—erary department. Ihapast yeag~_|_ 3 ‘ N ' o ' i ' I I “ ' .. ' o o .9 . what these men stand for. while she3h°fi"‘ET““i 5° ‘"5 dun.‘ u humnmi As a typical day. the following .30“. P905853)’ more so than the av. .353 ?’'°P°’ ‘"'d°“‘ i" '°l°°u“‘ the imdd’ s°‘u°~d' mm) mu" mom ‘nd "3" of mambo” mu can-mm‘ Dr DWC 8°”! M Si‘ of _ , . .nh¢e’ -on, V0,: in of n "fled (uni inc people would mg, egg-age Egg,-m _ Ugu."y aw [5,-3g ingot 5, ‘this years Cnesset. Attractive car- luncheon at noon at McAllisier's act. ’ is -entertaining them--love of‘ God.l they gave this power to isons.” favorites here and there, be- be fe8w!'0d- 1-0035 8P0lW. ' 1 . ‘ . “V"—r , ‘ . . «. - ‘ ' . -, 1 « c , er; . . jCltE88B‘i‘»A8‘l'.-W03K D°N3!iio.-ru-y material fortbe Cresse n M ._:: - . i 5 . n|‘«".""'.“§"£:’; ,":',""_1‘i'f . ‘L ~ 4 ‘c. n. s.-You-hoot. wiarnuy n..,;hu be!!! scattered throughout the 1:. - ~"_._,-'_»_-.-;_(_i§_H______,3_:_,.,v.’ 4‘ ‘, , . -__ ,, iv?‘ ‘ ' riatedth ‘ - . ° _ ° A,“ i t . n nuulu. “ an 8.... ibook. The staff ‘of the literary 1 ‘" ~ ' e "’°"*"*""‘°""°° ’ .Per§orms=a Variety 0 ~ rvicco. h -» . V w—. - .2. mm or U115 year 1 ~.-~ w .‘ ' ’ -thein- V. - "America toaonienianthe«usnallyinoneofIbelargercities.; Aug;-two;-k{ortheCreaaet',Co.. E o . ' ,. .IIZr‘V‘£1‘¥* y\;=.~a'. '; ~ «._ : . _ ._ ,‘ OW . . lb f - i . Fr‘ . ; - . po 0! Lllrllt Barnes, Mary é_____._,,_,,'._.,,, 1 n i _ h’.'meh methane nu fig tn. ,.¢.“hgp guiuh-enoqi of school: plum‘; ithest ti t of the ‘Nation evei-_y]Cluc‘ago. St. Louis, San .nciseo.;|umbi. nigh schoofs yearbook. isj 2-‘ ’-‘ v .--' ” ‘ ‘ B‘ T - govern- 0” -so-Sin good bones orphaned and 34,‘. ,'four years. A man is made P:-esigflaltiiaoi-e._Denver, Kansas City, and..,ow in age lung}; or the prlnicr.;s},¢wm.p¢r and 09,1 unno“.ny_ ‘ . .‘7'in the ‘case as an Comm“. 317.. an enlight-ileeted children; accusing.‘ of 330 United Bbtes. Soinei Thiladelphia have been favored in Jgtmezic material for the Cresset. Bernard Van Horn is editor and and said that he would the arid aer- lend anedueation for‘a‘v’ers def YO 3‘ ii“ 2" "M i‘ 1:in:b:°;'d;5°t3;lP"bi'°‘“~still out but is expected to betwoodson Creed is business inim- ' " , . - ~ - . ' a me. re frequen ‘mm: ion a eve , ednggdjx I _ .- lllfl thewsnseeution. of charees vices that eonstantl!-55°C ‘"‘° 3.3!?’ -Mamunnn has been a man who has occupied a ‘and the Democratic convention at M-'1:-nd:dCi:,:::.°1r:,‘“;,u,. byi:g;:n,;,T,nh:e';92:n.fr§,:’:3,;'"nix: - been hired to & ildehis oxalate lion; tip promotion of wliolesome;‘"i’°"‘m‘”° i’°‘m°“ i” “'9 '°"°'”'jN°" Y?“ C“?! William Grinstead. was awarded it it slight increase over Cresseis of then" -A aeealiinfbuildinx on cases ‘B ad I” ‘he "can" or . n;_ pneventina or been in comparative ob-; Candndatcns are placnd before thennecnnd nfiu in tn‘ Nnnnn for the; other ye! .. again _ ofendefl. . "HI ‘ ’ _ ' a, development of delinquency. ,acu y. ;eonven on y nomina mg speechea..ni n cnnnde, of 3“ ‘,1 work and ___..._.__.____. » . - - - °‘ - -- w hi f -- - ‘h ‘ .- oovxrv s. s. iiairrmc HER -- i ' . o "‘ ...’.L“'§°. %.'.3.o'i°‘.§I’.i‘ "31-..‘."1§‘..f.'.’.? we 3”" " “‘.:“l"'...n...“'° “l.‘“£.”1°'.i.”‘.....“°“.'3”§...“o""..‘.’.§’“.:..‘i‘.2? ;uon."i1°7s71'a- mm-e' °"ii°inao"“5.3’5-i'a ’3§"".£‘! iii’;-3'3 h‘."f..“°.’£.°."l. 1".t.‘..».;'?‘?.‘.’£‘°"o‘£ _ —-~——- . ‘ “flu ”. ‘ " tknosrnasiibootlegger°i'w°dm'tl:'rre, each tlvill. Personal service to those idifluter power than the rulers oflloting begins. In the Rapublicanitnin an. win he ¢hgg-gctiefizedint. D’ C’ mi,‘ of St‘ Low“ Ad’ ' M . ' ' °f ‘n ‘gt’ ‘ i ' unnble. the dh-ecfio nnd gain; any other nations. His reepoaaibib convention a mere majority is nec-? - y - luv - 1” 3 ' ‘"9" C°“'"°“‘-‘°« ‘Ike nogthgrcptitntion ofanellergday. Eachtelephone srecorded . ‘ p 1 ng ., . , 5 ' 4 . Mn in t ehwitln a uniformity _ ing In ‘t; The county Snndn). Scnnn, Enn 10 mg ‘names 1 nnd chug“, of Q. of voluntegg who "-9 mun,‘ u, u_ it) is tremendous. he is at the bead essay to nominate. le h to Man, , Columbia has neveri°f i"l‘~”‘°"t“ ,a''' '“ h°°d''"|‘°di'’f'°l" "mm in en__tn in” in tn, work nnd “he, wen", of the greatest democracy of all] Democratic convention in two-thirds,¥.“r » 1' ‘f°:c° n v d _. t $0"-"06)’ Conference met at_l0 o'clock Pub” therwchtlth-limo "win" “quot "'1' b’: a roman Ellchchai-actcmp toftheviiltuiditertkes ofa public character itiniea. A-majority is necessary. Seldom is; m"°°"’ C°°t’n“ " ’ a "5" °?""‘ ".'°"""‘ “‘ “"3 3"°‘“‘“"‘>' .l pk,“ haw“ '0‘-on 1”” iihfl‘ "5" 3”"!-V """°pre°lwh°m' t e ’ tli rt 1 i Society 8 Code’ of Ai . How is he chosen’ The farnieraia mah chosen ontbe first ballot, un-' 9 Cress“ ‘ ' M°‘h°d'“ Ch°"°h- M09‘ 0‘ U10 59"- "i "i"‘ " " hm wk week’ “ a"€:=‘*"“" "*3 """“"" °°"‘"“°" l" ‘''''mu"" Bi this m ' ta: ‘So you see" said Miss shin of our Constitution realised the im- ‘less the man who is then President; 50"" Gfinfimd W’ ”"““P: “"19 dim‘?! and county office-rs 9 3935" °‘ ii” um” °‘ li”°lm’der My. tn? him. lie violated thclw" aw 0 t izeutlaun be ac.iahe ' record b6ol:Pp“"“ his Polition and. fearinz is being renominated for a second 30”‘ ¢‘°mP°“3 ill‘ "1 5““ f" *9?“ 5" 'ii°"d9N‘°- The)’ M4 i "4 “'"°""dm‘ mm‘ ilaw. lflt did so under stress, be-imugxzfd 3):, cm 4 y an ' ‘D ' ; Columbia should bear in mihm. 1 E . l bases of work are brought out by E91‘!!! Persons realizes." __ rd ' ' in . . . P _ ... .- _' -. - -» - 'rh‘,- .{ th fit‘ ' " are some things that offi- _tbe reco ; e Public Welfare Society was? electors’ Pm be elected by the pea mg ‘men comphmenm” Wm“ B’ m "u or e mi "M m -—:———Q :———~ . -3 - Th . . . -. -‘Yu " rt"-.<'f of country. and of family—;(nl¢;l":I,::“" 0 the hm should keep in mind: sod“, pun-mg. g.p).yn¢m, ifomuly cnnnd we Chum, Oman {pie in the various states. They felt athe second or third ballot the real Abe history of the annual. a definite: you cdo any; zfjinngopsp: .“t;;l,l‘:)ltt’rinln ‘ ' " ' ‘ ,' want ads. the ho due. , . - - 1 re] -, _ - people ould not know who latest of strength begins. Often a fa- lsectiorr Will be assigned 10 the lit- i:*:>nonad by ntolieir presence. and r Fir” .q'° 'p",.°ple “mm ”“’“""°"‘lphi:.re“ci'u ‘fhrbmmm: n:'o‘i:la8n‘ vhf), ::,2(;?,¢o,-I,:o,::do:n‘:;‘fied I 1:49?!’ ixnight be best fitted for the office. fN'0!'it0 Candidate. indorsed 5)‘ 0 Nim- ‘ lik ‘ood hostess she will thmwimi P°’‘0°1‘°"°"3- 5990“. ‘bl! lhfgnmwing of the unnh “Nice. fits nnrnou, .1-n no mini t or but could entrust the matter to local . r of states. will take the lead, ° '5; doors w "M" nnn b;d[America_n people are believers inflinquimd for work she Wu mfenedisick, the needy and ttlsmrdjirllv thefnmn of prominence. The result is nd by the aid of other states at rfair pity. not intrigue: third. they d , ‘(hf _ ‘mg; the people know well enoughifeach ballot sweep on to victory. um” ‘ mm _'°k-om’. {have no-"time for liars. stwh us this fingmkrfil gngfknwfgnzfysmygn. tfilnonfizt ntzflinnggnfhc 3;-iy ukulti ithe national candidates, but vote for Often the ‘favorites deadlock, and A GT‘, lANAGn_m A1. WORK iformer clerk. 1 had previously made arrangements. ‘hp;-._-\-em the d¢‘9el0pmcnt of novnflm ;electora whom they know scarcely at the convention must turn to a com- . ' H, . telephone en”: en “em . d d f __ nu; promise candidate. James A. Car. . f Laws cannot be cnforcid by un 5 ‘"119 hill‘? came a . v ' nq 5 sin ‘c ectueness . , - - - - - Do” the Emfigfor iztiderbanded methods. And the soéncr from a‘ member of the Board of 01- ;through pro,-ventive activiiies.'_’ Th" "‘"“°"“l °°"‘"m°M' "hwy new was 3 mmpromae °n"d'd"t° m ' 9 me . . > . ' .‘ ' t ' regardi the ‘nominate party candidates, are the i880. Woodrow Wilson won over I l? Does it save the tax-tumi 1”?’-‘ "‘ ‘he 1”“! ‘_i""°°‘,"'“_“°':,:,'£;,.?¢$::{ol'h:inS‘¢:::¢irvice re-;' ‘nclua| powers which. lift men into Chump (‘larlc in _l9l2, after Clark _. . _ payers money? Does it bring about 5 i"‘-1'“ f"'°h '”‘_“'"° "Md _'" um m‘ riding near Columbia. who had been: the outstanding position of mm!» had a chear magority on_xeveral bal~g ‘ v . _, . .9: . a -or» «om -4--io-W ° «=3 vm~- '*°';;;‘* ".°.f:;..‘“.'..."’,f.......”'°"'.."..°.“°.:".."}.,..’:.°.::‘: :‘.:.':°:.‘:;.:‘.:;“'.:.':.r::;.‘ :;;:. T0DAY——'I‘UESDAY —WEDNESDAY kc“ - _ and many. in - ~ .in . ms as o nervousness. e Expruabna of opinion on matters of ’ . . _ . ‘ ‘ . h , i V _ pnnhc ‘velfarc 15°C,“ . had been ,-,_.- gcnoni ism-..; ... ..,;.....,,.‘ , Township part} conventions are fbrces of General Wood and those of i other Qllflfiofll NV? ‘35"’°"°d, -.__ qmmed by the S.” Lani. human to column. Lem-rs should ‘soar: held and delegates are chosen for former Governor ‘Low-den. .. by the City 07 K"°*"‘"°- T°'""a ROT§RY CLUB HEAD 06 in‘.e5unnu_ the man-n new nnnnn. Nth would be accompanied by the countv conventions. in which state When the nominee for President Whit till! City 5” lam“ ’i‘°“ld.7 or .5“ order to “sin the docgo;-5 to df. 31'”? °' "’““" “" delegates are in turn selected. The is agreed upon the victupresidcntial A V bea help to Q\-pryolhel‘ city consid-' Wren gnu an nbmn n“._‘.n“»_tnn‘.s ngnnsn his use proper},-_ A {egg licfitioo upon requaztjilhug frznffiz, state conventions select the na- candidate is selected ‘in the same ‘ gring the city-manairer lo?!“ 07 80"’ 3 pntu», 1,5,, 0,-d(.,._ 333.: yd n wnnh. nninuwn. later, Minn shim“ gel‘... ‘till he siren to mien whose real .5‘. tional delegates. These delegates .way. The Constitution provides . . mm”; . not nnnnfl. ten you nbnm nn. dnns_ ‘nnnned n, n woman whose nnnnnnd "rosin I-in jcnonli .i. .m_.,- be instructed to vote for a ccr- that ‘the President and the \'icc- and a notable supporting cast in Knoxville adopted this form of wnnldnvn tn“ do,» W. ‘L “cu,_M,.:_. had been nnflnnlnyed nnncunnuy nu mm M imnvumn mu” “:2! iarn candidate. or they may be sent President shall be selected from dif- _ . inent about a rear airo. TM‘ kindly eyes twinkle-d at his visitor. winter. Information was given her the writer‘: name, uninictructed. In some 'stales_the fercnt istatesn Usually the runmfli! - v ‘own.’ i .d n- ‘:3 = T ,9 “ding 3 [Ma] .¢-om;-actor who -———--——.. people vote for the cadidates in a mate‘ is nominated from :1 atom of mg h'":a;)m';::;' ‘cnfild nmbnbb. give her nnnband_ A Tax on Students, fp,-¢{¢;~¢.mi;;] primary, (hug insiruct- importance in another part of ilv ‘ V " ann '. - =- thcir heads and called it rank ex- travagance. But the commit-i—'ion¢-rs tum nu. mgpuyeris that good men came high. but are worth it. The; gity manager of Knoxville in six: months saved the city what his sal-‘ - , Editor the Missourian‘ fin eh i- ' h ' d l I count ' than that of the iresidentiul employment the following day. The _ ‘ _ - ~ m ‘Hi In: t 61!‘ _t‘ 99:8 _¢'fi- _ _"3 I _ _ . .- _ flan”). nnd flu. Mnn" children‘ pub fllulledvotcr something on the lsni- ‘The national convention gathers. noaninee. A Thrilling Spectacle__a Romanhc Story “wing this wag 1; phone call to a tgfsilfi 3“-’d"ni b"d}' ‘Willi the . _. .-- . .. -. —- . - 0 is ' ' h- " ' '. 'ho had “" '3‘ "W" IWOP0-*ilim v ted . ’ 7” 4 if ' . :.,.;?s:,,:, 3,": “ting her AP?“ IL ‘The Droilositionu Wolllli GRADUATE ls Tl-IACHll\'G .u day than their oxen could trample Many screen spectacles have thrilled you. but never to visit in certain family in regard to $19!)’ "01 l1fl\'9 Passed if it had Acklclil-TURE IN lNDl-‘\ »'out in ten days. The grain is car- _ . o - , n given a fair di' u. ' th. . ‘,—“"" . 'ed th h d 1' th t‘ ' ’ fp‘’men‘noi;etc’l1erli!l1[’:'ill.e Thneededm mi-:3: ‘campus. The trick hcif‘:,:?n§:nd}.: Mason Vautha Class Sets Up First n on Q E‘ 5 0 e M "ea to have you seen anything like the stupendous climax hlii’::liiLI:el:) bilfdumihblisslhiejie: {from the daughter. who was em. Consistlotl in announcing the Franc. n“'°‘i'i"'l :‘eI¢£iD¢t:dl.\'Iti\'es 2'59 ';1;‘;hii::°d§£m:':§:l” " mm" as Of this P0“'el°fUl 5l0l'." Of l0\'9 and 5l3€('t3CUl8l‘ lllrllli 1:; :’°°“‘......°°”;‘:';;.;:':t.':...‘i'.:‘ ‘$3. r:r:;:.:.: ::;=.°‘:‘:.":‘*......"°.‘2.‘“:,.: :...°"..":.°..:'." ..:.:.z::;:. om « «route or * '8 ‘W M W‘ °‘ “ 8 “"°"~’ °""""""'“ *° “W W‘ , th‘.t'iieh d" dt Jwunum with whom the socifly had .50 an“ at the “me of tnn election College of Agriculture and the 0 Ins i u 6:’ ere air} pro uc s . .- before vour eves! And then the never-to-be-forgotten . - ~ - . School of Engineering of the Uri! M" be h‘"“" - ’ ' Erecenuy placed n ;5,yeu-.o1d g,,.1_ the voter was suddenly confronted ~cutoutwaste.he wiped out tilt ’ ’ held b th ilers. . . - ‘ - - . - _ versiiy of Missouri, in a letter to “In spite of the sacrcdness of the anorama of it‘. ' {la 3, -it}, ‘L I " ;:?:n':;‘5.::‘u,e 3",; nficeurf an ?ga;::f":n%e‘:; $::l:nl:.‘n°n‘:,o8l:‘{?£;.:{ “inch bi had Dean P. R Murnford, reportn the cow and the vast number of cattle. p _a C ' m _ me “ i Q peep e running an ind acnomnunhed man). on“, rdi h fl‘ She was“ The fin“ fin“, we nnn mo" W“ work of the Agricultural institute the breeds are so poor that the best 1 before the fire demon in terror! Xet your eyes and‘ c ' . M 3'3“ "3 er “'0 are‘ N." nnn ed n in Allahabad, India, progressing. Indian-animals give between five . _ . “mum! “"_-and ‘H m ‘as t n ‘ Igliicuoge cl8mies'r;.tmch n -punsdnn. gggfiing urnnrit; 20:‘: ‘$8 "The climatic conditions are by no and seven thousand pounds a year hefirt “'1” be f0CU$9d' UPON iii‘? beautiful l‘0m8l’lC0 be' 3*“, ; am y a n ve y so . . . . c Tonuwfiwa ls nu“ of work. ntndentn. menfinnnn we tynivenniu. ‘means enviable. The day the letter "against the_best dairy breeds in the n°" “web l°”‘°r an comma‘ Fouowingflwu telephone cnnsnAnd;to,.in,.n-. An admission fee nhwas written, the temperature was»L7nited States giving twenty to tween Wilse Dilling. erstwhile crook. and his beloved- affhid to be without a city-mana- _ - ' .‘ ' . It . . . . I |.~- - ' ; 425 t. nd 50 _ rged #399 W 9*? 'h‘d°- "'5 ' W“ “"“’ ,_""‘'‘1' ‘’'°““‘“‘’‘ P°“""-'5 “ 1'°‘"- because even in the apex of this tremendous moment ger foi-m,of government? ,:§:<’;)ar(Md(i;'e‘:s o\;ea3ew£:°t:: &:-":3 no cglriusu ;nhem;oni:on;i:‘su(c'i:3” it .was blowing hard enough to make‘-no a part of our work here to izclp _ _ . . . . .- . ‘ ‘ - = - ~— - - - M'ednn,'S0c;en. rennnnnn we Cnm, ‘Md no, mu. go ‘on. nan“. ..,na$m’cvcv:-yon; seclt snilicrn rt ‘ rthest: people raise better cattle. he of rum. their destiny is the most absorbing thing on A NEW Kn", 0? HAY DAY ‘ Jv 'lt:'r7i.i:n Health Conference others to the meeting" The first time the real 3"‘ is m e em men 0 Wm . th 1 \V ' ' ' . . ‘ . s I 4. 1 . ’ , . o ' . , ‘ ' t . . ‘"15’ DC? this Y0” Win ha"? "“""~'I ‘ American Child Health Conference masses of students became ac- °“‘i”°°n"¢ "id ln’d“”’ are doing Th“ first °l°°u'“'-' P13“ "‘ A"“h"' 8 screen e urge ‘Hm not 0 ml?‘ this mew. H-nnmnnnnn an nnnn 1 tn N fi0,,f“No? Wdll. what would you like H ».15 d am Sat Dix ' . - wd nu, tn 1- « ’ ‘exceptional work. His clasf» 501 PP had was built last summer by than it lit willcbe made ?"° km“ “’{'7" 3f islllld lllggiriie rcgauiiifig tlieuzbiiili 2:1“ '\:'edne:¢ia)° I l‘:ll'1‘ ‘ti: ti” fir“ u"'°'h"" "‘fd“"° "‘ I'$‘°‘ Vaugh and his classes. Vauirh be- ' we nccnngon go, ,, (.'.,.o,.d;m,g¢d 91-: "?‘L‘{‘' $11‘: _‘;"'f_" 5'0" "9 "ll -"W" fercnce. These letters were tten Mineourian's rdport of this»meeting..*fm° f:“""9‘ h3’£‘Ihn.Ihc engaeer, mechanic .elec-, A150 Aesop's Fables and Century Comedy 10“ by we “flow Organimfions in_ Enefcréftl mi -M“ ' “Wm mg rem S!h}:ppC‘i:s{secretaryAof"i.‘he it was too. lnitc {for an ortian. ‘saw i thxh til ‘*1:-ician an as. ____} «me an we mm» or American i..,,,,., .,.,.,‘°**"..,,,, .,.; -‘,,,,,,~ hi. -,.*;',.,.,.. ,.,;,,,. ,;;:,u,~, ,;:,,;';,:*:,; C,:;;,,:=; 3,, ;,;';:;g?:n?';,,°;,;;:;;h . ~-- M» .— -..- -. , __. °l“u'°"' _ _ _ 5i=kin flushql? ii trifle against the it-garding a girl who may be a fit late even for a letter to lhe4Mis_sou- , '1 1n a letter to President Coolidge. Ann”. of nin ;n.nin_, nn- . _ ll’. 3 Bother! 9001*". I'll‘?-'0!‘-lflli 07 “*9 “I'm nfrnii that I will be 56 on Minded and Epileptic at Marshall. proposition on the ballot sheet was I4 ‘g ' dramatic triumph! ._,,._.... A- _— _.._ American Child Health Associa-‘April 21." _ ‘ tion. has pointed out that in fivef A littlemfire questioning elicited cit-t_v‘s assistance in the case. Pol- Qproposition passed almost mung- . h nu“... "M, ,,“;o,,_‘, more is ,. tower 9the followug; facts about Mr. l{ciz- lowing that was a letter to a woman pyously (2226 to 190», ‘ ‘ duth rate among infants than in ‘i""3‘1'£¢‘-S bgn . C t Lo _ nil} ll“? ¢0'lI"|1T)' Who hid pre‘\;iiousl{; the United States. In sixteen other ‘ ‘ _ , "1 80.0". \_'~'1s,;inven a mac to a -year-0 81! :u --«so»«. am» - we or sS::":.: .:;.°.::: .:““2=:.“,::::.‘ i::.*':'..‘. *5 %° ‘W death among mothers at childbirth? - . ; ' i an” "now our mother‘. Eighty ibnn German parqfihial school.-_=. _lie ; Then a telephone call was made to nnd tnn Snvnnr. . ' _ , , 0 Gllflllflx 18 Own Wins! :1 member of the board of directors an n mm 1- tne no anon ,5 H 9" “m "1 “Te "'°" "“"’""°d f°' “M9 he “'19 ihlfilwn FONS Old. ‘regarding a family whom the So- met tgponzo -0 n pnigo b. one i W 001’ 39""! ‘-59 ‘‘'‘“' “'°“ d°’.:_:l£i!:ig the tldlt rs‘! and baker?‘ ciety had provided with clothing.‘ . e - is no P 5 3 '7 ficiolli. 00V?!‘ 8833- A ""187 15 If )' years. n Another call was then made to a_ - - n- _ h Individual effort on the part of.l890 he went to Prankford where he negro woman who had asked for :::e:£si:°fi3::lio§:'w;fih:,: tfl.?d:n.t i 5 xggnu dog got constitute a com- auyed fl"? #1795. ‘ It “:83 there lllfli. work. She W88 told to IQC I certain ,‘ , ' , , _ ' we met nndmnrned hm fir“ W.‘ .. ‘to eterybody who wants to agree: snunity safeguard. no matter how, _ -. I_e- prospect»: employer who Jud ore-A - . A no - mo ; Mrs Ollie F d‘g9_\' who died In " sl ' bee cal] ' with me on the to mug‘ “ carefully the parents which o\'er"l90n' E - Ho: 3 An h gdhreza)!;dIos the n,,n°n,,_ . ~ . : ;‘;‘:m°:'ne nog’ne"‘° "1'; ‘L:dn:l'l’§:’y 1. The state is poaitivelynot 20-’ i ' A i y ' ‘ngtosupport our Savi . - 2. The University does ‘notiseel: to , ‘.....4..o _.pc—__ As’a matter of fact. the proposi- on is not so sweet at all. it me 115 AdV€1‘tiS,ing Shortens the’ Road to Success . , _ ii i‘ Col b‘ ‘ . t hfirln “aim gfiihh ":3 ".°":’d° l‘i“’}u'he:ecfv'i'i.li hip bl'0l‘l1'lTl' liic "l'0!']n1‘T24~‘ WIY"- 9 constructed. .10 Columbia to look for work. Ar. ?bi‘“"“" "—’,;."m.p"'°"°m .‘ hum": every welfare organisation, and ’J’- 39".-1 0“ 9‘? b°*"‘d 0i_d5- rzmirements were made for a_ physi- 3°‘ 9" ’°3"‘r’"°“ {°°’ai‘:::::":i: mu, nmmdes nnve hen and to rectors of th liooneflounty Build- ca] emmimuon of ‘M girl uiuffloard of Curators wool ' 2 ! . iiag and Asloclntion and the Shipps then called to see in; tgum. certainly have made. (‘lanai ). n , 1 niniencial b. H -u-. A - ' - thernords.' , coverupp, e nan)‘ save. the .lives ‘of our 35,000,000;n~m elected mmidemeof !:t'4‘erlI!!(‘(()t!;r:‘ ‘anti;-rf:rl“;na Flinn fan.:’m, you plug’ the nmnnnu. mg- 4 Do you ‘ doubt that a New .York department a, 3‘ " °"”"."l- . - ' ‘Club a . . At this time His slam. had‘a,?b°‘.u’ it “it .““"°"‘~ g; p “""*”°"“”;“’° ms 8!§_:_:”’7_’__?77'I<'Tl=Rss*Ii‘ii:';.";‘....".f:}”.::1’.1i'.. .32.’. ';’.::%i store. in a badyear.ioou1d.1arce1ythr