r .. U -€ ..._ -. ‘. .5 2;. .,._ .{V . . .. -_ . . . . r- _ H V: .. 4 I1 : 4 ‘ I SIXTEENTH SIX .PAGES,448 COLUMNS COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, FRi_13.a_i__i:, 3191311’. 64,-1924_ _i' “f 1..i.§r‘1r,n"rr“1oN ;- .o.4ao I u - #0...- :._.:_c—._-::¢—... . _ The Way 0 CHANGES. THE WEATHER . ECAMP GROUND ;M_“:f‘::::;’;;;;’5§E}flf:;‘::?:_'CO-OPERATION ,"°°“ °.?i‘i§7§K‘é%??¥5.u‘3xn.\-DRUG T.RAFFIC 0 §0m, World a‘ [NTHE COUNTY % 1»... c.i.....s. ...a .s.;..so= u..uye OFFERED CITY 3 -i~i...-".'»'.‘12‘f.°..'I..i‘.‘.1'".‘.‘.'{'...?."§§"Z‘... co.» STRESSED IN 3“’°°..?"'*°“‘ ’"'°“‘ °“°"§{. “"“} PROTECTED, IS ————.——.-.——‘._.i-.__ a—.. ...¢., -..__- c Circuit Court Will _.._'. ... ' . '1' ‘_v ' 0 .6 . -, 7' Steinmetz Aurord nichthiit éhe ElkshClub. l-‘olloiriniz, lure to come up in the Kansas ('it.V| ‘ -i' Th P05l~hW"°"5 “""‘d 0‘ 1:000 “"'—' . J For Missouri: Mostly cloudy to-T T’ "° ° ° '‘'°”’ “' ° “'°"° l"“‘l°d‘ -'1‘ ‘Court of Appeals Monday. the be-‘T --T P. ‘nd ‘ho“»_. 35 fulfr. M. F. Thurston: 05- day of the tcrn‘ of 3’ electrics wiza ‘ ' ’ l - , . - . L - Iteuiicd leading knight, George S. . ,t_ ‘ . d , in Fmwn Md’, W neou:tPeIrsonal Pro- *m- ""1119? t°m¢ht West l>°m°" . Qixirtersmfloli; Tgirists iguxm. e,,,w,ed Mn, k,,i,,,,. A_ Second Conference of ;f‘,’.‘,’m we f,’fto§§°‘.ef;'°o,‘pC"f:::it Was Prevented From "1 ' E 1: d‘ dth U ‘ted ll teased l Shi ' F t: Within rn-' 111- ‘ - tmstronzz esteemed I t 'n ° ' ' ‘ ' u ° "nuwed m M: n 0" 6 m - pe y c idiul milziudf Columbia‘ the. ccep Y niltht. Paul M. Peterson; see:-creutgrifi Columbla Dlstnct ILo'll'lril.: cases are: State of Missouril Going After Hlgher several month ago, was ii . 1? Per Cent. l , p,._ p W. Biiniiip ! no , ———— ‘above 0 _ ‘C 2 u 1“. c:.;::,on--;n,ag§n,d-' 3,: mn; TOTAL IS Ptrlevailing temperatures corrcs- ; AT SIXTH AND BROADWAY; 'pon to ' - it . . 1-,,,,,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,_.,,,.,,.e “nigh, Wm be mercial Club. :;..,,.._,, K_ p,,,,“.,. .,,_.,.,..,,,.,, L“. of Association. ' freezing in a directi ns. 7 ‘ no . ‘ ;a;:ainst William Sexton, who was Ll)-5 » Jones: tiler, Eugene Cox; trusu.-c J - ’ J found guilty of grand larceny. Ruby I.\'\’I-‘.S'l‘IG.»\"‘I‘lO.v‘\' STOPPED -_t .L”, _ ‘ h. boo th 1 f m f t n u:’r°PT;hl:ll:lFfl5: .Crflqt:l1re.Kl\'.hA. Johns: COURSAULT TOASTMASTERfM. liulen rcprccsents the plaintiff. r ‘ .9” provide publicity for is l: on; ' _ _-T . _ ' 9 030} 03‘ 3 "'3 P3 --i- _ 3 - ._ “mv - - - "9 elk . —--——-——_ _ :C. Anderson the defendant. The __ , [gnu] and spiritual healing. ~*Thad Hickman RECEIVES °_f AP"‘l- F"e°"“8_ ‘’“l"¢3 “'9 ¢°l_l- A 193 New Lfembershlps, 1 Following the rcizulnr Inectlnir. “Modern Tendencies In Ed-'68.“: will b0 submitted on brief. ‘Charges Votaw Preqident -; . ----—-—. word That Rest of ffined tothe Cahadian border, but in: Totaling $4 092 50 1$cl‘ll*2\\‘}e.rf‘ two boxing bouts. Bur- ucationn Suboect of ; . C. Kincaid versus A. J. l':stc.~',i , , ' ‘_ 1. A bill. which would l;ar..i’roni, h P I ‘the Britishd Isorthwest it is on the d b 2 0- - 9. ‘Mi: otduclll, oirmnst('I‘hoinas How- b IJ) fa suit on ii note. The attorneys‘ Hardmgs Br0th9r‘m’ an.‘ ' - - ‘ . ' .1 - , _ ' s, an " o.~'suni" ' ‘ist r » ‘ . . . , .. die mulls 0 "°“=‘I“'P"_' N Wnlt “’ t e \(?)0l'l. s 4”" ‘°_°° °.’° .. . . tame ' rganl _- ,. , , """P W9" ress can .nrc .\lcBamc. Clark and Peters n . . 0’ ‘correct. deny or c.icpl.iin tiny state» ' A 1 1 In Missouri the probabilities point t? «Willard l0l'l.ilh'. A lunch and sniokrr M {fur the ,,i,,;,,my and 1‘-_ 1~_ G(.m:_\. 1'0“ i _T0ld film to i made in~.the newspaper “in. ccelltey ‘touin unsettled week-ciid and ii 2}! l0ll. ;concluded the program. V ' _ . I . Edie. Um. the dch.ndam_ ‘ Qmt A(.u0n_ 1;-eciscly tll‘ 58lllt' ‘P0903031 0" 0'0 Th d B ", k _ ‘Chilly Slmdfiifi ‘ _ _ A _ l———-S-_—;l ‘U ‘t and; The lodge will hold initiation in ‘ v :-—-— . The can. of (j_ J_ (;ma_..,m._ m,,,,_ ___A__ _. . n as we Ongmn] sun-mcm. ii . ic niiin. count} clerk- Dan. for columbm; ligghc-gt tom- tiiciint ot at ix 1 s 01 about “-39 weeks. (o—npera.ion and bcttcr und9r'idian {or Rachel Ham-ndcii. attaiinst 3" "“""' l‘""" N introduced in the United States hm‘ uiceived word from Roy A‘ Mc°'P°3'nl-07¢ )'e3l1‘Y'd3}' “'35 02- l0W¢‘-“l. Br°“dw“y was ‘)0 for “.39 as a. - ".-77"-_"""". “finding b°tw""'" the h°'"" and moi lra PI‘ol>osc. The case lll\‘(il\('\ the w"'r-lsaid the “_ou‘d be Th0 RC‘-_ B‘nr‘.in T. }{n“- spake thbncco in the hnugc A ‘ho parent‘. rxpresscd hur nppl.(,(.ia_ ann0un(‘t:d l0di{_\'. llulllllqor lifllufto lii ."‘.ll.'l.‘~' .‘lU['lln“-r. 5-t.tt‘"L. ' .- - - , a . . _ . . _ _ - ' . - .. 9 . . , , ,, . . ' . jlltlualtertification made b) the stiitr ,-tolllll property is $.:6.582.5.‘l'.i. vculcd as won as pofijublc in order‘ on the lt(i\lIllUl[,'(‘$ that Columbia hows that 130"“ mom pmmdh mm {M the pumir M-hum “minis- more mu 3 nmJm_m' and WW” 1‘ M, ‘m “L... ,,,,\.1 .,..i,..".i,_\ 51.,,-1.. ‘ ‘ . ‘ - ‘D .._, -4..——-— . . - - . ' - .' ' . - I . ' . . ' . ‘ , ' ;. _ lH.‘l' ‘N {ii "1 ' - '°., -'r - - ''’"'m°"d°m‘ 8”‘ (" “)I::u"‘_wi hum" |.§i§S"fi,Ex1- 0‘-ERC(,ME to relieve Judge Bickiicll olrllls in- afilcr.-. its llllltlib. and c .c .growii hi‘ the list-'0(‘l1tllUll has either triition hon-. and for the work any Insure noniinuiion on f.I.~t lutllflt. ' ‘W LI mmnli. nghtr-m State Treasurer L. D. Thom ed msponsibjlig v_ ! c strcct.sdof the tutvii ltslilll iidi'ie:.ah_eady bum Shimmd m ]A.xi,,m,,n_ u-A-nth;-r_c are doing. Some of the’ Butler claim:-u ll total of 3.8.’. rii-li~ 22'1"" l‘ l“';"“{"““ §lr'(lH-'_;0{<‘0"l‘ll| ilriwll .“'. '——""“" - ' v ' - W l"\"'"‘ 5 (‘"70" . - . n . .. .. . . ' .ites for f'un|idi:i~ r¢I\\' includini-' Hm N "" -.-l . l. was intro- - - . ~ I, lnablc to Probable t‘8ndldlIl95 “ll” 03*” l.'“"" mo “"7 . -,, ll l i tail. -. -ire (f «utsidi isays the parents can help. she said 3' _ p - _ ‘ . _ The Rev’ J. Marv") Culbrcth has S‘uu§'pcalt;o'l'l|c'l':i':c Cdhfcrence. been mentioned in connection with thI‘0ttirl1- "5f0=ldW3}' 100'“? *5 “'°"‘h ffithzrlxul :‘L.m.eh:,:,.‘(..‘ , l ,1. To teach the ch“d,,_.,, ,¢.spa.t those from Mulnf‘. i-izht from .\h::- d‘“'‘'' H‘ UH‘ H-Cord of the .Scnat«- ‘ o ‘ ' ' 8 0‘ . . 0 > ” . . ' ‘ ' -15 .-Qigned hm pastorate at Fuyeuc ‘0 ' U ‘ the riding: election arc: M. T. Am 310.000 W Collmlblfl ll“ 3" “d"‘-‘nl5‘ . , ti . . ti, . fu-51 for U“. u.m.hL.,S am; to .04, 0,3“. souri. the (‘onnocticut di-lt-(ration. un- 1’-“1L'l“"'-Iv HI‘-i'*'-Ittulltli: Committee . .‘. r wcmury or the Department 15) mt . P9 About tun min is nu». L 2 p _ at Prom. _ « ,- . . . - - , .. " - ' " » llevcrcnd Mr. . . . , pt 1 V, d h ‘ f 0- -‘ today. '3 ' NE“ YORK ClT‘A- =\l""l 4-" ¢ll’G\\'S. f0l’m0l'l.\ Of 1411168810. Wh0‘"‘“ "“d“'""' 5"“! ll“ -. oarload of tobacco left this county in the home with the projects the '""‘ 7"“ ‘‘‘- “" ‘ ’°‘ """‘ N“ k. . . 5 Tdndigious Eduumon of mo Gen‘ Samuil Gompcrs president of the served several years on the circuit“ 05- "HM"-‘ ill? Cl||""~‘ll¢'-‘"- ‘hi’ UU‘ - . . . . . . .- r . - Butler has just come ht-rt‘ from --‘»"mU'r \\hm-lo.-r said that he -_.: ~ . - , .. .. . . . Q,“ hm; 1.“-n ghippcil as a xarlozid l(‘Z1(‘hll'1~ an working .or. bi par- _ .. _ _‘ -"""1 B°"d °{ Educuwn 0‘ lb‘. ‘ ' f Lzibo W38 I h f th t di tri t' W. E. Shin-.',, "Ii". and all of the PUNK‘ l’“1ld'"K"- - - . . . . . . . - g M « Ti, - ‘d h [,3 ix. Chicago for ii series of COll{cl't:li(‘(:.\ “"~Wl >l-"‘v- lhl"r that the miittcr 0' "‘%dist.Church'“'nh headquarters (1003::-deg? nvrlicn iibdut to l’{eenri:ry(:lenki‘n:s. lcljliicknian and -éllould lit‘ t‘$l8b1i51’W0- _Tl!l~‘ _ "' :‘n?h:,n“.f:£.;0:::r;;1rT:,: r,(,,:,:.l ‘ix: El,-.',fu;:°; u,(::::,a:: t.;,co:mu,,d-Iin which will be settled the U:nip<_ir- . "““*‘ “"“I""‘~"f“l_V“'l”‘ 0"‘ Ut‘ll8fl~ -.‘~f.fl7h8l'iville, Tenn. ispcak before ii mceti of thclames T. Stockton. The last two therbxwouldt st‘-rv: itfollft invitation tolufineen unloads road). U, 5h;p_ of the u.aci,c.,_ 'iIT.\'th8|l‘Il{ l“'£l'f“‘"°'§ .°h“'{':.“n5h'.w m|\,;:,.‘;€ It { -1 1 ' . '__. x : . ' ' . ‘ h ' ‘ed lie mill’ in Co-,8¢€ ¢ 1'03 ° ‘ 9 ""-- _ _ ' -Q - h 1 in ~ . -. «of 1- cpl! ican ationa ommit- ’ - ' ill“ Wfl VH0 “'1 lit‘-Ni" -0- ~ the use of huroin should bc‘|C°;‘°"°’.‘“‘ B3a":dn‘:_é£lg:2:"l‘ ‘".":':‘€’;°"C. G”(£?] ,5. C: “vs W’: 4-0o!un.‘bia 3‘ ",1 the -hm; 0*.”-_. "-lbi. does ‘Lint ‘l(l'lcC‘lit‘l:1C ht). Cm‘: thlllltltf-.hD°r0ll.i~}h \I‘,}f;_-3-t«A3I"<>hlt¢' (grime. I, ha, been dd-,,,;,,.1_‘. d(.¢;d,.d .:m-. the itrmid Jury that indicted ' . ed in the practice of iiiedl-,1" “$73 ‘‘ 1- 1 ., ' ' _ _ _ fsum but it is the «Athens of Mg..- STOW" '" - r _A ', . I‘ N‘ 97% 9 -’ -“ ~v 5 9 53} gum‘ John 1~_- Adumx "..,.i0u,. chair- (hfll‘lt’.‘~ lt. Forbes. former director D \tS and Henry Laltc hate also. . 4,. ~ 1' the -uocnation - . T’ ,&in the Unimd sum, W” advo.' todav ‘ ' are not men. (rs o .i.. . gi\(‘.~ the teachers an Oppofltlllll) ‘man. win not continue in that posi. of the Veterans‘ Bureau. and Repre- " - ‘ ‘-»:~our'i.' We do not want to be the _ . , v , __ , . "NI!!! by ti number of doctors 8P‘. He-was "."abl°.‘° spuk fwd Sank mentioned .5 possible and‘ .hub. Manse it is this pan mm Scvcrnl large shxpnicnts hoxc ban to become acquainted with the pnr- on. s(°n[(1tl\'(‘ Langley of Kentucky. '9" l’°‘°’° ‘M "°"‘° C°""“m°°i back mo hm ch“-"'3.-ed 'd1- and: A iiieetin of the Democratic City] turns the slowest and usually "N45 ’“’d''' b’ ‘Mic-r"{:.?.' (- 0M,,.- ,5,‘ “"35 “"51. t° 1°”? 5°"'°”""‘ °f the. Butler said his survey of condi- . Intmduction of the letter came by I “ w‘y8 "Id Mun: ye“erd‘y' Golnpe” recme “pl 5 l 3C 'tt R ‘ll be held toni ht. lc- the most grease The Bud,” ‘0- No if -t’ . .1 children 3 home life‘ tions in the Middle West and West ll¢'—“llm0'l}' Of -1- 15- DIv'C}l€' 07 03(10- .. remained at the speakers Lillie‘ omtni ee wi E on is n «bnmch o a mi ionu Miss Hazel Hotfnian represented convinced him mt N.br“kn and hum“. form" warden of we Auanm . * . . - , I - ' “Cl b‘ '. ‘ble to get the peo- *0‘ . ., .. . » Dr. \enceslas Solaolowslci has while his secreuiI‘6' Tend ill?‘ 3l’°°°h-'°°’dm‘ t° 8' M‘ wus°n&e:?§[:rm:}: ple rfifuiahcm lx0‘\\"llS and country to organization with ht‘-:ldQU3Yl<‘l“5 8‘ the school pupu_ she ,-aid in pan - . :."wJ+},‘:w«.o .’—v- . ~A . . _ _ _ . _. _ , _ ._ , , - arms are we 0,113,» gmges where Federal Pcnitt-ntinr_v. concerning the .~» lbcn dismissed from the Polish dlP— lie said he felt no ill effects frOm.Tl)eb°dC0mnll;:8€ \\‘lll.ed in mmin-‘come here instead of going to the Lexington. lay. “A. C(il1t:ahct i.~”ll1i:;l1(._ ..I,_ used to be that the only time g::f)'l{idge faces a real pn__c0nv(_miun alleged do” mm-ic M the Wis " -. ‘Null-N-' 59""“'e f°u°“mg hi’ ""«ll'|9 aluick "'0 ‘hat ll“ “°“ld be m?‘ ‘o amp 5,’ . ll er (-1319; If they stavcd h ’ “"'h each mem"‘r lo ‘ m a. . ( U101 P—‘”"‘m5 “"09 to “ho”! was fi lit The current investigation by and thc niethods of piirdoiiing 11:0- _j_ all recently from tthshington {TN-‘I’ able to go home unassisted. .31."!!! the Democratic candidate. ‘ta: wouldgeconw of p‘;b“‘c senice tobacco he grows to the a§-"’("““""' when Johnnie or Susie got into the éemlte Wm’ he 1-m.m;‘u_n by ml, 9",; p,.;,(,m.,.,_ L‘ .1 large amount of liquor was seized Gonipcrs is 74 5'93"’ °ld- ‘SW YORK cA"l’l'Al..lST HERE‘ and probably leaders in the com- “'h°'° ‘l '5 ~‘°1d "5 ‘"3" ',“"l ‘m .1: trouble, or were going to ‘show off-' Public in the main. before this :um- . Aircraft Records to Committee 2. h his apanment there’ T—-—_-——_-__‘ 0. ——-—-‘ Tmunit)’ while if the)’ K0 W ‘he growers are not hlqdmg llminll ‘ The P'-T' A’ brings thc PM-ML‘ and Duiitn is vet’? old. he said. 0 S(‘<‘I‘¢'Yt|T)' "9’ WM‘ “'l'€'k-*‘ 99711 10 0 Solmany golf clubs have been s.c- l'“'°5“3“l;o3‘_:°‘S5::"gfi‘ °f S‘""ilargor ‘cities they usually degcner- 9”?"gfhterri$“;a:f1:_(_?;f:’:"S::":‘u:(;m- the t¢8<'hC‘t'S in M01’? 1' C0" —-— th- committee todii__v all War lic- rcquent - c .- _ , . - '. t-t. Th ent,th t--h d .:7. d- th "'ft - °""“'“°d bl-’ W’ 5““'°"°" “"“-‘» . . *‘"° ""d- bmme flown’ iMpi.th°'narati\'eli' small nniount of l°b3““' till» child ircmtirim» linlfs ihaihfrchzin-CHURCH cn:vhri:(liortlic nirimmiitzrcrwdo. .inNeic york that it cannot sell them; , Eugene Tankc. a lscw iork Cnpl-, people in your town and get t cm h bf" row" in this Mfiion of _ )« _ V c ..i. 5‘ for event 25 cents each. The shaftsi 4‘ - J J talist with large land interests in‘ interested in the civic upbuildini: of U1‘: 4:“? 5” “mm fur” war." T" «fir huniitlllty find tine l.-T. isnthc man¢i¢.d _\.'(_-51;-'rda‘y_ . V he Imperial Valley. California, is‘ the «-umiiiunity." concludul the II':\'- ‘ “W '_“,{.c{,..i .-pop, M”. t at M J t "m mu N’ ;'xRE J . -' "mm" “' 1'‘ \i''l“m“‘ his m" —-o ‘n f 4 ‘"3 "'0"!-' ”"""‘l l’-" “'""“'" ‘" “fir ----—“ . t . . . .uccommod:m' Vaiional (lliccr “Peak.-. “-‘t t ‘ii th- v -'t it i th" in ‘heir wnsh hone”. "Pr"pUScd Pcnsuuls B1l]4l‘h'rcfuKkl|t" '"l'utli'c“(0’nl‘l: mcmtbis r'rl"'ml‘lrcl. "rolilcni \‘quurcl\- llWl'lli}".\!;\'I'll in-W, l).‘tl'li\‘ \\.¢-ri- built. bins, \\' Jlinan niitioiial — ~ -- ~ ill‘ so:-rcr-ill-U” m (3 _ ‘ ' Q flCu _\' 0 C‘. 0 (‘Q0 0 K ' 0 A I . I - ‘. .,, . 'l‘h . [arr -_..L "up (if 'l,llQ~|_' \_. . ‘ . . I A - 1 0 . ‘o ' ‘ ‘ I o '. V ’ . J . “W llll"|li!l‘tllI0n.liill was dcbnfvtl P218588 0!] 3 B8ll0t culture and the School of l'}ngi- J. S. ltollms. president of the club. 10""-lmr.1 ( lll(.‘Lltiflll of George N'ld”.‘t' m ”" "“°mp°"m°""”.T0 Allllolnt L/0mml551Un \\ H-its .~uiil-tlw iuordr iscrc of la the Senate )'t‘Stt*fdtl}‘. “'00 “W . . v- . necrin conccrnint! the culture and in outlining the proitrinn of the or- "‘ ‘“““"'“ M‘ h I. -I N “ilk 5310 that "10 i.'l’t‘81¢‘-‘l Pl'0b"~‘"l; f - t-, int-at inlilnrtimcc to litiitiiiion ul- ¢3°9P00ll 01' the l"'°P°“°d J‘P‘“°“" of 32‘ to 201° Possibilities of raising sunflowers ‘I-tiinlzation for thc mniinc Veal‘ sltidk Lung‘ “mi; "N, ilmd til-h 3 {M3}! ti‘. i“ “l""“li°" W03)’ “'85 tilt‘ lack Off or “S Id“ 1 Ce’ ready in the courts or ‘ibout to In ‘ . I e ‘u C ' 5 . ' . _ 3 Nwisions. wiiioh were not diiicussi-il W Unmd ,i,,._,’;"_ -"9 l” “°"l°mPl1|tini; establishing 3‘ “our program is not 8 main: ‘th? {ccutf lont‘l:lll.;£)'1{lCct “Mu imd In ¢uI\tIL::c ifn the l'|‘C;!;lCS;tal pmidcm Says Pastor. und 'l:ll!‘l'o(l‘liL‘ sum of .. on account of the absence of S00". ?ARlS‘ K 0' ‘ I (‘la c sunflower plantation on his: is to be set down in type an strict y . ' _ ‘ -- - - - ‘~‘ " ~ - ~. . was in o \ . . . . . pril 4.-——The Chum )('l' 0 T8 of feet high at tht ('a\L.\. ' ‘f _ _ , . - ' .- ._ I . b h _ 1 - __ fald in ll?“ ('l"5l”g “Pooch mu ‘here C I If I t hiiv iinntlii-r new Chuirinan Brookhart of the com- _ tor Johnson of Cali ornia . Denut.ie.~' cat... Pry,-micr Poincgre 8'lIl'.;.(:18reltf‘lft:l"Elmpegllth:ll€:unflo“'er‘g(;£(;:(‘i;‘d udtintwfnriircfixi 31:32 to T __ _.__ is no greater Sonic? man that 0f‘chur(‘)c;:!l'1b‘I’tiildli''- 0' Wu ‘EAR (OMMETE penmem ‘(lg~fi_"d 0*" fiiiniimcs 3°”. l.'KltAll\'lAN ciioiurs T0 ."’ '.""'."‘ ‘S’? \~ \ 1 .1 vl"rcsi-A ""“"'"“- “"°"“~ "“"'“‘"- C“"a“'°!'- rezjidif-lit ti-itati-“orzaniuitioiiv mill:-c not the federal prison m. Three mo '""'iT- d‘~d 3 To- imuniuiion Meets .iionaay—lIrcc-7‘d""“d ‘°._"“‘°‘"’ “ ° ""' °' 5 sum SI-.‘C0i\'l) rim: mam-;, “"5"!-M'T0‘"i ' 'ii»'m--L~..m.~mi ""‘"”-'""“"l'- “""° " ‘"' “""""° gtwterdav. =~:w<-wr vullvd 0" him “’*‘"' ll“ ‘""‘ lcdo Ohio Eefltmetll‘ ' kl} ‘d naliured luuiliana Interested in GIT’ . P 0 INSPECTION NEAR ENIDI .'?.é' dfdcm Couhdzcl la'"‘l ‘ion he desired rs‘ W‘ R’ Ja°k"°" °{ Mcxiw is Th!‘ D031 510?. 85 t'Xill1llfl¢t‘l l-Mitt)’ .wiirdi-n and asked him to “step out." ' , Ilcohol and Poizonloliiis Iltiguofi. brinK': an to Join‘ _ ' . '““"‘ - 'P°"'ii"nel tjomhllfl -alt’ llifinol m -(‘.',!l'l‘;§rt.(“‘(l“al)flll(t.":‘l:l:2'~‘(‘nt session of.thp pmfiidmt 0! the dmrifl‘ by the Rev. Walter M. llauishaltcr. ‘as Al1°{'""3"G°“°"‘l U'"mh"1" was in: the mm of deaths by this the Garden Club will hold xts‘1n~'estl:-tion 0: zezda M-3. oi:-an In‘. ‘-3: L fimfims Mm Mmbum MB, The complete program was as fol- mm, ,,.,,.., is for Mr. Stlodirrass 1.. .1" m.,,,.-. _ . V F " ~ t’ t 2:30 BC COMP? ° 3 "- ' " °_"‘ 0. cut‘ 5' L '. ‘ " - .- °“"“ 'ssi f ° rsons.‘ ll' lit: hiid urttcd till ||l\'€"UR'3 W" .- i _ means to nineteen. ‘ - lock’ gitgtciig anfitcifrntdfin ‘gt’ 01¢‘ 'rhe~svorlt of the postofficc in-.‘ The Ukrainian National Chorus tors who were lrl\ll0d"l. ‘l:LlcF‘(:t‘}(1)i!:Ccl mmdumm‘ M Tm_m__m H :;\;::Jncfri:’nc‘oi(::i°ri‘i‘i1ml:iir‘:,ot0n‘i(nre‘sii:ic” tho Of fimuggnng of narcotics into 0 The Via Wilson in Gcnolta “‘m°d:(C:immcrcial Club rooms. spoctors \\_'li0 have been investlF'”_"‘ will make as scmndl-?’Oh§m.b‘.‘A adti:/l{bre0k{ta.¢:da:onfcrmco 11 -l'illIu ‘..oi..l_....T....::..:....‘ Tillman iA:rm.pm5ect. Tilt)’ "01 “R9 “P ill" “wd 'u"~‘ l’°“"’°"fi‘"".' .5“"ing W“ the for Woodrow Wilson, now beers’ The dues for the year are only‘ing the needs of the Columbial pearance at the Unlwffilti " WW M Um“ (chum, [tending .. . inn. Che-tcr Jot-[er of 3 new building here. he said. as J4-w indictments did not stop the “me of Nicol‘ gonmwifi.‘ ‘1 "id ‘ht club is not only gnvmn‘: postoffiug since wednesdn. will bcgtorium at 8:15 0'pl0Cl'i toniizht. It The President to .7 _ J: _ . _ . _v..¢.i pr-lo , tin. Jum:~ ‘r. Quorlui . . f fimming it the tr-uric which is “continuing today.” . _ _ _ . _ , - d V i 1’ action had» .m_ __ well as ii pin 0 v ; - - _ . ‘founder of the Fascisti section in hm urging everyone interested ingcoiiipleu-d toniirlit or tomon-ow. IIC-:“39' llt'at'd_hm‘t‘ 1881 :08? dufintr "-5 Should not 1! Jollfll '0 "'9 'I'hrv-v~m'i':"t talk ‘moum the church would (‘My am]; -- .... _ .« __ “rig. ishmbs and “owe,-,_ in backyard Ira!’-Teordinz to Patrick S. Woods. post,-;firSt American tour. 1 fi 3 ..,, ‘M ‘ . I lt is here un-_bt-cn taken on tax !’;‘.d;.l¢.‘llUfl. imllllfir if‘-r h ...lIlri-.hll.D:‘... ‘u. for the building I D,_ ‘M; M,-,._ June:-i inlltiklahoml: . , . . - . ad th ' -s 1‘ Ph’ Mu AlPll8- 'i:l'8l-ion and {Wm "3": - ' .“.° "' ' “‘ ""7" ’ " V‘''‘ ‘' ’° .’ - ‘C . -E M . J. C. J ncs left Columbia I'_-‘- _A Ku Klux Klan tier? cross wnii!'.j°."" “mi "‘ l’¢lfltlfY|nRC°1“mb“w'mtos1-‘tr. ' in rs make a vc ' do-l c12inc:‘i‘il:‘iil.i'pea(i‘ancelTn Columbia. Speed)’ action is expected on thv8c;M‘_J:":‘ _r'~."“-l;_;‘;_~"__‘-~--I-l. l.!ofl_m-o ‘nus pro)ect has bun under cm ‘naming to” join Docmr Jones .5 hrnod h . I b. U - -t ljuln. I e m pedo . .75 . -1 t . ti, 1, q has traveled nwiuiurcs. 2 Dr I c Nair’ (H "-35,, Doctor iind Mrs. " f3 °,'' ‘ ° (o "m m m.""" y" The prtxritm for 1924 is its fol-‘Jailed and searching exainination!}"‘ )°‘"'- °_° °"" . (~ b The‘. Th senator-c prc.-at-tit wcrv Smont. ,......;‘.,f .;.;..."jI"ii;.'."i'«. (2.8:-\ri.1inn W“‘’- '3‘ . L" '- llowg. ~of ever)’ Dirt of the iiervice,» ,;aid;in South America and in .u a. d. e W . n _Fdm fmuzcns‘ ‘M "W [mm mm.’ . Hwtlhdur commented. “Mm ' ylildowofa negro law student Wcd- I‘-"H 7__c__.”__w dd, 3.... . fmrnwoods. .uI-kw *6 ‘Mo thc:perfi'fln‘:" dthich consist of _mcn_an !McNaf?.C arrc .d "’“_"('.,. ‘A.i.i.».... tin. I’ 0. Cox 1}“. impc of securing financial d ‘us_ i ' . 0 nigh" M"u°' '°""‘A'"'“-b " mu rt." ‘;;c"i:rlW5'-l-9" 07 Tali 0”“, ‘"0 "‘l°“"w"mm m mm’ “mum on M: wmg‘ mme"' mm“-. n__n__ .___" .. ' Tlieuicxt. annual convention of the outside Columbia is not at all cer- Unr‘vcrsit§ Mtmckrigl ilhnlollr mm -—--.-;-—-— ‘i- ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ii. a ,. - , §l'tl- ""'tygl’ItlIS8fl; . . -v - ‘i _ - ' - - . - - _ '_‘Staium rive. 'cn 0)’ 0 7 “'° ‘N '“""""!"3' "‘°'“P"" °‘ ”:*‘:'.:‘T"“” """" """' (”nor-¢V~.TDr:::l,li$:|)'s exammd ci:::eve':hedii‘:.‘.-gm priests and liiwf im. wuiia 'm ui.\ii-:i~1*'”‘ d3'g’;,rKi-E drfistzniiifiuhglcfi mi" “rg";;g38tb:’;‘ir:p:’ii:Iul‘iHtili-1lfJut«cl|e0 they will he sums of mg. .94 ‘.'fi3i"‘l fin“ m‘""“ctunngitheiD.m:;;ii: ni"u'i;.... lie-in gmfifiin, to do “iii, the r.,,.,§¢.. of )‘¢l‘8. were 0!'lKl!lI1l)' 8"“‘°’°d by To Represent the laocll l'¢_”‘l ‘Vibe afternoon. session yesterdn:‘.,:°h,:m';:gion, he a cd. hires. Patterson _Bsin. Jr.. at that = 2- "lino" “Mi Euphufi Ra” "‘';l,,_ n. Bi-nu‘ n lAl(-nnder Koslietz. the conductor. Megan‘ of Amenan ‘mom The umvcmion of we x.m,m1c0n.I —— country home. ltivervicw Lodge. for . , 7 __. . . . . - - - as '5. go to “x and . N E of “‘,‘.vra' to l as --~- ‘. ............ ..ii.o.J. on ’: . - ‘u. ' ' ’ ' »_« . A __..- _ .. Bmll‘ 3" F"'“°° ““"'b"°d 76"oooI3":’::”""' """" “ :“ ‘um lnmimunl ‘'0 the P°‘m“““'G°mm"!'u:d:.‘-:t:l <(i)llelJlirhiiinicii):imi'iIi'i0ind'iii)'. e of we Her‘-mu miiazis x:n‘::§~°' A‘mc'“mMwm be he“ um ya’ Merchants Are ltsvldly lndorsini: ‘°.'k‘ ___._._....-____. " "23 ‘aha 759'mo in‘ m22'l- hm 02-.“ J.-a 0"’: win hue hi‘ findiu‘ on it‘ im 0 " ;3A!“enmn bum-m’ mints: d a stator": M”. in stfipnl" . - American lirxioifis Plan. I Mrs. Home Is lllvrovinx. 4 were 667,000 deoths in l923.;':;_",‘§’u """""""" '‘h‘,'_'_'',,_ g...,;.; The inspection was made at Mr.; stone xominhuon p.co.-ca jC"*};j ‘°m‘;_":’0"'mn:‘:nd"s°Nst wm_- thgfl“ Li?’ E'o:o‘d°{heh:::,,.i,c“ C,.:ti’;; A few murefirms are haviniz; The condition of Mrs. *l.. W St. 339.000 the nmcedlns }'¢;'“'- 3 scum. ii.-up :Woods' request for more oerviceyii Uhltcll cu.-. . °'-' "3 ° . ' ,""“”’.'°’ "” - ' P0 ‘ . ’ »c-i-1-eitziilf-'~‘-..'.'---" In It it ”""""",uid he in: been assured um um; ’w.tsiiiNc'roN. April 4.—The'tnIn(lcrs _and ndi"“f"" °' “'° ""‘°' Ylhe chicf address on iiieurumoon of my mm for we flu“ w,,,¢,,—.m mumm m be immm,_. ,,,,,__ {'f_“'~" - P0!"-l1IN0fl 0‘ l"'-rm-‘nus-i Phlox .... .. sin. 0. H.811-waft ow” dflk ‘M P,-ouuy an auxil-fnoinination of Harlan 1-‘. Stone ofictn Legion 50955} . t uw;prograin that the lllssouri_ Parent- Cohmbi. “aim” men Wm dhphyuo” hu been in ‘rm, inflnenu ‘M ‘Y ._i in 1923. ..3- . . . . . . . . . . . .-‘TI. BOUNCE. 1‘ R M oto the’N to M ‘ We fepmfn Ms jncfum _ d fioficA ct‘! d. . ,. . . . . 1",... g...u,.._ w p Dyan. luau iiary worker wi . at “W wm_ . . nnffgfinly on holidays an pat .,u¢re;-ed a relapse sev ya 180 . - lclal vitul statistics just pub-Z. . . "'1. : amend “Nam 3-gportea by.local post at a state cxecu ‘from 150 to 530 ggggniuuong in . _ . _ A ha; i an ‘wmdi . . . Inn All" 0"‘ ;f°l'°°- V” y - - ' he the‘ ‘ celebrations in the YlIW!'¢- 3’ .Although the nurse is s 08 " In PCfl8- iv...“ _ _ _ _ ’ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ,_ flu. Pcul “Ilka! ‘ —?——:—————- the judicigfy t0--nnux meeun‘ ‘the ‘at {Our ye“! ‘nd_ amt the to mvc Ms of uniform ‘he digqhfl “'1. no.‘ & ‘hie ta M J Au1""‘um-rs «um -»al'..'%.:'.:.v=-'-=:. '.::.':':......'r ""'* """' » 1'." ‘$393?’ °"S'..“ '’‘.:‘.t.‘.:'... W .__.__._. i *........"“'*° .‘.‘..°““'.“‘.';.:"..:‘.';‘:..... ..“’°‘*...*:.".;.""’°""“’ "‘ ““' ""° “ ""' “" we in am or we m on -«-ma - «cw am o 4:‘. ‘ _ O a ' . . u o . o o - o c -0 * ‘ rs. n’ . _ : 0 . I ‘ . o ' - ' H : .. . of the Scientific Amer-ioonr, .................. .. III. c. c. ii-it-rni” am‘, ‘me, win u-rive *S0dIl|8t W6 C8l|'0‘“Y- -----—-" 1 she “and ‘um ippmna of Jpobdnyn was started‘ some time I20, be“ “me to (me “(mm 4 - A6-—(‘a-north! club loan 1 - l u Initiate. * - - the American Lc¢l0!|~ ' .~ “hl'h°m°l”N'~".’.‘°'kV°"°". °"""‘ ’ ' ta’?! “""""""~ - ‘I A“? no". ‘ worktheo iilution is dolIt.‘b7 l ' made forastore- i, . . . rm Plating and Btoringof suit. itoinoi-row to visit her Plmn § “PERSON an A V“ ‘P_ The Roydmmh “now co|um_;the _ I10 mp “R R3,, 0*,“ but mm are being 1:9 _‘____.-.’ - General Discussion. and Mrs. Walter lllller. gwmlhm u. t SL-us‘, why.» chm" No. 17. mnhud toutgfilfifl briefly taped its development. "’*‘PI'°" 3v‘°°-°°° "°"“". Deer Pultcliiirdl 8enlm"“ Ilia flallock to Judge Contest. 'filodhi:declar’utlo’ofcandldacytoi"ncmlion into the mark - """"‘ l , .., I - 7 l . n i 1 _; to the United States last; “flunk of we ‘amen u ‘in goflau inst:-uctorétl-ownouiliiation ofnovernoroii tlieirnuurdcllieu a‘tn“;::etiIIl_ll;.t§."w°“.uw'"dfl.{lDpmuIs- . D.uiG_D_g¢'.,¢,_g5o|..gbecn_‘,d ndnuiud byQ,hg’Kg[¢TI5omp- ' . ingcg-Pu-IOoiiiiiiiinltychiinclisuu-uiiiEnzlhhinthoflnlvuuitnkto-§IiekIItottho8odallItnI!lV~ifl¥l*nldit. lliejpom Vet!-1_;donorm°n;,,,..d,ui_idoi-fl.000;mu'a‘!'.eb.¢,u,';n‘.n.,.¢.'.°uci,d,,‘;h,m.‘-,p...§t¢.;,i . . aid”, 3: o iayigm bc""saiietflicat-Jon." Suii- iii; to Vaiidnlia April 85. to Jilin Av-out primary. . {W- ~ _ that 5”!“ .".‘a5,_ g, -.5}. g¢__-.5: hlu,d,;.¢,,mi,..m.m,¢.a « - 3*“ i > - - J inoe£orWSbobodoof N-undc-G - - ~ ' ‘E ‘ - WIIWIGO-Vl91N|3‘0¢!°dl“id‘Y1’°5°°l'mb°"" "' ‘.0 od°ckl.n °uud“l ‘nut’ m"“a"°°hn'tn°';z2_ ~; L-ghdnfiuhu ‘ tooflhodvlfifloll ' ‘la ._ ~x_ J,’ uggagy. - :-_' gggrchurcli services at 11 oclock. protatlou contest. V United senator iii _ ls ‘ - - - _ . q sidcration by Columbia members for i this so Mr " . ._. . . . . . . . o . u n o o < ~ - . . ¢ ~ o o -- flluu-r«. : '6 P-1.. K .‘ - -N. , . S. . .1’ _ 9 O i . \ . , ‘ 0 it . . ’ . c — — . _ 3. . t ;, _. _ ‘w__.,,V . . . . V _ . . , .' H . I ' __ " > ' _ ._ ‘ I.’ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ . . _ > A_.. . . . . _. , , . .. . . . COLUMBCA MISSOURIAN clud ‘ht dSntrdii', 5.. « - . . _ . L‘ TAX vALUATION:.:i’::.I~;=‘E?.i§:::I:'i-::':;§.. BY M’MULLAN ‘ii: p_,T_ A_ TALKS. ..... -.*:;°-.':::.x:-.... BUR“ CHARGE .;