—..-.<-. .-p--- 4- \ - .-p - as-aquvmucuo. -. n .- . , ....p..gn—a¥O¢§-4 9-unto-9 no Ou- -. - .... .v.-an ¢..- .....-.... ' '".. ..-.. -- .,-.—-——-ou—I . , ........—.-..u-ua¢-0n--u-o—h-l0- . .. . .. Ji.'..’~‘-I..‘-u£,~..-.._..a-a... .-_..-....r-_ .- ‘i 5:. ...‘I.‘, 3 - '.. r .‘ ‘.r.".".-- -. . " « iv’ 3 .- I L H - . l l _' - . _ ‘an iv‘ 5:. —-¢’ - -0 I‘ F‘ ‘ A ‘ . ‘ - . i . 1. gs.‘ l .. -- r‘; 3“ '- ’AGE TWO‘ ;‘ ; - 3 ,1 ' _ - ' 1 IAN, WEDNESD Y,1MA.RcH 5,1924 ~ -' -__ -- —. - A 7 ‘ ’ 7 ~ vll7hlA13B‘ IA'1..iz‘wO'nDkastv HOSPITAL FEE , ~ rot: nimaoauu. moms « Contractor j8:ya Act-oal Wbrk} Will - Be Begin: in Six Weeks-,-to _, . , _ . . Be Completed Next March. - Number of ‘Cases. Treat-. The we and 6%" l’“‘-“§“9"““" , -terials necessary for the DC- ed Daily Averages Forty-Five. I 0--—-—-'9'-—' l - ' " ‘ ' . d . M h .'‘l “.eek,,_ vgccofdlng to B._D. Simon. ' fa“:c?h:\;:;§:§n:.(’,: “.21, :3... of the construction .:ompany which ,3 . . J has been awarded the contract... of mom,-, The tower will be 200 feet high nQwe“_.r‘. figure, pm;-9 3}“; 4 in {and is to be 1923. the Student Health Service non year. lts _ at. the Parker Memorial Hospital ?II!‘¢hW}l)' <’""""_“‘ °_‘ ?°l'h"' ‘um’ ted ' the clinic alone. twice asrture to the Uiuversitys East Cam- many as the number of stuch.-nts.en- _ pus. - _ A 1 rolled in school. Except for this The memorial room of the tower incidental fee. no charge is inade’is to be finished in marble wiftbl for any service at the hosphal dur-‘floors of art marble. ‘This i°obrn,_ ing the semester. Mr. Simon believes. will far sur- , _e service is a health - according to those in change of tht-have subscribed to it. ere will cynic sen-;g¢_ The hospital gain-lbe a spiral stairway of steel to the bles that‘ the healthy students will top of the tower. The huge double- outnumber those needing treatnient. faced clock will have figures and it’ man)‘ students starffd 38 10118 8-‘ hands of bronze. the one who came in the third week To give some idea of the of the semester find W-‘malncd size. ‘Mr. Simon said that about 60‘ throughout the term. the huwllal carloads of exterior stone uill be. base will form an _ I'0lIl(l flUl._l)t‘ able 10 fl.ll'lCl»lOll long. used '3;n(] 1'20 cafluads of other: The Student Ilealth Service, be-',u,.._c_ Thu-,_. Wu] 1,... m.m-1_\- 2,900 sides helping to keep the students hand, of ,_.,.,m.,,t and mo”. than . i“"‘"- l°‘“3h°5 ‘hem l°ni’l‘” 6”" °f.$20.000 worth of marble iii" the ‘in- . their health. 5Wd¢"“5 “"5 “fl-"’d terior. The tower is to cost $240.- to come with all (‘1lSt‘.~; And they 0o0_ g o. The average of daily vi.-its to 1,. mp “M1,. of 11,‘. np¢hu'g'_\' are the clinic is fotty-live, eases vai',\'- to bc stunt’ hanels on which the 505-’ {Wm h"“d“°l“'- ‘°"*m“l-‘r °°!d"' iiauw.-' of the :ilun‘.ni and forntet‘ ‘ad l"f‘~“'u°“‘- w r“‘"-‘' m“""' “'1' studeitt: who died in .-ervicc ‘dur- menu. The 1-studenti.~.putto bell in’: the “'0'?” ‘Va, “-511 be on. at the hospital if his ailment is sc- m.a._.cd_ ’ rious. Otherwise he is ‘given “ prescription or advice or both. The University is anxious for .~lU- dent.-i to report immediately to the .. hos ital if ill. Cases can be ad- ,_ ,. , . mixed at any hour of ‘he du}. ;_,. l’arson«.~.'V\.ill lie on‘ Inhibit night as there is always a _\'si- fl ‘n"°""y ‘Nb’ ' - ;.;,m,1.m5i,. is The Art l,over:‘ Guild will open plued on me n.,,(,,.{',,,,: of minur its first reorganized meeting with cases as they axe often the .begin- 1| ll‘<‘l'l‘ll°" ‘ll ll“? l;-;":;"';'*“'--" Cl"l—’ nin of more serious ailments. This livunis in LaU\f*"P 3 Wm 5_ *3 ‘ ‘Cue in the cast. of l] o'clock Friday night.t invita- tions are now )emg sen ou . J.nu.r}.' p‘.bru“.)._ and Much’ On.thi‘.~ qccasion there will an the "shut-window" months. are the “"l"l"E‘°" ‘‘f the “’°rk5 Of I'M‘ bug?“ I“ we hMmw1_ A5 mum. Carl be-ntry and Paul Parsons who rt to t e c inic in one ay. ur- _ _ , _ _ lift: these nionths. There is it c.m- pr'nc'p"'l "mes M Europe lust sum- siderable decrease in cases in "'"'r' _ “open-air" weather. The summer Tl“"‘" “in M. ‘in °x""'."i°" 9‘ months have fewer cases as mo»! l"‘l'"‘-""l°“l"~ l“““"""i" ‘Vhlch “"11 of the students are at home. he - t out by the Durand-Ruell L33; 3-‘ear 15_43_*, raw. M.‘-(. Co. of Paris and .\'t-\'»' York. at the treated in the clinic. Of these. oni_v (‘ml Ul We "Will - M9 were surgical cases. There 'wei-c L. S. Parker who is doing an 994 students having “ho.~'pitaliza- work in the Capitol at Jefferson Cit)‘. tion." Many operations were per- will lecture before the club in the formcd, these also free of charge. near future. Later there will Ills) most common be an exhibit of etchings. - . There are t assoc .of,}peniber. ’ ship in tho.-‘Gui . Active nl3mber- _ The Student Health Service vvh-s ship will be open in all nnn-.<:ud(-ms, ¢1Wbll_5l"-‘d I500‘ 05"? .\‘Nl?-*‘ 820. with an annual fee of $2. .Studcnt lfost universities do not have this member.» will be given all the. priv- 8 _ . . .. . ART’ i.ovi-:Rs' (:l'll.D T0 iuvn Rr:cr:e'rio.\° I-‘ltlU.\\' pneumonia. ‘service. although some have ii di:’.- ilcges of.the club at exhibitions and ( pl'nIIf')' SCFVICC JUNIOR r.ui.\i"its' vvérm til-IR!-:;APRlL 30-MAY 2 Is field for and Voca- tional Students-—Rateis meetings. but not entitled to vote or hold office. Their annual dues will be S r. s. i.<).§'Sti.5[i.i§ ~is‘iio.\'oiu;u' “Traveling Bag {CH-':n at l-‘arwcll . nest . Party at Christian Church. . . , _ ‘. -Junior Farmers \\.eel.uill be held pm"; 3. Iflnsdlile. who i,_ to am‘ 3°" {mm Aprll 30 ‘° M“? 3- niovc soon to St. Jon-ph wiicre his ‘‘ “"5 C'°"°“‘’ "f Al-"'l‘-‘ll’ daughter lives, was ])f‘('.<(‘l'l1L‘d with ' The °°""°"l'5 ‘ml Pm’ a traveling bag last night at —a fare- xfllm "m °P"‘ l" m°"‘l’°"*‘ "l well reception given in his honor by my’ "la, ‘"15 9'7"‘ dubs _““d l” the elders and dcucons of the First students lit}. vocatignal agriculture chriflgnn Church‘ v . - - 0“ mm mm‘ ccommlc’ Mr. Lonsdale is one of the Oldest. ’°“ ‘‘ member of the First Christian to grant reduced rates to Columbia _ g for the occasion and for State High Church hen" He h“ "'.“w “i (“'3' school Du,’ 3!”, 3‘ con. church clerk and vice-chairnian The pmxnm ms not yet been of the board of deiicons for a num- definitely decided upon. be’ of ’'"'r‘‘ ' ., i ' - '- The committee \\'hlCl'l-?8'fl'1lflL'(‘tl' at! th o-_'—.—- @URCH MEET the reception and present e l( — , « ‘-—** -r, , timonial to Mr. Lonsdal‘ r hi.- “omens Board of.Chr_tatian Church faithful scwiu. “#5 mm nf R_ ‘ '° . “°"" ii. Gray. J. G. Long and Dr. S. 1». executive ., 5 °f the Smith. Women's Council of the Christian . __- _...j.- Chuuzh will hold its regular mommy SEEKS SEAT is Conant-:55 meeting at 2:30 o'clock Friday aft- ' —-———v'-—- . J."-" ernoon in the lecture room of theJG°"°“'°"° Cl"'l"1‘-"""' E"“"“ ¢}m,¢h_ ' ' Against Florence fluberwald. .Tbe general work of the council M ,""‘ . I ‘in be diwuued ‘M New" “ l\E\} ORLEANS, March 5.--Mrs. .n “La”, media‘ the f°“owing.Genevieve Clark‘. Thomson, daugh- Fri 5,. e cxecufiw bond com ter of the late Lhainp Clark. today ‘in: of ‘N we Oman of the comb qualified as a candidate to succeed en. - V. the late Congressman Garland _ , ,, ,___,,_____"____ Dupre. She has the . Prat“ )1, cu-in 1, [)ud_ I “old regular" Democratic political _ .Preaton'li. Carter. of 403 0.}; organization and her opponent, Miss mfg U flcm. at his home Florence Hukrwlld, M8 the bllfkr this morning. 1- was a member of ll!!! 0f “N lfld9D¢nd°Ml- ‘ the_St. Luke Methodist Church. He . A "El," - -To Give Play at Christian College. open ‘ no“ pl.” on Wu‘ "Quality Street". is the. play to be t It f . nu - no‘. .or nun”. ya" ted by the Mary Arden Club ' '. be To Testify in Ilollflly Trial. . .. Chief._of Police Ernest Rowland,l!<‘¢ Sheriff l-‘red. Brown and ‘Deputyut ilk Sheriff Wilson Hall have gone to oberly as witnesses in the case hargul with steal- . ' '—------ -------— . Pb ‘Will Address llertieatunre Society. Dr. ll. D. Hooker and A. M; Bur- roughs of the 'l'.broaael. which was taken by_ bland Adams. will be played by Josephine Dcmeree. The reduc- . tion is under the direction of Miss 03 “1¢.u"l'!"'3ll0'. In in 3891; Harriett Jean Trappe. address the annual meeting of the 3&5!!!" to DI I. )1 3 sag. ggmguimg-.1 The Bethany Circle of the Chm. eiety. « '~ - _ ti::“Churcl; Jlockhold ajbualneas 4-.- ‘ 2» , "-.- ng at o‘ tomorrow after. |'o:.IId Bore '!‘oday..noon at Lorry There will 15¢ .A and ~Jll"a. E. a -monthly report of eoniinitxees; and; Ilativllle were ilI.C0lIIlll!lI todayvclectlan of an-.-m for next year fb. tbafitocral-o(John'l'.v!iIlbebeldL 3 . pt 74;... -.....,:, toad to see Tbaliaa Play; fnie Guild urging _ Colum- zu. High School will mm .,a,,—i ' moat-'7 - L P ‘Kn§ve“ot;¥Iuits." “.58. '0?‘ 9* ' - . Friday evening. The pig‘; P'¢"l00Il.Vian presented ata P’ laueaibly. , SL3‘ . ition. of theilzlemorial Union ifiufld-' grumble" pass the expectations of those who’ Works of Pf;f:._ Gentry and Paul ( nchool . ...-.-.-'_..-..:.. ........ -'l i‘ -.. -,~-_.$._ *DAR‘i3F0R ’l‘E..ll’CHE-RS HERE Credit in"F.duc’ation a Re- quirement in All ' Classes. C. E. Noruicutt. sountv surrerine ta-ndent of public schools. has re- ceived a revised list of standards for accredited high schools in Missouri completed in N-IP01‘ °f'from _CharleslA. Lee. state superin- tendent of public schools. Superintendents and principles of first-class schools m have co pleted at least 120 semester hours of college'work,in a standard insti- tution. twnty-four hours of which is in education and nine of which is in administration and supervision. High-school teachers must have complcted 124 semester hours in standard college. at least fifteen hours of which was education. They must also have at least twenty-four‘ hours college work in _one major subject with a two-hour course n teaching the subject. Superintendents and principals of the second-class schools must have completed ax, least ninety selncstcr hours of college work in som standard institution. fifteen hour of which was in education. and five in administration and supervision. Teachers have completed ninety hours work, at least ten hours being in education. For :'-p(‘cl:tl subjects the require- Iltt'lIl.< are the s - for first and scc‘ond-cla.-.- . except when l.l'ic' teachers tear t\\'o__ .~tIbj(‘ct.~'. then fifteen hours are required in the major sub)?-ct and ten hours in - e of the niinor subjects. with a two-hour eoiiuo-in--oust-buds..- ' Principals and teachers -Alf the iird class schools must have coni- plated at least sixty 5clll(‘.\lt‘l‘ hours credit in a college, including at least seven and one-half hours in educa- tion. ’ any Y. .\I. C. A. OLD First Meeting of Organization Was Held Here in 1890. Today marks the thirty-fourtli 8IlYll\'t'l'."lll‘_\' of the first busiricss riveting of the Y. )1. C. A. at the Uniu-r.«it_\* of )ll.\‘:'—otll'l. which w::s held March .3, 1830. On Jaiiuary Id, 18100. preliniiiiary t~lPrl.~ were taken to organize the as- .~'ociation. and two days later llnrry , Chapman was elected pt'e.~ldet1t. It was not until Marc 5. however. that the first business-nieetiiig was held and the organization coui_nlet(-d. '. llovt-,\'. secretary of the Y. .\l. C. .\.. has the original book in which min-.i'.e~ of the-_ first meeting were rm-or.li-cl. One of the item.-t in the uiinun-.~ of the f'.r.~t iiieetiiig wit.- a motimi that "3. comniittve be ap- pointmi lxy the president lu .~Oll('ll sub.~t‘riptin.'x.~ for furnishing Y. M. A. Hull in the cart wing of the L':iivcrsit,\'." . l A _ . , . . DR. .lE.\'Kl.\'S T0 Sl’E.-\l\' HERE Kansas (fen,-":$iensL{£§win Address .\li-A ” Meeting. F. W. Smith. president of the Boone County .\lcAdoo Club, said to- day that. judgintrifrom the results of the letters sent out inviting people to attend the meeting at the vou ousc tomorrow ‘ Dr. Burris . . M will speak on “\\'o His l-Int-niie.-'." lie will probably in- clude both moral and political prob- lczii.-= in his address. Doctor Jenkins is one of the lead- ing ministers of Kansas City ' d is vitally interested in political issues, ()Fl’l('l€RS VISIT llliltli T()l).\\ .\lcxico lllililary .\¢-ademy Men In- spcrt R. O. T. C. M ids. "apt. 1!. .l. Kw’: and Sergt. S. .l. Wheel:-r. of the Mi.-<.-zutlri Military .\('ilfll‘.'!l}' at Mexico, WCI1‘ in (‘o- ll-l?llll1l lo'.lu}’ (0 observe the nit-t!i- od:-. of kc-oping record» and storing eouipxiu-nt in the R. O. T. C. head- «iuarters and Mrircroonis. hey plan to install a similar -".\‘stem in the school at .\le: I AM§0 TODAY'S MARKETS East St. Louis‘ Liswaf uy United Press. March 5.--Cattle--Receipts. 2.500: .,..n, ‘market steady ‘to strong;' native. 3- h 5-chm] Omhe t beef steers. 87.65@8.75; yearling if-he pmgnm Wu’; 3.. steer!» and heifers. $8.‘-'5: cows. Hui-ic .. . .. u..i..-..:-. t.50@5.75; canncrs and ‘cutters. ‘IN 1’-V 0' 1» mi Fr"-I» 3.5063-25; Cllves, 810%; st°ckers"l'hc Ha-on Family Now on lrjabibitiud. and fhvderst _~_‘_ father‘ ilrililllaack Hulctt Coioper llogs-Receipts, 18.000: market an-ac . . . . . . . .. on-s.-.m. r . ,‘. . Cu id and Cadill . . N d’ r ll II J to ‘ower. hen‘)"‘7.25-@7"5. Ilrl’ Itddlc-rilbi-' Cut: for f'.l.ll'Cl'7l:lt'~nll) . medium. $':.'3o@':.45; ‘light, $6.50@ - ‘ I - “ . .. . Uvfrtun Nichol: 4-"53 llfihl light-8. ‘5-|5@¢-35} Duck‘ Mis- Hazy’: Matrimonial I-‘.1;-c-rn-ore v’ -' ' 3 ‘ . $6.00 6.50‘ i , $5.00 .. . . oiaay. ldl ml sows @ " pg“ @»'n.- old. old sum John Berklcr 6.50; bulk. $7.l5@-7.45. ‘ _ * N air . . . . . . .. . . . h I lShC('P--_R(‘C9Ipl.'a'. 1.0005 “““"“~" “The contest will be postpociitid mad-"=' °“"‘5- 355'-°@3°-9°‘ °=*"' if the condition of the roads does ncrs and cuttcr.~i..$2.50@G.50; wool not “now a large crowd to attend. lambs. $l3.75@‘lfi.00. __ c. s. c. caaixii-:'rs T0 .wn~;ia'r Discussion Will Be in (‘barge of Miss Eva Davis. There will be a joint cabinet‘ meet- ing of the Christian Endeavor and o v-u—v——... St. Louis iii-Loducc. .-1". LOUIS. Blanch 5.--E .- First coiihtry candied. 22c; ordinary firsts. no quotations. Butter-Creamery extra. 475‘-'C3.Biblc school of the Christian Stu- Slfiflilflftlfi "0 quotations; firsts. dent Congregation tonig at 7 434': seconds. 4 . ‘ ' o'clock at Lowry Hall. The cxsbinet Poultry--Hens. 23c_; turkeys. I.’.6c: is composed of the officers and com- spriiigs. 26¢; ducks 20@23c; geese, mittce chairmen. llfillilci COCKS. 130- Al F l-Iva Davis, student secre- Ch?!’-‘rt’--\'.0nh¢l'n 31'-11‘? tary of the Christian Student (‘un- SOUHK -'\m¢l'K'l|. 230- gregation. will be in charge. \\'ny.- _ _ “‘_"" , of improving the inu.~.'ic and pro- ” ‘_nm§'i,rl::""' Cfhh Gum’ granite will be di:-cu:-st-d. and the ST. LOUIS: Munch 5.__C0m__.\.o' crozriiittce chairmen will make rc- 3white,77c;July.82c; Scpt.,8l 3--lc. 1” ‘- _ _ _ Oat.-—!\'o. ‘.2 white. 50@5U‘-'.-c: Y W C ‘ or W. No. :; white. -is-‘*.@4'.o',.-c: .\'o. 4 .;,iss' I'4O’u'iq_ ';i°0"lmL':q"° white’ "8@4S:"c' Dec‘ 50a‘c' use of the ‘National ‘Student l‘¢~— \\'llL'ill (futurel—Jul_v. $l.l0:'ai paruncn‘ of the Y. ‘V (x A ‘\"l"'- 5"“ "" _ be in Coluhibin next Monday to meet "‘h'="“ (”’dl“\°' 1' Sl'“""-‘('7' with the local council. and with new 5l);_16\"-;1';;‘033\°° who may desire to discuss the - if ’- .-3 "- 2 - with her. Wheat (hard)--No. 2. 81.11%. .___.j_. Soils Course Offered for Summer. Cnklsrliu‘: (gnuncnns .10 The College of Agriculture will CO.\'\ ENE HERE ll\ APRIL age, 3 A - fiiini "indude “Wat”. summer tcrni. Courst . . are offered by the University so that 7proper soil maintenance may be better understood by the farmers. twins. oi ‘rt l'ro_:ram Known .\len and Women in Religious Work. The program of the annual con- vention of' the Christian churches L-_ H. 5_ count" to Me“ 1-omofl.o“.. "l Ml5f‘°"_“v l0 be had 53“ -AP“! The Student Council of the Uni- l’j7- “"" "lcllldc "°’“° °f “"3 '“°_5‘ versity High School will meet to- “"d'~'l)' l‘”°“'“ ‘"9" ‘nd “'°m°" '“ niorrow to discuss ussenibly pro. religious work iirthe state. - §_ “rs. Ralph Latshaw, of Kansas _- _ -- ~ ~ — _ City. president of the Christian '92‘ ‘“‘_lf (‘F"°"‘ E’_‘l’°"l°d 5°‘"" \\'ouien's Missionary Society of Mis-‘ Th? I '”"°”"-" l’"bl‘-“ll” _""l"“_"-‘ Sm".i_ Wm preside at the .{lemo0n’uf5l{l1pnitvnt. of thle 1924 _LY£'i\'crsi;;_\' and evening meetings A ril l, and ° - l55°‘"' .9313 °f~'-‘ “"l "l '« 9 Mrs. Burris A. Jenkins iif Kansasl“°"‘ W" 5'--""" City. vice-president of the socit-ty.l will preside at the morning meet- ing of the same day. In the after- noon. Mrs. Laura White Cleinmer, of Kansas City. general aecretafy. will give a report.’ J. \V. Darby, of Kansas. City. will speak__at,thg m ‘i . l ing meeting April 2. and WV." D. - tires, of Kansas City. will give;-anl annual report. J. H. Stidham. of i‘l€Xlt'O, will lead in discussion on the morning of April 3. . Between -300 and 500 persons are expected at the convention. They will be entertained in the homes‘ ‘of Columbia. Barclay Speaks to‘ Alph; Pi Zeta.- Alpha Pi Zeta. honorary social science fraternity. met in regular 1 o nhmg try a Missourian want ad. GET READY l“t'°1lY1l-' Monday nizht at the Col-- ers. Ornamental tt'ecs. evergreeiis, hedge, all can be let-'0 Inn- Thoma-5 - 38 lie seen growiiig on our nursery grounds. on “The National Conference On the Science of Politics." The new Lomumu \_UgL_mhh_ and month were received at this meet-‘ ing. . : Drop in Jimmie’s , \ " More Across from At six o'clock and hear llxidncofgcifi. the Glee Club concert ‘iii ooivrnsr n llALLS\'lLLE in Carpeatcr.ME"Pro.g'ram Will Be Discuss ‘Given "Iueada '. 'l"hevCarpenter Medal Contest will ‘ d at the Methodist Church in and fraternities were djscussed by Pri dy e V O b9 h _ NATIOAAL STQCB YARDs' 1"" llallsville next Saturday night. Music! Dean Bessie Leach ‘ be tarnished by the Centralia sorority chaperons at 9 o'clock yes-V " you want to buv or sell some-’ B,£;:l—aC0;s~' Bessie Leach Priddy. Regulations concerning sororities before terday morning and before a meet- ing of fraternity chaperous at 10:30 o'clock. ese regulations will be rcportcd to a meeting 0 and house. presidents next Monday Dean Priddy said that the status of the chaperons' authority. which has heretofore been unsettled, would Dean the gnrding students are announced_ Monday night. Illustrated Memorial Bulletin om.‘ A bound bulletin containing photographs and drawings of the proposed Memorial Union and Sta- dium. as well as unions and st.-i- diums on other campuses. is beim: sent to 31,000 persons who have at some time or other been registered in courses in the University of Mis- souri. This includes students who have been enrolled in the F.xtciis;r-xi Division. These bulletins are being mailed from the office of R. Hill. alumni recorder of the L'ni'.'cr::ity. Srrrialifil “'5” Visit To :1 C0t.lntit‘.~. B. l.. lluninu-l. ('3ll(‘ll!~ltill .~p<~:-ial- isi in community organization. will leave Columbia today for Caldw--ll nod Ray counties where in: will visit .\lur:ible and Rnckinghaiin. BASE BALL GOOIJS Draper 5; Maynard and Reach base ball goods- Louisville slugger hats. Newman Hardware (0.. 100-1 Broadway. phone "" ‘.1! a l Shoe Repairing Called for and Delivered Shoes Rebuilt ere Look Like New SAPP BROS. Fresh Vegetable and Flower Seeds Now Ready The best obtainable siirul-in-i'_v planting can begin as soon as you can spade the soil. tiful spiraea Vanboutti at 50c delivered. sbrubbery such as Lilac. Snowball. Hydrangea. Svringa. Deiitzies. Prunis. H0nC_\':~’ut'klc. P)8l'l)C‘l°l°_\' and many oth- (Tome out and select yours. 01' llhom: Columbia Floral Company 13 Green Houses 20 acres of ground FOR SPRING housantls of beau- All other flower Dlztlits in st-zisiili. * ‘Green "nllt~'(‘.N West Blvd, and Asli Phone 920 broadcast from the -Q...-. Kansas City Star. ”‘ Q‘ ' .""‘—"':-K11,-, ( . finds can be collect ever. the truth. . . Mrs. Boiina B. Charlton 13300“- 'w '5 Kosloff financial -advice that thought required; to care for trust funds. I '- ¥ __ , Family's Future." ... . ".~a- ‘la . 1. 7 ' ‘ ‘ . I K ---at; ‘T.’ ‘ ' ' I N J _ ‘-'4 '1‘ "e715... - ms" ‘~""“5';. ;$'o3.f3‘LL.“9“-C Trust F ecs- How They Are Governed V ANY _l3€I‘S0I18 have a vague idea that fees in the administration of an estate or a trust fund is whatever the trustee Al are FIXED BY LAW and the trustee:‘hiere1_v accepts the fee for his services that has been det_ermined as adequate by the, laws of C ‘A ’ ‘ ' ' Send for our booklet. This is npt.l1ow- administratipn fees You will find that this fee is sui‘p!‘isin'gly small even if you consider activities required of the executor and not think of the invesitmlentfiserviée andthe just the ‘simple do is involved and the accurately and safely “Safeguarding Your A snavicn-suit? [N OUSB CHAPERONS MEET ' Exactly what you need is a P.cm- l I With Dean ington Portable Typewriter. Let us give you a demonstration. The Co-0p.Storo. Phone 879. Author- ized. ‘Remington -Se_n'ice. __, *-__.._..___j.. . . . ... - , —..'. MONEY FOUND. "Old Mag-axing, Phone 3_ 2 Will 5' KLASS COM. C0. Al _ .,.._ .. . - - A a-- - - - - — _ f chapcrons" _ ‘Live Stock. Sale Saturday, March 8th ' théi‘ ' "right Bros. Mule Barn _\'car the \\'ab:i.~li Stock Yards _in Columbia. Mo.. sell to the highest bidder flu-‘following Live Stock I2 real good farm mules. to ’“'or '. I pair 5‘ year old mules, extra good team. 2 good work mares. heavy in foal to jack.‘ 20 coming yearling esteem. all pure bred and fine quality.“ 16 registered Hereford heifers. coming yearlings-—will makg a fine lot of breeding cows. 3 purebred Hereford yearling bulls. 3 or 4 good milcb cows. Several good brood rows and stock hogs. L’: extra good black face breeding ewe.-s. none lambing. Automobiles (me 1923 !‘ord (‘ounc, in good repair. (lite 192! Ford runabout with truck bod)‘. .:- Une 1919 five-passenger Moon, in good f¢'P=Ii|' S.\l.E .‘\T l:00 l’. M. . J. A. STEWART ' A Powerful Present Day Economic Force- D\'l-IRTISING is yet in the earli- . - est stages of its development.. I\-loulding and swaying public j opinion, causing people to buy‘ and to lla\'L preferences. it is a fas-_' cinating study of human desires and . their fulfilment. Frank L. Blanchard -- One of the best known of today's zulvertising e.\'pei°ts, a writer of na-_ tional interest on advertising subjects, and director of public 're'la‘tiOns'o'f one of the world's largest public utilities ‘ corporations, will talk on: “Some Popular Misconceptions Regarding . Advertising” ‘ THURSDAY . --at eight o'clock in‘lhc ‘evening ‘in the Audi- ' toriiim of- JAY H. NEFF HALL ‘p Because it is believed that this lec- pg 'ture holds much that is of? general‘ interest. there will be NOCHARGE ‘ for ‘ADMISSION. ' ‘ The. Public ls _ - -‘ .. I -3 1 4 4 _ . - — -uw~¢a——--c--uu s-xv-vv~—o-er--a........_,».-._-.-— —. ~ -...__--V.. The WILHlTE smzo CoMi>A_m' announces that f 1119)‘ h8\'6_ lust received a large shipment of bulk gar- ' den seed from their northern warehouse. This is "true to name and shows a high germination‘ We T want you to see our seeds before you buy. We andle ; this seed in the bulk so that you may be able 0 see what you are buying. . We also have a LAWN, a VEGETABLE and a . POTATO fertilizer from which we have had good ports for the last two years. ' ~ - 7-'.r.'-"w 1'0’ ‘ t *- .v"“l9q-O-vO~vQ1 See ‘us Before you buy your seed potatoes and for the ‘highest quality of field geed3_ ‘ . You will find its at 114 N. Stlr St.— T’elephone.I'920§‘vnen“'* "r ‘-‘ 3 and 4 years old. all bi-ck‘, __ §fr_=§§l—_l!l the l “'35 Judi: .\lr..