- ,‘ ... .. ., 1' g‘ ‘.1, p ' es.‘ ‘ -. . . ’.. 0"‘- , . -. ,. _ l u . ;- ' ‘ : o ’ ' ‘ . lip" , < . ‘ . I’ ‘ ' " h. >1 I’ I’ _ i ,.v-,. , -_ . _ r-rt .' ‘ . ' ' Q! .~ '." '. ( ' .- V .5 . . 3 ‘ ‘o .- l-‘‘ 1 -.« . ‘ l "I ‘3 I? v ‘ ' ‘ > ‘V ‘O -9-. ’.,;l,r-C ~ -« e 3 is it it Biro Blridxaxsurand Ruth ‘lwhai-ton. 'm°lEp‘”°pfl..E!'_%'.. i "'3 0'51"‘ 7°" i" n" “f u" ' regular. yet symmetrical, line. ““""“"""‘ ' " “ iss Jessie Helen Sims and Bliss? um” 'mmh.'V.?S H R‘ '“ ‘h M G . '’ .cream-colorod walls and brown ‘"' ‘ yllrh ‘on a pin ‘mm. 5'' °t “"Pl°"" l‘ “ u” 8‘°Pb“~"woodworlt--including the wide stair-; afternoon for 5, d5 th up, her “W ‘.‘b‘’"' ‘in n::;:f:::l at 0 W rmuuhh‘ 0°” 'u°h ”°' 5” '°"° case-with fixtures of candle cl City. lll.:'to visit her _ Cllies Parileewstewart has gone to! fl. Satlca. She will return 'l‘ues- Jeqhrson City to be the weekend} Unirer- .--.—— ‘Nlrs._Del Hart, 403 Conlqov-‘been '8psneerandtbeaecondp_iaebyItu. 00'?“- i u ‘essretrds -———— - . . 8.3-UAIIIIONL "51" V mindonkn °{m.PMK‘w..1hts.however.isbutatemponry Onthe i ; r,,""",,,,,,,u’° mi’ ‘'3'’ ‘WW Dcllta house can spend the week-end it u , ___. in llianaaa City. W‘ 4“ em“ “"7 3"” °‘'''‘’" °’ “°"’ lliss nuth's—quT-S3} muinsviue 2311:; to w. -3 -en in w°~tf.'l!.':‘.:.!:;f° *-‘~r*-* W W 2: ...... Audney cs§'daTe:'?ne Kappa Al- mm "'° ““ " '””di"‘ the '°°k'°"d tured in 1923 than in the preceding , 6 c 3 f’ «and in Jefferson_Ci_ty. weekend in Kansas City. Clot!!! 1409417. the White 53!“ ‘In can ya", E". L "“"_‘*‘“‘ I ..:::'.’:;“.;-i<.._......‘ r .........._..**"“"""" (“W ‘M newer.‘ Pun“ "other organisations have bought d . ' nous one: .'-ram-zun' nononau av tats; ::’p'[o;‘;‘°““'°.. ';L"°‘:t°'*° ‘° ‘°';su-sue plot: of smut "90" "N; ' J I ' ~' °' °'-'95" "°“3F3 “E” en... . s..:r..T.=;..... .. so .,.., R,-;.---— .,,,,..,.-.,-3m’ ‘.’.'s"‘.l'; RA Delta‘ Gamma house. at $4,- ; asms sfiredeesl Prison Dlring Against White Capitalists. .....-_... » of U lted r National Convention is Called for’7b0. and plans are bung made to~ ‘A N.‘ I. rhea. l|6SC0l_\'.—'l‘he Russian dictator 8 , T119113)’. has JIM 50¢!‘ ll'9l¢!!Nd' The executive board of the Ameri- Aaacia pussy-s.« ed-paid .. A " rahu; .; C has ‘:5. ma “ A 'm'""' m'".'“'' The pri a 0‘ ‘b the Kanaasu.Cit)’ Star They a Itwasicaaeinwhichtbellaited “M Pm» 8100- wyeh for delendantwere ntlu iIt‘a.t:s.wa‘sst|lwa*larasy Gouda. "‘:‘:v‘25- ‘ 8a_sryFordandAadrewCarnegie _;_'::W¢|-hth sndsss-use __.,};°"“"'°" and loses.’ The verdict was raot ‘ M“, .u alllltr-" ‘ sseusu-ssuus7'sss .‘1'boaawbotookpartinlthis_per-I [an Issue: etgpnl-s-an .!ormancs.~wbichwaa a precursor: _ . °‘""4°““°‘°°U“l"”""°°°" stawnosxaorsarnarinsoaoirv --r--4-H-0--I ‘ ;;:biaiIl:b8chooland8Ieet “R “fin?” ‘NA g ‘ ‘up-Aunts. "¢‘m¢‘h3'-'~5°°l- . ‘'9' 503°». Tlml-’!DeltaDeltsDeitalsst .‘|'i- -u-to-ash Jeless, William Icflarock.-Walter é roaduwill mahegts :53 ' nr0P°ftY-Vllnedlttazlfi ''°‘'‘‘~” '. ' 3%, . ddbu gg 9;-. Ilejamutbe Johnaen.andGarlesAll. malhouaewamti n.wfllbuildsome:,imeln“:heHl::"t1’:",'~T"""‘“““!I'*‘ ' this was avarled pro- fronIUtHl'l1 o'clock. - Sororities owniru their’ti:a“.w‘t-il.h!:‘:uv.'n I.a”m.‘eeu-re-an.§':se gram in which _ y a house will-be thrown open for _in- own houses are: Kspps 3.”. ads. WI!‘-"3I!||l°0 bI'|.{»ee-Itlon. will be-tollouad 4 n.PiBeuPhi.Kspps;up;.. s-e-sseesasssssu llcPhes-son were till 1-o'clock. Five hundred DaltaGamms,Alph.pu.,,d or!--rsicanxosuseuse Ilsa [area _ wninvitatlons bavebeenissaed. n. ""‘“.""'°'“'-*°‘ *0 gag? E ii 5: sit? 3‘?! E i E i Apply immediately at the Dormitory. rvenuo cusew ° A .: - — eck - - no mm. “x of 7°" ‘ad numb” °‘ “NW” °iunusual. with a predominance of ir- l i time ¢°‘°."‘5:5ll"’ —-~-—- .“"7""°_” ‘”°"° V °'“9l°7°' °“ it‘ tors in en ught iron. The salon and ' " '3'-‘is 'i"Y’°" *5" “ .9“ b°‘l""‘°3 “Edinlng-rooln extend to the right of § 3 E 5 3 (3. 2 E 3 5 5 E 5. 2 .&yorWelltI.l¢lY°f“?3'l '33 l°.gu¢It of her aunt, Mrs. C. C.VRlngo.» the . !they have 202. This increaae‘has -11,, m,-,,;.hg.', m of “up. ndf necessary by ’ .. entmwillentertainthlsevenlngwith businentogetherwithalargead-.;m.p.g|u-,gg1.5.a Igafigm._and lrs.J.1).filifl.705’uII'YlIndaI|ahJonggpartyatherhome. ditiontothcplaat. th ' -I ’ ~*---— ‘Tho,-Columbia branchoftheilam-french doors open from the mm: m“ hp" Dd“ "”'°“"°°‘ "h°Iilt:on-Brown Sboe'Co. had 840 -{parlor onto the terrace. ’l'hechap- of nil ' §3: ? 3 S E Z» 3 ? 5 § E’ 5 i 0 e: 3 .3. ..__.__.:... , ' - year. owes-d is spending the Walter Biscup is spending the Other business eoneem._u W K. “PM hm hm. é H ‘U59 5000 of “II: president _of with a sword of honor, manutac-‘can brary tion has votedion thecornerotburnhamaad Rich-,, !-l|¢UlI5'Il'Iit7o!HisaeurI. Which 1‘ ‘tuned by the artisans of Dagbea- to’ h d its next annual‘ conference mood. valued at 83,000.'l\semesnbera ‘ 5'lW**"°‘5°‘-’l‘°3° °“"¢°“"‘ ‘tam. celebrated for centuries in the at Saratoga Springs. N. Y.. from.expect to build a year from 3 .h'”“h&’1a“"i““"““°lallImworid. ~ June 30toJuly sun. ultra: boat‘ ia1867. Darin the 1y-1,. bug. .¢_u,. ,...;.¢ ;, ,-55.1, sue, University uh;-u-an, spa pns. "“”""’ "" ""””""”"‘ .0'fi‘-r‘1l'-“sedan-Mm‘ engraved in gold and silver sndsabty two other 6¢leaIt¢s-villI'¢I>- Itl!0_Cl.8W8WAl.KEl F*'°'-"'="|'°'“*"=‘°*”°"°°"' covered with inscriptions o!'which‘f8¢Dllh¢Ul!l'€flll!0f‘ll|°¢fl- o Publicfltaographer atructia|iIl§_&Iaadeitdifl’icultIor om“: flr.Severa.nceisamemherofthe° ‘ secosassassau wk“ you “.3435 mg, .',,¢weaecutive council of the association J; i at E u,,1;‘m,ga,.,un.§¢,1uu1.... andlsalsochairmanoftheagrlcul-‘ your linen cabinet with v ral lvlllaestonaasieiiraedwithahriclt "“"”""“""°"’°"“""‘°'” - ;uullythick-.£eraresideuce,areo( mqvhm up‘ .. ' la‘. PLANS--UNIVERSITY CLUB Ratify Proposal for Buildihg to 25 E is .5 {anus University will meet to- , t to ‘ratify a iinancial plan for b lding a new clubhouse. The plans V the bulldim have already been preserve as jd1‘llVn. it will accommodate 200 Ions. according to the Daily Kan- *” euse . n 'itwasoIseo!thehestandmollP|‘¢°’ llemhars of the University Club_ ‘ u *1‘ -Vi 5 5%; %~%=~ 7:2: i 2 3 § 3 Q l l E E 5 5 ‘During txmeofthe Civilw . Club,"saidDr.C.!". Nelson. presi- _ whentbapresidenfshomewasuseddentoftheorganiaationformedto _"tajwiaouutbenortbpartofthepa-Ipmoteaelub.“Aninstitutionof occupied by federalmalaeandimportanceotthellnb } ghneustnsundtngeruse raityofllaasas withoutanor- CU likable a‘.‘ '.e _.°/eV‘- 5:“ -‘ . ‘..e - “fl New Tub Blouses _'r‘ little wear. ones trimmed in emb7oideryi and blouses are attlidive items in the vnilt -Section. Just came to us. Jaunty sport skirts I low o H s - .2‘ .2 ;'.l;" V. . JV‘ .' . I .: '. ‘Y ‘ t ,, ‘$1.49 -5 $1.98 V‘. Y'_-‘ ' % ".- .1’ ‘Lo, . ‘ :e . . -‘.: _. V. . ‘A:‘?£ ‘. 7: 1 C’ ‘~€_ .3’: ' .')‘ as ‘A. Jab ' . - .‘ 7 J - ~ " 1. VJ . vi ‘R . —- 2'7." ‘,3; ‘V. o A .-. u .0. \ -:'.=.-g .qo- ' W -- . " - - . E: . v ,.- J j.’ ’e{o V 7_ «iv 3 -'n._ O_ 2.‘; ,"a.n.,,,i};_L'. .s - ' ""a"l' A ' , aretloathe do them. 'Wef've a loft: stock of them. priced. _ 9 . 1 ' .‘ . . ._ _ .. s . __ . L __‘ fie , . . . , _ .3 . Ll‘.-3' ' ;g~ .-- ‘.1! Costs and Suits S TAR~TS~ 4 TOMORRO W Q For Week ‘Only IS is the largest remnant sale that this establishment has yet of- I ‘ iered and it is characterised by many surprising bargains. 4. slate of short bolts. last ends of standard materials and discontinued . ' lines. The majority of the lengths vary from 1|,’-_- to 7 yards. The selling prices are from 1-3 to ‘/3 off.’ ‘One feature will be anew offering each day on each of the tables. It will pay you to visit this store daily. ;_Li_nen Remnants gfor Napldns and fllandkerchiefs‘ Colored dress linens. art linens. scarfing and hand- kerchief linens. 1-3 to 3% yard lengths. A chance to replenish all small bolts. short rentals and last ends of bolts being placed on the remnant tables. 1% to 3'4: yard Q White Goods 3 Remnants llany remnants have ac- ,1’ ‘I ‘.:._t cumulated during our _'',,..‘e‘, ‘ White Goods Sale ass: is —‘ ~‘. now in in ba- ;;;.‘~ iiste. voile. nainsook. ' :._’;:g . ' ‘W '. plain dimities. India. » linens and other mater ' * *° W W’ C breaaceiisndskmnem V‘ ’ ' ; ‘, ~'.. . e. -. . -—-o-on - Li inn eneuent owom» , _ t:y:enseynsdsuszesc,4"i°';f"“""“"°‘“"' saoeens.blackandcolora: Printadcrepe. {lo p ' SILK ;j Lining Canton Crepes. satin charmeuse- __. retinas _ 53- andotbua. iibtnbiiylrll ya:-d“'Plainandfl¢ured‘ ' cloth.kimonocrepe.galateacloth.remper .. ‘ . r ;;of Co . .ESif€S-PdVkS .;::::;: SE19 of ; Plain. fancy. plaid anllchecked wool remnants in an endless varid! 0‘ fabrics and calorific. l to 0 73"‘ i” ‘Goods usssse, tquhul._aai_es cloth.‘ .u_su_ng en-mm." cloth. l°tn was run . "Hd?e.'”'€ T ac--cw--11.3....‘ ma. .:__- ....a-09.3. __a..._...--.A ..A........ - - .~-.. . Read Hall Rooms ‘here are three vacancies available to University women atudellll. in Read Ball Dormitory {or‘the second se- mester. - - fr’ . um o '-5} V . ,.,. . . v s-,. --1.‘! it-.'. . .‘ '-l 5 1'-"“."'t"'.‘!".~7-'*'-‘-i’~Vs'."1. ..