti.oi her -moo rm’ "*4 *‘~'- DI-:\'.\'i' LEADS ms; -riaigng rend the 140-foot mark regularly. ;“""??"F ‘“’° °"°"to- smelling. clean overalls, 19W""' " ‘"3’ ”°'’ " '" "‘° """ T'""l ‘ IN ‘BATTING AV"ERAGES:M it in .“"‘°",“‘ DP“m°“"l» “W °“'‘ ‘’”‘°"‘ ‘°‘"“ doinir the washinir ever since I _~ . "" ’ """ ‘ . "'”"_,"_ , ,,_ - lo‘ 9 P .‘e&C|:un 0' Buoine E'°un‘*y' ‘if’ ' ‘ S cnter?dr,_“'as beaten ll)’ 3 ‘"3 ‘W an I my niother WAN'n'3D 70 RENT ll-°°':,,,.,. 0,, 9,, ,,,,,, ,;_,c:,"",‘,,',',_' :,',‘,['"’illengal Captain Has Hit Safely SE33l0N FOR 22 "EARs'maTfl'lD 'in the one-mile University the v.oi-It when I was only a little wANTED___Jum L tffimé um; E-nan! L. curmi.-iciiau._ 3 sis 019.! ofvfliirtecn - gnmilmem of L-nd"‘"d“u.s :;‘.ee‘.l.‘° H‘:_:1":‘°3"_';'m:fi“i":“~in(;:":'t" girl; and l'llhtell’dyou I just can't “VH5-‘ltvd liltlll l|°l15°l‘°¢PlY‘-8’ foomiilust iasertpn Its: 19. . . . "M6 P. . ""0? In Exceeded .\'uni- while one of these was equalled. “that use .to 1 ! ea or small house. Address Box H. " --—————— Uilltlllfl 019511’? Dvflfll’ 0f_U'l€ T}- r of Teachers. ; A -——-—-o-———— ‘lath amonf 65° ‘can an. Mifisourian‘ 3197‘. none‘! or ynuu, 3311533337 ger baseball team is leading his summer 3(._.s;om, begun at the PLANT LICE MAY APPEAR ;°‘:_‘ ‘'5 ‘5 fie?” “ °‘"' - - Notice . i.-in-n. that the underv teammates in battin avera e with - . - - . . -—— 1 ‘WOW It '5 1 101 i . 3 3 Uniscrsity of Missouri in WANTED TO -RENT—Fi.irnished ;;,*f=-* zlvdtdx ot the 84-“ oi ould she continued as she shook out a facturing shop will be the labora- soonl get some enjoyment out of see-,ducU0n- nardping in the breeze fro line to tell passcrsby that here is ~ ..-,-,_.. -__._.._.—. ,._..—.—._— _____......,.:.¢...é 1 ' "' ”‘ -— .-o..ra—-C-1 l, sag rive; r mswcoii BIRS: L‘niw.-rsity Advertmnz Must Call Up Visions of Ancient Past.‘ ' D be work in some (“wry or pmducmm pri;ri:)r:y- election to be held Aucust . ]:hOllP_:t)E_lf. _ _ _ if 197-l‘J9l"'°'"-‘II 0'0 dlte Letter-. uraday. lay ii. ?:i's:°""' MVCUHOI-|Rh_ Keeble. Doss in the 220-yard low stick events. in [ling lines of white, starclied clothes ‘center. He will h8\£' to keep i: 0‘ "M _.___.._. "'_ ;l‘;O—~B~I-I-Yf"»“*‘*__“_ they ‘:r:cli;idsc;roc:‘anybcbc:c.:tcx- ‘r.-nm.—St. l;;$’U.”:; Louis. qh§w°e'<'13°:»p1:'(»; i::"T‘Ii£t‘B',' Star’: who :'liich .:‘tanf;_>rd&.of 3Ufl(‘§0h Collette. \vhil’Po,l in the breeze. in the bacl:- $137)’. m1;:¢.11 report of the work he The (_‘i.lunibia Missouri!“ 15 I0‘ - mm,‘ am, one ,_u, , an an d n "_h“__ 1 I ' h ‘ ' .‘ _ tiring t e In- on. raw or s time was 16 sec- yards of many Columbia homes. The S engait in. and also a survey of ihorized to announce Roy Creed as falgo ‘V I ll be fa,-1.7,, h . ' fire.’ I.‘ :?(;rh:el50n in C mhurdl-ES‘. afld olids, .flfld Smflfofd clcar('_>d.[he bay‘. ‘advent of the swan] laundry has the Production bafled On an Ouulfll‘ E3 (:.lndid£1l(' {Or ‘ht? Ofiicc Of 3,1311“- pay '0'‘. hglh as $10'1.m_ f H‘ ac % 21“ :_°| id-A7 oéolfi-Sc: 193:4. f } m_N._.“~ on-hum Mm fir;-"fld 5. and Captain Pittingeg, rieiis in 26.6. The former time set a not altogether done agvay with umfurnished by the department. jot Boone ('ouiit)', subject to the ac- ; i~ ~_ _ *1. 3'3 - '° 1;. - - -3-" "4" ° '0' Tennis _Wa-lnnxu-n.iu-.~. - er. Trowhridge. Bond ami.nev: meet record. old-fashioned tvashtub and wash- “It is felt that graduates {mm our «tion of tho state primary election Docsiit matter if broken. \\e buy i"“*- . » Track-—hansL~ Agni-.s dual there Pr-axe e latter n d ' i 1 th U ‘- -' - 1 - . . o ' _. , , ~ ,_ D_ FERGUSON i - - _ - lime men will ll 9 ""973-"5 C95?‘ T0135?‘ YW board. engineering school ought to be h. t’) bi-_lielil August .2, 1924. crmms and bridges. -Western Metal - mum‘; T A *"“'7- N” "- be used in the rel” ct-ems pit team won more than'one first the M da miligr mu, um m H ,1 ,_ 1' ' - - t M-= - .. - ‘. . °- - ' - - on 7*. . . £€'--}?’°°’,“!"-"‘??‘- ,l'_':- -._,_- rim. 22-turn :1. u.":.'I.ii_E'.'I....".°. z......... tmiror. an individual star or the in-Wmnors bow! 0<‘cid°"“l- ?"°b"*~‘l“*- housgtvifg ~:fi:n:'gmnSc::iie'd'n3> t: moms in the process :infp(i>r<:'dnuctciu(n 7”“ C"’“"“"" ”"‘°““‘"‘ " ‘"" ” “"l;0S.l.‘A’ND F0”UND"’*""‘ ‘ ' E —--2-—-— . _ Saturday. Ray 17. (loo? program, clipped off the mjk. Iowa, Northwestern, Oregon Ag- hold cloaks in ‘P in in her mgmh because this is an age of efficient‘. th:-rizcd to announce Pleas Wright __>_ E NBOTIC“; or Fllsial. sernausiv: A Trac|t—l\an:a.1 u Columbia. % ‘Saturday afternoon in 4 minutes andrE.l,0S and Texas. One of the feature d 1 P _. P I “I ha R -in which each man in a factory hi 5 as a candidate for the office of LO.ST—A Km)’. beaded Duise. I-mud csoiiuinx oftfini) ‘ ‘cf; 32?" u‘cd‘"-'h"f’a‘¢.:yl‘lt:‘i':ncc' i .34 5°°°”d5° ’'."m'8’ 0‘ the day was the Uniwr’ :21‘ 8 942;.-go “harinhf O e:hoi!"oiicthl1\t"5l’€‘Ci8"8l it! his line of labor. That ishcrifl °f B°°"° C°“my"5ubj°d ‘O A Phone 2237-Red. » W195 ,1.-I _ Iulke Final seuiei nan-lnll——A¢:iaii in ,-a .~.n :r The‘ Drake classics Vi-iii -,',3yi,;,b1y‘ifl¢)'.medley relay which the st:-onir=§'c,.u ' '“.§;u,‘:1 g t;:is the reason our American wares 3”” "°‘3°“ "f ‘be 5”“ Pam” °l°°' ; t his account: with said E-tau ul 1...“, 3., go. -- --di-ow c}l.u,1&;g.-~-Sfihf,-5-6;;-«t-Séh-em_-4 team won in 7 minutes, 38 h “Cum” ‘ -are .519 to mmpem with {owi n tion to be held August 5, 1924. .LOST—A lady‘: Elgin gold wrist {"05 03°90’!!! It the but Term of llasel-all--Attics at Ianhattan. mer. Newton and Smith " ti; ..l-5 seconds. establishing a new in- upon t E backyard °l°th°sl"'°' ; Nd as - 1- ~ k K. ._—_——— watch. Reward.-- Phono..1125 3¢d_ I “ °.9."" °' 3‘’°'’' °°‘"“’" '“‘'‘'‘"'l' V " 7 3'" 3‘- ’ mi, . . t .m '3 “pm umollegiaie record ' .—r' An interview with these house-,p U m .°re'gn,m"' cu‘ Th" The Columbia Missourian is ID- ... be hold-Ii at unibta. in said County. Track--—Ko. Valley Conference .1 Lln- 5 °“’" 8- D°I10liiie. in the shot-~ ~ - ' - J . . . type of cfficiency will become much - . - “@201 ion the is day or Hay. 1924 cc _ 'piit. Waddell in the hurdles ~ '°" "*0 °f ‘ht? ill??? “"95 '°"°‘l°d "ml " ‘5 °“°" "°‘.more im rtant with th tr’ t‘ ‘wanted to announce J" Temp-Bern WA pair of lizhfii . JULIA PARIS LEFEVRE. Ti-nnis—hIo. Valley Conference in Lincoln. Reid and Bransword in ' highltiiilitari-‘academy !'cl8.\‘§. the medley °"°"°"‘5' hm {°”°° °f h"‘b"- u'°"of P0 e ":8 mmm“ ‘ cwdidflc for the om” of .-_ - In ‘ ecutria. y 3‘, ' ‘V i(iLmmig“fi°“'" P'°‘°”°" S°l"id‘° L sheriff of Boone County. subject to e 3 g the action of the state prima9r;‘elec is faced with some phase of i “on to be held _Au__mu.__‘ 6' 1 ° iiinfinnnufactiiring when he 8005 . The Columbia Missourian is a.4~ “‘ {"°5h' i“'°"k- The 7019 OT tlttflfltltl‘ PT0d11C- 3 thorizcd to announce D. S. White a' 1 ' ' 3:11 candidate for the office of sherif‘ ‘great one, and it is our purpose to of Boone County. subject to the at- jzive the enirineoriniz student those tibn of the suite primary election lprinciples and organization in his {to bc held August, 5; 1924. jcourse in industrial en ‘net-ring , of thinking’ in The Columbia Missourian is an get uwse thorizcd to announce Olcr Hoinhs _ as a candidate for the (Slice of shcriif of Boone County. subject to the action of the state primary elec- ry for the course in factory pro-li0fl '0 ht’ held 5021131 5. 1924- It is far ‘more ' clothes tlap- ‘that the engineer kn ; m the clothe5-fmany things than to be skilled in‘; doing a few things. Accordinc_l)'.5 « sa 1 -«x arl ' every engineering stu- Professor Selvidge plans to or-i .iranise'a course in factory produc- ‘tion to run parallel to the manufac- of hard work," ture of the hand-grinder. The manu- the same time .to 80W YOUR LAWN NOW ' Ilu Gran Ilc L. --'—-——». %._— . c ii . . . . . ,ment of the University says. and um wfio ' |d-f if edithe shop courses will _be of a labo-j 30} 7'0 "Ill" 1" WANTED TO RENT-Jnirect Lhiiliumiéo in} is. Emma“ l"""’°"’ """"" ~‘‘ ‘ 3 " ‘ 3i::"§:s""" °',’ef,"‘. ‘M “.“"""_°' ‘"5’ they should be ready to take m.«§.'.'.'§....-i. t?:onsider die f)amil‘y5 sirizinératory . nd used solely to; _ 1 .n_‘“, "on from the owner. a home with not 5‘ --—~-—-—-— 7‘ "'3 3 ‘ _‘_° ° . .p'°‘ '"°"°"”'“gl-‘ P°l’“‘ cautions toward destroying these in- im; 3 soc duty of the hous¢.iiuU8U'81€ the essential facts. ; " ,, 34¢“ ‘Que’. than 8 roar!‘ and fiath 4 or ‘. ‘N01-'c£-o' "5-‘L 831-rL3u£N-T Taylor . .l.. I 3 .0 2 lat Until It l"€8Cl‘l(‘d. last year, an en- 13cc“. . ,, r u“vith the ‘hop work be Par, ] __j_fi; , V. .. . - ; flout. B 43115’ tivtm ‘ht um undflu [‘)¢'|'Ifl) . . . . . . . . . ..l3 3 G 20 2 rollment of 1,163. The smallest‘ _ ‘ ‘ fc. ' ‘; ‘ i A i A V ‘ V ; . H I 5 blocks from public school and}. .3 .¢.,i,,;,,,..,,~, 0, 9,, N, 0, w‘. faurtt . . . . . . . . . . . ..ir. a at io .o _ There has been a widespread epi-. mi of 0 fgg re ,, allcl lecture courses. The lectures, , in E: 1 number of St d t d‘ A . c u . the are. 0 the . U!ii\'er: . ' . Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 .800 th “ ("Sue Md" ‘ft part of the equipment was lost'They are allowed thirty-two by cave on the Mississippi would float F0“ ."~9LE “‘ 5°‘-'¢°‘°°''*°°mizae ‘ of the brand Lodz: 3: fln:r?i:d!:..“:i:i it 15:" $7 icairo . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-i 1 .800'heicx- ”sc:i'dm:h.""'l ’“"“7‘ R°1"”-“'h<'n the boot Wood over in °,5°°“l- resolutions. and are vunsid- before his vision A cryptic white house. 3 nails, 8 full base.. 3,,‘ ad _-.. dc‘ ? 5 ° "° ’ gton _ _ , _ _ . _ _ H 3 1 750° f u 5 a“°m°°” '" 3 ficldishallow rifflo. ‘ering a number of applications‘ "."' with blue question marks might merit. Builbin tuba, at and cold; K C SULLIVXN ‘j [land on smmfgs uni‘ 2fi7"a'!.mb‘;.cbah"'W'ashington _ , , _ , _ _ . . ' ‘iv; 2 .600 gawékfand flfild Sm. ma‘ d"'“'7 “In spite of the misfortune. we} ‘wows program {O H 1)“. leave him speculating as to ‘whether “"“_°"- 309313 oniraized for term J. M...l.Dl\'G, Secretary. . . lgrngfi: 0" n ‘n N ‘S ' Philadelphia . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 .500 ‘Middle’ KVNT 8 (1 sections of ‘ho had a bully trip,” says Professorimonth includes a semaphore signal the locll lmlnth 0f U19 K0 K103 had becioziiniz in September. Addi'es8,i\\;”/<“::.::;;:_:'_e~. , i.-:. ___..- 9 K. ' . Cleveland . . . . . . . . . .. ..l 3 :2 Atlantic 8?d’Pan ficncnded to the °h"8°"' "And I am "mud :0 ""'pmcu°°‘ p'°"°°""‘ "”'l’l’l"“- " spwm Sign 8" “'5 Mm‘ B, taro of Missouriam. i ...B194tf? .4 GOAL inlilffialzfélag ”;J'l':!l"‘}(°: gt-wLO York . . . . . . . . . . . .-l 4 .200 Occidental Cdllcdg: (figalfés snzelos itha_t ever)’ boy earned his own ex-[instruction in fire building and no might h0“.e‘.(,r' be 3 dabbh. 1— ‘ jg : ' _. _, . . _ . e 0 o ." 1 .' ‘ - -. ‘ . . _ _. ‘ FOR SALI’-I—Extra good 12-room "‘ DAVIS COAL CO. fourteen athletic events by three dif- L m5 ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ '1 A 5 '16‘ m 8 mung fim'h w "5 "°‘"'3 ‘rack pc"I":i:s next year Professor Johnson fliirllii .:.hOl:'kn"'‘Jr} "-1 “melon. and the" ‘mth R glal'3‘~c house. oak floors. fie lot,‘ Cg. . cam-oi mjnoi. co.) 7ferent teams. There will be three ':—--—--—-———————_..a ‘"”“"T:'_‘_._**—_—:‘L.,5°}‘°‘i"'°i, °1°‘"‘°d "'9 b°"d" i“ ‘M ‘then scout commissioner took eightnionth or oftefier (is a 3- 'iC 2-nfh u‘.dth°}'8£"d;;l'_” :f"(;'~“"’§ ‘"51 ‘”‘_'_ rare. 1 block from main campus. Call ‘_l8or88. Opposite Wabul; st, tennis matches and three traeq‘2 ‘college relays. and set_ new meet boys to 3 camp on Pm-c.hc creek. Tune egu or w- hey‘ no is 18 an murmu. ideal location for mers and» .Franklin County Coal .°"°“'-3- 5W3)’ {mm Cdumbi‘ “W records m ‘H’ The m".° Fume Were 13 Troops in I917 A. Meetings are held in th- 3' in 'm!.~.A0m_-. 0?» ' bonrdom’ $9'o00' —“'——"5uh¢dule is ‘equally ” ’“’‘‘f''’ with. g),¢‘:hi‘::r801:]°?k hlfine, mgctecn of By” l9l7 there were five troops in;C. A. Building each Friday night. t .n":‘—""*“"' "‘ =2_ro(m b°"__;z_' furnished. $9'5o0.- . EGAL ‘six baseball games on foreign dia-r won the fw__a;’pU:l ."‘_‘t°.°f!’ Columbia. Then th war intcr- and visitors are welcome. Just T1‘.\'