O .. uni} . - TI-IE .CO1iUMBlA‘lflSSUURIAN,WEDNESUKY,“FIARCH 19, 1924. ‘ A (XJLUIBIA Fm 55!‘! that are f circulate » i ' _ G. I ‘ .F' I Central College Wins Debate. a chance to see for themselves just the last word in an am 93:! "’7fi§_'——"—hbdncrrnen|57a‘—iP7teI/"'s:..oi-‘ I "'5' “‘£_2 3.: ;.‘:.e..“‘£ head 0F’M'l®vI_u °"' ' “ "’ . nil A ; In a debate last week between fall!” this P{'°dU¢ll0n £981)‘ 51% ‘D0: ;“‘'11-'' L9" Cl7‘"“‘.\' lied: 1“ guy by the Ihaourian Pu lhhlaa of ..‘..Bn{aHu chmfhjn 13],“ win ' . ' ' . P V . . J _ . ' . . , , - scent“; Cone‘? I.~a).¢.ue_ and Scdg. . en. writing in t 9 'ew 'or' r cast. " ‘ . E i..u.'- "'“°°iu.'.”§.7.l’" "‘ " l"'""°" «lieu» laatone. cm 9. Duenhaupt or St. Louis! I‘etlIl€SlZ &t*N. Al1I1StS Bailing High Sctxoél. at :which W. _I. *?\'<'"i:2 _‘*'<;;'<:; 983:: it ‘film :>i°~ :—~ 1 -~._l : V. A1_fijj¢"39“?9‘g)i59:;_ It 3, ‘ u“. we “liph filed Saturday, eighteen daya Rein‘ invited to New "ark m‘"dm and in many “lend”. g‘l)l1ver.b_auper1ntendenti of sslloolis in turc t ( “or as l- uniting or. . Try a Missourian wam .4. _Y on , ¢_H__M,,,,,_., 3,, e was to have celebrated his 1021; E , , .. . . [ um 13. Vols 0 Re. e cu: m . . . ‘ ‘ g...,_ (.0, ,7 l‘ ‘mm T°”'h Pdmal pow" "my 1,’ y_ JVQ3“ 1”" “ml l_-‘Gilli? $5059" 35 0'19 final“-i ' lxion was unanimously in favor of c-- _ By in ....... ..u.oo is.» 14.00 59 8¢t?'lb!Il¢l_lD'm¢lI-°l 919 l>l¢l<‘"“'d-_: iof the five premefit Rlrlslrom the before coming to the .Univ_eraity,,‘cenu.1 C0“eg(z_ -rm. question “.3, _ " ., mg; in co...“ 1.: 3 an nag. ignorance, and cruelty of the; The campaign to raise 8750.000.1aeoemblage there, of,oome of the Hlas'Dieat.e.lhol-at attended Kansas}-R930];-ed, mm the Unit“; 5-,;,,,.. Play at Huntsdale ~ .- _l‘... Conn y C‘ h Turk. ’l'he.~‘.-callph was reaponaiblcgneeded tgoaoorgglete the fund for the]: . _ _ A “ F -M“ a would em" ‘he J .u_ it y mt ’‘'‘l''' ‘'’‘m n""'"' ""’.u°.."._.‘--__;{or the ellfageernent of antiquated lle“ ‘fir - '3? "“’"‘°"‘ 5 ti.ons.". Central College lunl lllv at 11,, gig}. school ,,f Hun‘sdnle‘ 51"" M” - N” Inna-no as _ _4 ’ ____CIg_§_l§1l_'|fgt§r_t-___,digi0u3 1"" the cmdemu. .b_lhoapltal in St. Louis, started sun» innnumw. S E , imn‘ 8 "Hahn" In‘ . ‘M 7 im‘m’"°"E "mums: lixurditr and firilelti of which usurped 1 d"' nigm‘ ‘ 3 - "’“ ' o p l p ) " "" ‘Xe uuTn“‘”isd"'t‘l”‘l3Ton" . . . . .. so ' ————-—— Melhodlt Revival t lie I)’. u.~~-d. ~ 1 _ l~m N: ..... ........... ..2'.'4 llhe place Ir ha program of «Li According to horticalturieta in‘ - “A Fimwr Acwgm M. T;::‘;‘__ i “AZITOH Bogga, I‘l'€Sl'|ITldl'l” Society .c . . l . . . . . . . . . ..A..._.“.-.».....::o’ ggoanced lcgi _ tlon should have held.:Soutlbu:i:;t :l‘iasoon. tte gieach crop; ,',i“r- Wm be ti“. ,.ubj.-pt ..r [in- (ll.‘»- Saturday ;,;\_eniW_ Mam‘ 22 ’ -'-"A."-5-——"4-‘"—"—-_-7-7-4—-A~7—”-—' - ‘-- }M°"‘°""l' “'9 °3llPl"n° Md i°“3i::3 we.t"he yd 9 ~cussinn at the midwecl: .wl'\'il-i~.- nf llunlsdale ('hurcll ' ~ :-.x.~. mvlmgn RgspoNsm1|,|1'\' gt-eased to,be_;a source of lllsplrlllonipears have gin be’:‘°;"m‘nd' ll", , ;the Broadway .\lctlmdi.-at ('hun-ll ;.z i _admi,.»,;5.m me and 25¢ ;- ""' Ir" 3“ results. n,sI,0,,_.n,;m). mug; ‘ for purity and religion: rather it had; A ' § 3 '7:30 o'clock tonight. .\lr.~. J. W. E be personal and individual. The in-fb9¢<>_mt' 8 ‘mfnns by which the un-1 VI-‘ebruary building contracts in; S<‘l|W8l><* and hPf tlulilthltl ‘ll 4- ..-. sum ,.,,.po,,S;[,;m}. 5,. d;\.;d¢.d_ nlscrupulous and. the pow!!!‘-.:¥?('klll.g:Mls8ourl totaled $4.574 . and al-A lloillenlichwabc. will :dlUfZl.l dm :;ll'.l ----— - m ceases to be effective. Someone haslfould drive the Ilmorant. fipnmtl-ll °“€" ll“ 3"“ ° 13: P" 09]“ "la (laugh er '“;:_:wn",{;m ,;\ .".',' rcpni said that if you have five men avail- ltlous and .-fanatical to cuff)‘ outfE3:S§r:;,°;ro;"l-;:lelg;u:ru.'a;;qa)12‘J PM‘! hammi - - - J‘ 1- _ “WW able for digging a ditch you can get I“‘ll“"'93 °{;'‘.3'3¥°\'¢'l'|1m9"l- "10 l"° _ _ 3" ' "' ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' T inn. mi. w0rL- Mn", 3,, },_._,.,-time by .p- gdio» Moltaanmodaus and othcr A total valuation of :4,o5o,9o2.-; the Theaterg ° ‘ ," pointing “m. m", {.,,.¢m,m and yeggpeoplea. oi'.st‘be._finie faith are said 489 on all real estate and personal,‘ car] up l_ ._ .1‘ 1 I l. , n n e u e _; _“I;n I» we :"°*’°">' ‘M by "'9' ITLODP case you call‘ lfiilll onq. man rPm0fl'd lllllty-lll(‘.\v trill send dell-gu. M $‘“‘;'.489'66‘3‘ from l;nayPar:‘;c :";"‘u2-' ‘all time, taken .l l)lU|' [!t‘lM'll Ilml S"”“l N"‘p°"siM" hr ""“u"“' "ml 51'" cnnluonsdu. hlmuphu hem.‘ tn pmt‘.m‘ lion. I ‘ -made several (ll-ciilvd ('ll:tllKt'.~‘ in tin‘ l-iv ( get re.-mlt.-‘: in the other (‘Z150 all Rm "‘ '3 ".‘p,r"l_"l_'l" that “W ‘U’ ——-.-...__ staff. filmed it without lliinkingr ul ‘ ‘ _‘ ‘ ‘ . 5 \'(ul fl". “-5” be equally 1-9§p(,,Lgib[e___¥flIl'llP(.l nationalistic emotions; of the The H_alf-Day of Light Crusade in. ‘cost, all then lorougllt tln- cunl- ill’. lll'.(2l{l‘.l‘. and ull:tlll_\' (ll Hill‘ sor- - ‘ on ll and equal! irresponsible. "BuclcTnrlts will listen to them; and what- gt’ 1'0"” hm‘ l:°”“°d ‘"‘ °'3‘“'“" l’l"l“ l"‘°d“°‘ P’ ‘hi’ '*'<"‘*‘*'". mill - Vice is alike in (ill-—-\\'ll(‘lllt‘l' the dosing “ \i‘~" is thp of R II to (-{lllllr.‘“‘.l.ll\-ill U!‘ ‘ll. \";‘i‘ A vidcd rt-2-lponz-lihilitv. l il°“.'“"l "W Tufli. this 31* one ttctiolti‘ pm nwlamem for 1? ye”-' .'m.er"' cut" '" '\"w l""k ( "3" “ml ,, . .- . . ‘. . . 1 ' - .~ , (.11 o ' eve Jwh.‘ I S“ I rl)und c0m_ (‘i‘i0_\~ "f ‘A ''”‘'_‘l‘_“ :3”, -‘t l \ lhl l.‘ tlllt‘ ellll llllt‘. d There is much “buck passing"? "3 " "W" “‘ “l’l’r°‘°' ‘mcrce and industry there. Vlinginnd "l 1: among public u{fit‘llll.‘i, and the rea-4‘ i. . —"" -- . W _ ._ ' H 4 _ . v\'l'—?< :'on 5.. that. r..m..g l.. but too much‘ Is 64 YEARS OLD TODAY ’pfl;f0n‘§";'"d"""f§' """>I'-"l““'f .,m,';f,"O’,“,§};fflg“‘.‘.$;,‘ij",‘,'f,,,?}{..".‘.i 'i‘hl- .-xv.-.nl....;ll flu-iliti.-.< uml rnnlplete ‘ vi ,_ . ‘ _ ‘ , - . or 9 aus ices o c" ' , . . ““" . _ ‘ " h::J"l::;c0{r(.’"(‘ d(.pnrt'nent "I; I 8 Oi .\OlT'(' -Dllnlt‘, ‘V 'lrUdU‘('llnll’l‘X|)I‘l‘l* (if lllll. “')](,(l(a,"l ’.‘.:l“ "M" .” thin kl ) “mn‘-£0"-‘; "it: John l\. Belcher is 64 years old DOW‘ “mm-n':< Chamber of .om- :l!:’$*:'*;<:1'1F“'u-* llnllmsilllrl-.-. Hrrt l~<-< cost no nlnrv and illlll f:l~.'nl' with the man i\'.'.h'; '.' '1 ' ' '* v . . ‘ A -. -’ , O ' ' ' n - . ~ _r. : _ 5 Iv ‘ ° "0 11°fla>- Mr. Belcher “as born tentglirtt. ml! be hdd March 2:. 28 and h h, . " _ ""°‘ “‘“" " f i’‘”' " or inmi~. ' .~ ° s ' .9 . - «- “narcotic education week." if plans "“d<‘mS to its present me. In ~ , .°°‘5 "3" ” "°’d"’ "°""". the annual arti~t-a‘ l'll' h H ( ‘L ' I . 1880 Mr. Belcher ‘Q h , h d log. ha): Guy A. Thompson, pr93l- _ g ‘ _ '4 «*1. l V M91 of Ca t. Richmond Pearson obso e - 5”‘ l 9 l°“" 3 . - . e . . . - . . , P H n'*.neit.her electric li ht dent of ‘he ““‘°°‘“‘°"- « -‘P<‘<‘I1Il 9‘ Aruus m ‘\‘“ 3”“ b-‘ “ . leader of the anti-narcotic move- A home“ W 2 5| wmer‘ meeting is to be held in St Long, to lrlmd ‘~Vh" is :1 dealer in oil H” men!’ are successful. Captain “ob fences m‘~dP 0:!';lm:‘::‘ 0-trhe “rm. ,.m.isiOn of the nsfiwimion ‘U ; fsnintingrs. While there. she’ tr-n.~ . T . . ° A lllimvi I son in ¢o..op9.-flung “-ith national‘ were of grave‘ ‘he 'n‘o‘tl;' ll. up. 1tC_lJUdgt'd (mo oi: (lip ll\-q- pr-¢'.ui{.s‘ - . Ithnm i “"9 ‘md ‘ll!’ °“lh0l‘lU¢»‘S in MB light W00den. with a few constructed of ‘ Re-zullmis-siorfifltfih U 'l ix"-is by 3 cnnllnmltfw fir Judtlnlé which I1 : - I H’ V “fling: drug!“ ‘flick. fen“; . It) 0 P909." 5: (O- “as .C0l"Ilp()'.~'\- n sup ‘ gts m. . ‘ ywmy f Narcotic education is to be the ob- Mr. Belcher is in Wilson Demo. ..amcndmcnpt::0:())°Mthc lfll38nt'l:'l(!tuZll0:l:‘(l ‘ .}liaun!ire:“:1cfiifgfihieifinliihrggagstfitglifiglixx ' ' 0 l” l ' l ' _ w _ ° . 0 , i Joct of the week selected. lnstruc. crat and an advoca o of ll8ll0ll- November election is rec mm nd d ‘Chandler (‘h ‘.~t- d ‘ -‘ 1" 4 . , -‘V ‘ f “tion on the evil Cfflx-[5 of drugs is wide temperance. as is Wiiliigm J. by the "con.-alitutional gruiip" iii’ the 101‘ national r:ii;u}ta‘:iiln.se‘em whet C | t 0 - ‘('_"7_’."l recognized as having more power in ?q'33'£&Wl1I<3J!T}l‘Jlrtbda)° is also .\la'r¢-1: 'lT(‘lltl‘l \‘\'ard l.mpr’ovcnl(-nt Associa-J in this way. Miss l)ie'stcRl'5rst'l»¢»- ‘ " 5"“ i bringing “how the defiiwd Wsuns ‘VI r. ‘ ( c erskhome is at 1.31.» lion of st. Louis. came acquainted with the man}. wt,” _ _ V V V ' 4 ll"! " than “anti-narcotic" movq-mcnts I80" “(nut l . ’ ht.’ known :lrti.~;ts for whom She ha: « . V i‘ ii " lfl“ Y:‘?.'."' A MW] 1 with negdtivt U2‘: ‘_ - < A dl’l\~(- of Pcltls Faun“. 8"‘. posed Anvmg them .n.(_ ‘uch me" E . . , , y 1.9.? h,_,”d‘ 2| ' - :4 cs inns. _ g . _ _: ._ . ' ‘ ‘ ,'A _ " _ j *__ - .__ .r ‘I '3 Ca “in no ‘7 ) ‘ < . of the Hlnkson ; ‘°‘"‘ 30 RC fund.- forthc. _t(ur.~ as li.t.~l\t'll (‘«~.{Tln. \‘.araic 'I‘ra\'l-r. '. ‘\ ‘ 1 p bwn prolmm ‘O K“ I Expenses aided 5‘“"'d3}‘ with $4: limmrii (‘handle-r ('hri:.tv.' W '1‘ I l" g to the bottom of the matter; to in- ' loo collected, _$1,500 in ‘cash, Mean; g,.nd;,_ g‘r,.,1(.,;Ck ])um.k;,,'L Ch'M,(_; l'« r ‘.- 19? ‘hi’ P°0l’_l9 '1)’ Int-ans of .~sta- U” P Blllllffd Ruck. l;1nT1l"l(>‘t;l(rlt:h(i.e\'ls¢-d ‘to raise $‘.3.800‘tu Dana (iibson and l’cnrh,V'm Stan I o o e - ““"‘ ; Ll8.¢3. educational lltcrature and _‘“m-'13:-:«-ti glut: ;d ‘p ( camps lrorthwt-st of be- laws. These artists haw use-‘d Miss . phm facts’ what drum MP (hing to Y,“ ‘ " Mini: calm-. ra in < and Hickory Q-uulll)"l)icsl(olll(lr.~'t ;l.~ al nmdol for mag - F H”. the country. and to cnlist their aid "'40" Pltroti-Ii Hon amps’ . zine cow-rs. (&ll('ll(l‘ll‘~ all oil , \.; in fighting them lluilt the pyramidal, . '* — ltlm:2- and wvc-rll lll'i-~.l7.c ml —" ‘ , '_ N um» chiseled » 1 « The llroom factory at (.‘¢-ntralla t n, -. ~ . M l‘” ""l l_ lrlnllghtenmcnt IS always lllt‘ l)(‘Sl Your rnanlllse hills l'(‘(‘1_t'u|}. added (“.0 tnnchinoh and‘ f)ui:_:t:;§:;.‘_t.\( “ ‘fl r,’ "In G’ is ' ‘ ' It rnil-t_ ; pong.’ If nnmmic information is When Locnidaa and hi- faithful smmm~ increased the number of em I - ~ H . C '- pulm‘ “db done {W .\ i.':-n ! wfihhdd am] pubucitv (m th d lie-Cd the van at The-rrnovilar. .r0m an "um"! i. f ' l30)t*.~. flShpll tofllll \\-lln‘-1‘ Wm-l: can bc ‘Wm ‘H . , ‘ e rug ‘hm lofll 50‘ K010! your Ill:-nl watch , V .0 u 6“ dozen sell" “ll lhl‘ ('“\'(‘T Hf lllc Red B4u)}_ . _l 7 l"3d° 8il¢'DC<'d. ml £‘l('l'll(‘lll. of toys. Du-r "DP lilnk-on Valley b''"°"‘5 1' dill‘ there has been an in- ,- ~“-"3" E {cry “.3” be furnifihed ‘vhich “in do ‘ t‘l"(‘l1S(‘ {U .'6t‘\'(‘lll_\'-five dgzpyh Spycn "'"' ~ ~ 7 Inc more in immasing "W tmffic than ;b'rn:luln urvxd y':».uu|.:;,..‘h.....-mt‘ lnm-hincs and about ttt-out)’-fix-p [N~u- [.‘|Slil-IR.\lA.\' (£l{U\\'S lllb \\~;l.~..n i any other one thing’ .3‘ ‘M ‘urn 0' an " "'m‘ 5 pic ‘are now empoyc . B.~\l'l‘ Dl'l{lNt£ THE \\'l?\"l‘l-fill l News 3 T __ arr cca.-ck-«I1 {lot-ml -_-_—F-— ’- - T ‘nlvcr ; A _ ' Your ! no the ahuui and pump hint. Lon O. Hoclcer. Republicani "" ".°°"' R""'"“ l""‘l' w'"'''‘’‘ ‘'"‘l ll-Inl.-4. i A dnle-rlcn—;\he lznd of the free! gnptivza hlzve mm-<2 111‘1(3’t|oria| wmmm,,e“om.n A St .\linnon.~' and ,.\w.n,.i open. 5 M‘ A D V91 I 't'\~' '0rl: judge has ..."‘ O0"-' uis stressed the need for w ' ill I Season. ._. . ,_ ml‘-‘d "lat 8 Plano (‘annot be played A:t‘dM{’lol‘ii'tin'l.s5cdh.:rld rfrll-lnrlthl-lni l‘’,l‘‘‘‘l “'9 Tefiponsibilitylof cit(i:.-hr-‘- .C°M l',""a_”“"- "l‘l“.\' Ftreunls. rc- :..','»;',‘{,', 2‘ an" H Quack at night if there an "M dun “hm”. _ A ,.-in-p’n,,d' to tn)“, ‘,1 “mm put in tiring filslnni: wnr_m<. and minnow J‘ ,,H.,. , : mgghbors whu um ‘war R‘ ‘Ye ':0.l.I;dlh:.r‘yl.t’lllr deal. ;E):lll;:S, 1; n ;;%};:g 3 Luncgeon gin,” .;-i<‘ahr:(_>ls 2:: nothltnghtn bF;A_\;‘-”_ . . “mu ' would have more sympathy f I‘ 1}, Sun you. stand and line» , ‘ ' , °;‘° 3' l 9 epubllcfinl 3.’ P “'3” '1’ m 3” '3" llH\\'l!. 2 judze if his ruling were ditefleswh-W, n""_m&"g 'm_h'_ »\\ omen s (_ount1- Conlmittee. ‘;;:n;iqz;:;nl;.<,:1z:1l;«-syllls \[‘lll1ll\S‘“l';)' be- a; HH . - ' » - —- - .u- . or . r. l lnms . “‘5“'""l "’*°Pl‘0m‘9 lllld drums! ‘Cmld mu but 0 I Springfield la. bo- h‘ “has his xwn t‘.~l in "Q h . . . ' ' I " ‘N v-— 2.”. 0! m""d'»'''’ ‘W-k ‘district h('8dClll]l!;lerS((rif ‘tcll('os€‘:m1l‘)T and n-:id’_\- ,.\.:,-.,‘]un: ll ""i\'i(‘>‘ '1. ‘ \- ., I RED-1‘ll\'Tl-Ill m\sol.lNl-: mm -c«ne~.",....?'.....‘.'." ..... ..v.-»....... ~""’ "“”‘~“- W‘ MW T- Smn1«-ySkin- °‘ "*0 ~“-"****'*- i R to 1899 Be an O C. e l‘’ ‘ A "~‘d W“ l" illfllflkuish gallolinei.§;::" :“‘u‘‘'“'"*-a-«i & ‘EH’. bf(oeunder of the local campfin-,1 For six nlumh, mm. he has Mm U16 \\‘0l'l(S Of the g Ion «Z ,h.mL,‘ . -. 0- n 9 once 1 .. as l ‘ ' g ' ‘ \ - _ , 7 ' . . _ e . .‘ from other “mas has be“ hugwof W primml L: aim !uWun_‘n lll)ll'm;{d..dI.}l.l'lCl’ guard and raising fihma x-.o'rn‘1.~ and nllnllmt-1. “'e5tlllgll0uSC Air. », c Wllmerdln l-an-\ flttytlfd by a engineer or i You. ‘0I"‘IIlP§, I'P|'(- nude . ".71 V‘ ‘\ X. (R (.‘‘i '55 ‘ad l\(‘l‘llpl.l‘l0l'n(»_ ln hlfi C011“!-. u‘\-u1t‘n‘-: tho 1) R CO - V g tnnrn‘ ' l ' ' ' - . . c v . ‘ _. Depnnment Hf hneriol who lmS!(A)f.‘tl:-nke‘or:(mc:l tall the mmi. tan. "I"l}‘u‘ ell‘:-Ennx;3l.l‘(l)(;ln(lrfi0l.(l secr(.-_(l;l' guild \\¢-ltlllorv. that would ;!l\~u rll C “as ;- 5“, "W59-0 -‘pt‘cial study of the hazards“-4 ronu-diea. :23 .tr:lalo-d.i¢:«‘>m‘ to ‘the K'lll:s'¢'i:l (',izt)'( dis-tlrsil-rim’ nil“ I iliirn isflhi‘imiimumiylim '“l:-ldnfi fibh. Operated bv re- It l'€Ql.lil‘(‘d ' '1' I. l I ls l l I; . . , ' y H’. - f ~ ~ - . s it‘ . ' (‘l as llu ourls uring . . ‘ , 1111 la 1(‘(' 0 3 ‘Qt ‘g Q n 2' analog {rem this form of fuel.i:" 0*. M‘ '3" l:lrL't*xt in the slate n(.(.m.di;, ‘ tho C Id .. th. ,1‘ l . Cl l'0Calln Cll IDES ‘L S op ‘ * Adoption u! this plan as u ,m{et,.:":MI»hL uh ‘mm. Bliss I(¢.n,mh0m(‘. I it o mmmos. ma or lie. past thrm. dystrib gt of in —l—lS0n1€‘0llC llad l0 be first. And. :15 in f Lflx measure to cuard against galsolint-’s‘T° "“' '“"" M "M! W Mr. \\'illiams h :1 l‘ 100' - - . a im rtant ion ° ' - . ' """"" beg.‘ mismkon for “let. kemsenfi , ‘_&:Y«:llIlun l’. llonmnl. The P<‘f’l)le of .B£‘\'l('l' are planning in: worms, \\'hit'l1n‘:lt“ll):)l: kept iiihu \'8l‘l0llS parts Of the theregisn ll)‘ .keer{I{_guchle‘eI1lont5° (inn .m or ,othei;dcolori¥ss liquids, would b..= F Pnnxent l’aruraPbs. iiohifrmcitr lllie8l.artli3'cI(:e1ol(')i',i; Nmtislhdllthzllhhili in‘: kT“ljtle. nailing. them on plant. “llllle tllls 801111.? of power was However the new lglrfit: ep-uclsnlas tiheb-l;‘“S' h II food ea. oo frequently mis-F urthermore. a dent’ ' th i‘-E -_ ; oun .-. c nut has - - . , ‘ s qluclily prov t gig» "5- taltes cause CXPl0sl0n.~.' and loss of lnan who can tell a wciitnalri wliciintli ‘llilglfn:'8fil‘l‘(i)8'"::!=n‘n¢u:Ulatch liifn i:tmt.‘hi1s":ni'lh :t’l}lllt"‘e(lllel.ra:ant)eaOther Alllotit M“? minnows i.-urviw-d the t at? hfidfbeen made In the dfilgn and con- Tllolr economy “.83 particular COIlSplCllOllS "if 'l“3i' "1 ' . 9 U703“ 0 H05. ' ' r‘ - l S . . ( 0- I one mm.“ of chemical “H mm 3'lc‘AGrli:l:‘l‘.Cat1l.3lr‘(l.r: itultlhiefioxragz -_ Dr. J°hn_Tich___rd., high Mn “.,.mms ii an . inflame‘ min 9 Steam turbines and electric gencr- beta‘ use by careful test they showed a fuel ,.h':;‘l0. l.00(l gallon: of gawjim. M an up Milky w.y._New York worm. priest of Royal Arch Masons of Mill. fish?‘-‘man. and no nxiousjy ioogs 3 fqmpment. . ‘[0 the attention ydf 51“ mg of approxlmately 36 per cent a: proximate Cost of 7 cents. ; Women are breaking into men’: ’°“"‘- C01}-lmhia..is among ‘the list mrth e (;‘p‘°"_'"3 “P 01' weather, the A17 b7 like ofiicxals, ll. was decided to gli‘é Steam turbin d l ' L08 c Mb {fig ugggf gm, dye '°u1d‘claasea at Yale. Obviously what °f M”°'"° dltmtaries that will bel -me at ‘ um resume bl“ 9°‘ l”“"' the new machines 8 chance d ill ‘V ‘ ' 8 eve Opment thus recelwad mg PO nog,¢unin.u ‘u fawn“, "widen". the men students need is a good resent at the Royal Arch tn? - 1;‘ A__‘_»_:.t__.L h S , 9 81.1 rec - Its fil‘Sl. real impetus in 1899’ the ‘VI-hnerding Rt-(turn the colernwould serve an a warning. Y“; L°:“‘;es“m§-ul tptonoer [5,-9,: ;;a::;c;:.o;hi;nwms&n&g:l2d next ; 10 PLAN non soctxiwrnnx 8dlal1S¢ 'I\lrblnes were installed wlth- Pa., performance definitely establishing this’ ““ * "awn M d um“, n; o arrest an . - ratcon-_ l . _.._.._.. out V, ° W firs - - . , p“_"m:“"o”f ‘:wdt’ic:"::'°‘;':1:'9 jail jay walkers, what shall we do ;’°°¢;ello;: of such an extensive scale Bfllllul‘ Circle Sees Opportunity of of ‘ts ‘dad is as the t hrgellnsmuahon electrical umt as 3 bate’ mel-bod of turning V M" ~ _ - to autotaobilea who try to beat the eld in Springfield as about : Service in Columbia. ‘ 9 anywhere. . the wheels of ~ d l-‘I45! ~ .._———.—-__ chnchu can‘ to e_rouin¢I?--Port- ‘:‘t'°° h""d”‘l °‘“d5d1‘.4-‘S from that’ uefnbers of Bethany Circle in at . m why‘ and git‘ . ER!) or ‘me CAl.lP!lA‘l'B “"5 Evening Express. . fl} 9'4 wmundinc chaptm wlllllmtmz at thmuissouri Bible cow .« Ni fir 11,, end of ‘hevmliphu u“ the ";;lll.8--£0u;fimllll3Ml' u:h.)ust Riven detreea. lltegeuyestefrday discussed the oppor, i _ ago; an 1 n - - - “ .. ,- 9 033 10“ mt! - " ""’ . 4 "ll '93 0 U1!‘ Oraaniaation for so.. 32- G’ - “ “"’°- —"‘”" '°““°°' yonuever new won." an. smu 7”‘ 9"" '$l“?°‘ °‘ »~N°~‘*dt I-.ci-I service work in some of co» if . . ll): €399!!! one. For many _.0-'11,.‘-. noun"; '0“ “an”, Iponeonng a festival of musical and lumbia's aha ' » ;- ‘ ‘ run the grand llama of Tibet and does the ante t.bla¢”— ‘ i"““°°"“" °°''‘¢'tl- 111‘ in ' p ' ;,. ‘H -. , . Springfield tnntyw h Ills: Helen K. . seen.-t.ary~ ; ~ . of the llonlem world Union. 811 lth schools of nearbycf the Public Wellare 8065!? ’ ’ ‘ . ¢lIe‘oaly.pe:-Iona the exercised —-~. . W ‘1 PIFL ll 1 tbe‘a 11: and led 4!‘ . "“e' '. -. . _ A _- . V Norgcg 3033“, ARCH Invitations have been : Itcua;lon.,. “*0 Ibhlute religion: nd - - 80089 and plan 1 V v . . ‘ nso v at la estimated am soo students ‘uh »' °' '3°'k "in "° '°"' *0 mpg liunponll r ' at Thursday 11",}! -°°!npe'te. The school: are ‘H i ""53 by the social aerV'ice‘corn-’ vauiajlod .yem:go -at "::'1;:o. In ll. 1:: and fi':;:‘;‘§““’°‘”m Bethany circle 0.. ‘g§;g,. u.mp°,..“‘a*.d_. 3'“: ¢0l|° those of 1% ‘thin lw, $1," ‘°'.iiuch8e;:t:‘¢:ha!ild 1.‘ 3 .- of. at-endllamainmore ~ ¢'IP0'l1lbeawanledctbe 7 2 :-; Louis Nienlan -n 9 c ‘ ""' - 7'" chance is made" ' A “.3 ‘M __ - . . . eeutui aehoeh and mad“. . 4 tons-old ..,.. __ T‘.“"'_ """ _l¢fD~t.o J 9.. Davis. Sec. rim the individual winner-am" "‘i‘é°.?.';,‘°‘ with ""‘ ""3 ’ , V ‘ .-...o . ..-.. , ‘ ' r ,. __,_.4___y.j -_ I1.