‘.47-,«_ h and firsts. lastnlght for &sev-upon. "-"4" duh" 75¢ 3349 “'9 1,}. 5"] . 5"‘ hid the M0 of Iddinx wxlr ~ u’ -t ‘m $90!,‘ $6 her‘ ‘'‘‘¢‘.'‘‘'-‘°'’‘ . 1 Pu" ’ In factfiyin the tvhole of the four it is mo: "‘I'.;u“- 1 t. to th°.bi“" ‘Ink’ um legvm‘ °m :¢:8h::l’.dn¢:¢:1'n: 1'-1 “ p'%‘'‘'''‘'% ‘T 3‘ ?”“”u‘ wig?‘ ale’ ftufim f°.r fi°; centuries since chocolate broke into XIV'a qO¢!7! that sze l|:;e:;'l)":::0 3: cm“ peppe"' and m“ i“ ‘hen h“’k’d ""3 “i’“‘°"°d +59“ '3'“: :*'~-“ nsttyI.naHl@ats.Iat-ya - -——._. . - '. . ' -l .- ' - ‘lei’ ‘usuh’ . l . Mrs. P. W. Leo pd an ‘nod data?! I: mow c much 0 '°d".7* ‘.5 ‘NWT? bl‘ been bound passions-—thc king and chocolate. mmdfink Name Popular V‘ th F“ °°°°‘ .” ‘.° "0""? i" ’ mm’ ' .,..- 3”” amt ‘"33-T ‘.‘”‘n¢'m°°»",nh ‘hue “mes o{n;'_H‘:‘ was‘ The ° ;';° “ University of up with tales of romance, intrigue, Chocolate was plentiful then for L-‘M. .h . ‘"4 ‘M “iv "h“-'5 °°M“Wt1'-" 50 P" .- Kerner Jack Nerd,‘ Jodi Ad‘? flitlltat the Daniel Boone 'lT::b.\lissourl‘.‘ lion-ever. are not tindin c.m¢hy' Poms“ md l.°g".‘d' “."m‘' 1”” ""°“" "'°P‘“l “’"""¢1ll¢i'n;1;e‘llls1.¢’ ‘l:1I0nl.‘:ls8n:€}: itmfittllex am‘ i’ removed by pawn‘-‘hr mus _ _ ° , . . , , um . . . Ian: ago the eccleslastlcs argued tries, but it was very hixh in ri lhwulh 8 PT¢81‘- 5719? ""5 '5 dun? die. Jim ha:-din,!h9ba Kllsn.3ob- . __ ll that 0333-. for in Columbia then ‘beau, chowhu, “,5 , food or . {mun the but h _ H P 01’ brolno cacao~—food of the gods. the Coma is wuied (.,.u_.,,,d ‘M “'‘—c bie Glenn. Jack Hu&','~3oip jun xuy T‘:‘.“"*—r kn is much cause for dlflcrsnt ret|l- d,.i,,k_'b,a,c,. or not it “mm, true " “"‘“’° *5 3"‘ That was in 1735. He found a num- wdued‘ ' ‘ *2: E , I Baum8‘Irtner.IlId Joan 5. mi. noon f°:°h°“"hu_ home ism“ Jam‘ 1l8Ll0n§. A non-slulnnung rule here halt the nu. Anionic Cute"; of Fianna gn ha of drink‘ hem‘ ‘Md’ b" "W A" if chocolate is to be made. the . -—-———-_—-— Ha’ ‘ha? ‘he Wm spend the (‘hfi'l!’. would be unnecessary with no slum-' Th“ "3 on the wmim.m_ in troduced an. h"',,.afl, ‘mo 1;‘, ,- tee" hqwew" 0.” of ‘hem V" ' mass is taken dire-ctly from the mill 1rcIeofW,C,»T, U, _ ~ mlng places handy. E d , , . A, . . _ _ 5- concoction of maize and cacao. it - u, _ _ mas Inna)‘. T. e 1 t. fdi . nglan chocolate was lntl-o:lu.cd getting it from Spain. Gcrmanv got . “,3 f by f -. 1 ‘"4 '“"‘°d "' "“‘" ‘M Mb" "‘ ' " ‘"9’ ‘ '°" '93‘ "3 ‘""‘3 in 1656 and became the drink or the it from France ' ‘" " °' V". '°. °""“" 7"" gradients. placed in molds and 11- i ' Til 7”*"o ; ' z“' 2 "'; -~""7=‘-""-'1‘E':’:':’.',’}';‘:“"'?‘%’#"?~"f*"3‘*->'.?«*’Ff%l‘éi"—’i‘+ ~ ~ V T ' - ' .f .3 - .. _~' 2‘ - ‘U l.“ ‘_ - ' . ‘-, ' h‘_‘ by ./;L: t\ .11’ ,’ . will 1% v . i‘ D , I V » PA°n’nn ly WEENWD 1w,EsiConhroversy.Betw'eed..L1tocolate . §';?,,"';~,,';"*;,-,,,;*-I-t vim--v-nu-v . h which“. as-yiandunanod. ltsanaplaas ,' ‘ nit.“ - ‘ ' .' ‘ ' . ‘M0033 Vhereol y lube manufacture in ‘ . H. lcrsat amount. foolishly and with-.vas at Hilton lower Kills.’ near’ Stud“) ‘ e - .. _ O _ ..w.n’ ‘um-—:,d hat" hm’ , W . y g ‘ g m"Il0n. for it is Dorehestel-.'Iasa.. and thedate was ‘F R” f . ‘tic; Ah'‘atrt-"tr: '$‘.‘.°.l‘i ‘:l.:c‘£‘t:°m" “ "' '°"'° '""" “ G“‘""°‘ ""° mietfiutz -M M: Till?“ T ." r-..* ’ ' L7" LQNVI [.4-..... -. Elects 0flu‘€l‘8 —~- — . . . , . Mi” Mu’, Fish". wh h 3 M out alone after dark would put the Tori”. T!‘ f d ,h I V I L B r _ ' _ th was one similar to it, made 1 red '_ h"dm_ («h . 1 1 _ The Qladge Dyaart Circle of the tagging 5,, 3,‘. Mun..‘.m(:, ichmf: girls on an equal hula with theta" pnd«‘;5;w¢;|;m:f :O;::llc1(ut(“si'J -I‘, we L115"?! Efirialgill Ln. Mexico .1“, 9“. bane, had be“: “tuned Kim mslvch more c0c0a();’(‘;‘I‘e: $811“ I ‘V3 C- 7- U- ¢10¢1¢d- Ofiifiefl 101’ the -arrived in Columbia today to spend mm’ ‘M Muy w°“ld an Jam uplahow their disdain of coficc drink lut~ h d ”m")' t. t .°b°°°° ‘mm "*9 °‘“°- A“°‘h" "limb 5" doe, com. U h ' s. D and the followinl -conversation ' ‘ " Q" "‘°"‘ T°"““‘“' l““0TY- evidence was the mixture of cac o ' p 0 erlng O6 ensuing year at their meeting last the holiday ,3 ,3,‘ , . , . _ . e . - . ‘Oi!’ ll» 91¢ 5010! 0‘ MP8. G- W- -—_-_._.. ~ “'00” “kl? 9'3“-'3 nnevtubeverrfakigs. jocTil1:{\1(»Ca:,l;$ 3:190‘: '3" fl"l°”“3- The 5_fl¢'-(*5 and the fermented liquor of raw Miss Ware to Springfield Leader. l"bm_n’ 1207 Uninnity ‘venue. The member‘ of we Acacia {m_ ..Heno_ John. -you‘! in“ to topepfi ‘pain we” of it in his hm“. Stan: .“a‘ny lilnsc-’rwal:‘c(lno.tlhe‘r"r‘l:$ f t d. . . d Mdiss e((;at'herine ware. rho vi.;s We elllllol an expert ulilloli ' - e cocoa o o y is lmporte gra uat art spring mm 1 c aterer and can give prompt 11,, Oman 3,; ,ch._h-um.“ u,.,,_ ternity entertained with ; Chri5{'raq with me to Susie's tonight, ‘cause The M“ choral.“ hum M” 0 ‘c A I - . ‘ H . I){‘nCd Common m_ _ . ‘ . , _ - 3, from Ecuador. Brazil, the school of Journalism of the Unis-cr~ an dflcignt .,_.n«;¢,_ w. .1“, Walter Ballenxer; vice-chairman -dimlcf 81 5 O'clock ll!-<1 night 81 the 5'0‘-’ l‘“°‘‘' ‘ C33.‘ 3° °‘“ ‘}°'’‘' ‘fur ‘ H ~ ’ ‘ .- . . . _ ark at Queens ead Alle) in Bishop. nor} was the cocoa bean. Ten Gold C0,”. SL -n,,omu' 1-rinid‘d' flu.’ hu uh." . position with 0,, 0 o fig-;_ flange Bogwgn; age;-gun-y_ fin‘ _€hIIptcr house. . . . . No. this is not a date." ) , _ _ _ . have a full line of ta tries ' C .,fi« Willis; and . Na‘ "in L0 "* ”'~-_-— _ Maybe. the above rule vro d fmltre. Street. London, 1) a Frcmh bu) amraybblt. and.a the [)omg,,;“,, Repqmc mg \.eM_ Spfingfiddhuol, ‘Laden She will nd "hum P08 !,'_u* Lmudde. ,. _ rene (ionic). left Colurnlzm plet-"V 5°”‘° °f we won” 5"“ gwniuds First run - Th . I ‘I "90 II) I _lla%_c. zuela. Its culture ls mstrlcted to go to Sc-dalla “eonesday where she - ~ In 3o".n'_‘,ho ha dnlte at f°!'dD¢trolt._Mlch., uh:-re she The 2 o'clock nwuhgon 1,-oujd 'Sp.;u_ds howwfl wen‘ tm fir” mco; bx)!!! ‘CV3?! ‘vriere [III In about 20 degrees on each side of will visit for several days before ' the program. caves talk on the jubi-' "’°” "W "°'"">’8- - ‘ha-Ip‘out in mm‘ am but ‘°"usm of chocolate in'l:~.irop« The)‘ time the M t W um “ "'7' "'° °‘*"““.”‘ “"“" ‘° 5""""“°"‘ ‘° ““'= “P 5" P‘“‘k°" F“"“““'° C0- lee anniversary of theorganization. , “'1”-339 8‘ C8l5T0"ll3 ‘J30 Kid! U!!! found R in Mexico ‘ mos‘ ' "1" hi { gm“ ' °“‘‘’‘“"‘‘ '1“ 1" The _Umted States uses the most. work January 1. ygmhgg-g .1] over um gate at to be out that late on “just plain dates," ‘drink ‘ménz ‘he :Auu._ angOp,wp ch’:x_0L(t’t"a‘::;'°; _u‘40é%%O f ‘:‘d" °¥ _ ' . _ w _ ,; ,;- - __ " " . . acgaso ' “' * . - °°.::~n° 5° °::“.:~..:.°°:.*:.'°.:..°:.°:: STORES “W FILL .:';:.*:; ‘:5?-:22? u -n or. A 1'-new ................ zfiuence 0;’; fund will be luéibia. elty, of loot and ‘murder, are mter- a hundred puund8_ Coco. wu mo"). ‘ ‘ for mm-cu“ work V _________________ wosen closely with the l’l‘lSlO!_')' of to the Aztecs, but they drank their @ P ' Columbians enjoy c;|[ing_ At \\’Al.l\'l.\'G STICKS IN VOGUE §__h°°°1“9 3"‘°"8 9'? 5P8mll‘d5~ mum)’. ‘ ‘-"""'2" ‘ - _fi,__._, yen in S in itself. there was an N - ‘ll Brundagc-Larkm ::‘:;t1.,fllt o:’lI8a']:$ce.:eyen;‘O3rl:qfl;;Ln lbs’ (‘ancs Essential Part of Hemp old tfldltlgrl. in the many valleys The co‘:-‘oal‘it|:syOl¢;:'ar?knnl|:owever D90 25 to meet the demand for food w‘rdr°b° in 8”?” Cme." of .th° Py""“"" 0! hm“ "!“'k "*3 “°thl"l H38 the sweetened bev-‘ Atmouncemem I“. been mu“ of According to records in we omw he recent gradual loncn-ase in the devils whose strenirtll and color craze Americans drink. Monteau- ‘. " _ the .ppr°.chin‘ murute of “'8. of the city clerk. m-‘y_(me licen“_s‘ll_s(~ of the walking stick is not no- were derived from the ¢tr:lllge ma, {m.°,.§u._ go, ‘manna,’ W" t ‘ J, an Pal 3 f Kmuas have been issued for the opt-rutiull'“c('3"k "T (‘Ommbu hm’ ms brow". food’ . ch‘.”::°huf fl'v°"d ‘mm ""m‘ ‘"‘d ‘ ’‘ ° ’ ""'d‘3° ° great I?! the mat that a cane In Spain passed choc-olzitc on into chm, whisked gnu, , {mm ‘mg uh." ‘ - - - .1" of grocery stores in Col 1;‘ _ Th. 5'“ _ _ . .. CR3”? ggelfrvgtin‘ 1.“ ant mo“ of an L_m:$y'asmu; considered nearly as important as a ‘I-‘rance. That Ill prohahly the rt-nson cold. Tradition says the great chief , . - A , _ ‘H prob” ‘cc “ms 1. u . lint to the better dressed man.’ it was so closely ccmnot-ted with in- often drank fifty pitchers in day. 9 many V111 be performed In the pan . V " "' “. Th- 1 t that tri of the court 1 France Anne Th , v . be, he, 1‘ _ t_ If ' C31}!!! 8?? ¢‘0mmK K099 0 a e taste seems to have been cul- e . / 30'!‘ 09 00¢ 309-4 33:0) W K135’-5 onlnnm n‘ '0 rge back into their own is borne out by ‘of Austria. daughter of Philip lll tivated. for a Jesuit. Joseph Acosta, m e / . fort grocery stores are h . . be h. h _ listed in the Columbia telephone 4;. Le‘ '"°“."”"“‘ “‘"“ ’ " '° ‘"3 i M. City Bchristnlns “y be " "1' ""'d‘“" Vi r°mem' - - seen In the largbr cities in Mis-I ' 9 bored as "Frankie Pearl RlCh8!‘d:i0I|~rect°ry' but “ 5“rpn“"K1-V l~'"l-'‘' . '- . h ‘dd; W T G‘ t S . - I“ P“ number ofistottes are too small to wan“ Rowuen t 9 u‘ 9 9"‘. I a S ! I "I u°B‘i"°' “' I‘"'‘"‘ W ‘ in". ‘ d,_.m.en mnwce ‘mi conugand 'cst one more conservative in. m Co"2fhpu'° Egg ‘menu’. consider phone un_;the adoption of this style. ' ' ‘Aim the ammo“, they win fl9¢¢'8Mflv’- Other and litter stores 9”" an M‘ urn“ °u.l“""°l." If there is some friend you have forgottcll. and you nuts! llil\‘i' ll 3 19”, Kw”, Cit go, i;,,,m,d and 3"? operated on a cash-and-carry {'3' ‘tag °“"'"° d'°“m'" "' ‘h"" small prcscllt that looks good we can «help will (‘omc ni ltvfllnl'l'(l\\ nlnrn. ’ . - lat! and consider they have but little mu" ' n°' “ W" 9 “'9 '9“ ' ' ’ ' 5 other points west. after which they .9 L 1 n ' “ch w -_ mg. wll turn to Kansas my to make wgmfgr 3 u-';;;=°';;‘_,m flW,,'$i3T§i.i?‘iZ..'o: :......‘.‘ ; CHOOSE FROM Tm-gsrg f 0'" h°F'°_‘ __ _ _ stores amount to_ little more than “Be *:e""d::.3n ti” yslrgruxg 7 Gift books Bridge nmelties Lustreuare ‘ Installation of f;:;,'e"g°::‘dg”:§.‘i’;j";M:“f_: (_’_}f”r'flf§ much to work in one moraines. 3 mom 3‘;‘:;’”p'm'":;‘” D-or W-vi-er» . * r . I - 0 ' I. _ V 0 1087818 Held in stock for a considerable length of hm 1:? '::°:l:ih th°°:“‘?°°"seml Candle sticks Franled pictures Sf‘m'_ bflkflh It Bunk,“ Edwud, of S1m._‘31mc wltlloult’ dz-terloratlon'.’ ‘One of gust of an am#':.°"th¢>”hct {Th an ltsh trays [:4-sther lauds "_‘“"""" ’f‘“* . i di’h.ia ty ‘,.‘nd m.tmn’.. utzcbfiielgb oofd stqlresth ls oper- mm 1’ « of people‘ hey holders .Stationer_v Silver pencils oftbe mat of the at M-- 3 5 M1 "3 W9 8"" 5. 0:‘ fllulbtfiwho attended‘ an bu Kenmcky Desk sets Humidors Bridge table numbers . ' - and children taking turns in keep-_ rived but last filth‘ ‘°‘J?::dl°tc1“‘l' in‘ ‘he :0". I from all parts of the country Boonechapterofthe _. .S_ta:.¢....1l*° _°°5°““i‘_'9F 531 '- Ill" lI°!'~, 1-,, R‘ ‘mu fa, deb. Th’ i”'“n"fi°" “E” d”‘.h°°d k".°w just ‘Wm t we "7" hat lfxls pgdlnnbly aivdogdothe c 5”‘ 5“ ‘M ha“ °h‘p"°’ "'9' Mm lime ne"hb°rh°°d'"‘°m Wm" ”.‘"d' in the use 0 canes due to the asso- Yv VV“ had h“ “km ‘t 8' ‘ad the): “.’me here {or am“ thmm‘ ciation of the two in the minds 0' °.dock_ H,‘ and, .1, in chm-gg, because ‘It is so handy. Oi’ course.‘ the pmph‘ Mrs. Edwards is a daughter of %'e_ cant handle eveprthnna. but] _’,,_.______. Slserifl‘ and Hrs.» Wilson Hall. ‘WV? 801 8 10¢ 01 “mill. ex!!! lf1CHRlSTflAS SHOWN!-I IS OUT? . / . ‘this building is pretty small. .1 F 1‘ M s_ Hart ' ' . The stock gauged by the 9.3531,. s irst ‘umber to Be Edited by V 9 . ° 9 T .’. ‘n . ;-borhood store is quite intercstinm. P|’¢“P- Hlnktrlon. ‘ We Fe reduced an ladles ‘- Eutefta Tonight One small store, for example, sells‘ The Christmas number of the- SIIDDCTS. Values up t0 Ira. Del Hart. 403 Conley avenue. candy. as do the large stores. Tlle'Sh0W‘m9. COM-aininx I~€\’€!'81 future V are now , will entertain at 6 o'clock this evcn- entire stock of caivdy of the small.'M'ti€l?S. Went on sale in Columbia inf with a dinner party at her home. ‘store. however. consisted of one pail,s)'£'-l€lfdI.\'. Books were sold at -all Decorations will be in keeping with of mixed chocolates and a qunntityloutzomz trains to Stephens College uthc Christmas season. ‘ f stick candy. in addition to three £'iTlS- Who 19“ }'¢SN~'!‘dI)’ {Of the 1101- C ' The ests will include Lucile kinds of bar candies. 03'5- Flh. nildfld File. D0738 Tm)’. Rub)’ Several grocery stores are run} Th’ C'9'i‘"““5 °°"".’ “*3 d""“'“ T1 . Lorin! 380058 “Dd FTIDCQS in connection with other enter-1"" T”''"‘"‘ 3'‘ "v "'4 ii is W0 G 5118- 31¢}! C0933 Vm 513 KW?" prises of various kinds. The Harm fir“ b°°k t° 5° Pm °“‘ b)’ F794 P a ‘Glristrnas favor. or llton-Brown Shoe Co.. for example, od‘:':r°""°“l;.:fb° W” 7999011)’ ¢l°¢1€‘d ~ . .-u,- h —n-c l . 1 ‘ it‘: Mam“ Du?“ "gnaw." n’ :lCt:lfye8b:lEr‘.l‘f)lcge‘?0:ul);: ‘bgntllrittoi ‘; '"‘”,"““"“"T‘ _ _ _ Hose t u.iu°“' 1"’ of .0‘ the eniployes. Other small grocery °“ "9 W331“ °DP01'W!1lU¢8ilf, F xafi ‘ .peud s on . . . . ~ . » . xii)’ 31;] ‘ad ‘on ‘éxpez m be aer:ml:nt(‘0n:E:tl0cn nvgth 3&1; tdold not read and use Missourian 0!‘ _ i Suppers R1: 8. Gray. 611 Iaryland place. n. d 5 0 (' ' I / *__'f _ ‘_ ~~ —5—/. an Dun! and son expect t; be °,'{fgff;,,m 0, the ,mb,_,, 0, cw ~ c: —~—.~~ *" “ ‘ her? I bo t ' lt te a- . .‘ , - Er. Dag? ‘Sn ;¢“;'::!_e°;Or :1". )5, those small stores, however. It 113- .-‘End-‘Y ‘V581 3'00 need a Bear Broad“ ay at Ejghth theitime mains for the large downtown gro- Ditto‘?! Po 0 ‘lfypafrltar. Lot _ _ . ' ~______ eerie: to supply the demand for us on you a demonstration. Tbs . ODCII EV€l'llIlg8 9 His Esther Severance. daughter fresh ‘\'cg('t.;bl;s. bfefultli lalgd fang‘. Co-Op Stota. Phone 879. Autbob ~ ' of Sir. and Mrs. H.O..Severa.noe. ar- in-ocengg w u» 1 gm: r esfII_ izcd Remington Scrvicg, find here an, duo be $c'll:h!“l()¢n(s cannot afford to carry in , g coat. of he rents urine 9 3 0° - ‘ i * ' ~ --_~—- ~‘-,—- »~ W... um... um u» been —~-~~-——— ca“. — ~ (mama Z7112 atténding a girls’ sch at Rock- Midnight \Iass on Christmas Eve.‘ . - . ,. . _ .1. - , ,0,-d’ _m_ X ‘Midnight nnss will be held at ‘ . < f _ . . i V , 1'hefinesttrasnindseWorld. Fauatiromsalouis .__-.4. Sacred Heart Catholic Church on I - Orion Gm"?! of Sprinafield. Ill. Christmas Eve. The public is in-‘A toNewOrleansbymor¢tilan5llours. - vited l mas season with their parents, Mr. 'and Hrs. J. D. Gillaspy. 615 Lee mast. . _____ G‘ ’l fliss Jeanette Hill. Miss V3: _ a kind 10- H-W 5"“ .-‘ The Best Famil v Flour « h""‘.. mi’ . f3." made‘ of the beast Boone “' :"‘9°:n$nL°$‘n:;d County wheat by the best mill and His: ivllq live in linden. La.‘ in 30°“ 00°”?- ‘ =' -——————— H.-P. FLOUR . . . . Nothing More Pleasinv . six: 1;?! lilst-er. f;II;t3;IcI:. Ofwcfl: . - -~ 3:10p.m. Arrive NewOl-leans lltzlspextnaorning. .. 2 ; rive tomorrow to spend the Christ'—t'*:.‘ _. _. _ .- ‘ii?’ - ‘ 1." f0!’ An.Pnflmp,, Aflsgggl, but, a {ct car, cotnpa:-tment—sinfle or en suiae--drawing- ' unrivaled roomandopen-section Pullxnans; service. Valet,maid.barber,sllowcrbuh. 'I'woothert'asttrainsdailyat12s49p.In.and 10:35 pm. Tlael2:49p.m.¢rainoonnoctsat widithrou¢ha|eepingcartoGulfpoa-t.sa-vlngfiiloal andPassC!u-inian. Christmas Than Gotham Gold Striped Hosiery -v— ....-o....- _,.....,..y. .g.._..._ ....»..-ca- . . ‘ill Manlzatu ' ' xt'¢u. ho prod t_I£t o wa- tan, Klna, .3“-Sim today : ggiil :m“m;t‘m:°&__ {cf B3,‘: 1 All sizes, all shades to select ,_D_____A___G___”___;"'”mL“”", . ”_ .' ' “Rn - ' n—.'" St:-atton D Brooks. ::°“'‘ 5°” by ‘u "°°°"' ‘M ’ f!'0l'll l ,' '‘‘‘=y’'.“‘‘ u .. Miss Brookais one of ,9 , n A " “'° °°“*':E..."""'_ "' ; Boone County Mililng 1 - l Lisle to ...... . . . . . . .. 2.00 glues null: and Hope Hibbard. & mentor Co I » . fin-i°8ht°"of°f "‘ “fig-ivz‘ ' Phones = ‘ . Lisle top. heavier . . . . . .3250 M CV33" p ‘ in ‘Columbia ‘today to spend the - ' , Christmas holidays with their par- y_ __ Sllk top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.75 enb. ‘ ’ ' - Isis: Betty Wilson left Columbia i c All bearin the Gold Stripe’ thismorning for hex,-llonedn bum“ L . gt ‘ ‘ nl. Iwhlclt. guarantees N0 RUN. Hnandlra. I. Enoch ofSt. . . Louis, ’vill7spsnd the Christina: * ' _ holiday: ‘with an. and an. 1. A. , y - - .,»_-’,,-us _. Elia “on thairhay to _ Pu Appdlllllellll “‘-"'¥"f. California for the ‘ { y A ~, W,'EdDail the ilolidaystovlslihtnotherand. .’__ Q ‘ an sister, 18l2’R‘oaemary lsns.‘ Dal! tail ‘ _. __ <_ _ _ ' ..: .. ., _ _ ‘- _ . ,_._‘ . .;. , .. ...,— .a..«.._ _ s - -- i .- .