.sity men and women who prefer . intt-.~t~.-mag freshman class every.Phone 898 White. Sunclzty morning at 9:20 in the Bi- !‘ ’\‘i’..\XTlZl)—Tu-cl young men to ‘\‘.'llll lulilt-< at Davis Tea Room. .-; (‘all in ]i(-rson between the hours . of ii and 12 or any time after 55 ' ‘ 8161'“ "' “.lm]i':ill'.‘ (}rucel'. Must 1, q2l£lll'._\‘ nu.-i:. The Goddard Gl'0;‘,f:'3'.Bhck. - 0 '\i'il.«..n Avc.. $6,500. O-.\f"l ,,.., . to ,» -... --... ., .....--.--o- THE c.ol.imBIAMISSOURIAN.‘WED1iIESDAY MARCH 19 19221; ._.___ —vv .—-v--' *v-—‘'' cLllssIFlEli., oneceatawonllabay. . . .8h.haartioaafarIcaWord- 'rl2« «'«-wmbh ill-wt-rho 9 I 80- I FOR SAL!-J—Bottul manure for‘ The Anne ., or iatlou of Newspaper ghwn‘ nd t‘l.ut-tr.-5 Adnzrtialng llaaagcro. which 3 E Gflowa “ha-ens‘ Phone inrluila-4 leading newspapers through =[683- - Vi‘- oul the country and baa for It: all the ——é rllfllllllllhlvta 3»! gr! ‘Intent 8:. $1 - E 3.3‘ #39.‘ pl 9.-l 4-‘ a \-ert orig. uh; o v . 3-ll:-miirianfiu ...,., _, om" ‘also baby cal-rage . Good condition ,, ,_,,,""’,,,, ., -Phone 1605 nod, Kl63tf print only truthful Want Ads and will i"‘—‘} ,,.,.m~.a:a- having its attention called to . o [IP20 any suln-rzis-mm not conlonnlns to rbusiness house clock; in first-class iiu- l\lI!l)P€l standards of honutio lo at ‘t . b‘'._ ‘C ‘en PLOYMENT ’l'tEAlltI.\'G——Exp_ei-t furniturei__—_'l‘tb‘di§«l'-‘bit-lt‘E4lll\T i“."‘lA LAg(;E-SQu,u) Is OU1-‘ll? 3-ppairinlr. upholstering and timbre rrlW‘i“l=- “""‘ “‘‘.‘°‘' ‘°’ '““‘ ""5 F0“ RE"T"U""""“"°" cf-Seven Letter Men Are Back .1'..‘.f.’.'.'{‘ ..'."‘i..“".”."“1‘3."'...".'i'.‘i..."°.l.f....’..-’Cold Weather Has Forced ' I of C Twirlers to Work livcicd. Phone 2064 White. 155-170,rooms and bath. Private entran .. , Phone 2008 Black. R166-171 Fl:F..\‘llMl-2.\' WAN'l'l5D——Univer-' FOR ('h,ri$li:lll Church to meet with an house keeping rooms. ‘in -'ll».\\'eed' ll 1'1: (i“.:.i~(' “-“"“- "'°l“d"‘3 3 field. should finish well up in the soiiri pla'ed a game Missouri team took the cham- d"‘°” 19”" m°“- Tl‘? )'°‘"“"§ (‘cnfercncc race. h pi°"“hip i" '9"; "d 19”’ W m"squ:.d numbers bmmn ‘Om m llalf illi{t:ry’li}li'"i*flt}to Sold. l.’nivt-rsity. 2 baths. $7.800. eas)';noi-theast one-fourth of sectionlgn ",0", than fim_.,_.n ).,_.a,.,;. TM...‘ Work will be continued outdoors, More than half of the Military‘ 5- ‘nine (9) township forty-nine (49) won sé.,.¢nu_,en straight m”“(.S' 105', according to Coach R. 1. Simpson. Ball tl¢'l