-« exhibit, but sim ly says. "There it has for good d0t!=~'. and l‘''' "W 7"‘ - _ iii‘ (0 ‘ind enjoypit” ‘Poet of law and 5U>llt‘€'. “'0 94'“ rilihn" }':""‘l“-" 3‘ ‘l‘'‘"'‘ ' ‘ ‘ ~ , . . . . 4.‘ 't‘flS:lf‘. ‘ ur~ . ‘rue guild hopes to brim: other ox-w‘P°" ""’“'.,?‘ ’l’i‘.'.:k'i‘.‘.I“....‘.'.‘-‘..i."lifT{.{ i + — . lllbht here from time to time. OM‘ ‘ ‘”_ rflmrt mi‘ . ' ' Iiarq ~ - - - - !with as the law !‘t'qulrt':a. . project it has in mind is to hold. , ‘L K. m,i,,,,.u _q(.hm,] will (‘M0 Friday 1 teacher's questions. lht'l'(‘h_\' making “ as ‘t i— __,___ -. _. __ —¢-¢--__ .:.- ‘”m""'_3E""""'i-- ;,._; ’ 1..., onarchs. been taken for; _‘~diyipeioaii-oasinaruuuii-ca» I jgranted that. because he is so we] - ""-"'""““”°.i'.';‘."-’-'—li.7“"°“i'i°’.?'u”°"”°"""""ll __ In and Near Boone Countv "- -- I g A ' I l mE 1924 _._.. .-»-——~~«~ -. ~~ . :- ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ' p A ‘#-——_m ———_——_“’ S v 3 surma si,ooo ANNUALLYl Men! Palm Olive Sl‘|Il\'ing I 1 ' . lthe glut: of re. Putt’: parents,.‘dlnner Saturday for Mr. and lIra._lI _ _ _ ’ (ream .Mr. and Mrs. Charles '1‘. Campbell. Ric: Challis. who will aoommove to: A. M. S. an--fonth” Buneumgfor 29c at .lI:ih:l: l harmacy, M°"i5°" Hugh“ °{ F‘y"“ ‘"5 C be guests were Mn and‘ Printed in Germany. You are niissintz ulillortumties if ‘ .3-in-. xii-'31.’ " 3' 3‘ O’ beloved by his people. no _suf_psl ’ Deer pafl, 1 Linden ,:'e;‘:‘l:“:39i:It:een “towamc :dh‘:'|"‘:*¢t;ll(l'.togunI l Ame Pulley vmpd his sis“,-. 12:0:-3-‘r Hurt made ak business trip_ ' H M ' . - ’ o L Wee . _ _ -, , , . . M . 0 Cr . l t Wedncada). to 9901' 85 - . i 5- r 3 m C X S 7" ,’ Ilttfltlz "fCuU3C. But E rs gs I)0ug]‘55 and f.m‘]y were Co_ _' oeooeeooe flllliia Gaul!’ . fife Cunt! ..°.'. 1:: cu -.-—— longer and larger. the ‘lll93ll°n"]'u93¢|.y, , 0 __ gm 1: __ “Will Belfium be the next repub- £116?” ‘and Mrs. Sam Piiuley. a - Q o an .”"" '9‘ “ idren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aslllllll - . . _ _ "3"." ' m "I lsam Pauley last Tuesday. ; o 1'3. M. L D0UiZll|-98 \'l3lN‘d ht’? :C°“m" mu‘ m ‘lmn Month" ~. ‘ion was 84.500. The highest bid 1.“ . -i . t. _\. ‘l——-‘ ______A__ .._. _V_ .' Mrs A R pulley vuiwd her sis. sister, Mrs. Grover Vin of McBaine_ Mn“ R- A' Smuh ‘md 5°"- Obenn A rpprMenm_u"9 "(another order »,,};m;n9d from Germany wag s3u0_ to ( nu “ M! I A” "“m iwo ' - R l M '1'? J it‘ list eel: ‘last week. '°‘‘ '"’’° ’°’ E"""‘°’ S"”"“"' “"5 W" '"‘'k"'‘ -f’'-‘" “°'°"“'"”' tnl- - l'anothl-r sioo for ia-k- ‘l""t‘- The l)=‘~”I-‘~~‘ 7" KlNG“NT° ""3 FUTLR5 ~ 3105-5” °‘ °'""‘°" °“ """"" °' 1”" '3‘ ' ‘ °" ‘M’. .' W ‘I v - - - ' Mr and Mrs Frank Groumnn conccrniniz lht‘ P0llC|t'S 0‘ the 50- *9’? M." ‘ ‘ ' 5 -l h..- l . . 1 . . m d. . a f. cam-ni interest are welcomed In on. ‘ M,_ .,,d M,-_._ 1-‘_ o_ cup". gave 3 Mrs. .\ancy \\ you of hnnsas City ' h C’; H. I M ' wmv Benefit Awociafion im_,_ sh,m,,,,g and ",0 (.x,,(m dun... \\ l()ll‘l t c, wlcmtr 21.12.-‘. n bemnmng. c aim" on ° ? °°"""" “"3 "'°" -“W E‘ 1;‘: :dance last Tuesday night. W93 0 2095! It the home of Barnio '"",’I§; "git ed ’."A:’; 3"" "3 .”d"(_ (‘big fig not digmntinuéd at mm, from Gerinan.\'- ‘rho nnpo,-1 (gum... call lI'lll’llt‘tlli:lt'l_‘.' «n '21-.- ephom pom {mm my “mm :2. :::“Q¢anu":t°”e:-nwimi The I Th? '08"! in U"? ?--T- 5- 000- Rm’ 1”‘ “'°°k- l 9 0.’? M ' “moon " E I will t'k‘- th matter u with the '5‘ ‘ht’ Uni"-'5 Slates purt (‘mile to ('llall'S will be will 1*‘ I'll? ltlmblt is ' P*°.°.8lmd 0' the W - - 5 ‘test entertained th ' er Satur-' Mn and Mm Felix Rice spent C'"*’ m“ “““ “'5-‘ “"3 C‘"‘°‘°' " ‘. " . ". s-oo akin mm: of si 200 ~ r. . . - .. ‘ . _ l signature will be omitted from pu . e Wit!!! 8 _ R A Jennings and dun hwy State Insurance Commmmoncr. I , in 51,11 ,. . _<[()1,g&( (hd]g1\. 91189 clt)’.~ A lieaitoa upon ream-t I WHRW" ‘day night at the school building. S0WTd3)' “ld 5U"d0}' 81 fill‘ h0ml‘.(,!m; “'9” in Columbia smug“) ' The Q -fit) Bomm Awocimion jwhich is considerzil-ly less than the I 9 ' e '0 .J.’Cll ' ' o 9’ ”1tfs inevitable that sometime alll ' telephone. ‘light and wires will be laid underground, and the beginning of such work now shtiws ________ a foresight which will prove profit- ' A Plea for Justice. , am able in future years in saved labor Editor the Missourian: What ex- ;Am_u and expense. case can be offered for thiit.t_\-pe of . ' d'l“ (l d it died‘ ti ‘ Overhead wires 81'!‘ ‘l““g°"'"'c Ileltdalilil world: d(:.-if Ashland ‘"d‘““b~l°“ w °°""t’"‘t di5‘"'d""- iitroys anotht-r's property? Who can John‘ A, Thomas has"installcd a 13‘-'0" 8 "l0dt‘l‘fll€l.\' film?!’ Wlml ‘"‘ ‘condone the heartlessness and dis- radio. rain storm brings with it a toll of honesty of one who. because of pcr- Mr. lwere served (inn of individuals should appear over I the r’ ' fson, Altio. and for Noel Cunning- who were 20 years old 7 and 8 respectively. .———-_...Q._.._..._._. and Mrs. R. L. White on- guo . . . . , . 5 " . "I: 3,” ' lthc potliibillty or his‘dcnth loomintpmembu of the school bou.d hflllumbin shoppers ~ J . . H. Crane and family and Miss zparents It Midway during the week- Tina Griffin spent Sunday with Mr._:9"d- Mm ch.,.1,,, 1311;, and he, chit. last week-end with her part-nus at d Sandwiches? ice cream and coffee Of w¢'3ll(' Rift My-_ gud ‘M.-3, Sam p.u]¢.y gm-9 guest at the home of W. H. Cole- ia surprise birthday party for their _mnn. Sunday- on days of last week with her parents ‘at Valley Spring. here un ay. . . mcé Challis. Mr. and Mrs. 'r.. A . ‘I th t; 1. _ d ‘ d a d Miss Bess Ansell went to Co- .1. Canole. .‘-Ira. Emma Hains. Mr. S Th’ m°"'°‘"‘ . a 8:330 can 53:” zdzf, “.3 n i ur.m . ' v ' " ' bout lumbia. Monday. and Mrs. Alfred Settle and Miss ’°°'°‘-‘_ '5 ‘.’'''".‘E ‘ ufl ' b H :. Ray White of Ashland was in “ear bi having '5 mo" 3 U e m“ Marv Can e. ° . . ' _ V noted in Hambur , German ', ac- 'Rocheporf. Satu . . ‘ Mr. and Mrs. R. Chinn wereifording to D,._ E. R_R"edri(.k_ (,)(mO,._ SMurdny_ | James Swanaton is having a metal Ru(-gt}: of Mrs. Chinn s sister. Mrs..m_(_hiof_ Miss Netta Blackburn visited her'r°°{ pm 0" hi” house’ . - W‘ while ‘I’! R°”l°°' S""d“"' ‘° n the last eiltht or ten Fears Thurmui Byers and fawn!" were Mrs. V". (3 Smith Mid ¢'hlld“’"» p!‘l('CS for publishing the bulletin h"°,'h°pl.’i"‘ 8”°'d‘y' Opal and Levi, returned to their.ha\'c tripled, going up from $4 to fiiwnt M”. E''‘.‘''’‘’“‘ S.""’° "P""‘ S‘"" home in Excelsior Sarina.-. Manda» $l2 for the setting of type for only day with Miss Marie Jones. .0”. page» sum Doctor Hedflck. rs. Linn Pipes of "The lowest bid received in Amer- 3- TAKE NO’I‘I(‘F. A lot Hi‘ t'll1iil‘~‘ ::l':' at my shop and llil'-C1‘ in-«.-n here for over :1 jccsw The owiiers have iwv:»i' t‘It_llctl Miss Matilda Bondurant ._S:>‘~-~v«—-- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN lowest American bid of $4..’i0(i_ J. A. T()“'I\'."\HNl) Shop at 15 'l't-zatli St. Miss Rhoda Rawlins is visiting W,-;u.. gig diflcrcnt policies: the N.‘ her sister in Columbia this week. }:_ (j, 3' cent; the American Fay Christner of Howard Count)‘ F,xp(‘l'l(‘llt‘(‘ paid up at 70: the 20 John Pickering of Midway was a . - ' it ~:o ‘ I'I(‘Tl'RE I-‘RAMI-IS. Made while you wait. Alex Stew- Bold H025 I0 ll- T- G8l’d"¢"'- 3l0“d9."- Pziynieiit Life». and the 10 and 20 um’ Miss Fannie Canole visited Mr. y(,-_,r Lifv to \\'in; all paying ti...‘ .and Mrs. Charles (‘anolc last week- fun (M... mil“. &,{ gm. p.,1,'cg(._.;_ and nd. Mrs. Ray Nuuser spent several 717 Broadway. .-\dv.-187-I193 . I R. 1‘. Gentry of Walnut Grove. .¢'I'ul_¢‘l)' 8019 _n0um'e the birth of a son._ Fiormn Nan“... WM cum", to Cm Vsunda,-_ ficiency of service and expense of 350"} ‘O '41" "‘_h:“l’l° °"l"“‘l" l“" I1 Ml“ ‘"‘d M’: 3- 3- M07"-“ 0‘ C"',].,m1,;;, gum,-day by ‘in. ,.«..,-;m,_.. m.: R. A. Rawlins: visited hl\ il:iu;:li- } @ ‘'.' repair. Not only an. 9“. overhcad.l°“RmR 10 Others. — “'3 ‘" -‘P(‘]"““ ll¢'"‘- )_ m,.;_. ‘ hi. duugi,u.,._ _“,.,_ ,\1|,..,.‘ tor. Mrs. P. R. Simpicli. in (‘nluniln;i, CXPCYICIICC Sl10\\'s that :,, _: “Rs dangerous and (,"!_miu,' hm. Within the last few months three; - T- if" -ll>- ““”‘““' I*""‘ "{ smith. _S.-iturday. , ii if you Se” hfc insurance for d , _ H} the Pftles are uncikhtlf ‘ind expel! "“l““blt‘ l‘0ll¢‘t‘ d0!!!‘ and 81 1905‘ ""9 Acnhimbm swim Sandal. hen" Mrs. (llivc ll1!llIll'}- rm-(-in-ll ti men ' B‘“"“‘-V “flow.” M (‘iduinmu I f P F 0 l " ' ‘ ‘Hg ‘hut ‘in. The - in 1 i 1 f I‘ _. W. ‘S purebred Airedale have been killed. M‘-“~"_ 0l’f'l -“3l‘I"_"¢‘ll1fll9d l0 ll” Nun. _cmu,.‘,.l.\. ‘hm U". ,.,,,;,n .g;,m_.i,- >'.[)t'lll Sunday in Ru('llt']MII'l vi~it- « cm lers 0 - 4- - you Will. continue for your entire active . in it cos 0 u)|llI! lI'( three b‘, poison and om. by Shmmnm ;ll0IIlP in houses ( it; Sunday, ‘or "1, Aim” B_‘rk“_c" Ur h_(wml_'m_ mg his family_ Sale of p‘ business life. }‘1 underground may prove greater but Om, odm. police dfig “.35 Wi,.0m.d'. Mr. and Mrs. Hartford Hall of had died ' Ra\.mm,d pnndumm \.p(,n. mt. {Qt . _ , , . . . ' . ‘ ‘ ' a ’ 3 '5 " *“'“‘ Md ‘Wt’ '"““"""°'“- but t‘t-covered. (nilmbw ‘pom Sunday hm" ~ Mr and \1r- Robert (;ri<~‘man‘\\‘¢‘¢‘l<-(‘ml at I 0 home of hi~' rt:-P FOOD ‘md FANCY % '31‘ Witt‘? Because vou will Find it the most "'9 . ‘ ' " o u ' a a ' ‘I ' 7-‘ ' ' 5 l ' ‘.- R I!‘ J» Q 5 Se ‘ - . h . - I - ' -in ‘ - Y K ‘ k ,0 both beau“. of um m'”m“d “P 14”‘ ““l‘ “"0" dm‘." ‘ind mi" d.1.r‘. ,0 Jh. .0“? of "um and cliildn-ii \\'t'l'1' .\:iturd:iy and cum. in Hound (ount_\. “ t 1 Pleasant and rernuncrativc bugin , -. its Pcarance of the stiet-ts and of some of them valuable lllll'lll>I(‘ull:\'. ~‘\‘ ’‘l_’‘'" t i “.H.k-ond Ewan Suiulziv L'uv.~. '. - . - ‘ '- - ' . v’ - _ -. . . . . rx. . i. ' lllll en ‘l'l;:lll‘I :l L . ' W . ’ . - '' dear to fonuw the exanmlv mu: w:_ “i‘_“_ (“W thomuKhbn_d dflflx mu.“ h.\]lii'. nllll Mrs. llollis Nichols and Dlli;li.iltQt “l:..:‘l(t.l\\Y:‘Il”‘;lil:.td. ‘LL. 1 t z I6; t0I1lITlUI‘ilfy lb I0'>tIlIlLl lOI' the l\.St thcrc 1<_ tgl _ . -' 3 : ; ‘i o i 1 ‘is 1' I LI‘t‘ll (if (‘t ill’ 4. l S E: ' . . ‘ . ‘ ' - , . _ . _ ‘ L_ .__ piidi ind i ftum o II in“ ' ‘Ha mp" um "\';l'he,v will i;i':il.;- lll(t"l[l ‘liulm un .1 __ Before making any decision l’t’:ZLlrclil‘.‘.! ' v ' t - ' ~ ' ' ' ’ ,_ . tirii lt('£|l‘ it‘ :--I‘_\' 0 ‘H 't‘- O .. . . ' A .. 2 ‘vii: ‘(uh L0‘ E ‘BEA! 1 ‘ H \\'l::.t liiwi-I‘ type of man can tlu-re m:‘l;“-U kflflllauhll.--. J. he-en of l O . . Ynllr‘ ‘"161’ “ ntc the “‘Agency Dcpartm"lll- t is t 0 Art mvuxz’ -(luii '.' he um“ mm "m. V.-In.-li all-lilx-i';iti~ly . ~ 5-;i. ' :i.. are visiting l't‘l1l~‘ 1{m.]". 10,-’ I I F 11 D ',-A V‘ It is just what its name. implies-— .93.; um g..i,-i1|il..- ut:[il'ult‘('lt‘(ltllllllli ll‘-'t'.~,herc‘-1. ‘ ‘ W A 4, H ,_ ‘It kl L S - ta‘ 3" 0721103?-M5011 Of l’t‘°Pl1‘ Wll“ l‘“'¢“fri9n¢l.~‘ of m;ui. to ii-.?‘.l’~'«“ his Iwiiizl." . (‘llllllrl-I'll") t l"h:l.1lT"-'{i.IfllIl3. ill“! R -it: '\lit‘.-hi-llniif|l"i\‘i~tl«- \\"i~' llt‘l'l' ———- ~-—~ gag‘: ‘ 39;‘ . . . ' ,- ., ; ‘ti use ' - - -' ll‘ ' ‘- " "5 ::.‘....‘.:.f‘2.".’:.“.!.‘::.:‘ ‘::,:.'.::.. . . ' -ii‘ it’- ‘ [ W-I . ' - .\ I‘. zmd “"5 Q M . ' 1'. 1'. .\l:ix\n:l| was in {ac t-port l - - . .——'-' ' .- ‘i .';il la ‘ ll . ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ an'" and 7 ' 7 ' Y . P ‘ ‘ ‘ N E i The members of “'0 ‘mud are 8m. 4 'mOtnlih ieii 't.Ill \.::\" "l.(li‘dmtili:it‘:l? °h'M"'’‘ "{ ""m"‘-""" ml)’ -‘PPM UH‘ M""‘la~‘" " 5‘ I‘ V or 8057074. :AsscAcnEs?1:‘:‘.PANY I core in their desire to -bring beauty m _ 9 oi" ' ‘ ' " _ A" ‘ w¢-el.'-«-iid -re. (‘.:irl llulilwiu was llt'Tt' .\loml:i_v on 1 ‘ S.‘ . ‘ , I I ‘ ‘ _ ‘pd; ~ - ll 15 ""1 "Ill." “"‘““‘-‘l- bu‘ °"“‘"‘ -" _ .. , ~ , ‘ [YQ . - - 17?‘0'lr_~cmx in lvuscnrn. i\ou- insuring One Ralf.-.m.,\rnn llun.lv:-.1 i. ‘. I" C°l“mlll3l- That 13 ‘ll? W830“ fill“ llml MI .1. ( harles \ augliii l'""""“"“' 5 " - ‘K 1 Million Dollavs l1l[l()li.‘lc'S011 _;.2.l(‘ School was closetlt T . .31-ography. on she got a man: I hnu TU‘-*dfl.\ for the summer vacation.‘ 03‘ “W l’0°l'd- Th" Pi‘?-*0" ‘VH0 Call! ‘me gmgmphy ‘nt 1 Km 3 man; an An all-day community meeting and remember how a child suffers over - such things, often unnoticed by an’ you havena got :1 titan yet! teacher or parent, has a short mem- don't want my lasaic to get mag. 01-, inde¢.d_ ' raphy!"-—You.th'.-A (‘omp:inion. . . ——--—---——Q—-— .. abghfhel’ GirIs—-Slialnpoo -mi. Palm Olive: _ ' 39: at HeibeI‘ii Pharmacy. Columbia are working and planning hr the remedying of such conditions A "2. A Mr. and .‘-I r.-. Mose Adcock and family Sunday. .\ll‘!<. Betty Lyiies returned home‘ «with them. ,.4.—— -_. . -, .. 4 /‘\- ~ - thQfe's you ‘cl’ 3' your 390:!-‘ph'\-‘ h35k(‘l dinner “'97? II‘ the. ‘T . __ ‘ V V __ _ , 1 inch ol. ' 1. Leland Lyrics andl ‘ |l«'IULrhl¢'r. Betty Jo, were guests of: , Qur (‘team-d c:itfi.~li |l'.ll(‘lIil‘~t'tl at RIC‘liARIl.\" ‘ (‘hannel M.-\lll~ZlIT hi;:hl_\' :::ti,