Q i2D1iIiIiiiJw1Ii:t:.;‘iariiIiimiarini:2;2riI§ <:>miiIis=inriIii-2.u- ll-idFl_WY’gHW'l‘fiflfllfilII4i£f'l$$Qi"8"lWIll""§V4'F"“‘l'*""5"‘V*F""**"" ham, Ill. lie was _ the School of Journalism '-9DfliWFiii9”"'i,l'§(9Di?liiB3l,.illiB31illliblJiilIi _u "ftzal C‘ ' av.-..a‘.ao~;'.¢..-"~ " '»\"a- .‘."" i'‘'''. . . , _ _ . f~s §-. .« . ._. ._ ‘ ,1. . A . Coluihdia ‘Society a TT'T -. '' V1.1 O V" ..__4 c 3- p > W .. V57’? 1 5 1W. S. G. A. Giristrnas h given at 7:80 o'clock ‘omens’ ‘ Irishman football 0003‘?! ll Members section at one-act plays. . the Daniel Boone Tavern. t b .0 6 o'clock at the cm sorority Ellas lfor the members, pledg alumme of ca house. Wedaesds luncheon at Harris. Sigma hi ‘fraternity their chapter house. . Wilson ’ dinner. cbarp oi the in home, 811 College avenue. _ Ii SOC. CAL INSERT B. chapterhouse. Rotary BVHU. Pi Beta dinner at 6 o'clock. Officers Church leave Columbia for holidays. lege avenue. , ‘SOCIAL CAIIENDAR ' my u; at the E! is 3 < Y. M. C A. finding for the ‘Varsity and cross-- of . the play-readig the Dramatic Club to Iaeetat 7:30 at Lathrop Hall to. . read three ‘ aeauay Kiwanis Club members to '- tertain their families at dinner at Ineinba-s and fledga to have a Christmas party at 5:30 o'clock at their chapter house Phi Beta Pi medical frater- nity. to give a 1 o'clock luncheon A in honor of their chaperon. Mrs. mrlins dinner to be given arid p Gamma Delta sorority at 6 o'clock at the chap- 3‘ W Lions Club to meet at noon for to ‘give dinner party at 6:30 o'clock at Mr. and Mrs. B. C. l‘lunt._1327 avenue, to entertain at Deflolay fraternity members to give 6 o'clock Christmas din- ner in honor of Florien P. Gass. H rs’ Study Club to meet t 3 o'clock with Mrs. H. A. La e, 1400 Bowman‘ 1309- Mra. A. C. Bagadale is to have progra . Mrs. E. W. Henderson and Mrs. H. L. Kenipster to entertain with build supper at Mrs. Kempstcr's Gamma Christmas part!‘ to be given at 6 o'clock at the Gub luncheon to be given at noon at the Daniel Boone East Broadway Bridge Club to l meet at 2:30 o'clock at the home and pldges to have Christmas 3' to be elected at the _ service day meeting of tho.-45:0- L‘ men's Council of tha,9Kristibri at 2:30 o'clock at the. lnth. . 1' Many University students//(0 I! Miss Florence Russell of Co- bia and Eugene W. Sharp to married at high noon at the home of the bride's parents. 405 Col- 1 -_ .._.~ 4-.- had Cl)- Delta Delta Dcilfas Give Christmas Pam; Members and pled;:c:~ of I‘).»1:u entertain:-d with their last night. ' l”mlld:t_\‘ The party opened with the giving of freak gifts to the girls. after which the formal pres:-ntntioii of gifts to the house tool; place. After the presents twre distributed, ii _ bullet :-'upper “'85 :<('r‘\‘e(l. Entcrlain ll'a'I/a Towel Slzozrcr Members 0? Alpha (‘hi Omt-2;: en- tertained with 2 towel .~'l‘.o\'.';‘:‘ from .’.’.lU to 5:30 o'clock» tli...-‘ ufternmwn for Miss Florence Hur.-.-ll \'.'l:'.|.\t' en- gagement to lingerie .<-ll."il'l) \‘~'£l" n — eently announced guests lllt‘ll.l(.lt‘(l tuwnfrlends . The of Miss Russell. Dinner 'r:u(.~t;: at the- house _\'esturd:i_\' u‘.-re . Brewster and Mi:-.~‘ :3~.»'.'.y B!'('\\'5ll'l' of Kansas City. .\li.~..~'t-.- Elizczilveth Sifrma Nu r<. ll. Menwethcr, Dorotl :- Holt-oiiib. l"i'ances Brewr r. Frtuict-~ lltilse, Dorris Cuddv, Dorothy Tole-r. Van Shepherd and Carol \\'illi.~ o‘ Kan- sas City and Thomas Willis of Jef- ferson City. The Cunninghan: ("ircle of the Broadway Mt-thodist (.'l".2.lY'C‘."1 will meet at 2:30 o'clock tntiiorru-.v after- noon at the l10.'!‘.L' of .\lr.~e. l-J. M. Harmon, 405 Moll-wurtie stree-t. Mrs. L. B. ‘Benton will assist. All mem- .bers are cxpect}~d*tu to present as be Augusta Spencerfit-d Wed G. M. Le Crone ber 29, at the home University of Missouri in 1922. was also High School. Club, He is now advertnlnx . user“ ‘ Nevsatilplo will entertain Guests _ Wednesday Evening. A Mr. and Mrs. E Kempster, 811 College avenue. The guests be H. L. Shrader Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Smith e of Miss Augusta I-Elizabeth Agee. Mi.-< Frances: M. lie Crone, Saturday, De- Reeve.-s; George Blow:-.in;, and Ar- of Mi; tliur Browning. Spence:-s’ mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer, 207 Edgevzood avenue. ‘ Miss Spencer was graduated from “W s¢h°°l 0‘ J°“”“h‘m °f oi Florien l’. (lass, NHL‘ :1! the mem- graduated from Columbia '-'*"* She is a_ member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. in 1922 '7,,,.. and is a memberof the Dana Press / man- " the Colorado ‘ Springs Farm . Sprints. . W. Henderson’ i. and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kempster ‘ Wednesda ' entertain on next , evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. . hnd Gates Fox. Christmas decorations _will bc_ ""1" '. there Will be an Pltrtitir. of 0lTit‘€'l'S. Guests at the liappu Sigzzia lit.-USP yesterday were I‘-ir. ;.mi Mrs. itnhert Sander llliss lluzel .lLvl’l.'lS(..Y‘., Miss bard. ll '35 Dorotizy Arlgzrir, George Members of D€‘l.l0lii}' mu t-n'.ei'- min at .ii (‘hrii-'tmzi:‘ lmrzquet at (1 o'clock \\'cdni~;~d::y ('-l‘!ilf'I§,' in hmior 7; /z;._- u‘ i11‘X,- ~< -’ .-,' -5 _ , V / om E J ' ' K/iC¥;.:‘.ll‘;'>h{ x\ \6 . ‘fa.’ }-—-‘__.i /’l 0 mm wright : Smart Gifts for and ms. Baler Wintho.-fibril BRIDGE PLAYERS ' Seaton, William A Btoad Dale. Robert You must see our stock of gifts‘ .for the bridge table to appreciate ;the smartness of the suit markers, ‘score cards and pads, table numbers ““~-*-~'-"'5'?-Z98-~ ‘-2-. .i.. iziss iiAr.i;i. sruis HAS ‘mi-2 Sl!~'Cl.‘~‘i..' 1.5;.-.3 in mi: "Z.()\'£ Jswni." WHICH is isizixr; .<'r.Am:n.-c~.' "rm. J(J['H.\'ALlSIl PLAY C0!IlIl.\’Sl0.\' roisoanow AND wi-;i).\'L