While natnrfl dlncils - John A. Stewart's subdivision oilmiiliuy service with ‘the «Fnooli r'— "C ' !‘% (MUM boundaries. If..the, 1 for hdifighd ‘on. (1,; It V99!‘ ‘hit aN.Y9uu8'93' . , a _ ‘ _ ' _ __ ." N , 3" ;f';"j_‘_'f,""",,_ U h_j",__“‘__‘ “ ""‘ ; """"""" " lama ions-Story!-ioooroonud.-it mmm fimM’ a1°"“"*v'P‘;"_°;‘;"3 "'°"': S’: kw‘ 2"s°13"jC°'"-"":°}?n'f,chA:n§"f”f:,‘;,;n°;'£in':°i':,‘;f '- ~“-' ’ "-' e . M H , . S _ _ . _ ' —w-, . .. . ~ - -- must given iaaioi-it! vote in favor defiaituaim in accomplishment. Forfim‘ ?'°"°"" °"'* “ ‘ _; ’ F. ' . « A . - . " " o ' ' ‘ . A , an” L. ,- guteg gut gg ha ‘Q1-.. Rotter» alchclbeiger and wife to S.l¢lfded as French. but if the father ‘to - .- 1 ’ .1”3’“’,’."’-'3" 39- “ if “'9“P“P9.=“‘°"= ‘W5 P"f*"*"°"i?"."_"l°"¢"""’° ' ,,,,- ,,,,, m flu” “W ,0; Kelley Dunun/13.50 acres west part.iaaforelgner‘the chlltlhaatheright ' i . ......... .. . . .... . .. so. am. om» ..... ..... .. .. .. .. . M... . we mu DANCE WEI .1. ‘ . J . s I 0 ‘ . ,_, - . . 4 : - . ‘ rs "35-IV"? ~ '~ r . or . < : -: * --.:;;:~..-:'-We-‘é'-o:~-V:«ix. —“ ' .. . -—~—..........'.. ' ' ' ' ' .. .- . ~ . - . ~ . ‘ «. _ ~ ._'_ , ,i‘.,%.'fs .‘ V‘,z,._2¥~vl!"{"-v'v_. ‘A :5 . .- ‘ -oi _ .3‘ .._. A fir. ‘ ‘ 1. " 42- ' 3.‘ ‘,‘.‘- . r‘ _‘; -3 -~'‘ ~_.-, ¥ ' v _ Vi- e 1 --‘.1 "Q": - 1 as o. ' -- . A ~ ‘" - . ' ' 7-‘ vi‘ 4 A I ii A 4'-A I -V I if.‘ _..y. ‘ '0 3.} V‘ I .‘ ‘r _ ' "‘ ._ ‘ i . , ‘- _ , ‘N‘ ‘ .9 . .: " 7'.’ 6.. . ‘ 5 * 4 .‘ i ' ' ' ‘ u .' -‘_ A y. _ 2‘. f-._ :3, “_r z “ . ,._ -7 . . . i ,. _ € . ~_ .. 2.; 3 -' 9 _ ‘ I. i . ‘ ~._- I ‘ 2 ‘ _ ' . i 4, ~ u. 1 ' . x r‘ N 1‘ io..'~_.'“‘ o . if ' ’'c.' ' ‘s':..i$“'¥‘_‘A‘A.:‘:‘ 73: ‘:, .-.r . .. ‘ ~ ‘Aw, ’ ‘ . 6 an ..- ___v V _ebic)@‘aiiciiigg()verdp_ne~in,, » __ _~:;_,_,,;l REALEESTATI: rnmsms _ %'.——..'———-—‘—.. ,"""""“"’ _ ;-“"“,,,,,°,.,,,,"°"°°,o,,,,.. ,,,""""“",,_,,, 23:: . I, i -’ 3_ ii: _. .;'..V .»f-_ i; if ~ _‘ , A. j ~ 1 lllould Revise of alt‘l'CIJna-b~d¢~‘nfm’&—df15fa.w‘f‘fi. v . '3 Aghssse 1P- Etta "*4 "lie WC-3 PARIS:-igirimpmtant modifica-f::‘:::;'t‘°ue . _'3,'ena'°"°'a)’ ‘j .f"!=-‘oeoo ooooonoomiwmz ow we «or we on or T. o o ..$"-..‘.§.‘.'.....f".‘..‘.’...'“""‘...**-'*°'"*'l*>*.~ . r . °'.$°u‘° in - -H‘. :kfldlu'hmen“;‘-fjtnjjoymuzu-gt ‘oi’? th°'313.000. l 1 of one Frcnch~and one for-«[ ‘L ‘CQUEIIOIIII. 3» it 1*" {hut om ‘mu’-‘ -n ' 1 1 ‘"3 ¢"°"“'5u ‘'° 3 Rilfeleign -nt i to be proposed intbe A woman irlddod in a positi I. J , . dufln‘ eh" “I %umwl‘u$;tr‘::; :;m 3-35 “"38 SW P811 5W ' B C «to command ‘until the has given her.‘ ‘ J3‘ . . g ' . ,_ ~ - ’ ' ‘mu 13- beinx all -6- on not 6! to-d.§ Should it be adopted, such child-‘pi-oiiilse 'io~olioy..-imiiiim Star ‘Ga-‘. ‘ ', f Qily ‘O _ ‘ ‘ ', i , ~_ . . .°“ "1 1‘m.‘°f _ on dug,” dig, - r iron will be regarded as of French xi,-tie. ypaofla_nelag'thatarcvofrP°P'fl- “Rm puhofth bodynw ,. ‘F S" Lonadalc. et. al.. Ll1tb€!‘lI‘lltt01'l1llt'§"I'lth0l1l’. exception, . r . .' - - : a ‘n l I .34: ‘ o‘ . q I _ ‘Dd _ '~ ies uiuioo: regard to iiiter- “"mm"",“"" ‘M’ 5"’ b°°" "§,’ uicoauie initiative and will “°°°‘"Y- *"‘“‘ '°“ 13 "“‘ '“"'“" “'5 ‘‘‘'‘“ "° °‘“““ "W" ‘°' " ‘""“ A9’? ‘I ‘ v .._.- 3 ' ‘ . ' ‘ ‘ i .. I ~ A ' . . 3 ‘ _ 1' i ~, A. ' "‘_‘ ,.'_ q . ; 1 .« . I ‘ “ 4 '. . . - s I 1' '~ ' " u._ ' ; _.-. . _, . . . um - _. _‘ «A 0 J . , ‘ . . .5 « a _ >4 ‘ i ii . . ‘ . ‘ ' I . X I. _ C -I 9 u n U C I 3. A El ii which cannot now extend its boon-_d”'°,i’'‘. ”‘ “"7 "°°d'" ‘he "id‘_l;°g, .g gm. go” 0f the -time’. to belplaoe a loat;deed of 1920, 81.00. ‘French all the IE6 01 , F -f“sooi-igooiistiiouoo, which will be cfir . . . . Bliss Lancaster has studied danc _ , . . , . - ” vgtied 26 as part of the lanes without a constitutiomlg ‘ . mg ‘n 1 1, 1' i-allowed to dance -a Jew ;iaone min-«I ‘W0 -7°lm90n_ to Nclflllen. Bout--_ 1”‘ 9”‘ ’''8'‘'‘t°¢h°,°‘,‘ ‘W33 *3‘ ‘ _ .. — .- — - . - ’ ‘ - submitted by the Constitu- rarneadaneut; but there area number; W’ P“ y .1 at ’ futes.” 'w'“n ‘mi s"7°"'"""‘ K 1°"- “$303,? ' ‘ ’ ‘ - e - . sh’ 9°“ d‘l’d”‘.‘7ml'.’ ‘“""n”‘ Du;-3 be two ya” f hing-135. Columbia. 3650 : °onVanfi0l.‘:i7NV‘lJtB‘hIn ein;n- dagger ln‘,’«th;r;‘tIle '!'ht::f*fh§ ‘high school at Pleasant Hill,‘ _ng'l8h“i; um “nan”, hui Mun Aflmd . M.’ has mu” bum I.'~mnch "d .‘.m umqn *5 ‘°"u‘°°’°‘»° 9"‘ 5' “P5 . "‘"7 Mo. andafterwardss inXan ‘we’ . . ,w . nu‘ ppnnh. ti, I Mu, , z . = .7 1 (.4, ,,.,,, i - « -, — ~ l ' . » . . mover given .a .public.per{orinanec.» m. E. McClain. E95 lot 230, 0;... ¢ - IHWPGC 13 0 W 9!’ } amendment forbids the ..-.. --.,A llhat is actually and logically 1,... City, Later she specialised in,8h,_, hu 1,“ mm, mink one aillumhis 85.600 « K ?is the father or mother who is . o . _ . pi-t of I city high adjoining eointy.‘;phy;i.cal education at the Univeralty;‘he home 0‘ Ben’, ‘nchuétet. ‘mil . Ke,,;.°,, (;_ .g"n,,°n and gfife I-‘rcnc . ; _ i plan is alao'ofi'ered by which St. of Missouri and took lAs:.the other two at the home.“ c_ 33 Funk L Gibb; South PFN6, 112‘ The change will give France an ' ' . ' 43001131’ Ind 59 C51)’ of SLI““‘,"’”' nu‘ I‘n“b"5' guung ‘ iMil_ler, Since her patrons have re-: gpd SE pg;-t:']og_ 113_ic°mmN“ Av; ______ _ g _V_ _‘ _ A _i:lasa’lffil't8 all the cities of the state Louis may ‘alter the boundaries di*. I:"’_‘:'nBit°;"g- .c:c-;):s::e'of°the gt quested it. Miss Lancaster will give.‘ guyfigg ;5_ooo deed-of u.u,,__:35'7oo. I __-_____ ~ o -e--~ ., land providing that all the cities inivkluuz them, or may merge again gafomunca In Los Ange)“ ‘he a program January to‘ show the; Lgun yen. to in,o,_ 1~_.°nu,,t_:' .. . .- ~ - . M‘. shall be sub} t“to~-thei ntoa lnglo county. _. . .° - towmigeople Vim ml)’ be 8¢<=.°n{If>-gingion. 60 sexes‘. NE 14-48-14,; . i . . . pusibed studios where dancing was “shed m “Ming b the types wmch, wow , . ’ A‘ fill” N810 3¢8|3llt3°n- C "3 °f 7°-'9! ll‘ '90 mu?‘ 0‘ 33"‘? l""°“iu“Km- S “ she teaches. The ierforinance will! s ' . ._......____..__..‘ ! . i . ‘°°° °" ”’°"’ """ "° 9"’ “”“'"' hmefllmeot 370- 11%“! it The Koolofi ballet. riven at the be called “The Classical Follies." * Try Missourian Want Ads. ’ - 1 ' ~ ' ' ‘ D i In MRS. JAM‘ESO‘N_ ~ - ‘Phone 2048 ' may ‘Day Traw- ‘ . . a 4 - ..,.__.,, . '\Q . — ._._... '..,- —..__. .. -....— __ _.~. »~— ‘g l l K fin-Der cities down to 25o°o°lW0uld lie almost incredible‘ if it=new stadium upon its dedication. -n....._. ....._.i.i,.,..i fiftygig-I3 ;...m...,; l the second class: cities of 3,000,lg};‘ou|d (1,, 3.593;]; gppo5ed_ V31; Iwss seenby Miss Lancaster. “Thaelhnastem °1“5_ nnging in ‘ca, Helene? .d\'_]03‘. 35.000 in the third ‘C588: C“-l¢!i"Y,u" on Amendment No.11. lV''°‘'¢ 350“ fill“? l-h°°“"d P°°P'° from small children to older girls.‘ __ , ‘ . , 3500 3,000 ‘ii uio 1 ll A, 1 . satlaerednto enjoy the mairoifiowt Mi La ter has cha of 9'1 ‘S S S ‘ 5 ~ ' ° *' ‘ ‘_ I _§_,,,,,,‘,‘;,,, ,,,,;,,, ,, ,;:'f,,,,, ,, ;.WHAT OTHERS SAY |............. .i.. ....i. .,,,,,,,,';,, ,,:,':::,-.,,. ., .,,,.,, C,,';f,°,,,,,,,, _- g I . \ ceries, Thursday, Friday, Saturday "‘ ’ * e ' Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples, pk. ..... ..50c; bu. $1.90 . “I have tried to make my work High School and the Junior High; , A Fancy Jonathan Apples, pk. . . . . . . . . . . . .40c; bu. 51.50 E ' 10 lbs. pure honey .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . .$l.00‘ No. 2 can corn beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0c- No. 2 Van Camp red kidney beans, doz. . . . . . . . . $1.40 N‘ . 3 Libby's sliced pineapple, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 No. 3 Del Monte Melba half peaches, doz. . . .. . . . . . .$3.75 i No. 3-Red Robe yellow cling peaches, doz. . . . . . . . .$2L90 ; % go. 31lE‘.ibby’s apricots, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$_3.7li ; o. 3 O. G. redpitted cherries, doz. . . . . . . .. . 0°” W°““‘°? o No. 2 red pitted cherries, 3 cans . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . .» .si.oo " No. 1 Curtis "White Tuna, can 60c; doz . . . . . . . . . ..$7.00 16.02. jar pure fruit and sugar jam, each . . . . . . . .20c No. 10 redpitted cherries, can $1.10; doz. . . . . . . . .$12.ll0 No. 10 Leeapple butter, can $1.10; doz. . . . . . . . . .‘$12..(l0 No. 10 blue plums,can 50c; doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3$5._75 jNo. ‘10’logan berries, can-60c; doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.90 No. 10 lima beans, can 90c; doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.1l0 No. 10 Del Montelspinach, can 80c; doz. . . . . . . . . . .$;9;l}0l ' 1 No. 10 Genessee kidney beans, can "70c; doz. . . . . . .$8_.ll(l No. 10 tomatoes, solid ‘packed, can 60c; doz. . . . . ..$6.75 No. 10 Hart brand corn on cob, can 90c; doz. . . . .$l0.ll0 Gold Dust, six 5c ‘packa’ges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c Pride washing powder, six 5c packages . .. . . .. . . Fairy soap, 5 bars . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . F iclds white laundry soap, six bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . McALLISTER’S MARKET , -- .\ 5.": -'. ' l Phone'244 9.85“ . ‘X ‘I . r .' 1% 7‘. ’ mvénx fifrbidden General A5 l, ,' Edu¢‘da. Below Cost _ ,-_ __- __-. W - W_,_.__‘_‘..:_;:_:.-,5.g- W :4; Chfifi..- _... < . % Vlembly to interfere with local af- W‘ “thunk awn“. Tdxnph. ~-—*-“——'** _ _ “‘“ ""'-"'°-*='='**."*°"‘ =°'=*°"° Pm-. Moo: "*9 wonder . “who no Students Have H rd Time , . V339 U1“ 311? CH)’ 9‘ 3.000 °" “*0”? «colleges do with all their money" - g 1 population may adopt a charter for fund‘ why they so frequently have to ; ' ' 1 ' its on municipal government. The 3.3183 9!? Public 809901’! Inn)’ find their ¥ iimcndment recites that all’ charter-sl‘“5“'¢3' ‘in Dome figures. just‘ an-: . _ . . i , l ‘dun be comiswm with and smkmoumed by’ we treasurer of Y e _ Almost every § American student ,pense. The students simply cannot’ . p _ _ , _ , _ ivnivnfity. “my Show mm 1”‘ is willing to confess that a foreigirget away from the accents to which‘ fie-cg to the constitution and gcnerzihyem. each 8tu&m_‘ cost the insfimnlanguagc is one; of the hardest, if j they are accustomed—the En'glish~ flaws of the state relative to matters - . not the hardest, subject in a college-accent-—and they unconsciously- . tion an average of. 5, the stu- .. » . . . .. .. . . . . ' . Qflc-¢n'¢3-g] 513“; '¢_-onegg-n_ or gpega- Eden‘ in retnrn on“. $267. of curriculum. P115 .15 U1!!! In at? CISBISOUDQ «'3 ’ “.3-"ch ml sum“ "‘ Sp.n!3h: :io(n:” but it adds that in matters iYale’sfurtal income’ only 20 per cent -';;s:‘n:‘o';-gt‘;1aegee”l:let3o;:§h A ::nuv:l:,ne“on{' o“rg'!'“u:\!'ii¢:l‘lm 32:13:: ocal ‘ ’ ‘ t ' ' f . ‘ ' . .tzvénmmsffiifxéfifirawhgzgnlgozfijc§$eth:O:,"::;°:mE::t had w , guages to master. To beginners. ltgsound of “h" when used before “i". ' chub” shun “ en 11 Law $809 or more a yurtor mm?:'? ‘ as caused many a breathless mo-jand “e". Such errors attract whiap-t 19°” ' J” ” “"”s t and ~d. bond lad . d*mcnt in the classroom. era from watchful members of the P|"'i’°303- m""°"d ¢°mPl°l*'f3€her an :5” Am; . gmgn an‘ ‘ An hour spent in one of Prof. W. class. ‘ .«power, of self-government and cor-lwould nibfeb ' wdednam °°.t°_g"5 J.Burner’s first yeai-‘Spanish classes In English it is a common prac- . “potato action." « ‘ ' {the}, "6 mdfifirfn me: ;:£:’n3fl:I: Kives ban observer da dip ‘into tiie‘tice to read figures according to», ‘ Radlamr ,. The tollwtinr Ii-Md as tome-riwfimifvns I-we Mi called awn i’.‘l‘.""iI.’.'".‘.’i'°."if. .”{.‘..i..‘.‘.‘l“'i’.”.".'°..“.§ 1?: 22$-»°?.§?’1°§,§‘§Z»v '§‘..S.'..‘.‘Z£I . um um liut Is‘ all, of the powers conferred ;to double their tuition fees and yet um, 2g I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ f « "'IIpo‘n'each city which formalin own [their intomu from this source con- . l shave three aims," said Miss Lau-School. O 3 is harder on your ¢h.,-5?,“ (,0 to dgwmfim. the farm -tinue far below their expenditures. 5 . . : 1 I l " . ‘ ' ' ‘If the tanks of your old radia- erg duties, tenure and salaries of were “id in pmpoflion to the “la”; ' _ , _ ‘ ‘be wwi, ‘tench distinctness of the language’: ac- "500" reads “five hundred" and.the, ""1 3'" "°° ‘ ''“'“°'' 5°“ cienios? which is a ridiculous: price that‘!-fill be I bis w°inr.; and to make special ’assc:is-[M031 001398?! would have to choose 1 M . C which‘ sour: Whenever Professor Burner points; . V . Spanish tongue are. more regular ing the numbe "d t es. d uu-, . . - of itsown government and the pow-‘i th°""p'°f°”°“ Md ‘"5"-°°"°” 'imd more simple than any other tro” which i.-urbf cblinb, baitnilc by g:t:l;:t;:n‘::d‘ mm’ :1: ‘I 0 , g, (M to l W 6 H t of their lservices. the dispm-gt). wouldglunguage. It is the flatness and the;the professor. Again, in English, » _ fllcial.; c an co cc - . * ' - _ ‘ ‘ _ ' 4 , A e - ‘mg to borro“. momw “.m,;n; “hi “en. therefore. that with” IcenththaAt ccinsgtute the hardest feut;samc way in Spanish would be “cm-g “T “"3 0'0 Oflllnll and It I ts W b ' ‘to.’ v . , ‘O 9 0‘ X011. ‘ . ,C0 unwwi mew" ‘‘ 0 can ‘ lhbenl ‘°nd°'m'e"u 0' “mm "d Professor Burner his dailyfisubstitute for the right Spanish‘ Co I F . ~ . routine with a peremptory ordcrfitran,-ilution, “quinientos." ' 3111118130“ ' fee !nent,svfor,h-cal benefits: (5) to ac- "W9" d°°"3- v scion your books” - --‘lmgniglld Wélinuifli 01‘ “'5lh- _ V ' _-VT ‘ ‘-1 ‘eve’:-y smiling face in the c.la_‘aarooln.‘a mistake in their pronunciations or‘. . 0“ *ard:0Tl:;':Ial;:'eq ImI:s;c.mc:JcIIrr!'::.l GL . Ifl:his isafollowed by a aena of ques— the class whispers, “obi. .oh!. .oh!. ‘ . H. J_ m V _ . “ODE A5 9 Q!19Sli0!1B' IM\I'el'8 the reader readily responds, “No! . .. hoflllitals ind all works which in-: A._DFNAlfl°¢€”lmW 8“ 83081 ';!'°|l¢hi0Z'' 01' wait a minute. . .a. . . a. . . Va cei-loo’ j 24 N. 9th St. . ' . o L l’. ‘h rdss f '... 3..- ." .volve the public health or rafcty,l 4 _ 4 _u;p:1ii:{ Xonmafic cg“; ca 1 no uaezcrlo H And. so. the. “on us (6) ‘\ provide for. one or morcg. ‘ -—:—.—- _ . V =°”‘5 °°" ' ‘ houses of, legislation‘ to loo;-loc1,ed!NaVy’,§ Brilliant APassesr‘_--——---—————————~-.——— ——,.._l_._.‘.::.. .4: . :; either at large or by wards; (cl? ‘ ' l ' EVOLUTION IS TOPIC 0!’ fan the night trains from both Kan- by public vote, to acquire and ()pcr-l‘ Bewqlder on , SOCIOLOGICAL MI-ZETlNG?ea.s City and St. Louis. A large ate wntgr, light, heat, ,3” gm] powe,-I Eleven. -—-~ * ._ (number of students are expected to’ ' . plants; (1) to acquire and opei-atom -———— _ "'- C:;::_l-,':- §:;‘;”::'r ?:;t°..p'°""arri\'c- at out time, J. c. Abbott, lo-g A ”bl"” Md other uanspormuonlpihel East and the Weizt methin Mum Ne“ Ya.’ cal mrsenirer agent, sau-‘ today._ _ “D”; (K) M lease My municipmlylwza ena .yca.ta‘day . an neiter I . H“ . ‘A.:i}')4_"l‘1l‘ Pullman car,‘ carrying _ ,_ , .. vanquished. Neither the mid- D Ch I ‘A’ Euwood 1. Q. Chiistian college girls, will be car-P . own“! "m_'‘’'''’° ‘’ l’""‘“° °°"“"'" me: from Annapolis nor the Huskies, U . "$5M. ‘3 . _ ° 9 ried on the special train tonight.‘ f°' 9_l’°"‘l"°"‘ from the University of Washington, mlsnnfy ;’ th‘":mn’. ““"S‘;‘;“1°"fspcoioi arrangements have been Each charter city wwd com,-01 was able to gather complete honors §?m.:t at itsmfscnlir nnnoufl;-made also on the M.-K.-T. railroad ' in gym police go,-cc. cxaphthfl in unto themselves, ‘The game was a . ‘h3g1 in wuhigugwm D C for Christian College girls. ' dfifi of-more um" 70900’ gov. l‘;;(lIlV\'teif%!' the United States Nav:ll‘last ‘?‘c.:ék. Doctor Ellwood iiuthl: ~ Both ‘he Un“'$‘rm't>'l and chris- fllelfllt r1(:'l‘l;O\e any police com- "Idem" tam’ pin)“: a wideotpen‘ twelfth president the society_ in‘. Smdem, cg Stephens -col. ’m”'°” ' ° ‘>'°"'°"“°" "°“ld ‘ .19 0‘ we grid “me, outgainew The generabtoplc for discussion legc will return on January 8. the l I 1 U . . . - -1 have no power to fill a vacancy thus the he Wu“ H eleven com at the meeting this year was “The College opening on January 9. when .( trier nxto . , aeatnd. _ , ' .i,t,_,nu,._.' The .81.“, duck of the Treendd olfoPopi;lation.' Papers cen- the second term be ' . -_-Zoning systems to protect prop- East pi-owed disastrous to their fopot“-"' _‘ “‘ '3 ‘°l‘°hi"3 °f ’°Fl°': “’“'.‘”‘. “"“" . qty ‘mine, ‘are specmuny amhoh Pomms. who were “ted as being: logy in the light of the e\volUl.l0n-.l-EATHER POPLLAR‘ . had for cifih. which would then much 't’°“K¢'- :7 "°f°"'"’°' hn‘°d°";“'°“ °’ f'."°' Women Like Durability Instead of Silmethmg New! - . ‘ F u.. of «~,.,,,.,;..;,,,, ,,,,,, Time -after time we middlies; gm ‘’ '|j'°°¢ ‘J '1" df 9 8*;PP'°85'°" Beauty or Bead Baga"‘*7T.‘ something Different: g-ggg»;¢fi¢,n in’ um u,,_. of we and gained an far-flung flips over‘thcl° "9" N“ ‘ “° '5°‘f‘-'‘° : ‘Because durability is ii more de- , - “,4 ,h.n¢tun, in such zones or dis- heads of the Hughes, u,-1,039 defgnml The American Sociological So-"arable quality than beauty, leather ’ OUTFIT 1 if gamed nimble go peneu-no the fly. . clay! is cgzniposed ii: persolus inter- pmsée fa; wotnfien fire in ll’iigl'lt‘!' de- _ ~ in ‘i’ t f - t el't d'_' . g pmwded by 3”’ lltiltdlkaofbfige pI::)fro;heceIi:i:;t-j zéty and sbuaicletdrlrlfniiaticfmfi lts lseaallled barg. S€hapes‘cv‘arey,y .tli‘:i’i!i‘itzli ‘ G''¢“°'*’'fl°'°1‘7 5‘ Y3‘. “_ _ L . ‘mes would be empow- ave “.¢hinzt°n a chm“ to even. gnepjbeg-gh[pigc]ude3‘publici3t3, joux-..c.olor.-i _al'e generally,» golden-brown, fl°‘n'.lthbet;l‘:‘leado:l‘t1I‘tcka.u!'¢;9c¢h 6:: M“. V and to acquire land for public im- we ‘con 1;, the final quarter. ,'“‘l“‘3- °d“¢“°l‘B- ministers. law. crocodile-green or cloudy—blue. smell foba. bracelets. skillet. bill. 6!- irovcniants and also to condemn ‘fa, N ' in E t M mm! ‘ycrs. -business men. social investi- The Purses’ IP99!!!‘ in 11339, Sizes 1: excess 0! land when it is judi- 3“ ;”,‘.'{:,m econ“? give wuhfiggators, social workers. and stodentsim“? “"3 °ld*f85h5°59d m8l~l'0fl1¥ 5 ll“! d0;t¢!‘|l!l|‘|<-‘d that U": excess is : ington a chance to even the score in I "id “_""h°" °‘ “_u ‘h°~3°°i‘l ‘cl’. ?°°k‘.’t'b°°k °f 3 dead“ “3°’ ‘mph’ ; Milled to protect or’ preserve thelthe final quarters. lam” m the lwdmg °°n°3°‘ ‘md mtenon afford the awn" '°°m {mi ' ' . . . l " 1 . A p g _ 1uniygfsifie3_ At the p,-“em time’ smaller purses, powder puff, change, lt‘is’so'IIMo no on: tho! I» *5“ ‘ |!Fi'.0V'llD¢l|¢- - game was played on a slow, - ! rd d . urea years old can inane than. lama . S ‘ . dd f id befo bond‘. mm ’l-h£1‘¢ 81‘? 050!-ll 1.300 members. °' cuesv "3 _°l-1391' filth mluel‘ articles are wonderful gins 095°“ ; .11”. Gflmvfl A”°mmy is “""“ mu 3' “B . M 3 9 I '18- There were about four hundred at"‘"‘°°“5 ‘°°°55°“°3- . "' "°" A 1-{pg .; ~ pwon go Te, per'1"bri‘tl.w“.; the “rnshitwmn meeting. SOITIE Of the INITECS 8!‘? oblong ill b. ‘an’ ' from all cities, and to provide 1': "';L',i "to"? 35:: of axe” 75",‘ pmgnm will be the ‘shape. others are square and a third r ante examination of all 'muni- of me‘ ‘mg. "3 ‘ ' l . ''°°°“”‘'' clashes. 7 , Journplist and the sociologist," Doc-. , up} oaleisl‘el:piuuuoo‘i'niiod by ‘-‘xi-l. A . W ' t ll d ii 1' ha 09379359!‘ 88513 AI'.!‘°n‘,"'1’°." Ufl’ Work‘ ljoumfmu ‘bom the "°ry’l:i]erc%iyantlinaa)(‘).n t 8 me’ es. the: thus we fight "(#11 Augusta )_0l8'E has Ulifcuted 8.‘ O:u3Efll\?dulTl.;, and the so- of the ,,.,u.,.;a],_ udskin is the: t dtD.l'@.“‘“.‘ ‘atnid ‘re--flfi" ‘man, gig?‘ 8 V to; :1 to ed(l:e\‘:P8P¢’5.'finest of all. Cowhide makes a nict' ‘ . . Y- "I3 ''5l'h¢1'U'uY “*8 ' I shaping of ‘public ‘opinion If ya V ‘ Still it may be fighting ._.....,~ - 1 - . 7 ’- < = ‘°”‘’‘' ‘‘’‘’"‘3”‘ "°°“‘ ‘"“’, . ooo. om»... :.;'.':..:*':.’.:.°'.:..?“.:.°:.::';?:‘;.*:.:’::*‘ W "' W W‘: ' 5 *‘° hflP 30693)’ 38 1 Whole." ". Salesmen say ' that one leather: ;We’Vo found.-tic. than .tith the )0‘ °’ ‘3ffi°¢" at the con-«‘purae,outweara'four beaded bags- ,. 3, ' , . . I- , . mosfnmndn he ‘gum’. ventl n were; First vice-president,§'I'ha; prim of the former ranges from .- , ' -6 ' C ' m7°”'‘ WW" “I18 . ‘ in ha, ,,,,,, an M“ om ..-5,,“ Robert E. Park of the University ofifl to 320. l 1 — o l ' ~ 6‘ . ‘ s' "Pncod i ’ : i p3 —. . g ‘, Ai. mun :rear.—.-st. i>'."oi.i’>.‘-’...,.o. Rio, °"” 73-‘? A -~ I . .a ClANI'lNE~0oal. -Illcc.:'1r::rt"orJ;'“k:d ..'i3;.'".i.,.’ ' Ll , 1 = ' 1 ‘ ‘ I ~ . - STUDENTS‘? N-‘*1 ' ,- - - Halibut. , I l ‘ '7’ I I ..i.’mir.lo'i \<. on-A‘ r fr": :4 I . ' ,., o -. I ‘ - .-9 . .. so.. -lo.-.,..A.-o-Q-Q -- A ' ' «I o - ' . .. . iv ' t ' ....