*3‘ ii girlie? 553$; tllelloway. The price was 9 Ctlltligi . a pound. a ll! , Iias __outo!achoolthelast1ewdaysw'lth 1ch' -pox. I J. W. Guatiae and family were‘; I ’the guests ‘of amily, Sunday 0 ,-.. eek. The Rev. R. C. Abram will con- aspen duct senricesat the Olivet Church ta’ -‘ Lela 1°‘. *0 “'°‘Ithe guest of Mrs. J. L. Lynes at din- Wednesda Mr. and Mrs. Davis Drake weren'- iii? F’ e Boone’ 3". June, Re5d_ who ‘.5 'm_ lows in Centralia, Tuesday iiured recently in an automobile ac rideut, is improving but is not able-.gcI1nd80!l iii? . Th1l1"|dl!- ; 5"‘ V uh‘ °‘ c°h3‘5“1ma~s and Geo Turner ‘of C ‘ad, .. . ,. - II. A. Turner sold a carload of 7 ;I8_1lh¢ (081 03 Dflii Elkin Indnu.u._g.nh¢:'.gg,¢.4§""gh, ¢.:§:in“d:"..:1°fl:¢:'M;‘ ______ _- ,-- .._. X :’ y’ 1"‘ y’ d d. V"! °‘ ll‘ cull“ F179‘ '‘ 3109"‘ in the union have a surplus of corn ~ gnu in Columbh on wodnuhy :Miu"helen, “vkR‘°‘iud grad‘ ill: knit.‘ 2503» 30951,! dun“ '“ ‘inn ‘ r to sell. Wheat is cut eleven months ,. ls " ' haw“ ° .0! the year in different parts of the College it llr. and Mrs. Ambrose Johnson burly 1“: weak, ' shovvint in WWW» '1'hm- nu. Ben rm was in Columbia l - . Ithls week ' ‘tin her daugb Mr and Mrs. Jasper Willingharn nu. Chnd¢';:,u_‘ ur’ ;will move to their farm near Mexico ' . non whotalked with many“; the “ma sdm,‘ win meet “ Kenzie at Thompson, Saturday. lnternationalrgg gcboolhoust at 2 o'clock next Owen and Forrest Davenport at-V 1-.....1...mg.g.,,.,,;.,;h.5ur..ndun.J.r.1'hnmoao1 Chrjptmas pageant will have a pie- i ‘ ' ° -_§---- :*~ qtu'mla'sd Pfisrbo cm, . ‘"3, ‘mount 1 used to buy much at it for 15 cents‘ Plant is equipped with new three-magazine lntertypc, two .33..‘ in x 01;: gwotxhit ieltrgflblll tn . )obben and four-page news press. all with individual motors: .x.n.“at,.P£‘“t'.ek"fih“vyux uW'P3Y cm...Pf.‘“‘ 9...’ 3”‘, a,,;... eaatiIubox.t!IPl'rcut.ter,andallnaaasaaryaI|ulpuaaLIachlne . and “W van elected has 8. 12, 18 and 24 point, reducing "hand spiking’ wninimum .!G$IHt¢.. Pmmp.‘nd x ‘ W I Eifonihem mrfezt 't!:a c1(;f1l‘ll1nlln‘ 8 - Bum“ Church ” ‘ and cutting production costs. Substantial reason for selling. at near Younger. a 133,503 m,d,° ’ ye" ‘ ' ddiefififilrslflemoon ‘P Term: Cash 84.500 and $6,500 easytime payments. 1: in. V . . n 0 lbs. . . “ ‘ “"m“ G "‘"‘u‘*‘l "°"‘ 817.63‘-fit." wgiragponeciii 11 um mm W? am, am“. uiuud inquire of J. s. Hnhharé. executive secretary. xii. ( 1 ‘ul R“fi. Q‘ w,._ ”‘n"°fe peéple in flwfiilganzrylmolll "lee-'presld’e!nt. Icfissgoentizia i aouri Press Association. or write G. 0. P-. care Western News- F .‘ ' I ' . - 0 T3. ‘. . k-i U ‘ ' u ' ' M . ‘ Gotham‘. h; I :e!;>nnaZou d recelye eight tenths of? ghin; t,-ugurcr, Mrs. .129, H“, . P_‘l>¢1' I-non ms o E u-dun. .ac-uwax ; _+_..-..--- °'"°°"- 1 Clifle em]. SAYS WHEAT WILL BOON D-:._j—--— _ - yjggga ‘fin pgmhfl‘ our 33 cnggpgn 1-3525' CORN _ N g , T’*"" **"’* "*“"“*-‘i ‘.‘— --_ , Ira. In-7' ' ~, --------—~- mhhumfi’ = 3~:d3f'.w. 1'. Aaderaalilakalmportaneel . hlgzlesaie u¢A1a.tseuuser1 °"’°';:°"|"'°'°'° Nut-M ‘Pi-=1:-vi-l--sweet-eud)‘:’ncc-It‘:-"liar!-lfllraherf ‘The time will aooneome when‘ ‘i “'3'?” 3- '- '‘‘’°‘°:eorn will sell for more money than ' - 5- W-‘ - every day in the year." said l?..'l'.Io_urulngand P551139‘: 35- 55"?‘ 3'3"" {country of the world and on the is- «.4. years old. Those present were: ‘ ;V°m‘ ’°W‘ 39‘ ‘.3593? 3°39‘ ’crop is oven-emphasised is the be- Hrs. Cytha Jones .1 column. 3.3-4 D::r;JouI:eea;n':l'x:-.I:Vurie or nu. Anderson. This belief is 3' ' 3” . .,_: - 9 .-.. U i ' _ _ M, . r '--A t ‘ '5 us I K.‘ ~- ' . ' . * ‘ '_T *8 3' "-‘F8’ ..._,e-,i",___;___-,‘,_v.-gi~=.g ._ lufiz: I. .1 . . _ *7 . , " h = i r $2.. ‘tahn ‘§%z§.8c”:f'5,ir7$'i-s’ . i - ' ‘*“”“”""T"K"W= ‘1iir”15Fflf5* : @0111 “Re ublicanPa r i v‘ limtediicmmtyseagfifi tnboungy. Of 80.®9. Circulation _ D -and 30, cents. rImningi7_00 to 1,000’ ‘per lame; legals ‘ ‘average nearly lull page an issue. Traliklia prices for job printing. - _ ~0neot.herpaperiutown.tIobily.Alnoatunliuit¢deop- _- ‘. _ onuflnwn, ‘poI&aity£ordeve|opIlIel¢.asruralpopnlatlonis§,creaalngand ~"" " }'l\eir’- -unloaded. they ' ofhisotherer-opsasmuchag_ W"||‘O.'l'0'ifi8 III! 511113538» Ont“ nflmadsuldrfimary %' ' M 5°“ "'09- 03%| state highway. Progressive ' . _ . .n...,...,._... :54. _ Denny president of the Jessie Thomas Cir- ‘ “d ""4 gtbe Boone County Milling and Ele. 15”‘ °'' "*7 *4 vator Co., in speaking of th econdi- ‘“- 1&3“ R‘°hi"°nv "You can raise wheht in every jworld. Argentina is cutting a big “'5 -7°39‘ ‘wheat crop now. ' That the importance of the wheat And Flowers As a gift for any occasion. i government report; Flowers are always appreo 1020 McGee Street 5"“ °“.of Iillersburg. was buried at Harg . ram Paul Tribble was in Centralia,: urda ' " Sat y. , _ John Berkley spent Sunday with is accountable. Curtis Winn. reasonibly good condition off ilrs. '1'. 6. Marshall has been sick County farmer. and onedoruthe last week. iii ‘ 2.3 33%? u'editforgdodet!eetonthe‘-in . V ' Davis McKenzie returned to his: ‘K J nix: lunch at the church Sunday and; -—l—— i will spend the afternoon in rehear-- -:sal. ‘ FOR SALE Supplies for all standard ma-l chines. ' Virgil Blskemore, Jr. 302 Exchange -Bank Bldg. Phone us White ii“ 3:: 9 ii 55; ii; iiiliifi 2 is V for Their Dolls " Uaefuland Amusing _ _ and'Ins'tructive' “ft '1'iiis-'i'i’1~idé‘ £1 ray‘ but _a nu: ; h at the ', 33%;?‘ . iiiiifiiiiii‘ 7-‘git: oé\B:‘5ibE[5$"uo'-V754 a$$!?7'7:' :.‘¢r1(:‘_::";':’.‘~*f1J‘i.4.#fl'dv_ _~;3;s{.2;;;:«~:§:x:*r' $31 ”5i:%2"l-.6fii¥3§'«§32rr.eI'»-£-,e"~3‘-‘.1742’ 813‘-$'»‘:t3 _ '.‘§"-‘.1!-F 7v '11 years ago of giving away milk the holidays to the needy poor of All those desiring p & free let us explain that i .fl‘i3i5‘l_‘i“"“§‘i_ mm“ “°t Wm!“ mm‘) g § fviug the «OOLUMBIA MISSOURIAN" to the lucky ‘please call at the rear door of our f ' from December am. to ‘am. ’.l*a.y. M _g 9su¢§yu@$usufifihmsnmmuhu- a. . . . ' -— V“ -W?" ~‘-v.~'I.-"Vi- -.-I-Ir.--w-war-we-l'.Q.9'i¢uv~'.v‘!‘W"F."-. ' . I dlngthewnehwithherdaugb-1 on . , _ . H“. W. P. Pia. :w_ 33'5"; 30’ Jon” .ud_1‘.ny; which ‘how! “at “R when "op cut“ by the ‘wage Cone“ gn\.c.a merely book is not enou.gh—-give a GOOD book. ~\‘_,,nn_: 3,. ‘ad la 3‘ whhw waeiand llra. Ed Pig; and son. 1.“ ye" '“ gu)'o®'oo0 bushels. . 1 W d r _where ‘ Come in and see our copies of speetally illustrated and leco- . MW gum of ci...-1.. xi,-am. ad; If =;m-;-ax;-an corn crop 300,029,000 hush- ‘'‘’° °_““ “V” ‘W - rated editions. Also Book-Ends in attractive designs to har- « “- family at Hurry, Sunday. gain’; . ui.°ui“°;.‘ “L els and Jihe oats crop was 1,350,000,. ‘ in America. _ , monise with any library table or desk. . . Be‘ _ mo 1. ‘mi’ tha th . ' ~ -500; ;¢i....a "';.,,'.,'=‘*..‘.‘:‘..'-.-;*°.;.:.'.-.1,-....-=-2—— - t g " " W * v- 4 .....:.*.';'’.'::*.:.':.'’*:,'.‘.?;.‘;.::;’‘..°.:;.'* " "*° mi shopping in Columbia, Monday. ‘ l A “M _ x......... cm... .... a Columbia moi-anco. ' SA TTERLEE5 . "3; ‘visited llr. and Hrs. Clarence He-1 A I P 0 Pk“ , ’ E :3“ I "W N" - - I g - CONLEY AND MARYLAND i ma derided the meeting of the odd Fol. Second ‘semester vacancy caIls'now coming in. Enroll I A - . i ii? n‘Kht- ‘ now ‘O “lit WC QB your credentials Qogethgr in ---——--——~ ~- - ~-=‘~—-~--~ A — -- ————- -— *-: —~—-- ~“ ' , I. O. Ila. will Hudson. and Ira. Fran‘: . time to serve you. ent.-' free. _ - Bhrell and son. Foster. were '- " ’ _'_‘, , , ._l mu, 0,, ,,,,m,,,,, w,,,,,,,,,. FISK TEACHERS’ AGENCY ‘ - . in Selbu Kansas City. Mo. '.l”ir12l§céinitilfifivtzlfijv il7W§!3V4-- OUNDS a little foolish at first, do_esr_i’t it? The idea of giving one person, no matter how much you ‘like him, 'a Christmas present every day of the year! Think of the cost! . 4. . . 3 _ . . __ -._ . . ‘-—\,----,-gv:n-w-g-vw-wt:-‘...g,._ .- - . -, , _‘,; 3‘ -.. “f“", ‘.1. ‘u’ ". This ‘company established the r-- -w riiiiiiiiiiislligyii -" ' UT it's not at all foolish. You can do just that. and it won't» cost you any more than some useless arti- cle that would last maybe a month. ’ - -.‘-;.t..r tonigl l ‘ ERI-J’S the secret at giving a present that lasts a 5 year.'l"illo_Itt!hellttlecoupon,«mallittouswith ’ - u your cheékfarid we'll be ’8anta'Claus for 865 days, person every day. .# .l{INK of it—~365-lfine Christmas to one _person that youfthlnk a lot of. - ow — , _ . ,. gr - A . g . Ry I ;" ' I " ii: an 1-‘. #9‘ 00 --o -" - - 0 . vv-' . ~~-Iv--I gallons will be given .'1\5.i‘i-'t_'.;;'- A _ ‘V’ ‘ I V ' while -it o .;'» W’ u "m i'- "7" ‘ _:. ~ . ', .' 7' , i . g,__._. i _ * 1 ' n A ,7 5 “ ' A“ "3 ' ' i .. hi’ ‘ - ‘.'ll¢|I'1 i .‘ _ s__ .V».‘ ,. .;;a.§. i '1 I ‘ 1 (‘VA ‘ ~. -.-. .5 ~I.';. ff ‘ .=,,a;.i,,,;.‘ - .. --.“..,o:' . - 1? v "f 5:‘?- i'J:\_».'.',