‘. A.-v _. n,.~ . L? ,V ‘, l".- I . F. 1- l ' l ." T. . 9.4:‘ . A - . - . - . ’ ‘ * .. . ~ , '~ . - _ .' ‘t . e , A ‘ ’ ‘ . . t. .‘ . .. V I. 0 ‘I an L. _. C.‘ . ‘.,'. ."' 1 - . - - ' .4 _ ..« '-‘ *' , . .4 ‘ .i - _ . " <’ V_. ~ . . 1 A I " - ‘ ,_‘,.‘.-,.,,:-. ,,,.,.1I —‘._,....‘ ‘ . T‘qfl.f:‘: ".__.._,:_»..:vé’.v—-V-. ‘ave->f"t:‘;)v‘im:bchepri0c. who lived -all alone in a house with;brothcr." Acres or: their little dog. Tlppy." And so the; The little boy replied, “Don't call 1310?)’ began while a dozen smitllme brother. forwardi you dirty pig. ,“Yes. you are my brother." said pig. "You're covered with dirt., like I am. Just mud and direilcu , One day 1- vi,-on lool; just like Hobyahas said. ‘Let's go up to the you an my bmu,¢,_ Pounds Were Raised tlritlenzn pressed eagerly . . -. l t ' - 1' . In Mtssonrr ” ~~u'ii.. if ti'I‘e"t‘>'.§:.t‘s’.' t.‘iis°e.‘.’§3""°' ""' in - . ’ _ _ “Not far away liredthe Hobyabai. A - who were mean folk. WAS AN EARLY EXPORT Requires, More Labor Than Other Crops in Spiteof Modern J Machinery. Tobacco was the first expottiadm’ “'9 C°'°"l°" “"4 ‘M "‘°‘“ i"‘l’6“"'sho:ild disturb lns hlflcp so he cut‘ ant single expert for many years in',,"- -“pm.-5 cm.5_ And the next the oath’ ¢°l°n"-W0" dI>'~* °f.nig‘ht the Hobvahns came. Tippy Americm It “"88 #1120 One‘! 4! lost his tail to} barking this time. first exports of Wliioufi to neich- and the third night the little old lJ0l'llllZ SWWS in 515 NW1)’ d3}'3- man was so anyzry that he cut off Previously there was more tobacco little dog Tippy‘.< heat. to he - in Missouri than couldn't scare them. so they gath- ‘ ’ ' cred the wheat stoc's and (‘3l'!'l€' oil" the little woman, but the little man hid under the 3- “When the little old what had happened. he wa ashamed that he took little dog: Tip. py's body and put the ears back o and then the tui! and then the head. And little dog Tippy jumped right 5 and house where the little old man and the little old woman live and gather their wheat stocks and eat up the little old man and the little old. woman.‘ > _‘'But that night when they came \i_"‘ened them away. The little old man ‘up awakened by the barking and most field crops; and as the other crops give better return for labor. the growing of tobacco declined." Estimates of E. A. Logan‘: office of the United States Department of up and ran away in the wood Tippy found the llobyahas in the in 1923. with on average production of. 1,100 pounds per acre. or_6.000.- 000 pounds for the entire atate pro- duction. At 28 cents per pound. the entire produce for the year was val- ued at $1,848,000. In 1923, the to- men ran away and the little in took the little woman in his arms and carried her back to thou‘ liomq_ on the bin. ppicy still live t‘ 'ffi:= story ml ‘lavage of tobacco production in ltllllltilflft was about llll‘ dill)’ lllllt: Lu‘-jug B‘-nndenburgen Missouri was only 5,000 acres. ‘ Boone County Shows Increase A marked increase of tobacco pro- duction has been witnessed in Boone County ‘during the last two )’¢4I!’5- ln 1922. M0 acres of tobacco were grown in the entire county. but in 1923 this jumped to 450 acres. aver- aging 1,000 pounds per acre. The be)‘ who wouldn't ever \\'8Sll. 3 brotheis. He found it htu‘.~'e, a cow, kinship with the little boy because they were nice and clean and the ‘little boy with all dirty. the ‘mat J that he went right home and cleaned, up so he wouldn't look like the pig’sf Miss Louise Martclla Dinamore, Josephine Hay‘ me and I I'm not your brother. 91 . ....-.r..-'.—-......._......'..,_.__- __.._ .._. C 0 ‘ ' ' | PERSONAL ITEMS lla is 0 l Miss auth‘ ‘Douglas: T. Smith sea left he Q visiting her daughter. Mrs. ' it): and Mrs. George 13- 148%‘- This made the little boy so angryi horn went to Chillicothe this mom- brother. little dog: Tippy barked and frizht- (‘0'r'1‘0,\' \\ itfniade him .very angry that his dog 1- J- to ll hit-ea i{iifEi:o' hired by George Beck of Charleston. Mo. l'nitI-ti l'l’f'$¢‘ bu yer, was r 0 his wife [2 . )(’.liAltLESTO1\'. Mo.. Feb. 15.—— Opcning the door to his home here; this morning in answer to a knock ; l in: to visit Mrs. Lawhorn's sister, of Mr. an her home .'Ann Otto, who has been vis- Mr. and Mrs. . C. Schwabe,‘ '12 College avenue. returned to her‘ J. J. Snipes. 40 years old. promi-! nent cotton killed today by George Beck. a taxi driver “'11 Beck fired five shoes into Snipe‘s. lnllll bll\\' boy 3 so h "Someone shot me." Snipes called: and .“ Beck surrendered immediately it. the police, but refused to make M statement. Tippy just barked so loud that theproving. an a I the little man ran right at his heels.‘ Mn, 5!]: Laiigni-aid-l.nipro\'ing. l home Miss I ‘School teacher, left Columbia thisi afternoon for Mexico where she will 5 spend in Central Sara Dritt. ia this morning. Columbia High the week-end with friends. it. J. Wittrock from the Univer- 'ty of Chicago, who has been here business. left _ ' go to St. Louis before return-N‘ 'ing to school. this morning. He S Miss Dolores Downs of Read Hall‘ -has gone to St. Louis to spend the week-end. Prof. M. F. Miller of the soils dc-M Mr.-i. Stephen l. Langmaid. who,DI|Y’UhCfl1 SD03‘? "18! fiilthl M N1‘ Hospital. is im- 1 ¢l°i.".- woods juht as they were about to kill rec-(mgly ufidcr1,\'cn[ an operation atlopcn meeting of the Agronomy So-i . t.e little woman and eat her ”tip.yp,,,-kc; _\1¢mom.; He told of his recent trip fthrough the corn belt. H. C. Hensley and True D. Morse.‘ AT THE HOSPITALS (lH' ht‘ \\'(‘lll Olll. L0 l00k {HT Frazer. Frances Anderson. Those discharged yes g a sheep and a number of other ani- g.—_.,-day were fiowanj m‘1l°‘- “"1 U0“? 05 “Wm “mild Claim lluckcl and William W. llerberger. Lanham were Parker Memorial Boone County Blrs. J. 1.. Moore and Mrs. Roy admit Ralston. Ina ‘L’. yesterday I 1 extension specialists in marketing. were in St. Louis yesterday where 'tth_v spoke before a joint mectmr of * Ttlissouri \\'('I‘( } "100- Quiu‘ 'l'hose admitted yesterday \lary ‘, one l{irtle_v. Fred G. Powell, Frances’ Branam, Aub o and lllinois marketing‘ I SOLD- EVERY" S N ejfgr |.qERE° Q 66 IWIIIJ’ principal counties where tobacco is grown are Platte. Clay. Buchanan Tancy. Boone, llowaid and than-~ ‘ The increase in tobacco produc- tion recently was due to good W5C‘-‘5'. of the product, and to the substitu-_ tion of machinery to the great amount of unavailable labor needed; Finally he saw the dirtiest pig Ralph McCanse was discharged. «— -—- 2 ‘I3 bests bell‘-:3’ lien’; fl.‘t.fim, Eaten rcxularly. Kellogg’: Bran is Try it in the recipes on every package. tacky B01103» —‘ 3 ""°i°l'-" ‘_"‘hi.°h ii I 1 hP9"'“' ‘° "" 7°" guaranteed to relieve th most chronic best suited for MiBSO'~l!'l 501'» "‘ ll“. :f':“‘;:‘’ “‘'''l' "’l":::fd;:",:' case of constipation. or you! trace: opinion of Mr. Lcteon. ‘ . 1,,‘ I m um flu” return‘: l:'t:1Y-lmO!'lCy.h"1"al.t two table; production i"clud(.s yuri. nflfl - ‘pooh ll ‘ll yin! C Wm, ‘"11 , , rfiltl ob- , bus processes. As soon as the pl.n.t.s’ “fl: :3; 1:“ H I Dr“ 1'“ Tm’ a‘“'°’ ” d¢l‘°‘°"" I will now are sufficiently grown for Ilrilns-1 plgnung, they ‘sir; .set out in the; Cultivation is done well :40: u to keep the weeds down. Atg blooming timethe buds at the top; . relate. gontlanaa who hm baa taking medicine for about 10 run for eoutlpadai _._.—...__ -_. , oole 3)’ of the titalk and the suckers are} cut off to allow the lrI'0F‘ll1 0‘ “Ni ; plantln tha'leIVit. W119" “"3 D13".““ are tnatund. IN wl»_““ ‘md Made in Battle Creek. Sold by all grocers. reber J and Carry ‘~~Horlick's \ ‘H71’ Op»'Cxl?\'I.". M.tUC-d l"lill-. - ! N. U. on-rs CALLS ron rucnaas? -————-- ! Extenslon Division an Re- md Letters Olerlng Position. _ this morning to spend the weeli—end 5°” ofcogzugiiensgn rg';°vj;::§nd;;i in Kansas City. um Mrs. J. H. Rule and children. 509 ted“ Cherry. left this morning for a visit with friends in McBaine. 10 Mrs. Martha McDonald of Scda-juhoo University is beginnin calls for r superintendents _ and ear. Last year the committee enrolled a total of 435. and this year the ¢n.ihere Sunday visiting relatives ' rollment exceeds that for the same! ' ' ‘me last year, according to C. _ Williams. director of the Extension- Division. ' were interested in positions for thisi Mrs S. W. Sanford. who has been fall may ' lthe guest ISmith. returned to A1‘ book or lllS iiom: . “""‘°° W5 "‘°"““¢ . Mrs Snipes Victim of Five Shots fling lie sa enroll now and if you want to buy or sell some- thing try Missourian Want Ads. Fruits and Vegetables Nice ycllmv bananas. dot. . . . _ . . . . . .‘.!.';c. 304:. and -‘l0c Michigan l.l'.\‘ltf'l Celery. :1 bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c iceberg licad Lettuce. a liczid . . . . . . . . ..15 and 20c Grape{ruit—-l for 25¢; 3 for California Sunkist Oranges adoz. -l0c,50c.andGUc Sweet Florida Oranges. a dot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40c Creep peppers. a dot. 40c and . . . . . . . . . . . ..50c . . . . . . . . . . .20c New Sarrots. a bunch . . . .lOc Nuts. figs. raisins. dates and all kinds of applch University Fruit 3 Phone 74 for the growing of tobacco. Under S or the old system it was necc)s:sa;;,\' tdo ! _, ‘ t e pick off tobacco worms )'_ an‘ . - I Gnhuun I I We Dcliscr while at vregflfi W5; W33‘ ‘C’ ., -DrlnAhfaAll' Wholetaale and Rstuu eomplisbal-. )'uh‘Pn)' -- p ‘’‘52_‘.__.._. _~_ , __ __-_,,.,_. ,,_ ._ '_ - - . t -110 lisht . .921. ' “ phone cultivatinz ¢‘.§.1W-75¢°'“3“. ' T M ‘.$,',‘‘'‘‘‘' ,_-,.,,”.'5’,, .3?“ ,.,,_R"”"i Broadway 815 v the amount of labortopull out the: U ‘ 0' 3- _ “'3 weeds in tobacoojfields. ._' p 3 "a As substltutecrop. Mr. Letson be-“F . - - lieves that tobamo via notfbcglend t _ become popular because 0 t std _ great amount of labor needed for its’ at I Phone 74 Ninth at Walnut production despite the P795903 “f"'*_'l', .g ‘* . ability of machinery. The |n(ll\'ld—: V . and farmer cannot wPPls' W‘ "°°d-; . - 5 Saturday Specials ‘""‘ ""° "“""‘° m“ M wild We ‘ Wait to: lot out are use an L are of in tobuco production ‘Wm’ It-’|f|;l°fK:°%u1inR3|t ‘Ii!’ f0fthegt!’d¢fl: l"x:i-it litrrze \‘pani- Queen Olivc<~ win‘ ’’0"- 'll We be from *° to .***==.:f::,:. aim we we r Simrg-sud «mar: ................ tobacco can MW? _¢°Y"P° ° _ -a postal card dO.'ua*.Ll t in TODAY ll; 1. F‘ A, ,1 Rn. __ In other field crops which can be pro- ~ . .I...s¢ea ‘n¢.lco not “1 5 _ ! .-’ 01- -""3 ~‘l“?u (M *"‘~‘ - - - - - - - ~ - t ~ - - - - . . . . . .. -M ducod in urge, ‘cmage vi-,1]. jcsg, ‘ 3 ll». Cttllohs l'uI‘.cy Peeled l'c-aclicn . . . _ . . . . . . .......-10c % 1,1,0,’ for ten acres or tobacco re-4_ y_ _» .__ __ ,___A _ lixtm Choice Fizrs. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l7;c quire just as much labor as fiftyi ’ Fancy large Prunes. ll». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l7';c acres at wieakdorgs s;;m- Tries Kellogg : Bran—re:lores Ioaltli Silt Loin OP . W 3”“ 0 Extra Fine l":il (Thicliens « ~*:.':,:.°.:° *‘“°' '2 1"" °' ""°"“ ""'°""5 . . . .. wgcrc the :0“ is mos“). Si“ 3,. fir”, ‘flu. «nut -50 Putty“ not led aII1‘l.hllI:‘:n‘¢i.v;h'h= I‘J\Cr.‘ll'lll‘lg ll'| l'll'bl loam which is well adapted ‘to ‘.0-ii‘: f'I‘E.-'”Y:a’“3“l’3l~:”:l5':)‘: mm in h 3,-:_"::'; Grade Fruits and mum - _ 3'] 1 1 ;p ‘ 0011 0|’ _ . “*9 hadtoldlilnw twonderf . -' . (‘,1 (-)alnr‘_)rUfu,;:,;i 1 22 years’ auffering pcrmanclltbfi H? l ball gotten from T50 a'Il9-l0- \ cg;-[;{h](~_«.; "°“ *‘“"""°""°5’° “ """." ‘ .5 » ziit-wt-ti bv Kellogg's Bi-tin, cooked. -M I-0°-'10“ W * - ?"u°l°5t °f"::fl;f:":“ hi:-‘fand krunihled. H’ l ' ‘,',','_‘,',",',‘.°.',",,";',,',’,"‘,,,'°:,‘h' ‘M "You Miisl ll: Satisfied" 0°!‘ "0 W‘ ' .‘ . .,,_,,. without than medicine. had‘ " ‘real’ deal of inomnixc 6.; 1: I had been troubled Yours for “°°d¢d ‘°" 9"-‘ 3"’“'"‘ °f.“l“"‘.‘“‘ 1h" "“"m‘°‘“.""“°" “.“'°" "°“’7 5’ William root. In. in vain st. and or tom "* .°.'..'r-‘*........ .222 ..-:°.:*.-.:-;; ~- N Ninth at Walnut Lyon’s Grocery Bargains we Sell the Best for lxtsh and Dcll\'cr' the Goods Our Wonder Breakfast Bacon. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22$éC Our Wonder Sugar Cured Ham-‘i. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20¢ Corn Beef Hash. 15¢; two for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c lligh (‘.ra_de Salmon (red). per can . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... California Evaporated Peaches. per lb. . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 and 20c St-ed};-xi-. Raisins. per lb. 15c: two lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c COUNTY NEWS l 3 to re-3 _ teachers for next: year. Some of the best calls are;0n normal 4 Wlfiita mt mt . l - '_T.‘that it was a significant fact that? In. they place more than half the tea ‘rf-are in Missouri, Illinois. and ’ n , sat. Many are placed in the West‘ but f(‘\7V"i!l_ the South according to'the records. ’ _ i Linden Mrs. Ward Yamell is sick. Ralph Baldwin was in Columbia i Friday. . _ John Taylor has moved to the p _ 1. positions. The range of sal--PH-'U31'l!!¢ farm games is about the same as for last: Edna and Gladys Crump J’ his morning to be the week-end '“°“' iguests of friends in McBaine. Mr. Mrs. C.L. weak . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rice we:-c' H.i¢!'|d Burst of William A ' Cleo Mello Miss added ltained with a dance Friday > Mrs. Moses Taylor hurt her arm ch-5'l'hursday when she fell on the ice. Mrs. Edward Rice. who has sick with rheumatism. is improving ‘md E‘“"v_ Mr. and Mrs. Meade Cook spent" 0 Torbit . .. _..cn.b.._-~....... ... fruetdny with Lanna.-‘cook and farm bees Jacobs '9)’ usines . Robert Burks and family last wcek- ‘lied en . Chirsty Burks has rented Profes-T nor Bills‘ farm. and will move there ;farm that Jess Jacobs now occupies" it March. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Felix Rice and fam- ily spent the weekend with Mr. and Grove on Friday so that Miss Mar- '"“‘ ‘°"~ '’‘“'‘°‘-: 0. c. Roby. Lattim Torbit and I .,.-q..-.7 .- PAGE FIVE ‘ were in Columbia on b 3 Saturday. ' l i l-‘ester Hunt and family visited‘. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Douglnhs vis- _ Mr. and Mrs. Ed McBaine last week. Delmer Coleman has rented the Douglass in and will move there in March. School \\'a.-s dismissed at Hickory W‘ care: Bondurnnt could attend the teachers‘ meeting in Columbia. l(l..A SOW YOUR Blue 6 . lad Top ltallaa llya ‘ IRY under the most sanitary con- ‘lll.l0ll!l and of the best ingredients _.«_. __. ...-__._._....-..._..—....¢ --. .. l ‘ l d Douglass was the week-' ncell. way spent last K , Ray Nauser enter- 8 night. ' .. i . LA“".~\' NOW - ran: :5: lb. _ If you cant come down tomurrtm, ju.~l—— (Sent. 88 SE50 810518 I'mi:\’i-2 207 :1 N. Ith St. .\ml your order will 1oc(-ivp the .~;ti:w t-“,1. :i.~ had you cl1ti:.t'n the },'I'UL‘L‘ilt:\‘ _\’o‘.:z‘§'(*lf, Saturday Specials lit-.11 Country lloney in the (_‘omb,,pq_-r ll,‘ _ _ _ ‘ I N37,, Slrair-cd llune;-‘. (‘Vila spot-Ia: pt}.-t-. gs.-:~ ll). . _.._)r.e York Imperial .’\p5,i¢--, Saturday only, pm}, 5-lg; l)'__]5lI_('l _,_s| 7', l.'t'l’i'(’1" i; it-l\’.'int'«x:;: xt-ry r;l;.~itiiy lll pl'l‘.‘(’. li(‘ll(‘l’ gr‘. .1 supply now l.ou.'l l.\ bl‘.l{\’l(.l‘. :\i\l) Ql.Al.lT\" . spection at Any Time ! B kf B S ift’ P ' ° ; rea ast acon-- W s remium i - We nexcr remember gtvtid liacmt M.-llirzz in lo-.t :1 -' at the prevent time. ; Whole or Hull’ Pie:-as i_ Iltlc lb. i l,'hicl.cns (full (.ll'(‘t~4-(‘Ill l'rimc ltib linahl (st hole or rolled) i Home Bltchered Veal l""°"'h Ski“"°d n‘”“" ' Orhlcrs .‘ ' 'h l H I ll 5 ' 5 “ °' °' ‘ ' ' ‘"“ Rolled Lamb Shoulder (family Sill‘) . 31*‘ T°"=-"*5 Pork 'l'cn:lcrloiu (Frcnclied for bread- ; Loin of Park in; i , Phone 188 10 N, (uh E375 £4: . _ -« C Th'eTfiS a Difference M(lDl£R.\'—--S.-‘i .\'l'l'.\RY——REl"Rl(3 ERATION KEBIE. ‘ I ‘ I 0 ' ",V _ . \ E ‘ "fill; 1‘ ii ‘“'llll“'¥fIIIiiii' *9 ~‘ ‘~ lilting‘. ‘ “” U Q‘ cured ‘fur ‘~ ” ' ‘ ami ' ‘ ’ P " lb 20c’ tw lb’ "'vc' 3 lbs Uir 50¢ “ken {mm 153- pup in, « . Lprke California runes. . . ol . b.. 25 Mnchgcflldtgiaéflqg farmers; ..,. ,. Ixoruiern llztlll Pfotatoes (6) pounds per iua e) per 21. . .$léoc k ‘ é __ _~ ow ‘ ‘ . - ) Whitefish. our or . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' F“ I ' V A - ad. . " ‘S-I Nor , _ I hone Santos Pcaberry Coffee. per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . .30c .- i ~ ; ’ _ High Grade Blended Coffee. per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = :7 . - 4' ‘' SPECIAL’ 7 8‘ to I p‘ m‘ C , ', Highest Grade Coffee (none bIt3«_I_l'),pcr’lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..40c . .paQqn0u.o'AO‘t a a n . . . - . . . . - . o o . . . . . . . . a - ~ . . . - . . cell '31‘ CWn.Jm’ . . ' . . . . . . . ‘ . . ' ‘ .-"'.'...-2& ‘I A o - o - ea’? o a . . . ~ - . - - . . . . . . - a . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soup. . . _ . ‘ . . . . ' . . . . _ . . . . . . ..—_& 5 - - - o . n . . . . . o - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . I ' _ . _ . . . ' . . . . ' ‘ I ' . ‘ . -& ' . he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ; , _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ _ _ . . O _ . _ _ . ‘ _~5c Woebcnd 81 her home W ”'“"‘- “° i: qwm . . . . . . . . . . . ..1oc “.°‘.’' 7°?” Sm" “Re 7C one M -1- _ 1 R088‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ma. 2 for _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _._gc mu Alta Jones is spendinx_ifi;°§ « salt ribs. 5 lbs. for ..................................... No‘ 5 pennant gym,’ an ____________________________ H45. weekend “ her , iuggvu Boiled ham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3ac No. 10 Pennant syrup. (G03 can _ ‘ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ ‘ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ “gs, mu Fm” imldeshiiraniiil °““' ""l°7’..’}:.'7.7‘9‘-"l"“‘l"’ ."“".‘.'_°'."°§“'_i'_‘?!’.e‘7‘.,’.'3;"_'f-_ .\‘o. 5 Domino Sugar Syrup. an ------------------------ --35° H ALL DAY 1 V CES . No zttnhie Peaches. heavy syrup. halves or sliced. at. can 25¢ Fancy liangnag, I ....85c Ffanklurts, BIIIIIS. izyt M Dgfi Apples, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jlzfifi B I “:0! .‘..."v..:.;. “..-R. l ‘V aouoeosooaofi -no o . o o o o - o - a » a o - . a . c - . - . 40 __ “rub”; — 5’ Ifobizfi ti‘ sausage . - - - - - - L fill)‘ Medium size Atwood Grapefruit. 5c each or dozen . . . . . . . . . .50c ‘ ' ' ‘ ' " ' " , " . inned shoulder . . . . . . .l!",$c {jg-gdfiise Grapefruit. 15c each. 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c 5‘-‘"5"’? ‘ll’ - ° ° * - ' "2l’3° * Port ham. whole or half. .l5e 1:-",1, Cgnliflower, ‘nu-nips. Cabbages. Parsnips. White -Shoulder steak . . - - - . - -l2$’z¢ ‘Pork chops . . . . . . . . . . .15-lac onion, spinach. Celery. Lettuce, etc. Butterine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30c Sllnliill 0 - - - « - - - o- ‘ ; , Brooidield creaniery .. . . . .$7e GPIPC fin“ - - - - - - - - - -5-“V8! ' i ‘ ' Country eh; .... Bread. 7c. 8 for ....... .. A R SD!!!‘ Cured Elms . . . . . ..l8c. lslarna Suptme ham; "3255: t 0 6 ,u t _ « 1 Cal. Picnic hams .. . . . . . ..l5cmvu Pm‘ - - - - - - Ngzosmnhga. - ._I’ in Columbia until Sunday ‘ _ ’ * 0 ' -‘ 0*-1 ‘ r . - I‘ . _ _ ‘ . V _ W . _ V J’. _- . .' _L I ‘_ ‘ Q.’ J‘, *- ‘ g I’ u‘;;..‘.‘ f W. i *1 t " #2‘; ~ ‘ ' 7.‘ i ii‘ ' " if A 3:‘ ‘»t'i..,-£'t‘~‘<‘-31!-§’é~* -.j.$.;.;.‘.‘z-’3'# 15‘ ‘- - ‘A “ ‘- "‘ ‘ " ' ’ i '