st , 2.4,: .4; “ ;‘..‘-. _7__. . .. . J ._ .- . _ ._l .- . . :-,.. Ag-. 9- V- f,‘ _“'Efi'.V.2...:‘%,_.1-(.._\._‘._. - _f;,‘.Q _ . . . ._ . _«.’_;. --‘ . El COLUMB SIX PAGES, 48 COLUMNS “—‘ __i COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2. 1.9g4__p u—---—* FT he Way A,-kl f Our World, ' _ April win Decide Coolidge-‘a rate." f-o-— MRS. LATSHAW '1 THE WEATHER IS For Columbi; and vicinity: I-‘ai ' to part! cl ud and warmer tonight W .TO and 'I'hbrsd:iy: lowest temperature The present month will show . gtonight above freezing. wiicuicr Calvin cooiidee will be nom- Kansas City Woman Will ft. inatedfor President on an early bal- 3 I lot in the Republican national con- ! ’ A . . in. . '\ I l I l i l I‘ For Missouri: Fair and warmer night. Thursday somewhat unset- Christian Mission-_ 3 n L . l 1 3?)’ S0Cl€tY- ;NEW coiiiirrrzns APPOINTED of the country during the next thirty ' ' 4. s. Missouri will hold its riuio’FUTURE PLANS OUTLINI-:i)‘3°I"l 0‘ G°"mfl 0' Cowl’! Club convention April 29. M91 M0353)‘ Nllllt ______. ._ _..——~—?_j; --~—- ~— . - Dean J. P. McBaine. resident of wool-rorni Bldg. Now wooico Bldg. Chufch W" 1‘ D01“? Sm“? the Columbia Country Club. has an. The Woolworth Building. iiigiiciu. 1814 Shown in Pro. nounced the appointment of the fol- -skyscraper in the world. has been - 9 lowing committees, following a sold ‘for $ll.000,000. passing from gram at Last Nlghts meeting of the board of goveniors the estate of the late “five-and-ten- Meeting, Jlonday night: cent store king" to the W'oolco Re- .__________ i House committee: . A. Barth. alty C0,; a specially incorporatcdg Mrs. Ralph Lat.-ihaw of l'{iinsas."h3ll'“l|ll- 5- 5- Collie!’ Imd 3- l- conccni ' agingfity was re-elected president of my Langmaid. Two women are yet to the building. I and Missouri Christian Women's Mi3.lb9 appointed on this committee. houscs.about 12,000 workers in its sionary Society at ycstepdly u-te,.,« -Grounds and as committee 51 stories. noon's meeting of the annua] ,,uu. Thomas Mcllarg. chairman. W. B . ““'—*‘ ’ ' ' ' ' Nowell Jr Berkeley Estes Frank W. C. T. L. pruidem ,n"“um_d. convention of the Missouri Disciples - _ -. . M”. xdfie G. Burger. of spring- gfgisrlérist. held in the First Christian - 3"-"l 3- Bl’1“5l°u_°l''- W. ‘Cm? Iiiifligfirt hzgfeog? ‘(,1 Othei officers recommended bv the Dr’ A’ W‘ Knmpschmidh °h‘im“"" ' g . . ‘ . , ,, - C -t _ d d 1 ed H. l. Bragg. J. S. Rollins, R. L. llill ter. threatening her lift if she did '_l(’£'t'(:': """“‘:"‘c(t’;::_"f'r::::Li::':‘ oec;‘r"_ and George Rceder. * l-gatshaiv are: ’.\icc-president. Mrs‘. EDWARDS F83-SEAL TODAY _ urris A. J1-nliim; second vice-prt-.- . _ _ - _. __ - idem. Ml‘?-‘. Prank L. Scott; third City Officials and Councilmen At- vice-prcsideiit. ‘Mrs. Bartliolo- tend Services as a y. is, general secretary. Mrs. Laura The funeral services of Judge M. .\'\'hitc Sli-mm-r: associate secretary. L. Edwards. who died yesterday May Read by ltadio. Mrs. Anna Scott Carter: recording morning. were conducted at 2:30 Radio is the third great, invention secretary. Mrs. B. A. King; treas- o'clock this afternoon from his homee in the -last thirty years to hinder urcr. Mrs. A. U. Morse. . at 2l3 llitt street. The Rev. L. W. gie sale of books, says Mai G _ puma. pg", oumntd _StiTii_ith and the Rev. G. W. llatcher ll!-‘(.311 nam. . merican That ,a h n° i n . S i‘. i 0 "Ell . . . publishers. who is 80 years old to- the gun-( oi-ganizzsao n:-2 gr::.;e,,)1h,:: City officials and councilmen at. da '. c automobile and the motion a min 0 3900 members be ‘named tended the funeral in a body. Burial picture were the first two. “\\'e'1l‘b(_,-O", Scmcmlx... 30' mm‘ an “.9... have to make books more worth an of $5 8 member be realized. of 'l'--”«‘»‘-‘--21‘ 3? 3?’ fi'‘»-‘»’I5 '1‘-’i"‘:‘i :.t‘::"..’::; Mi‘-Y INCREASE POSTAL FORC L I I‘ possible i" ‘he fumruu state orgaiiiuitinn. and that 3100.000 4 . The ,_.m“.;ng d;M.,mu.m “mum: be raised as Mi:-'souri'ri qiioui. for’ U. S. Inspectors Here to Investigate Need for not cease her activities with the or- ganization. ’l'hi- letters, which ari- anonymous, rofcr to the recent con- viction of the former superintcn of the Anti:-aluun League in York. dent New fin, laborer}. 5,. the ‘home of com_ iiii.-sioiiui;v funds‘, were aims . mm‘ ‘,1’ we Land”, p,.e.,5_ in “.6 forth by the chairman of the recom- 5 n ‘fie; ,.,_.‘-130,, denunds for mendiition committee. Recommenda- ;_,;,. lions included the approving of the higher wages have reached 11 cr , “d it 5,, declared that mm. 2 mm liuclget s_v.~=tem.. securing leadership 3 Extra Men lion workers are involved in a de- I0’ l’°3’{* 3-_lld izirls l1.\'_local mlS8lOt:l- ' mad for yggher pa,-_ gary societies. appointing cams y , _ -”‘ , ‘ A - .._. ._ county presidents to visit all L“'l‘~‘d S“?-'5 W5‘? "(‘:"l"°°l‘:_"' Johann Salvator. Austrian crown churcliqi in the counties setting 3"? ll‘-‘Y0 3-0 lllSP‘-‘¢l- l 1’ 03'“ l‘ bi, ,postofl' ice with a view of putting on a larger force of employes. accord- ing to Postmaster P. S. Woods. Mr. \\ nqds has asked for two more clerks and one lll0rt'\('ll.}' car prince who left the court_and Au.» forth the facts concerning the Ju tria in 1889. and Who has bitch 70- lee and holding yearly church con- portcd shipwrecked and dead numer- ventions. . out times. died in New York Mon- Religious Needs Enipliaiiizcd ' 5 d°“h‘ Christ toward iziiss-ion:_i." sai ,. It 0 requimments of ‘(i{nr£‘ht£lJ(“t‘<: q;tIl‘l'.cr-cjziillitllgfl Jami “five”. sidwunw ma lath” ‘° ° ‘ ""‘°“" I 3 ‘m . ii '~ that are necessary before ii carrier 2:?’ 1"-°..':;. be «ms-»--« -> :“ °° ' '. -i “It ‘link boutth d-. to ‘W: HIM‘ “wt “'5' mus.‘ m."h.‘° the : complczla the olfl.BpCCl»lOflnltoTld “Fide- bigness of the Missouri missionary ‘in W“, much am. for“, task: "°“md' Fe mum undcfiéke "I1 be increased. The public cannot be “"‘1“f“"l'°d3 "l"d'd1', “anus: served efficiently otherwise." said .our orces: an ou .w - M _ Wood . ‘crease our program for the years 1- S TO INCREASE °" “ . CLINIC HOURS llc said that has it definite .;“._-‘l llllrois nrcaiir Voting Record. Reports from Springfield. lll., de- clare that the ‘‘_hottest primary elec- e pri-. inary. April 8. is expected to break, all voting records. ~ The lligb Cost of Uiunarrying. The cost of being happily unmar- ‘to co ' is be raised in (:, Alton lawyers found that divorce ,-(-gm)-_ talked era: in some cases‘ were as low as ggmit-c in F_dm_-a[ion_" 810 each. and decided upon a $50 fee um (jhriggian colic,“-. l°" 5“ l-"l¢°'ll°“l*°d 95"‘ 3"‘! 3‘ '93!“ place in the development of any na- —-—-————-- _ 3109101’ 8 wfllcfiwd 6850- iii The training of youth is of However, Doctors Decide vital importance In the contribution the United States will lllllk[.' to the world. "Educ-.'itii_;n deals with life," . ____._ Peters. "Its final object is the e Boone County Medical So- 1dcvclopmcnt of the human soul. Our ciety last night decided it could not 5 to awaken the people to the grant the request of its health coii- uf education and to ha art in this service." ‘Against Special Periods for Children. A strike of the airmen in,tlie scr- ‘ whic ' carrier. ay ceased their work because of a dis- _ pute over rates of pay with the new imfik l air combine. “Nd thorough as they should be and maintain the high standard of work which they have establish ." The social)’. however. exnrrsrfvd itself to be in hearty sympathy with o promote better health lvl|3°"‘d|l¢l»:’°“ l’lu,_“"lu Pl" lt °“ nmlat Christian College for the minis- llcl-lfl’ f00l-lll¢- ptcrs attending the convention. . A thousand carloads of straw-.7 - "‘°lGl'l’* ("W "'K“"l berries in the Ozark region of South- A_,p“'7°“_"‘- '1 is we pndifled "op St'f'\lt‘t' Sweet. was resented by for we flprm‘ Ind summer “ csfi_ Ijfllflll of Christian College under the '~"':l');_¢ll°"l'l emu“ of ':lnl;c¢u°nT(}),f'Mm' Mano" "gnu: lug? ftrllucatilinuillong health line-i - - , , . e v — " . Dll5l6(!t::l strawberry exchanges at 3 IL Can" of St. Loni; C, has volunwcrcd to m. Ncosh JMFB. A. . Th _ 1‘ r ' showed the history of the work done "935? ll"~'"' "W" '' ° "“° to 12 daily Says (‘4ingr;a'.-"Fl-Cct to Work. by the women of the Christian ll'°"_l 10 °'°l°°l‘ Senator Smoot, chairman of the;('hurch since the organization of the . APO‘ 23 V’ Ni)’ _ _ Senate finance committee. has prom- ,first missionary society in 1874. 'D|Ifll18 ‘l-599° l’l°“_’'3 9“: m°d'°“l "" ised that Congress will enact a tax- :Mrs. Hertig says that the mother of i8P°¢l-5°" °l 3“ °l"{ld_"°“ "'h° ‘"9’ be i ' Christian W ‘ clinic will be fnenrg. C‘ Ci '3: 3 9 O journ political convention. St. Louis to Be “Be-Jewelereil." About 500 jewelers from all ova: is I N. Pearre and that it seemed appro- ; 0 0 870359? 9 priate that the pageant be given in °P0ll'Il¢d 00% (hey C0" ‘Christian College. since Mrs. Pearre ltime necessary for thorous taught there under thc'administra- Ill||l-5°l|3- . :59 “'9'” '5" “'9” 2"? 5°" th itiorrof President J. K. Rogers a ‘ Any poor children brought to the 3*‘ W993 “K” ‘WM °‘was once its acti resident. clinic will be rivileged ive 3'“'“*l ¢°'“'°'"-l°“ °‘ '1" A'”°’l°"‘i Chief character’? lln the pageant the best. aflorispof the staff service. l\'8l~l°ll8'» 39”“ ’°"'~'l°"" ‘ were: eearre. lliss Gertrude J A resolution was passed by the tion. sodcty that a stand‘ committee be appointed to confer with anyone or any society. not medical, that might desire asiistancc in promot- ing health education or any project for better health service. ld not give the ‘Graham; the Spirit of llisaionai iiior Ethel Gardner; iiiuouri. Miss I88 A. w. o. 1.. win: siuaoo. master “in linrinc R. Brown. pay the United States Navy. is "fly Omr ”"‘h‘u_ Our 1:331: 3:12;.» of "my C""“*"“ °*!“°¢° '~""' ‘P’: ' PCS“ ‘_. 1- ". Again Head Missouri lged; warmer east and south por- ons. _ ve ii fercnce committee asking that the‘ society devote certain hours of the- project that promoted; 3 for this purpose.» is defects. but, it was. h exam- l -I:*‘:3_T,'_.'§-'".".’.1__'_fi.I’__"I__ MISSOUBIAN ?c. L. BIiii§\i/xiii ‘f - T0 HEAD NEW SCOUT COUNCIL E. P. Carter, W. L. Nelson , and Frederick Dunlap I to Serve as Vice- Presidents. l , City and Scliool.Hecl.ion Returns ' . First. Second Third Fourth Total I Councilmen: Ward Ward Ward Ward vo 5 F. L. Graves 647 . . . _ . , y . _ 547 ,O. C. Owen . , 73 23 :Will E. Smith , ,, 23-; 337 §F‘rank B. Rollins 415 -I15 Total City Vote 1,046 339 362 4m‘, 3333 ~ School Directors: .W. H. Braselton 858 189 I36 146 1.149 George T. Porter . 629 193 141 135 1,098 -5- l"'- Conley to: me 219 3.50 1.230 'F. W. Niedermeyer 1-32 269 201 340 1'15,-2 For the levy 490 266 252 41? 1.31:5 . Against the levy 1‘ R1 109 54 41 -Total School Vote 1,516,- «I89 3632 48:0 -.._ ITEICHON GOES ‘r§Ei.biJ"i§§K.'C. TO CONLEY AND " BUS LINE s.-on . I l 1 fliraselton Misses Place ‘According on the School Board by 3 Votes—Voting Is Heavy. RECOUNT Is School Ta”; Carries" —-Graves, Owen, Smith and Rollins Are Councilmen. S. F. Conley and F. W nit-yer were re-elected nicnibers of I NIEDERMEYER: . Niedcr- TO BE CERT.-iL\" to ‘Letter Re- ceived This' Morning, Equipment Already Bought. ~ -----._- 1 to MENTIONED vVii.i. Go THROUGH HERE Colum ;Mr. Wheeler Plans to Sc- cure Cooperation of Commercial Club and Students. An automobile bus line from St. .Louis to luin sas City. through Co-' Emviuio waiour SPEAKS‘ ..--.—:._4.—o : ‘Complete Reorganization Is Made at Meeting of Representatives of Civic Bodies. Officers and an executive commit- 1(N' fur a local Boy Scout (‘0l.ll’lt’ll iwere chosen last night at a meeting of thirty-seven representatives of _civic organizations. churches and the Parent-Teacher Association. The-so official delcflnti-s and other in- tcrcstud person.-A constituted them- selves it preliminary Scout (‘oun- ' organize the scout work in bia. . The council (ilTl(‘t'l'h' cho.-ien were as follows: President. I‘. L. Brewer; first vice-presidciit, E. F. Cartier Vsccontl vice-president, W. L. .‘\'elson third \‘lCt‘-pl'L'.\‘ll'l('fll.. Frederick Dun- lap; lreiisiirer. W. (T. liniilhl: SEYC- tary. A. F. Kuhlniaii; scout commis- sioner. Herbert Blunier. The Executive (‘ommittcc The executive committee which 0 I ‘he C°l‘""bi“ S°h°°l B03"! "l "':5"ll1"ll’ll- l5 l"’8¢‘llt‘8ll.\' 85'-‘l1l‘<‘d 8-‘ was named to carry on the active 1 te I Nicdcrmcyer won over W. ace. by rec votes. It was thought this morning t vote would be called for. but this lvvas not confirmed by Mr. liraselton. “l have not decided to action a yet." he ' ing. ‘'1 do not think now that-l will call for a second count." . The count was: W. ll. Braselton, rday's election. I 500,, as the roads are in shape for took plnct-in the Columbia Ccmctcriu. Brat-elton, who was third in iiiojuns morning by John T. .\lc.\lullc.n‘;0_ R_ ,;.,i,.,_..,,,_ 1... M¢n.,m.oi I- ‘of the Taylor Garage from R. hat a recount of tl'lQ.j\Vll('(‘lf.‘f‘ of St. Louis, who is backing 19, ‘mg the enterprise. ' Mr. Wheeler .-n_v.-2 that the equip- I "ll" "“'"l’tat. the present time is being U5L‘ll to ..m,'f..m.h,.,. ('lub and the various t-biirchcs. Four “ ‘operate a bus line from St. Louis to l , . }St. Charles. This arrange-nieiig is ‘merely temporary and as soon as organization work is as follows: ltitravel. according to a letter received Thomas “cpl,”-K. Benjamin :\'owe||_ 1, Berry .\lcAlester. k Heu- “X I The organiuitions l'1’[ll‘(‘$t‘flll.'(l were the (‘ommi-rciul Club. KiwnniS. E. A. Logan. Jac I . Oliver. l take “"5 ‘lllclll ll!“ lllT|’lld.‘~' l‘l"-‘ll 5'-‘l~'U“'d 3”‘, Llolls and l{u:.'ii‘;i' clubs, the Far- A - .-ucltition, the Elli‘- negro l‘(‘lil'l'~‘i('lll.}ill\'('h were prt'5(‘l1l-- llerlu-it llliinier. who presldvd ,l.l-t‘J; George T. Porter. l.0‘J8; S. F.‘the roads Pt‘f'l'lli'.. the St. Louis to u.mpnra.rily, up.-mid the discussion ‘Conley. 1.280; F. W. .\'it-dc-rmeyer, l.l:’i2. . The 60 cent school-tax levy car- ried, 1.335 to -185. 1-‘ L. Graves, 0. C. Owflll. Will E. ';Smitb and Frank B. Rollins were unopposed for councilnicn. T i he vote was the t'n\'lI'.*ll that - 4”“ Hi” id°mll)' "eel" ‘° h‘"'°" “‘I‘h- ~ - f t rinciples . . Ah ‘ been st in years, considering ;~ bee“ Pmvcd c°""l"“l“'l7 3”“ l’°"for ll’l((‘n3It‘lIl(U(l(I"l)rf Itzhbflllltslcihles of For for d-wutct rflccnuy lndudkdl ll: fact lfllltll the cit)’ offices v.'ercill"“ "W"-' hi ‘ii c c. "‘."‘° “°"""" "°"i‘"°-‘ ""5 "" uncontested. Judge John s. Bicknell ~s_;ai(_l. Iof which lWa The total school vote was 2.386. F. l.. BOGGS T0 IlAltTSllL'RG .Clc1k of School Board Resigns to Be Manager of Lumber Ya ' Forrest L. Bo gs. who has been ,clerk of the Columbia School Board since July. 1920. resigned Monday night to take a position as manager yards at .of the Proctor Lumber Jllart.-iburg. 1 Ruby llall was appointed to suc- ,ceed Mr. Boggs, who left Columbia this morning to assume liis new du- ‘ ties. ' ('(l.\lMl£R('lAl. (‘LLB (SAINS ‘ 32 MEMBERS l.\' llRl\'l£ Res-umed Dis- V I l 7Memberiihip Campaign Today After Week's continuance. Fifty-two new members were re- this morning at a meeting _:__.... * p . “lllidllcaihlii Good." Says Coolidge.‘ A u . . . r .i week. April 28 to May 81 to chil- l‘°l’“‘d ‘ _ Pmdacnt Cmmdm‘ “id in uminm w°rkler';"h£fl: “}:‘:d"°:tI(::O"; drew‘ cum“ t use nu“. of the team clilllains of the ‘xolutpv session yesterday that the business Bmndmom hm‘ M 5 Utciock 10, members felt the)‘ could notvlml C“ml"".'rc'"l Club "mm M-‘lh'.'T ' situation It l-his lll0m°lll~ l3 v night a state education and Chris- “P379 ll“ Um“ “°""""‘"3 t” ""*l‘°'dnW'. “Nth F.“ rl"‘u".1_°d '5 '_ flu. ‘ speedy pun“, of the ti." missions dinner will be “mm 0 ph}'.si(.al cnminauom. mi morning after ii weeks discontinu. ance. This brings the membership subscriptions to slightly more than 833.000 toward the $:’i,00(l budget. ac- cording to E. F. Carter. chairman Ollf‘ said M “We hope that anyone wishiiii! _to become a member will turn in ii isubscription and enter into the con- tructive program which the Com gincrcial Club proposes to follow ‘throughout the year." All but two teams were workins ithis morning and were present at jthe meeting held in the Commercial 1Club rooms. I WOMEN'S CLUB lS FORMS!) lC0lIllIblI (ii of H’ o . i . i i The Columbia Circle of Colonial:cc.I.he media“: iDames of Missouri was formal at I ‘Prabyurhn lmeeting yesterday aft.crnoon'at the fhorne of Mrs. E. W. Stephens. Mrs. istephens has been appointed PR9 «facoi of the circle by Mrs. n Gray, St. Louis. who is president of- Mrs. G- . the Missouri circles. 5- . The total city vote was 2.233 , ““ l,0'- ('oluiubia. oil to work in ' Boom-illc. (‘entralia and Fulton. lhl‘ expenso to be divided. llc outlined the duties of the executive in irfl ing the stunt program and answered qucxliun.-i. Tl1(' \&'(il‘l~; (-I ll‘l(' Collflcll is t.. carry on the financial and ed- ucational work. as well as to direct pulii'}’. 5 .\lr. Uri we-r quoted from linierson. "We rvlltl our boys to the school- ma.-tcr.-, but it is their playmates whu educate them." This. he sai . ls the principle upon wliicli the Boy .\'ri_.ut movement work:-. W. \i.lson stated that the worl- .,{ nu \\ achjngton Boy Si-out~ was morc (flee ve in handling the 'crowd:- of the national capital than lht‘ pnllrt: f0f'(‘€‘. “l have four boys in my h Logan. ‘‘I find that they are anxious to associate theniselves ‘I with others in service. and am llllxl-" The . other is in organize a district court-N _ _ ‘ Fn‘.(.“e"(‘Ollt.‘(!!’l'l which built airplanes for, Iroaiiaa cExrit.u.iA MAN 5 SHOOTS AND KILLS S!-IL James Thomas Cook of Parsons 3 Taken llis Life-—May Have j °Becn Accidental A telemm was received by A. ‘W. Sturgeon of Cc-ntralia last night. stating that James Thomas (‘ook of Parsons. l{an.. had shot and killed himself. Mr. Sturgeon has been unable to learn any details. He 'does not know whether the shooting was intentional or acci cntal Mr. Cook was in the restaurant liuniness and. according to ‘Mr. Stiir goon. he vvas doing well finaiicially Last week some of his property was burned but it is not known here how imuch he ost. Mr. Cook was reared in ('4-ntrnliii ‘mid is known by many persons in Columbia as he wan frequently or 5t'c-ntralia ball teams when they Pll.\'ed here. C. C. Cook. his father, was section foreman on the Colum- bia branch of the Wabash for sev. eral years. - . He is survived by his wife, for- merly Miss Lila Dotv of ('4-ntralixi; his parents. Mr. and lifts. C. C. (‘ook t’ Centrnlia: four sisters. Elli.-s Opal Cook. a teacher in the public school in Cciitralia: Miss .\'nrim~ Cook. ii bookkeeper iii Mi-ffert Bro.-. real estate office; Mr.-. G. F. lionsc of Mexico: .\lr.-I. Arthur Slui- geon of ('4-ntriilia: and ii broth:-r. J. F. Cook of Molierly. who played by the westerii divi.~ion the Wabash. MAKESCHKRCE OF CONSPIRACY Says Airplane Companies Were Overpaid by Government. .. Rod is cm of H) llIlll"'l l’rr--in. WASl‘lll\'GTU.\'. April - that Secretary of in former Attorney-General Daugherty. Guy D. Gull, one of ". .— Ill‘- llaughv.-rt_v's assistants, and (‘nitric- Hayden. pre.-ident fthc Wright- Martin aviation company. ought tn be indicted,foi‘ conspirzicy. (apt. ll. L. Scaife today uild the Sensiti- Daugherty investigating committee .that Weeks “ lled " a vuit against the company for recovery of an overpayiiicnt of .-o. - $7. . . , No suit had ever been filed, Scaifc said. Says Secrets Were llelriiyed W.-\SHll\'GTON, A ril ‘.2 "Charges that the Standard Aircraft Corporation. a Japaiieret--fiiiaiiced the United States during the war. communicated American aviation secrets to Japan. were ade before the Senate Daugherty gvestigating committee today by Capt. ll. L. Scaife. former Department of Jus tice agent. Scaife,:-‘ubniitted reports by naval imeliiif.-nce officers purporting to corroborate his N‘:-illlll0ll)'. Scaift-‘:- his testimony alleging that the gov- ernment had overpaid Mitzui and Co. and the Standard Aircraft (‘or- , poriition. more than SG,:’i0U,0nn fur . airplane t'nfl.\'l.fU(‘llOll. and Daugherty failed to bring suit to recover the money. 3 Gaston B. Means recently told the Ti-omniitte-e that he R‘('(‘l\' one un- mp' idred $1.000 bills while representing Smith, Mitzui and Co. for Ji.-aim D.'iugberty's close fricn M’ G‘ Mom‘ president of the C“- ous for them to do so. It hclllk them: . luinbia council. Then. too. they hope ‘for further organization as a rt-~ul ;of such ii meeting. Mrs. . 0. Cox. state president. .will deliver the principa li(l(l."t:.\$ to- morrow nfternoon. Dean 31. (3- Ncale will be the main .\[l('Ill((‘f' of c evening at a banquet to be held at the Daniel Boone Tavern. Other ‘important talks will be made b' .Mrs. W. R. Jackson, district pri-si'-3 dent; Mrs. W. lilman. niitional vice- ‘prcsident: Mrs. Culver. state treas- «jurer; and Miss Ella V. Dobbs. ' feature of these district iventions is the question box. Mn- Tiiciii said. The question box this to be presided over by Mm. Sherwood. state organizer. 'Qucstion5 um)’ be put lfl this D0! at any time during the day. un- sig . In the afternoon the ho is opened. the questions read and I nswered in as much detail and with much information as state off”:- rs are able to ' 5 year is 1 A give. will be held at the Church The ele- uo they will be entertained. rax iii-:c'i:iFis or crrv IN MARCH TOTAL 8772.38 t to play the part of men (‘On’- It a two .—.-..:. AT '1‘ E KILL HIMSELF ‘ .Czeclio Rosenwald, Texas, Found Unconscious on Fulton Road. .\l. Czecho Roscnwald, 32 years old. of Galveston. Tex.. tried to com- ' mit suicide last night about 8 o'clock by eating rat bis-kit. lie was found unconscious by the side of the Ful «ton road in front of N. D. Evans’ place by a driver for a taxicab com- .pan}'. who called the police. Roscnwald was taken to the P0ll¢€ station where Dr. W. A. Norris, with "the aid of members of the police and fire departments worked for two ;hours with a stomach pump. Rosen- ‘wald was then taken to the Boone County llospltal where he recovered consciousness at 1:80 o'clock this I 1 M. Riback told the police that tkoscnwald came to ‘his store yester- «day afternoon and stayed for about h {two hours. Rosenwald told lm tha i . arc to B . . _ tls Ii. Wilbur. secretary of the Navy.‘;P:‘d":fic'"nmd“;::; glmod . '3‘: I:;: :fIs:ht:ei Iadgorgmivzs ¢:lne:lt.etd":ecr;.t1;r¥mm_ ‘ he ha ‘mm: to um country ’$¢l'dlY- ' lwflch .3‘ gang: descriptive of the? a, “ho uni lunged‘ ".9. M” John La“-‘on Sum Apportlolied to General from Germany after the war ‘flu. gm; ‘game; portrayed rs. Edgar Lee '::,ul‘h;m:&);:°n fir wenbz? cc ' vcmfi, 3,, C C’. Revenne.'\\'ater and Light and that for several years he had ' ' . -,' ' ' °; ads. rliedonoceanllnertasaninter I IIIJIDCG ill $e n“:ll:'£0!:W ‘Q [J L because “it ll of l%- Mrs. uo"is.; Tu rafidpu of an ‘gt’. of Conn“, E2”... “ he “mm ‘pap five 0!. ‘ix H yam"-W 0' ‘mo'Ii'ii'‘ini'i'naiii Olilander was the herald who 3“"""‘ 1"“ i" '"'d"' °°m°' ' llexieo' Hrs. -r o Towels and iirsftbin for the month ‘of NW1» cg! W In ‘as or the sea.“ - ~ . - ' ~ ' ' ' ‘ 7 ° Miss llezzie ate. senwald went into business in - ,“°-°‘*-1“-‘°- ftnn°v°¢°;r\'$°°J_.¢i*|"°°d°&q”u society recommended that a “Wig; ’u;":’"°c,,".,fi',";3,..,§ii‘:;‘iuiy city collector. total 53!: . vesboli with ac money -uiicii he had ‘ 'A can lln-_1:r”a‘_\i-voinon'I4llIIlld-l nauvlce was thekcjrnoteln“ """°I “aim! “e chad ismostl to mote social intereltru V” H ‘ f°u°“‘ 1923 "Nd "9' Y"w"l"' M ‘dd ‘t’ ‘ M -at wuiiinzhu . oiciit. ‘nae 'l""°"“ '“"""" "‘° "°"’“"'“u-d in yrott pm berslii do betbeI"*‘33¢5- W7-63: l-cl‘ ‘”°*- ”°5-2”‘ WW‘ "W l''-' ""4"" ' - - fotuwpmcnm l-hIll¢hI'l'l¢0f¥3l>0llIIde ‘ pmcm P general icenses. : do: 13- butdldnotalkforbclp. Yuterihy . .. ...:"..f'~ ‘“::.‘o..*...;""*.*.!..*""......"‘- ":1... ........ o. .........n- -n -in ---= --I ---I °°‘“"“"“.:.---. so «we ' =--- » --«I -- - - -- ld°'° ,o“u'°‘m.d 54.,-ofeaaas. “flilsaaiallfeewonldbolp °_ _ ‘ amoiigythcoolambiabutdidnotsnecsed. 1'aungoftheF\Ilton““*di“.thn,tliebospiulataHiahalaborabry* .|,u,(;u-15 fiflfingpe. .93-aggaagufollovs: Whenaahdlistnkhtvliyhedid .. ,,u - ; "1oandatien‘wliicliit‘sliopedIrill J,)(_(;uu,h..|;‘gudieaI'oe-~ ;vaterandliclItnotasktorbdp.losenwaldr-eplied - III of;¢iyIlcllliIh(‘."“«'h'-“d"-,da.e.“*.u.,k,4.baeomehrgerandbeofgroat‘bai-u...(.|,¢g;g¢iag‘¢(l1,..|gfiggfind,$31.06:I¢"U'thatliewoakl1atlisi'.dicthIii '* -state cicccuo-mry iastitutloiil ”"“e°"°' ' l‘““° "'9 °°''"-°=i‘!-'' “ -v-eh-we-9 8I--rt-~hooiiuiuistufund- 83”“ °°“°°"f°'l*lP- 3Ml'°=“‘““*"° ruiioo. - ‘ riiccouocucorncozi. stated. ____ ma-uaiircuiny. tor'scomiiiliIIl.31’33- twil--nlclllilisc-1'!-fiat V . I : 4' - . . , ' - ". .-.. . " - ,‘-1 " re .'..‘-Z‘-.1.“ _ 33.: . . -5'5. .9: .&”-’-‘--'5' -‘ ‘ "7 ""“- 5-- . I 1* incolninlila imii“ N.E.Wade. disaster at Norfolk. \'a.. Scaife said dit which he said showed an overpiiv- merit of $:'i,000,0(i0 to the Wright- Miirtin corporation. “I think we should have the.-c men indicted by a grand jury." Sc'ife sad i . "What nien?" Moses. “John \\'. the Wright-Martin Harry M. Daugherty. former GAVE $‘i4.(l(l0, WHITE ASSER . Says Democrats Received That Sum From Dolieny , in 1920. 5!!’ United Pro-a. 4 WASHINGTON. April 2.-Gcofftc ;“'lllt£, former chairman of ;Democratic National gtoday told the Senate oil committee .‘that E. L. Doheny contributed 334.- ’000 to the Democratic party funds ‘in l920 and l92l. White. when questioned about Do- heny's testimony that he had con- tributed 875.0(Kl, said that Dobeny would have to account for the dif- wferenca. p White said that he had received "no contributions from Harry l-'. Sin- clalr. i After hearing wiiiic. the commit- tceadjouriiednntillfonday. Iaeaabaetarflslullene. Dr.C.J.CarrofIaconisvisit- Oarrwaaaclaasaiateofbr. -oPo~u {STONE .\1iMED charge was made during; lllitl l_ in speaking of the Roma dirigiblc; ’Zf..f.‘;',I."‘ZiZi HOLl)lNG LEAD War, Charles Hayden. president of corporation. oorney-General. and Guy D. God’. i: .- 1‘ Committee. F” '—*'—NUMBl:'.R :15: { .lUSTlCl§ HEAD 7 BY PRESIDENT 0 Former Déan -of.-Columbia - University Law School to Be Attoi'riey- , General. CLA.b_ ') n I rM2..- 1-- ,. ‘p ‘r’ :'v I"-Kb-«1yp.'.:0-‘u 7'-4-7&0--i- ,- - or -' . ‘.4’! ‘- .—..— 1- \IC-7‘w- "7 ‘I-V