:o— - f News of calm... Society ‘r 4‘... 4-». a ._.‘ - wives of members of the faculty and ‘.‘ ' friends of the sorority - ' " ' Those who will assi E. B. Branson. Nrs. ll. G. Newman, Miss William 3,“, 9 wood Sapp and Miss Sara Force and M icy avenue, en scfggt)’-‘(Ill rth , .Ir::. “.4 v..._..- yggiang here diuinproom. - 4 .. n... A...» --4~...—u.,..._¢..- ffnffl ~—.,..... . Mothers to Be Honored at Tea Mothers of Chi’Oili4.-gas who are 'Alfonso Johnson. who leaves spending the week-end at the chap. soon for Dallas, Tex. In addition _ _ , _ tar house and mothers of Chi Ome- the active chapter, the town alumni ' 5910!! fl1ld¢ rexcrdmx 1119 1'9"-'“l'°“fP8339d at 11 meétlnlt 0f U10 go; who live in town will be guests will be present. of honor at an informal tea to be alumna: of the fraternity- given at the chapter house from to 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Cut flowers and tapers will sad as decotltions. Birthday L‘llll(‘h(’07l Is Given for Mrs. W ren Hrs. Walter Ballt'fl_$I|3l‘. 50l_ (‘on- t lth a luncheon yesterday celebrating the hirthday _ Iilizabeth (iile.-‘hie "iU“"”"- Ark-. WlIt‘I't- she will visit wggn, of Callaway County,, who is-“1-"7 3 “‘“' ¢l1I.\‘-‘- In the center of the tallle \\'.':s n urge birthday cake decorated wi gventy-four candles. Candles wen- .130 used in pro usiun around guests Wt Hrs. Wilmnth Wrigllt, .\lr.-=. Roy ll. Wright, Mrs. M. (3. Louise Wright. .\ir.~:. .l llr. and Mrs. 1‘. Bolszlrs. Sparks and Miss Mun‘ It-wllrfulll \ll-- The Quinn. 3. Ilullc-xv, M Dralnaiie Arts Club to Entertain I"la*_l/cm The St. Louis Guild l’lnyer:- will be guests of honor at a rt-ct:ption given by the Dramatic Arts (‘lab in the University Club rounls. from 4 to 6 o'clock tomorrow aft:-rnoml. Mrs. H. Wade I'Iihllard~i.< arr:ll‘l.'-, ing for the reception . the Dramatic Arts (‘lull and fl 2 Members or the Acacia fraternityl P701 3- 13- iguiff i8 in Chifllko at 3:39 ' attending the annual meeting of time will entertain at dinner o'clock Monday night in honor of N07“! 920! Wk’ cently pledged to Alpha In-llur uf her .‘7talnpn r n \.\lnberl_v. tilree l:lllle.~’\uf bridge. Kappa Kappa Mr. Johnson on and Archie (‘onow were Mi.~'.~: he is lmjofh old school: and the addition of‘ - o era. re to Miss Jessie I“ltZ'];t.l-’lClC. province Delta Gamma, who has lconsld ter fe- ta , ' I vs - blzmn, honorary advertising frater- -. ' Visiting mothers, Mrs. Houston ,,gg)._ ‘ ‘ ins Mildred Dean will be in the receiving line. .\n..-_. .\l-ildix-d '.\lacIllto.:h of the ,,f hp, (Vllulnlliu this nfternmm for Pay. the -rr: o',:lz~. l~‘ . . -\"-"‘l~~°!'-l lll l\:ll.': ‘ Mzlrpfllli-t ‘ 7 i_"'\ .'ll:u1ll:l '.-.‘lm has In-(‘ll visiting lgiullucl lltllllt‘ _\'l-.~:erll:l\'. wt-1-k -t'll|l .\l iss Kllthryn l";l_\ wt to-. mlmr-: «of _ . .\li.~* l._vlli:l (':llnplwll of rlkllllllil lxuppn (iunllllu lluu.-t- left (Yo- lL.llllni;l this lllur'nillt_' in spam] 1],... ('it\'. IIl‘lI.\Ilfl uf Kllllx W35 Iivlil Pi. homrary medical fra- ,h tvrlllty. unllounces the pledging of Harry I’. llnlvt-rt.-; of Buck];-y_ \\'_ .11.. illlll II. (7.. Martin Hf Snpulpa’ ills. the .\!;:r-.'nn-t \\‘.'t.~'.NllH‘l‘ the last week, of .\lr~'. \l:n'_l.' Alum l.(-gget.t, 1605 1;“. 'lill:l..*~Ull axe-ml-'. who left (Tolulnbia N‘ . . . . . . _ . lint .\:llllnl;l_v is .-Ull vlslllm: ll'l9lld.-I Bliss .l;ult- Spenct‘-r of the Pi Betai ‘Phi l‘lnll.\l- lla< as her guest for the;B *‘"’"‘ jin Block 36, Centralia, Mo.. s1.nr.o. ' C‘. II. Early and wife to Ol'])llt‘ll.~‘ Ill. Mnyes Lots 6 and 7 in Block :39, ';(‘4-lltralia, Mo. $4,125. II. Gregory and wife to .In.'pluntlid unrullrd (iunpowdc-r tea. Ill. .. >‘~.-l:tto~' .~‘;n!«-lzeilri cocoa. ll). 10c; 51 lbs. lil1..'l‘.v.~l quality pork and lwnns. tomato ll‘.L'llt'.~l qllxlllty evaporated milk. 4 for lllgiu--t quality tomato and \‘4~gvlXllll(‘ Reid's Boot Shop soups, can . Wood, Miss Susan Men» NO TWO HATS ALIKE of at Easter. . . Cooper of Los An- Loulc Mmer Mntab ‘n hals—a|so daughter, Margaret. a student in '31‘? ‘"Tl"3l5 in Stephens College. left here for her R.'l!Il(0l(S.. I«9ilh0l’“-S homo yesterday. and Mallne Braids. Students in the Shake.-zpcare clas- ses presented the last scene from ‘“A Midsummer Night's Dream" and line Beatrice and llem-dict sct-lies _ from ".’lIuc-h Ado Allout Nothing" ., SH(,)l' where-ill P yt-sterday uftt-rmmn ill the collc~gr- p ' . , W,“ may find «I5 nlltlllorlulll. , . .. ‘ _ ‘S __. __ ’ .33 the nlost charnllllg of hats i REAL ESTATE TRA.\'SI-‘I-IRS /' *‘“"”'*"“"«" '““""- "W l"""‘“‘” are low. t‘tlllSl(lt'l'lllg the ex- cullellt value each hat represents Exclusive and adnralllc models now ull di.11-('l.. “L. M‘: '7 ll». Ilull. 4v>l'u.'l.".U‘.. Ila. C'..'l('; .". llle- . . . . .. "ll-zuli Ill! frflilll 1 u.'ll>;(-.~ ‘ " '-‘(owl tniln-1 wzq‘-, 74‘; ulnzi. llllkr 1-:l ~n.".(l, .’-1'; '."l t'.'ll:I'.~‘ , . . . . , . , , _ _ . .. \“llllt' Ill-lnun .~—llllpl'l;li-0-.~‘. lll._ l.'u': 3 II». N‘: 3lll.'~'. _. . I..‘llL’I‘ I‘;lllfm':'.l:l lllum-~‘_ lll., 201-; ‘.2 lll~. .\'v~. L’ \_' .\'o-4-til:-~-— ill‘)-It‘. ll:.. l. Fm‘ the lJOSl p0: