r;-V SIX mass, 43 COLUMNS IMASONS EGIN I 59TH (The Way « AL of Our World confronting the coiaicil during today's session. -f ft‘. Id: be, president of the Sons ‘of C0l|- °f piss)’ f d fish ' s . . . . J ‘tjo Cg;3’:;@fl:)f imme:;lsit1'.€:d“f:_"’ °f M'”°""' 1 began Bachelors Have a Rome on “'lI£¢lll.' -A home on wheels. tastefully ‘Pd painted and with dainty curtains in “ft” 3 '99?” 7°’ 1" . the windows, has been built by theet 2 o'clock The dtileireteo this afternoon, so thaf: ‘attend the baseball .Anies and the Unive j'The Daniel Boone Mo. bachelors, and is being used it carry them all over the 4 0 States. Cornell to Discourage “Barring.” Cornell University athletic of- ty. ,_ ‘ ttee of upperclassmeri to sit in tho ' stands to discourage remarks aimed! at the players and “resting” direct» ted at the officials of baseball andl gain o'clock this morning. :Mo pectcd to night and tomorrow .ond day of the mec other innovation to her list of social .°‘ ‘“5“"““‘-'*"°" t:'“°“‘*~ ii Wfunctions at the White House last L'“*°"°°" 6"“ T°d"" _‘ ;'_‘.'_.‘-week by holding a Masons who are 0 l -—-——— e made a . . , . : - ' _ 3 f J * 1 d 1‘. },.;new fire a few minutes before_ it - .5 . ' Mrs. Gould Engaged in Paris. of Kansas Cit). George _W. Walkcrgmgafreagfdnentcfif :.!c‘:'k.:::!ulEe;dn‘=?_.' m '¥:_ly',.1 23 ‘he CO. Of St. LOUIS I?;qe:,lo,.° to usE:,:,;:;,l:.:‘.t-E §”e5r,_,.te(.t2u’as turned loose. m..:.'::fi:=°':'m an “mum” W“ M" The casein t in Pari of Mr-.:oi Little Rock. Ark.. rt S. Lee, . . '9.’ . °" ‘;‘" °. ° -- ,, ..,. i 1 He said a man in a light coat.|-rn iruud mouth to whose me or all tin.-. t. ; , - IF mormnx. 5" mtlcs ¢ISt Of this up with another triumph in “La Accepted.--— °"-‘- .. ~ - -l have stated. or ra ted all thin ‘George J.Gould,Jr., formerly Laurarof Springfield. Ray V. nslou of . ,, , - - ,, , , Jumped from the engine as it. ~ h, to cu,]°'tsL Louis Edmund F Morris dim‘?! 0" ‘:0 F0130" travel road. Dame aux Camelis.-e. I ._.:._._. ~ i lie said it inns taltt-n from the,gained hudw.)_ Bis “on, is notyuikyxuferryl eon;-iniiy To .« v 4- ‘ ' ' _ , ‘ ' , .,.- ‘I ' is . or gal .11 Basualdo. son of a urealthyi‘-Kaunas City, Thomas 1 Reynolds?c°u;,:°H°:$:1u;u;;.:i:"gu;:o:°:,l::- In léfinsfig "1; Iliggfirst 'pt'iofT3:__ wggsfl g:,r'.,::;;,r°)?"5(L):,u°t::":'_£i"i‘o‘;:3s °f the Bum‘"_ °{ Inwbug“ ‘believed by police. ,tr:nu- co 3... R which °..'.T....n of ' _l . e . ' . I . W. . . e ‘ V ‘ _____j_¢j__ I he . ‘h‘ l. . in . nu. d'hp.;h‘b°°” °f "‘""“" Cmi 5- C SET: 1;‘ broken ribs and a sprained back. nuimpgiegglon in ; number of iudinglsoutheast corner of the Stephens; : N9 ..‘v:inlo:m‘II:iuld"l;evitably "ti: , v C. Ballenger suffered a broken a ’ . 19 1&1 on com», gheswffi ; campus was let » Saturdsy;Bl‘”:131!-cl‘-.?§5 D'“‘""‘D H I _ , "nth-mi-o h-r-or -no Ivmtuallr advaatacaous °‘ ‘“.‘“'- and theatre I -minaruzx’ ‘ ble trio - pl ' Des-:b!"t'l.‘E".--ficphens and -’ President ‘ -« 88 M6050. wt-um In roe-mu ‘dud I‘ swam °f K“? ‘"’°"“u°' G Levy the fourth member of ‘do ' “Oth Names M Wood who went to S S ‘ “"“""“ lho neatly returned from a .-,’,u,;_.m yg bum‘ in-,,, ‘aim wit. ' ' .3 "'°'"' "‘ ° °‘ ' ‘ ' Covered 2l.l09 Miles in ‘glue hunt who“ heulllllll and E. ‘V. {-4. -:p::r‘ ..<. ‘ The Grand Council of the University of ‘Kansas. been made a life fellow of the twenty-one council answering the. roll call. The Grand Council)";t*"€; J mum”. who vm lad t of fbommgoa:-go: ‘ a minibus of ensaseaieu in master of the General Grand1Cohn- """""“""—"‘—"""""—— Leo J. Richards of Trcnhon. I g 1,011.‘. ° _' . ' . '0 r , cil. addressed the council thisiafter- 30“, ”f,‘;{‘''‘'’ o former student in the univmity.:"“‘ “""'_‘ °‘ ‘d J," edmthe devotions at each session om-t nishh The one department pot mm ‘on we nAMhm Heb”, -1-°_ New 3'“ mafia wwna'fl.ywm" 5",; ‘M d°°‘°"" ‘” ° '” nference, wasfornierly deariitheaarnesoutwiththeaidofehenp l|‘P9.“o 3‘ ‘mu 3"" rahfl But”; " ° Bums ‘ad 0-Nan lsan Jane‘Shedd. niece of Curtis Dfidud of the Missouri Bills College. Jieals. fi A VP‘ °‘ ‘°".~ " "'° """" the It Bentleyand Gowdy ’!‘V“",'"'- ° W '“‘'Y- “"5. Shipping Directors iteet. fan. lacuAttaad(1urch,I-ti-' “"’°' 1”‘ '’‘''-''''"‘‘''’°”“' ? '4 '°°°*"°“ “"°‘°', onoetorr ofthe Columbia Co-- EdgarD.iAe.prasidentof0ris- °"°‘°°~ A .. _.... the doles: will Philadelphia ider- ‘the merriese took place in operative Shipping ‘tun College. expects to start w 0.. ago,’ es-Iutdohtocktnthedtnt-8 Batteries--Gri and oeberryé'N>'tt- 75° °°°Pl° "ll - inthonher-is'noi.’nenhyiorinninnnooiinto , _ i ne. - - “jut w.*' ‘ of Iliriatian College. where‘ cu-1,o.,.,,dg.,,,u ‘ "star-tsooa forArmenia themessage" i ate this after lmeetiru of the national 5° 3385. 110 I0lIl'B- ' 8 °" am’ “y "3 noon.‘ General business of the ‘or-j thabiadvlflfifalfllk CBC Harte’ '‘“‘d h“'‘ ~ '. ggnjgatiou was Mr. ' lflilfll slhlldlio nstt.BeritonandBar-grsve. Richardsalsoattended the Uni- Leuis.noae_sr-a. versity of Illinois and Columbia ’ , “'l§°°""“"";W""”" Progress of Missouri's Highway System. ‘-0, .u'n“_8fl M“ D Arnnporrtiuourrecotternsdiseh-In.eho-iaathe‘eonruooj Ldi, . ‘ p.ggu';u'eoJaauary'l,lllGg__aadtheauiabasadreuhm—elthe nub.“ 3¢n‘g,,,g..... road8rItaiu.labaisgclreulatadwitIitiIisiasuecfths . zoo]. 8ulIlvaaaud3oaspli8.8iiapkli ‘Die8tataIiClII_II00Il_IIi-lawia.rI!|U“'l"'t‘."“"'°" ,,,mmow._ ,’ tuned Satarm ‘ at»: g shslghe-peeled!»-g_!t«iIt;4IIee -s|as.e“!lt¢!|,t*|t=""' it = , ~ _ ea.r;sIo,aau «ante -. R g to . 3 u‘- l-_‘''-. A .‘n.f,.'.. ' _ -flvlf -A’. ‘:7: T ’..’. 3.; 93.“. V ‘_. ~‘ e, V. v A 3 l ‘I THE WEATHER I For Columbia and vicinity: aom: .what unsettled tonight and Tues- 'last night, so; precipitation, o.oo.!""~‘ ‘“°" The fifty-ninth annual assembly3On° y“r“°m‘h°"" 72ll°w°s"' 57:: the Grand Council. Royal andiprecipiufion’ 0'00‘ down in tea avcrn was ‘crowded with the stage delegates.y' who began arriving here last night.!"°d‘3"' d . . flcials have authorized a commit.» Mom mm, 100 Md mgimemd at mzof the American around-the-ivorldjheiglit of re umnfflyera now_ at Unalaska, until ‘ 200 additional dclegati-s are es-4‘°b"'d°"' arrive in Cblumbia to- AUTO DIT(§HED; tparty. came out of the accident with , o ' minor. scratches. llioyal and Select Masters opened lts sessionzfi this morning with twenty of its ‘lleidman's machine. which he was? rcprlesentatives ll driving. The car was badly darn-l Afro: gplpegring E l gcuri-ed. He said: “The road seemedi 1.. ,,cLm,_}to be in good condition, except that E isome new loose gravel h :placed upon I II a ‘ {Grand sentinel-—llcnry A. Kruegcr. Stlwa t V M d 8"“ _.Select Masters. and the con\'ention§-—~———-—~—-————-—~——- ; "'1'" ° 0 “M ‘in C”?! of the Grand Chapter. Royal trch smnm swggrs gggmc sgit cm} Wind Blowing 80 Miles an Hour and: the 5 Temperature at 20 Bel tlly United Press. NOME. Alaska. April 2l.—The ‘d_ most terrific blizzard of the season‘ _. . . v ‘ i th Be ° S toda ' ‘ ltuudl brothers. two Independence. J°“"’"-‘d ""°""' ""‘°"“ t;ey°:;:°l:.:ol-8 .‘§7§.".§f. of 1.0:; grnilg. Thi- e between The’ s 5 The aged. According to Mr. Levy, the car The Grattl Council otlicers Wholwgg going not gniiles an hour when the accident oc- to clays any further progress G. Heidmant in Hospital; After Accident on Fishing Trip. four men, who were going shing at Cedar Crack, were in Mr.!pe.;-ed gt the Fifth Avenue 'n;e.i,¢r:Brothers Construction Co. of in New York. - it. We don't knowo whether to blame this gravel or! whether something went wrong with‘ the steering gear. (so rapidly that we hardly knew itlirig reccptio ,.until the car had turned ove "times and a half." 3 1 When the automobile left the road; {it turned into a ten-foot ditch. After; .it had turned over it rested on its;M‘“u3 CORELLL AUTHOR ‘ . »‘Gi-and ste-war-d—Kiirp C. Johnson. Poplaflfide .“inM' ‘ fence‘ None of the: I loccupants was thrown clear and all re pinned under the top of the; car. which had been hmlten in. ~ ._._-.—_-4-3: lest week her friend was learned here . She was born October 3. 1859. Sh - --—-°~—-— 7° ‘ " .. . . , . mt-' As It appears from the zrnade her first appearance on Put. on the ‘stand and doclarg-d.he:“llll8tn Lindenburg. Tito others in‘n__w,.d_ n is the phrase .‘_,,.m,c mm 'stsse at the are of 4 years as thel 1 d°1“'°"’d ."‘”‘°' °' °" ‘‘‘’‘''.i ‘’ °‘." ""°"° "“‘"‘3"red' ' 1 :*°qut'nroe.' which I used in the con- child Cosettc in “Les Miserablea.”’ ' ‘1‘“'"~‘ 0' '"l"°r *0 5- 3- 5l¢1»°tm'5. "°"°b° :1" "f‘t“h’“3.’r‘d":°:ndI‘:l::;- cludinxr part of my letter. that zeed from her --or wt.-w. worked F OR DORMITORY;?,::',:.:'°";:.,,:,:;,.,..,.,,::;:'=‘-.,;.,';;‘,€::,‘f..‘:.?.. ‘’ ° ” =r:':;,:j, ;,:~;;;:-~t;>;;_o=,;;t~»d gs tmth be’ p"'‘'“’'5 plawng m ‘ V” . and 395,. Smith need thug.‘ Lattle told police he cleaned the‘ ° y mm“ . id T0079 H1831 eilllteen appeared in Turin. Italy. in May,fthe opening of the fall 1921. - gstephens College, according to the She came to New York again lastficontract. It all happened i States. I DIES eluded " tion of the world, goesfdemy. K history as one of the grea-5 t tragediennes. ifar away from her ‘lo vcr. q Duse had been ill for two weeks. Stricken in Detroit after a tour of ‘Com M L. p '5 - g_ 1 be 3. ' e, rs. ura Murray. E A . on gaudy aitiil C“'1t)(e)ll:l§shfilbreacillegleplgfifs-$(:_;r.ce Swwut ‘nd “Kile Chev” Sir Department of Justice agent. iburgh. Her condition became worsc1l’¢Y- lapse and she weakened steadily un- .til her death today. wind was howling at a velocit of: c "tn" ‘"5 65 "cu-8 old’ ‘ ?80 mu” m ho" ‘ad the ump’Ln-gwas ranked with Sarah Bernhardt,rMary Ann Summers lneggett hm" w“ 20 b°l°w um‘ Love Affair Set ltalv Atltroh. The love affair between the act- 3ress and D'Annunzio came at-thel . e t _ f . - . __j_____ ' . inc ’ 0 pwcacsgreat Success in I.-]o,_lB3d of Mu;-ch B1-other-5’ Boucher said he used a Dcpart- 579507‘ Of l-ht‘ 9“K"_*° "ld S""‘°d ‘ sentence which contained the words ‘To U. S. in 1893. fall after an abstaice of twenty years. and appeared at the Century under‘¢,g¢ of the am on the the direction of Comstock and Gest,_f¢o where she played. matinee perform- rances, mostly from Ibsen. She received th 1' lW0lof her engagement signed a further C°LUMB1Ag«?41S_$9.U}*l»_.!t2£[lhtY. mm. 21. lg VDUSE, FAMOUS ACTRESS, DIES , 58 NBWMEMBBRS wane Columbia Churches Bold hptlsaial Servica for Cou- W is. native land andimulo K81-1181'“ seventeen who when she suffered a re-I The ‘ ‘Christian Church at the Good I- and contemporary lD.‘Crews. Martha G. Crews,'E ‘Christian. Mr. and Mrs. ' Blackwell, Marguerite Porter. M her career he; fin; visit to gheggates of the Board of Curators. e pa S I V, United sate. in 1393 when she 3p.jcontract was awarded to the Murch L 7 Louis for $125,000. in London in‘ Excavation will begin lception of a slight . rat floor. The c e most cncourag-’:_he n and at the conclusion £166 girls, 16 more than are When the new dormi - rid 100 students occu- . . .- t ' ' 3, 3' they an“ sage, AT ENGLISH Ronald‘? """’°"“ ‘E -meet by taking both of the ningieumz his Welt '-'t‘t- *3 ° - .pying rooms in houses not on the - Famous Norclist's But Works ln-?¢ImP°8- Vendetta," and "The The construction ANNOUNCE) rmtraitnsv J Easter _ Berrie, Katherine Borne, Kathryn Person, Ruth Cour- she died hengsault, Alice Coifrnan. Raymond Coti- ‘ ' ’ Elizabeth Sublett. Igflgry Ifiiuise Elfright. Roy Conley‘ I V87, nnie izabeth Bahia, Ven-. . . o-rd--d we -v-no 2:‘. ?:..::st :2: joined the ; y service were: Mr. and Mrs. G and«R. Summers, George Summers. Jr Cary dith McKenzie, Wilma McKenzie, Juanita ;::ms' it: and set alliand Mrs. George H. Kunltel. Mrs. E t iIa0Ul$ Saturday afternoon as dele tomorrow ‘and the building is to be completed ;on September 12, three days before Wt" “"109 miles since 1 southwest < rner of the campus, with the ex- hangc in the hang: will allowl ' 9 l new domnwn to ‘mommofittt : Gold and Blue of the lllini. carried? accommodated in the southwest dor- contract for a tour of the Unitedfinitory, tnry ' :ti3h ii! compkted. the college an ‘cc°m_:Although late today all threetof the: lmodatc 666 girls in addition to 1005 no company agrees ; ISSOURIANJ __T_: .-—.——— .. NUMBER 197 .._...;—. ;Cl'-JDAR DISTRICT BAPTISTS HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION fIMMIGRATION, g LIQUOR sT0RY§W:;:..8.::e.‘:r;~;'.':..°.*:::‘-‘on V 5 i t A vet-tn of . . l . ;da)': it_ hit chilly but not much 5 I,-mydzht mm “V9 been uh; I ~ at Aehlend. ' mfg? w rd MEETIN HERE chance .. ................ AT ACE OF 653:, ,0 Wmgznhip of the W 15 AA 0UTRAGEmr.i... ..r...i)i:t.t.;ct..§.‘.).:‘.(.i.ay...Q.c.’.1..).;.;i MEET A VET0 A ’‘’'w , 7 °r '‘ § ° * F01‘ Mi330l"'l= P370)’ overcast. ‘T-—--— inches since in Sunday. -———-—— Convention of the Baptist Church’ championship in inner skating 1yfll§Gl‘8Jld Council, Royal and€,,,,;,,,, my mm,’ “mum u,,,,Noted Italian Actress Set; Glen Gray and -lean mbbnra were speaker of House Makes Vin Awhnd ,.em,m, 0mm, and presldent Coolidge 15 Sad Ni” ‘°““""‘ "’° P"“""“""" 5‘ Select‘ Mas rs and -ettl north portion: colder to-‘ Native Land Athrob f’°°""°‘ “ "‘° "’°°"' E‘‘'’" ‘‘’"'l P ‘ i-division superintendents for the - ‘mm’ A mi“ 1 Q Di!“ GIUGUIG DON’! P°!'50B- I - - ‘la n the hubmm“ Chwch 1“ rotest Against Tes. lvarious units of the organisation to Ha"e D eclded That ;i,ooo and several costly troph « Grand Chap 1', Royal - .__._.... by Love Affair With {then-ornins. o . timonr T}, t H . . th M sh ]d I - 3, min; i - . . . . y 8 8 were named. . e easure ou have attraeteda ofentries that: Arch Gafiher rorneters are re y ow ll!‘ D.Annunzi . The following were received into: , H P Chcavcm of Asmwd “S . will nece;sitai‘t;ta_t l.c‘asditt_two ’. r A - . gthogisstfltftltlfhzslley angjfverthtlie 0. gfmhnmp in am Fifi. Bum“; G0lZ BOOZE. fiche‘.-ed -president: 3 A. Nicmeyfl‘. Become Law. ha“ ac n in ion to e‘ """"“"" ‘urea in o e coun W! I “"“"" gt um evening “nice yup; -———-—— . H . ' .d _ M __________ .,...m,-in; hats. , ES!-IE M. U. Btu. Gsmsiggézfiefiigigziimneemr i:L.;;A FRIEND or BERNHARDT BA in C(;the£:.e norg.n,;AcTRD FDR CONSTITUENT 3‘... ‘tritimlrfii limpsréfcsrlete-lrté. n':.”i«JAr.ti-1 EXPLAINS LE'l"I‘Elt R - - - ': - - . ‘”°° -""""'- - - """“ ’°° » "° 3tt'Ph¢e- '—-r-— Otto liilgedick of Iiartsburg. treas-3 -——- mamnhbouur $1-cod-Rap 1:1“ tl.I;.m'Will Dine at Christian §:;eert:;:r°ifsc:l!<|>:!qr; Izrggwas Stricken in Detroit :;o;.vu.Corinne ‘gargerigvegvirgfnisl Congressman Tells How tum, J ‘Ambassador Writes to W mfil, “taut? thfpmpzsdi College and ‘See: lilxhibit 1;“, T7 & "L :3, mom”. . d I and for Two Gum "L“"_‘mt “mm. am. .He Obtained Release _\.‘MTni:l “:iei'v:sionChil:ri;p'edn;‘e:‘d’fi:::; Hughes That «Grave cons o - __ ' ~ ~ - ' 1 . . ic:ai::.,unpowering Cl: M ‘mags:-pf In En.gl{le¢nng Eseaszrispblg ll"l'e'L1:Ctll!'l“I‘l'ln til)“ 1 Eoday In La“; J1.4c:rl:|v;.Cl;)¢Q‘:;uck;,r:' of Alcohohc -‘Bruno. gllartsburir: YOU"! P°0Plt"8.3£ Consequences” Did late or lfihsid the oi-tagplormenttfot 9"‘: B‘”ld"‘E¥- 3:5: 1,: “in; win ':h:m::“:;;$ ms urgh. iizlespson. Jost-‘Db Lee and Leonard Trunk. Ft} 5§::;:t%tA‘:;';:;df°*:;‘3 Not Mean Threat.- ""°"’ mm 3"” '3__'—" I r a u lted r- ‘= —"—"" ‘ ' - 3 '- ' ' - according to an announcement el 143* 935‘ “W,*‘°°“o W9 ‘snow with temperatures approsim-, ’ " ""' . . '8: "nine Pu-. administration. _l'-‘loyd Rcarmnmi iy Ilnlml rr . - 3, Representative Longworth pi; Greed Council V°t°d_t° with fnting the moderate freezing vune.§mf‘”SDBUR°t"a 33'“ .2‘-"E;:‘:?Ch?:;‘ ;::"§:‘;_'°“mfc‘f %‘r'"t.:"? .WASlllNG_’l‘Ol\'. April 2l.—-Fred-,‘Ashlaud. ; WASlllNG-TON. April 2l.—Prcs- Ohio. . ; ‘ ‘V {mm 9’? 5‘; ,‘"’ T°,"‘pl° élt is. however. warininz up in allih " tad _' ”° '3 3'°d'°”"°' ' {nu "mm A hue!‘ M 37191‘ 3- G'"°“- 5P¢3l~'t‘l’ 1' of. B.’ F. lioffman. Prof. andpidmt Coolidge will not veto the im- -——-—-———— f ‘Thu "5 ‘..'d.to 1 ' [I30 I ‘h H‘ g‘nd E H onrde?House. "w“}. entered .“n Roy Coxdclis Inigrutiun ‘.38 re, 30!‘! stllllfll ill altll Placeau 5° “*9 310.5‘ "“P°“‘,’"~ Q99“-3°” f Data for Columbia: Highest tern-‘I ,.th °G‘b:I."; ‘$511955’ “ ,°s° ‘' “':§;S'iufl_ 'M."_ ‘wt sw.t'z“_ 1;‘ be protest before the Somme investi-' ,;mbk._ wmgc gioomnr, and M;-,'portcd today in quarters close to “G “mud amt?‘ ‘S no‘ ‘he. .penmm yutud”, W” 61; lowe‘t_%l e nnunzio attrac . . 88 _i . u gating committee in denying recent» testimony that he got a tr-unltful of liquor seized bv the Department ofuiltustice in 19153. ‘O n"W..\mhENGINE is an outrage given out." said? and Mrs. C. H. Ross of Columbia U10 Pt‘t'Sid¢fl!- attended the convention. « testimony to G. WH.D; KILLS .4 A Driveiiless Locomotive Crashes Into Auto tutory ten days without action. t Gillett got the liquor. Gillett explained that the truck .in question belonged to ri con- _ ,1‘ h,‘ d . . .. "’ htituent. It i was being shipped Near Chicago. "“ “ ' "" °' ‘W’ °' """' 1" ' from Florida to Massachusettts ._ ' --M. 1.. M - .. " when a bottle of liquor broke and 9! Unit“ 1"!‘-‘— ‘ _ wndifig w(chg0nm_:'sqi::‘crl?_:}o;d ‘I; the tfuck was geized by justice‘ C0r0n('r 8 ‘ Gillett said he was in Au-~ inquest it‘ lwld l°d3Y_l0_ Flue m_ 1:13" at the mm. and wrote the responsibility for the killing of. V-to his secretary to write to thc'{"“' P°"?"5 5'mt°"d'5_' by ‘E dnvc" "- Depanmcm of Justice find have. less Baltimore & Ohio freight en- ' . _ gration. was made a subject of dis- Ilzltaly athrob. The poet wrote at . Hawkins, Mrs. C. S. Blacltmargme lm"k."'lc‘.m.d' The trunk wnfilnntch Someofm udmedtopt thcl'D’::l‘i‘|:r "Useful: in the Senate. in the Rec- ! ~ - 9 rsent to Gllleltli office and later to "‘ ° ‘_’"3"‘‘ "' 5?" ' C“ 3 on; i .. ,, ted ha ., f ,number of p ya in ts e Duscgand E. B. Todd. ; . ., . . in 40 mues 8,, ho“, mu, m auwioad 1 P0!‘ 1 t 0m0 0 the lacorod successes but they failed in: Margaret Walden and ii. H. llig-.in” °.°"‘m.”"'f'm" Gwen ‘fwd’ 70; pmpk. M 3 gout}, side grade "°"‘“°'5 "W"-""“‘d ""3 °Pl"5°"- ,’the United States. gin tham were received into mom-3 Same msmed that his charge crossing 3“ “h M“ "l’p““'"u3" "°°°l’"‘d by The actress was it daughter of the bcrship at the Christian Church the was ‘me’ 3 Th d. d M d,“ Om, '"""“ "lb" “'”“b""" ‘ll um‘ l’°d3- staxe. born of strolling Playerszihlecedint Sunday. Palm Sunday. J‘ M‘ B°"°h"' “ f"m‘°' ‘'"’pl°3‘'°‘ '3 "8 are r’ an ‘ rs‘ “W1 "'5' 10111’? contained ‘at veiled - Department of Justice, w,,5‘Bowrnark, their 10-year-old son, and th ted to quote here full text of the n o _ ‘hm lias Now = 44 Hours 36 Minutes of 3 Flying Time. I h'All :81 United Press. BAGDAI). April 2l.—Thc Britis , around-the-world amphibian plane} ;piloted by Major MacLnrcn arrived. ‘here from Zizzi, Palestine. Sunday.‘ i- Maclnaren has {read their context, co con- """'—"' ' . _strued rnea ’ 'thi like Interested Are Invited fithr-eat. ‘l sirnprllgrgr-1:.-!t‘i’t.o giiphasis: to Hear Si 1- Alfred éthe most unfortunate and deplorable . ‘effect upon our traditional friend- ‘ Robbins. «ship which might result from the S A" d_IE;_.. f jadoption of a particular clause in A it re ins. 0!‘ Y€8_t’8.‘the proposed measure. ~ it _ _ _ l€‘&\'m$! England 5 London correspondent of the Bir-‘fie,-;ou,i,. imp“, the good ‘mg mu- gm 8 n)’1"l'l"t|mt3 of about 44 l10|1l’5;mingham Post. and president of tlie3m.u,- 1-,,_.1,,{u1 ,-¢1,;5o,,,i.i,, “,5 di,.. and 36 minutes. ;Board of Genegd Purigofis of theturb the spirit of mutual regard and . "”' ‘ ”“ . . illnited Grand 80 0 880718 0 ‘confidence which characterised our TIGERS TBHHS ;l%|n£:land£'whofc;mes here Ct((>,lI't:l3’;':'ll1lacl‘(?{0lll'!(‘ no; the lzst three-quseru nlllinoiit Team. More Esperiericedp ,9 ""3" "lg ° '"_'°"‘ "‘ “ .'°"5 ° ‘ C9 73’ "3 V” °°'W_ V’ 1.3,, padding 5,,’ !will speak at 11 ocloclt Wednesdn)"ably strengthened by the Washing- ;.;xp,_.,.,-e,,c(.' g,,b,_.d 5,, the l on ‘morning in Jay 8. Neil’ Hall. Eton conference as well as by the Students in-the School of Journ--most rnagnanirnous sympathy ‘the honors from we Tin, “mp in ialisni and all others who may beB1n-_» by your people in the recent calam- ;a dual tennis meet this afternoon.~“’ _ *3 _ht°‘:’r';'‘'in::d"‘‘:)“:ltwn’3'I’‘’' ' yournalis -; A This will be the only public ad- mggdress to be given by Sir Alfred dur- scheduled much“ Md iery promise of hearty co-operation V - - between Japan and the United ,played. the visitors had won ‘web i. believed to be es‘, Supem". h“d“.°,k "min be made at the sessions of the,scntial . 1 t “ed d f t;Masonic convention. . ? l mu" ° " ,,uff:g,, 50$, 2,; Sir Alfred will arrive early Wed- : matches. or Missouri world. it wuld create. or at least 4 BILL WILL NOT The bill. with its Japanese exclu- sion provision. over which relations with Japan have been strained. will become a law either by the Presi- dent's signature. or by his permit- ting it to lie on his desk for the sta- By nital Praia. WASHINGTON, April 2l.—Arn- gbasitador llanihara's letter to Secre- April 14, 192491 find that the letter I 8ddl‘l‘59te(l to you April 10. a copy of which you sent to the chairman of the Senate committee on immi- “Frankl‘y‘,mlq r§'Jnt"n°ny I am one.‘ ’ TO ble to understand how the twobi:ords. shown - u .c‘,.‘ . \ l '1'-0'-niv-9‘ -~'"' - «arr >ca .->- ~.—-r-x~a-a-A-—>qaar—u.—--o-—-ennu->--~ -r—~ao».-rfi:»t-<--—--vo-- —v- w - on o——. - 4-g-nag;-«same--v--e¢oiv-1soo—v-—o-—r-on-o.—-can-»-no-4-o-p. o —-.—-—o~¢—.-—.-.o4—....;-_-. A-7..-e—'-oqp......_..~- —.—..o......o.....~... ........~.-..o-.eoh..-i -p—c...-—-.—.o-J u