.' ‘_____. .-— . News of c.z.....z;.-. society . _.:——...»_j-. -_.i.__..__:.L4—..o.-.—.- .- .._.. ihliaaouri Workshop to Present It .Boring Hopes to Get 3 to 5 Men for ‘ In ‘ for Spring Production. _ Training Course School. H . ; ° ive and xeu-10;, Amngmn of cu-M1,, “The Boomering." three-actl M. M. Boring of the industrial’ to lcrgeitle, - comedy by W. Smith and V. Mapes, tservice department of the General ’ mama] Dance f __._.7-... . s ecided on for the spring 3 Electric Co., Schenectady. N. Y., was ‘ntmbe,-5 o{‘Phi Kappa Psi will7 Mfmlbe’-‘l -. 07 Sltml ' pelts Chi. production of the Missouri Work-iin Columbia yesterday interviewing . ‘n with a formal dance Fri- m,°"" l‘°"°T_8l')' ournalistic frater- shop. The play will be given at the ;student.-e in the School of Engineer- ?-‘ “um ‘t the cmpte, house. 1320 $:,}’;.erentErt§l"€d_ llstrnililzhuwiththa University Auditorium April 30. u [ « following , ‘ _‘''”*''~ 9 OWN! €_ Try-outs for The Boomerang ' -dlllflEl',8 businessnieeting was held. will be held Friday and Saturday . I ' Fmnces Brewe... Dorothy Plflflfi I0? lhv Gfldlrfm banquet. an nights of this week at the Y. .\I. C. will be given a course in technical :. . mb Mary Virginia Dwnchuk. -annual event. were discussed. Auditorium. at 7:30 o'clock. Ev. and practical engineering in the _"’ ad“: ' -. K h . < ' """’."“’“ eryoneinterested in,acting may try. company's school at Schenectady. i'--- am Mernuemer-' Am“ a‘ It)‘: A regular meeung. 0! BOOM ch‘? 'About three hundred men. retire- llarizam Gibson. Helen Clm tcr oi‘ the Order of I-intern Star will- . "I ztfltuth Williams. Vireinifl liar-Ibo held at 7:30 o'i:lock tomorrow‘ A YOUNG DRUMMER Senna“ 108 college“ i" ll“. United jfi,Einilie Chorn.l3°"91_)l‘l)l&’g1P"Ps"¥‘0t)rl9» night at ‘Twilight Hall. Th re will, “M W Qugthy Stcvinson. _ . ) 001'. be balloting and special music. Re- _ , amline Collins. Vl!'i.'|l1l8 Cfamel‘. frcshments will be served. Visitors 5 llulsw. Bettv Baxter. 1301!)‘ will be welcome. ' ing w 0 will he graduated this year. Mr. Boring hopes to get from three to five men here. The men dgnce road. The "g; be guests: enrolled in M051 of them stay with -:the company after finishing their ‘course. although they are at liberty trie Co. is taken from this group of Tl “'9 ulnar‘ jstudents. Mr. Boring sa' . N‘. Ills l'7tl1t'l W.\'l .“N\uea lo ft liii. vi-~_:tir 32¢‘ Rich "mi A"-"_ (‘fun-],., in (-“lumhin ‘hr vcvnjng "f Apr“ 8 , I-lntjn;-I_\ (.1 P|pe[_ t.:t_\' fail’ |‘,‘l['|'IIll ;tn.l Ray (llllllll(‘\ Wkkllllh Ami" vrll-'lllv l'l5llll' “ml wlll -"l"l5 ‘ll ("hl'l-“llall C"lll‘ll1'- The lllt't'lllll-' of the Geriiutii (‘lull l" “"1. h°”’i"h“"l l'”l"“""""“'"l. ‘ Dean Parks. I-‘red Knight. fjflding Sizer. Russell Casteel. Don Paurot, Walter Mt-Bride. Roy lier- _ ‘aid, John Quigicy and \\'illi:im M‘. Oliver. ' -Various .ClIll).\' ii lMoiida_v night was devoted to 31 din- '('U.\Sl0I'l of H(.‘lnl‘lt'll llvlllt’, lllv pnt".. Emu“ “F-SmL\_b mi... JR NW ‘wiTh(- 1lLl‘(ll('fl('t"£0.lll('4l in the .\ll|L'lllL' l is It nu-mlu-r of Phi ('llflpt(Ir rrii;2 Ai-i-i:Aiu:n -IN l'l?It- Prof. I3. I‘. Iloifinim ;::m- {I talk '. ‘ I ' ‘i F l'l“"5l“ w”“'lliun "The Life «if llvillt-" ttml livrtsi Tllv W AH.\'l>ll) To i-i./iv _ _ , _ , ‘_"”_'.n. M. Mohi rtiul ii paptram liio lain Miss Viviaii Bethe! spent thel ~llI'lllt'2 ()rt-.~tc.~ ('atroii, Ruth Wino- lgrad. Laura Nahiii, (}t-urge Jzivnbn 'Carl Bronson. Lois Wyatt, Maynard .Taxman. .lt'5.~‘ Driver, Marion Sinout, Howard Lange. Olivia Ruetht-r an. ‘August Maffry. A one-act comedy entillml '°Tll~‘ flay Bridge Club at 2:30 o'clock. ('|;.r].; and ,\1j_t_,- Kathe,-gm. ‘\‘u}-field‘ llr. J. E. Main. is in (‘oluniliiii Mrs. J. M. Taylor. Paris road, will wt re dinner guests Monday nigfr wisiting his daughter. Catherine. aitcrtain the club next week. at the Kappa Kappa Gamma housc.l 5'l"“1 llllys 01' Timon SP0!“ the The Broadway Bridge Club Will ‘ -—~ -—- ‘week-end with her sister. Alice. hold its weekly meeting at the home ‘ -“V-‘V _l"9¢‘lll l‘3-'lt‘.~'. 407 Ilitt street. are “"'d“-“ indict wci.-m-n«- “‘ _‘ _‘ "" \-j_.j1j!1g 1,, _Mm.3hn1L 11-‘ulton conference returned Sunday. Those who were discharged yes .°"6n:'“"" -—~—_- Jf‘\'¢‘fl"‘&‘.'- 5' were Katherine terday are: Helen Tc-lft. (‘hailc-s ‘.‘h"'“l"‘ ’f';‘;_‘ sbxzz ‘hl.3t'l'll.a!"((:'SllY'l0l‘| was chairman at 'Rath£reber. Frances lieckman. Con- \7\'il.-on. llelen Jacobi :m«l_ W. \\'. _... ,5. .1, . _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H mm, w,.,,,1,,,.,, 1 “I0 3 luncheon 5f the Ll0n.~ISl1lll(‘(- Boyer and “ilma Collins. lllmzn. Prod l~ord w:i.< il:~*cl‘.:-.!‘L"-‘- . 2;‘ . . . . . . . . . . ..‘..;.l';-art :chl'iV||-c (‘lull today at Harris‘. Annie Sue Tucker. I-Ittie Roemer, tlti.-< morning. i -v ii. use he. no .. 0- — . 1 . . . .1 “amt L D"‘m" “Rpm '- Annie D. Bell and lllll!-5} \\hit- 300"? rollfll‘ faunas , - . _ i lmeyer of Staph.-us (‘..1]¢-go we,-9 1h The ft-llowiiig were Ztlllllllll-cl ltll.‘ . PERSONAL ITEMS Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A 0 She-Itun | ;Sunday dinner. guests of Ferne mflrninlri M1’-K r\"!W' -‘Vivi’ “ml -‘lT‘- ! "‘ '90 '0'" - - ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - -- l'¢'I Sch? W; 1Pu1—\~1-up and .\[m-v }.‘,-anceg Mu|,'Ff{ll)k Porter of Asliluiivl 2ll"l .l. l”. I “Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. \' ie dc “ _ J . . . . . . 11- ' ' “'"hiu. f rinuuoio ............. ..'. siniioi Schuralx ‘ ';" 1 5- *‘l"l“‘""l" L“ """“"8 ms‘ _ . , - ’ ~ -7- . ,. '. Idiot . . . . . . .. Anna Katherine» Do an rtlatiic: in Bush. . . The voice and piano recital of M!“ 140'-UN‘ C!:Ilz!lt~ mu d..~~ ig Phniiuolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I-kliih We-int-ch James E. Boggs went to MOl)Qrl\- Mary Helen Carwin and Mary °h“"l3°d lh” """'"'"l3' Phloaolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. (l. Shelton , thifi morning on ' Frances pin“ has been -gal business. pampered‘ C. A. Fisher went 10 Mexico on‘ from March 20 to March 25 because . ;a business trip today-.i Ht. Wm N,‘ of ii slight illness of Miss ' ;turn the last of the week, §"l‘hey are pupils of Prof. H. I Robe“ L. R‘mnw. Mrs“ J, _ 'r,-up..." of :.}{,m_.-,,_.; (‘giyj Loudenbacl; and Mrs. Anna Froman.l Kama‘ Sean. Mrs_ 0. M. 'Smwm_t'.\\-ho has been here on: business. re-. A world fc'llO\\'.‘llll[7 program was: un. Human Schhmdh Mrs. H M ;turned to his home goda -, given at the vespcr service of the. Steele. lira N. M. Trenholmé -‘ll-‘W -‘lnrirarct Hall. of Christian'\'. “V C. A- Sui‘-'-ln.\' Wt-ninir. “Tho 5- Miwical Program at .'r«=wo?Horlick's The“ ORIGINAL Mailed Milk . .» ' ‘ ' -h . -..‘, of ._,.-tn.-ye ~9- ‘and 9 nu 1-. E_'Sex‘uu_ were hmu,Sg(_S lCollt-ge went _to Crntralia this world stands out on either side. no, ' Fprlnfartra. , in a nu meefing of we Formighu), .morning to visit her _[€‘l'Ilfl(l'|'l8l‘(‘l‘ll..°«,: wider that your heart is m'de." wasl K Q’ ‘ clgsflltdl. ' ;» (3.5 which met ‘his afternoon at Mr‘! and M.Q(‘i1 Itiughlin. the subject. Those making talks‘ _ rhea: ‘"'r P I g 3.‘ Km‘ . r. an . rs. .e rt; of Columbia were Mildred Davis, Alma Hill. . ' fie mug“; p,.°gmm_ which was went to l\till.SaS Cityftoday who;-e‘Lyndall Fisher and Annabelle m°”‘m"”"”"°f‘l"-““”"°“’d“ .. th ' . ." . , , ,_ f¢l‘ln.mnhca'l‘hcFood DrinkforAllAgen. ‘. by pmgg 1.11.13. A1m,.u.d1_! _l.\ “'3. lie the guests of rela- Balrby. hatherine “ilson was .. ¢(:oo);§n¢_A11‘1.g1,ug.¢1; enlisted of numbers given by Mrs. . """-" duflniz the rest ‘pf the week; in charge of the service. mlwayaathan. so taTablct form. ‘ _ 31.5,: L wnddem pm{_ }3_ n_: . r.~.. hlsie htroni: of Troy, }{;m_,4 —-7——-—-—f_ O -lhskfoi-"H lick’:/‘atoll? tam: . 333.11.“. Mi” Elbena Ram.’ Mi” who has been visiting her parents. C‘ H‘ S’ “"55 ‘O l‘-“t¢"l§|||- I ? Avoid ' ubatitnteo Bu Brelos Benjamin 6. Syrnnn ;Mr, and C_ L‘ 1)i(.g-son. ‘ The {O0(l$ (‘lll.S‘i Of lhf dOTn93tl(" .“ Tmman ’Me".iu_ ‘South Fifth ,;1,-(.91. returned to hm; «'*'¢’l(’"(‘c department of Columbia ghome this morning, . Jliigh School will entertain the.’ ‘in Lula Green gb 1‘1,..'Rm._ G. J. pom’ who hM'fi;‘eult: V\'lthMn ll.lfIl)(‘l'|?0l't at noon{ , eon 1;-re nunndgn ‘ . - _ urs ay. . rs. |.lY'..'.‘Bn is super- Earl 0 Connor of Bamnmstors 8‘: Ste;fi:;:ng§lT‘\'l§lDK the class. hr! O'Connor, a former studentlege. returned to his home in Lin- Ilfie University. and Miss Lula;coln. .\'eli.. this morning. Chen ere married recently. Missl Guru was a student at Try a Missourian want ad. ""*‘—""----r-——— Two Talk t (‘ l ' Cl h. I V H a mo 0" u Exactly what you need is a Rem- -Wb¢e last year. The couple are The (‘hamberlin Geology Club '. Irlagin St. Louis where Mr. 0‘Con-fwill meet at 4 o'clock tomorrow I'll-7l'°" P°"l/able T5'P°“'l'll‘~"'-. L9‘ * it is unending 31, Louis lfnipg,-{afternoon in Room 204 eolog; us give you a demonstration. The . ~ . ' 3'0 Co-Op Store. Phone 879. Author- ? . ilding. Talks will be made by A._ K. Miller and D. H. Bray. .;‘ ized Remington sen-,'¢e_ ' _Alfonso Johnson; who recently; ’ essmaruigerofthe‘ " *~-~ ~ - - - _.-__. -_, , Only 3 More" Days Our Half-Price Sale Shoe Repairing Called for and Delivered Shoes Rebuilt Here Look Like New SAPP BROS. I ' THE COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN. WE §"i'iii-: BOOMERANG” satacraolaxcinaaas Aiti-:iis"ri:iivii;vvi=;o" l..llll\'L'l‘."ll_\‘, went to l. I?NES_I)AI’L_IifARCH 19, UNIVERSITY NEWS _._._______j Mrs. M. S. Beals has returned to‘ her home ‘Vllll ll” .50". Leslie Beals, ii stu- d(‘llI ill the 1:[1i\'(>f,,vjt.\-_ in (‘hicimo after a visit -“I” 318?)‘ Kllnrner. supervisor Ol "19 ll0me economics department "ml of the University High School. is in Chicago this week Tho French Club will meet Thur.-z-A t- 1 ii- i'\.lI'n~lilll worlt of t ll - - Mi» (:l.Itl_\'S Taylor and MISS. company. .~.,u..1_\-_ ll. W. I-‘n-ar. t‘XlCh.‘~liil‘| :~[it‘t'i:tll:.l ll’. fl('l(l rrlbll}, lvfl ‘lyre )"<\‘lIl‘(1a\' for -\'"¢l3WHI,\‘ ('0uiit_v to hold meet- llllf-“ l~' l|IlP!'0\d i'0l‘n ;irmlui'ti<\ii u that county. Julia lloehi-fnril, \‘lli‘!.‘lltli.*4°. in home it-ir.oii.~ti’ation.<. l"r1l Vltirlt. .spL-('ittli.~'t in home eco- nunll(‘.~ .-v-rvit~e, left here ye.-cterday fur llull \\llt"'l' .\llI° will give dt-iiioiistratioiis in lwtter kitchen tirrangi-iiieiit.~. and Jllt‘l(.\nn countit-.~ ll. l.. Wiiilila-ll. (‘Xl('n.\lul‘. .\[M'('llll' T01llOl‘l‘0lL' Afl('I‘)m0Il "7 “lvi.-i--n .\’«-. 12 will iiieei tumur- l.,viit~s of ll¢'llll"l(‘lt llrlllr," l'r«»f. I‘. N "1 Wltrtttl ltusluuulry. left l'lt‘l‘l' . ' . _ _. 3""-‘~' I’!-’l'lllllE Will) .\ll'.~. Mun‘ Jz1culis_ -2 ' '_i W-—i-"_—— E’: (;ut1-l;uii.~l still’: Ill-lm-'~ “llir .\""l"l"lu.V f‘”' G“l|ll’.\'- BU(‘ll1l"31" The fonowmg hndl""' c_lul"‘ “M 211 l".ilgi-woml avetiilt-. .'llf.~‘. M. l.. I ,2“-pi (;,v(.,,m]g,.,-..'° and (1);... ){.,j,.-|- an-l l.iting~tuii couiitie.~_ wlu-re hi ‘°'"°"““' "‘“‘".‘."‘"". . Ynmm mu I.» the i.~...i.-._ AT CliRlS'I‘lAN Coi.i.isc.i: lied." --A! h--M ~Iw«-i» l"‘0‘ll5i'll"" mm- Hrs..A. I). Donnor. ..0(l lt’l(‘{~ av... I A I The 1-“mm,ing '.wm_d pm.,,m Hf 5“... nué, will he hostess to the Thur.~'- .\lr.~'. lirzice '.'\\‘(.,-3-' 51.5“ “Viv” New .\ladrid, Scott and P. Trotter on thy boll wt-evil priililvli‘. I-T-litli Van Dc-user. spec-iiili.~t in home ecunoinic:~ service. left here ye.~ti-riiay for Charlton. Monroe and .\.'hrll»_\' counties, where Slit‘ will work with the county extension agent on he exten.~ion program. Keiiiia,-ti‘. 1‘. l.u!l'l¢'t‘. cl.'i~'< of “.’.'l of You Should See A model which will fit in with tastefully chosen surroundinzlp and upon which» I3 ; upon every Victrola model, the greatest 5 artists are heard. I3 they wish to be heard» I on Victor records. ‘ I An Instrument l I l l Come in today and look it over Ask to hear the latest recording by the St. Louis Sym- phony. e 333% I Dr. ' Colorado _ Kansas Cuygthe (‘lass A schools in the ll!l.\lZ(‘lll1All this moniing to spend the no“ of tournament. the week with hi~ f ;;om‘- until Sept.-nib;-r, I ll! votlun Ht)‘ ‘Valli’. 4-xtt-tuiuii ~pt-ci:ili.~t ll] 2 entonzoloiry. left here for Lincoln. — Ilunklzn. Mi'.~.~i.x.~'ippi t‘out1tie~. to work with lil- 1924. ‘ - - .. _ _ - ...—~_._.-.,,-_, the University. visited at the Sigma ‘J Missouri. left Columbia Monday for’ .\'u house the last week-end. Mr. Mississippi. New Madrid and Scott l-ind?!’ 15 DOW advertising and sales counties. where he will continue his manager of the Wooster Light 6: work P°“’°’ ‘"°-- “'°°*‘“"‘- °'"°- ii. 1.. Shrader, extension poultry spv-ciiilist of the College of Agri-y culture, will make a fifteen-minute talk on Baby Chicks" at Jefferson City tog.’ C. (‘. Mierow. president of College at Colorado Springs. visited Prof. E. B. Branson other members of the Geology department yesterday. Doctor Mie-_ TOW. was on his way to Chicago. J. R. Rothwell of Wnrrensburg. :1 mil here in 1905 was in Columbia Saturday vis- iting friends. Mr. R0thwell's son, James. was on the winning team in cast by the State Marketing,Bii- with the l.'niver.-eity extension work, lift (V-lumliizt Monday for southeast .\lis\'uurl in i:l'vi~ talks to farmer-. .~t:(‘ll as the San Jose scale on fruit tl‘M~.~<. and the red .-pider and lmll \\‘i-o-l ti‘ ctillrili ]M'.\l\_ In- tlieie tlw renitiimler of the -.\-(-.-l.;_ - P. F. Schowengerdt and F. ii. Carter. extension specialists in and field crops. left here _v«-.~a- terduy for St. Louis and Jefferson counties. where they will main; M- rangements for a "C‘lo\-er and — l’rosperity" tour. l'l‘Uf. S. T. Brattnii l‘X]D('t‘l.\’ in lt':I\‘t‘ (Nilumliia 8 week fn-ni _next We employ an expert uphol- sterer and .\‘:l‘.urdtiy for Chicago ivhm-.. P1119‘ 1” txllie up [.'l'lNlU.'ll(' \v«»i"’.. ll‘ i~"'0RI'li|lll}' in the l«'iiiver.~iiy of (‘hi- rniw. I’:-oft-ssor Bruit--ii will In can give prompt and efficient service. “'4' also have it full line of tapestries ‘ 1.1.-. p_ 7,011,,‘ ,_.,m.mi(m w'_(‘m]_ and \-(l0|.lI’H. :.~t‘ in field crop,-4, wltii lliis lN‘1‘ll 'l"lll£! ¢'Xtt-nslve invi-.~tii.':itiuii ‘.vui'lv. liruilllrtiun in ,\‘.,i11h.-;1,~-_ Parker Furniture Co. | Sow Grass Seed Now Bernard “The Florist" I2 9th Phone 2l2l Our (‘at Flow:-rs and Service Will |'le:lse You Ilse Our Superior Mixture For a Beautiful Lawn Use our Fertilizer. (‘onvenient in lines. BE INDIVIDUAL BY Selecting YOUR STATIONERY Stamped WITH Crest. Seal OR Initial. ORDERED Especially FOR You AT The Ingleuook Shop 705 Missouri A vc. It's a Wonderful Entertainment! Laughs and Laughs “Just Married” The play that holds the world's laugh record. This show comes highly recommended and the management of the theater guarantees it. Plenty of Good $2.00 and $1.50 Seats Are Available. Dont’ Miss This! COLUMBIA THEATRE -..—_.. - v JACK DAIL SERVICE Cleaning ends this week. Many useful and beautiful ar- - Positively to the Evan-; L ticles at bargain prices. 'aday. ngoutagrecn,‘ . _ white color scheme in.the deco- I gv P1-esslng . e "mi enta. “embers ; . ; . Altering . II nnient comini e are: I e = -» ......... M... n... Colonial: Tea and Gift Shop . 5°"°‘“°'f A Open at Night TYPEWRIT ALL AKBS 3 Months. $7.50 Up _RENTI.-ID of , - - » Journalism sorority. to the ‘\ lneniberspf ‘the School of_' i In to attend their annual 1 dinner which will be given; .3’ on the mezzanine floori . » DanielvBooiie Tavern the’ 4 =7 d larch 27 .-1‘ v‘ .1. ~- have been issued by; I - . Theta ' — 5 Kappa Psi. professional - fraternity. held initiation, V-533‘ . list nltht for Harold Nit-l -loieph. James Russell 1. of. Clinton. Keith Anderson 33:: « “ Eli-is’ . gt: ‘ea ” 53 tié Etéii . Y’S - First Rental Applies on Pur- chase. Balance 85 Per Ilontli. _ Writing Supplies THE SUNSHINE AGENCY — Phone! 692 Red ‘ _ Pedbcrtoii Hall I Phone 13 22 S. Ninth 351.1,.“ ,1...“ 1151 ‘ _ . --.._. C--_.—._—;_.-. ‘-7 . .__. . . . -- ‘ AMBULANCE SERVICE , Prompt Attention ‘Modern Equipment Day or night «Phone 53 The WILHITE SEED COMPANY announces that they have just received a large shipment of bulk gar- den seed from their northern warehouse. This seed is true to name and shows a high germination. We want you to see our seeds before you buy. We handle this seed in the bulk so that you may be able to see what you are buying. ' We also have a LAWN, a VEGETABLE and a POTA'IO"fertilizerfrom which we have had good re- ports for the last two years. a See us before you buy your seed potatoes and for the highest quality of field seeds. You will find us at 114 N. 8th St. \ -Telephone 1920 Green ' ‘ "Brooding and Feeding ' ment of (-nt0lriuln1_v_\' and coniig-ct(-dd’ 1 ‘Me on controlling harmful lfl.“l‘('l.\’ ‘— PAGE THREE ..__;. t._-_‘_.,——_._ night. The address will be broad-~ Magnificent Wonderful Colorful Marvelous Astonishing Amazing Bewildering Glittering Gorgeous Astoiiishin g Prodigious Stupendous Immense A we-Inspiring Glorious Pretentious Unusual Immense Colossal What? “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” ‘o Where? COZY THEATRE When? NEXT WEEK SHOE REPAIRING That’: Expert We Call-Deliver Call 63 Broadway at Eighth Garden Seed! We have the most coiiiplctt dock of bulk and package need in Central Missouri. - Lawn Grass Kultucliy Blue Grass. lb. 45(- Whitc Clover. lb. 90: English Rye. lb. 25¢- ltalian Rye. lb. 25¢ Onion Potatoes Scu-Sccd Every Seed it New Crop “If Better Seed Were Pro- duced. We Would Bare ‘lit-n." - NOWELUS Phone 74 Ninth anl.Wa|nnt