I - HISBOUBIAN wabuasmr APRIL 2. 1924 ' ' ._ u/__... .._. _. - _—¢ 2 l . . 0 . W . _ . l ., - - ——e- -- c- . , - - l . l“i-“an gt... 3,, Q"; am, 1,, ye. O , . , .- -KRlINl1NCUOI.1II’PB()GBAI lcatlml are hand on acho|arahip,'lP_R0l-‘E8808 QUARLES [S Organlsts. The concert was glven_.st. Louis, was one of the _g‘.s_ «- . ‘ .SHOR'lE'r RECORD ':lE‘fl'Xfi RUBCQHCBI LIB? llukihlp and ' ’lS h P'l ' C tlonal member: 5 V:-edilacmd . ._ -- —_ » y - mi” st;a-vice. aa:ledll{agC(t)o BACK FROM 81'. LOL t e lgrlm onsrelrt .. . ' . Sta-ll ortnn, pres'- ._._r ' 31”‘ ii. mine: 0 -. . “'_."“‘ . - 1 “'° - ”_"“"“*~ ._ _. _-=3! l :9,“ Of a&l;tIh'Bo¢l'd Angnall-' ' Rdiert N. Hill is the Ywumt'&”e“Afihv.:?fl n[RnI ".1 imam. Hid‘ s°b°°l- Jaw“ ha“, "'55" A'”9"" °{ Professor Quarle: was the guest M. S. 0. (ouncil to Dine: I V “""" 5 tare. lu Uwernorl W l"un..neflllar city mIll.cal!ier in Point! bids ' t. he i Th‘ V p'°"""' ‘in l"‘ Stu‘ Chm" of Ame-kn "f h°"°' ‘“ “ ‘“""°" “"9" him by .Th° ‘“""‘“‘“”‘ 8”‘ . H 7'» I ' - «....... l ' ' . ' ' 10! I¢!'Vl¢9 in Columbia. He y . icludé I play showing the purpose of Gnu‘ °f 0'3”'l“5‘ the guild at the Central Preaby- tlon (‘ouncil will nlt-e't"'u' " . I _ has-ollfleln-aaka gave it the otflclal '3 A dllthfls. three pnesta, 3 pm». . . : . . , _ - , , . . . ta l - 3,... a... an. rm. tau, ,3, ,.nd. 00100“ N°- 5» V5935 ¢!1'bl'|°¢0.fl|£:tr-ait-painter. two tncohanlcu lthe honor aociety aml the apeclfic. Prof. James T. Quarlcs has re- terlan Church. precedlng the toll offlct .lt_l~ oclock W .2. | ‘ h-énfi. _____.___.u, .9.‘ K“ llfillfififlll. % 0 . . Nil. P. °__”éa.“ mu “."'m_ ‘ul like. Mn!‘ "“l' reasons for each peraoa's election, ,turnerl from St. Louis where he gave cert. when he spoke on “Muslc and mg to conslder Sunday'.¢§,‘ - -6-" . motion. I 1885 t became lgal .~ - L , Ineers, a er, a lavyer. I Phys» - ~ ~ - -- . ‘ - NIB h...Oflltl -15 1-“ 33 1|. 1 3 9 1 Z .. _ . _ _ . an t . . , —-———-—---—— ;an organ recital Monday nlght, un- .,ommunlty Life. and the M. 5. O. olhegn h . , j on" 3'“ 9“ 113015317 ill 55¢ “luv 39* 205110‘ l ‘ ~ ' l 0 l 0 . §:’:enimlude:°i:.3;";::on::l°f:;‘:h" '8Tl‘DIEs mgns AND lxsmrnsidar the auspices of the Missouri The chapter was founded in 1905. year. The nu-llllu-rs of th ’ i _ Banal: < adopted the practice. The ‘Ukrdnhn Nnional Chan” "M; .Cu” in Enmnahn '1'.‘ Cmumflin‘ chapter of thb American Guild of p,of¢-sgor Quarles, then lo:-nu-ll ln M" W“. on 3-u,_»,u.__“.d M,“ p * 5;; " "“"" """,,,,-——--w"ji""" We'll‘?-*1!’ 539'" WWW ‘will be heard here at s 16 l k in npomm - 0 - '-“'_7E$’.li5NE IIB8l8:"“"‘ ‘ M, ‘hm, : . . . . : °°‘ °° . ‘ '1 ET - " i f . I!‘ G"'*"‘3""" ':"",.‘: i::adtea an Arbol-t;:3.lnlhe':i.ntlel.- l‘:eh]Re- 'uI.l'!l.(|l‘f.'l"nlt:l‘: ggmlyo? Vdil.:cg:lluofnPlrhtfnllologysllllfihndigl . ~ 1 ; M I ' I I o a . o ‘ HI from December to May, accordo _ {Mu Alpha. The season will close 0185002 I 8304)’ Of the Economic lm-wt LL . ’ ______ __ __ _ flux to the climate. . {With I 8|» Symphony concert DOYNIMO 0!’ farm birds and insects.j pi i lasso ACTION ON O0l)E Hiuiowies have a week in “" "“’ """""“' °‘ “""’ 33- .3’: ,‘,"ppin"’;,'§i':,,“k‘:_:'§’”° A huildillt code. said to be the which to start a movement that‘ Th’ d'°“" 5“ 59?" ¢3u<‘d IT ' .- p as . ' _ _ V ' “hum.” qmphony orchmn Iv cord‘ 0‘ mg’ food hablu, n?Sung best and most complete an lflssouri. would 1381 throughout the year.: I A ‘gun on this , '. ,habit.s and migration and branding‘ M” was .umnl_unun|y adopted by g|,¢-1Latt'ns. school grounds. streets and; {gum i“ ‘he .ppwmnce 53' :n£":;;t em_ ‘ 3n;r.~ ' * ' d~ bebeu1'f'edh'h ~ . . . . :1.‘ ill): of St. Joseph last week. pl’?! Ga)’: putt)’ ‘ «hi: hi I nd gwfl {R0803 a greatest artlsts. Ewlutel ’_ _Thcre are five bird traps in opera-E "at H t is sat that the code represents 8" NZ! .0 1:90-» - 0 - 3 o _ ,Beloussofl, who own. one of Q", “-0 ‘lion. and about fifty birds have bet-n4 . “ch six years of work.’ ,jera. Clvlc lmdt‘ 11-‘ W9" 0-“ W1‘ dc‘ ‘great stmdlcgriu. cgug, in ‘he «studied recently, including the tufted‘ m ,‘ .Calumbig now 1;“ a building codg‘ sire to replace the fast-diaappearg . iworld. It is valued at 830900. Alex- ititmouse. junco. cardinal and o m L . _ , .- ~ . . . , . . . thrmn heron ml ¢wn¢n....¢od¢ winch "P. mg forest tugs, ghould prove an: __ ander ltoshetz ls dlrector of , -eatlng birds. The bandlng of, Wm ggggg-‘Lg ya,-3 of ¢,p..,.;,m.(.‘og cgficslimpems to the observance of Arbor} ‘ ichorpa and M. hlcholas Stcmber {birds on the legs is quite a recent: (“I ‘ in ‘n "m 0‘ the United Sum‘. week iplanlst. ‘$1135.; atnd lt ls belflet-ed that man). ‘Wk. Cdunbi‘ 6°" M‘ ‘"‘m ‘° ‘ah ‘‘i‘ l " i ' - i .T{m;l plygmm Fndny night win he Canada dlllilswllulrebe rue:-hglrig-El - - ’ ‘l“""'i ye." for we completion of its code; l l‘ as 0 om“ Part I the)’ colne back next sprint by this ‘* -1 W “l "“ neither does_ Cdumbla want a code ‘H ;_ m;,,,,_ cu, ,,,,. 35,3," (;,___' smmiuh ‘process. In ‘ ‘hon time aw Hus \./:_l_\. l 3-ughgd in guch n hilrry that *2‘ 0‘ opmiun fin "“u'-fl uf . A2 Fftlu Hounlalha and ‘hp Va‘l|e-‘ya s‘ud’. the insccuvoroux hirdg Ull lll in five or ten years it will work a gem-ul um-nu are m-leouml in on. a s'.;l1;;';.}‘ t'»in.'.'..'...'l‘.'..'.l’i':.?.'.. w‘ in the same manner. ' ‘ _ A ‘ . I ‘ V ‘I ‘(haiku-‘_ M H. latte: V lnl‘l('plll'lr2h 0;‘ Cxlunfilllil .: "rh ~ 4 . 9 '_ i:-alion upon n-nu-t. lul prtfcrrnrc in" ,4‘ M“ lap er . o. I urs uy. pn I. ‘ (- be {he paramount quesmln to .be Pi” 5" 15"“ ‘° """‘ "5"‘° ""' '33‘ _. } fir: 1:; n at 7:30 p. m. Mark and Past §las- time ( cousldered Ill each (‘0lll'lt'll meetlng, >natur:-a may be used. Pt-nonal al- . .’.. (nu Lady of Pnlrhalv l.o~muu-ich lt'r ll('i.'f(‘('fi A '3 j-in}; until it is finally completed. A new‘. o'f'ili|n‘:-‘¢:t“l;5:hwdl.»Ioi‘::‘«!;p:-‘:.»;Ir anllltlrr .\’. llAl.l-~ «_; Yuunr J ' . .. ll....l..u ‘SO I. J P Dzwis S-[,(.,(,m,.. 1 . it ' }1'l~.c x city hall cah wait until the balding; ,5. .,,i,.,.. ....._ the wot“ hp mid “and h t '_‘ ,‘:;g“.‘“__’,'y.-L ammo l """"~**-’~:j'"'= __‘ ' ' ‘ "- ‘ - '« 1,...“ _ , , _ , , , . (no I a . r _ . urn: . . . k‘. _ _ “ code is settled and passed. Too mam» Th‘ p{_fi___M___ ' “av with it." «Pt 0 H: T» M“ V“ “mwwmm on "W ' ‘W are mmmm opportunities ‘I: I _ “Hm. puts on the fire at once may cause ' , ,' ’ ."5 '5' ° _ ""“"' ~ « . I.»-«mltu you do not read and use 3li.<.s-ullrinll '. catch-.~ _ .1.jd,gor the ;g,3mu,-,3"; 1'1“. moth- Mr. Hall was born on a farm in. run I\' . 1 ml. . ~ . them "1 to go up w smoke‘ era of Columbia whowe children have BOOM‘ Countv in 1884 He went "’- F"“"" - ~ — 5"‘-l--In “an n. -‘ lmw‘ A ‘ I ‘ . o 1310], had, or are just r(~cm-9,-inf; through the grades and high school ‘J.’ ”a::‘:_m'.Tm_" 1 “°°':‘''‘''"'"‘'" ‘ 1*“ A I mlovlslo.\'s ma PARKING ‘mm, the measles, would do well to in Sturgeon. After finishing school, "‘ "" " " ""p".'.'. .- “ "'“"“'“"' _ “‘*-‘_ “ A pm‘-Mon {M parking 51,“... know that the tell-day period lmmc- l1l"\I»'('!ll back to_ the farm for. a :_-_i-‘I--n 2.-"lllw l.arnl- tAmcn-~anl _ ll.-1: SQFVICC ' ‘ _ ' I to 5 l *~- ., Cleaners mu we _ . . e u 5 -.~ e -.~' .... c cn-- 1 . - . . f e. .. . . . .' 3 . . . ' ' ‘ ls inc‘l!uded‘ln!lh.. pilnlls fml- the dnngvrmm Iwriml‘ in “W cuurw M, wr"_u_0 alums‘ im":wdintdly l’:::r l... 'l‘n.. ul.l l..lL. at llulno cl’\..u.'.¢..-.L...h' i-géhfogfiihceilh PH033\lF3 2 ll.\i—Dl[\ , the lhll) l¢ll>(‘ll tlll(l lllt‘ (ll lfilllgll lU.\lPl Of the 1 < Ann Il~"S0ll!‘l o Pmofla lull). 3 l.‘ -[M .1 d _ . d-' “ I)r- “" '5 . h ' ~ . I. \~'rn...‘ .‘.‘ H II“. P In rr- 0- I 2 V . la 1 dim”, c-limated that at ‘tho i:nplll‘lXllll IHlllf:ll.l1ll‘.:0l‘l. f“:lcll(l)rt‘lll‘g[lll):5ll.'ll|ll. M lstrlllard, e lltlt-:lrw(ll(-1:: ‘E ; P‘ n....‘,(. alrrlnrultull liy-Hltl...n.«ls Good “ ark V l 1,,.,,,,\ ‘‘ meihlhmrs 3331 b" “;h‘“_”‘'’"' "l; It is in this Period. when the child llalllsiville. in 1904. The)’ were mar- V ‘H Mun“ _',fim”mm_' ‘ -.“:“"-“MM” ' 2:3 ;nd“clca|nt’ we Ste” ‘ At present We can give l’“”nl)t Service htforc the Sl”'inl-1' "‘°"' ‘"‘ - “'5' ‘‘‘'‘‘'’°‘"‘‘‘‘ ‘is =1l’l'=“‘1‘"U.\' well. and has lznnv N“ n Sturgeon. IIONOR socll-."l‘\' T0 ELI-2('r . " “ E *3 “ °' ‘"‘ "" e - ~ ‘ ~ 0‘ - - 5 -‘ -' . - . e . . .. ‘ ‘. ' mama‘. Or hnrdfimam‘ W ‘ back I“ schno" am we dew“). V Pm, ‘_:_____‘___‘ V __p _ pm an kinds of M“, and lush begllllb. (ledll lug.~ ml] hllghun _\0Ul hullu on L.l.~t¢l. ‘ 1-...» throughout the country and the luck "raeaslcs.-pncu:nonia" n‘.ulit‘:l its 1111- " ZR "OR BEST VOSTER New Meatbers From C. H. .lun- the “'°"k ‘F9 d0 l_°°k5 5”“ “R9 . ‘—'—"" U‘ main_“M ‘min sowice in wming‘Penmm_(,_ _\-im,_u,mh.‘ “I "W d(,am_\ work will Be"'l,“d ‘O Adwmse lofri lull Be Announced Fflday, % n;w..: the work is all we ask Phone or . 1 _ --—i to Columbia are some of the c:lusesfF*"_°m '_‘"-'1'-‘l?-" “""“‘ if“ 3 '’‘‘~‘“" 0‘ "The Boomerang.“ The '"’",'°r chs” '‘"°mb‘’'_‘’‘ ”{ _‘h" ——o you’ ‘ fgzgf {hp eve;-.gg-oyving number pf mn.llh'*‘ £.”;cn““' ncc”rd“:": to “Och”. A pastor c(,nut.,“ has been an. hogori soflkty nf Lfilutnbfu High — - - .. ,_, _. _ ,_ [ ) tnrilsts who attend each game. }n'¥;‘_‘::::_'d), is W keep ‘he chad at ll’f“lfl0Uf;1(‘£‘(l by the Missouri Work- ':::u,o°“m“';: $‘:t;;f_cti2:S“_i|‘;'e0t: 3 ‘ Tl"¢-U'3{fi¢ Pmblem l5 bffominfl ll-est for ten clays after his apparent ;‘h:pLEmr:_):f?n_th° nfirgepanmcnl °{ announced at assembly Frida_v. Garden ’ — out an important one. At least a hun_-frccovery. giving him plenty: of light J. S Anku:e); ' ‘fcgt, ”“:' “’ __fi''°f- five per com Of the members of ' —’_r‘_ and-me tract or land would be re; nourishinl!.f0<>_ __ r WA . u,(."._ and ‘hem is no r,_..50n “-1.,_\- n wntllllufl Of ll!‘-‘1:_1‘:"-34 <‘0N"3t‘1‘- ‘ - — , _. _ V M _>,_ aw i _j''- garden uh-"°“"i ’‘h°“ld 3" b°hl“d in “"5'f George Brosuis. S:lrt-oxie banker ' '-_ L‘ r "°“.'.l""l'fl9'lmPl’°"9m°"l- WM’ "01 and former resident of (‘.arthalte. (‘Ll provide a special place to park cars-was recently renominatcd ‘for ll‘lu_\'ul‘ yjmm and prevent the congestion and poa- 81 3 ¢'IUz¢'n's muss mvvllnllv $135 1 sible accidents that result from A be ff 1 k "1 - - f .- s-'u',\‘. we was _ ms 2.2:. ;‘.:::".:=..:'.:*:. If you are at :le°¢kl"R 1h¢;;’;nU'-*9 “‘l"<‘l1 5h°“ld Bolivar has been presented to that.‘ . , ll "::"t':(’ open for t lc? city by T. H. B. Dunnegan, who is’ - ° 0 0 J — 5. ' _ ...... .. ,.,..... a point 0 mdeclslon n-. CON\'ALE8CEl\’Cl-I . “.—"." . - , In answer to elaborate question- sticgrg cgliztrl ‘T3125 finfhgee . "0 "“i""' 39"‘ °“l by “"9"”! b"°“d' Teachers’ College at Springfield. 2'! 1.31,. ‘ C3351‘! “C5005. T=|di0 T0115 \'0l9d 1'0!‘ s Following the action of the Spring- t 0 .l._(._ classical music 4 to 3. The field college. several inlerscctionnl r _ l-‘(ll 126,000 answers indicate that thc-‘.(‘0nl(‘8lS in the sport are lookt-ll for.. ".‘ llnthe people even yet place jazz in the Friwo W“! 0 ‘ _ -“l-77"‘ , . peratc a stran- sceond rank of their esteem. 'Only'b(.,.,.y speck] from ‘he Ozark.‘ du,._ fr """'” 2.9 per cent of those questioned prc- 1,,‘ the be,-ry 3“,-.03 to rush the OR the concert { t T ' ' -. - " Ff ll _ fcrred band music; even the fox trot fruit to city markets. Officials ('s- Fprida‘. night 110129 dL:s‘§‘:=:ll)l]|8n .\8tl0n8l.Cl'l0rus lllll.l:.(. received the vote of only 2.9 pcr.timate that 2,000 carloads were pro- 1 ~ . , 1 9 ‘Sega ha“? been on p ¢¢m_ 11,, uke1,1,,pp¢,1ed to bmlduced there last year and they look _ pa‘ 0" 531° 3? T33'l01'$. This Is the musical 23 Papung ",6 the saxophone wqfor an Increased crop this year. (Went. of the season ln Columbia and you will realize ' "P, Iotst was acceptable to just a tiny. C¢‘,,,,,.,c,_. for we paving of Pam _ why if you wlll ask those who attended the concert n..,,,.'.' 'f“1'_:f°'{- -7 P" ¢°“‘- I h 1 ‘gm d avenue in lliglginsvillc have ‘ I3-‘t .\'€8l'. A number of seats has been reserved by ..L'«;..‘ ll!’-*-lll ‘ la la a good sign o t e wor d'.~e3becn awarded to Hal er and llavis ’ persons who are -om’ f- ' - 9?‘ .~..|.: . convaleaoence. Whenever the in.lof Boonrille. The paving,‘which is ‘ Mexico and eke“_;‘(_mln.guqt!otm iefiersz? Cu)’ hallo?‘ If‘ 1;... lune begin u, are of the thing, 0{.to cost $35,000, will start within two g_m'ue_t (_h ‘ J ‘ " 9m‘ t 13» the “mill 5 3 signlnl in..niu.. the donors begin m hopagweeks. t, the same .tlme a ‘what: 4 b _ Ol'llS. l\‘ ‘‘ The {ad um! Schumann am! R.ch_ way to cost $40,000. will be bullt. mg. P, maninofl’ are still more acceptable to ’I'lio st. Loui.-,-San ‘Francisco ruil- . l \,;\’“" people thanthe yowling, squawking. road has asked the Interstate Com» . -' I "bin; thumping, banging jag; hands mm merce commisson to authorize $11.-g P h _ “W t wand like age’. cm murmya nukesrb-10.000 in gold bonds to reimburse‘ resents l C Cl'|0l'llS SUDTCIIIE a . ‘t I g’. .,, ...,,,. ..,,. .,,,,, ,.,. ,.0,,d 0, W 3.. ......,‘.,.,.;. ..._......r.»‘ s... 1...: ._ Th Why we advertise our quality Nat-ionaflyi will soon be sufficiently recovered an lmpmwmen 5 n ma 5 e ( ‘ . W" to talcc care of its ownaffaira. i ______. ‘ / om d°'‘'‘’¢ ‘"1 I Inge aalc-as gmmbc, - ‘ ° l‘“’l‘“’ I ,_,, I C. B. Griffith, attorney general of’ , » , we advc:-tioccmphasiau—fi-om coast to coast, ‘henna-ch no gu.°¢{mum'af ‘wiv- t , ' _ Kansas. ha aubm'tted ' ' to. . ' ~ . , ’3""'"’ £3? HERE TBERES A \\ ILL .thc effect that it ill !l0l‘l:g'(:l?l;(‘3?,n:pll0 N : Our and pages in mloc an other 712' G c;"°"‘}:’°";‘ )‘\"fl_‘l*;° ? eiclecutive council of that «state to‘ I:'enou anracujlxlhhaty as are alao the exits‘ 485188-' ' ‘iii pm rice‘ .n urco '0 th 311' d{ h, . ghndgpnd . ._ . _ Nd!-. complained of deafness find has Eidlflrfolhe (hliisfliliuri l*(i‘\r'’¢‘.-rtal ; . circulation,» ' ‘at d. Pfianom finch 5"‘ “dc "'4 l'’‘''‘- . . . .~ . w i .°"“""‘“7m¢llI V’ 1., cl t attending services, nu, 11¢“ ]-‘_‘l\Il1@l Clty, Kan.. for use in high-; N A T I O N A L C H O R [J S , our clothes ad III:-dry will ’ fig -e ‘ ' ,'“." C.‘ Brandhorat, pastor. installed a"',“g‘ °°;fim°“°“ i" ‘hi-5 W119‘. ' idcmifieaour product. We n¢o‘_,,,* gnu.‘ On?“ for ‘fit ‘ S - win‘ “mo. -“V. l - . . . . . . ‘ . -' alga m crophone on the pulpltand strung _ a ) 3 I‘ Unlverslty Audltorlum ' ' our cxlsaoclccs rqtcacnt a national audience and we want an . ‘mm ‘$395000! $0 “'9 WWI of the com-. Odessa will put through im-’ P"'H“ 5”‘ hind Of!!! in doahca ugh‘ '3 0'; house Plllfllfllk NOW IMD)‘ are comin8?Drovements totalinz 3200.000 this’ ’ H fur block to church who had not attended ix.-.Yrur.. The Board ot alderman hair 0 e W don‘ . * fun on “mum of ‘why Ruin‘. Jdvemud for bids for we “fins. O _ . . m Guy merchant to the country, but ndther can any ad‘ o ii ‘‘:.:.::i‘, . ;of the huainea :' Th‘ .; “‘?"""'-"7-‘rd-n .. .5‘. ""‘°°°‘”°t°-thaewioc soul. - - - Ingcnlouaneas is an admlred and« . . 5 '°° '°“' '3 9”’ l - I-uh,a;.,...|.. peunve mafia. ..,°_d-lug ‘ht . . P"“"‘..““"“' °l"l“3,. 2'; PUYIW coveted characteristic, and no sac :l'll°°c‘oal. l . . around: various loaflxiu. D‘/018 of confined sale no merchant ‘Q _.‘; houn- . l _ an ul 1:; 0 ~ T. . 5 “III! snug . 1-.3‘ v, . ‘;le:c:h:l"' "um!-0.’. ‘Inc. chfl#"-chur°h ma ' t ’- ’ - A ' . but . ‘ 1.lo£:n. _ - t_'scostas5,ooowulbel;ull:andotlu-r. i 3 - ‘ aaI:li:hdaebu.........¢ °""“"'¢t-Ml-«Nil! adl can always ' be aurmounted at project: will be entered upon. ' ' , ~ quality and value which identify than I 3?. " ‘ thought and time are given to them. -————--" . , . '56! lines and arid: Ihirtrfivc ” Bl“). «: Alwaya, however, there must be the K A “Nd u‘ ‘M “TOW 01 hlflson; Q _ I8. Oil!’ guaranne of ’ ' 5, . .,h“,mH ‘ _‘j.' d““ ; ‘rm to am neasa. composer of Ben Bolt_ wllll . . _ ofdothcs whid; ‘at main “"3. ,.-3 -, . 1 . - placed on the new Clark Building. ‘h°'°¢l8h ltnécuon. 3 ‘ ‘ j ’ : A‘Bo‘ WEEK 5;? Chillzzihezrh the town in. which‘ ' . ' ‘ W _ ‘ . s nests ’ tablctwi ’ ‘ ‘ ’ cguaranmg ' . ?‘_’. - ' Hyde has proclalmcdmp y ahbcdptlon; {rowan blzlrtlfi M0" Seats Have Been Placed on Sci at Ta lor’ - 0" dad.“ "' ‘ “ 4‘ Milo‘ .11 ‘uu in flan.» y 8 I A ‘ ' ;'~.3:~. om aervaaeeottheweekfrolnlarehfllance thepnocla‘mationoIGover.l $2 ‘ 3 " I ‘- 1,: ‘ ' » c ~ -. .7 LO ,_ to April (as Arbor Week. jnor lb-do. The tablet will be or; — ' Unreserved 81 2 """" - J rimm § 1; 137;, u. an .1 Mg,‘ . 5.” pink granite bordered with Carth-‘T . TAYIJORS mm] Smk I ‘ " ' - . . '‘''''‘*''U0 ; 5 in ‘ i appointed for the blie plantlng’o[i“"‘ . é ' ‘ . E ' : v ° Ball: putintoop-1 l . . A E . _v S- [ """“‘ é l _ # I > H - - ,_,_.. ‘.1 A.__. 1-1? 5 i , - ~ . . V0 . g Q _ , . . _ . _.‘ pm ' W-6 — I l - ‘ ° * - ‘or r t ~. ‘ - , ' . . -cw .3 X. f