. f‘ 1 (ji- The ‘News In‘ the fiijezd of Sport ‘Benton and Field School Compete‘ ..t‘on.-elation Game Today. * .u The tiiuils iii the ward school soc-' ”; iourniinient will be played Mon-. dgy afti-rnuuii between the Benton ! .4-""'?—"_' ‘ rimis l.‘.\' soocnii MONDAY Her first in football. basketball andl wres indoor track record. Four Aoies mat stars will take Part in the Olympic tryouts held at igghwsahrai 11:1‘ zgfihulmhnl character,” Mrs. C... “ ..,- _,~. or .. fversity in 1393, which he attended coll bra lat rs 1 ege career he took part in every‘ nch of athletics he could. te ' edical institu .. __ ..____-....__.._._.. - 5.-.- atwl(dtt}r;.lan.d Medical College next‘ "3 ‘ml ‘*'l""l0¢ “P8! in the saw "Doc," as he is called. from m¢0t.-an enviable I904 until 1907. During his entire . Po'T. fh. (Continued from page 1) THE COLUMBlA MIlSSO;URlIAiIl\1, T The sided over by Mrs. cil. by it voca solo by The juvenile pupils Jiocgcr‘.-‘ R“IDAT,”APRIL 4, 1924 -___._. .,_ __.. -afternoon session C. ll. Trimble, president of the Boone County coun- The University 0“‘h°3U‘l| I-'tI\‘e selections. .followed .\lr.~:. E. P. Carter. expression I 'oinen'.s Gymnasium at 8 oclock. was pro! “ Daughter of Boone County Pioneer. John H. L ‘ Mrs. resident of Columbia, who Was ll igli School died in - _ wd Eugene Field schools. Iowa this week. Only one of these viiig the in tc. Clough played baseball and trained to eight class rooms; and fourth. A cullsulitlltill mime . will .be 91,,-ed lllls afternoon between the _ Gum Si-huul, which lost to the Lee school in the first rnignd of the pre-- ‘ liminarics. an t e Ridgewayl . school, V-'lllt‘ll was eliminated Wed- nggdav lx lleriton in the second yound'0f the preliminaries. ' ‘Arm:-d;i~.;: to Frank McAnaw, who 1, 5up(‘l‘\'l.’1l.‘ liq-Jt't‘r:~' will try for _ 1|; ()l_vir.pii- ti-zim in 'l‘.(- tryouts in 1§nns:i- t‘ity the twezity-1"iftl and t\'o!.‘l‘ilj.'~~!Xlll of this month. Mont- .‘ nini (irier iii the 1335-pound ;1r.‘l (Yliccfe iii the l~l5«pt1ur.d claim , Tlll'l}.“’l e .lll}'l‘.!t\\'l~’. basketball men li.i-cc lH'i’ll :1sl:ed to report for ,.~pg-any lbll~l(t‘llI‘.lll training. The K3i’.\iil'.' zippriii to be doing all they can 1.. 1.? llllll‘ \';;ll.-1.’ pen.-aant for 1}i_( i’..uv-:1: t--»ii..1-cutive time. Black ifillkl ti.--i-t is. the coiicliin . Fnrinzil 1-nti _\‘ l-liin_!;s for the Drake n«l:i_\'~ l:(l\‘(- l)('t'll' still out. T 050 must‘ be ii-. by April 17. The Drake otl’ici.1l< are 1.-.\:pe':tin:: 1.500 ntllletfl to (‘tilll;)t'l" in the irtmies. This is tbs t‘::”i«.-1-iitla :iii::'.1:il ciiriiival and one ‘of tin‘ ultlwlil ‘Al lillltl lll ll'llS coui1'.r_\'. its Tet: t“1:it:i‘.iiuii~lti1i.-.‘ this year. tying lliim-i~ l.;is tiguri-vl in four Bit: of men 1 . lien part in intercollegi- ate wrestling matches this year. According to 101' Charley Paddock some strong trainer and assistant to the physi- 1°3¢h1‘l‘ ‘1-‘5°°“'"°“ “'07 competitioi. “Roland Locke‘! He's cal director. _ the fastest man I've ever handled."!continued his westward iraveling C3"b°”‘."» "3"°l}3l 591*‘ "€“"“-‘m.">'» A,,_..,oc1afi(,,, “- and 1915 saw 1,1,“ and Dr. ll. Curtis of Jetfcrsoii City. %8 V II ,. done the hundred in xi good four. l'll go further than that. I've seen the great sprinters. a for years, and potentially, Locke‘ is their superior." The Tiger baseball men had a real workout yesterday afternoon. Sides were chosen and p . With continued smiles from the weather man. the Tigers should be in good condition for the Husker contests. However, the Ncbrasltans will have considerable advantage b_v having played some eight or nine real games. ii"'t'iit. ‘scan L. ci.oL'i;ii ll.\S COACHED .\lA.\'\' L’. TI-IA.\lS nu Trained .\lcn in l’riicticall,\‘ Every Known Sport—ls an .1~ Expert Sport enthusiasts hear much iii-ws abnu: the tcaiiis and the in- dividuals playing on them but little is heard usually of the men who train these players and put them into ~ condition so they can perform the things they do. ' Dr. (.).‘$('£il' L. (‘lough_‘ who came to the L'nivei-sity last fall as ath- letic trainer and assisuint ph_\’slc.'ll instructor, has trained every sort can think of. He was graduated from One Cent a Word a Day. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS It Six Insertions for Be a Word. ie a mem- "rr..- 1-..i..m1.;.. Mi .0...-on The ' .‘\'¢-era;-apcr A-.-1-ri;.:mn -if : n--\v<|-at-«ri ugh ' '11 il'lr) Mill] 11.1. {Inf lls Ill“ the A ': ‘ I'l!mii~;.t1i 7. 1-f fniiivltilvtil ltwl lI'it-lt‘Id- ' '- 1‘: 5-: rl. ilu-I a-lu-rt:-ing The Colum- . 1. we it-tuvtil lint conforming ID the lugrhz--t -tamlardc of honesty. 9 H ‘*1 A -V ,...¢o - _.-. .—-- ...- .- 9.. — I-2.\ll’l.0YME.\'T F l H 1‘ ion-if cm - 1-» ...17.‘3.‘i...l3.‘«%..S.‘l3i.“.‘-.§'."‘.’..‘.‘..§‘i 5:1? __ H a 'W0m£lll. Phone 14611. l-Illa Tucker. gain. -,See it at Ford & Geery'a, jew- ‘T ‘ ' J ‘ eleg-s_ '. ' C’ usi-:1) CARS‘ eon SALE C C‘"- " \\'.-‘i_.\"l'l-I[)~—Sriiiie one to put out .~-’- -' —-’* - * ‘-~ ' ’ ‘-‘ rden fin th «ham 1505 l~link- . . "'00 _ ‘. Sln phmw w°i7‘Gre(:'; 176“ . i'OR‘SAI.E\(‘),..crland_-1 Roadster i s-' » ' M 3...... .'t':‘.‘.‘."°.°...'.‘.'."‘..‘.‘.f:::'“°'*~ ”"°°“ ‘°.:?.°.‘.i Plants ‘ . ‘ i:.‘;.:: _ ' — ‘ff’ ‘._.r‘; _;-g $”"5- ,: 3"0.\'l'IY TU LOAN on Columbia‘ Rmnis FOR REN1 ee S I rval e—t:it<-. \\’e:ithers Realty Co..‘ I-‘OR RE.’\"I‘—-A sleeping room at. S d - it 1.10 - ‘v ,. -.'__, -7 . . J . ow: .\u\mins llarduare 56tf‘190l Fast. Broadway Jli tf Liane Prevost and Huntley Gordon 110; .1’ 1'30}; _\'_.\1‘}.;,__)'\'(.“- 7 mom 1,1-1‘-|;_ FOR llE3\"l'—'l"\vo light house-fl ' 1 . I . ‘I-s lli)ll'~( \\lllI ltirtte sleeliin P0!‘Ch and li1‘1‘l’l"l~' """"l'“' , l0Cl~'.~' rum Story of guise “ho “lant only the .“qne L __ mu parlor, i-1...’... ism. Red, 1g21(1§3(ro(i;id(\‘\'a_\' and Liiivcrsity. P one of life, never realizing what an empty happiness : .'.'_ I7 .il'(‘('n. h e no ,- ‘L35 Fol: SALE—.\'ew 6-room bunza-l , B ' t e)’ C1 d‘ e‘ ‘as 7 gov‘. strictly modern. $4,500]; ssooirofgf l;f(;::;L*§*6; u S A150 ” ; Men's Oxfords $1 ow. .\'- - 8- iii. 0 tot - ,~ _ - v u ' ' _ ";‘.'.":...":..,.° rm»-e Rose Bus es “'3'! L"° 1 1......-... .. 11...... tr 1 ' "' ' "" ‘”""" *5 - A ~-W -' A M91-mald Corned r ' _ 53,: «A Eight-rooni house on Rosemary I-‘()3 1{E1\1'_Room, for 811.13, . 3 1 lain.’ $8,500. 15-room furnished 707 Gentry. $6 block south of Jesse. 7:153:00 20¢-30¢ . i '1 ‘ P _ . 58:13’ A :2:-:. I;-(tins. all .‘:(‘!ll(£. roglle-E; Hall. Phone 692 Green. _ K114‘-" $1 $7 $1 $1 '-_: o .n1versi '. e -_ . 1-_— ‘k T 1 . V9 58:. ‘rain, ‘I~:i;_'h‘.—riiom lhoufit-I on Unilrl FOR ‘(EB-\':r*2 CSJUDCC:-ll"!!! C0. ___,- - - «— C - _____._ .. -- —~—— ’ ’ " ‘ -is ~ «'1 \'(‘l’.-‘ily Avenue on y A‘. .00; sma “W-'0 11" NV)‘ 0|’! W1‘ ' UNIS 13 (:reenhouge8 T, 4. ,|a}.'m_nL dnwn. Beautiful 7_r00m tin second flOO_X'. $l5 each or 325 f0). ("int Bau.m.n Man‘gcr . ., ll('bllt~¢‘_ in \\'e.-twooil, easy tcrms._3- so 1 large well fUl'lll.‘illC(l~ ’ ' , . '“l‘:;s 3,“. _1_,.Wm 1mmm10“.. 33.350; 15,511 rtmlll for $10.00. 1401,: East Broiid- Sm" ,Gr”nhou”s' i O . . D :' ,__ .1-mi. A1... let us write your fircf {}:§:"_~“EllV(-file 1849 Black ,1_ii7g1.1s4 ‘"095 "0" .l’- "- “- I?"‘- :3: 5"‘ , 1 z. n ar.1l‘| l'.Il’llZ1l(lf) hlllstlzllflft‘. ms F G ‘u 3 ""’”‘ ‘ LODGE -N0.r1CEs—~ —— -—-Q L Phone 366 0 one _ . . 1 - ynn tea 3 .o.. 1. -.1 ui r, 1 1 . M... 1‘; Bldii.. Phone 1620 or 1103. ACACM LODGE» 50- 602 .-___ g *_ w_ _ _,_- , _ --_; {— . . ~ ,‘ F178-18-1 5- F- “ 5- “- ° - ‘°‘ ’ " l.OS'l'.AND FOUND _ Speeia communication‘ , -—»--——-— Tuesday. April 8. 7:00 ' , ~ .i.osT _. American Blue ltabbit.‘ ,,_ m. - TICK 1 7' l'.h0ne 656 Green. R181-tf; - 1:1”; Dem-ec ’ .. . . : K. c. SULLIVAN w. it. BOUGHT AT THE DOOR— ' ‘.:- l.0.\T-l’('l't~‘uns in possession of« M LONG Se; . , , ,° , , ‘ ‘ . - 0 “W . ' ‘ at ;— ;*;;;";'_ ;;";*'[',;*§H-*1’I;f';,' gmg‘ h{f;‘;;:::':+.:.~ - -:- '7- 3 f h Uk . _ N 1, . ‘Ch A blinding snowstorm swept the field ~' "‘ " ' " ' ° ° ° ' . 1 For tonight's concerto t c 1 rainian :1 ions orus. 1 quauters for exchange. Number of‘ g 1 _ ':’l(‘lll.~ll in‘ our! posse,-.-ioii. J 1:1‘ I Seats in the ba1cony__cxce11en1_ seatS___that are mu-e. The Tlge!-S were rushing fof riict-ct ouni. But God - . ~ —-——— . ‘cm ‘78°"33- °PP°'I“ w‘l"‘h shi served may be had for One Dollar. A few reserved _ LOSTDCGOM uwnhnrp pent“. ‘In’! ‘ hum“ com!” C“! i i ts t $é lso a\ ailable You are going to regret Kansas tightened’ the Tiger attack‘ was stemmed 1 . itiids J. T. S. Return to uia, 1 . 5 sea a are a ' . . ‘ . * * I’ Lmm‘ Read mm’ 9 hone -1005’ 188i‘ l‘L%AL NOTICES |i it extremely if vou do not hear’ this concert. The“ Walsh klcked ! 3 ! 1 » . LOST--I‘h' Delta Theta pin. Ini- ___¥ 1 .I 1 " . - ‘ . . um -. am. --c. n. '3." Phone 946. uoincz or rum sun .7 See the pictures of that famous -game that marked , A M-82-184 ,"’°“" I- herd! Wm "M W “:3-'5'} ' Doors Open at 7:15 p. in. - _ , ,_ . .,, . - . b can 1 -7“, PM one don" him on ‘:...'“".;‘,7.‘§:‘.f.‘,f";“ °‘ "'°.!,‘,":.‘:.:‘....;; . another chapter in. Missouri is history. The first 3 ow- . ‘ " ’ ~ . * 1" 5" -win" "°' -*4 5-N" E ’ The World's Greatest Chorus - . seed. 1 1 1 11331 d:t. or Uim-crsitiv. Pl'l0!;¢822l1lg§ adtl:inlstI'atr at the :1, 1113 here! W.’ __ - ‘aour beholden at tn midi »l ' ant up ?U0ST—1'um- containing‘ urge. °°°°‘* "" "" "“' "."- "‘ "" ” ”-.”"" 3: THE Also pictures of last year's Farmers’ Fair._ j. 3 3'" "f '"°"""' “id! Phom 1 Aduilnletntrts. ‘ j , , fig ’ 0? Black. Glendcnc Bra ey. lar't8-April :1. « 5 __ __ 1 .1 . . '. .. f . A ‘ ‘ . . . Q 0 V -. . »--"»--‘"-?r‘'‘—-o-- war. 1 - 1 1 1 ' The University Band and the -University Glee Club l Pdliuih 5 ‘CH5’ Riven. till a ‘I I _ ‘ L . » - Ada i-ti-aw-ii an Rotate uni: 1 . . Id Q 1 '1 -i-—~ _ —————— Wrkht. td on-I _ ~ _ b6 at I ' ‘; ?POR RI-ZNT—A garage at 3w;m:IfioI|b0I0l:‘&7d‘IIr?’liCb|.'i I ‘*‘ "aohley. Phone 918 White. T13!!! "n"““'.'-°""hm"“d‘°"" ' . ‘ —..‘..?"‘ 5.‘.*.E.'.‘;‘.‘..“‘..°....' ‘ ’.°.°.'!‘ """‘.....- .--...-.~'-.*~..~--..*:.-...=.:.~:....°- :5 NATIONAL CH0RU$~. ., A _ , , : g , ' I . . I . o.i‘giJ¢n_ phone 1230 whit; '1‘1&inaothI.afII- tbdateot said !aturs.or1 ‘:« 1 e ' gfiqunyliaproeloded fro-aayhaoeat of; 1- _ “*1 .-on ...-.t~r_n...~ am or - -**.......'i-".....=.-"..:'.°:.°.* :':.::'.:: .'::.':;. UNIVERSITY Aunrconium ‘lllluidid liriclt house of 5 rooms. 14.1,. mg .i..ii L. forever In-nit. 1 ~ 1 .' E _ ::;llllll¢o sleqfin: 01130:‘-;;“l'::“,‘ Y“ ggddc 3.1.-...ui¢ 1 .._l ‘i Api-ii i t1o'September 1 Di: ""* , D, ,;...,.,;o,. J ‘ “ ‘ C A ' .. ;, ,ayen'iic. Phone 1296-White u-1-i-uni-r. ‘ ‘ _ m.,_ _.at 101 -Waugh. - Dl_77t:I..flar. _ _ « ,_ r « 1.. '. _ - . . » ' _ ’ CL - ~ ’ ‘ l . T 4' WA.\'TEl) TO BUY WA.\’Tl-II) TO BUY—~8 to 10 room house. south side .can pay $1.000. Address Box 0. I). care of Missourian. Gl"l8l-186 \\'A,‘.\"l‘l-Il)——Bed. tress "and dresser. GMT- springs. mat- I'hone ll2:' ~ , ‘$3713’? FOR SALE . OB SALh2—Good. large face. business house clock; in first-class :1 h’ B. if‘. Schulte, the Huskers ' Schulhc. "Why, he has not yet 5-and 1914. 1915 eldped and in practice he has at the University of Southern Cali- ’ nine- forms in charge of physical educa- During the summers ill!‘ P8|'9nl-Mather . . . . as tmincr upon the 31,111,). of U“. “.o,.kc,.s to ant about bringing‘ up children in of them of these years he acted sh. showed that Ind Roland_for the Poitland baseball club of boxers until 1910, when he came towns with schools of one to three 11,110“ 1_,m.(, ,, vocal ml” out to Oklahoma and took a post- class rooms. ' course in orthopedics at gu1[en-lent by the Oklahoma Orthopedic Institute. to take 11 course to be offered by the “ 00°C In 1912 Clough went to Baylor'Unl\'9rsity for ° l1ave'i sprinter what promises to of- University. Tex.. in the capacity of 30110 15. for leadership in P8"-'01‘ i graduate Three years tioniil work. Pacific Coast League. i From ere h ing of clubhouse routin “ ‘left and hung his hat for the next the ‘two years at Washington State Col- lege physical trainer. Upon the United States. entrance ,into the World War. Clough was icomniissioncd a first lieutenant in -the air service and directed physi- cal educational work in the army at the Medical Air Service Research _ Laboratory at lllincola. L. l. _ But" at Wasliington State Col- lege in 1911!. he left the next year to act as phy.-iical director for the Concordia Athletic Club in S .Francisco. From there he went to the University of Nevada in the same capacity for two years and [then came to Misouri in the fall ot f!923. ‘Globe-trotting seems to appeal to “Dot-" Clough‘s taste, and he does not know whether his traveling days are over yet or not, but man in (,,.(_,_,. Son (,1 SP0“ hcldoes not think they are. i To Give Stcalrlloast Tbmorrow. lhave a steak roast tomorrow even- , will be: Capt. and Mrs. . . Mrs. J. J. Coghland, Capt. and .\li-s. R. S. Gibson, Capt. and Mrs. W. G. Dunckel If you want to buy or sell some- 1.1e1. be are to be given by th e went to the Mul- tomah Athletic Club. Portland, Orc., gas physical director for a year. Tir- DOC. director and 0 Members of the Rifle Club will b ( tiiiiicd with rt-citatiom. .\ll.-as Eleiiiior were made by orgniiizzzitioiis. Other addresses . . . rs. '. Ulmunn, national vice-pres- belzmmmr idcnt and chairman of hygiene. on the subject of “Child Hygiene." and by Miss Ella V. Dnlilis who spoke on "Reminiscenccs of Parent-Teacher ork." Mrs. Cox udviseil those interested Lectures Miss Winifred Slate-~ph\'sical instructor. . Ml?“ Ul'“‘""‘~ “'h° “'3-“ 5131*‘ l"'(‘»“° _ Mrs. Cox said that the success of '_‘d°"l f°’.' ("W F93?‘ ‘Old “T ‘_"‘P“V' “.0”, dqwnds itnccs with mothers who are ignor- create a favorable sentiment in the l‘- l‘>’l¥l°“l° ‘Val’- i:cit.'hborhood. “We must sell educa- "13"." C0ll<'i!0 graduates who were '11,," and the pm.(.m_'f(.ach,., A550. good students turned out to be poor 91,1110,‘ “.,,,.k to the p¢.op1(.1 when mothers, and _ that children from we 8911 to the poop]? the fundn. wealthy families are often under- ,.~ mental and basic ideas of our work Yl0Ul'l5l“'d b°C3U-‘C ll"-‘}' 1170 "01 SIIWD n we can have an association in UN‘ "ll.-'ll1 ‘(lod- school. Miss Dobbs told of many reniini.<- ucation is a slow process. We cenccs of her early relation with Par- re now just beginning to realize ent-Teacher Association work. She '.¢um(‘ of the fruits of Parent-T!-acher related the beginning of the work Association work after it has been here in 1911. when some women in gradually growing for twenty-seven the L'ni\'ersit,\'. Wnntinf! (0 1'1‘ lt'M'll' years in the United States and about ers were taught the relation between twelve years in Missouri. the parents and the schools. “The progress of the at-‘S0('ll.l.llUll W ‘ "..’_”' . .. ,- . . A. A. to Hate I-iic-Mile llilie. is one of the vital problems. The W. _A__ A‘ “.m ha“, 3 him, ,,m,m._ every "Ed social end of it must be provided and _ . 1 . . . . - i v, t 1 t’ '11: r 'iven especially in rural ..chool.- there “‘“ "“""‘ “~ 9" P0 " ‘ " L ‘‘ must be (‘lll(‘l'l31lllll'l(‘fll of some {"7 the {W9 "m”‘‘ The ml“. tram kind. But after inducing the people - to come then there must be some- thing to give them, something to hold the members. This can be done by having a right kind of progress." 1;; order to provide entertaining programs. Mrs. Cox advised all to send for the paniphlets, to subscribe to the “Child Welfare Magazine" and et it set of eight books '‘l’arnet< ' Day or mg t and Their Problems." She emphasized the importance of . . PARKER’S ” the pre-school circle. She explained . ma, ld could Phone 53 AMBULANCE SERVICE Prompt Attention Modern Equipment ' h Lynn. her father, was a pioneer of Boone County. Mrs. Phillips’ husband. J. Leslie 3. f Co- lumbia. (.'hiirle.~a Lyon, of Ccntralin, -- and Henry Lyon of Blooniingtoml Prof. Schlundt to (live Lecture. Prnf. Herman iichlundt of the cliemistiy depurtiiit-nt of ie ' versity, will give it lecture on the “I-Int-rg_v of the Atom" April 18 in the lecture room of the Physics" the fifth of a of non-tedhiiiriil scientific offered by the Missouri 1:‘-ric. li-ctures Try a. hlisgourian want ad. Shoe Repairing Called for and Delivered Shoes Rfiblilllt Here Look 1 e New SAPP BROS. formed in_the period before the l _ ‘child goes to school. -L _ pr:ti.~‘ed the T ___j 1 C COLUMBIA plished we should work for some- ’ THEATER thing try a Missourian want ad. If You Play Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Polo Or any outdoor game-—thcn'1v_e can supply you with’ complete equipment. 'thing more worth while. us build- Friday and Saturday The play of the Lu.\‘ui'_v Lovers I’1'oiluceil by the man who made “The Ilzingerous Age” MRS. BETTIE l‘lllLLll’S DIES Try allissourian want ad. ’on- 1 o Bettie Phillips, :1 formei-~l Paht '4‘ -“VS (3 0- Los Angeles .\londa_v of paralysis, “ll”-“' 9"‘-9"’ \\‘{L< buried there Wednesday. Mrs. Phillip! was born and rented inn‘ R°l’°"‘-‘ Boone. (‘oiinty. .he moved tolCali- fornia with her husband about WWI‘ 1:1‘-'ei1l1y tivi-nty-five years ago. Jo n H. d August 5, 19 4. ical Announcements oone County.‘ 0 The Col oi-ized to a a candidate Sheriff ‘to the action of the state primary election to be held Aug. 5. 1924. l‘hillip.v., is the son of the late lli-I thzfiiedcolugbx‘ ‘ W also wn'i'edQ'(“Doc") Hall as a candidate for ‘. . _‘ {the office of sheriff of .Coun.t.y, subject to the action of For Sheriff. umbit Missouriaii is nu- announce E. S. u0Wl."lfl( for the office o Boone County. subject thurizeil to announce J. as :1 i-anilidtite for the Missourian is au- announce Wil.-or 3,. 1, candida“ BM"? the action of the 0 action of the state primary election - to be held August 5. 1924. The Columbia Missourian is an- ‘Pem Berr_ office 61 Shiv-iff of Boone County, subject to the action of the state primary election to be held August 5, 1921. The Columbia lllissourian is au- thorized to announce D. S. \\'h' for the office (it Sheriff of Boone County. state .election to be held Aug. 6. 1924. s "7 P{\.G¥:‘.l’.|.‘I3 will leave the north door of theichnlptcr of Signia Xi. The lt't'llll‘('s the primary election to bi are open to theupublic. lid 2 The Columbia Missourian is an \ llt subject to primnts The 19th Hole is the ideal place to meet to go to the golf course. If you ‘are in need of ' any golf supplies you can buy them while you wait. CLUBS $2 T0 315 Sa tterlee’s v Then at the Price! You'll wonder him is so $6 ss me she 56 $6 $6 $6 s6 s6 $6 5635 so as Look at the Leather! 511 niucli style and quality can be sold for so little moiicyl I These Oxfords will appeal to you because of the- Stylc. Comfort. l)ur;ibilit_v_;111il licniioniy combined in hem- ...‘ ...i.-:.s-ox..;. ~:- ‘.