-_..o.. CQLUMBI. .' s_1gt_'[E_ENrH YEAR mi am +i oLmfi The Way ;STUDENT VOTE { it . 8:30 TOMORROW I-'oraier Errand Boy Directs Road. Patrick E. Crowley. operating vice-president of t.he New York Central Railroad. has been elected. president of the board of diiuborafi This election brings to the pinnacle. of business a man who started life- a mes.-enltclf boy and worked up; p by step. ~ I THE WEATHER I For Columbia and vicinity:' hlostly: cloudy. probably with showers late: }tonight or Friday; not much change ‘in temperature. For hlissouri: Mostly cloudy. probably with showers tonight or ll-‘riday; not much change in tem- ,perature. «. a TT Council Taking Extra Pre-I cautions Against Er- rors and Misun- derstandings. faaconuakiiarioxs READY E 9 gpous ,m"‘—‘-Cwsg AT . 5 ran SCOUT COMMITTEES‘ ' loftanizer to Report on Sentiment’ of Towns in Regard to Dis- . i ‘i ._ 35 .’ it‘ 5~Biggt-st Baseball Still Rolling. -————— _ . . The lflrlrest baseball in the a-orid,5To Act on Proposition of ‘ trict Council. 3 inches in diameter, was i - . ,-our-d into Rochcgur, N, Y,’ Tu“. ‘Blanket Tax Ticket" A tentative list of persons to be to Cover Expenses fadded to the Boy Scout Council‘ . It is enroute to New Yorlt9_ _ °“-" “" "" °'’°"‘'‘’‘ “"“° °‘ "‘° of Activities. ;i3E£'§;.‘;"‘l‘..2'i‘.;é’3‘£.”§f"‘.?Ii°“:..f,?' ‘.'l‘I; major league schedule and has been, T rollod all the way from Chicago. Th . , _ i - 3’ the P¢l'80flh0l Committee. -. __ 9 lwllfi T0T_ the Um"t‘|’5|l.\' '-‘Wfiappointed by C. L. Brewer. presi-= “mu. m limb, R,,.,mu. Bm.uu_ ‘dflll 010C110" will bi‘ 0P<‘_M’d I} 3130 dent of the Council. The names will Francis J_ Irene). of Canto,-ni‘ °t‘l0Clf l0m0|’3‘0“' m0l’D|fl8_ I" the be presented for approval at the ' all flflnlt P111095 A3!“-rt‘|1i¢ll‘|’8l next council meeting. f. A. I-‘. run. "1 dim! {Of all fitudvnls in the (-01- Kuhlinan. secretary. is chairman of f um 1089 _0f r\l!l'wUll-HIT? E"S'l"¢°""lt!itlie personnel committee. Building for all students in the do.-ud (‘_ W;-ighg_ scum organ. S l ' special committee inves- t;gaum_- the 1,un_.gu_ (f’l“"’_l Ur l'3."f~'|.;l1‘1'l’ini-'2 Student izer from regional headquarters, will ____,___ , ounci room in csse Hall for all;n_-turn to Columbia tonight or 10- .\lc-xico. ..‘lo.. Favors No Dances. “°"“"‘ ‘°“~‘"‘3 “lid SWKC 1" l-'m“9T- morrow visit to I-‘ulton. fro 1nun5“.(.r to a nucsuonnaire. we all)‘ Auditorium for all other stu- Boonville and Centralia, made patrons of the Mclllillan High School dents _ . in Mexico. Mo.. favored no dances. _ T“? members ot the Student ward the organization of a district‘ all social affairs to close at 11 ‘°"Wl will begin chum 0‘ mh.sco.ut council. His report will also o'clock. and cliaperons as an abso-'l’°" 9" 0‘ ""3 U"1¢‘- _ ‘be presented at a Columbia council hm u(.(.(.Ssi,_)._ The ballots are being printed by.;meeting. ______ rotation so th ca ddate“ Langley Trial J La .. .,. W °iTO INVESTlG.ATE WHEELER CASE gressmantfrom Kentucky-_ ghargcd‘ The P0“-* Will 01080 at 5 o'clock with conspiring to W; W ‘mg and the ballots will be locked in u.,,,3po,.t “qum. from I g°,.c,.,,m,_,m the secretary's vault until 7 o'clock. wnftnhougc 31192,“)-' ms bcen set (0, 1 when _the Student Council will startj _ --—-— . t {F _ H . h ill‘ President Asks Stone to - ivcn ou o icia ' v r- - . until all ballots are cburitdtdf curl Inquire Into Ind1c’t' senator Arthur Cappcr of Kan-: According to a ruling of the cuun-; merit of Senator. ' sat: and Representative J. P. Hill offil. a statement of the expenses of llaryland will present dry and wet finch candidate must be filed with!!! United l'r-an. ' 'views respectively pver the rgdo the secretary-treasurer before the‘A WASHINGTON. April l0.——l’res- I ' 3-gferendum to be conducted tonight, polls close. loom. (lfotélidgc will ask Attorney'- __.._.._.__. 9 followin 3 ' ‘enera . tone to malt- ‘ ' - British Scientist Is Ridiculed. ggncra] offgt-gag; Sudifitdlrtffdefittiinto an indictment agiiintslj A British scientist has been ridi-‘John w_ 3519). ‘ad \'v;1“.,,, L 5|-,,,-,Wheeler at Great Falls. 1\lont.. bvl ruled by scientists in Johns Hopkins ma“-; 5¢cu.m,—y-u-oasumt, Mm-5-‘,a grand jury. the United Press University. for saying that he caning-,_-i,,3,. 1).,._.,5,_.huk_ Rum 3,1”,-[learned today. gstop an_nir1vlane in mid_air by thruw- Packard and Isabelle Stepp; m.-.,,.: he finds evidence insufficient to . ml! 0 "l°l¢l V3!’ Upon it. .3353‘. editor of we Sayjur, Robe,-tiwarrant prosecution, Mr. Coolidge: A. 510,-,j5;;will ask Stone to have the indict-' councilman-at-large (three to be ment quashed immediately. elected)‘, Robert E. sten. M if. on the other hand. the Presi- Cullough Keeble, Oscar W. Meier. dcnt finds good reasons for the in- n i part An," 1;, in (~m.i,,m(m_ 3)-_ counting the votes. Reports w . j bt 4 Dry and Wet Views by Radio. Disinfects Packing Houses. All Ins Angeles County packing houses were closed Tuesday by fed-‘ rmit ‘- eral and state officials to pe . . r - . . . . . Fred 1-,. .\1c(|a.~.1,-cy and Chm-195 F_ dictment. he will demand an imme- dis::f;t:.tion against h00f~and-mouth.Su_"p. diaw pmsecuuon. ; is ° — g The following proposition will; Appointment of if conlmllti.--.' to mudcum 900. “mm also be voted on: “That the Student. investigate the indictment of bc_.‘Counc-ii putitioii the Board of Cora-;Whceler was announced today by . . . . _ m::li't°;;u:£&‘m‘3wbwc;?g&"on¢_‘tors to issue a ‘blanket tax tick;-t‘;Senator . Cummins. presi- disume bmadcuunz record byte every student paying his or hcrldent of the Senate. The committee mud”: “nu hard in -I-Ohio’ 9.000-regular 25 marticulation fee. thisfconsiets of Senators Borah. Idaho.- mua nu}, . 'l.l¢l(t'l to entitle the student to ad-‘chairman: LEI . Connecticut. '_______ mission to II athletic contests.~Slerliniz. South Dakota: Swanson.‘ Chicago School Children Strike. membership in the Y. M. C. A. orjVirizinia: C81‘IVo'ay, Ar nsas. ' Two hundred children of the.Y- W- -. pay a Savitaru The senatorial investiltation of ‘ Creigicr school, Chicggo, demimd- a school daily. a humorous magazine I the indictment of Wheeler was start- ing that the principal resign. walkedaand to support the Student Govern-jed rom two angles today. out on a strike Monday moming, iment Association. W. S. G. A.. Glee. The appointment of Borah as head. — ‘-3 _ iClub. University band et cetera." ;of the committee was generally ap- 5°“l>°'K’¢3 l7”l|PP““-‘ F3335“ The newly elected president andyplauded as assuring not only a Three leaders in the recent out- the present pmsgdent break of “fanatics" in Surgao Prov- 4 Midwcfl Students- ince, Philippines. have been sen-~MJ,mu,’(;,,. lEllt‘(‘d to death and 198 others given .. .-s- . 1 yep"-3 ifijpfigonnjcnk Coolidge Given i-aaa to naii Games. I-‘cw Chances Made by Womcn's?‘~""‘ ‘° '°‘’'‘' "“° "‘° °“"°_“"d w"““"‘ President Coolidge was given an ‘an-Hellenic Counci . ‘J’ Bums and ”' cmplodc of ale tel" annual pass to the baseball games urorll. rushing 111108 for n('Xl‘f!?h0"t; °‘K"l:":l’, °l’m;)':"";‘i‘on:‘l'd‘;’"l§(_l ,i,, \va,.hinggon_ 1.)» the president of fall will be practically the same as: ° dell‘; lean“ , Imh SW”. —————— ; erential bidding. although suverzl? ,' , l ' ‘ Blur Law Ministers Feel ()utraged.;..hanm.5 ,,,.(.,.,: made 3 U“; against Wheeler. ' S1'V¢'l'll Phll8d"lPlll8 Mini“??? ‘Mini the \\'omcn's Pan-Hellenic Coun-' outrag DL‘C8l.lSQ t e city solicitor." \\'cdm.,,—d,,y_ I __-_ __ _ T0l‘|fl€'T"-‘d 813 0110" ill‘, Dates cannot be broken. either Charges Columbia Taxicab Driver -validating the SUWi1|.\' N00 “W9 117' by the sorority or by he rushee. With Reckless I)rivinl- {Ni-ink lilm1l1‘Ul' SPOT’--S ‘Any sorority holding a girl Complaint was filed in Jefferson 1-he “.im_(.r whom “.01, of 54.,_“..,'_ :‘::.lnfillnlC.; ;.ll()fl;‘hOll‘$':’t§)lllfr('lIlla(: Wlldl Q-ity llonday aftc-.rnoon' ‘by ll’l("! pro- , - 000 bushels was forecast by the De- i_. N _" "r .0 .' ° um‘ all 5°‘-‘tiling flltfirney _against‘ tiiry ‘ - 1 partment of Agriculture yesterdayus" (Sch luccwdlflg um.“ . B‘_’"‘°"' °{ ('°l"_'".b"" chflglng mm . _ . _ _ ; e reference list will be printed with reckless driving of an automo-, Last years crop was 572,340,000, I h E . "_ h h . - _ . . , nd pg’ buKh(,|S_ 11 ll 8 W110“ l 78! 9? i all In the 07- bile. Burnett. who drives the taxi-; -' “ _____ der of foun mg. as formerly. Each;¢-ab between Columbia and Jefferson ' _--1 {Ni 15;“. a h“). out of 5ch0(,]." date card will have a statement in City, struck a Ford runabout last to =-’-.-_. in impartia one. Shortly before the Borah commit- tee was named the Brookhart coni- mittee investigating Daugherty be- (onference . .-‘.—j—--— FILES ON HENRY IlL'R.\'l'7I‘T Gem-ral Iliiwes said after turning, N‘!-{Md tn the dishonor of spiking 0r.Saturday night. No one was injure . .,,,,., the ‘.Olumi"W,. report uf Com, receiving a spike printed upon its mittec No. l to Louis Barthou of’lW'k- _UHl0 '-‘Nils Will be 0l‘dert'd,hearing in Judge John the Reparations Commission. t‘"‘"‘°d‘““‘5'- __* It-‘OW’! T008531)’ Iil°l'“°°“- . ...-. 2 '-I —-- —o ---~ ur... so...‘ “We or New York ”ill'l'HlJA\' TO BE oi;sEitvEii wii.i. unan DRY W()l{I\'EltS obtained police protection against? V her husband so that she might have, her hair bobbed in safety. G. Leslie's Dean Munflct of Oklahoma U. to_|t¢-v. Scott McBride Is New Presi-l A I55)’ 'l'_Illt on III)‘ n. u b i Udent of Anti-Saloon League. _lniv¢-rsity .as.°~em y wi o By ‘mud . 11,‘. "WM. lute .\.,_.ue,.d.). .fw,_;held_ in the University Auditorium; Il\DlAl\APOLIS. Aflfll‘ l0.—The M0,, 1,35“... ",0 A1353“ flaked” ‘cunt 4:30 oclock Monday ¢\,-gtllllfi to Rev, Scott _McBi-ide of Chicagp wps d(.,.;gm.d tn protect and conscnm‘l.‘0nimel‘ll0t‘1ll.‘ Thomas Jef‘l’erson’s_elccted presidenbo. the Anti-Saloon Agnskan n]m',,n_ lbirthday, which occurs Sunday, Aprililaeague of America at a meeting of _.._.___.. ’ 313. The public is invited t the eele-‘the board of directors here last Samuel Perkins. 91. said to be they bration. 0 lnig . oldest veteran locomotive engineeri Julien Charles Monnet. ‘dean oil He succeeds the late Dr. llurlcy _{ of the New lfork Central. died to- the School of Law of the Universlty’A. Baker of Westerville. 0. , S day. _ -of Oklahoma, will give an addrcsajof; Mm.u‘d't‘m""‘S’P“k in S‘. hon“. ‘on "Thomas Jeflerson." Mr. Mon-. . 3 bet is well known as a lawyer and Dr‘ H‘ 8' Mm“l’°dt' 302 Hlcks "3"" ; --~—~+--——~— ’ .: ?'I'l.Al\‘S RI-SDI-IlIP'l‘l0.\l SERVICE . _ '-"-"-'-—' . - ~ ‘nae. \\"ent to St. Louis this morning I.‘ Bet. M. 1'. Hair Conducted Gellefll 53;!‘ 'f:m“fu’°§.T;“i,$f§wcn he will address The Pioneers.: A. -nu. Rm. M::i:'°# H", comiveraity of Iowa and attended Bar-3' women.’ m°"'y.'°°l°ty’ t°"i‘m‘; A.’ V ducted ‘ “hen! dbmuion on ; van‘! ‘University. He is a xnember’D°d'°5 tilgnigt .'.;l.'ul;__c.lur°H‘;: _}=j . “P§xncricncinc_ Redemption" It the; °' Pl“ 3°“ '“""‘.' édreaa will be the last of fourteen ica-‘ - Wdwek service at the Broadway; w"_L snow Au-po pic-rungs from on Goethe. which the society. liethodlnt Church this ' . Dealer Will Run Iloviea of ye. : H evemng.; : Methodist Church yesterday evening. ‘I Local Ira. o. D. Moody di "iii" 3 :4 Fool. “Money and Radam n";f Several reels of motion pictures Aflllrs. J. W. Carryer. “Faith and Re- ;showing_ the modern automobile in '.:_d!Inption"; and J. N. Bakernthe making will be shown at 7:45 ‘ “Self-Denial and Redemption.” lociocir tomorrow night at Cook Nina Louise Wylie and Hisa Anna Brothers Motor Co.. local Bupmobile urea depict the Boone Femme o'clock this afternoon Baptist Church. This at the waathe reg- vnadiry has of Christian counsel era. The pict ~: '5'.‘ charge of the ' music. Tbandmade construction of the liupp. the ‘ " wings have been in routine nature. 9- ! C ‘HIP Jfi~o-v- - I o I earn the feeling in these town to. , will attend the thorough investigation but also an Burnett was given a preliminary ) studied since October 12 last? r. ' v llapp Car in the Making ——————o——-—-— Bonorary Colooel Attends Drill. Little Boone I-‘emme Board Meus. The county board of the Utl-1'-"honoraxy colonel of the It 0. '1’. c..»aon. Asaociati at 2; Fl!'8¢;drill field yesterday -formally presented the two regig ter, Fannie Floyd Allen. ular monthly business meeting of .ments with new standards. one of 3 » b0l!'¢l- Th! 50353088 '8' 07 ll-blue silk to the infantry and one of l g H _ qQi.gMB"iATTdEsoUfil;'TfiUi'i§bXY: GSTXTE STARTS“ CASE AGAINST TOM NICHOLS Ashlaiid Youth. 19, Accused of Stabbing His Uncle Three Times. Is HA1) Qtwiaizt Wiru AUNT “I’m Goin'g'ToTZill You," Boy Is Alleged to Have Told Gates Nichols. Teiiiiiiy Nit'hnls, the defelidntil. took the stand late this afternoon. Ho testified that he ‘had no trouble with Gates i\'ichols print‘ to OctulK~I' 3. lie denied that he had threatened to kill Gates at any time. He went out. he said. to meet Mr.-1. Gates Nichols in accordance with :1 tele- phone conversation. and found her until I got my knife and when he began to bite me on the ear I cut him. Then he hit me on the eye and l on‘ - member what liappeni-tl. l inacle no _effort to cut him until after he hit me " The trial of Tom Nichols. l‘J-_\'(‘:tI'-I old son of ('laudc .\"it-hols, a mer living near A.-‘bland. wh charged with stabbiiig hi~ uiu-le, Gates Nichols. began in Circuit (‘ourt this morning. Testimony was hcarvl in which the efense attempted to t-slzililish ll plea of temporary insanity and self- defensc. Prosecuting Attorney Ruby Hulen tried to show the attack had been premeditatt-«l and was done with intent to kill. Nichols lives with his fatlicr and grtmdfather on a farm nearly two miles south of Ashland and about It half-niilo from the farm of hi.- uncle. ‘Gales .\'icl.ol.~'. Mr.-*. Gates I\'i'ehol. were: A (ltl-llllll' tmal rep.'ir.'itiui'..~' .-um should have been fixed b_v the committee Ii‘ that Germany ' have a mark at which lit. required to take their troops out of the uhi‘. l'r:irtic:iliy til the sunis dcnizinded were iind should be reduced. various loo big: France l.ack.~. Faith in (iermany. Ily l.'niuvl 'rv\s. l’.~\Rl.\‘, April l0.-—\\'hili- the Re- parations Foiiiniieaaion was examin- ing the expo.-rt.~' report. France was ltu-pim: pace with Germany in ub- jm-ting in the proposition. The old familiar game of‘l'Iuro- pean [uill'.lt“~' already being plzayml with this effort of interna- tional l9U.\llH'.N§ mun. IS The llil\'~'(‘.‘~ plan Wit:-3 lI3l.>l‘(l rm co- up¢'l'ullIIIl and rustorml confidence. The principal Frcm-h objection.- \'uit‘Ml iv)‘ the pro.‘-.~ today RH‘: .\l*vr:il guarziiitet-.~ are value- lc_-xs us far in Geriiiany is con- cerned. . Gl'l'llIItn.< could not be trusted lu carry out the ex- perts‘ recomniondations even if they formally accepted them. "With their Swi.~.~ and other luigut-ii," I ‘ , faring to the mixed hoards of con- trol proposed. “the ermans s would be masters of the situation." The Freivch press expects inter- national negotlations to last sevel'al'-‘cl n s. mo tli “ashington Is filopeful. Ifnited I'rI--a. W.-‘\Sl*lI.\'G'I'0l\'. April 10.-\\'ith .~trr_-ng objections certain to be made. to it. the Dziwes report stands bet- ier than an even chance tu effect a lly n final settlement of the reparations problem. official and diplomatic W:i.~‘.hiiigtun believed (uday. The principal objection is that the fiiiite total reparations figure. a fact finite total roparation figure. a fact to which Germany is already ob- jecting. The Reich is now under 0 - ligation to pay 132 billion gold mar '.~. An effort may be made to make it zippezir that under the proposal of .\'t-en-t.ar_\' of States llugher, w ' lirouttht about the lliiwes inquiry, the object was to set a total figure. The reason the experts did not deal with the sum to be paid by Germany was that Dawes found at the start that to try to fix a figure would France ,.\la_v Approve l'lan. The total meet. oven ' Dawes report is accepted. may worked out hrough a European economic conference called to put the experts‘ report into effect. France probably will approve the Dawes plan. as it is understood that the Poincare government is bound by the conditions of the Morgan $i00.f|ll0.00U loan to accept the re- port. ‘ . The liberal government of Great ritain. also. is expected to give its ttppruvii . .~__._,.....__. FARMERS‘ I-‘AIR l’ROGR§SING Thousand Stickers Will Be Distributed Next Week. Seven a W LAST @‘f‘rT6§m :1 BEiiL1.\“ii\lia’.i;\7'I‘si I, - appoint committees for the coming. 1: OOH ° . . -first two Sunda as wreck the inquiry. - P 3 -fort)‘-three are already Y"-""' "‘°m'l .. afttfnoon. KIA N '”%“-‘*1 **.n§.1=*-8? lCOOl.lDGl_‘ ls Ri:.\‘0.\ii.\'.»\’rEl) Ten c i'- I Be R . . ;~~~~-. "j’,"L';;,, ';,,minx ::"°“"'°‘ _ Illinois b¢31llll.0l'lal ct’ C routes Interest-— Little Hope for .\lcCoriiiick. - ..—.#_a—n : M ico. (‘olumbia Encampment .\'o. ‘.'-l. I. U. 0. F. will be represented at a ten-county conclave in Blcxico Tm..- - lly l‘i:iir~l I've-:- U.\l.-\ll.-\. April lit, l’ri~~i¢.lt°iil; ('ou_li(lt:i*'.~‘ lmul u\'I‘l' .\'i-iizilur Hiram -Hllli\’Hl‘. in Tm-.~il:i_v'.~ primary elec- llnll has pit:-~'t'il lliv Till,ll|ll may-L; with fexvt-r '.h:i:i 23.1000 l)l'(‘t'lllt‘l.\ yet to be llt'itl'tl fium. Adam .\l«:.\lullen of ll:-atria-o will \'.'lll the l:(‘lllllrllI‘a'lIl guliernaturi:il (‘UYll(‘.‘l zinil (inn-riinr ('h;irlc,< Bryan will i'i-c(*i\‘1' lllu backing of the ll('lllHt'f'Zll.~ by :i ~l-to-l l:ind~'lide. Sc-nat--r (ii-oi';:v W. .\'urrx- wun an e.'i—_v \'lt‘lUl'_\' for l‘('liUllllll8{li'll. )r rroxiruately of_the local‘lodge will attend as vi.~'Itorz-3, The conclavc of the eiieiiiiipmi-tits of these ten mumir--4 is x. 14...», "fl$!l"Ml‘