-2', I I J - ;;i. . =3‘ II I I w 1 . i 2? 1.- ; .f l ,‘ ml: in » card __Vicinity. - R.-uses Mknyg Paonucrs Was Ofiered $27,000 for Swissdale Farm, 55 Acres, on Fulton ’ Gravel. Dairy farming clo- quence have roughtaucefia to R. 1” Jacobs, owner ‘of the Swiasdalo ' one tion of agriculture. The Swissdale Dairy Farm is a 55-acre valley surrounding a height where Mr. Jacobs‘ home. barn and silo stand. In this little farm is rastured the only Brown Swiss herd in Columbia's vicinity. consisting of ten milk cows, one bull and three _\-earlirg heifers. Mr. Jacobs bought them from George Long who gave it The ten dairy cows urc all 4-year-olds, and all sired by a purebred Brown Swiss bull on Jer- sey cows. cross-breeding com- bined the excellent qualities of tin two breeds. rown Swiss cat- no by l€t‘t‘_f)- ing in good flesh and filling the pail while other cows grow thin d re- duce their yield; and the Jersey cat- tle are are known to be the btnsl. hut- According to the Jacoba, his yield an average of 'tive gallons of milk a day per wi an over- age hutterlat test of 41.-’; per cent. For the last twelve months, he sold $!,B50 worth of milk to the Central Dairy of Columbia at whole.-ale price, and this does not include what his family consumed. lle milks the cows and delivers the milk twice a day. Dairy farming consists of more than producing mil’ _ it includes the raising of heifers to replace ani- the herd which must be dis- because of failure to breed. T 3? raising of calves is usually the most successful. Jacobs never over- looks these facts. lie raises heifers every year. but sells those he cannot take-care . He adjusts the bearing season of the cows d 016.!!! to be 1' ‘ g the fall in wt r milking and be just in e to big demand for milk occasion by the d-wonuMa u whc are a flue iversity am other colleges and schools here. Mr. Jacobs believes that to suc- ceed in the dairy business, xi ma should raise his own feed or he will ’*,.,,_., lose “I raise everything on my farm and buy nothing." de declared. He - devotes seven acres fa, ten acres to corn which is folowad with From a two-and-a-half acre plot of alfalfa by it roadside, he cut enough feed for ' herd dur- ing this winter. and in addition sold about $72 worth of other acres of alfalfa are used for hog pasture. In the raising of these feeds, he 'ces rotation. Other products which contribute both to the family table and to the ocal market are also n his acre vineyard keep the Jacobs family busy during their summer leisure time, but theirmtilized leisure is well .- ...,, ...-....,_L .. Floor Sarfaclag a Fsltflfit Sanfifi. New floors‘. $3.00 persquare: _. 84 to 86.‘ W. W. Wade. phone W9 Black or 948. . 1 ' Specialty to be it. The ‘ . . .....-- ._‘_. U give a merry bugs during Oummer. Mrs. !Jacobs keeps only her choice pul-l lets through the winter, but in sum- mer. with the aid of " her incubator. she keeps I00 chickens at a time in the docks. Her poultry enterprise considerable to the family in- come. besides providing abundantly for the family table. " Mr. Jacobs is a self-made man. He was in a real estate. logua and auction business for nine years at Salida. Colo. later he to BotIgo‘County, settled on a 320-acre farm nine miles west of Columbia 9 I ' which he bought while yet in Colo- rado, and engaged in grain and s fanning After fo r years there, however. he was 0 cred a price for the place and he sold out. Then he bought the Swissdale Dairy Farm, for which he was of- rcd at one time $27,000. He re- fused to sell. His wife, who has been a source of constant aid and encour- agement to him. is a graduate of_ “Wlliam Woods College of Ful- ton. and was formerly a student of the University. They have now two m lose money. sons and two daughters; the oldest. a 5-year-old ‘boy, is attending thv University l-Zlcmentary School. Auctioneering has been one of the chief sources of income to Mr. Ja- cobs for the last gixteen years. and it is still his favorite sideline for the people of the county know him and he knows most of them and they feel that he can handle a sale \’l‘l‘) W('ll. Auction sale eloquence is an :.r: in itself, according to Mr. Jacoln. ‘ "The auctioneer must have thorough knowledge of all farm products. livestock and machinery that go into the sale: He must know their val- uc.~s.well. so that when the custn rm-rs quit bidding. he uill knuu \‘\‘l'.('ll to urge by means of eloquence, and argument the value of the arti- cle, thus attracting a higher hid. A [good strong voice. sound reasoning, 'and eloquence help greatly in auc- tioneering to keep the bidders awake and lively." he id. The Jacobs’ home commands on: of the most beautiful vistas in the outskirts of Columbia, while the h(JU.~(‘ is a nine-room frame two- story building. with all the modern conveniences of a home. lt is lighted with electric lights from the plant. and provided with heat. running water and a privati- xevrerage system. contains :1 washroom ‘equipped with an electric washer. a dryer and a tub; the furnace room. with the furnace and a heap of coal; ‘and last there is a cold storage room with shelves and piles of assorted parcels of choice meat.-. fruits. fruit juices and vegetables. which find cool repose. but give an assur- a of plenty to eat at a time when rural folk less wise are running up avoidable bills in town. Better values in standard makes in shot guns and rifles at .\'ewruan's. Adv.90-91 l 5 than warm . H1010 3 ing before the cold w 24 N. 9th St. Are You Wise? To the fact that cold weather is harder on your radiator Count the number that steam during the winter Steaming means ruinous wear is taking place in- side the motor due to excessive heat. motor repair shops arcoverflowinr: in the spring. " yours be there next spring Q the result of winter driving with a defective radiator? '0! if you are wise and let us examine your radia- tor now and give your cooling system a thorough cleara- eather com . My charge for cleaning is nominal. My examinations are rec. STOP IN TODAY H. J_. Gribble carelessly about. where crystals cling to the walls and where bright,‘ colored bel reign supreme. Columbia‘: stores have begun to decorate their interiors with bright colors and are beginning to display gifts for Christmas which are in- dicative of the old slogan, “Shop early and avoid the rush." ‘ On some counters, it seems as though the inhabitants of gluo- .gle have come to reside. T are some curious animals of which even the wildest animals would stand in awe. Original in their make-up. they attract much attention and create more enthusiasm among the shop- pen: an common comes each year. Now and then the ability of the toy ‘is demon- strated by the clerk and the chil- dren ress nearer the counter with their hands clutching the coin, in their pockets. But Christmas is too far away to buy toys now for they will broken and worn when Christmas day comes. Fresh. candies in little stocking.- meet othc-'5 view, yet one wonders after whose foot he stocking was fashioned. Nuts brigtht-c-olored ca Spa, and candy toys attracts the "d as well at’ the grown up, and It and then a t in sein pping a bag of candy for a grow -up who stick- it guiltily in his pock . Christmas cards, engraved and embossed, are also ready for the Place your oidér early f or choice cut flowers of all kinds. Eernard “The Florist” 9 N. Ninth St. Phone 212! No wonder the ' 88 Phone 249 things You Bake self of her reputation as a -Good flour is the I :1-iisite of good baked goods. No .’matter how skilled you may be. you can't have good luck unless the flour is right. That's why it really pay: to aslrfor H-P Flour.‘ g ! BOONE COUNTY MIIIING {'rEl.EVA'l'OR CO. _ - Po-acme 9. 1 I ‘ ' 3 . 1 \.r.;-‘I?~.i'f’*‘.m:1ll:“:if “~ Ill!lTllrf."‘l‘~7ll'l"'”-‘.’7 ' ' s ' I - -arm ' ; . ‘T l.,_ "'l.‘.-—’.*," '9.--Ct-r_~',»”.: "‘;‘~‘ ,""—u ~ ‘_._\ I ‘ p... _ r r - . . - I s .(.'.‘....,..-.....,-is .i g ' , 1".‘ x1.:‘«\':_‘-‘fl F’, , h ' i i .~.... *4 ~~.=- : ‘%’:.':? ‘ct’: _-1; 5;. i"-1'4-39*; ’ m‘~:-:3: -_‘.'Sn%"J.:= ,.-1"’ W‘ "“"§-“q“"" ~ ‘ ..-u-can-.1-:‘~.-;~.::$-as.-~»a-‘V: r —~—‘-'-' "~"'V*""" "'*’“’ . you wish to be especially good. for 3 every woman is naturally proud Your- cook. prime’ ro- V in %" ‘faster candles and crystals ready to take home for the table are on display. Colored glass balls for decorations lie in a heap on the counter. Displays of the long tedious hours work—daintily embroidered handkerchiefa, cleverly pa_inted little knives. salt and pepper shakers with from the trees and landed carelessly on that particular spot. The brisk aid and holiday decora- tions now in Co ' l to mind the poem "Twas the night be- fore Christmas and all through the house," and hearts suddenly beat in anticipation of what Christmas joys may he ELECTRIC Cl'Rl.l.\'G IRONS Good grade electric Curling Irons, complete for 81.25. NEWMAN HARDWARE C0. 904 Broadway. Phone 234. Advflfl ' and brass). Lavra were admitted yesterday. Alaga Boyd and llary Lansing were admit- ted today. James Green and Oliver Weathers, Jr-. were discharged today. mu: ‘I3L£(‘iz*(.7oops Andirons. shovel and poker sets. ‘Park Zuards. (wrought iron finish Our entire stock at dia- «count of 10 per cent _ .\'EWMA!\' HARDWARE C0. 904 Broadway. Phone 234. Adv90 rLAsii’iLioTirs A useful all year round gift for man. woman and child is a good flash light. Price. complete, 65c and Up. 9 NEWMAN HARDWARE ('0. _ ‘.004, Broadway. Phone 234. Adv90: Better values in toy autos, wagons and velocipedes at Newman's. . TEA WA GONS Ranging in Price from $20 to At .20 % Reduction ) We Have a Most Complete Showing of Tea Wagons in All Standard Finishes. Parker Furniture Co. I I ‘ I 1, ' t :1‘. ‘ _, ',= V ‘:,,.«_ _. “‘ . .. __x.. .; ‘.71-._ g-.6 “-f--?..“._._."'w.:.‘.“V...>.T ..-I..- ;;_._...—-1----.— -- - v . .~.......,_._‘,,....:..A_ 4+-fl ‘ W. a . W. AU ' O D‘ ; J ___ ,_ _ THE COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN. M0l~IDA¥-«DECEl['BER'17" ism «\ raoa uni -- I ' ’ ' "”‘“"" ‘“‘ " “ ' V‘ - » - - —- -—- —---- --— --mm _. 1, _ . - g H. , 4 ‘- “vi ’ ‘ ' ' -. I “ “‘ SUEXIEHQSN-EERFUL IN ‘M 3.1.... ...._.l._.. True Christmas Spirit Begins , AT THE HOSPITALS . . V‘ m M > O o . ‘ _ ~ . - . t..'”""'......,,, .,,, ,;:;,;,-“:_;-:,vg to Pervade the Air in Columbia .,...,c ; A n Ia! Gd-t - farm. ‘Buses .-55. . . , ,_ I J 1' K ; \ I F W,‘ 3:’ mp|l::"‘:;;""'; u”Chn;;g=-gimgg lggrfn-';;{ **;*»°“-'.°"'°* 1" C°'"-;*--- *'°'=='.s.:..'-7a.,-.""i1..°'¢'.ii..I.'£.’., .'3i‘."L“.“.’,‘f l A» ________ market. “These are mine." llrI- 30- ready made its wa iii Columbia: Years" with th.'ndbestn‘?;rhy N" mu“ 3'” 5': Harold Rihaclt. ‘ F01‘ T Jgnobs ,cobs pointed g. “,0 flock, 0, ,,_.__ ~ . V ' ‘" ‘" °'- W" In. John IlcVey and Pearl Nichols. R. . Has bud Rhoda hhnd ‘mi 3:“: Ffizmdedie hnghtnddml e on ‘the rounded by sprays of holly and mm A‘ w‘ Com‘ V“ diuhwed T , . Brown A bl: °hi‘k°'” ‘Pith ""9 fiutriansfbixnecdn atmosphyereflqzrhiige’ rensil boxes?" human‘ m an the y°ne'd""P _ S . in ,wumbhv8 chkkm ‘find. mi: gm". .ndm:¢g3: make-believe snowflakes have fallen Ornamental Christmas trees with Cur,” £rkI:n:':::';:.'hm Build your Pennies, Nickels and Dimes INTO “Big Roun Dollars” . ... 1.. bfieusurprigedl Eisée how fast they will grow if you become a member of our- . hris tmas You will 7th as -1 44 We want you to save‘ those little coins—the pennies, nickels, dirnes4—yes, the dollars also, and let them accumulate into a fund that will help out in buying presents, paying for your winter coal, paying taxes and insurance premiums and in many other ways. Weekly 50c Club "€908" $1 Club W906" . $10 Club "elm" $20 Club Dwfi“ $50 Club D°P°°“ In 50 Weeks You Have 25¢ Cjub Deposit 25c each week 3 $2 Cgub Deposit 3.: each week 55 Club Deposit :5 each. week SELECT .ONE OF THESE CLUBS—THEN ENROLL TOMORROW ,. Payment Plan 12.50 25.00 50.00 100.00 250.00 50¢ each week 81 each week 810 each week 500,(K) rm each week 1,000,“) :50 each week 2,5oo,oo ;.Decreaslng‘ Club Plan You begin with the est end and decrease each‘ week. "This very. popular plan many. Savings Club The Christmas Savings Club is a big, popular plan to encourage you and others to co-operate and in a public-spirited manner save in a syste- . matic, concerted way. Your first deposit makes you a full-fledged member. No fees——no' fines- no trouble. You will get all your money back in a lump sum just before Christmas, Increasing Club Plan , _, . la 50 You Have '.", I '- . lc lat week. 24: Zn! lc Club ‘l‘.'.'.°..“.“ ........, ....... ...-.~ 3 12.75 1. 1378' J Depoaitzclat N-It,6c2ad 2C week. Increase 2: each weal: is a V '' 'l‘'‘‘flepaait Sc lat weak. ‘I0: III ‘ r Will‘ 50 wad. lacreaae be out week 63-70 10¢ ci..u.i.'°*.:..-°-‘:.'..°:.'.:* I .'it"“.12‘.’2‘.. 127.50 1 . i Q . . T I-.. .. The Ba .a .- -s-- - ,. _ INSURE YOURSELF OF A MERRY CHRISTMAS _. _. . . ......4. 1-’ " 1‘. ‘u. . -. - t-'1. .—Iiin