.. ,_,,.,r_,__ 0 _ «V F p I p A H i ‘THE COLUMBIA MISSOFRIAN. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 192.4 ' ' -' intctzrmi ' I ’ Do Not Overlook This FRIDAY» APRIL 11 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY and lasts thr°“gh ‘° S3t""d3Y- A97“ to supply your needs for the entire 19' Sh°P‘°3I'l." f0!’ the b9SlSe18Cti0nS. INCORPOR-ATED season. Economize by buying now. 910-912-91.1 BROADWVAY, COLUMBIA, MO. GIGAN TIC PRE--EASTER Clearance Sale Just eight days before Easter and here is the greatest selling campaign undertaken in Columbia. New I - . - Sale Starts at 8 a. m. v . . “ L‘- r.er‘”““ especially purchased and added to our great assortments make this the most import- V ant ‘event of the season. O F I ' V s - ‘ . ‘: f S ‘Rm P ‘ GROUP .2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 E - 96$‘: ' ( .. .’r ?% t _W ._.: \\v ‘ I ‘L t C t Coats ~ Coa s 03 S9 ’ Coats, _ 9 . . ' ’. .‘'_?'.E. . Suits - - %’'-I'' S Sults, D ’ Sults, .3-.;;« 1lltS. resses I-ml D Dresses Dresses '.‘.‘,‘,-,5 resses ' i 2' ‘g o ~ * F5 ' 1 Z’ . 1 . ' . ' . F ' Actual Values -to $24.75 ~ .- . - Actual Values to $34.75 Actual ‘Values to $44'7" Actual Values to $59.50 ’ Garments of unusual . M <93 garment‘ that ) In this group you will E.\('llJ!-il\'(‘ in style and d “ beauty. perfectly styled cm.‘ h;"._'dl", he punlhzwed find copies of the high. moderate in Price Elf? \ and featuring: the new- at wh0k,S’n|e in this low est priced, most ap- gig‘ f?":‘tl:'0r:;nt°fmgl';)s K est Sprms shades‘ price Your inspection proved models Of the Garments suitable for ‘ "‘ °°'“"‘°“‘ "‘""~"" "f is itivited. Shop early ~"°“s°"- W-““.""i".“ "'9 every vlurpose. Many ' tgiizes for Women and for the be“! %_ledi0m' "°“'fsld “‘_3‘°b';‘31sh'“d the higher priced samples i§5e3.;_ ‘ ‘ " RIOS QSITB. C S 8 PS. are indud . < ALL SIZES - ALL SIZES ALL SIZES ALL SIZES ‘ A Clearance of 200 New Stylish Hats e ” I‘; I Combining Several Remarkable Purchases at Four Prices A style assemblage that leaves noth- Our Millinery department ollers the choice mg t0 the Imagmat1on—newer-better of the House in order to make room for the FULL FASHIONED —Sm3rt9T- new Summer Hats. An opportunity to buy The "Blues. 35 YOU Will find. are your Easter Hat at a ridiculously low price. CHIF F ON HOSE I ‘S v ’ A duality of Chiffon Hose that cannot be $ ' $ ‘ duplicated anywhere at our Special Price. An Extra Special Value $ A COLORS Values to $8.50 $ 1 N d I 3 i Values to $18.00 G“"‘“°t”’ " °’ " the ne“' Colors in’ All styles and sums D a W n ’ hard to believe. New Sport Hats excluded. u.’ ‘.5... >- ' cluding Buck and mack in every tgroupt for every . Black, Airedale, Gray. 3 pair Values to $6.50 and White combinations. Values to $12.50 g;;_r;';;,,s°e,,,g_ 5"‘ ”°“' "°' and Sunset. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN PIECE GOODS 51 so NotmI;I:3I;I.£3EII To $1 ’ ' mo M §1§iI;IeJdC§3 ‘T0 $2 . 51-75 P'‘“‘°‘' G°°'8°‘“* ------ --5135 Y"- $2.00 Shepherd Check ........ ..s1.s9 yd. stlss Child:-en’s Dresses .. - :2.-so sauneue moomers CTCDC De . . .- . . . . . . yd. $1.65 Jersey’ Light Colors - . _$1_49 yd_ 31.25 Brassieres . . . . . . . . . . S‘t;e-C:-tlsns . . . $3.50 Cantflll Cl'eP% _ . , . . . . . . . . . Y3. 85¢ Swiss . . . . . . yd. eblfl‘eg;;::s§. ‘ ' . ‘ . . . . . . . ‘ _ _ _ - . ‘ 50 ‘d G . . . . .. , . 53°95. R°§h""j‘"'-C"°”° ' ' ' ' ‘ ' "53 ‘V $1.95 All Linen Damask ........$1.69 yd. $2.50-White Wash sidrtt. .. > _ figs named as .-I Solid Color Tatfettas .....$1.95 yd. $250 A" Linen Damask O _ _ _ _ . “$2.19 yd_ _ gzhggh . . . . .. ‘4 50 Emu“ "wake, P , , 1.5 'l i as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.‘5 Checked wool Goods . . ' ‘ . ‘$3.50 yd. 53°75 Au Linen’ Damask» ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ "5320 yd’ 81.25 e SM!!!-Ins $2.95 Ehl'lieIilsren’s Hats 3239 W00‘ Crepes ~ - * - - - - - - - ' 32°19 yd‘ 59¢ Mercerized Damask . . . . . . . .496 yd. 45¢ Bah 140,43’ 3 fgf . , 82,95 Ivory ' . . . . . . $2.95 Gera Mills Suiting . . . . . . . 32.45 yd. $1.19 Mercerized Damask , . . . . . . . .98c yd. 2:’: 'l‘owe_Is,'5 for . . . .. J - 33-95 Silk Pflffifs - - - - - - J