‘ " . - ' ' M - t . ~ > s ..I'--- ' ‘,- 1 -‘vi - ‘L 1” "4 .4». 7”‘; . I Q ": r¢...«1. ~ 34.4 v 516...», ‘ ‘ .' ’‘ « . . L‘ g A ‘ ti " r -...'_,"""_’_' -'. ‘ . I at V ' -:-A ‘ a . Q I. ’. .. - 1 ,§i§'f'F"' ' I 1, :'_ I.-I r.‘ 55. . _.r‘:.~3‘'.: . '0‘ i O In 3: 5,3 .. ' * —. . _ _ _- . . ‘ ‘ . . h ., ‘ o . ‘ A g_''-- -:_..."H_‘ .‘ 4.‘ ;.-.. '.,.'5, _f~Ie-1:1‘ _ Ei.:.§s,i- ii-W ‘ " T.. Q;'.'_ 5-, A \ I ‘ . ‘ . ‘- . . 5 . -\ . . ‘ ' ._ 4 ‘ . o_ .o ," . '. ‘A ' J‘ I, '0 ,1‘ . .,._ ‘ . ‘ e r I . .. . . ‘ '-u _ - ‘-r ,"‘ .4. .' I ‘ . l ,_ g -—.q‘.. ~. «. _‘ ;V. . g . , . g - ,, . , 1 ' ." ‘ ' ‘VJ '. . "7 .“*o ‘. "C "' ' Ti .‘-s- ‘a ~.,n 0. v la "o‘ V ~. ,1. . v "5&‘§§«i& i. -tmt='= :5" i‘ (he ‘ or-seeuassiitthnaxsaeanteniwy may provisions _ ad _ ‘_' "beeorne.a the_Crtyof said orcrttessorncluded , 'voters of said ci ' voting at such election shall ratify‘ such scheme, and a majority of V charge d_f elections in said city and county, shall be deposited in the if-*4”.-' ‘V * ~--'-95’:§i3 .1?-"Bibi" - ' .- as’ ‘ . ' " '-7}: . _: . ’ ‘l1-3.?‘-__l ' 'j;.v":‘*t- .-'-,.r,-¥_"-‘; - 11:" ..~ ~- -' ' . r - M H95--94*‘ more " . - W3 * csifsuchurituryhad ‘firefity-dSt.v_Ir_J_oIns-dlra. Seed.‘ nueatyotéselahi-hanciwendiobofinqtrz-“:1!-:1: - signed by five per cent of V Taegistered voters of the City of St. Louis -with the Board of nation Commissioners, or such board or officials as may be in of elections in such city, and a like petition signed by five per cent of the‘ registered voters of said county with the Board of Election ' 7 ' ners or such other board or officials as may be in charge of county elections in said county, said election boards or officials of said city and county shall cause separate special elections go 13¢ held, as provided by law ‘for general elections, by the qualified :9 and by the qualified voters of said county, of a ,'board of twelve freeholders, six of whom shall ‘be freeholders resi- dent in said city and six of whom shalltbe freeholders resident _in, said county. Said separate elections shall be held on the day specified -in aid petitions which shall be not less than forty nor more than ninety days after the filing of said petitions. Candidates for the Board of Freeholder: from the city shall be nominated by petition signed by not less than one thousand registered voters of said city and filed with the Board of Election Commissioners, or such board or officials as may be in charge of elections in said city: ‘ candidates for. the proposed Board of Freeholders from the county shall be nominated by petition signed by‘ not less than two hundred registered voters of said county and filed with the Board of Elec- tion.Commissiooers, or such board-or officials as may be in -charge of county elections in said county. Such petitions shall be filed.at least ten days before the election. No ballot or list of candidates shall bear any slogan, or the nanimiheading or label of any political party, or of any organization or group, but the names of all such candidates shall be printed on the ballot in alphabetical order. T he six candidates receiving the greatest number of votes in said city. and the six candidates receiving the greatest humber of vote! in said county shall constitute such Board of F reeholders. It shall be the duty (if said Board of Freeholders to prepare a scheme for the return of the territory within the City of St. Louis to said county. the consolidation in whole or in part of the governments of said city and county, and the adjustment of all other issues that may arise, and which scheme shall be signed in duplicate. by said board or a majority of them. One copy of such scheme shall be returned to the Board of Election Commissioners, or other board or officials having charge of elections in said city, and the other to the Board of Election Commissioners or other officials having charge of the elections in said county, within one year after the election ~ of said board. ‘Within thirty days thereafter, said board or officials of said county shall causé an election to be held and submit such scheme to the qualified voters of said county, and said board or offic‘ is of said city shall‘ use an election to be held and sirbmit such schdfiie , to the qualified ters‘of said city, at elections to be held, respectively insaid county d said city, on the day fixed in .said scheme, which day shall be not less than ninety days nor more than one hundred and eighty days aftc.r_ the filing of said scheme with said boards or officials. If a majority of the qualified voters of said county the qualified voters of said city votingat such clection shall ratify such scheme, then, at such time as shall be xed in said scheme, the territory of the City of St. Louis'shall again bea part of and in St. Louis County and such scheme. shall, in all mattgrs relating to such consolidation and adjustment of issues, govern said city and county. Any such scheme shall not be submitted oftener than once in five years. If such scheme beladopted copies theneqf, certified to‘ by the Board of Election Commissioners, or board or officers having office of the Secretary-of State and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for said county. \ Sec. 6. Allcities, towns and villages are classified as follows: Every city having a population of seventy thousand or more shall be a‘ city of the first class; every city having a population of twenty- : thousand or more and less than seventy thousand shall be a city of the nd class ; every city having a population of three thousand or more and less than twenty-five thousand shall be a city of the third class; every city having a population of five hundred or more and less than three thousand shall be a city of the'fourth class, and every town having a population of less than five-hundred shallbe a g The population of all cities and villages shall be determined by lthe last decennial census of the United States or; by a special census as may be provided by law. The method of transition from one class to another shall be provided by law. The General Assembly Shall have no power to classify cities-‘or villages. The General A_ssembly shall make provision by general law whereby any city or village existing by virtue of any special or local law or charter may elect to become subject to and be governed by the general law relat- ing to such corporations. ‘ .. ‘ s , See. 7. The General Assembly may provide, by general law, for township organization, under which any county may organize whenever a majority of the legal voters of such county, voting upon 33“ P70908550“. it my geneial election. shall so determine, and Vbcnever any county shall adopt township organization so much of Constitution as provides for the rnanag ent of county afiylfl. and the assessment and collection of affine by county’ officers in conflict with. such general law for township organization may be dispensed with, and _the business of said county ‘and the local concerns of the severaltownships therein may be transacted in such “‘""‘¢" ‘3 mi? 51-’ prescribed by law; Provided, that the justice of the County Court in ‘such cases shall not exceed three in number. Sec.9.Thereshallbeeleeted.-thequalrfied' "E ineach D_.1fl4.- thereafterevery ‘ first 'dayin ‘ siu;ns,""‘ 3.: :’,,,f;'‘ : ' :1 _. .‘— 5. . . -‘(J"'-"b@’3tWI.~;y~.,~;b’?" - -‘r " . no": ‘_“ ,1, _/-1.‘ V. 4"? . ‘.1 . o — — - » I . i I ' i ' ' 1. , Q- , ‘ ‘ .1 -3’. ; i,_._.corrsrrrn'rr" S ‘fort. X l l ‘. ,l 4 ...- ._. V ‘» .3. . :g -1 a -‘ ’. _g_~g‘‘ ;-‘_-,3.’-w_> _A-,:, Y . — . . ‘ - ' “ it v '."2sec. 10. No law,s'pee‘|al oiflocaffeitherin itstermserin its efi_eet',slullbepassedrelatingtothe’property,aflairsor.gore_rn- rnens‘ of-.citi_es or villages;-butall laws passed hereafter relating oothe‘ ”,afiairsorgovernme,ntofanycity.or shal P7093“! . be‘.g'eneral—laws and in terms and'efl‘ect apply alike to all cities of the same elaj or to all villages. C . v _ Sec. 11. The compensation and fees of all county officers shall be provided for and regulated by law uniform in operation, for which purpose ccnrnties may be classified by,population. gSec. 12. No‘ ex’ecutive'or ministerial officer of any county or m ’ ° ' shall receive a sum in excess of ten thousand dollars as compensation for his services for any one year. and he shall malku re'turn of fees cdllected and salaries paid to his -necessary depu_ties t or assistants as may be provided by law. See. 13. Except as otherwise directed by this Constitution,-the ‘ ‘General Assembly shall provide for the election or appointment of such other county. township and municipal. officers as public can- venience may require; and their terms of office and duties shall be prescribed,by law: but novterm of office shall exceed four years: Provided, that this section shall not limit ‘ e power of cities to determine the mode of selection and duties of city officers. Sec. ll. In counties containing-la city of the first class the city and county governments may be consolidated, in’ whole or in part, in the manner provided by law, and having been consolidated may again be separated in the manner provided by law. , ' Sec. 15. Any_ city of the first, second or third class may frame and adopt a charter for. itsown municipal government in the follow- ing manner: The legislative authority of the city by a two-thirds ybtc of its members may, and upon a petition signed by ten per cent of the qualified voters of such city, filed with the Board of Election Commissioners. or sucji board or officials as may be in charge of municipal elections‘in such city, shall forthwith provide by ordinance for the submission to the electors of the question: "Sha1la commis- sion be chosen to frame a charter?” The percentage of electors required to sign any petition provided for herein shallbe based upon the total number of electors votingat the last preceding general municipal election and said petition shall be canvassed and certified to by the Board of Election Commissioners, or other officials having charge of municipal elections in such city’, and its determination as to the sufficiency of such petition shall be final. The ordinance‘ shall require that the question he submitted to the electors at the next regular election, if one shall occur not less than sixty nor more than one hundred twenty days after such ordinance becomes effective, otherwise, at a special election to be called and held within not less than sixty nor more than one hundred twenty days aftcrthe time said ordinance becomes effective. The question of whether or not a commission shall be chosen to frame a new charter and the names of electors or sets of names of electors of the city, who are candidates for the proposed commission, shall be printed on the same ballot, but no candidate, or list of candidates, shall bear the name, heading or label of any political party. Candidates for the proposed com- mission shall be nominated by petition signed by not less than two per cent of the qualified voters of such city, and filed with the Board of Election Commissioners, or other officials having charge of municipal elections in said city. at least thirty days prior to such election‘: provided, that in no case shall the signatures of more than one thousand voters be required to nominate a candidate. If a majority of electors votin on the question of whether or not a charter commission shall e chosen to frame aichsrter, vote in the affirmative. then the th_irteen candidates receiving the highest num- ber of votes shall constitute such commission and proceed to frame a charter. Any charter framed and signed by such.commissiori, or a majority of its members, shall be returned to the ‘ legislative authority of ‘the city and by it submitted to the electors of the city at an election held at a time fixed by the charter commission but at least thirty days subsequent to the completion of the charter and not more than one'-year from thedate of the election of such com- mission. Any part or parts of a charter_so framed may be gubmitted to be voted upon separately. Any alternative section or article may be presented for the choice of the voters and may be voted on separately, and accepted or rejected. ‘separately, without prejudice to ‘other articles or sections of the charter. if a chater is adopted at such election. that section or article submitted in the alternative which receives the greatest number of votes shall be deemed adopted. If any such proposed charter be approved by a majority of the elec-_ tors voting on the proposition of whether or not such charter shall be adopted, it shall’ become the chhrter of such city at the time fixed therein and shall supersede any existing charter and amendments thereof, and all laws affecting the organization and government of such city which are in conflict therewfith. Duplicate certificates shall be made. setting forth the charter adopted and its ratification, which shall be signed by tl3e,Election Cqmmissionersor other officials having charge .of municipal elections in such city. One of such certified copies shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State and the other, after being recorded in the records of the city, shall be deposited amongthe archives of the city and all courts shall filte judicial notice ther¢':>f.- The notice of any election provided for in this section shall be published for ‘at least three weeks in at least one newspaper of general circulatiori in such city and which news- "paper has been published continuously for fifty-two weeks next before the publication of such notice, gsuch publication of such notice to be made at least once each week and on the same day of the week in each of said three weeks, and the last publication to be within two weeks of the date of such election. ° Sec. 16. Amendments of any charter or a new charter ma be submitted to the electors by a charter commission and adopted in the manner provided in section fiféeen for the framing and adopt- ing of an original charter. Amendmients may also be proposed by two-thirds of the legislative authority of the city, or by a petition of not less than ten per cent of the qualified voters of the_ city filed with the Board of Election Commissioner, or officials having charge of murficipal elections in such’ city, setting forth such p amendment. Any such petition shall be canvassed by and certified to by said election officials. The legislative authorities of the city shall atonce provide, by ordinancg, that anyarnendment so proposed shall be submitted to the electors at a regirlar or election within the time and manner as is provided for the choosing of a char- ter commission. Any proposed amenllrnent submitted to the electors and approved by a majority of those voting thereon, shall become ipartofthe city charteratthetimeand'underthecouditionsfixed in such amendments. Sections or articles may be submitted in the recordedasintheeaseofanoriginal jndicialnoticeofamendrncntssoad l Plete power of self-government and corpora Sec. 19., Erueqt as otherwise express: provided by this T 1'5t°t!0!I.cvery city wbichhasorshallad, it ' charter hereby declared to possess, for all municipal rposes, full and ' . re action. No ennnierr t_10n of powers in this Constitution or in any law shall be deemed to limit or restrict the general grant of Tinthority ‘conferred; but this grant of authority shall not be deemed to limit or restrict control by laws of the State on matters of general State concern or opera- tion, as distinguished from those of local concern and municipal government, and provided that as to such matters as are both local and State concern city charters and ordinances shall not be in confiict with but shall be subordinate to the general laws of the State upon the same subject. The following shall be deemed to be a part of he powers conferred upon cities by this section: (a) To determine what. agencies shall be necessary to conduct their local affairs. the distribution of powers among such agencies, thc mode of‘sclecticm, duties, qualifications, tenure, method of removal andcompcnsation of all officers and employees; (b) To levy. assess and collect taxes and to borrow money, within the limits prescribed by the Constitu- tron; and to levy and collect special assessments on the basis of local benefits; (c), To acquire, by gift, condemnation or otherwise, own, establish, ‘maintain and police, either within or without its corporate limits, parks, boulevards, wharves. cemeteries, hospitals, and all works which involve the publicghcalth or safety; (d) To provide for one or more houses of legislation to be elected by general ticket or by the voters of the several wards or districts of the city or village; but until otherwise provided by its charter the memberr of the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis shall be nominated and elected from each of the words of said city as the same are ‘not: or may be hereafter fixed and determined; (e) By and with th- consent of a majority of the qualified voters voting at an election submitting the proposition to acquire, by condemnation or otherwis r. construct, own, operate. sell or pledge public utilities for wholly or in part supplying water, light, heat. gfll and power to the munici- pality and its inhabitants; and, to the extent and in the manner prescribed by law, for supplying water, light, heat, gas and power beyond its corporate limits; ('f) To acquire, by condemnation or 0ll1C!’\\'iS¢. construct, own, operate. sell or pledge subways, lines and equipment for wholly or in part supplying transportation to the municipality and its inhabitants; and to the extent and in the manner prescribed by law for supplying transportation beyond its of any utility, subway, lines or equipment owned by it to individuals or corporations or other municipal corporations. c. 20. Any city, including the City of St. Louis, may extend its boundaries and contiguous cities may be consolidatedor merged, without regard to county boundary lines, in the manner prescribed by law: Provided, that if any such extension or consolidation shall include incorporated territory, such extension or consolidation shall not be ‘effective until approved by a majority of the qualified votcrs of the incorporated territory to be affected thereby, voting on the proposition, at an election held for that purpose as may be provided by law. - A Sec. 21. No city shall extend a public utility system owned or operated by the city. or extend the service of such municipal public utility system into territory or districts added or annexed to or outside of such city, so as to put the service of such municipalpublic utility system in competition with another public utility system now furnishing‘ in such added or outside territory electricity, gas, water, heat, transportation or any public service, established under fran- chise granted by proper public authority having jurisdiction in or over such territory;-but the city may acquire by purchase or may condemn and take cover such -other public utility system operating in such territory added to or without the city, ‘on payment of just compensation therefor; or the city may contract with the company private added to or without the city to continue to operate such public utility system and to serve the district underiproper regulations. until the city shall become purchaser or take oyer by condemnation such other public utility system, and may operate the same in con- nection' with the municipal utility system ; the method of condemning or purchasing such other public utility system and the terms and manner of payment therefor to be provided by law. See. 22. No person shall at the same time hold a state office and an office of a city of the first class or a county having more than time, fill two municipal offices, either in the same or ‘different municipalities; but this section shall not apply to villages or to of the peace, or officers of the militia. » _ _ Sec. 23. Every city which has adopted or whichshall hereafter adopt its own ,charter shall have the power to establish and main- tain its own police department and provide the mode of selection, duties, qualifications, compensation and terms office, of all mem- bers thereof and for the filling of all vacancies and the method of removal of all members except as herein prescribed: Provided, that in each city of the first class there shall be a police commissioner or Board of Police Commissioners which may be provided in its charter who shall have general supervision and control over the police Police Commissioners ma be removed by the Governor in his said board. . It shall be the duty of every peace officdr of every county, township, city and village to aid in conserving the peace and execut- ing the laws of the State. and any failure or refusal of any such officer to perform such duty may be punished in the manner provided b law. . ' I . Y Sec. 24. The service, practicesiand rates ‘f all public utilities operated within any city or village shall be r ‘ ted in the manner prescribed by law. ' j . Sec. 25. All elections and submissions of questions to the elec- tors shall be conducted in the manner and by.the agencies prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State. V v Sec. 26. General laws maybe passed requiring financial reports fronfcities and villages and providing for examination by State officials of vouchers. books and accounts all municipal authori- ties or of public undertakings conducted by arch authorities in cities of the first class. The General Assembly shall by general law provide for the adoption, installation and use of a systqrn_pf accounting ' all county offices, which shall be uniform throughout the State for all accounts of the same character. 3 ’ Sec. 27. Every city shall have the power divisionoftheterritorywi injts ,' in ‘or . corporate limits: (g) To rent, lease or let and authorize the operation ‘ owning or operating such other public utility system in the territory ‘ one hundred thousand inhabitants; and no person shall, at the same °' cities of any other than the first class, or to notaries public, justices "mas N til department. Any police commissioner or member of the ‘Board of and. discretion, but he shall have no authority to fill any vacancy on ' mold Maid’s P Hoard . g AA- AA 95-’ — — _ _ _ _ __ ' [. Dy CBARLES EBAXTEI (Q. U81. tlzcoicrn suraaauat’ 0&9 ‘V ANNOIC. the nnnncler, was return- b( to, hla natty! village can a very aux errand. I-‘test. about cannon. Ff)-la-ur. tall. main. renal. cltlfled. with the air of prosperity all about him, an a hard man In business. though a ray * rstantlr. however. had brooded over It. the sequences that would follow should ha- glve hlruselr pp. and had deemed to make restltut on. He Would. In fact. have dqns no long before, but for the {act that It was a very t thing to do. Re bad boarded with an old maid, a woman or advanced age. and bad discover-edthatshehadasecrethoard of gold under a loose board In the turret. He had appropriated a bun- dred dollars Mu: which to make his Journey West. He was returning to repay this amount with handsome tn- tercst to her heirs. . . He was going to confess the mates 3 frankly, and to oner two hundred and , any-._ 1 lie ‘pictured the outcry that mun , have followed his departule. He was - undoubtedly “wanted.” Osnnon felt ;t t he was dolnga very rash and , daring thing. i I The little town had hardly changed since the days of his departure. The v le cottage In which he had boar-dd was still standing. lookln: a little more ; dllapldated. the sblngles a little more asngglnz. that was all. Cannon jthe bell. An old man came to th door. I “Does mu Nell llve hen.-r and f Cannon. ' “Miss Roll?" The old man shock ghls head. “I guess you mean the old . woman that used to own this plan.’ 'he said. “She’s been and years now 3 —-are or slx years. I guess?‘ "Then you're thehowner‘l" I *' o aln't t e owner. t was 1‘ bought up by the Trust company. They let me live here for five dollars a month { till It's sold. so as not to let we place ‘ run down.” ‘Pl used to board with hills Neil." ‘ said Gannon. “I'm spending the night In town and wondered whether you could put me up." _ y “no you, Mr. Cannon?’ asked the old man. "Wtiy. is that so! I rema- her th! old woman used to speak at I on're welcome to run " I can offer you. which ain't Cannon felt greatly .r-etlsred as he followed his guest Inside the cottane. liyldentfin If ever he had been wantfi, the afialr had been torsotteu. oldmsn gavehlmapooraortotg per. and told him he could sleep In "Rot as I ever heard at. e company got place at auetlgl. ‘Ibex-a . ‘ __ . _ . - ; {__..f_L.;—&~ -~‘ 0 ' “ ~s K O IXVIYYWWWB V7 UPI - ———-—--» —_._._-. ...a.._ r“\