arm: 2 '~ .' ~“‘.* ‘ ‘A ‘ ~ _. < _“t. _. . 4‘ C i r , ' \ * 6 . » . . . e ' , . . _ . ' .—~ "\ - _ a - o MBIA WE u -’ . ' . . ' . .|_ "A!AGQE«'l"'WO ‘ DNESDAY APRIL 2. 1924 ~. 3 .. ._..V.'..-p.-.._._¢._...:—-.--¢_.. T... _._»____’____ __*_.,____._{ , . _- _ I " _l ' . an; gg;Jiel;']‘oni‘§t'§ Five Beat. Radio Futures. "ha" mm 1 N. of um central rtandai-d um ODAY’S MARi{ETS -3¢._,.. MRS. RBDIL8Y’8 ESTATE TU - NEPHEW AND l)AlJGHTEllS ttvxi . Iiitrthqualnc F It - i 'ii I've», 1. "I .. hi I‘ a - ' T.’ I ' ' O I v I 0 V V ~ FARMERS TO. AWARD CUP DISCLSSIOIN GROL PS l’LA.\!\ED»| . 1 1. ‘- v . : 153‘ '- . Tl:-rlc {Fania-ton. Fltfflfl u'''- , ’ ‘ . - - - ., . - ' _ '7 , ‘ _ _ (‘All‘()_ []|__ A : ‘ ' ' . _ !;..‘,",,.' ,-,,,._,,, -. wggr, New York. 492 tllissouri Aitsociatioti to Gite Pfllc Suggestion Made by S ei-wood Edd) _. ' b _ d V A‘ . m ts. " pr.l 2.55 H - -':..~. ‘ -. ' i f I1n.;aoiiei-i it. Ban. Gamiiua: I . D-* utter“ 7; p. m.—T'he New ‘ for £333. In Carried Out by Y. I. (I A. p ‘ . , _ Ht-'1’ “div F"°d ‘°"“"’ ‘N - 5° ‘f"' _. ’“_”_°’ “*‘-‘_' 7911 here 3;“ .. -; _ ,1. ltoicri-. On-ntralia: urn. Sidney 8. Rev: k Phflhumonic conducted ; Tho highest scoring dozen egg; in‘ plan, for the Bible discussion: A st. Louis Livestock. Leaves $100 to Sacred Heart (‘CIOCA this mormntt. sum [8 V . . .3036. lhnue: Ian Sbenhat 5"“""i Y“ . . - o U -. - . - - . lb‘ UM“! Pr<'"~ Chm-c were lil‘ul>i(‘!1. hut the d; - " i own‘ it 8-m- cm 0"-ii“-“= "~ ’- bi’ ""'“"““ ."°"‘°“’°"' ""°°‘ 5"“ .""°»""’ .- "f M'”°‘“‘. .5“ =8*°"P5 wircestw bi’ Sherwood hddr NATIONAL srocii YARDS. lll.. . ' _ . I . sis.-m. The earthiiuiike w "' W‘ 8. Stein. 3h'|t"‘|1'¢= ""- n‘ 5' s""'°’ from Carlie c i5h°“- “"h‘°h “ln ht ‘*9-id AP?!‘ 30 have been perfected with the excep- - _ ' i or . The will of Mrs. 3181‘) M- -0"? ¢‘.‘- , " ,. _ ‘3 my ' ' 3 sgfio, Iioonvtlie i _ - . . ‘ APT" 2-“Cat”? R°°°‘l‘L‘- ~v"00- - . . . (npo (rlI'Zlld('.'1'.l ind w‘ me y . ‘ - ,coiiinla: V-run - A . ‘V1-An Cieveland, 390 mct- to Ma) 2, will receive it loving cup 150,, of d,_.u.,.mi,,;n ti, |wd{.r,. of ,_ , . -, , widow of Edgar A. Renal:-,\. fuimtr ‘ t ‘ K inixie In acute. Payout: In. c. c. d- Id I . h h ‘ . _ ‘*7 '3 , muiket stead). .\ati\c beef steers. , . V _ “J :(,um,.,-,, 11],,,,,,_.‘ 4 C013?! . _' A jug, ‘aigoniy; In. W. H Wilton. !:i_ era, 7 p. m.- o - \\'hlc- as been donated by the Mlth the various tzroups and their plat-es $7.50 to 38.25; yearling ‘mom and postmaster of (Ailuniliia. .\:i: ri ti. __ _ . “mm ' '(Qug'.i{iucd non rise ii. ’ _8iidu-: Ia White: r-rem: ti i!'3_ nd dances. ‘sour: Farmers _A.q.«iocintion- 1" ""5 01' nwctiniz. Glenn ' HO\’(‘j»’. s-cc- hem,” $7 to ‘-1350. covm 5435 ‘O for probate in Judtrc ii. A. 101 mi .~ “-_ "_ M¢.,,dm, “ms ;_— w_.i,, ‘ ‘ ‘ - :Fi-aak Ii. want. Porn-: D. \oun¢- 56 WIP, Philadelphia. 509 met- way the as.-xocia on is citing the ietarv f t Y. M. C. A. un- ‘or. .' . 1 ' :2 r0 Office Y05U33'dfl."« Willis ii Meredith ca 3' y". from all Dr. B. H. Crosxfield of Fulton 'dalia: mu Hat! is. in-gait. It as city: Ir»... _Bm'd“s. of the .Un|“_mm, its ct. _ . ' .. ' 42.-.). tanner.- am cutters. .-> to . _ _ ‘ ‘ _ ._ ., . A 3 it 1533;“. " E the d . ‘Suit 3. Frank. Kin: cm: i. it. ouo.- er!» 11 P-."‘- 1 . - " “° "“.””°"‘. "‘ °‘'‘‘' '‘°“"“‘‘’ ”“" "“""‘°°"- $3.50: calves $10.75 to 811; stoclteris The will. which vim NW1‘ 9*i'''- W‘ 1‘Cmv¢'w'W nomination '14; head -_, e‘o_ on!‘ d Cetitralh: 8. Threlkehl: In. G. 12. Bruce Slifillfi {mm Mc‘r°p0 ° c3mP3'gn {Cr "Bcuc3' 3'-833 In hilt!» The Yllnlfti of 300 Ul1i‘.'c:‘rlt}' men and fccdgri $5 50 E0 $6 50 m, 1919, names “'llllllfl'l'(l RL‘311lL',\' [(ir|u-_\'-;_'(-nerni, wag in - " V3531: Arthur \-on Denoort. ircctor‘ on A.” 8”“ an". Pub in" open house. sou"... wh W." t k. H _ h v ‘ . .. i . . R I ' _ “tor-R‘ H‘ 1 " “ “I _ l . _ ' _ _, , ' A _ o i it ( pa in t e.( group. _ _ r and Ethel em c) exec }t.l(‘l(1t_». . r. . trediths & has the n Church Community; g,,_ , 1. Alice. siiioa. 0. 1. Angel. WLAG Mmnflpoim 41. 1 The cu W“ bee h ' . liogs—Rectipts 14,000. market o . . fi L name" ' New York Citv told of the*Lal’iau- mm. L. .4... Iilcxinh 9' m Q'ut("-iug 1 ‘ " ‘ , °3:° ‘ ° ‘’°"“‘‘’ ""“ ""°" “’"“‘“ °""' ‘° 5” '‘°‘'"-‘' in :10 lower Heavy :7 40 to :7 so It provides that $100 shall i,-.- in i’oi~1nr Bin’? Hi» daua-hm,g‘. R-W ' -' - ' tci-s.: - ---~ - men ro rt’ * ~ - . ..- ' Mg ' , . ~ ~ .- - .. nary work of the church and ,""‘ G L u';'”,:‘ o_ gmu....‘:: '3‘ gfindolin Orchestra. _ wins ;,".,,2°,¢.:0,,°d “mg firizofi-31:3 :2? gttitwififea;'fr:la:::e¢:;i:):,:' medium. $7.50 to 7.70; liirht, $6.90 Riven to the priest of the hzicrft-d 3]:l<‘{‘_"§‘\:0:‘3:‘:‘d‘”" “" “ 5"°5N_h M °f hi‘ °“’°"°“°°5 ‘mom: we fonylil. nillnp. Lebanon. J. W. Baler. Aux» “U2 New York 455 meter:-'. at $50 h’Id no ivliiiortuiiitv to "H311 curd N 87:0; “gm "chm, 56.25 to $7.55; “ea” Church l2‘20(()-oil:-mbmd fur . T ’ —"“‘* ‘. ‘ no'(I)‘ht‘lo resent in New! ; [Kn . st. Lo h. ' ‘ , . T .' . . . , ‘ - ’ 5' — -‘ _ -3, .35 i‘."5; ' , masses and that use 0!‘ . ’ " ' ' ' - ur.'.'u. It Barton. Idaho In C. B. 1:». 7:30 p. m.—Coneert by Bi"0\\ii ' ‘Besides this t-tmnd D7111‘. there These students 5; Phone 392 ‘VIII Call office phone 156, ' John! “flonccminl these motile there it-ran Crimea. Fayette D. cme.1\\hite. Edll.l0l'd(;f the .mP0i!:8 Rt-wording to we reports I the D1-..\l()( llA'[b l.A(l~. lt.\l..s.t).\ 14¢ ~. - . . . KLASS COM CO. h km 3 - I9 ': ' . .‘ ‘ 0 ‘e .' O o . . "" "' " I ' ; ‘kw ') . 2 I ‘N ‘hm. "gs we an do_' con, use-on . $l:"c:u:n.(iarrituei- Hm:’l‘l‘.:.I%§JL‘9i aa':id“ii:jainnt§‘i‘ti\;,:pcr today‘ :LnlL(‘d btzites \\ eather Bureau here. To l‘(w l.".,.(.nu.d as l.n.§id(.m;,| (-h(_(_fl___.\-Onhcm twins‘ 30,2“ , _’ o l_ Thi 333993 “'3 ‘in D'~""°°"' "“° °‘"‘ Koo. nu on; |l..-. milwn. Hal ‘pun ch ' .t W abogrd 0 Wm _mk The first four days and from the 21st |»o.~<.~sibilit," \‘t uni: America. 20*-c. —— ~—— — ~ -~——-.. your ignore them. though not for long. ville: It ll llutchi-oii Hui.-ling rt-cu; H. he t~\:£‘ilo mid “Md the xhip; u, an. 33“, “.0”. the only n.,,1_.—print: in L‘m"“ "“"' ‘ P . 2- Borde we can hate them: or we can help 6-«mi F~ -*1-n *~""""= "* 7; ’-.“‘ “ "’.' . . ' k go, u._.i.“’“-"-‘ "‘ M“’°*‘- 1.\'i.»iA:\‘.ii-oi.i.<. Aptul :.—'rhe an luuis (‘ash Grain. ‘F’ "‘“‘” vi OI-cy. Mex ; Hr-. T. N. Hiya. hulls: does 110i d(‘1~€'l'\t' I0 .111 . “S 8 whole his S 8 . _ . ‘. _ - ' . . . " _ -‘ ' * ‘ Con” ' it win J h La?! In In FA 8 ' t h“‘ b” " th‘ ‘°]d tint ortzzinired efli rt ‘rt III ilmu ~ ii i I Irv“ ' . . n I ii men. a : . .. " ,~ . , . - ' ~’ “' ‘ * ' * "" ' E‘ (‘arch “grk "°‘m."' ‘non’ uh‘ Ed J mflom hum": n‘\'h' ‘ 'd \l-llon belonged to7"“~t Mara‘ 5"‘‘''~' 191” ‘Vhwl '1 3"‘-‘T’ the noniinutiun of .\'t'it.'.lw' .\':imi.i(-l 5 I.OI_'l>'. -‘\DY’ll 3--—C¢i?‘|1-—N0- g on T. Mr’ V3" Dcrvoor.‘ °‘ph"m"d Eh‘. 3"’ """‘ A’ Kmm‘ "'"”“"". kn‘ “ML ‘ “f '53‘ 1' tr‘. rtv t at docs aged three degree“ colder‘ Ralston the Pu-sidv-n('\' was -I \\‘l|ll('. Tait‘: S(*p!L‘nib('r-7‘.9‘.1ic: ‘gt ‘fag I work the (‘hush-. hurch,M_,,_ 5-”___ F33. ,:_" 3 L, 1.o;‘xiairg-. tl'‘g”0- ‘:0 pjmifibmon law‘ Snow fell on fourteen diiys. tnuil- Ewrwd mda). at 3 n“.(_m.‘k,‘“f In .]ul.\.\_g0i,_,L.‘ l - MOP}: 0" " ‘'1 ‘''°”° "'~‘°!"° ‘,“'°““" “‘ :r"."..'t'."z.hv.'a.:'.;..-Uii..'. i."".' i.a.?.i.°.'§-I mfg . 7"‘ ‘.3 am’ has qcoficd at i"“ "‘"“ ‘"°""“ “"""“ ”“' ’“‘"‘“‘- Iiieinocr-wv auvw wnunitu-v -mi 0u%-<—-\'°- 3 Whit‘ 30°: 5 “"”“‘ sl°"3k Churchv Rufim" (hm-ch ‘nd Hinton: 31:1. II. R: Hy:-r-. Clinton; Ida““:n‘h ufaw am} imnt it 10 The h”“'i"5‘ sink“ “mm. "f th" lt‘ud(-rs of the punt’. xxhitt-. 4'J:‘4('I Mtt_\'— . Commtinitv House. _ . i'¢-in-; lira . I‘. Ityen. Perry. 3"“, '3"? ‘h ue'<fiOnab](,.. month was four inches on March 8 A (.Umnm“.(. “fa, mmwd M ,. Wheat (future) -— Sc-ptcnibv.-r—— Tue . “lgune tel)’ nftu his ure Pic-rev C Matthews. lilukiiiu-:_!.rtie-t I.ol-nu:-(‘S \t it. 871 Q - ' [and 9_ H . .' ‘ ‘ M“ . . ' ‘ ' ‘ I __ 00, I , . “Wm, H. . 303,"; L, uiicticil My-' -——- ---~ _ , iiitttim. if the ..itL u.-mmitt ( LU tl.l4, . ul) $1. .. u. . 07 " 31“ “"3 D°‘f"°""‘ ’’’‘°.“'‘'‘’ 5°" .-1.; ii»... i.i..i{.u.. amnf,-S Iln i \1E\|()R|AL FUN!) (.‘ROWl!\’(: total prpciritatiiin of the pitstnt the mm. of itiisiun in the Wheat (redl-.\'o. 1. $1.16: .\‘u. 2. 1- P’ W~"‘°°P"°°" “‘"'~‘-“~'““‘ *".°“”°5 “‘."' K. ii. In-ore. r-non: wni H. In ' ‘ ..._._'. — _ .m°"‘h “'“-“ ‘-31 "‘°h°-‘- "hidi “'85 nation a... a prt-sidentiitl tio.~.~iliilit.\'. $1.14; .\'o. 3. $1.11 to $1.125. M’ fl‘I}‘£do hot 031')’ "W ‘l-|'lCUy relit!' H'eairu:.“'. H. ' 't.h. lfoiitar -lllufl: H. lnissouri Alumni “ l,~.".cue‘.'l|¢..‘ under the ‘hi"}._}.oar norm“ for __H- Afli __ _ _ “heat ””"_d)‘_N0. 2. ‘Lot the i°“"‘ V-°'k °f we chum" buuhe cdu-‘3°..-1:‘ v..:°:‘mi'i'. fi'”}eJ'ii:'i;i:.:' -‘m‘-- '‘"‘‘‘'‘K ~“°""’°""“”‘- °““”'“- 1"“ ‘"°h‘~‘~‘‘- li0.\lE Et'ii.\'().\ll(.’S |iis('t‘s.s'i~:ii i ...j_._.-- . NW9“ - ' .' ' u , A c z -. . . . ' , . _ , _ _ _ , . - - Quonil ‘M ‘rec!-e.u0n’l net!‘ nu-35' Per’ 1 ‘PL “a ll 'cC‘.k,*_. Chkmro: “r”; R. G_ 51350“; I-a)‘9t{C\°t"e. {QT}... ' "“”"‘ “:‘*““ I . ' -- —. . ‘on are missing Opportunities if ‘, \- o. . y _ ~ s , - V ' ' ‘ . ‘ ' }\l||‘€3'R31’u‘""- playgropnds‘ mo - C. H. NOL-on. lloberly: Hr. and I L. H. Q-as gfcenuy clgxted pg-Q-5idgn[ of the AT L. ihbh ‘\\ IIIIC’. 51.81!‘ §U|Jl'fIlIl(‘Dd(‘l|l. you to road and use Lussourian E\'9"‘ era‘ clubs and clnst-es in till Phflwfiitiiii-;.ur:_. Flor:-are |’r?'nr. I-‘art-iii: Ir-. organization of alumni and fog-ngcr Pm‘ Kfrncrm “drew to (outer, with ('olum|ii'nn.~- wztnt ads. Tiiwi‘ ~'vm- I - -'~ -'. Iw =H‘=:-ii‘ ~14: thz-E’ trust ‘h_‘’ I "I "°h°°‘ '‘-'°'k “"9 ”h°“n’. . (7 F "her" ‘.'°""' J‘. ' l""°"":studeiits of the University of Mis- ' —. E . .' Bliss ('liu'i~i- \\’hitt-, .~:.'iIi- .~urn-tin-1 . funds. and e_~'.ntc- ;liili1.Y.l~'.'..'!i,i‘. !t)\".r«!iil"l‘- ;.:w- for men “'9” , . , v . - ii 1 . u-I-he“, ‘rt 200000 rooms "‘ 3c“ larntc. June lo.ter. Tm). Ira. Jams _ _ _ ‘ , H _.n 5g-|;oo|mg1,[¢f3 (_|ub_ ._ ‘ , _ I _' ' _ ' _ _ \h‘ ’ .. ' _ id. _ Porter. Tm)‘: H. Wilmoth Run-r. l"a)'¢-tie; ‘Soul’! llviflg Ill 0!‘ I188!‘ l'&|_\'\l IL‘. Prof H J Kcrner of the Uni"or. “ah in (ii umbh, V39,“-r(j‘,:, hm; .\[n'n_. # ii “lune; (ha; “_Un“__“ h“"_ T’ min} Uf Ihvm rhoro are - - . York (fly 1}“! luttc no nuts} ‘L. coi_i- nlr-. Clan Roberts. w.'nd.~or; Minnie lust». fie has appoimcd 3 commitux, to My _ .I . . _ day to cunffl. “.1”, the i,(.;,,i. “f 1}“. I F d I‘ _ d H‘ .. H ._ wwflm‘ v ‘M [Wm] W‘ wnyfi nection with sunlight and air. said M“, y.,.,.1,_..; x,,__ (; ,, ,,,._ 3...; . . . _ _ _h- I “O0 in “N, sity hi5t0l‘\ department will lec- L.niwl_>i“_ M ' ‘fin.’ » \ _ T _ it -AU" F?‘ J“ -W_‘-” *- " -> - _ I -'15‘ M...”-, . . _ hut lift membtra in c 3 . . , 1 Hit (t mu. dip. it 1 _ , _ Z ‘ ‘ _ Ni-.Van Dt‘!‘\‘00l‘1.l’u:UUl'ljZ toiidoor bcrl)‘; J 1. Sllocniakc-'r..l'I)'rttt-: Ilrs. ' L, , d Smdium 1‘ ture in Ann Arbor. Mich., toinorrow "mm i’ ‘ I , ‘_ _k . E _ ,Y’S ll‘ slsluiicv and and oi it .::.~. .-.n.;:.-«:5 HI .i!‘r8nLfll1L' for mu , - -, ,., Red H. Stunt; Earl Starke. Hannibal; In J Mem°n‘ "'0 an_ _ _ “ , «Th 1 . f F . F _ l fl [Zara to \4i| ,“ 1“ ‘‘U.‘(' I; _ d- __l f ~,, ,, W ., H Ti _ 1‘. , .. f tum" m u". “N4, he remar , _ V , . _ , _, in 9 ntportame 0 Anstcrn .u . _ , the lapu..i u I..t.l i....t... it 1 int, tru. .. or 4 A " - . P - _ it. Same-. Cc-ntralia. .1,he1!' share in the Limersit) e.ini- ‘ m_ Th dd _,u and the cuittt-.~t.~ in lilililt‘ ttuiliillll-.8 I‘ _ I . _ _ HP" " “T‘“‘ ‘S. .the. from dour for thirty‘ “'- "I1 In. Gnu.-sue sun, st. Jon-1-hi Illlliitn now bcint Carried on. mph.” nor)‘ 9 3 7°55 “’ _ work to be held h('1't' for .~'.;itt- ~..-- “. °x‘1'“pl“' p'V"“d"“ ‘''’V “W “"""“‘" during hm moume clubs 7 ‘k “mm°5" . . ,. u" “d 3"‘ 5"‘ 7' s‘'°'f’‘'T' ’f"““"“°; Prof. J. W. Road. of the dcpart- be made bd(;": the. Sch°°1".m“."’m catiunul training hicn ~t-lm«.l.~ elm-~ o and (.u,.n(.,, out i,.., \.,.},.., _~1fu-g- in-2 ilenii.~c. Poim-' A 991' "-14°1l"° °‘ ‘\‘"°'“ ‘J’ 7‘ ''‘'’' "?"°"" u'.""' "'"'l’ h’ supp’ 'ment of agricultural chcmistrv of nub cf U” L"'‘'"‘‘'‘-‘' °f M'°h""—“'—" in uniur }“¢'1l'|ll(‘l‘ ' \\‘.-1-l 'I‘iu- eanlng on A o (it - ' nationalities. ""‘“"“cm! T"""~ ’°9’"‘3 3' "- 7l'5°"‘~- . . . _ ‘ ‘ wh' is similar to the Missouri ' " . .i Tho: [)t)>§llilll[it‘.~ uf 1!.-. 12.:-'. :r.t- Y0; C:v: . bi‘ '-h(' 1300-‘! 01' P|'0f- C H- \ In .T.\'m'- _.(.1u.;;(,,, ,4,L,_ 1.3.“. :_d.‘,, I ' 1 .~ei--.-ice it offcr>. I’. :» ;..~. ziwri,-~l!ii-.-til :t’!‘\'lCl‘. It t‘0tm- each °f Nflions" "M Mr’ F.“ 8. Wait. ilon.r:”Cit;‘:y'.l. :7.‘ wIU:;.:F'hENC‘i \\'0.’\"T GIVE CI’ RUHR had 0{.t¥w d.ep§nmcn.t (.11. hlsw"-‘ is ullowml tux. t-im.'..--t;mt , Phone 22 it .s('ll(ii' in all lI1¢'|l'it'l'.\ hit’-.51}: in do with fimmct-.~ and a -— A :11‘ n€\’lI3lt'uhe8fl'¢‘lkAs|"l‘:‘3:‘i3" :_:l'.‘gm:n“‘%:1‘.'.u[‘- ma; V, ""0941: }=;‘rt.';h:dn.u gr ‘ S Rcpumfion Repofl M m“ L""'9”“~" of M'Ch'K‘"" Miy. \\’hit(- \-.'c--;‘. in .\lr\:ii-,. in- ‘ iuurct inf infmnixitioi; m. .~»ul-_u-ct.~r that lune to do I read 06!! 3 0 0 ' . . v . V 3 er. artin rs. . . . onroc 0lllCIl’(' l)'!% S , "‘ ‘ _ , ‘_ d: , {t‘.‘_:’:. ‘.11.’, 5}.I,.. .‘._.‘[i Y ' . -' - ' ?< ' I’ «if -- ' -~ : l h- “' 3- 1 ‘M13 Li“. rocks and ,-,i15_ “hat do ct“; ,.._ h,,,.,,, w.,,,,,_ “nan”; 3"‘; may xm 8? Accept - MIINERS T0 CO.\Tli\lE STRIKE. n'r:k('..‘h‘:i" lhl(-Y:i“h Eng,-ipp t“-Ll!“ ‘mi. N . I “till the t tau. in! t t COY'.(C‘l dz- K _. - 9 ' rg . . I‘ . i 11. flit’ I ~ 7 ' 5 J‘ , _ ' " " " ' ¥ - 305.1 0 .‘. A at U "'. Q t) 5 5 ' nu’ me.“ ‘O them bl“ rag“: seue ' cF‘ar‘!"Hf.::n:.o !Z.“Will(i:: Ca':'.ro:'to‘:"”’ laud 1"‘ .- n - .- ' l“3"W~'U0nS Follow Failure ‘0 iii‘K sm.-ill l(i't\‘Il: i::| the ~-l:i1t-. ' I‘ ‘ . II .: 'fim.d . ‘til {. H“ V th W "um ‘N u. ‘ ” ‘ad woe“. but topplmg tcn¢."_nm- D. “mm”. ode“-‘ -‘Cbf‘:Al;l'S. ?tIi)i'il -.fbp:ukii;£ in the Ruth Wu" Settlement __>, _ : meat on llittrtrt as t .. mun. Pre merits?" . ———-—— 1 '“ ' ° , °""“”” .‘ '3‘ “ ‘°"‘°°“ain- lfnitul rm-. small Fire at Bnttt-rtmi Hmm-. ‘i .' ° . ° ' ‘ Mm Bums A_ Jenn", ma . M- TELLS or i\i_i_s_s_i_o:.tni “om; zit“-nuer .P<;:inCurtt‘ indlict:£::dretl(i)::: ,\._,__.\._\.A_\. Wu.’ Apr" ‘2___h_‘_ ; The M dmmm‘ “M MM Y A beruce-Built Institution L“. ulution urging t at the‘ woiiien 're- Mn. lhnis Jenkins Hopes women; “°'~' 2°. ‘‘“‘p “( wrwpin. >_U'UCU0“?‘ {Of 3“ _-3'0"’ "‘"“'_r" "‘ the lmine of F 1.‘ zittz-zton. .;v_ir Pr. . “’ ° um’ °°"".“unm” ‘mp Will Improve Go\'cfl|llI¢ t. to. (t'wm?}“‘mim:w: iii’ oitv q.’ ‘\‘’‘.’"‘’‘“'‘‘t 5955"" ' "‘"“‘" °" '.\'ortli rZ't:hth .\lTt}t".. tin. ;ift¢:rr:i‘mii. . ‘ 7 of Cl I’ ‘Wen’. “fluent? pmmblc ‘O creme '. “I am anxious forc rch uomenucsfma mg ' cm‘? ft‘ ’t\~‘:;’\- «' the ink" were “sum by .the ".““’" 30 cxliiixliibl‘-ii-*"‘-it”“"i""1ll“""“f- prompt Augntlon i ST 0 ‘ "um. " “‘“5°i°“5""“ "‘ {‘""°r M pace and to stand for measures that would pa) mun!“ ' ‘ m ( (‘K loam‘!-S hm.“ today fouowmgn-“flu” the fire which \‘:i~s t-awed bv imrr.- Modern Equipment I‘ "12 1 ’ ' ' le ‘timate mo\'c- ‘ abandonment of the _occupati-.-it cf to H.m.h u gctthfifimt on ‘W M -in _ - _' - - . D , - -I - 3"P~P°"““K ‘"73 K‘ h preserve the peace of the world,"i h R h . . . . 2 mt: rout. did flljllll diil11;i.t:t'- 3} 01' nlfiht M convi "mm which looks forwgird tort‘ 9 said "rs. Bun_isJenkins' fir“ vjcefit Ewu ff" '_\_ . ) W u a_ lit-gi_)!I£IU(fDS with ‘mine operators. V A __ W _ 7 , , 0. Chi, bringing about of 8 “';"‘gh .°t ‘ggipreside.-n of the Chri-ttian \i'omen's-mm 0", me ,'§:;"‘.‘. ‘gfrprtfmiizr About 45.000 men are affected by var ..r Mixrd Stuck Shipped. PARKER S Ar . ' ns . . . . . - . . ' . .‘ - _ 9 .. , . 1 0"" “'h‘°h ""3 ""31" ." W“ at .Missioriary bociety in Missoun. who? _._...__. -th fink” "rd" The 1:,,,,,,(.;..' (';~;.m«.i .\'lm'~- Phone 53 Ceor supfidmc. The reso uuon ii! hf"! .uendinz we Tnnu“ con" “esfikr T‘kcs S" L°.uis.p.o$i‘i°n' Senatontdities 10 Jeflci-son Cit)’. Ln: .-\.<.~ot‘iiitimi ;~hi;.pi-oi at cut‘ it.‘ J. A. cc"The. William Woods Sextett'ef"°m:" fgrgfi‘ Difiesfiigxg ?:i:?:'iI’:-'3! i”“"“‘.‘en\‘;‘;5"?:h3%lolg:$3“‘{‘csE‘:’:: State‘ Senator E. . Zcvely. ‘of mixed stock in tin. ,\'ntior~.:tl Stot-i.; ’ A "*—' V ihziyei ,.“..wr Lay.» --xigh; song _ ' '_ ' ‘ .1’) 91 _ ~ ‘ Osage (ounty. returned to Jefferson Xards, .\.. LUUIF. _\'i'>‘t(-rtiii). "'-’ ' --~- ‘ " re‘ 4 “‘ ' "SUI A 5'“K“ ' . rfl. ‘,, work is the finest method to hi-tng;day for st. Louis to work with the cm. ‘hi’. morning an". aucnding burg ‘ma “ '“"° Bm" '°" . about friendly relations between na-1N1-w York Life Insurance Co. there., "1 ,' wnwmiou of the Chris”-M‘ “'3-jg '55 D°|°‘“°" “°‘“"' tions and she hopcx women will‘\lr Vesser was-'emplo\~cd in the ~( - - - - - A - 1 ’ ‘ . . S‘mit '0'" humrcd and de!e.;talte’a stand for itoeernimcntilocal agency of the Ne-w York Life ‘.“.«oi’t"wn sf !‘“-b¢‘i“”’mr}(-‘ l:l’(!)1(l)‘leltu and -Exactly “hm you new LC.’ 3 Rem. ‘ ;‘arm “"3. of tow“ haw regumand friendly international relat’ions.’Co. ore and was also emDlo_\'ed as W‘ mg mm 5 m 0 - ' t ‘"‘:"_m Pmmb:' Ty’pC:::::1' l cut 2 ' A - - - _ -. _ . i, - - (us iveyouii einoibt . tern aiiiumm lgmwm “W mu. Mm“ifigfflditltgiothcnter,missionary WOlh'fe]?r05€n18Lt\C of ‘thin Ac-tn?‘ Lxtel T(; lloldhlellon.-.k_iip MfH.'lDl'l|.g.... I Cofiop Stow. phone 879. Author. a b V ,.,,,,,_ 3‘, ;.,..,.i.; L I‘. uric». lower: “ . 8 1' "er marria . . _ nstirance (.0. at the cone (mm!) A (\ll0\\.~ ip meeting o_ ixisimi ‘- ’ ' Q 7‘ .‘,« ' A _ _ A Y] ‘ (.‘al.: In. , E‘. _J. mug‘. dm.i;n tou see. she iimtlcd. "I did notilxational Bank. lie attended the 10 of the Baptist Church will be held . is-Gd R<‘fii”'iUU" -—<-‘F‘”~‘€‘- 1 . l “L mum‘ 8a|dnie lltirrun: k“°“' ‘ ‘V35 80108 to a'1:fll\’C!'§lK)' before taking up office at the home of Mr. and Mrs. l" . M -V: Cm‘:"m_ ‘W’, u,__ Q In ;,.,..._:prci;‘cl;er, so I learn:-d alllabout thisgwork. _ L. Gibbs. S14 Coiuey avenue. ‘at field, ‘ “um n_ , .,i_ 3_ . W. tun...‘ City::W0l" tom my mot er-iii- aw, an ' . ‘ -~— _ .:30 o'clock tomorrow night, with . . . _ cm. Jai:ien Call. 5! IA.-tIl:‘. ii». i. i.h:.‘on- was she who first aroused my in-9 _“°'“"""‘"" "‘”“" """°d- .\lr.~. J. E. Thornton as leader. Pace Brick a_nd Budd x um. 81. imi.-. (‘In K V‘; U‘''_'‘“’‘'‘- h -‘terest in it." \\. i Hulen went to Ccntralm ————————— mg’ Tile , oh“: ‘if? «mm si'';m-": ‘ ii::}..[-" 3:’ Mrs. Jenkins is it member or the'this morninfl to attend the fUfN.'l‘itl If you want to buy or sell some P B k ' ‘ lluni-ii 1 V '”-’ . ‘ ." - v . - - . ' -. . , ~ . -- .' " 5' . I75 1” R ' 3...“, it otumn KIWI-i tit). (. A .t,'.:r‘l“ om -5 Cm club at 33"“, Cn_‘._ of his uncle. Janus .\. H(ni_\. .\Ir. thng tr} d lissourlan want gt I e ournineof $l.Irf."U .:l‘Ln(:l "ILL! . -om.‘ oalc; J. W. Ilunt~\t e..gh9 A enunum Club, and is quite-gHenr_\° was the father of John L. P H > __ 9 3 N‘ 1 F5 1 * ‘ L ]; Ilia lino iznn-; J. It'rot.i ugly !.ama!r{. nth.” -'1 the Local found; which 3,\\-_ formerly munty recorder. “ tier thousand. \\ c also mal-;e 1| 1. 0. Po-u. Clmdrti '"-"'-3 ' ‘ - - d “.___ 0_ D M . 5‘ z I M §_ . . . - it special til(- for fuuiidxstii-31$. ' "mu “mama; no_.m(_. “Wm . \;.,-'(Iin((iil‘g.;f‘Ill1}l1tl0'll of about: four hun-ztén ‘r i H H V A _\“(‘i‘{ (in; b‘r SOW YOUR LA_Whi LOW quite a gafin" Over Concwm inc; its D. ‘iiltqm-. Is:-)'t;\‘t|lr’.h-fl‘l.’; are ‘t lift; “amt; 'anh is one off mt me 0 oi 8}. it 0 num iii. ‘2acr.(2’ra'ao Sac lg.” ~ .-. c. ya. no: mm; r»-. e urges councis in t e state. V i W50 . 3 A. u.i....'c'+i.uu...u..; 1.. u. llarbord. o...A_”_E“m‘_S__“__7 1 - _-.. ~ --~ r 4 ‘ 8 .870" Edwards Brick Co. I ‘ V g ‘ V ‘ , ‘ . - lllllilton. Mountain Vi. Eh. "Ill;::; . i i o ' ,. u I‘ U ’-"- T" ‘ _' . _ H ._ -.,--, _ A - __ ______ ____ - - - _. _ I0.” .8. .:l‘!UH:hl'f' (anion; Ivlrs. Mfl”""'¢r ‘Tm. BIHOON l:Il0l Stlfls. C . " _ '—"“ J. K. ,{.u;:,':.,:u':,,._l‘5,_J1,.,{ Dari’;-onollgltll. Sstcgtst :<;;I:I|;8Iii:tiell'dr0m ‘ p I Clean men. both of hand and heart. are in\’ari’iiIily "tr _ t ‘'1 r; . . ' , . . _ . . I . , , llii-nton lanhaI!;t2'.‘A it-:4!» By United i-mi. ‘ mu :'"d::t 0? hlgp.‘ hzfllflunlflns. It l|\.artiulI(l tin; h8tfIflI(lnIl)ll.\ A.\\ of them are in the new man. : r I d Mr-. y n- BELLVILLE’ “L Apr“ 2‘___Dr”l_‘ LEARN undamcntal principles ot ‘ car alone n crc : e 2 our of mutua lnl£'f('.\l an un erstand- _ . .-dd; ‘nit ::"::ndl-ma "Wh;o,,‘:l.u"M,:::,‘: int: in a big army balloon at the‘ _ 5 int: temper the finer sense-. t at men mould character -of light Paste] CUl0l'ml:'S that are now :5d'Id’;.:.r-. akd Ir-.’S ‘H itunix. Shclhina mercy of the April winds. two men an.-§¢,,¢,""'=mef'u,¢"in.,,,,,"'"'-',,"' '°°”°m_§,ef; ($933: E sterling worth It ,W0ti1(l D1‘ 8 "i0hll°" "(~11 081"?!‘ '3'" ' I . _ w. it. item. l‘&5;:‘o4ilfin". A.‘ vi';ui.o:e:~ todgg "9 making the fipgg ggtcmpg‘ oouneotuiesahuooiutluaenoacnsd. a home located in beautiful Park Hill. where all the [tomes 1 50 P0131! 8! —green-gra}. sand, c|otY.SNlalia 2.:-nu-..~c-dz’ -gocartth if t. I Fiiomaanaleaoerieooethefundaiiiental - - - -‘ » , . . J. :2 la lea. Peri-: um .i. unit" Thy '’ ‘ba;;"_"°", " . V vnochilu otbusincaaaremadc clear. By an M‘ "d °‘"’b°d’ '5 °°'"°'"°d ""1 "'99-" ’‘'‘‘“’'d P"’‘’““' ; bpringtime gravs. lovzttt and blue-grav. liutou. xi-. Eullll ti. Ii.-Daniel. iamu Hr _) |T°‘ljY'0 5 9”’? -"0U1h¢'fn _ other than men of a clean purpose. - ’ ' cu» -~ A *— .'.'>""- ‘A 9" 3."? ."‘°‘“"' ‘°“"". ‘“‘"%“°'<>'- M ‘‘‘‘’.i'’.,‘'‘‘’‘ mun. °°°"““° A Home in Park Hill a Joy Forest-r and In. at inc.»-im. siiimu i. r.. \\ een received since Dr. C.; _ J _ _ , so _ . _ rt-.0ohorn. In .\. ll.C0 llrytnlt Lem}. Mama”, 0, the United» Way fof Mu . - - A. Stewart & lib Of course there is a plentiful selection 6:4.-.-.".un''c(i)i:-Turin ’;’l:::l'|Q" States ‘Weather Bureau. accompam ' 5"‘ ‘°'’ ‘’°‘*''’‘ "Tflinint 0!’ E‘°""W° N‘"°"" B“‘'‘ 8”" I - o . " ' ' H ' - ° .‘ J i I I . . “Wm In B ‘L ,,r._“_ wu,_,,_,_, K; by :m uflmulwn Mon took‘ mfv%xgw&mm §fe ' _A J‘ .- W _. besulcs of the darker and more coiiscnu. Al 1.. e. itugvu. 0 at :30 o'c yesterday afteiw ,6 '9 5'°"'1lWl=IlflIb°'Ih°" . 1:. and Ir-. It not-gt-. I"?-‘-‘I ‘;L‘£i‘ noon with a full set of men-olozical” today. “'.'mMm'°' Wm‘ ""0 shades of brown and SP8)‘. ‘W """"' ' ""‘ m ' ' - instruments food for three A - . or four . . days, postal cards and a radio yc- ‘ p ceivingeet to learn the weather ‘ 330'I%IIfVI- 7 Men tell us that they have never been . forccatits. l T735: ('2 ».$. .. .. . -- - .- .. -.. _ ' ,,___;W p , T0N1GHT ONLY 5° ’'°’“‘‘”‘“‘’'‘’ 3 t°P°°“t ‘'‘‘‘“°- The Style . . , _ ‘ . and the workmaniihip are in accord with . The WILHITE SEED COMPANY announces that °‘“' "3931 3t3"d‘“'d’ 0‘ mflexjble