.. ' - la - f '1.‘ cultivated state: were a ting commercal ad- , _ . _ , . , ‘m'M'" “rm of g°_"m'fm" "' 0° rm.“ mmnnge 0 l ‘ vertising that disfigured the beauty U".""""'l5° "‘""l“"‘ “em l° "l‘°"2'-‘°"dm2l)'- he asked the board Of 118- scoring dozen of eggs in the show. “. “NM s".m wag mwgwd that the l-Ili-z.;i Go.-.lin and l.u,.;.;m.] 1.. I n ‘ Jumbia should take notice of the IBM III l¢8|m“' '-'l'0l"‘~ e . . ting the white i,;,-,_.}, 1,; 1‘ de ‘ ' 1 cf ha 1 date. ,- - ~ firm was in danger of bankruptcy. , , _ ‘ 3' - . . - . . of rural scenery. As millions of au- ' N‘ ' "l "l""“ W" ‘ ‘ ’‘l‘''‘'~'.‘‘’ 3° “ There “Ill be It mnlm‘ l0V|fl2 (‘UP , - - ‘l.l|l8t‘0ml) ~10 litres .\\\ --I 51- 1-1 ""°°"d -W“ B°u°"’""' l“"" ll’? Th" l"'l"'~ l" l'*"“"' is "f hm" ""’itouiobilista use cars for lileaaure- -““d ‘'l'“ ‘"" ‘bl’ !""°"l‘°"‘ 07 Vflriollfil 0" Wllifll W plant U‘°98- Tl“! dlmifor the leader in this division. The N” ll'°.w"rm ls mxmus to hm. ‘.‘R..l«i. :5 $1 . ‘ entade for 1923. Under II €51)‘ mil!“ parlance. It is the economic bciie- fidinm obnofious biuboan!” will not ‘graduating classes. The life of an was January 4. 1872. and a Priu 0f?Boon¢- (‘ounty Milling Co. will give "W l”“m.'"l" winch mm” mm fa- J R .0 1 J; p , 1 H-. gag...-, this gm". of 2500 Penn“, mid fit.,,,,i,,.d,,.i‘.,.d {mm ,. pmgmm of km‘ be miermed. tank is 2,000 years; that of the elm‘ 25 in agricultural library booksluu. ,,w,,,.,. of ,3“. high,“ "coring senibled iii the tx:ll’l&- days of llll-.G":-Ii"-“;ll‘;(:n.l:l .1.“ ;<.}.t‘ll(l-4. ‘Mme ‘gm?-833 out of la“ reaps Mfume “mm: um‘ i‘. the imp“..- when public opium“ E. mafledlfrom 300 to 500 years. These trees_was awarded to the person plantingltdown in me ch“ “,0. pmmd, of ]ll"S§Ii:‘lJOl‘llS5llh I ha. i . ' ‘ 49:13 *1. . . . . y .. lreceipts, and is making ])l1)|{l‘('BS um; ‘hing, y,_.,,. 1,’. ).(.m. mm‘. 1-,,,.,"Rninst any practice that com" mgwere chosen for a memorial because‘ the most trees. . . :magh' and 50 pmmd, of hen feed to "If! - 01‘ H‘ K?" Nil’) P ' ‘ \ ' b . . . . . ,thev will outlast a marble monu-. More than a million trees were u i 1 - both th. b . 5 lteflefollb n the matter Cf thin Ut- \|!1U€'1¢lll 3U‘l‘hf‘"-* «WI hufilrmlil mince the inauguration of the plan mg-rs are awakening‘ to the fact tbat.;be .5; g nummce no per- - , . .' 1° 911‘ 9" I" I WW1 1"" .i . .. _ . ., _ _ W J "_ , _ .w ,,_, _ . - . . . . . . . . . !men . graduating classes planted on the first Arbor Day. The i-whiu. , ,i,,...c. hllul. Mud D009-or PItl~nrd- This l0 - -ll 1 ll 1 2 5 1-4 2- all 11 :a few year!‘ 320 Such in‘ It fl.¢'\'t'l' if they wish to maintain a steadysistent stand will be made against‘ ' » . . _ i, ‘Y3 -~ '- V , b - - f . . . i. d_ . la b b." .liaw chosen the sugar maple. poplar-.,successful inauguration was fol-3 F h _ , '."l d rd .cnt the talua le paintings run $1. ‘"339 l’°l""'- Tall‘ 07 i“‘°d“"ll°“- ‘h"5' '“""“ 3"" it" A lenlscrs con?“ e.‘ M l ' .wc¢Diiig mulberrv walnut and lowed by the horticultural society in’. ‘"0 mu’ .m lo More new ' . . . . - h 1 h t .,_.h- 1, fl,..'boards in the Berkshire Hills, on the: . . . ‘ °' . . . ting to the Missouri score card and - ~ Not only in Belleville is the plan back into 1 e soi t a . ic Mohawk Tm“ and in Cmwfnrd white ash. some'for their beauty and‘ Iowa. Minnesota. and Ohio. Today'.f.his mm tngether wnh prim; mm “‘0l’lfll|lt out. lull N371)‘ l!H'i.'l'l' titles growimt (‘mp “n“,‘."‘ {mm "' "MW Notch will not my when the women 3.-others hr the" M“. and Silmifi” Arbm 1).”. ii“ an immumon and }h(.l\\‘lll be given the exhibitor within l’-ave found it practical and cconomi- ever. there are still too few fiirmi-rs don‘ Wm“ u,¢.m_ And the women "m?°"'M. . U‘ P. t A b D lideblingon ‘st; tm°“l"“ 1°! flacnnngva week after the show closes. Plume 27 cally sound. Tl_ie chief underlying who practice soil I‘0l)ull(llll[, tu a do" L. on. Oahu, in tlic‘lln\H1l|3“ ‘Wm? 0b:::.:,:;‘ in Thzrfris gfielipfu 9 Re R u pan an l.yinan G. Neel is superintendent We S ell real estate principle of the ‘commission-manm large enough degrvth Islands, billboards have disappeared; ' ' , ' .,f the chm, ‘mi JO 1;. }.~,,,.m..,. We have M oney to loan 31‘? “Wm 07 ROWUWPM is 8imPli¢5- There are several ways in which altogether, because the women I ;-.--.:‘::.-,.-._ : 3 t e ' ‘ "i - _- -.,,_ H:-—. 3.7%; ~;* * 1: ,: is nssismm wpe,-5m¢ndem_ we .te I nsurance of an kinds tr. It operates on the same plan afldepleted soil can again be made it-ngwould nnf dh=n;'.then=- «'\ftft’I‘\\‘-ml ;xo.\ii:s'iai-:.s- ma w. s. o. A. g ,roii.\ii=.a S'l‘L'i)ENT IS \vi.\'Nim; _ a "ll _ a well-ordered business. The bus'- tile. Different soils need different ;l;‘:erP_":f*th;‘<:x'_.ala:3 my oi«i»‘itI-zs llA\E Sl'F.Altlv.llS§l H qp"k————" wing: M mm s P SU!'_8tY bfmdfi . T hat Drotetjt 5.011 I’ ~ .in' is '0“ lo (me man’ whu h”"°l°mem's ‘O make up ‘heir defi. plsntiiliz oleanders. poincianas and Elizabeth Longan ll‘!-Id Elizabeth‘ H iii ‘Contest for Research Work. -rypgwgnigus REN-I-ED H will build a H Ome to smt you n specific duties to: attend to. ciency. Malluflh l"“"- l"‘u"‘l‘_ ml pink and yellow shower trees at ev-S \'hite Are Candidates for in M_ spake,’ a fume, student‘ ALL “AXES 0 N D 0 Cities am fading that the com- nitrogen are all good soil builders My poi,“ of “mam. Cm,§u,m.,._.. . I .p",,.d,n . in the School of mine“ and; 3 Mona“ “'50 U’ N I: you havenvt all C ash, will make terms N mi”l°" .f°"" °f ."°"""'.".°"‘ am ‘"‘d "am ‘’1“:“.'’ " ”"°.’"'"°"‘ .”°"’il““"f l.‘ l" ‘hm "°“." ‘° “bomb.-"d.' . A lf"'"""'°" “'°"‘.°""‘ .’“"“" "““".’ Public Ad'“‘"l5"“”°"- 5*‘ ‘l‘°, 'lf‘‘' :7 1-‘ii-at Rental Ilpiillea on Pur- E ’ We write A utomobile insurance E away with expensive political ma- of ‘hen, f",_,|,ze;,-, nitrogen l.~ one verttsjng that .-‘buts out a line \lt'\\, ing pas held last night in the Uni- .,,.., of 3200 as the second pr,“ m . dun’ min“ :5 P r H “L Let ,t h t t 1, chioery l-‘.\-on nlccigons ¢¢,_.;g 1(.,;5_ of the mm. imp.,,.u,m_ An ingumt-_or by continguity spoils it. _ emversity Auditorium to announce the u “,me,.t gm. original ,.e,m"ch m - . 00 " us W11 e T 8 nex pOlC.y ilielleville is but one of many cities crop.’ mg. ,.,,;.,,,.., m... of 1,enng=they refuse to |>u.v the nd\'oru-W1 cnn:i;inte:ntf:‘rWtl;<-ti‘ 0";(¢‘"tf‘ 5:” business and finance condu ted by Wrlllnz Supplies 2: If you want R eal estate or insurance 27 ‘that haw thrown off the use-old and peas. clover and alfalfa. are ca- ""l"‘“";' -. f i t. M M “M. l_',“';‘ M ,;1'a:h:'g“t’;‘f“‘°i':“’:ho?; tlie cinicoio 360*‘ to. Itfiii“ 39- Till: SUNSHINE AGENCY Call and see as O n second floor , - - .- - ~ -, t s» I ivcr. iscrs ' o « - ' ' nounce in icago recen '. is, . rote ‘nd are wnduflmg the“ bus“. Pablo 0, nflmy mcmnsmg. we -m lu lnl)llll(lt\‘l.lz:‘dt\“llln£l spot of natural l'1‘hl|”- essay was on “Investment 'l‘rusta." ' mom 692 Red of Exchange N atlonal Bank Bldg’ M“ 0" mudvm plan‘ ' "°“"‘ wmvm "f we M" m Much charm the police power of the stati-j Mildred Macintosh. president. His paper probably will be pub.- Peiaberton Hall phone 27 um” much l°"'3" Wm (“’l"’“l‘i" ‘he'll 3"‘ '""‘m' xm °.nl‘v du they may be exerfed. Massachusetts bas=:sl\oke of the W. S. G. A. convention lished by the bank. - blind ll" t‘)'‘-‘,-'‘ l0 ill? l’0-Sfilllllltltts ol91‘0tlll(‘e valuable supl1l|¢‘5 0‘ {°°'d’~fouiid it way to restrict suchadver--to be held here iinmcdiately after Spun. r is mm. an mstmcw, hi _i_ _x ’ the Comlfllfiilon {Wm Of t!0\'t‘m-1 V0’ lY"""t°"l" 1"“ ‘hey also .l°:.“° tising. and minor outdoor dii-l1liI3‘s'the E§lx\ter vacnllon. “ is a the Central High School of Musko-‘ ‘V ‘ ‘ ’ R” ' ' ment? '1 l ‘ E be soil much the better for havinfi are not allowed on any rock or ' v splendid opportunity for the women It okia, . .. _....._..._..._._..4.... -___......- . - '--4 . ea-.-~ ---- w.‘ -.' —-..o~. W. 1 tboplecanclaliiitocreate .wa;vr -omens Sm fean be feministic, while there is A .:-more distinction in femininity. _ .._.____...._.% ..-.. --I 4... STRICTLY BUSINESS . Opponents of the comm_iasion-~- ,_....__.............. RAISE MORE l.F.'GUM7E8 The Boone County Farm Bureau has entered the lcg"ume'coou-at pro- moted by the Chamber of Coirnneiee of Kansas City. A cash prize is to be given the county having the VIOLENCE GIVES A \\'.\lt.\'l.\'(: rmed gangsters terrorized vo- ters during the municipal election in a Chicago suburb Tuesday. ftwo oz. ficlals being -shot while ’ turbancc was going on. It has even noiirishi-cl them. devoted ertclusively in lliitfuf wheat and (‘urn until 11 l05t‘ much of its fertility. The practice the produc- agricdlturist. ‘ The motive behind lxansas (‘itys Somotbingot tlu-Jame feeling ‘- beginning to creép into the attitude modern “fneedoin.” Women‘ _but they will realize that any woman ‘O of crop rotatioii is invaluable to the of ocouiioe Outdoor iiiimo-ing. from the New York ‘fins. The campaign of the National fourteen “large national advertisers" have pledged themselves to abolish highway billboards upon the expira- tion of their contracts. It was due to her ioni.-er work that: so many unsightly advertisements were re- moved from the Lake George dis- trict. A late count showed that nine Too often is land or upon any fetlci‘ 0|’ P0‘? 3l°n8_ 3: In residential dis-_ 5 jtricts in Chicago signboauls are not ' : public highway. permitted. except with the consent of the owners of the lt’T€3‘9|' WW‘ a street frontage. In the p eme Court of the United 518105- to which the ordinance was finall)‘ 1001 Su- ‘ i i it is the best shade tree. of the L'nivi.-rsity to entertain ii hundred delegates from all over the country. and show them the fine- nms of Missouri and what we stand for," Miss Macintosh said. The candidates for president of- jW. S. G. A. are: Elizabeth Longai: and Elizabeth White, their the Kiwanis Clubplan ed sixty Amer- I perintendeot of schools. t ican elm trees on the grounds of the! Friday following the first Tuesday one County Hospital. it is said in April is the date set in Missouri. wi that the elm was selected becauseg Tree pla ' ' rae According to ll. F. Major. llfofes-3 sor of landscape gardening in the‘ University, the kind of tree deter-ibraska City. Neb., saw the need of ;test. mines whether or not it is to- be planting trees to replace those that pl1:1i't;.-nd0t'til!t:lttg“:t£; t4l;£i'9;‘f;l"‘ on l:flW:h8.£ were cut down by the settlers in the’ 5,) the m,,u.,t for the ,,u\.,.,. 10..-mg . I 0 Q9 -_ .....4-.-... .~..u-..._....__.,._, -_- 7 _ V 7 _ ._ . ---, . 0-- . 4.-.-o_. - Arbor Day; in Columbia is assoc!-jtlaed date for the celebration tlirougli- faculty members of the University The first nting for economic and sthi-tic urposes was that led to the inauguratio bor Day. J. Sterling Morton of Ne: early years of the country. - cago Trust Co Try a Missourian want ad. ._., W- _;. Sheaffer’s Script "“'~’“ "°P°"°“ "“" ’“°"“’*’”' °‘ "‘° lemmw come-t is to be NI=hl.*' '0“ carried. it was sustained as a “lid lspenizers were Gladys Neal and Mil- 5 I l mob made a systematic patrol of tbe,0mm,_.nd' ' as also Boone mxemise of the police power. The dmd Sturges; ‘.ic(._m.cs5dem. Ck” UCCCSSOI‘ 10 Till. Al dl'l"'kl' ll‘ °“l°m°b"°“' drl"l"g loll" County's action in entering it. d ' ' n of course. would not be all’ ; Demeter and Marion Mat-lhtoah. ' The Store I voters and judges from the polling places and tampering with the bal- Iota. In AND or MISSOURI ——-in billboard advertise- The question lt 3 - licable to all ‘merits in the country. ' is one of reasonable regulation. their speakers being Dorothy Mnyes and Katharine Wheeler: secretary. Marie Brown and Janise Rentchler, _ _______. I‘ . ll liitréuctnizs .. the motive? groups: W. T. Cross. a graduate of the? University, is an official of the Chi-. i-o_ii:”rAcui.ri' ‘wii.i. oiscuss ‘TOICHOFI ‘Will’ Citlipete in Farmorafl 0'- I-‘air Show. n t 3 There will be a separate class for the Dr. 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon on The exhibit _ _ _ portation." French impressionist art exhibit in at he Clly. Doctor Pickard said that it was tlirough this firm that impression-I ism was made possible. When no one else believed in or had a good word to say for this form of painting, Du- rand-Rnel bought paintings of men who have since become famous. 7have expressed their interest in t show and it is expected that there ll be quite a showing in this class. «,‘ The class will be divided into two eggs and white eggs. This will give specialists in the two icolors a full opportunity in the con- remarkable ‘qollection. from 7 day. Tuesday, Thursday evenings. ART EXHIBIT New York and are paying the in- . ” mrance on them during transporta- Pickard to soak on I-Inm-Eiion and while in Columbia. ai !only ask that the University pay .the actual cost of boxing and trans- will - They here for a month and Doctor Pick- willnever backtotheaamestands . _ '5 ti 3, - . 1 - ~ - f ° r; E _ BT58 1539 02 Kfllllllllflllefl “Veil lll'lC°mmuue'f°r Ramcbon of cm" fnlzllnorrsitiig :r”allua°t.l:g§fli: «gt: lzugtryasidr bfi E jsnliotic lie llzldmxpril ° ‘fiwlmnl Bu“dmg'i"d °’‘p"3’°d “'0 °pi"l°" ‘hm ""° do" Adwmdng nu dread ban classes or organizations Last yearition of the lovernor or by the au-lto Ma)‘ " blah)‘ faculty members 1"" by D""""d'm'°l °f “"“' Y°"l‘ ¢‘f)’0fl¢‘ l"~C0ll|mbl8 -“lmllld make it ' ‘ °' ' oint to see and appreciate thi- The exhibit is HRH to the public from 3 o'clock to 6 u't'lncl; daily and o'clock to 10 o'clock on Mon- \\'ediii-sdiiy and but who at that time found no mar- ket for their pictures. Paintings were bought and stored until such ‘ Each exhibitor will have a chance REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS cup which wil go to the highest — When Finer Shoes Are ‘So Inexpensive! Why Wear Inferior uwiessness and di,m.d(.,. hm... mlfllll b0 ‘"’8’“°d- ff" ll‘-“"'“°°~ ‘hm ' with Katherine Johnson and Mildred ‘ ' p ‘ hed 1. ' - .h A chlorine purifying apparatus is ill!‘ 0bS€\1Tlnl! "l_f"‘9 5°""°"3' “'3” Hans as their speakers; treasurer, u mac “ rmmg pr°p°n"’"S “ °" ' - U,-‘icgpal n interference with healthful i-ecre- Selma Gan,“ . Lonm. Jacobs. » O t armed gangs grow bold enough to 3 carry their violence so far. Secret tamperingwith votes, the “atufl'ing" of ballot boxes. and other dishonest ;.tpeans of gaining an advantage in = an election, have always been con- Z aidered bad enough. The ballot box‘ i should he 3 8l.t.'l'(-d ulijert. repre- ;,aenting the right of the Alllt'l'l(‘al‘. people to decide by whom they shall be governed. But the assumption of these mobs o- »_.... .-.... being installed the ni watenvorks at St. Charles. of a public swimming pool in‘-St. loaeph has gone to the Ralllert ( on- struction ‘ 00970!‘ $39.4‘3‘~’-*‘7- Leb.-inmi High .S{‘ll'.)iil lel-atcr.= won the championship of Southeast hlissouri by defeating the (‘linton High School teaiii la:-: Satiirdny iiiylit in Springfield. ._ _._ .c— — O - 4 The investigation by the Missouti ;a ation. and that an unsightly group ‘of billboards at a crossroads coni- ithe right of tourists. T'lic state's police power has often been ‘tended for the public xvclfiirc. f the law cannot be made to fit ‘the offense. public sentiment will lstop iii and persuade the advertiser to forego even it constitutional right. Turin l‘nrri.~Nll3' Bar Association of increasing activi- 2‘...-cim-iit of scenery a misdemeanor ["i“'“_ ll‘ l"’l_-r; ""’l°"li W05“-’5‘l3Y' 710i feel 9mll8l'T8389d ‘g violating the municipal laws as well tics of criminals in Missouri started by telling the lawmakers that Colo->}i_‘h"':l"l~:\~1 h_ Hf d - _ 5"‘. °f where she felt as if she O -as the election rules, nu-ans one of Monday when a special coinniittee l‘;ldu had only silver and scenery to . :1“ i ll ‘ ‘i ‘'‘"'‘‘“l'‘' "'3‘"‘"3' oorea"\, bekmgedn Then, , .-i-ll. The argument from the value was appointed to conduct the inves- ’ ' of scenery can be made in any state ' mum". were many places where O . . . "'° u'i"“"' Ellh” ‘he l~'“"l5" l"“"’ Dorothy Sutton will plav the lead-’ own to such rent llIIllll)t'l‘3 that . . $0)’ are in thf majority in on -n,....;t,- f':i:er:'IT"l'-EL M‘-Ii-' l*=“"'l‘$1ilil;nz:il:.t;rpi..“E- mlfnoluuiliilinil ’l:ll1l}u:lh}:cl":')'1.(l:lldR0ll‘|‘l’1'('l Othi-it she felt "°"°"S ‘md ml" 399 "*0 man)’ The °."l"' S“."'° United States and will so--n ovcrmn rejected the offer of a $14’. lllt'l‘t':|$(' Luum i. .’.,_k(, NW.’ Egglnnd .0 mm 5,, (in. “M 3,... gem Clam, ,,,. 1.3....‘ 1.385.“ .“'h9l‘€‘ 11191‘? “’8-“.811 New Spring 1" (_«<_>lllmlm_I the country or else the inilitfcii-ncc in monthly wages. Michael J. .\lul- M‘ umh_Simm‘_ billboards if they Barbara ll(‘l.t\‘l.~ as Laura. Gladys llltleflnable something _ concepts in retailing high of the American people has encour- V0)‘. 90¢ ' l l“l"""l9l"=‘ mnwd 1}“. mp. of piea_.u,.,_. ".m.‘.1 in line llll\'I(l.\‘l)ll as. Mrs. Cnapsigny, that made fm. this. our windows grade foot\\'Qa[' aged them to fearless violence. "l°“- l'lf°Tm(‘d ('~“'“i'”""“' N""" other directions‘! Penalizing taxa- (3 ("l>?l3‘““ 3‘_“8Td“" “ml “ at lb?!-'09 prices tribe first 8uph0s'iti"n is Tl.I(’3d8)'.‘ ‘ ‘ion uhvuys abate ‘he nuisance. »\li1l.lllt'\l'.\' {IS l.lfld(‘ll. "But she found in H“, but even more effectual is public R'I‘.'Mg‘:GR SA‘). believable with the known number -1-}... Mp,.(.},,,m,.- 1;“,-mu .,r _ °{°“l1l'"-“ulfll “hill? bl’ l""\¢‘=‘l)'3|'|d Louisiana (‘lianiber of (‘omniercc ""““"“'m' Saturday April 5th next door to HARRIS’ Just the place ‘ ‘S ’ "H - I11 that itinmlivx. But the indifl'er- will 890"”? 8 Tu" ‘*'-‘‘‘l‘'‘‘' ‘‘''‘‘l‘'‘‘'-‘:: (M M... and we Hanan ‘Wri n (iru(*t'l'.V. Illlil llI‘()lnt;l,lf'l‘1§E!- she liked—and her girl planned for the first week in O( ence of the voters to conditions to. friends liked, t0o__a c0n_ ~ . room the Jvrr-rs City Journal ' .._____,_____ h hem _ -. tober. A committee of three. tun . . , _ _ . _ flit: til: teorlr:-:s::«:g:.lbl|il:w(«luif::.l m d one woman. has lM'¢'I1 1111- - O(?c M t-m~‘.mli)8t muwuc tmtlllildl 3"" am mlfimg nppoflllnnms. lf gemal atmosphere of re‘ " pointed to nnnnm. go, we fog... "1 ¢‘|‘|'|l3"l.\ 1-‘ l 9 88 "0119 9 :3v(;l:"(l(; not read and use Zilissouriuii fined g fellowship ',“llaa grown with this indifference un- saved for years to provide for their ,4. til he is unboldened to gain the ends ’ he aeeka"1o accomplish regardless. ; of the means. i The citizens of that Chicago sub- Plans are being made in ‘Spring-‘old age and now find their life‘ W V PLUS an appetizing ar- field to take the Boy Scout band to savings Wil>(:d Out bl’ Eh? ¢'0ll1;|D59i: ray of sandwiches, drinks 3 Angoles in July. About one of the marks value. ut to ow. Bxuuy whu you need is 3 Bem_ d - - - n jhundred members of the band are to many has it occurred that the same: inmon Pormue Typewfiten Let an foumam dehcacles’ “Business Announcement” l ‘ S urb will probably.be stirred to action l :20"; 1‘°Svfi:g°leSt“;hl;‘“y 1.19‘: abgfiillp lzizlez 3?“; :::el.":; icslfimlgfij half’? us give you a demonstration. The _ by the happenings of Tuesday. It ‘,”uor‘°;:Iaizel:im:;::.N. ).(,:,'s fig‘; Mm lemons who though. they hndlsawd,‘ _C0~0p Store. Phone S79. Author- There is a gentility is to be hop_ed_ithat conditions of . pemonnd of 125. «tough to care for them in tbeirl “ml R°"“"Kl°" 3¢""¢9- about the atmosphere in HARRIS’ that makes for real enjoyment. that dis- pels any reserve and brings goodfellowship. There is also a quality about HARRIS’ food that augments this atmosphere _ to the nth degree of de- sirability. -—__——-——— , old ago now one that the dollar willl -l°l“‘ Q H‘3""-‘4'3'°“"“”ld "°“‘d°“‘ , buy only as much as 60 cents would of P0910 3105 who has been an "“ihave bought in 1914. in effect. 40 . sinner for fifty rem on the M1» cents of the original dollar has dis- :' souri Pacific and the lines that pre- appeared as a ,.e,.up of mt. rise in! } ‘I‘;‘d°: ‘iv ll“ :'l'‘‘'°fl "‘ Lllfk‘ R09“-icosi. of living. That's unfortuniite,': We employ an expert uphol- e as never een in a major wrec bu, w -. . _ :1 ti, ".3 -' , . . nor has he ever been injured. He rape 130.1,: :::.in:n the Cpigcrnoosfie . flu" fad an ‘fa mom“ “'83 til‘??? 9 b"l‘l\"-'l~ we dance to hlar's music. ‘N ‘ad efhcicm "nut we “'0 iowever. every cloud has a sil- if In" ‘ mu line °t “Paul” } . Di_,¢,.ic._ M." st Joseph. pun mtvcr lining. for instance, 60 cents. and veloura. » form a‘ drainage district at a cost of» “‘“'°d “°“' “"" 5° ""°"‘ll ‘b°“t ‘ll 3; _ 330'“; * Anny engineem in chugevlater, not counting any increase by 3 Parker Fug-tutu!-e Co_ of the ,¢o,.k fly nut if addmonnliinterest, provided the buying power‘ I work is my done-soon. we pnumiof the dollar eventually returns to, improvements put in five years a'gol"°"“‘1 “°°"° °f_Y°‘"‘ ‘"3’ P133? ‘°"" will be swept away by the Missouri b°‘°"~' ‘he °°“ 07 l“’l"8 R915 bad‘: pi‘-¢,_ . its its old-time level. supposing thatl 7 -_—-——'_. _ ‘ill ever will. That's just about wheal St. Joseph is starting a campaign: old age will be creeping up to in ii for $140,000 for the support of insti- of us. tiitiona in that city. The Y. M. _C. A..’ return to its pre-war value in Y. W. C. A., such ahrmingiuonsoquenu will not i be needed to etltourfie America as a whole to do something. --©—l'--9-?-—_-i c UPHOLSTERING Rulers rise and fall in these days g and go back to the obscurity from I which they came; Washington and l Hollywood vie with each other in ‘ pnoduciiig scandals. But as surely L as comes the spring season. come baseball and the annuallyvnenewedr interest in this great Amcrcan sport. The farmers of the Lake Contrain- R. H. (Bob) Douglass and W. J. Ridgeway have taken over our local agency. a i ‘IIII-IIIIII - .._..._>i ¢ .-_a-- __-_._ --,_ A: ‘R L -Special Soap Sale —-—-—--—--— Th ' ° - ‘- raiiinisii on PBIfll\‘lNl‘l‘\".' ey will appreciate ym" busmess and C03‘ _ Hrs. Oliver Harriman. president _of all the Campfire Girls in tliii. ' country and abroad. in a speech to the member: of a Campfire conven- ? ‘ tinue to give you 001' high Quality Sof merchandise _ along with Courtesy, Promptness Se]-vi'ce_ . ‘ i l O ‘ tion, said, "The modern girl is a. S‘, u Am a ,m,_ u l . mm or me -»-»= - ma-a or an": °" .ni.'..aI‘..... .‘;..°...:...% 3'... sl".~.?l’.°Sf3.‘..»‘.‘i‘“..°..‘;..:-":.‘;"; ‘:.‘::.$- for Saturday Onl)’ days when each one was trying to tions with -pccive aid from what islfor old age, save now. Money, at W . - _ ‘do her bit’ and was, for the most. called community chest. This. 4. r ccq, double. in 1”, I 20 Bars Swift’: Quick Naphtba Soap. value . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.00 e wlsh to our filrmef patrons fof . ,:amr‘t;uas;.uhininx respon;‘i- 210': 0‘ .s:“§P°f*hfi;:f: :I§&ee5iepm_ .fi Tliwgnone way toi 2 Boxes Swift‘; Pride Washing Powder, value . . . . . . . . . . .10 _. ,_ .‘_ _, g . . c er-'°n°* °"'=¢ ° . ? °“"’ ; "°""= W*rv°w- 18o s ivhtci .- ..................... .10 ' * ~' a . pm. of ‘Maw 19 “mm” “m, on. you to July 1. 1925. 1 3°: °‘"l"°’ ‘'’‘’° N support and l°Y3ltYa trust the new firm will be M ——:- & . pr "‘ W . . - - o . . o - - . . . . o o a . o o o . . . o o . o g . . o . ‘ . ' > . 3' ' . ; ., “cu . " me are born dumb. others get . ‘ i " ' ' "o . "i°“:;’h" '°“""" "“'°° "' :'°f‘:"": mt: wR°:_::llblt|;8r!':§t}..g .1... mm moan.“ ,5“, Total Value ........................ $1.30. . 31'9" the 331"? 8‘€fl¢1‘0ll8 consideration. ' oimti. war a. not i» on the school board ‘en dig: ' "'°""“ ‘“°"'°“° 5 ‘ J’ t This $1.30 Aaaortmeiit for 81.00 Our U-II-I Berni” in an Donn-an A. 23. LYON Nmfllsouthflintb Illinois Oil _Q 9