lion-wide avalanche of praise. . . Rex P. Barrett, Mgr. as..-nu c—oa——-o . -9 oag--gar>i>BRosi “Good Shoes and Good Service” the Boat: ‘ . C01-UM BA MIs.soui:1AN _f<5s?Ufi’I?1KT aIss0UR i -,-..s:x?‘rf<}‘Zf?=i$.T.;1:8..99J-!J.1&i3is-- ,- BILL INCLUDES EXTRA WORK, ._——¢- .._.v:————-.: __...._j.., ji?§H.19».1‘:E41 ._ ,- .iL?3'j1‘TEfiTIQIi_ 0NFE§§2Scll:\'g§ll{l?\l:\1CflURCH I P :;l.'ni\'ersll)' Faculty Coaiiiiittce and; go... S1.’5I1“f~3.‘53.!"T.‘_.‘_.‘_’.‘“.3-f‘+1.‘._ -_.- IDAIRYMEN FIX ‘ WAY TO STOP 3 I is 'TRUTHSOUGHT ABOUT 0u.iN Sill-ZRWOOD EDDY TO GIVE NEW SI-IRIES OF l.l-JCl‘l’Rl£.\’ Will Speak Here Before »‘the l‘ni- ' THE WEATHER Glimpses f . 0 For Columbia and vicinity: Mostly y nd unsettled tonight an ' - I 'CIl}(|)l!:l'sd a I , . ChurBhi.§u°;":,:‘;‘:"‘°‘ veriiity Assembly Mitch A ’ S S I1. ay. probaby rain or isno . C 7 S _ . ' ., _ O 0 to April 0|. . ' _ . Our World ~ + - OM‘ VER. Y...:.*:.::.:':,°.i.:';..°:::.::.::" CO LIDGE LFAD W“°°" """’“ “"":.'.::f I020 (1-WP.-\lC.\' secretary of the international «- mittee of the Y. .\l. C.' A.. will ;_’l't‘t' t ; — " , , ii series of lectures in the Unl\'(‘l‘sll)' Runuws 58)’ Presldentlal Auditorium. 1. 7:30 O't'lti(‘l;‘ q , ‘ ' . Sunday evening. March 30. he will hdectmn a Bnher) terian Church of Missouri met with ""‘"”’°"“"“"”‘ °‘ W 1.l"“"=“i'>' Johnson and LaFollette {‘*°_“1l)' 11153 m0!'!1in8 at the Rreaby-i . . tcrinn Church. to discuss Preabyter-T Splitting the Country To Return Containers to Owners and to Accept No More With An- A Charge for Air Compres--» sor Foundation Covers Caraway I-‘lays Cabinet Members. Fines should be imposed on all} cabinet officials who attended the‘ For Missouri: Unscttled tonight and Thursday. probably ex- cept rain or snow extreme south por- showing 0 the psey-Carpenticr other Services to_ .tion. Not much change in l(‘!llp('t'- 3"" ‘°°"k “"0"? 5‘“d°fllv3- 1 V0“. ' \‘ th i fight films at E. B. McLean's homc.; ’ CilV' He Says ‘mun.’ $ , Othcris ‘De cttident Stratton D. 8 kg_‘ In 4 or tall»; on “The l hallenge of the I’re.~- fl)!‘ C(lllll'Ol Of ‘ ‘ - I - O ’ . ' ' l . - 0 ’ ‘ ' I iv I 9 ." q%:a'lud)t‘:('l(a::t:f“i:’it ‘:)ll‘l‘erl"s::)'et3It):m0(lli‘A 6;) S'hippcr-s‘ forecast‘ Within ii ra . ‘~—--— i‘-Deiiis \I\?::l:ie‘t?' MIilcl:i'hEp;mL‘l:'Ca::td D_dl\Ota. u‘hl<‘i‘n(dl:: Tiliiturdilig More "1 h Pcn.”]euIn' . ' ' l I *1 S l y I . . - . l I ~ - ' ‘ _—- , ’ “ " ' ll . . 3l\b .. 1 .68 At MENT a- r -» -1- ~ - . MAIOR CALLS MEETING la a - - e - = - -. -- . . -i -» —~— — th- fl D0!’ of the Senate l>'0:terda)'- 9 , ms 0 ‘.00 m1 L8 of ("l“"‘l'"l ‘hi ‘ ' ~ 0 . “alter Williams and F. M. T15» ‘ ‘ * ‘ ' - ~ """‘l"*<‘u-‘> 0Ul'C«!"1l.‘U-* l !Ul'1l‘1“>- ' . . . . t l d the “den! statutes 2 met-,.-.t tempt-mtm-9 tonight will be. tdel and other faculty member, wen. CLOSE‘ RA( L L‘\PE(ThD Monday evening he will lecture on 00“ ll‘-J L‘ “V” OFFER Housewives Urged to Co- operate With Carriers [pi-e.-ent. Prof. Samuel R. Braden. .Presbyterian student adviser. said lull“ “"3 b°M'd had no irtatement to . "The Faith of Honest Doubt." At‘ ‘ , c—- . _ L0 ‘.‘l!o'clFock Tuesday morning. April 1, ‘He lielievcd Proposition to . i. .dd_\ will talk on Our Social Be --Shad}, Deal’-i north. east and south. 30 west. . ' The weather continues mostly ' iovcrcast and unsettled in pl'8('llG1ll_\'; against production of fight films in Warlfint Nola by Mayor — Engineers do President O A Two i One in Cities in Pref- - S ' - gall of the country from can to‘ ,v ' ' ‘give out at this time. . Problems: Industrial. Racial. and‘ Liner Carries $6,500,000‘ Gold. E umdt.£~ Tofaled ocean and from Canada to the moi bi Gmupmg Milk 5 The meeting was called by itoiphl GIT‘-Iltlal Ba1l0t- International." His last lecture or Szivs Gilmore Tht Rocliambeau. a French liner. $l!638°4:)‘ ‘Grande Valley. Precipitation in the B0tl-l_e5- iC. McAfee of Kansas City, presi- in r "W 597508 Will be at " Tuesdav S l w docked at New York this week with _ - -—-- —_ - orm of cold rain. sleet. and xenon-3 ‘dent of the board of directors. . 15' tvening lie will talk on “The Final on ‘Stand’ $6..'i0ii,0Ot) in gold, 55. .000 of! 3- “- 5""('"- llrefildelll Of ‘ht’ Si"l'~ general from t i Grandc Eiiihlw" ‘"3’! d“l"3'"“"" M ‘ i ' ““%"""‘—- i;,- i'...l...i i-.....'_—‘ J‘ Solution of Our Prob].-ms; ‘rm. _ -— which was to 1:0 to thcfiquitalilc. "W" C°¥|5lN¢U0I‘~ '0. Said the bill noithward embracing we-ztern Texas, ‘ “ nwctintr held at Police h€3d‘l'3“"‘ P"T' " Wu!’ GIVE "ROGBKAM l’Alt(;O. N. 1).. .\l:m-h l'J.—- Cllflnfnlri‘ Of In .\'t-\\' Social Order," ":\{u'”'.“ ""7." . Trust Co.. and the remainder to the which his company. submitted for Oklahom and a of ’an5a.s, and 1975 lhir m0TfllfllZ. nirreed in "3937 .Memb"8 of l - - ‘~ With 366 pl‘t‘t‘lll"'..~' tahulatetl at 5h°"“"’“‘l l”3dd.\‘ was here in the ; 1,. .Ab‘”L\('T0'\' MM-‘lb 19' -‘ O ‘ Federal Reserve Bank. 311315-55 on the Contract. IIOW C01!-Utcbraslta. I-Elsewhere only light ' ‘° “ -~b°“l° 00"‘-T°"°T33Y)'-ll ‘O Me“ T°m::_£v §i“°°'“'°“ 3 0-t.1m.t;_ 1}". Wu. ,.to.,.j; (‘....,l- winter of 1102]. At that time he dc. ‘ .,,:$”,n‘lln-vii u.) 'um»»\. lnuvht‘-))” jtestl-d. for a foundation for an air local snow, have °ccu,.,.cd_ -I-ho“. _ that dealers should return all com-1 Members of me P"em‘_Tmd,w. idge. 18.161: John.~on, 9,1361; liver-ed so i('.~ of lectures which ;m,__.i'd:,I:::: :;:cth‘;e:“;'£ 1'09’ “"3 3"" 3° '9 N“ "L C0l'l‘l)!‘(“‘-\‘0l’ at th citt wat r d ' ’ ~ ‘ - - - 9 ' . . . ~ ~--r ‘ tt- ~ '- -- l e _ c an was none in Missouri tlit past .4 I 0 1A‘80cl.u0n mu mtenam their hhs_ Lal-ollctte, b.o.-‘J. “"6 8 U‘ Pd ll) lame lludlulu-M “,1 c.,,,,,,,,m.‘, : began im...,.t;- Pope Pius has denied the report light plant «to not u.,,t,;t,.,,t 1,..- to“... n or before April 1, and that inl _ __ _ -, W--- . that lit.‘ lfl health. saying llllll cnflxc it ¢()\'(-rs work on another I Thp genera] at-I-ungen"..nt of at_- the future U11‘) ' Ould IZOUCCZ D0 a‘toT:1OrrI:;; .' "Set" I zligo “" ‘r"“‘:’ "'”“ ‘ __. ‘ Ullll FEl.l..0“.S \\.ll.l. E::“]t.”_”7' rumnr} in“: "H. llrtlsidllntlal he has net.” {en better. ‘gnmllcr foundation for u s“_\_icc.mmphm‘ic pressure is no‘ indium“. ‘UM beanm: unouwfs Sufi‘). r hr bu ie 8cv._IY ‘I10; f le I‘.-\R(.0. hlaroh 1.4,-“ i.h .\i-na- “ __ .i{ t_(llUltr_lllfll .\e:i,- w.-is the bribery ..__._____. ' ‘ ,- ' 5 . i - - - - .-- ‘C " ’ '. .«-: 'i.l'.‘ - - - '- . . . bum? and for work on a tunnel at<0f any pleasant sprint’ weather for “am boa!“ are W be Qn"leg':d b' has sumo” “I .0 10” Johnmfl ‘md I"'.F""”‘u wmmlg M (ummcmllmle .‘‘nm"‘'r‘‘”’ - in M U‘. {M mm“)! M {hi 5“ A nuieung of Bt-nah bond-hu]d¢3-3 the ,, 1 _‘ ' . sidercd common "_0 en , _ _ 0-“ ) 8 program. . ryan thg county-_v \'o:t=_ \~t.~t.,ry for pr-(.,~,_ 9'.‘ ‘n An" . lltiii s niitlimtll till n-.~uU!‘t't‘.~‘. ‘ . . . plant. seural days yet. I D 5- BMW M M- H I K h. . ~ - _ . . . _ . , of the Rams“ Mum’ and; tut t‘ b:ll Data for Columbia: lliizhest t(-ni- The cotilriiversv aros thei «’ll P 8 as con . S lpps delu.C.°°hd“o m the Tomb [whom -. Dr‘ P’ “ ‘me’ an (.’fl-"Tr °{ “W ( “Tm ml'"”"" "" Ohm "4""-‘ °f' Orient R3il“'a)' ycgtcx-day denounpefi e C0 L rue 10" conipan) 9‘ ° ' '“’ 3P98k Oil the health ITIOVEIDCHLJ pTllTl8l'lL'!~' &l)p(‘2ll‘('(l ll.\'SUl‘(’fl (ill [hf (olumbia 0. O. F. Silld l»0dlt}' that lliiliil ' lllt‘ \"00d cam- 1‘ 9 over or this work fuel that dealers had been t'ullt-cling‘! M ~ ' ' V i I ‘ . . d ' . ' 38¢ 1 V ' c -' ' o . ‘ ' ~ the propoga h -c 3 recegvefshjp _ _lN~‘ L‘-‘U1 hild ‘-1 - §"lmu.wh5°§:')c:r "5 .V'l"‘ . °v‘“[ _ d d 1 th -ni - . 75' El‘-’3“°1'B‘ll.‘ “ill Kl"-‘ 8 *0-y basis of tabulations made at noon the Boone (‘ouiity Odd I-allows .-\s- izstigii at the llepublican convention Md for the proper‘) “hen n is we. ?‘(.nd,,,g txhe __,m,mm.(. of _\tayo,.(;~l: uhi‘?l:::':t1l)l0L;1.l.ll()0fl“.'(slflgl:Egglulcbt‘ l\b::l!llifig ;lnr0t§:.\rlts l1l:uun’pYt'c8l solo and Mr. and Mrs. Chester today. .~=ociat_;'on to hold it meeting in (.iiit.;tg.. in th 1920 campaign. “on”; m kunsag (-gt). Ma h 27 it ‘.minett .lcDonnell on the voucher. “yeti-!mauon -0 00 ' v . ' .1 he Sitmmon was further °°"‘l1li-lJ"°8er will give it humorous nufll-r _That count at noon from pre- here in the latter part of April to i-neiied this pha.Z€‘- t-‘cm-ml \'~'r-od llllfl bi-on om-rt-d sup- of the British bond-holders. Says Similar (‘ontractia Apprmed . I The "menu: was mum by Ci“: T‘ "",t. , 5.952 The (oolumbia I. O. O. F. will con- putt for the noniinatiun if he would '-———-- ' .-\t the council mectimz last .\lon- f 0 _,tum.m.‘. Howard MM-or when mm: 4.0 L 3- HMXYW» 811111’ 108113510? {Of dUC'~ ‘he "‘°°“n[Z. but no definite let the oil into.-rests nanie the Secre- A ’“°u°" picmrc °f ‘bl’. ‘ccidcmi dd)’ Yllfllll. discussion of the amou Flam“ ~“_m_e made m him bv the - - - Coolidge, issued the follmviniz i-'tate- plans have been made. tary of the lzitt-rior in his Cabinet to the Prince of Wales in which his of the bill brought out that the city U S dealer“ that c0mpe'mon‘ A ; mcnt at noon: “Without clue-'li“‘d “Tm "Oil!" bill‘-' urvt-iit Y(‘('Ut'~‘t to the >- '. that all bottli-~ be returned to their" ' . . Sullllortt-r.» of both Sl'n£tl4il' llirain ‘”'°”“ '"“““‘*'““°“ " ‘ W"""3‘ W‘ “M "T H <'*'"\'<'T=~‘iI1l°Y1 With V The Rev. Charles Francis Potter, _ H" 1- I - A W“.‘ “.‘-l_’‘“'“ . . ‘ °“"-'‘-‘’'’‘ and ’“°"- _ . - General llaughcrtv toduv hunted for t ’ r . .. .{ h'- 1 Mt”. { the west Side Unitarian ‘“ l-hi‘ m¢‘t‘l”‘-l~' 0“ M1170}! u. and mom from American .\iinistt.r owners within the next ten days and S.!‘.ag.c operations have been Johnson and Senator ,l.iiiullettc . ' - t '- h_ . “THU nnmlii I. u 0 lo. ‘a lar- ph h?N Y ("t nd Mtd llllltlod th.-it hie conillanv had “bt.cii Franklin \lorali~< that tho ('()n_\un‘I(‘r be a~l£ed W C°"quu-tcd it was announced were both hupcful of Wtwn" Sm”. lack con“ m”¢u.JCm'Lh l M ‘be (mm Mwpnm’ “M” the ml ‘ands U"-' . CW 0'" J Y» 3 ‘ ' . . . " ‘ . ‘ “ ' ." v ' . - -. .- leiartnient 0. ll+?'l(‘l‘ re used to l ‘ "d h 1'‘ ll; ' ‘ ' ' . . . . . . , 1 . . . .. , t L3}. 11 .31.‘ _t tt. ‘ I out sul t at ills ta was so vague fit;-310“. ‘mm, "and mg opt-mpg _\t-5- ‘iU“*»”"‘- . > _ people in the :~'U‘C(.'l:s of the (‘ilplull L’ " l l ' " ‘ . ' . . 2 . _ ' I V ' ‘ ' _ ’t_. 0,’ -, t‘ .-1 . . 1. 1.. , . , -- .. '- I The umuum “mt”. ”,I‘.‘,:‘.u‘_,m“m by “W “W”. warring lmmiud rm‘- -',]m.,_-._ He then !1\l~t'I‘(l for suggt-5. T0l'\l0. March l»'J.—-l;lCUl(llX|fll‘l_iflL'f lit» n;ii..i- l'.lttl lIt't'l'. t.tki-ii from "1 ~nIi it ll n mu: riiiir if lhi tll llhil Tells til (nlleeliiin of Funds .-‘tfti-r (iilniurc (‘I|llt‘llJtl('il his brief lt'~llllllIl:§'. Janit-s ll. Garden. head of the Muttiul Oil Ctn, began ti .\li~l'_\' of l:i~ C1Illl‘('ll()h uf funds for the llzziiling prmmry rniiti-st among friends of his in lllv nil game. a usceruiiii the fact.-t aliuut the reported oil deal of \\‘.'i.~s'liiiigti-ii that the law \'..'l‘~ l"‘llIL' violated. The inquiry cevtcri-d around. lil- vestigatioii of the activitiu of tin- il..'lllll'(‘l Home Builders of Ainericu lll Ti-xas, and the reluctiince of- l|i.~- r\lllil'l'o(°_\' 7.\\‘¢-ift-l lii ]ll’0I'i'('4l lfl2§IlnFt the United Home Btiililers Zwithout dint-ct orders from Wash- tcrdav of a .\lodcrni:~t Bible ° ,, ;Taltahashi and his crew of four men the ballot mniiumi-.l in lllIilt' than for “fl§tpp('l‘.‘§ of both sexes. . were burned 10 tlélllll this liflflflltltilt ‘ the [){)llll('l!ul\‘ exp:-i lei . V\‘l'l(‘ll lllt‘ll' ‘ _ (‘ Cu l ' lndlt-alliinh‘ \\’t~ri- 'tiiil.'«i_\‘ that the while flying near Tokio. vote would be clo.-‘c among '11" three of the t~:uidiilatc.<. _g'i.i'i;7i~i A IVE” AT \’A!\'C0l'VlZllft:eorgia "l‘lVl|ll'l'SllJ\’ to l‘ull~' T053)’ ~ My L'i-iitrd l‘rv~—-. ATLANTA. tiuns from the ilziiiyiiii.-ii attending. (Eli-mi Davis, who l‘t‘i'(‘ll'.l)' sold? out his bottle interest» to the Cen-1. tral Dairy, i-ulirnittetl th. following, plan whereby each dealer should} . buy a cut and put his ii-nae ooh.‘-. ARM‘ bottles. registering them ‘at Jeffcr-v‘ .~0fl ‘ity. lle al-o suggested a _bottle clearing house at one of the \vas ziwariled tn the.-hilnnll ¢'*'mP=*".\' tion:.- and the lootint! of Anwricaii. "1 “W-“"""*"'~ -“'3 Sl"‘°" -‘“id- 1”“! Bl'lil.~ll and (‘liiizese .~‘toi'i-.~ has niade Wvfli lwltall lllrll. t War fl"l~‘3l""l- the situation very grave. Moralis re- lic 5-'ll(l» 35001 l‘‘'‘l‘l'U“''.\' 1“ sorted to the State llepurtnieiit. Wit" lI!'UUL'l'|l 1|!‘ U1 U11‘ “0U"('ll'>‘ Both the .-‘lnit-ricaii coii.~iilatt~ and ‘ ln‘‘I'1lnL' 3851 -"d"¥"lK|." ll)’ C"u'“'ll'lUl(E lemitioii were fired upon lI('f0l'( man J. l':. llillhmllll. Wh0 5l»8l»(-‘ll W3 the landing party (if Sfllltlrb loft lltt thought the bill was much too high.‘cruiscr Milwaukee. (ail. John R. Quinn. national coiiiman- I dot‘ of the American Legion. lute‘ verified the report that the legion sent 2| rt-pre.~ent_alive to Germany to; ‘ urge Grover Cleveland Bergtloll to! return to the United States. 9 very I-1 f6 Trip From Eugene Field. 0re.. ls Gu.. March l‘.I.-— Etfic Cherry. of vaudeville fame is and ‘hm he ‘mum "°_t."°‘e M,’ it? '7", N daifics “.h,.,(, mmm_uw,.5. ~ We 5“ 14398 Th!" TN! 1101"! ‘_(i|‘*f!‘£l11 W0"! 1” the PH”-' ‘l'*d8)' "3 mgtgnt .* 1920, Wal.-‘la issued it subpoena for luck in her mkery shop ‘fur wblacccmanccl The quewon arose m liolllts Loulll be brought and re— n— I’ ma b.“ am" But mdmnc n.'pmf”mCc J Demo. Fm” by D- D‘*“’kl"-*- P0-‘l1I1 in- (‘Emil Thonir.-«in. of Cleveland, who . . to the council could qlics- 1 4 i . \.K'{.(.O£.°{l'I_.R wmh “Nth W rratic presidential can Irate. yfiwflor of Dallas. the (_ommm(_(_ WM as_mL.i_.‘u,d with the 13", pm,“ With only Williani Gibb.- l\lcAdoo, e army world flyers arrived at 11 "favorite son." and Senator Oscar “l”-‘ml-" “l’l”°""d‘ 1‘ It-ornod that prmst-cution ofihis con- idcnt llnrdini: in the last nominat- Small Dairics Oppose Plan '- m tinn ii bill ‘ mr " for mayor at Cedar Rapid-<.; . d ,“ < S, 1 stated I . __T _ ._. la. 'I'ht-re.o,.¢;re three in the l‘8C(‘,:“\1-£1‘:-c]}:l1..:( . as . i. imoi . . . | Th suggcmun mm (_N)0>iu0n \,anmuvm_ Barracks M 12:0“ P. m_ Under“-"(id (‘N-‘‘“‘‘' l” ‘ht’ Driiiim-gm‘ corn was withheld because ur. its-‘ltlgq t‘ull\-cnll‘t;ll'. ' I -‘ and she finished a bad Lhlrd. .‘ ' ' v f- . f mt. em,“ .,. dent”. . . sistiiiit attorney general :1tt.ii(-hed to - tntitor alsh also announced -3 . 3,13,“... Intention); . Wm -‘°""~‘ 0 ‘ ' '- ‘ today after flying from Ell_L'(‘llA- 3 (.](,_.~.. race is. t-xpet-ted. _ . h H. . of I.’ ~ --,3 ~--— - the l’0t~tOfflt‘C Department had ren- 1 81 MT} - Int‘ -UT. Oil 018620310 and l('.'iSi-(- of Teapot Dome, would he r(‘t'11ll¢"l to the stand. piobably 'ridn_v Good - -- - Mayor Mcllonnell has stated he Internal Revenue Fund‘; ng l ‘ believes Mr. Simon. to be “acti n good faith." and that he understood . Del)1eted by Grafts Says Blair. The Bank of Worth, of Worth County. Missouri, with resources of about $100,812. was closed yester-é day by State Bank Examiner R. E.» Shelby, the State Finance Depart- ment announce . tiered an opinion holding that cer- tain changes being made in the ac- tivities would be sati.-cfactory to the °*"“’."‘°°.”.°"‘"‘"“'"‘: _ i orricizits or t'l.t’ll I-2l.E(T’l‘Ell This opinion. Dawlum said. was believed to ave crushed any charge:-' of conspiracy against the United Home Builder.-‘. made ‘3 Mr. Simon said he would "be ttlad to explain the liigb cost." City Attorney llnward Major said By t.'r.iia-I front. I that the (‘ity (‘uuncil “is entirely WASlll.\'GTON. March lll.—; Raving um within its rights if it l't'fU.~'t‘_\ to pay .\'t-arly 300 I'lIl|i(i_\'(-5 of the Buiicau.;m'. “M if he nfl-t_ndmL ' Mia.- Fish l"ffi4Vl¢ll-‘(Til ‘of Business ‘ 'omcn's Organiaation. t\li:’s=. Nell Fish was elected presi- .of this systeni. who trip um_.\.,_. of it N 1 i w 1 n BE SH l*('ll*D the law should be regarded and that» _______,, ______ ’ ‘ J “ ‘ J 'l'l£STlMO.\"i' IHSAR “'h" "b5“‘t‘~’d t” lb" “"p'~'“5" ‘vhichi Field. 0re.. in less than two hours. -——-———-— A — “'9'-lld 5° l"“”"'°d “F mt‘ “d"P‘i°“. Major Martin. in coinniand, said TO ’ t , I had been ntful. " "* - . ' \andivt_-r. rt-prt-seating the though much was White l-Iaglc Dairy. said he thought "Waugh win‘ he personally would go on record as I)ll\'l-IS‘ ll . —————. — he was willing to pay I.\ l.()S A!\'(:'El.liS TOl)i‘\\' R(:pub]1(!ans Of C0l.llll._V The British not-itfit-ncior Tits.-..t~‘oii .-' s th- ' ‘ t thi Aleuti i ls- .. . ~. . . ,. _ -_ . CT‘ ' ., ‘twat: “tmlwa’y\uni'iChmtku wait‘! m: tlu. bill. ‘H... (.,t,.,; n, his groumlt oifl llll.(’;’flltl lttttnui have In on tlls-; ‘0 “IS” ._.u’_,m.__Vt,.d that ,, L-..m.m| Mabel Ehormands (haulfeur Held on Nluot Hclt ' N . R‘-.- ,d,.m U; the ;u__im,” and pmfcp . posed Brmq‘ for llll:-‘ ullllmin that the law states. ( argu for Knln ‘md ”'rwl""""Lclean-up day I-e adopted and that all harge of Attempting 'I‘un-“”.l.U“.. ("L ‘Flu 55L“ T“ sioiial Woiiit-it's (Tlub t an organi- in effect. that “no work can be done duflfll’-Y l-hi’ l‘“"‘~ th"“° -‘'“‘’r’‘' C‘""' ’ bottles be traitiierivl and brought to" '0 Kl" D'~‘“"" -“ll” DE[“‘YED. INDEHNITHN iuitioii niet-tint! held last nilrht in the around-the-world airplane flight, it ' _ __ _ .. . _ -‘.3-0 _ _ _ _ . . ;_ ,. , _‘ _ _, _ ,______ _ . _ . Berlin musicians went on a strike‘ "lf work is done without such it "“'~1‘l' 1'1"‘-'51l$~’8l-lfll! ll"-' Internal Rt” R_ ”(,“.(.1l,t_ Om. of the Snilnllcr ‘"""“°° ("_"”' f°rm"_ chuufiwr't;:;;::)::o::na;»::,,.ni,::;1 Q“ Th; mum‘. onuucn kw“(')0,? I re lnabel Kinloth. second vicc-presi- - last week an held up performances contracts passiiig the council." he "0""? D¢‘l'_HTlm9"l- _ d(.ai(.,s_ Said t at pubucm. W“ T01‘ 51859‘ :‘°”““"‘_l- mm “F""“' wurthoum. At um _.m.(.um‘. mi‘. H’. Um,‘, ,.m,_m - ' ;fll.'lll., Alite Benson: sect-eta ', V l. 2 -¥ in fifteen°theaters. demanding that commented. “all ordinances‘ author-: T5050 dl5¢'h8|’l2£_'d lflcludcd 3K¢'M-‘R ,._,_.(.d¢d to ,_.dumu. the consumer t at was htld to anwter in -.ull<'I‘|0I CW" fonwsix aclcgatcs‘ elccwd m the m_:KING' Much m'_Si“ning of ,(.,.,-m Bcnwn; tma,tun.,_ (Runes ‘ ’ ‘ l-hell‘ ‘V8803 59 d°Ub19d- Th? d’-" llifll! P«'l.\'"1l'"1"fl>l“5 {Or “Wh “'°"1’5‘dl:pm’y c°“°ct°r5.m the field ‘lad n.u' he might do his part in the new “’d'’-‘.' the C We ".f “ucmmmg ' h- d’ . ,.d ..t* .; 1 5‘ th. Ch' 0_Ru5gi8n treaty which W- Griffith. corresponding secretary, . . - . - .' ditors in the 0 ice here Blair said. to kill Cortland S Diner. Denver l"“’“5 ‘P ‘"3 “ll m“ ”‘‘T- ‘l ‘ _"‘ , . - . . "''"d “"3 g"mt°d' They my’ re" "3" I)“ hdd up‘ The C“) Comm‘ .. ' movement. -11- - \' .-1'. we 1) 3- Th. Thur.-zdav will select dt-lccatcs to the establishes diplomatic relations bt-- EH3 P3h"l°l0'- min‘ "in? mfltks dai y’ ‘"5 "W pm“? to pay or how im regain $222?:‘:i?t(,?‘{ghcbo,::,“:.‘l]tint‘: 5°""“l ‘l“l'~""“'" "“”"‘l i”5u‘""°” :1'::1cl(}:1,?."t,:'\fgkitcttut Sit i,(.c,t:'.;m (. {('[)ullll(‘-all Cungressioniil District tween the two powers has been de- The constitution win read and Plans to the Ameri- 'm'vmcm “H mm “nrk my "" through forfeit of the bonds.)l‘llair WM". the" '’''m"'‘‘ {M Mm-h they —~~~-~ “'""“"ll"" '-ht’ R"l‘Ul*ll<‘3"‘ll1}'¢‘dl"d‘f{l"ll¢‘l)’-ll “'9-‘lcilfllctl t-i-‘adoP1*'d- M1‘¢'ll"L!-‘ 31"’ U’ M‘ ‘"1 “W-" "‘”~“ l"'-""' “" °”“"“""““l’l’"“" d" U01 Char!!!‘ the (‘U>'~0m¢'l'- “'97” TO BAIL OUT ITAIDERS State Convention. day. hegotiations between Rus- first and third 'l'ue.~«days of on ' ll. said, but he was unable to estimate‘ C8" IHFCTFIRUONI1 C°l’P°“‘i°"' ‘nth in: the contract.’ . _ offered to them for sale. —-—- -—-- Eight dc];-gate. ml] r('pr(:,\,1‘n[ sin" and Chincgc djpjomattg have mmit a readjustment of assets and the __V _ __ _. the amount lost. . ‘ Q . f h C , 1 “wine” “cu of “-itlhmson (0 u, . _ . elimination u all preferential (‘|l|'|t('|{ pl Ax’ To BI-‘ APR]! (3 —~-—~ — ~ 1"‘ ‘ “m""“$’"' " ff” "hm Their “flu” ' BOOM‘ CONN)’ lll‘l*Ul'l"':"l-* 111 1 ¢' been broken off The purpn.-.e of the club is to pro- ~ .- , ' ’ I g . . , . , , , ' l ‘ ' ' “‘_‘ V . _‘ ' ’ ' ' V ‘ 5 - ‘l ' - ‘[3 g I . .--.-1——- » :-—---——4~~- . _ ' , _ .4 ' . . __ board of d;,,_.,_.u,,,_ A Date for The Pill liottle la Deli-z IIARG ROAD A8Sl5SS.\ll‘I.\''l‘ ‘ l ' __ . ._ - _ gt HE , March 1:i__pmmim.m son . ). . are ..-‘i. _ . P ._ profeiiiiional women‘ an to brinz c _________ nite y . Z ____ -..__ “otfld ll“ MW) “lth the l"‘°¥’°'“ 5' ' bugincss men of wmiamson Coumvresent them at Springfield at the V Lnmdry O‘_n".s Injuries 50, R,“ members into relations of mutual A complete bomb factory has ‘nu. amt. tn, the pt-._-st-ntation of lligliway Now in Charge of Stat;-‘nation. lie quoted as an eiiample of. Mi‘ complete um filing of 32 700'00b.I§l.8lC convention. M3711 29-. ; n, ,d S,_.,5ou,,_ ht-lpfuliicss. p been discovered by thenollcc in C01-“‘The Pill Bottle." a missionary Plain C°mmi*~i°"—5'° NM '0' "‘° ''‘'”‘‘‘'‘''‘°'“’‘ 3’ W ""1" b°m°‘in bonds to obtain c release oi? F”"‘°” .“- ”*“*-“'“- °*““'"‘“." “V Howard w. Berric. who sum-rt~d miuiias i'i.i3:Aii§‘§‘«i1‘ ‘UIITY wtu_ The bomb, found are 3 great m M, ‘_,;\.(_n M. U“. Bcthan}. C;,(.1..' spun] 1'.x_ »tht-_ output of $400 by the Centraliclcnn Young and his K" mu‘ mm ‘the Republican county committee {injuries in a collision on p.ri_,. mad _“ * ; (I - adt-price ‘over the clum_y instru- has liten tleflnj-{$515. “at {M Ayrfl 6.’ A petition tr; an ul an .,,d.., Dairy for this one conzmodity since liquor raiders when Harri" cit ,:_\vill callttgc §0ftl\';3l'll..IUl'i :(.:H(Jl:"d(:°r.f{l.l E Monday night‘ is wghu). imm.m.(.d_ nwmwon ‘M form" Gmcmmem nicntr. used by reiolutionarlos in it will be at i:.l0 o clock Sunday made on June Ii. 1921. for the as- ‘Court convenes mmonom Arne 805,!-‘~ ¢l_!P'-‘C 0 0 00"“ . ‘-‘jug, injufics were pginful but not (mic-ial File Pleas. ' Lrillfd Pr!-nu. lust. August. . the past. night at the Christiiin Church. and sessmcnt of a tax amounting to 20 " "" .‘.'“.’T’ 3' Funny wen K1 u - M n f those‘ _. lwnoum 1;,- A '','’'g‘’'‘, l f G lfwill talte the place of the l't'l~'Ul¥lT'cent on each $100 valuation. was To ELECT . ’lndlL:ledan&f‘lht1l,tl't’l‘("::dat0d1(l’Y-c0 ‘hyvcral Oth"- Rwubmm-I comm’: Mr Bertie. owner and manager CIUCAGO. March 19.-Pleas of F . :"uLmf1m":i(:% R32; gmtencrnad cvezzing service. _ ‘filed today in the circuit clerk's of- Benton l'iirent~'l‘eacher Aiss'n. to. ac; K1,", parade, more an.“°"5. ow’ Um‘ smut.’ M.‘ "d°r“,°fo{ the ('4,)um1,ia Laundry (‘nu way». not guilty of indicuni-nus charging ‘fie ‘gm _d 5”‘ t _ .r ';h; litre my t‘ilzh1t‘1‘fl fllcmlleffi in {ice by Ruby M. liulcn. prosecuting Meet at 7:30 0‘clock. 31500000 in bonds was filed y¢5-iC"°l‘d“° ‘5 the p“""d"mw' m"d".driving his laundry w gun, which ('onl=pifltC)' and bribery were en- utxlw reason in at the cast llbsldcfi those git-in? iipeciiil attorney, The tax via: placed on The annual election of officers t"d",’ to cm," ton)”-“,9 of the date for G. 0: l:::_“ ‘mu run into by m mtomobnc d,i_ u.n.d 5,, t-,,d,.,.1 mu,-t by C01, ch”- l’ musical numbers. Rehearsals art-mu t,,,u,t,1(. p,.opc,.,_y in the “am of wt, Benton p“.c,,t,Tmch(-r As-+nimy_ninc indictments charging 5-0M.\-EEs._]‘n;.f I-.\-Opposgubccn by Raymond Wood. an employe l('h ll. F.()flX‘S, former head of the Bureau. and Job W. “ "°"""‘ " °"”°‘“"‘ "-" bcinxt ht-Id four iinws a “wk at Special Road District for thc mm: sociation will he held at the m:}iW:vorious crimes from larceny to as- 30f the R R- “"*"" "°"“"‘>' ‘'"‘‘:“'‘°'‘“’ . - " l . _....__’ ._ L"“"-" 3 - P03!‘ 07 llllylnlf the l"’i"€lP8l and» mccllfllt Ill 713 0'<'l"¢k F”d‘5'.sault with intent to murder in con-? Democratic Candidates for (louncil-‘Plumbing Co. Thoml"’°"' M‘ I‘°“l9 C0|11Y3Ct0Yi W’ A CONN" z¢'PD¢lin of 400 liorse- ‘V,-’lS.-rt;’B'[}_l‘{’(‘;i|,’(i’":l“"l"_El.L.R5. ‘interest on road dltilrlct bonds-eveniniz. Mrs. A. M. Rub)’ 07 "'95 ncction with Young's seizure 0 en Only Ones to Register. ‘ Mr. Wood Mid his wife. who \~'ai~:,d8&'- ? power motor to be. delivered to the ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _4 jamounting to $13,500. made for theéassoeizition aiiiiouizced this aftcr- "on-in during the booze war last The ykmmmtic c.,.d;d,u., fol-'l'ldlflK with him. were llfl_lllJtll't‘d.i ‘The indictment; charged Forbes i United States on at-parationa a;- Gincrnmcnl Asks Help of Rcprc-Ectinslrudloh and repairing of thcfiioon. I b .11 mo . Councilmen Wm h..,.(. "0 opP0,mon§Th§y tool‘: lttlr. Bcrrie “:1 his horse Wllhl .f(.(.,;I,u',l,{ mom.,.& gawk , count. will start its ixht acroaa t c: itentativi-it in Germany. ; on . ; The Benton Boys’ (ilee (in wt . -—---~---—7 _ _ lat the chem! cit (,k.¢,_i0n' A mean a oc or. it c. - . vs 0 agen o t e -inipsoii ac . Atlantic the latter part of May. lli'“l,¥Xi;cid"lI'\ri(?I.‘O\ M h w W .1 The roads are now in care of the ' give several 8('lt‘cll(in!~‘. 'lI'hc 935"-‘lzA'”0N To 81" munho 1. 3,. thf time for £15", c(.rfifk-‘pug;-f.l'U‘:LJl0d the cuts about mi‘ ‘N0 and for his tllll‘l‘l:('1‘l(‘(‘ \:'hIl(E hteadhofathc .7 ’ X, are .—— ins . ' R-. . _ .. . - ‘,2, Wiliam 'e.' . . , - . - - r. c iurcau n rn con rat-ii i e rm. A ."°"m81 ‘¢"5¢“"““l ‘““P"‘ 5" Uniud States coverntn 8 in--tilt: i.-inch din C°"i.'l‘l7”i‘l'i ‘i’li(:«i,\'f;:r‘o‘iiLJIti:iso‘ndkiilrcil Buciz. Gmww r’ M’ ‘O °fdn°m"tlm::li::iime:r ‘i~l"t‘('ll3th!‘delV‘l,t.3 The “con driven by Mr. Bcrrii.-' . ' . cxpccwd for 192‘ by .we Dep‘rt°t""'“°“'d d‘Pl°"“u° “ml °°""""" SPCCWI “5”°"“m9"l- "‘°“d O‘‘'‘'‘‘ .“"‘l R’ W‘ Mnxwelu Plfdsnzotndividindnth:“:np:inlier-tgandidittesc have filed. T epecandi-iwm‘ hldl)’ dlm38¢'d ‘ml ‘bl’ ‘chi ‘L A. A. E-—————-K75 "ELa’ATES In?!" 0£ A8TlCttlttIl9. with the 5.3"? I'l‘pr(‘5('nLlItI\‘Q3' in (.;('!'flI.Il1l~ [,0 ill . -——:—— \\'_ Starrett [.'lV(‘ ajship of the Christ-i‘n Endcnvor SO. dates for cohncilmcn ‘re: a. Ljfendcr of Mr. ‘vood's car ‘.’s bcnLEM"r. Ch‘ndlc' ‘ad A"n. m Vb ‘' l°“° re" ""1 l°“?“'h"'-“"""' l‘°"'“l’l° 5"“-‘"c“" l“'“‘°" nun“ SAYS "ls."-E703 reading and Mrs L V Stroni: 31 "0" ' C ' ‘ Ch h ‘nto'G - f t w rd‘ Carter Owen’ ““"""""”"—' ' Attend Conference selling prices suffered Inst yeah ‘l’t'|ir(*.t6eliluti\“cti who have gone io5 S'l‘0Cl\"i'ARD$ A MENACE ., 5..., ' ' ' '°'°"" _"f "‘° k"}”’“-"" _,,‘(','°M',,,, i "“'f," .','f,. ‘.521, ‘F gmm, ,,,i,d"lS MADE H"NDl7MN 3lS"‘"‘i . . ' ‘ ‘. :__._________ . Germany W “M Gmwr Clevchnd. ______ , . ‘ . _" uh groups to WOT or incrca < ii -‘recon. via I . _ .. - _ . y _. . ....__.._—: _ l Ml!!‘3.l)’fI Uiandlcr and Mini L An unidentified man leaped to has 80 d H d n d dz" ‘ n_wm.Co.umbh M“ I "and adore lrof. A.‘ I-. ltuhlmaii an F} Iancc. to arrange programs. and to;viard. and Frank B. Rollins. fourth‘ Lnncrgjty Dan 1; (anpccralcd lfl;A]m3 hh,pk.y hm-t. 1.9..“ ctcctut ” ._ , death from Lower Atth Bridge into h '3 ° ' ‘T h._ 0 cd- '- O 1 . i Senate Agricultural Coin» 2°" thc “d""“‘b'my °f h""l"': a mod" 11"‘ “C5315 W970 °“ulM‘d 31 8 mt-‘01-‘ward’. . : Elaborate Cereiaonialii. éw, A, A. delegates from here to if “in. turbutmt man of swift 1);-ift. °m° t” l‘ " "‘ m '°"""' ' 3;‘ min“ ‘ical examiner for the public !lCll00lS.finx of am Ch,-j,;t't.n Endeavor cnlii-' , "";,' fr"""""'" Qa, Isniu-d Fran. jthe Athletic Conference of Amer- 3 ’ ‘Ea; tiniua Pffill. ' ' not last night at Dow?!’ "lit Th!" (""“ " ' A‘ '° ‘ ST. LOUIS, March l'.i.—Tlie lit-v.,jt-an College women. which will be . 200 feet below, at Niazra Falls‘ leartied at the Suite Depiirtmcn day. yeiiterda). ' The government has not IRISH OFFICERS ARRESTBDi l'¢'Troops Gain Entrances to Dublin m‘ ‘cabinet is composed of the officers of Eljectiorti of ffficert of thtfr P:;’.Joiscph A. Murphy of St. Louis Uni- 3 be held in so-rkt-la-y, Cal” April 9-12. ' ———-— . . 1 .Chstia I-Idea , ll oommit.tee‘_ent- eacera isaociaion o e‘. 't-. - {¢dB'h [39,] ta '11} . tot)-,5 . The United States senate late yea. any promises to Berlflloll. it want mm“ Au" Niwnout SR“. :ch."fmfl': “ Jzrjoitt commi _ an schoo‘ win he held u 3;;l¢of’I::h:n:Ii; :l:‘||!¢¢¥‘lehbon‘c cl:n0"l:o ‘:1’. Hcnzgoan {grin ei‘e(.;s’cnt"h°Ol swag; he nomination of 5Nd- ‘pet,’ withdnwi con rable‘By United rm-t. ‘chairmen of the Christian Student o'clock tomorrow afternoon at thcjat the St. Franciit Xavier Catholic ithere is a woman's athletic oi-gut}. . Wm"? °‘. um p....;.. s;.,,§.‘.“y...,u. ispace from them. William at iiirut? DUBLIN. March i9._'n-oops to-‘Conxrecauon. Fscitooi building. Prof. A. F. here today. i - Cllilomii ‘-0 59 becroldn 0‘ “'91:, tiaii-ul en-. ‘ ‘ iof Columbia, Mo, publisher of the day iiurroundai a public house in Wiley Crawford. l"'t’55