.‘_...-_. V _ -~ 1 .. . ._ __*_ . 3 -u‘ . v .* _ ' ..— - ' 3 . 42.3 -4,... *--,*-e.; .. -_ _ V - &— T ._‘ J‘; '!'-v‘ ' ,J’A.GE _ ..V‘ . .. ‘ '4 ’ 4 ' ‘ ,;tl_lON3_‘ A8 43.1‘ -. . ‘ ‘ _L‘.-' 3,; .. I . . > , . ,_ .. v L j ‘ ~._..‘- SAS ' ‘ G éLUB8’n1“_7E 'tion or turn t.he.mattcr over to the . . - z . . . " :9!-A3" '|'0‘P_R01'pC'l‘ raoruz postoffice authorities.‘ The Postal‘- ‘ 'f' ' ;.. ": . c“lt.a_”m Wm,lm_afix“e may ice Dc .:I1"tt"¢‘)t ixdorsea the pla . _‘* , 4. installed. 0f'.thc Uii'£eir-fi‘aye—-ao‘he'1a~ou»ntiic rirguiiuaiuii ' raiiiuhers will alao feature l80°1‘°“""‘ ""°d"' *3” ,A‘I'u'aulutlon was presented to‘ - ‘ Jbé otgittlaation by Theta Alpha? P1}l._ honorary dramatic fraternity.‘ creating an inter-dramatic board" students 1 ‘ ' M. U. GAME TO ‘' ‘" “five put in -v?5e'r oLdwotwo studentrs.mfrliiii'§ °' PW‘ ""‘ “"“’_ "' gins‘ 7 p. i also ah.s'figer§ Will End String of V *'*"°'"“°'*‘ Eleven Victories it They Win Contest Here. u .4 v I o. \ "'5..x . .1 “S that a similar” . I i 1 TlI'e-next regular meeting of the ‘ {Q5 and programs be _ Vi“ l'°jeiuh~om (lice place on the night ot;SO0Ni-ms LOSE _2 GAMES‘. prlvller 0d“‘"“"°" b°“‘3_ '3"‘"‘°d.l'-‘ebruary 27, and three plays willi -—--»-—_--— _ f oil)’ to tho: rem” h°"":_8p:°t‘!‘;';.;beu~dmc:emabewnther. with smjeralgwon Over Missouri fora p. grds in the Workshop. "o;§who_huldI:n,‘ . _""..'._..'": ..... __ i First Time in History ' Arts membe p cards. , If " ’a're'iii_the market to buy or - .D';:‘o“:¢' setg of scenery. havega " ‘ ing try the Mlsflouflllll; Last Monday Nlght 5,". Jrrrgiued and a new iighuhg, Wig S; .V . at Norman. . 4 _;5 If iiiimuri_{.-§TiFe"{o defeat on.‘ "lahomn tomorrow night in the re-‘ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENIS mm ».mm»- on or _. PRO“: 5‘ court, the Tigers will end a string " . . . , of- eleven Oklahoma victories. .' One Cell 8 W0"! ‘ n‘7- ' 1 8.“ "““"°"' t“ 5‘ ‘ “°'d‘ Should the Soonera win from Wash- ington in St. Louis tonight, they will.’ -—-f-——.—'j 15.0.:-mun list-ourlau in. car V~l-‘Olt SAI.B—F'ifty stock hog.-mhave won twelve straight games» at or N-*°=*|"°° °,' ‘mg: lLiff_.' Kinder, Browns Station. M0. The southern member of the ‘confer-' - - hm‘. ‘ah. ,,,,,,,,,, - K138-14-fence has lost only two games this‘ season, one each‘ to Nebraska and Kansas at outset of 5'7 schedule. M140-I42 FOR SALFI~—9xl2 rug. full s'.~.c » iron hcd. three-quarter iron bed, 2 _ I-‘OR SALE-—lvory Reed baby car? lyriage in good condition. Phone . endeavor: mxk nithful Want Ads and will ,' team nosed re Tiger cagera out Monday night in Norman they won print col! I _ ;.—Iu.v';ng its attention called to gdvrrtiacmo-i-it not ponformlng to > 5 I their ‘ When the Oklahoma basltctballf 7 1 i \ ~r_'-:9- . -,A' r 9‘ . O 5? . I ,. ’. i J. ..p Y; ’ ._€-Q1’, ,‘':A . - — .v -.e..'-‘ _e of v'.' ‘V.’ I. 7' .‘'.-.x \' F Freshman Pol&Vau1mj* n. This plan is to be triedgfirst in the 3 J. .3. _, ‘An 8°11’ iseveath district, which com sed . ~ ' '11 C , Karl . ~, "‘ aha‘. of Missouri. Kansas. Oklahoma. Ar» .. The Aiisociated Advertising c.iuh.« k‘‘"‘” ‘W’ "°"‘-"‘="“‘- .—-.r—¢..— STWWSNW Preparing lien .10 - . g M..U_..Contiest.. , .. of the-‘world an-_to try a_ new plan iirs. 0. ii. Williams Recovers. to d"d°p umh m "d"'"'5'"3' ll rs. f‘. ll. Williams, teacher of Ffleretofon." Said Lou I-Zliollland. hi.«:'.ory in (.‘o!umbla High School, president of the association, “only was able to resume her duties again CT 1 '- fpossihie to 7'Ha’vei Ba§ket\- am at am warm. his squad 3: .231 .°§.‘1?“.".‘§{;1.§§ i.'I.‘f i'.‘."§§‘.‘..“.’.‘....T"“" ‘ “"°" “”'"" , ban. Tennisand ’. 70? did ‘mam K"! from fraudulent advertising and the‘. . bg11com-ts nude, ischladernan ta-%I.g OT“lfigiefiiiiiftelhtfdvilelgiisl-:swari,d0lilltcl)‘:‘! Political Announcements Are'na.x fin W 8‘?t‘m’ 35*”. sughers in the emaller cities." I ‘ . .-, __*________ Emfiés for me me“ dogndouw _ .9 plan in brief I83 In every corn» ‘ I-or (ouncalman , ‘PLAN HEAT, FOR PRESS,“ to forward to Cay munity “here there is an ::dvertis- The (UlUIl:lIlZ£ ?.'...-as-ou;-ian is au- nsaa V 5 lb - i . -,, g _ J Yuma Mn '99,‘. at “day!” the v:’:ca\icuxic;iia‘n :n;;[:in:;<: ;l.iflI’l..(«l to announce I‘. A. Dalton "1 -different events in mg down. ‘ rapidly ..narivw- who , two men from .each school may enter Eatries in the ten cvdith will . K--—: ii czmdidzzte fo.‘ the office of reports all suspicious ndver- ¢-gum-j:.;-my, gn an _.‘.co,,d m,,d_ sun tiaing to the clubs’ district office. ji-Ct lo il-_.. “"503; of L1“, Ucmocmuc which in turn will make an iiivei.-ti-‘ pi-irr.:i:_v. .\lurch . ‘Memorial Cflainpaign " Southwest Miwonri Next Week FFom_.Loplin. _‘ , — high lunsas has a new stadium, Ne. .\-um,’ hraslta has one, Oklahoma is Shot-put, Graham, Broady,r!‘raker; jump, . Poor, Graham: Dlllcnbach, Goodall; high _, getting dies, Graham, Bird, 0'Keefe; _ ‘j ‘J ’onc. and we need one," Chester 1.. hurdles, Graham and O'Koefc; quaxui ' V ,' BTW?‘ director of athletics, said ter~mile. McCully, Griffin; sprints, ___“ 2; when ‘returned recently from a Graham, Fisher, I-‘irebaugh hal.f-l , tour of znspectioii of stadiums in‘mile, Sims, Kellet, Shannon: mile,i the Middle West. (t_ . Quay; (wo_mi|e.' .__-i..' Mr. Brewer was accompanied by Graff. Meng, Ream and Pratt. _ :‘;‘5 the architect who is designing the stadium to be built west of theft’ Rothwell Gymnasium with entrances on Rollins street. - _ . ‘ The stadiums at the University . _. 7 ‘3, of Nebraska, the University of Illi- . _. _. . mix and Ohio State College created The name of William Webb Ellis‘ the most favorable impressions of is not included in any modern list‘ hur- BASKETBALL OKLAHOMA vs. . MISSOURI Tomorrow Night, 7:30 I-‘reshmcn vs. Scrubs 6:30 p. tn. SEATS NOW ON S.-\l.E l 3 UGBY CLAIMS RUN USED IN MODERN , FOOTBALL GAMES §:—— 7 COLUMBIA THEATER 3 l I 3- c-:-rec ' "w**°c=c>' news» **~~~ also been provided in the drawings. I":-a urr of " luy‘< gainr \\';i.-: the first A heated press box, with glass The iiuzbv Gum ill the hoinc floor this-' sea-lwindows in front has been planned, "A field goals than the .\,'oom-rs. OI-:lu-rgr homo rt-gistt-rt-d nine field goals“ while Mix.-it-uri gut throws. lhri‘t' rt-fzisit-rod liy Mt'BI‘ide \\'iill:icc, proved the iind one Ivy 11404.12 0 balldom ‘rho. believing the is- . x ~7—¥—" I . M1o"‘“ szouri Tigers would be smothered WAls'Tl-ID-—Washing~afld ironing. FOR BEN ‘ . beneath a blanket of scores, didn't rim. 202: Black. Mrs. Gertie pack-iiorught hous7;"°°keep§:;°‘;‘:";’;,8 go to t - llltll.L'1::t night, missed! my, B140-145 Bu‘ st. 1% Mock” {mm Red ‘Cmm the greatest thrill of the season. 4 S‘-rUA-n(.)N ‘ ‘§'Ak'TRD _ Ag; pins. Pliatd reasonable. hookkerpeqby your: lfl!I°'_CIl*?i J . of taking til chute if 3 years’ experience. #9 0!’; ‘N !_".’§.E‘l‘F"“°’ ‘E ‘."°'°"‘E' ..‘:‘.‘_'.‘.‘3.' i<92-u. Phone 824 .-.. .. r.. . \ ---. eadfhn 3 , t knotted the V m 3- y; d 7 V_ . -. ‘ . A. ” 6th street. Phone 1575. More Igtm, the Tigers ,‘ again went out and capped the “"—“""””""'f" ‘ W‘ .. lead. And this in the second half QRPETTEB Ah” REm“R Wonk? 9 FOR RENT‘--Furnished room in at a time when it looked as though. . mLnER__An id ,3 . - NNPHO" A-Plrlment. Bosinexs \vo- the fine play of the Tigersfliiight’ pe:2r”E_OBrk. b n 8 C" lman or Graduate student preferred.-carry them to unexpected ‘Mame’ mmodelmmi Phone 1915 Red. l)l40-145"*ovcr the A. A. U. champions. i repairing. screens; cabinet work a _ lpeddty. can 1100 Gwen and “or; R uEN.r__R°oms for EMS Q ._ A C. rooters were frantic mom’._ . ' pp12o.145‘.‘.07 Gentry. $4 mock south of Jesufiwith fear. Tiger ‘routers were wild .._.., .. ..--...- .—«——-'“'“'*‘——- Phons/692 cream H11“! in_ une'xpected.Jo)ous frcnz}. The REAL ESTATE __¥ might) champions were about ,. m L 0-: victory ’“ countt-:‘.~: that cu :ti'ro:~'s to \'lt'it\!')'. ‘hll:;s‘OtI'l has two men who will ii bid for all-.\'iillcy ,htJl0I'8‘i[ 3“ continue to play as they did Monday. (‘aptain forward, is one uf them and Wheat, center, is the other. lots of speed. plenty of fight and floor 9 adept at slip ihilld the Sooner dcfcn.~‘i'. Ti goulfi to? Miss lluhyc Mic-hi-ls of the Blar- gcrs in scoring with three field . . l - . A spirited dispute grew out of the. ‘ Ellis innovation. An article on foot- ‘ball, published in 1887 by Sir Mon-' Th. present football field, with ‘’‘3"‘‘ S,*‘‘’‘‘""‘"‘- him“ , “ Km‘- its seating capacity of about 12,500 "“"' Smd ‘hm """""3 ‘nib “"3 “H ‘P(‘r.'=rfn.~, will lie left intact. to be "3" “'“'“¥'-“ 5”" ‘ P3" °‘.“'° ¥‘"““ “SM 1-“, a "_..“_k and “old at Rugby school. The opinion was: —m.(,m_ shared by a good many people but Afampaign among um nlumm a few veteran followers of the] 4 ' ‘swdpnu 0‘ thlunivefi spqrft disagreed. . Seven years later,,' sity who live in Southwest Mia» in 1895' “ "°mm‘m"° “S ‘ppommdl ’ us souri will start next week, accord- to get in the tmw.“ the mum?" ing to planh made at a recent mect- ‘md the" “P0” p"_b1"h°d "“"f “,3 at Jopfim A {and of $300,000 i_“later gave the information that: . am counted more with alternating boxes and tele- aph keys. Old Field to Remain Intact. it-:2. Four free l‘l"i'.‘Ll (‘H-‘.l£ll'l0I'Illl (_-‘,1-ng vats:-.-rs A _ _ __ ncoxr-cu ‘i, . , , .11’ ' _ .7 . " v“l‘ , 7‘ A ‘N -- it 1 ‘ ‘ I 4*?/-.‘ V :1 _,\ ' ‘I «.N_ ,_- ~. ‘ .4 4* ‘_ V .‘ I _'\/. '0 .-J. 9. ‘ _‘ , I 6 . - .. J ,. UM? Jsucusxv ‘ on auzsnt Fauriil, l-‘uurut showed .. . , . ,, required for the first unit, which “,’"'3m lieu}, Ems unlkflool‘ U"- ' win 5“, 20.000 pu.mns_ -aim fair practices by running with ‘the, campaign with the Memorial Union bfllélfy :',“"°wm:u’; h'grh:§uu3:“h'§alV ' r l.,_ ' f 00.0 ,0. .11 .11 IUIC, K I _ ‘ C° ‘M0 U‘ n_ flm_‘E_a_‘_gn or :8 ( cepted. until in 1846, it was written JAYHAWKERS or-tri-:.i'r AMES into the rules- —— ' —— . Today the run is the life of foot- Kansan Supremacy hot in Doubt mu No Mm is to be compared During Gamc—Score 30 to II. to “,9 gm, who plunge; an-Dug}. wwrk. Wheat ping around be- lle led the .,r.‘.. :_/( 1 . it \ W99 ( . . I FOR T—La l’ ht 1011- The mm that W8 doped to tinsburv w. vrr. lli rh School bas— . . W" . - ‘_ - f . P89. 1? T0031. in I . n - . . , . . . ‘mfnoegifgtfle fitoflffiraygarnfizefioi, steam eated. One block from b° 935)’ W35 3.119 team 3l’°“t W h‘_“'‘’ kctball team. claims the :;cason's Qp::|“:R;.;’;Cué,m];1;:_ Feb .15‘_-rh? ‘he °Pf’05lnl! ll"? 10 <‘l'<_l85 _8fl Or OWEN MOOR[iad ii08{RT EDESON » th Bron y- 34 P9!‘ W9Gk. 107 800111 the h°’,‘°" of bumping Orr thohlgh record fill‘ ll‘.tll‘.'l(lu:il pnmls : - " i 1' I. ‘ i; “ ..' . v. ‘ . , --' .. . _ -l ' V i. -‘ I. ’ .- .‘ ' " r ' %' ‘AE'~‘7‘‘1''r‘i . . V‘ , I O ‘V 7 ,_.\‘r.=§‘.;'-‘.- ‘ii 35 i _ .. 2 “ ." .‘ 3‘ Lrig '1 . - 5, - I -A .42 2':-$13!} r F. ..'.‘_.;...fl‘t'_-.2’: .''-’:-»|'‘ 33143-4» -- ‘ ' ..:.-:.;. _ < 3-.s.¥.iie...._:.i1.=€tv.:=tx;i-.~..%‘$‘er._5 :::.i V’ ‘. 7'. ’ -- ’-‘- ‘*6 -4 -- '49‘ '1 -.