V/3 — ~ 4-..- . aq.. : '. .‘.,f . .11’. , . ' v . a " ‘ . ‘ _ V _ V ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ . ‘V.'_,-. .. r V -, ‘ V . - V . ‘ .V ’_. .. -fs' ‘V’ , A 'V ' -V ‘ ’ 4" 0: - V, _' .- .» \ ‘_'.__' _ _ ' ‘ ‘ , "'.'-" --_ ~ ~_' ’w' 1-H‘. ' If -’- L‘. _ I V ‘,,V :VoV\. ‘V 'V VV, V V. VVV~VV‘V V.V. V.,.V, __ VV. V. V ..V. , V _ V_ V.V -.V . _ V‘V.V_. -V~ , V _vV. V W _. . V- .V._ i '-_ ‘ ,.i ‘.. a - ._ ' ‘A r " ' '.‘- '- . 1' ‘l -. . ' I ‘f " " ll‘-' ‘ -‘ ~ _ . . '- '~ . 7. '; - " . ‘ ' -. ’ - ' - ‘ - . . 4 . - < A -.r- -. ...._ ._ . ' i_- so .. _ _ _ V« . ~_ ._.. . , - . , V_ _, . - . V _ _ A .< . . - ‘ V . ,9 '. a ‘ ' ' 0 ‘ - .‘ ‘ ' ~ * -» . ‘ '-’ _ ' “ . .- ' > 0 l . - _ ,. kw’, ‘ ' ' I. - ~ . 3 I i . - .- -. . ' "" 61 ‘ , 4 ' - ‘ V. - . - .-. . ~ -, . u'- a ,, I 4" V_ V ,.. ' ‘ -., 4. , . .VV V ._--. .~ 1‘ -VV . ._ « i V _V - ;~ V . V V -V . . i‘ ' '-’ , ' ~. ’ _« . - . . »- s - - ‘ _ . ' . ' _ ‘ r . ,‘ V , _ ~ 1 V V‘ .s ' . - _ ._p ‘ . , 6. " . _ ’ r , V I t . I . ’ ct.-lo . ~ . .- . < . . s » l . .. .. _. . ,._ V , . . _ . .- ' ,.u _ , V _ , , . -_ _ , _ . , . i " V , . ~‘ -. z '¢\O , ».~- . . 1 ' ' - . .' I , . V _ _ _ . _. ., . .. ,V . , , . _ _. . _ » . .. . V V « I . . - , .. -. . Z . s ._ . . . I ' . ‘ I‘ . . ‘ . . ‘ -‘ ‘ . L ' ' ' ' ' - - ' e ‘ ‘V V V. V , - , ~. r . .-‘.4 s ._ , . VV- ' - 5 . ~ V V V V . - ' - ‘ I ‘.r --‘ ' .- . .a ' "‘ ' - ' 1 z " i r ‘ . I . V’ ii 1n§ ~:a1;;__,?.._ ' ' ~ , - ‘ -7-w- V as, “* . .2ll::¢ 9: A V salt "3 Y1 1934 t V . Jr‘-*"°~~~--~~ . __._--_ .... -, V -V V '-~ ~ V A3 ‘L. ._ ._a J LAST EDVI_'I‘l9_1~I V____VVVV; NUMBER 113 « ‘*”'''‘°.‘* ” ‘ " .”‘. . 11$’ WEEIE ‘woiiaaii. I o . ‘ V V - «- - -——.-........__.-..- ..._...__._________i ' 1 . . V g ‘- ~ * ' I “W A-’~vV':.»~ .. S. .p . _ hr . SCFPY C015. .V,|_;;ims ..V..w-mm V 1 SAYS STUDEJNT. ; .. .....,.... ........... sENA'1‘E.w1L1, V . V '1 ' A . ‘ ‘ V . -' ‘ V ' __ ' ' - _ ‘ I Y " l W“ V ‘F°- 0“ 0193, ,5. W ’8’3“‘; 3543,57 _;T.V S 3 ,**,,,~°;I,,=;~=;*_§-=~,v;=1=m=.P-r;=oVv. SHOULD FACE V ,.....‘.’:'...'“‘.‘.."‘....‘.°"é‘.'.'.‘.:...“.:..“ :.‘2'.*. IPRQBE MEDIC 41 V ‘ GONE“! ll 983913‘ I “I351? '- 3'.’ ’..' 41'.’ .-. ...«l _- I ‘ ’ ' ' ’ ’ .r y ' ‘ . sourian an 8- section e- ' J faiths and Tuesda mum Pm 4 ALK - . -we «aw w» --» «= -- . V G YEA .....V............:;. .....v =-- WORLD ISSUFS vow «~«-»V w J DIPLOMA Mm . V V V_V_ V . VVV V“ ' . .....__ I V V V V uVVVVVeVV.mn Vonkht ‘ham: VV I L Jl p,V:posedVV.VaVInendmentII to the V - V ‘ 1 J " ". 3 ' " - ' '1 . ' V.- ij‘ . ---—~——~ ° tc co tution to be voted ' - ‘BiggestAffairEverPlal_1!1° .,-.....i..p..i toui¢bt‘sl'hrIn : '-Am°“"tI5 Nearly 33°b°."‘ . . Y. M. . . ' ‘ A - “r “r . . 3 3 Conege of A ~o_ ‘vat "‘u_:uV an ~'hV ‘in V La Th th ' V _l-tor Ifuisouri: Fair and warmer C A :np:;nuFcb~"7 26' "“f”d' SC LOUIS Reporter S EV!- : ed by 3'" . V391’ . 80 9 f’ tomxbt. Tuesday increasing eloudi'- Makes Appeal for Virilc » "9 "'°"°'°" "’ "" 5"“ d - ulture Begins ' ‘ Total for ties: and warmer. probably followed - . .°*’""“‘°"°'“*' "°'“‘°nU°n held i 9"“? Causes Aclllln 0" V C _ _ l V NRO!!! . V by "Vow VVVVVVVVVV "VVVVVV V Lsfe and Thong“ 1" in l‘J2'.!-23. The supplemi-no . Part f 1 Qt‘ . .V yroaay_ . ; V ! V 1922_ smwm, FV'V’° ~V WVVVVVVV VV . Coneges :5...» in full oach omi-...i..,..,.,. ,, . V0 nve. igal- V V V VV___ __ __ C VVVVVVV‘ .0‘ VVhVV:s 0‘ VVVV¢VsVn 2: eonlo . ._Go VVV___V __ i “din. 0! $0 mg” of cdnmu‘ “EV, V . - statement ;iVf th;Vwork of the com mg Body. ' ‘ A RECORD ROWD‘ . ' .°"‘°*“ 1 as To 4 in F l est ’ ~ T’”’‘’'‘ . “"“’°f‘° ‘ ° 9 '°“*' '*"'°‘ “"4 ~-~~—: 1 V PEG? __ V .V Bureau Bedera on for'aV:VvVeral V VV V? V V UNDSV 2‘:V‘,'“VVVVV‘e°"“VVlV’:V“2‘;'° '59:“ “V” EVVSCHOOL LIFE liliPORTAhT other infominuoii. ll “FAi\'l‘.” Ul'\'l\'ERs|'rvi‘_q V President Brooks VaViViVd Mrs“ wemd on . 335030013 ARpVVportionedV.toV '*°'“?VV~VVVVVVV VVVVV‘ VVVV VVVVVV‘ VVVVV V“The University Spirit ; V. . _:_ ;V_-..~ witness Es.;,,‘,;u.S rfhen, * A Izetta Brown on ven- 9:2 I-‘-men T g eneral venue— . ‘ ~ .: ml’ _' ‘ - - BAH A. NICHOLS i . ing Program—-50 ' °°“° ..i ’ " *4 Sinking minds *-it-n‘p'57t:°r*:"'h*3: NowsIisath*e SW“ of the P‘ P *"‘"”“ 8 NW1 A" 2'50" "Q“"‘°“'5' ' . . . . . I o . Reg-VV_V V VVVV V V _ .,. . Vmometeneu uVnV«VmVVs to IVOVV Va:V.V, Tomorrow. V smVViVV :V..VlV4VViclViVo:V. Va fa;:;r ii.V.VaVV..,V U, S, , 1‘ooielii's rmemn u tr. ' During 1923 the sun of ass - "'°'”' , A “‘”‘ '9' ' , ~ ' " I ton 6- -——»—— .. r‘ir"‘“:VVC“:]‘llVOl’l:VVRdaV-. V V acted my hash’ VV” trhfi . colt-ecteV:l by the gag)’ : ;;b¢e.:,:¢:,:‘'1.trda:u:o8St:t Am;i:am:i‘:q:ilip t‘l?:tlIs:l:::'l': fag atithnnzno ‘B8niy‘gtf:!o:1d’.c::§ B'\:‘,A"S.l'il';'(.:-"l‘()X. Jan. l4.—SulTi-A ‘ 10:3; «urn. gnu. ° .' ~ .1... i. ‘am in : V‘VVVV‘V-V3*35-‘lVVV-VVV,%:¢0o!Vi_8VVefor$VVV1VV“V®;V- hm. 42 ‘t ;.ck,om.m,_ ‘ad 30 u the problems of the world with un- always lived near A.m.,,¢_ cient evidence on the nation.a'ide is. ’ ' ' . ° ' Lfitlaxzta. ‘lflfllltlicod minds was made by Only a few distant relatives our. sue of fraudulent medical diploma: °"”' 5"°"' C”-9 ‘°“°'l"3 J I There were snow flurries yestee. nflfher S. Brockman. ‘as:-coiate vii-e. Burial will be at 2 o'clock to- 5'“ liven to a senate committee to. Board of Aitrifultzire. Jefferson the West Vlrgl senatorial race. , _ ._ , ’ h e being 098- _ _~ 1‘ . Isl V, V ' . . . , - , . °' '’'‘°'. . ''V'-‘‘ W ’"'“ "'°" "4"-=‘~‘-‘~"i« -»—- w- 4-’ ';=.>*-e ow ~-no --.~= -=»- :.'.."°.'."..'.::.'.'.‘.::='.;“.....":= .::“:"';' “....n"'°°" -* W “S...” "~"'v~ ' lode — University (Xdet llrs. Brown has for many years "°_"dl°°!*' ll‘ '3"-‘ "If-!'I\‘lt¢'~ W»- and students of the College of Ai:- . _ V 0" {mm VVVVV VVVVVVVEVVVVVV fund 0‘ at , V is a an ua e o an or t V yer-V r a t e amilton- were charged with conducting ii mo. . riculturc in-re on hand early this ‘ . C1888. Davls Hfird. “VVVVVVVV Vmd VVKVVV deVV‘V_VVVVVVVVVVV Them Been 1n “E3-_ V V V V VVg,.V.,m, Mme {lam}. ‘O Hippo“ her "cc .gahVVVt _VVVVb"VV hmllh and VVVVVVVVV morninx: tn xrivo assistance to the __ -————~—— V V ~V — —~ V-~_ i $6‘V‘Voo0 5" "mu_, and “gm hon“ .V Contam Th” “'."""!-"“"-" _“"' l"“*’_"""""fV ""1"" ;‘V‘'“'_3 5""'"' “ld; .11"-" ‘.;,;u,,., of an. w«.kV V _ “ith ten to twenty entries in u.- About five hundred dairymcn from ‘M "28000 VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV . _ in moulding Ami-ricaVrVi in-ntinu-,u_ ii t c use of Jennie Mchiurray V V V .V~-..——. . - A committee of sthdcnt guides most even’ oonlctt the corn Ihoul sill parts of the gut; wcno pr;-gent I o -_ - ’°“‘1V “V t we 0!’-'-—-um U ed Id Mr. Broclcman said. But our :.luV- Iltuinst J. L. Murray. Hrs. hicMur- I-(I-JNT (iA80l.lNE l.l(‘l§.\'Sli lunl b°lIVdS 0llL\lnfldlN.'- V !”V_V V can nu co dents do not tnkls theta.‘-lye’ 30“. HA)’ ll Ill fl"fl lhlll hf!’ llu’bIfld ‘this year breaks all records for num- at the beginning of a public itnle P met all incoming trains and took _. - —--- —~ =weather‘ontries to the seventeenth ‘ . . V ' . - V - _ . any enough The’. ‘N come,“ to. her in August. i922. about six weeks -——-——-— -- cbuge of the ,.u“°,,_ h"i,u,,3 ber of contestants The hi:hVqualit) ofV purebred cattle which Vstartod “ ALTO“ PLACES APPEALV Show of the Bow co V Poul 0 V VV V 0"" M» i~~-«W W W r‘ "'° °".::*°*. .*'“* *:.°"""';'V ‘:°'?°‘- -mo-wt mv-T ism... o.o.‘.o“;'.i. °':..‘—'.‘.*.'.::. "°':°:.:..“;.":'""‘:V :f:.*.2.:':;.? .:.:.*:..'':::'.:';:1: :3" “:3. ‘i"mI‘.°.' ."'.:.":°:'. °' """-‘“’ "M "" " """“‘ "'"“'”"" up’ "aim r'lI "i" “M com. me" f. 0“: °~i°oaer:im “-3 35 B “or... " I run '°“' ‘"4 5"“ °°"‘i"°° mil F"ld‘|J’-’would'll:e th aecetshi? stud nt. “rmi'i.. The eouplo have one child. ' ° " ' and Oclhhl: ' M J.‘ the ‘me ' ' ll‘ 0"} C “Lib 'i he of am!“ imm ' 1? herd ucnl'“ ' oudwua A ' brads": I’ ' '"° “ml”! 30 "Pliny ‘Nd “'19 “'0' Universit ‘ of Mia-iourio (T oniiiah 5578- F-ill! Cnrruthcrs who is su- " * " - . ‘ ‘ “Q gauze or Auflwlmm hm the nni(';»?+::: ‘re 0 “ n '1 lm(;.'|l:¢:t:¢r]|;f;:,.¢§'‘‘|ng ‘until: arid M‘ n .53 “PC9194 10 00 I SW81 Illctilfliithemaelva-)s into groups to slim)’ the ills! Janii-s (‘iirruthcrs .ful’ divorce. p""m"""‘ "°“‘ "h°‘°“‘3“ d““l' . “"39 °‘ u"’ my """l°“" ""1 ll” Info «ml-lion. North -all-oaori. is can unimuiw ("NV ,. V __ ______- according to Dr. Virgil Blalteinore..po;;lb1¢ goluiiomi to ¢,;i,.g1.m worjdinworo that her husband never ado! "” '3 lb“ "°V‘V"“ "ll? ““°"“‘ ll“ 0" . ' ' Ruso no are ue tomorrow. accord- :president of the association. Olill)’ pmblems. To ii great extent Ami-.7quately supported her during their‘ United PH-.ss. '- ‘VA5“‘xGT0"'_ "‘“‘- ."‘- “fin few entries have been withdrawn; rig; 5; ;..]._.¢p in nu. ,,.wmy Of hg-f live and a half years of married llfe.~ ‘"9 ‘° "°d“‘ ',°l"‘ 3- m"l‘"“"- “Y . - ‘V-eat}! ' ,]1c,1nu, cg.yjggd_V°x_VbuwV.'-y "id clorlt. The tax went into of act Court hers" onl“3°l"°*'l"‘ r 21 "According ‘ti. ‘ii.-.. -l afil 80011! 0f Aflzwlluw will 9u‘~whltc ecu. Ur-a A’. llennett. flnownina - _ l , Mpg-yh the Vnight, nu. V V 1 Ion’. division. North Ilhaourl, 10 can , “P. DOV“ Blld he WIS \\'l‘llV fll('!Vne¢lj V", we «um-u -'v«‘«-' « *'°1*‘°°r*’ .'..'..°*‘.:-..'‘‘..:.e*.;.s.~.—. .. +:*,;*;,;*'::.':w'::,-''r.,l,*.':‘**”“V“:'-+~.. . ‘ | . . . . .. ..... .. . . °‘‘ "“‘ “'°"“’.‘° ‘“""""' “"‘° """ wwv «-m»- I-- I: ma". Rom "‘ Q "T ’, "“' am‘, of Oklnboml iomnllr Pmwflw 9° - which is disastrous to one nppuar- and it is the duty of her students iollnm-ny in Circuit uttc-nd_.tut it is expected to exceed. iii...-, ¢i.~i.s..... iio.V.iii uumri. to my .V.V .V VVV“ . 39¢?" ‘Y W; VVVd;u.¢ united suites Sup:-enVie (V‘ourt his . mm of an -comb‘ ‘M when uh-éV“,.ken he“. V V 3"", 26V wag ",4 ,,,,u_.,m.d .0 my provisions of. the otsllnimm, NV... the "con. mmb" of 2'3” ml "'.'.'.’.,'.-"'.II‘.fi.i..‘.."ii.iI.i'iii.".l.T1.C"T3'"JI;. xigowm, 3 “oh .' fix‘. Pl” {°' ‘ ""l""' °{ h" 'f"P°‘°h' show'opens tomorrow at the rooms A forum hour was ll('l(l nt 4 )’¢=|l'¥ 5"‘ UH‘ penitentiary. The: ‘"9"’ '0" 3°l’l¢'"ll’¢"f WEN‘ disc 00'- "- ' , elm. corn. riinoni issoo‘. King City. uni. bu mum‘ on‘? ,;i. rib: mcnt by the Oklahoma laexlslitufe-V cf the g-.,.1o,..1.;,t,, _mmb,_.,. ¢°.V1o°¢|¢',¢k gm, .{;.,,-,,oo,. ,1 the 3', M_ couple hail one child. now 4 years‘ tobor 15. but were permitted to he ,. -mic State Corn and Grain Show Ila).-Vdivi-ion. ' Vail-oori. in corn ‘Von. “V” be M. We of VVVVV be“ ...... -._ , . than will be Why WV“ fowlViCV AVBuMm¢ ‘V which more “V” "V out Vdcuflod um" the mm of "M ‘S M CV8. lbdérc." ’d'"". “gm so hmfi in tug county’ and wco ‘re A fwofih seeingV ‘ lope“ di.cu..ion on {he V.‘-ions Bland who i‘ 'ueln“V molllh. 1119 0l‘dlfl8l'|(‘l‘ [W‘0\’l(l('3 lllllo R. T. Kiricpotrick. f"fhcre sire far, VVVl::V7-VVVVVVVVVvVVVV:ViVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV.VVV ears VVVVVVVV VVVVVV‘ VVVVVVdVV.V VVVVVV VVVV VVVVVV, V games have been received {mm pm”, of Mr, Bf0ckmafl's work, Mamie (‘,uunj‘htV ¢,,g5,d mu N, payments are due on the 15th of "’°"° “"5” “"5 9”’ V"‘”‘“ ‘l“‘.“‘’' Harv‘ dlvl-km. south Illnourl. 10 -H I but find. ha been mm NT .lluntst'ille. Mexico. VI-‘ulton. Wright T9"! of Proxrani in (‘bins Vwifc is now in Pennsylvania, and has‘ ""‘“"'>'- Ml?"-‘ Jul)’ 3'31 October 1' lorgenm blmbtlle °"“°’£"" "'i'i".'..-‘°.iI'.’i.i'.’.'.."°.'lLl'.'i'.'§.°.'." if 3."? 3'1} in the state " he said ' :5 ’Cit)‘..Wind.sar and lilcBaine. The-V "1 hm mg Chi":-VV mm '3'“ {Vt-fused to come to Missouri in Ii9e.~ '0' at - apee‘ y . n men's ive~ ' ~ ' , - ' ' . ' _ ' d 1,‘ ' n ten years t an it its move in e allege. incompguum _ mg‘ on e rust of December, March. r acre corn contest. twelve men pro-. "Ema M" M“ M“ ch" -I 8. Muck. an auctioneer VfV ’“ 3”‘ °‘ ‘'’° ’’°°"'’ ‘" b°‘"' the last 4.000 years." said I-Tbtchcr testified that his wife retina ioi Jurie and September. ~. smile . awed-[blah . io -an ' - . - ‘*7-" ' t morrow afternoon and the awards , _ duced more than 100 bushels of corn mmfnon "a. nu-ouzilog. nu ' b'°°d°d ‘‘‘“1‘- °‘ F°" ‘“l‘"‘5° Amencan Mlnlster Flrm ,:;n M mu‘ pubuc by 1-hm..d”.VV. CV S. Brockinan. associate general Vsec- speak to him. for days before they The Columbia Oil Co. has already 9 to u,, “N. ‘M highug hid ham lion’ om-ion. sweepstakes. to cars -an". \\'is.. then open the bidding by - V "an. of we lntcmtionni \'V “V c_ u, “ted in “la H. .0” ‘H 0‘ hi. U" u‘V amount!“ ‘ V 9V 11031‘ 1" ‘M M7‘: "°"y‘°’t' ‘hm mi:opc"‘:::io’:.-one:-‘:3.-.i.siico:‘."io ears yelo plum‘ Belle !.!u'°°d h°md"k°' F0n°“snn.g Death of g,dE.'3:; A-. at the Bl‘08dW8}‘ M°lh°di-Fl Dr?Dcl't)'. li\'l"¢ the money received Fxdthe period from the“tin°ie’t‘hz¢?dr._ .boys produced over 100 -bushels to M. ,,m ",,..,.I,., y..,,,,,,V mu CMV N°- 79‘“3VV{V 0" !‘01‘;V-V “WV MISSIODSYY. rules of me Amefian Poultry A”o_ Church last night. ’ V V to his wife, he said. lie then came dlnanee went into effect to January- the acre. and the highest yield was VV ;VlVlV;rVlV-VVI:V»n.‘VcVVl;sn-Vs:-VVcV= I0 am corn-‘V3:‘VlV'“."VVVY"VV' V"V'V°VVV:°V:‘VVV‘VVV"‘ ‘é‘;V‘:V VVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV.V—-—-.—-—- Vcznuon win he :°uo‘_°dV V gVV::lI."VfV:l:IlE;: IVi:VlViVI.;Io:Vl; eouale wiV.-VVi;VVVn:.rriod inV l. The Standard OilVCo. has paid V1VV2:.5 dl:tt:V:ls.VVV I::d amid eh:-sloo. to can corn. John "0¢"Vwn,3 sold to J. R. Harlin for 8255. . PEKING. Jan . l4.—Atnerican'. American Poultry Aaso-. Robert “VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VVaV VVuaVVe“‘VrV:V ch‘fl.f.|.‘aV°nV ‘1V§‘.‘5Vlh¢o;lVI00(Vl..li of :V¢'pternbeVrV. """ Kl" Cm‘ ' Anna Belle. dam of Belle Minister Schurniui todly Dreplrcd caution will be awarded to nethodiu Chm_chV.. fie NminnedV NHV Ln”. Kw“ ham.‘ “V” “V” ° :V‘V'° VV‘VVVVV "V-VVl:.Vd Iflllll. Ctsll prises tolll I500! 31¢‘ Open. 10 cars surly corn. C. II. I-1. Wale; Ild’ . . - v ‘._ ' ' mbu. V ‘°°' ' ' mil‘ i'°°3i"i.'i;... i - .. mi.’ ".l"‘:t?:sK::l‘:y:: :Vl"l‘l’ll.8!‘!)lnzSel1"ll'¢‘:£‘!"‘l.ID?e!ll "§2f..§.‘.’o. cua,seh‘;!!"inx:!s1 be "':'.“‘° “‘° "‘"°,f,'°‘},"‘ "°T",’"' ‘"""’ "‘."'”°" "‘ ‘l’"'' ‘'23- “ °" ‘flaw this momins UM their Th‘ “"3 “ld B"‘°“ sh°"° ‘VH7 5” ;"‘”&:‘u':-..“"“"'- :'h?'er of Concordia for 8165 )‘ct on the killinz and I-zidnapinx of There & be five ribbons Siren: 3.1’ ha ‘ho ‘{,"|‘i,iaChi t 0 ‘uh: 0' “'.h:.un. TN’ ""d "tab" an man" would be mac dam. to-’ lwd “rdnesd-1' m°"=*n8- -°°°'d-' ""*" ‘‘'‘'‘°'‘- °*''''- """ "' """" 1? ‘ii waikaiiiioéii of Concordia American missionaries by bandits rim. blue; second. red! iiiini.’ ii: opt:-in‘: omu-am “tit: sch‘:>?l mil“ son A is an id” °' '°"'°"'°“'° lwto Ii. 1'. Foster. assistant in ani- ""“- °‘‘’'''' '”'''‘°''‘- °‘'‘’''' ‘ ' ' A B,” ' M an; 5 of an S3 0 miuion, 'h-u. tom“ yam". fifth “V ’_ Y“ ' '. ° ' ' 0 "' "'7 "'3'," l"' Dealers to whom the Mix is up- division. open. siuio our white bought the full tilt! of M‘-3 ea ‘ °° "3 ,9 ‘ o _ - - ' F" _ in shanghai and who changed the her suit against Hal Adios l(cFar--wan‘ ‘N we 8“nd”d 0-‘ C "'1 h“'b‘“d""° "h° l’ 1“ °h”'‘°' Wm M?" 0"“ "*'““"'- I 100750!» “V ' 5'5"‘ °" ‘h°.A'”°"°‘" flu by 75‘ 5‘'°°P;“k; C“? 'bl:;V°“f"V'V‘1VV'V status of woman in the Chinese na- land. said that her husband is now. nun.“ on co Pm” Lathe C; Cg" 5° °°’“l"‘°d °' 5' "’°"‘ ° c 50!! Ulfolllll ll" l|1fl“¢"~"'3 Dr. working in St. Louis and since theyihuu. on 00" He": 0“ Co ' . _. V. .3-- Thejudces will be Hrs. C. C. Schlllo B-vsaV‘V dV::sVionVV;VVouIIV.VV;.lnaV:-:V'sar yellow sum nmpiui RD: 1; “ Fulton. chin” u-.0 _ ‘ V tier. of Farmington. and Dr. A. T. °""v _"' “"' ' _,'bo ht t cows this morning. a Prof. Bernard Hoff. American rni:- 30°”, coumy Poultry Association y ;_ Ml V .5 u ad ad. u V1921V_h.d V V _ V V Nelson. of Buipeton. Premiums of VV_V'V‘VV°:- £Vu V flu Vwlzyeu VEMV n"‘"fl udvmod ‘ionfly died yesterday in a hospital . °,,1y_ VVVVt:t;!:VVVe ‘VVVVVV:-nVVVVVVsViV¢VtV> use VVrVVVVV' VV: :rVqnt|b“Ved VVV:nVVVVVVayVVVVVVVVnV VrVVn.;l tors Garage and Clinkaales Ca. 8175 in cash and a trophy cup will Boys’ ammo. swans-stale-V. -I-sic -r Korudyke, for $210. and Snowflake at Sisnz YIVIIK. from Wound! :1" -,—— - —’—-— ugh. chin." go the o-uknegsog andjm-.-1.;-1,. odour. 19o3_ ".4 1,..."‘_“' V'____ V‘ be awarded. . n:Vu;--VVVVncV-iViV;V:VtVVcV:V:enVVVVr~::VinVV"aVi:Vsmclu. iiermosa. for 3200. D. K V VVV fVered aufosritzlltht alto at the sac pouwumu of Chi”; .Vnd D,V AnV_ one ch"dV BL‘: an,‘-'-"—'—VBn_8 To . ,_u,‘:,"§;',:°',:i‘{,"b:f_"}:ui},!° ' 1' “"""°"'- ‘--'~'- ,_ L J°h:i:li: rem old. was stfltl is th:’ ii: been limo of lira "°"’?V“' ",';° V“',‘;"";°hs'"‘§;:o U3.’ Wu“ Wdnd 141- in ho’ *°w'- 3033 7'34?‘ '0' Ffllllolflfi 0 , . but bushel white corn. y ‘ coV. V V _ , ' versl y. e_ o o ow p . V an in 5 had ’_ ..____..__ contest, open to girls in the Co are |\«?i0::t“l. llnownina. Adams Dairy Farm of Blue Springs. Julian hilen of Nos-thneld. )ifinn.. Vco~ AV L.mbuu,_ 0,, the mm. of “in, M"? '.'°" ‘ ' “' H 8"” 3.3 3... G“, M,“ Fm A‘. of Atricult A tal """‘ ""‘ ""“"' ''“°‘' '°''‘ '“''°‘’' f r worker of Prof Hoff and his Wilt‘ ‘L ‘ - 3 hi tt. sent him to China. and of 2:,’ C31-.h‘y' ‘ad mgr“ J ‘:3’ nah. Bayailauea Parker A INT l'I}OI'IC may '9 . ' m'“In V ' 0 V. V V ‘ . ' . O V _ Qy jg‘ nu‘ . s 3 WWW!“ llill “N5 "°l° °" 9"‘ Pofhtlhptao i-o.i:i of corn nu 1:. llrnlu-ft. “W d||l8M°" °‘ 'l°l"““‘- V” ""b° '” hd“"" f'°"-' we sup" """—" =b°' 91¢ “ON *3" °‘ °°'“"""-"'“"' 1903 and separated in July 1923. c‘’‘‘“‘- l .’ r ,. . 3 C. H. E. “’ f 8 °. l l I lb! lifltll latter h . V ' ' _._..—._—-- . h't,i.',..""-1‘-‘it ,i,::".‘, “:”,.‘.’,°. "ii'.'l‘-'.".'i......... «men. s... o...... you .',;°.‘f.'.,?.r ms. ‘ ' ct 0 M Tii:i'.°nii'u. non is cxhected to rc-‘ 32 N .;",,,,f,'§f,',",,,;"f;’,“‘.',';_".'$,"-",,", 5"‘ “W” 3:": ll" 5"! 3;’ more than one hundred families M ft or h n 0‘ wfil. J. lalldh KIFDI. ‘hill. 75''‘ 0' ‘me Kofnd)okcV covet-V om nnejiuon s“nd on ‘Vb. 'e"c ‘b ‘b. N O VII! W b’ Ell!’ W ‘Jo: . \' gt °m -‘mud 1”” -hlkh '"-In fresh in May was sold to J. E. liaw~' The regular troops in the ‘sionnn Lgw Mgrk. ‘ ' of the highest possibilities and op- eufifld ad‘ “ ‘ he-. 1: 53‘ W 109- URL il|'VhlI:lI I500! ilicmrd iriiw p};sJeif;Ti2°iior M‘ "'.?"I.'.'.;."°sTr'i'i'ii.'.'."i'i'I'.'ii..'.'C'u'iil'i'C kins of coliimhia ‘tor siio. 'pI"0"in¢¢. which find on the AW” —— portunities that an)‘ ever did.” be M, ,¢,,"°",,,,-,?,‘,"',,,,"°"',,,,,,V' :09 with ‘we killed. u-confine to . ‘ . , ':f.",- ' 5...... ' ,._7 . .. ' - - gs. ' ‘ ad - ; - .. ahuParkar.aaptaluo(theliuIn. .tieultoral CVlub, constitute. an caecu- [&.'“;lvb:3‘Ol'E‘8n:0s“:w;bouI'l. :w- 0“ Mb." A”... Di“ flat: L" pV:iVVVVVVuiissiVVVV¢:ViVi.Vs:V'eVV‘u coo; uyrcc-“V VVV_P‘VVVc VVVVVMVVVVVVVVV J “V,” VVVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV in the ease of Eaie Pugh ii." “uh ‘m um “L “M “d, an wmmm" for the “OK ‘f" "1" "' “"" """' °""" ""0"" l or ll-0%-4 "|""- inand of Gen. Wu Pei Pu,» with existed on the Bouru today. as the ,puch°g,,g,,, gr, arockgmna 3.1. "‘h: hctdéltlhfinl‘ ‘h. “:3” "935 M0505‘! V5410‘ 13°’? um‘ BAKER [MCI-‘ ‘Hi: " :::u:o":i:c:“=bi.:":i.*a':i no SAN F3ANc13Q.°- 3”” “"0” rnander of the northern pro\'iooc- French franc fell faster and further 4,,“ on an inyugmng cf 9., m-,,. ml“ at 0' “ “lg; twat:-In families. The average . VV ._..V‘ . ' “NM .1 Garland stat-b-. 1-gaiisiAlb¢rt Ab?” San till)" [V .__ _...VVN8 50 V an“ flu, menu‘ an ” do . mane, mun me ‘Ill: F -V d u 1.“ “ “ch hon” Former Super-i School C" ' V‘'‘‘‘ ‘"3’ "°“""' 1' 3- " ° uuld °d‘°‘l"l 730°C‘ the ' lad’ ' ; --~———-—~- —-- - y ' -- - '*=--~=-='wV ' «V»-«'*"r"-«—-"“ ~°..::. ‘::.~=..=-~.....x mi: .::° m‘“”‘=w- w A» o‘°""m-'::‘...«.°-‘ii-“°‘"‘.-. «WV 0* ::=.:°.:‘:.:.?... ""-o, ‘°“”°°-W “"'“-o-mt’ ‘:='«“'»':‘i ...::-....'.="=-...':'.+** *° W W """"""""*, , ‘ - rieuiusstinsaia : . . ‘f8. 3 -""“"" who ' ancewuduetotheloudVi:olIfl- ,. ,,¢ ' 5,. ° - ,3 gm’ "'3' """s'"" """ "."" l$‘,,',‘°,,,°‘. '.,,.°',‘," 1; °.m:.'.:i " piper n':.:.'rsies an e "°"°° °° 9* 1*" °‘ ""!“"" "”‘." pi... to s.u'n'oao;iLy {or man. finance la the ml-ins at the tour roucu utuivii ass man ’ .5... ...°r,.:i’.,i..°...ri‘..'.;'.°'.‘.¢c:’i;T..:;':"':°.' (:4'7d''' " mu L2?" ::.4n:g?:.g1t:chlrr of his own iimoisoo died ‘ ti:-oi nah. i. '‘'‘‘° ?“‘‘'°‘‘ '*° ‘"7 ‘°"""‘ ‘.°°""" Near v urns in VVV‘ “V ‘Vfln. 0|’ IN!“-INC I-I000! PUIBS - . - nion . ' gj _ , ' (3., “ma, mm ‘ - do)’ filed his declaration of candi- churches in Columbia will be held atjbenc last nixht of bronchial Poeumo- a, nu“ "__%"T‘* :5: Bow” w.u”d ‘ mhlat Alfll V ‘um V“ cm" ‘m: 3.; n” 3.‘, ‘ pa‘ 3_ 1:1)’ for the Republican nomination 7:80 oV'VVi:l:Vck Wfisr cvoieihnt gtnia. V , WASH GTON. Jéun. 14.—\'VietVVoVrVV “me ‘uh huh” “I . W‘: DVV CV “V----VV°Vl_—'VVV“ s“VVVVd.’V Ind. ‘aim an” D"V.V an 3:“ nu. ... ‘.“_ °"°"°".'°" ”°i“”°“"""°“‘°B “’ dm mt’ '“"’°‘* K"""' i""”'° lllsboonflnkooifhfofiolfi-’ °?'ui¢btorNewYorkfromwhe:ebcIlessaaabistEutoIsllsss;1'bouias '""||"‘Fl|"'*- fiieforthc-Republicannumiuatlbn.'l'heW.C.1‘.U.willbeinchartcof, P""8‘R""“'s‘mm' l"04¢!'IlTl‘|¢¢C°'“°i“l°""”,""‘ eignssi.-in-itieswsserisiub!1!IP3 willsailWednesdayfor1‘riest.asa}l'.A¢Ikl&ana:alnst8aulahLAd-‘~.,. ,.,__ Bis platforni. _iheV uimou,-oa, the progrVamV.V which willV be a celc;VBV:k’°{:cVVl8l‘e"3.°‘.fR"h”uB"‘°rL" ;‘_::l°l his resignation no Pi-esidiV.-nt Coohkt Vand Vbounh. French bondsl vi...‘ ’ 'Iiinasosi; llellle Estes agaist .£o- ha "V_ pond. .o_ “W 5' °°°"°'“>V'_- °“.“‘l°'“'3' ‘"5 ‘ ""“°" ° .‘ e f . t;.nn['.:;;?:. 3, ill at his home and will not be able ‘° um’ um” Peta“? ‘.5 um, "0059 80¢‘ '00! 5833! Ififfifll '0. Doeur8naedflrst.,planncd1ostop;lU|! 33*‘: ‘9‘ um‘-3 n“'5"'day advanced the theory that P where deal to Vall. Baker declared “I0 860990!‘ 0 4 " V0 mo“ M. an.” h ‘at m. In his lotto!’ 07 783893 °“-VVVVI VVV an (,5... non”, ‘ V“ 6”...” an ".4 gnufapiost Ruben luahss. ‘lbs case 3 '3. “V flu, ,,u found ‘ad labor ma an-m,m,n. ,p,wg¢- 3,.“ Amendment. V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V. V dock told Ir Coolltlto he now» - “dad. in via," uni g l. mg.“ of Essie Poland against Ernst Po- 5, . m’ 0",. . mm. “L cf;-'Vl1foI:VitationVinVall official lcoun; ‘V ”"""‘—V..V. l‘hu“‘r-' -. VBV_d.VV “V hm .1”. M’ "V :-Vt.-‘turn tosiews workat -V;..;,,~5,-,5.” ognggg V," Anna” “V Vlaiid was dlsuibasd for want of ho. hum,‘ 0“, mm... 0' ;‘,,“,, ,§,°';:;§f'j;,°;M ,_‘ W," "l‘he”Ve:ecumItive board of the n.i.ii"io.u. «mi. oiloscos week an ‘ ......_.:._.__.. gmqmfidwwm 1:, V» on is-:mVt;«-Vv-VVV-at-1-VVVv-Ivl-. VVVVVV3;-""'*"““°" V V_ ;“-1°-' -J __*~-_______:-__ in wi,-no ' nty. He w elected t‘V‘V°'*'*""';“""'jV_"A"'i“"°"“ ,:'“(‘..';°'”‘H,'.i (gm. sat... ‘s.iéo‘s'-Tic It--uni "‘“"°"' ‘"_f”"“ °"'CE” Club at a sauna; of the *;""‘°"',,.,,,,,V 0,“, 5,... .,,m ,,; “"0"” '°"'“" H_a:°;'-wk A!'P0lN_1'Ill‘l‘lV com»-iaiiizu ;‘,‘;";,V,;, "“:fV;f“;:_“;§’::"w;'{:;Viomouw noon. sum. uuiiml VmTo;:V-:lV¢V|-:§“f-l Hg.-3; :Dr- K-25 W“ "'°'* . new-In Vi-rn-itornsv-—*h ii. undartbsallpiols oiiinsi-inn. rain-an in State Ara . ~ ‘ ' ' discussed. Election of-‘of- P 50" ‘ P04 0|? - " °m." "“" ‘ Iodllllll "“°3°““°'”0 1933.. .' . I'm“ 5.“ u,.,@|‘ ., usadyiuulau Cbris- Iiistalhtlonoftlielfiuoflsersof elulubas takn evflllrli run. '.,"m";"“E.'Vw"'“:*;;.f"o._V ' {m it: tlaucollscs to to ,the Herbert Wmianis Post of tholebuiaswillbecivu ' 'uI ‘ WASHINGTON. Jon. ‘I4.-‘IN, "7 United i-..... ' ‘V y “"51. B. Jseiooo. vies-nresldsutof the vhho-V;VV¢- znklll :A . will ‘ "°"'“"‘3'P“" :5 the-mi-t~. ~..:=..°:=.:**=.;".....~'~'.;..:.i:**t,.".:.'..*.l-~=*-**~i . V cl ..."~“ .. ........-'"°~:..'''°-*...:-...'°-"---*-~........ . iii. ' hlstlonal lVa't‘;i‘.1fuIb. A A -‘W’ "“‘ ‘ -Wllo Vaiossiiii-ho7miocilioi‘uoVio. . 3-‘ d V” *'''*'!.f 8-3009!» I ‘ A "j A Gab at turd ii ssutlnvssi