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C05I¢flUPQlt‘l7al0I’d ‘W IU|I‘T3bi“}.*- ! i °' W 1 M‘ 1 gagguaeesulnsy. - fiflhltissp-hg. 1313.9,” 3.75.; ysmlk W038!!! ts Poultry Seven new members will be ; OCDIX O0 and 1 1xed.._. :ouawhua,a-o8IIb8IvuIn°°Imc...u,,ouhoane-s-stnuuhuu.-5-ehewmsonvoru-aauubo-j'°'”¥ Chic-It Pthouonrvflo-neolcnsn-so-0-' - . _ . st Josonoo uetflnoollv ubnnmudfiufl uwfimlhn 6” sh“ xymw u L___; Each team has three sash and cioty.st -mo o'clock tonight at rug Holeproof Silk and Lisle Hose ugaA.touuqaGouIlBaruus:u*,.u“d.dtum.0ui8bu"”. oiouau.-slots:-(Izaak; Thoeeottheuemai-Omogshooss. Ihestudsltstoz . 5 Formenandwomen '- ggiggcpuohihlgiaosoqoestedbytiseg mo Canada. p”h.°,. 1:! ..ndoz.H.LAllen.Ioherthep|odgodsre:IissIildred B.‘ . ‘g .1 . , . I.‘ zvvunar!orti-v-rn°-°“'Wv-- ooor-son an came; ToDAYg * Aw“ ’'’'‘''';I‘' """“' ’°""'°"~ '“".°“"‘ ”°"' "“"°"’§ Now Showing a *3 Specia Shirt :1 uefor iws circuit ooo:t~inionetioo_kesp-id "1 ‘art done by ‘V “dun: « oeosdiogmt; r. Henderson. Ialis Pepe. Hus Frances Elizabeth; 1 Hose in the new weaves irgth¢!°”P'!’1'oIn&.i1sterlsI‘ilt. She,” - i &‘u u' West.lx):is.KiosIsrieBeediv;‘od.'l“i:I., f Todayzo At noon his! “'3 """P‘°i Pmroooor Anheney. who‘ chairs 9”‘ f - """’ “"""‘ °""”"'"’ j ’ _ -; purl puma dispatches nouns as ;,.oo of the proposed mocha; m; NA‘l'l0NAL'g3K runs. me 2“ *hu=:mw:itf:-nmAwmd- I-his llgtmmu ‘ my 13180 33501'tm¢nt 0f 5 White Broadcloth Shuts attached sovevuw--¢!*II°'°"°°"°'“;oxsnuorcseouz¢,usdxnozguo 11._ ......,,t. 3.009,! ‘rm be We» 53”‘ E._,,”"sc,_,,,‘”"' : . . oooooo.ano:oouemuehovm.,,,,,......,,...........,,....;...u—s.:u..uqynooa. _ »i tfi-raga“ -v-ntinvisit-villh-sigh! N-iv; anddetachedcoliars - could be -t-vfill ism. exhibit and it yin be shown; Native beef steers. :10 up: Yesr- 0?. mm m‘e°"“’7mm5”"'fl-l"';'e "‘°"‘“_ B°:mm°_n""“‘“°‘-1 ma on u NECK SCARFS o A wonderfu] Vahle ' 1.nw1'xNAN1'-I=0VBN0B‘m r"".' “'° "“° “M! the eulypuu noon and hellcI'8.‘nd3“:;fl;-zbeld onflmrsdsy. On Friday min A violin solo by Ina lsrgsret 2111.; ~ , . - u. . n of mm“ m t)oR‘:imn‘“1-o7‘5n‘:l:-c"c‘””"".'“o;s°;da_;'oill be mide to counnerdal load tonvrillfollow. 3 Silk W I . $3.50 _ . ‘~ g..;.. c..:.o Degree o:;,,,,.,,,,‘‘’°°''“° ., i,,,.i..-,;.,, to and feeders : e V"" - ‘ " °° See Them in Our Window Display '* 03", ‘lholdtheirnextmeetiII¢inColumhis 30112:! int; Ngmzzrlgtz T _ . Sh E 1 ' -1- - - - in spring. - over; an. .;_i -' op ary ‘ ———-——— ' . ....___.__.__ guocaom. susooaro: Light. moo - . GET YOUR ‘STATIONERY NOW fl'0m $2 (0 $7-50 ‘ _ fl ”“k" ‘I305: 8-2:’ ha‘ ‘fin .Pt¢kilH u‘U°'3om |'k‘:5';5@5‘jg'6@:l582;' J‘ Shi ment of hes tiful tsti with vsriou colored lined P T You Better Selectlons “*5” ‘at’ °1 School“; Journnlismhere last year 35.7555-25: -. . ‘ P - (“tn ‘ g:,_;u1 135 box ‘ h 3”‘ C°'m’ ' 0‘ who is now atteodint Cobradoi 3333?-3057"! 3.000: nitric! chub,” tom‘ —*u’mp.d ‘ . i““d7° ' 1- 0 . . P. ‘O 5. hdé u p,n¢', Sat‘ 00"”. “ Cohnfl, swat‘ . I Other interesting Cflstmu rift-I and novelties and s lvficisl £ loheroons. " ;wuth‘eeat°ro{‘.peddunmb"4 E'u"a_so@6_so;c.mm_' ‘ad; assortment ofChnstmsscu1hst the The Mexico 10% Vill confer the log the cdondo T33”-5, cutters. 8l@8.50; Wool lambs, 810.75 I N G L E N O 0 K Illitiltflf 4850- 75° 30°39 mublishod November 8). Paxton @13-9°- . ' _ : '-"—""' ‘ 705 Iissourl Ave. ‘ ' BOOM C003?! editors of the 1924 Ss\'- .’ whit‘ P13‘ Q‘ cm‘ TALKS o m cws '“"- 61° ‘"7’ "W" ‘° 9"’ '-""‘ sr. LOUIS. Dec. . xo.‘ ,,' _ '""itV “IL 3 whim,‘ 73;“; 1q°_ 4 W’ 75;“; 5 - ' ' ‘ ‘"*”~" “‘-"“"“* M - 0. E. Allen lb-it M (‘M-it!-0 To Gm—““""",,m_n_ ,;;",._-,- A Dec. 74:: Jul)‘. vsssc. ,~ .:,.(ig 5 .~ ,4“: 5 t_ _4,.(a 5 .. , A 5 2.4 ,4 5 ..(a*. ,-L“: 5'; ' l "h""""‘ Parent-Teacher i.'.o¢'s..{...o 0sts—No. 2 white. 45%@4o%sc:; J‘ ' G’ ‘ ’ 0 ‘ "'3. ’ ‘3‘ ' " "3 . 0. E.A3IloF'U“‘U*01‘1|¢ Atidthea nefidd sdwdwmmefl so 3 '55“ 45g@45I,§¢- No 3 .~ 3.Q¢l5'-.|,4.. "gift,-'..(:i3.--'6.l..(:‘v; -3..(‘ 63.- 03"» 3"‘! '¢P°'*°‘ ‘."°!"°""‘,‘,’: at the 3.-‘foo: building 'l'hursdn)' white. uuétsuc. ' l A‘ 3 ‘ ’ "7 ‘ "3 “flu ‘ "F . uni: piano for the roeooo‘“‘¢"°°°n- C‘"'*'"'°" P°° 8'» -°Nr= “““"°’-D°°- ll-°‘= 1°‘?- W ‘t . villd @1018 will b! given by the ‘I-055$ ‘ 4 cub h“““fi"‘_,‘u_ m_n»&.m ad fochool children. Wheat (has-d)—No. 1. $1.11; No.‘ . l /t-.*~:..........m** -""......::..--'.... £2“ -"”‘“”-mm --mm» " "‘°‘ — ‘ Q a/to WM C6 I P . in d snfi”. 'y?“do not mad and use Missourian If you want to buy or sell some-I thing try s Missourian want ad. E l or it E 7; Ewlgl E: 3: Es? 9% .. E; 3g is ¢i_;_§__-__a_ E e if? E 3 8' = 3 - 92 5 5 5 A i E 3 E K ii! i as figs 3: E E 3 I ..se i I 3 l ‘OLKS Do Your Chfistmas Let’s make it an old-time folksy Christmas with fun 13 M9" 5"°Pl'l"¢ i i 3 3 E i -3. ‘E Q 2 E a. 3 3 5% a *5 eniaintenmen ; shopping E3,-fy _ _ . _ _ _ Days Before Christ- S In I In Fig. '1 mhzcfixn-yv“-gas:-Turn hotmm":§;o:;o::hmua: « » andfeashngandstock1ngsfflledtoburshng;vvithmw- sense there Sunday st . inn‘ 4042*} 313- 3361110 inches. , . Llo11lu':sspostoroltheloeslchurch‘ wt-u--u-u-vu-n-nu->— K-||0¢s'03nIIi:‘:t7cIl7n!bI tletoe and holly, and of eourse,at:ree; witimi lighted ---s-r-, --u--==-~-,,,;--:,---! .. ....'.';.';',“-.;*.-..-=.:,**;.:~:~..*?'; -.3:-.“‘.:-...-=.:-....-'........-'-'-~ ~*..~-.,:.° : i ) .4 . _ fined under 3;” ml maagmfig ;o"‘.? "°..3."o:;".$.""z'z'.‘ ..o‘:‘..‘‘,''.,‘‘;; I candle in the window on Christmas Eve. Let’s make it ‘A1ur_thecv nn- satnullvnloflfllli-Glilll-IN13dlIll’sBrsndnil!£orhsslthbsskel I a season of whole-hearted good will not only to our own folks, but to all mankind. The big store family are ready . 3AN‘73A.G3 : to give cheerful, smiling service, eager to do their share She Will Accept It With .‘ i. . Gladness Greek Meets towards bringing about the merrnestof merry Christ- ....’.‘‘’‘...?.'‘.''‘'..;‘1’.‘. ‘.;..........""‘ "iii muses- On a new handling when I Greek hey posters in some on It. uh ' as nut 08! ~; - ....‘.".'.. ....':.‘.. "..‘2'...".‘.:'...... TOILET ARTICLE SECTION or white. hike very efloctivc triuuslltl. too. Priced from 83.98 to 810.50. E El -3 E E E 3' 5 5 5 . i ~. . any-mg What to get him F or Christmas Let us solve “His Gift” problem for ,you. Our well defined holiday display in- cludes more than enough suggestions to make your shopping trip for “His Present” a comparatively easy and enjoyable task. 3):- --,. . .. - >- Mil L Y when most All we ask is-—that you SHOP EARLY. It l V ‘ ‘ ' » - Courteous Semellns pm:lptR.a:d . F-‘fig ‘ND OOMBS ' Sweeter Than the Honey from the Bee '_ Pfi ‘ .n.nce an lg t S ' lf°'4.;.e-tZ.M°’N°‘ The honey-bee for all his nature sipping hours, hasn't an oppor- ce8' ’ -1::-‘.31: tunlty half as rare as the one who-buys perfumes. He can't have all . omottn or s 0 I ’ ‘ Uw This -List of Suggestions... 1-» -in-I -NI! --5 '0 -*-"‘= _;the loveliest flowers all the time, and he never finds their loveliness eooped ‘ M" W‘ ’*:_“|""""l_~_": up in such startling clever little containers. Really. there's springtime rhioctooooo _ :‘:,:;,,,';j""‘,',‘,,":',."_.."""'.,.. , opdhaoughcrorumnmhue. or . " ' ’ l llarkschaffner and Mars Clothes Styleplus Clothes for man '1' R A G 0 O Xclothes D .;-v . O nwiéfiiiiien .1" '°" 3°” _ ' C ‘§UGGESfl0NS 2nd FIDOR :- Neckwear Underwear oogrg, ‘ 5 iii ‘ if ' J » Mufflers Sweaters g ».". Shirts Bath Robes (E ‘ Belts _ isheepfined 00.“, H3“ Leather Vest; l i 5.j__ CID! _ _ Pajamas‘ pt - -iansmnmenaniten . ll Night Gowns ' ‘lo . . ....-..—....-we -. ._..--. . . “ - ' "V-'11». “fi'."'Iv~4«-2'-r ; - . o ' I " ' '- . '_\\ . .9‘. V .7 H _ -_' 4~7A.~AV' '- L ' It 4 V . ‘Hr .. :‘ z:}_r'."‘“::: . . &-In-x Clothes for.Oves-fl Yeas; . 3;. 1|. ,. ‘ — _‘ Ht; ,‘ ‘ _ _"__‘_. '. _ .’ In 5,-.t“!5;?):;$* o . Q’ “ ' . _ V.“ . C-1.1,",-" . "7. - *~- v .- ' I . ...»..~,‘:.- -._|‘f:j_."_‘ _ 9 ..__w‘ ..’ _ .' .