TIC i . ‘F308 SAL!-I-i\’ew 5-room tnod-imem pout,’ p.,,,,_ C." d 506 - i rear. in excellent running eooditlong. » “gun. Will give aatisfac-‘ ’ ’ E‘. Wainst-ott_ Laundry. M ashu . 85%‘ North 5th St.’ . a.- *1 I h - -2«;;ri:~r‘:: Razor .. - "9" ._;l' ',‘7ii.:" .."'-“iii-‘:'«"‘-'*..‘." -“ _. o 'g:‘ : . ‘0‘¥I’ ‘,‘‘~ 2 " ‘S I " ' 9 § b .9‘-_ .o':_£ 1.. e -:;s.’ 4' i. '_‘ ,, 0 > _.\ . ' ‘ ,' .: r . d p , a .‘, 2‘ .- _ . . ‘ s r ‘P *3? ~ . .'.- I.-.. l e- _s . A A r'.‘'-‘.' l J‘ I '-‘-'--‘ -- . 7: ‘ea‘N'a A-.1 "..‘ ':“ ‘<4 ‘ ' A . ...‘,'.w.-err .-:»-*.o t . f-F3435‘-S,3” 1: "" "- -‘ in ‘ --~. I . ' ' s 4» - " v . 1 so-.“o ~§ oi - _ s A.‘ _ « n- .. - , ._ , .1,‘ -°\ Q_’-. ~ . g ; . _ _s_»_:;g_u_: . i ‘ ,. .. AY—hf:ARCH» ism , _, ._ a, M ,4 r M‘ “ -. "i — "‘-—*“*‘ "‘—'“"———--~—-—~—--r . - ,, ...fij_- _ .- ,,.., - --.. .o.-"..‘. -‘ l .( ‘_‘l) 4o 1' Co? " " ."r.§. ‘ -fr i . . ' . ~ 5"'*°"*'-=-1'-I-it--t-5-I---Ir.,.fl.,,¢. ,,.,5,'~ l sowiouautwxnow M - - r ‘ 7 i tuwfikdmuuaulmh Emma“ “:fi-‘.3 bib-Itfddsrotot-'es:h at the south‘ lg.'fbp°?.tslhsa‘ :5- _ : A ’ ~ T _ Y O} lotheflchuahlllwfseesshsttla 9",‘. ,-f.‘ -l l nu: J’- ‘\U V.‘ T0 I. ‘ W M. m , ‘ —- - J.'-- g '. 4—----—, .. ” .L€‘ is ' . mm’ ""534: lonamiurda 2{.l984. be- ""-""“ " L -,__.s_.g p -'3.‘ -‘ fwd . - . 3”‘ 3 03.90‘ I.l‘I‘.. —j_--u-..-vw . ; _ , ~_’ V-lkrfln-I-is-I-b-3 "ta-e‘pcu::.:anw04a:m-‘ti-‘|mI:I:&bU"*;and5o'dockp lmonsatd ytor ‘ ' ’ i .-| ‘r _.- . . ?m”_1“, . p- _ R . , Asoeelflac-r...o.a....lL. nu. 8*-with indie‘- . 9 l ' “A ¢u='I’-bi. ‘,' u 8",,’ the purpose of satisfying id note. i «hat you need is a Item-I " ‘ Ibl [tiff ‘ ' " 50'“ “Ill 0''!!! wrestling team in ' Trista‘ ixtcmat and cost of -executing lllls , in.'.'to:i Portable ‘l‘ype_wrl_ter, Let ""”"°"‘°"".' ‘|"*“"'°‘ :the Conference and several non-con. GAMEs'*“” " " ""‘* " . W-'1. ' ‘_ 0- me you I dcrnommfiom The __;’!;'!';..’.L,_._"°"l"= 3“"‘Iwd|.nu§.R¢mg hgmken ‘weekend for the Iliseouri vnno. J “&s*—". fifteen .. - l .wai-zsnas. c . c. Jacks and . W" 3,‘ .""“‘°°- ‘ted Bcminston ' { . t- . . ‘championship ' -mt. “ymh. ll‘ v1c..EthclJacl:s.hisIrifc.bytheirees-'.._..._ _- - -» rise W ;__ - Em; Anot!terT«ljed;andS1x thooutiooarorthoooooeuor: toryHadAlreadyVVon.‘uiodoodoxtnrstdotodtho::::. room‘ .1 new competition is highly satin « - - ‘day of July. 1921. and recorded in‘ oouohgyooast-is Addreplox " . Hugh Otapalik. 3ml510“8h1P the ll” ofth go...» 1:. iinuoorioo. " gist-157.. Shattered. athletic director of lows State. _ fm-_K_ U_ .72.; °3.,':f,._. c.,.°,,,.,._ ,,, wanna-1o aasr-n$~' - "'-T""" S .,,,,,,.,°."§'“'¢...,.°.‘."'°.,..,.°°“‘...(,"°”°'....;... " '*"'—’ i'T’°,d 2°" “"' “. “'""3”°""‘r °' ‘‘ '°°‘'' 5"" "wtnlcnmmx um» Inn. A- and II» C°c- Rolls-A D6 TIGERS “.8 » Bm."NDl lo? theuloiioiilnlzdfidmhodl 1:; unfurnished 5 town. by 1st of March or ‘price ind location in first letter. 01 . 1324‘ ' 1OS‘l'-3Kappa key. Betwuru ‘ entrance of White Campus and’ '3 8.. as ‘J-"'3-'n‘Y__ww” uh “ ho.,Uaivasaity Ave. Phone 1806. Der. colonof llis¢flvPi1f|l|4|P 13 Poifls withblacltborderbet .11"-'"'" “.“..,m__u,oln.u Theater and Harris‘ ’ - - . lfitur ond. . . - ’35’“"‘ - addressed to Tulsa Okla 'th th ' rldls sensed rmh-d. ~-—«— -—-~-—‘ i fiend expenses sellina diam. new u"o3°°""' °. A "’° ""‘*'.' : ' " gtlanes. llegeA .‘ nothertied. andsix carnival rec- g , -i=I'="'°“ ’‘°‘ '’°°°''‘‘“’’' 5"“ ‘,':_'gr_gh_ooo mg“ __ Elgtbrds broken, lsdhating the speed yC- Ho fig, guuiped envelope for , - :_ __ g ' a.’ National Cigar 17-03 3513 . pang, . 1 ES:___ N i t FOR SALE-—l‘ure Plymouth Rock mung “En wgN1'ED.—'l'o Pllllets. Phone 2044. H154-160$ Fm’ at ‘flu’ 9' FOR LP.-—-I-'loor show case at sit"!-'“"'°“‘°"-" Parsons udio. Pho 930 Red ' unnecessary 834 0990?’ M 55 ‘5 ted. Send for boolt of r 1 -1 7. gdea snfspplication bl“a;l.C‘Wnt0 FOR SAL!-2-Buff Orptngton win, . ha", of 43._g,fl 5 .1_2 §m.h¢,'l 1“ cits. 8-! per hundred. Mrs. J. A. , . ' 1-" .- ' -,; 1"'1°’.Pacc. nhonc 39Fl=’-- P155-160 over; hl{cebl:.d- .ii:lg:¢t.tmk_ Qomtggig 3&3» 2.; scour: of foe at this point‘ title‘-!cuTill,gnt)liis' w “"7 m or‘ .F0B SAL Underwo°dp°“‘u.spi soesa , . bk!‘ 1: d _en ytrai 4to7. Tllchalfllrust. ' " _ ' to cart’! out.. Rot‘ Nnster. tweivr-iter. tically new. Phoncztvhhithlrd pun m u. ufl harm“. twmamem .2 at ‘me ‘en ‘It ended 7 to 13' “d we mu” mm’ ROOMS COL iv“ TRLST Co. 5431535 nod. 155-157; REPAIR-I?~'G—-Exwt fomitmf ran SALE-—One large refrigera-I lilllllllso ||Pl|°lllC"l"! ”““"“l"“‘““ tor.. 1 small refrigerator. 1 gas. We “'0l’k ll!‘-. nun .nd‘wer' 1 on “me livelvt 950°C 29“ wl‘"~°- l-Giant Superfea Burner. 1 kitchen, _,__w ' __ __ l_55,°"§5 si;ilt. glaaswarenand kitchen uten-' “‘"' "““"' —' It-is. A new runswiclt Victrola.- __ 'u'‘ 35' 73 Colonial Tea & Gift Shop. 112 3.; F03 SAL!-1-1 offer my home for; 9th St. ‘ immediate sale at an attractive flg~g . . me. I-‘. s. Lonsdale. 510 South 5th: FOR SALE-Pure bred But! or- -_VA f ...- r_.._. . I Ll38tf‘,tIin¢ton eggs from hens that have been scored at University Experi- era bultalow; full size basertelaz sugford, ood fl 1 to ',"”""“—’—‘—-- -~. —-——~ A-.- ""“"' °‘""‘ °°§f,,,_,,,, ",',’,fi°,,.,j.g usan CABS roa sasi. -. """’° ‘i‘.;°.iKesb1e IL“ . H 9152-154 in the‘Univenity of Candval LO8'l’—Pair light shell rimmed gal till!!! ween by A . P 150.-.‘u.g-. teal! - (33);; from gcor. Columbia met Fayette in the sec- Yello“ = W/ is .535 o:_i‘j to High +¥..°“'°‘.,..,_ ‘.§;*';,;;"°'_,;. 33;... 5”‘ to’ ;Seoreii1'§,,,n°°”,mhc,°°‘;';"{gu:‘d“n‘§“(':;,o“l"}':;§: urd‘. lbutflrror ( Accms :l.RTU“;’;h' 0“:E3 Mum for Eiglfllinutes Af"“~.m0l the northeast ofifourth of the: T’ ' ‘ KOQDS A Out Of ‘ —- _~-~—- _ of one-fou of_ SOCUODE - . _ Lead Changes 6 Dilereat ‘fines III inn: (9) township forty-nine (49): , LOW Last l!alf—Seore 24-20. Contest. yrange twelve (12) except the ’ ' ‘ ....___._.. ‘ one hundred eighty-seven _,_.———q- . 1:; Spa-bl Osnopeadenee. A handful of athletes &ri the MANHATTAN, Kan. March 3.— In ll-It: _3tN!’¢ll! etc last night. Tilt starred. Missouri lost nols. illlla fiehkantook ese;‘the lead changed six . ,. ..dan’ng the final period. , the 1‘ year for the ——--—-—— ‘and power of the entrants. son. Points. ‘behest Med Missouri for 25 points. Eh schools had en- tries of from {Inca to thirty men. Captain Pittancer of hlissouri won the 1,000-yard race in 22 ‘min- trailed. all the From Tournament at Fayette. were then leading by while Richer-son placed in this I tying mm of 9 1,5 gggggda by Dan ‘Rewpies from the tournament. Kinsey of Illinois. This broke the _ carnival record..spade last year by gtv IMPICI? <‘>1Ts(g;Dt:8l 001138’; 01 Johnson. Illinois. who finished sec-_ I)’¢“¢- I8 09 1081713 1:01}! A II I I . . . 0nd 383011137 15855 T"il’l°a' F"‘“°' Wmdfon hum ‘was: the nlztestbtate-lcleliimdn Smith. the other Hiaaouri man to Hill, Columbia. Concordia, Bucklimf . ph°'° ‘°°k u"'d i“-‘Eu.’ 30o°y"d were mated m ll” ‘even the shots that 1 the count. a law was-ld's‘iadoor record on a 300111. the floor to-the th urnival record by in re Columbia team. Both hit the bas- d ' O ;lv.et and counted most of the Kcw- we fie! ‘ml mm _ _ . it was met with two P195 P°lnU‘ III 1% V‘ ' r Tigers a .250 be how- hl; side and from the start and before t 1.“ f_°'*"“7- “’°°° ‘°"°“"‘- 15‘; FOR SALE-1919 I-‘ood.iEuriug~ 8ALl:‘.—t.0-room houlc. Cl(HOw . ".1 via. University. onlx 58.500. Easylmam batlm" " W0‘ G“°°°”' 703} twins. Income 8150 our m°I1u|- I cum’; I-lffi brick and tile house. hot [393 s_u_E_ 922 model. F9 hut. wood income on i . Goodcor on. Phone! 2 at," jabeautlfltl home. on N : - 1-155450; o6oxs‘roo"ii*orir_" ; llll l“. X C ' ill 3 I 83'? E ‘.a5 0‘ W3. 0 - F.u!u H‘\v5 ‘Dd war. "':d"{xwi»:"oi.ooosoi. hlff-‘ tt Id’ l9t9 liroioarrhopt but till luo.—;es called‘. Columbia played a better game ghckzg ' Olll the W70“: lllllflbff, and -b3fOl"C%3n ‘he 3ec°n¢ We 8¢0|"lfl8 for K.n5‘3 s.turd‘y they had corrol:ted th¢"error and ‘Willi! l0 FOYGNWI l-l|l1'l¢¢0 P051!‘-lb pm-13¢ notified ' xoehie.’ the latter hdd:l'3IM‘t'l¢'n the, highest bidder for tip-off. It was eight minutes after the opening of the game before in Columbia. Missouri scored. and the Jayhawlts’ . ‘.““T"' , ' seven points. TM C°l“"‘b“ Hlfl‘ s°h°°l 1”" Wheat tool: a basket a short while,‘ and 5 o'clock p. m. on and day for mm W - ll’ tun‘ 2‘ l° 15' 3"“ ""1 C“'3 court, and counted sixteen of the; _ _ _ went 1; Q.‘ 10 5.3 inches, which were the outstanding players on the g-thirty M_ u_ points. six of them byi lands in Boone County, Missouri. to. rots W' e. Missouri's twelfth defeat 6" of the season. and settled for the ‘Hal rec ' the in DUI» In the shotqmt Richer. ond round. Fayette tool: the lead find sundinumpeu Wu “so the ““ .l’ Milled _ _ , game of the season for both will probably. begoutof practice the pies had scored. they had W195 teams. and the last appearance on egg, 1;; the low nine points. At the end of the first the Missouri mu“. (0,. Qpuin, Captain Kansas also made his last the half. the University of Lewis _ . Sparrow. 01183180 383"‘ in” ‘’“'"“NI ¢5°“‘°"- ‘thc F‘7'°“’° dd°”" mm‘ u'° 5”’ ‘Vernon Fay, Ben fisher. Nelson Belongs to this city Yellow Cab is a local institution owned by local men and is operated solely in the interest of this city and its environs. said note iol unpaid, default having Now, thcrefort‘. in pursuance of deed of tnist and It has behind it system, organiza- tion and financial responsiblily. without which no industry of any descripton can possibly be successful for any length of time. vcnduc to the cash at south front door of the Courthouse Boone County. Mis- souri. on Saturday. March 22. 1924. ‘ between the hours of 9 o'clock in, m. l pubhc ‘ Yellow Cab has precisely the same ambitions as any other high-class business enter- prise. '6: want to render a cab service that is second to none in this country and one which Tram?’ you will admire. respect and be glad to patronize. 5 'nws'r1-:8's sou-: NOTICE ‘ i WHEREAS. l-lettie W. Halo and H. C. Malo. her husband. by their If‘ you Will regard YELLOW CAB as your own ‘cab company. and give us the benc- fit of any suggestidns for its constant betterment that may occur to you. you will earn our lasting gratitude and be doing yourself a favor. day of December. 3922. and re- eorded in the office of th\- Recorder tof Deeds of Boone County. Missouri. in mortgage book 152 at page 296 the undcrei ed as . ' following: dinscribcd The public regulates YELLOW CAB rates. Volume of busincsh‘ takes care of this automatically. ur bid for your business is based on the simplest of propns-itiuns.—-tlic best transportation for the least money possible. trustee the it: A part of l-Ilt-vcn (ll) acre Lot Number Nineteen (lit) in the City of Columbia. Blissoufi. ~dt-- ns follows: Beginning on the East line of raid l-Eleven acn- Lot Number !\'im-teen at an iron set 151' feet .\'m1h of the North line of ltollmza street. thence North on said East line ‘.93 feet and 6 inches, thence l'l0l‘l.ll\\'(‘.1~£tWul'(ll)' 80 feet along the North line of the tract of land purchased of Thomas B_ Gen- try as shown by deed recorded in Book 90 at page 513 of the deed records for 000110 County. Missouri.’ The People of this city Will never have just cause to complain of \'l'2l.1.()\\' (‘All rates. It is our constant endeavor to adjust our fares to the lowest point consistent with good ”_‘s_1;\'ice of the highestgclass. Hail ‘them anywhere Nnfimom low. ~ - . , - - - . l “*0 '“0‘m""l¢3°‘ "9"" l“ "5'°h.°“d hut’ , _ ' shot and Edwards gave a snleu- thence South parallel to the East - "W “'3' down '°°‘ nation’: FOB RENT-Two nice looms sad‘3‘l"_'°':l $1‘ "Q" ‘ma min _ . flnFl‘Y°‘“' ‘ml w"‘d‘°’ “'°’° "‘ ‘~59 did exhibition on the parallel line of said Elcver acre Lot Num-l 2300 ° 7 u . on-.‘ . ‘ o - .- - “F ‘_'_oom buudow Wm‘ bu.-‘_ garage at 108 South Williams. lwm" Jan“ ‘ . I I: .1 ‘ ‘ 5. ‘ ‘Football numerals were also dis-. her hxiieteen. 99 feet to an Iron set; fr. . : mm‘ “mac ‘ad huh. ,. 0l02t‘.f§g;,...r int: 3'*““""" °"“"'°' ‘mm’ TWO NEBRASKA TR‘-CK tnbutcd to the 1923 freshman foot-.167 feet horth of the 'l\orth llnc. .- 1 "t'5.”'t . :11-. v 2' ~ mo -arm word . . iball smack of Rollins street, thence Southeast- mlnfiwo ’ .tu‘CuV¢ mgjg 5’ hp] jfigjn ‘cf mftflgouflg |n. 1 The ‘umm‘r),. wa'dl‘_ 80 fee‘ to ‘he 0‘ both‘. Flynn Realty .00.. 203$‘ Guitar: roqn. Dumgg Apt; Phone 985.182. New earnlral _reeurd. ormer narltl -—j“’, . _ , A . Free n. ‘in (rust to Secure we pay_ Bldg. Phone 1620 or 1103. l , smgulheiog 0 H ueo-uh. made by Johnson of Layton and [anus Set .\en_hlarl.s “ms” um cow um" PW“ inn. V ' v . "9_15‘; Illinois in Ina.) ‘ [Qt flag"; "1 an 410.} ‘rd |Aa,,n“_ , G ‘ 2 fmcntlof at ccrnm promissory note : [eon ni.;N1~___;.ktm “me nim]’.lh8hot-r~t-E3!-'|'- I5"*°_°’l- "”“ 3°:::L Dash and the Mile. lzneel. ! ‘_‘ : i o in said deed of trust described and. FOR sALE__6.r°°“ brick h°usc.{umhhcd room. con“ .cmmmod‘u uh‘. DbuuuoeIIIId- . " “(L ‘ p ‘.2; hncdn L-yum, nyxkm. q‘{anc,_ lgxktrl.‘ ‘g’ 4: ‘I, lu_.},ercae:, sulid hnote isbzluc um; un-. andgarage, $5,250. 53 5093. Plenty of heat and hot'Iache-. «Nev carnival neon l h r ‘ miler. broke the Nebraska indoor “flue. . ,, ,, .. p!“1|d- ‘ll‘fWl "‘"U3 W‘ ml‘ '3 '" N“ 5_n°m mqdcm home. “M-.w.1¢r .11 um time. :14 mod‘ ‘oath. soc-rant da;h-Deans. I b°_- record when he ran t 440 lllakcr. g o o o §lh9'Pil)'m¢’"l ll“‘"‘°l_'- - - ,0‘ Jun. c t 708 “ '‘‘'’‘'''‘'‘° |'°'.‘l" ’3.d' ; 53 2.5 figndg Other qugg-(gr. ‘ ~ — t how, tl1(’l‘('l0l‘¢‘. In pursuance Of. Beautiful 14-room house. fine for, A a In“ as-oori. third: Hughes. Illinois. rooru... ._fl C , . ,0“, ,, ¢ 3 ; he _ f _ .d I W ‘ Dd 1-,..u.,.,m,. 0,. w,.°,.m._ gland. phone 692 Black. F150-1l55:'ruoe. at seconds. . 1"“ "'3 ;0I¢l1 Sclmllc If dcpendtnx Pk” :1 1'~‘""=~ 0 f-N 5°94 ° 3 “ --- ,;,,.o;.m hon“. mu. U,,i".n;u..p ‘ p ".1 J.-Mlr::;Piw::;-L Ill-wri-. 582;: "P0" ""9 F01": "9 ""'}‘f"- Bl°'°d' itmzsonnl my Goals Thrown Foulslat ""tl(‘_""I“”"‘{ “'5 "'_‘*"ledh‘t"d°'.: .2 . - - ,.- -- . Pflttlcllly furnished. 812.500. 81.000 FOR RENT'.'2 1"" d°‘"'m° he-rfuflotie “turd: incisor. more-.°g R}, §°’,',"-"'°“',, I “h';"’p°rman' i,..'°:,.,m”§ ' 3 i 3 lo‘ 8“ no ' C M cm“ ms-l ' down. 8160 per month. Weathers °°'"'°°"°d t"""5h':'d ‘°°°"d fl°°" fourth. Time. 2 minute-. 22 8-8 seconds. , ‘H o‘{ndoi cm’:d ° 5: _m '5" C" '5,-.-g_ , , 0 , ! _— ~ --—--—— --- — -~-——-- —» ~ . " “ ""‘ "‘ ” hm’ °°‘ ”'°"‘ 2"‘ A ‘“"57ii3°r:r'ond}a;Ymria:.':nii’l§' izlgiirgm OKLAHOMA as:-'ac'ru~'c A 9"/tsothor rigor‘-loot‘: indoor nrdéord ''‘’'',,g,,,‘ , i 1’, 3 - «rs-‘-‘ 7 ‘ ' «M 703 SALE--2 splendid bargains.’ i 1{15(i.155f DIAIIOND CllAHPl0N8lfl|' itvas broltcn when Lewis ran the mile '3 o o 0 . ' v ' ‘ "’. nu. mom b ‘ma we home.‘ ——-—-— ’ _ _ Ian 4:“ 1-5. beating the old mark by I l. t; 2 ; ,,,7$.?..b g , 3 a’,‘.' - ‘ - _. -»~ -_._.___ gs; “;.’_;' m mu, “L 2 ,_u__ m, Yuan RE.\"l‘--Furnished rooms at S--or u|!"!‘¢l|°I11£r¢:;!_r"'“"|l six seconds. Cohen. Dickson and ~,_'=‘-,5‘, , , , .:—" 1; -*- t , .a "" Uflhnu). ‘8.ooo_ . . C. A. 155-160; 9 5"‘ °""' I '7' _McCs'l'tn(-y have also been doing-‘Y ~ - _“ _. ._ V ' ‘ ‘ — ‘W 7-Mm .h°°*=- hm“-_“’ rot: in-:N-r—aooror at 517 South: Oklahoma il'l1r(:dy looking for- : "w "' u'_._ mm‘ _ 7'” oo.."x..u..' .. loci /’ * ', ‘"“"- "'1. “"“"- l '°"' 0°" "‘°'~5th St. Phone 230! 6150-181 ward to a championship in hasebnll.=.|ms'|oRs wm ngsf 55313 _ _'_ _' . _ ’ . ,~’ \ ‘I B""'l" ht’ '°m°°"°' About thirty men. five of them vet- _._._._. . ‘ ' _ _ , W ' ' -— o Wodltlrs Realty Co. lhone 272. . FOR RENT-—Comfort.able rooms en“, fro", 1.“ you-'5 aqua, nrp Defeat Seniors of Chfigtign in 3”. . , ‘ __"" y . . . : E . » l5.'>-l5'‘-for ll ht h Itee ‘ r ‘‘'°*7'‘‘''‘ 9?: “"°‘ ""“ =-.-- . ‘I ‘ °“’° Pl"! ‘i 103 5°"lh_worltinx out. These veterans. Cap-« kctball. 22 to 14. . -- ~ ,._,,. nub; . _,o.- - vi.’ _ R gAu:__P"_u I ‘ mimh 3L _l'6 blocks from Red Cam-inn; Phillips. llcavcs. Fox. Griffin’. The first of a series of basketball t?_41§_"( g :7-till '. -- "’. F‘ ‘ ’ ° °" ’°" .P"'- WW "'~"*'°"'“¢- Ph°M324iood Lindsay. will form a nucleuslltlmfl between the seniors and A‘ ' ..%taal . -, ~ side: 3800. One lot on Rosemary“ A123_ . lane. ‘L900. E A u; I ve a number of‘ good Iota. FOB ltEN'l‘—Rooma for glrlsv ' for sale. Weathers Realty Co.‘ 7'7 30391 ‘I5 block I000! of Jesse“ it around which the team will be built. 15003078 07 Chflililfl 901199 '3' The Sooner: were noted throuzh- :P1l!‘9d Thllfldly Di8hL Tile 31111503‘! .553. out the Valley last year for the-ir‘V0n. 22 to 14. chain heavy hitting and are expecting to, During the first of the game the ;:,)_ all . Phone 272. 155-lfiqllall. Phone 892 Gran. Klldtf‘ repeal. jrdtang from the app:‘rl- werethabout equally dividgle. ‘.5 ' . l . r it sA|.r.—ssoo will handle‘: FOR RI-IN‘r—NicaIy Jnrnished "*9 ° ° P"“°"‘ ‘W’ ‘_ “"8, ° ‘W W‘ minm“ . ' V - o L thislb-room house. slecvlfll Pofelhlfront room forstudehta or businqn: “Ch”! Ind Swisher are £o’)umors gained rapidly. best 3'.‘ ' .: § - - . " ‘ ' ' with’ gnu. muum nag, nag} men. close in. 909 Elm. Pho ‘ ,. V . lot (L! garage. .1954. '. 168‘ . M98 in “bow bond‘ Mme.” Rouunry” FOR RENT ne nice room in ‘ 2 ' Klfllfi » ° 8 M’. “U. _~privatehome. dssllocstiomalso ,., »Df - fi;¢A.u'— do Taco. w cm H" i""“"‘ an ‘'31 3"‘ w3°‘65‘ltlPl.B 'r‘§A'ii"1tv'éiiIc1-:s sé.7's‘''°f’°‘' *“ .°‘”' F°'.°"- °''.'‘‘“‘’.°‘‘ '5 3 - U .. some means just one thing to the overuse mn- home 1'" m'., schoow ‘ FOB 8Em__uu.' ‘km "om. __ ___.___ . the mtisfl-naissionp‘e[riods Iltlll ; -_ _. p . , “pm "C u,“ “dd 35 ‘_ r p 0. hhek "4ll|mg‘IEqllasGoad_()paceta50!_I8I.ItIlIt8‘__ Sdlk "T3-rd, __ Q . .‘-cimgaytogetlnckonhistlme bI::b°°'°°"R°"'""" flpecwcek. lflflouth’ ‘°""'."“'-"""" r""i I ' *7)’ ' I ‘ " iodoi tltisb1offsrln¢!°°“|¢"°“""l 7 W. M M . . wm 1‘ “O01. l‘__ __‘ ‘ U - ‘ n‘ . . chat; 83300.. Sbmidown but any of‘———_——-: . 3'‘‘‘‘ ‘kl’ '°°"°' P"“‘7"°' ' ‘ , assortment of Rolf 30°48 W oo.-...... , . ron nah-r—A one man t8°-iht°-v-,,H,,:-=;,*°,;';_°r,"*| LEGALNOTICES | . 3 . """‘°""“"‘. “,.«. . ~- I Wrthugyulty Co. Rhone’ house. fasrried couple pIo?k'3‘h-U‘ 1”‘ “ha”: 1‘. “N ‘I’ & ? _.. 2 p -.3,-gulp-ta of the '. . . its-m new vision: 8t. rhouoase :- ‘ m "39 . fa wmmjumn ma flqui . . . _ I I . ‘ - 3151“. a mum’ outolflothabhufidenfhtlafllidt - «Ib°Cl3“"""""l°“ ' \ ‘."L°‘“'°“'-& l'l°"'“"-°”P°“*‘-'n‘5‘l"”vu-aoauuu-oocaenmuolsdio. 3 g - * 13.5,. '« Waathwslnlhoo. 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