/‘A ‘\ -: ' ‘ ‘”“‘ - v— """"‘.° -. menses III u we run p--— - . . . ~ / -. -: . '7 Y 7° ~ and -. om -'-‘inn c-as ontIie’m'stxIoor;xi.4o; uaioony ui, ion. _ . - -. ‘re --.~.- . . mm - __ re --.-o-v .— .; -I t u .' _ V 0 21.‘! ‘ ‘ . I ‘ ‘ - '7 " . .” -.r ' O-"’.?." o ' - . 1 ~ H‘ -:-'=- 3 , r_ ‘;— . . ‘ ~ S - . . Red and OIIIG'..-w-raw:-v.c>'0‘. V ___~_~;'. -4’ _ ‘ ,-re ' , — 3 I g ‘r-—-5’-s - V‘ l. - . A '0". .....»ou - r . . ...e&Voo§'§'ooOOOI ‘jg,-O’? ' h ' ‘ I r . ." ‘ U7 I-alert use ts....-o-In-eggs;-voeeoiy V .__-_—4-.’~’_ ‘ _ -‘ J,‘ ' -‘ .'> .. -a o AOIoOOoDOOOv|'I '. R -.- ,i~ . 1 _ _ _ r , is ex 7 -' ‘ I ‘ o-*"-". . ' O ' _ i .‘ _ . 1 . . . .. ‘‘‘' ' v .. . |‘:, . _ . ‘ “ ‘_ an « ‘ Y‘ . _ .-D““#f‘ . 5: 1' ‘ , . > ‘p -4 ‘ . a ' * « - " A - ‘ ‘ , -" I ‘ ‘ - L *: _..a ‘ ' .._, :...,'.n -V-—-Q -- - dimer?‘ ' ’x‘ "' " ' ~ 3”“ ‘;'..?i".'.r7"‘.I"°....".'iL‘i’i'£‘“‘.i...i'§;:Foriner Columbian Says Small .':;‘é’nnA(?L¥*':m1dNsstii?‘:>q:i"mm1MIi‘D CVKNAEVEN C '}r£wi-Ln'im...........ri...,. so 0. gfiékagmr Jam 0 ' OI! 9"’ C dented. es never harm him.” awn . REFUSES TO KILL "‘ r... ...... ~ . . . "-'—"'— “ ' ya had pretty goodvqiiickly all pots and us. any kind gtoiupl-one eonditlonaofeveryaort. 1 . ph es’ SDI Cltlsens of the Costa» City‘ ' he “pmnt ..u”,be am is of Wat 5",.“ ,~,, 0.” u’ ‘fie lo ‘W335 es _, ya‘ a’ “F'""' Kin” “’ 8° ‘ the reason. I re never had a de- 904 Broadway Phone 284. adv. «.l-3'3“ ‘P ‘-59 Wu‘ ’¢h°°l'- ll "4 pl‘. 1,“... "ugh gym. :3 sum now defunct Omoniele. Four of the ‘ D"‘“"" By Unmet l‘re-o-. sire to kill anythlfiz. CM l don't in~ "'“ f"'—"** . "5-are-‘H-to tflifllfiii will of ‘ma I--nu: - *-wt °“;_'fM""_';j cinch in St. Louis First Trust Com- 3, n......, r-....“‘‘‘‘‘‘, . POPLAR BI.UFI~‘.-“He wouldn't tend to break my record." to I lmovmn Wm M- necsasary knowledge and insulation. """ "'“- "". ""“ "" were on fsrms.snd rved PKILADELPFIIA. D be 3, kill it -,-—'-—*-—-—- _ W‘- _, , =aIIyvrhmehuthbc’ehureh orln"llIe*s‘°d‘“' 0"-' ad” "mu ,0“ apprenticeships in cddntry --A Ford-for-President c:;Tniz;ition' ‘nil: 1:: been said of many mild D"'“'" mu“, 0'" 1°d"' ' ' Prdenu fillwood continues h mflefidm flu ks. man whose brains and to boost the "flivver king" for the inoflemive rren But moct of them Tb" “°m'd "umb" of me Debi’ ' , I a . Y _ ._- . . . . ; O . ‘ ' “ _. ,h t, _ thi- ___j;___ 3”.“ wan 3° ‘hue um pa. 1,." G9, In." C“, . ‘at 6.“ cemwumn ‘energy ‘hate shoved to the front in 1924 Presidential nomination has On l0_¢I‘l-Int II M8 Dflilmhll V~’('Tt' J11“ _.h,_,d byflmc :1 2°}. C0 ’ ha "‘ ' Poi-intuit)‘-in tbehdne to acquire en remarked a 3-rouch from that town 33L 140"“ O “'8' l’°°d 50389. is not been gamed hem H “"0", a. any ,,.d.i,1(,od.d he- . . ’ . . . bli l ' ' I 7 ’ - an _a'''-i'7“_€'E—— :. . . - ‘K, {M fort)‘-Y5?! )1!" Of I8? Ind was Three hundred and eighty-four man. S°°‘"5' ‘“ N 5 °d ‘.°d"' The ‘ ‘ 3 -rsixi-noun: _ C‘ = érdmuw °”d”§“”d"' °‘ ’.“”"°”‘«.n"ualy. ' eo;":imu1_ horn on a near Shelbina, Mo., per-one are charter members of the But "Uncle D." Cross. known from l'wb‘wr's.GT9eml"P.t" “la ‘'0 he ‘he ‘ ' It seems hardly Probable that the ogegp them out of this town, it educated at Columbia. and saw St. Ford club. Each charter member end to end of the Arkansas River. :,;,1b'\l,iu:’i‘i’~c?y‘>‘;:lnR‘::gsiskggdo:°;“(;’f at - ~- ‘ - - _ _ _ ' . . _" , -. .-- 04141‘ ' \' .--*- i 9- Caolt this deplorable you en, «mi ,0 “Q 0,; ,1 3,.-plaouls for the first time sometuent) must procure twenty buns fife rig’: say» h9‘n('\er lillltd anything into duflwly to imam“ of uniwr. W . : __ ._______ rests with the people theinselv-es "min “,1.” chug M, “,3,” “ad. years ago. Another St. Louisian of natures to a petition to force Jkhlch (rod PU! lift‘- sity and high u-hool debaters. The is.sut- is taken up moittly with netvs , ofllit: debating activities a.-. nr: S‘::;’°"3' “"“*"°" '~’°""°"“ 1 l.'niv¢-r.~ity km! in the High Sr,-hnol I'M. ;‘t’f‘°°" “' * ll!-bull"? lmaitue. Other ai‘tEclc.~ up '2 M "0 ‘ed’ p . mg ‘who ere not connected With any awn“ 1. you, bm;m“_ ma ,,h,_.,,1the same agemow at the head of Ford to be a cnndidiite of “the peo- (tum bu. .-aged 10,35 0,. 9... mr- I"-‘luffy Blankets - “ACE °" 3" . llchurch. or course anyone may join am you cor... grams» 1.. ¢....r.d.a1coId -tel-use business. was born in pie" in 1924. or be droimed from liulcnt Arkansas River for many - “Peace on earth. 80°‘! "aw . ¢},¢"3,_;,,a,“1. ;,' ',kom,d by of the n,',p.p;c. "nu. “ hi, 'ide‘ ;Coluinbia, and did not go to Mis- the organisation. )»(.,,r_._._ and ,.1ugm.- m.,,..., 1., haw 1,,“ i“ am the taponihnuy of induo ooh’ I ‘m only ‘ ,.,",,p.p,, m._n.:‘801n'l'8 great city_unti'l i904. Three The club adopted seven resolu- ;. 1og_ w}.§_¢-h gm... mm high fitnnd. ‘mi 1 orkimny “me {mm co;nm-;of your ablest circuit Judges were ons: sew‘ 0* 3‘°¢'"' “" ""7 i. tho in do t I ta '1 . ‘‘ in: for anothtr Mm dclintiflit la)‘ the editirs -r - uls: “.°'" d" "°"’ ‘.“’°" “'““" ‘ nation for the Christmas season: bl"-,::ne.‘.e* :0 . nsi ‘Tango 2y .' my nm. the cone‘, mwn,» .1, the . farrn—born college men and your 1. l?evelopment of Muscle Shoals "why 3,,” man H...” ,..h‘,,,s U97 w_.mu_d_ The pap" “fm b(_l1:mik_:! ‘ __ inen dress, rstinc rest. ‘ so at mu ha been only . ml : 33' l'“‘’‘”_ P ~“" ‘l’ hum‘,-k, reply-A United States nudge was born near and .\ia¢ara Falls and rivers for njopiqujtug tt};.-vn nu-_v pt-51¢-r him," ‘U M] _ulN.rib(,n hmurrw‘. Silk and wool dress. m‘ M *fiv°m.d¢°,t uiaig-lveniwm’ 2" :5Oh?:h ntll relittous . “I 5 _ ‘n D” mendievada, Missouri. Francis. electrgicatiion t; Sr! trsnsportation,‘hi,. fm,mk my. ' ;_:___‘_____ ° ‘fluted ups md cont i _ - _ . ~rnove en in re, u i necessary ' . . _ governor, secretary o t e interior, ’ . .. - , «Q , ,, - ch. th ""5. to make it a reality. This essence ‘ mi? aw 1- are bums. bllcklulflcfi. Ind film‘. auto‘, 0 the world.‘ Fai . . _ “aw ,:,"°Pbly ° ,t, b _ '_i “hen hi l.’ on e. r.it’t of loci. and V Electric Reuters ‘ "99 9 _“°l°" ‘"4 ' ‘ fered the fst;\° 1"“ V” "W" ' p°°""' if they remained in the country they r’ m""‘ " ‘ ° ° " °‘p°d' '°"‘ 3 3°‘ sees a snake» bug or otlu-r in~ect Ill A high grade and efficient Pl(‘(‘ll'l(’ ‘hem “°‘ )f Christllfllli ll” 5”‘ _ ' not go .15; mm] um peopie us“. m would not hue uh” enough to getter to Russia.‘ mayor of St. Louis ernment airplanes, as the aircrafts the “.,m,r H," M” U“, 3 W11, "0 hm, h,,;m_r' 510‘, _\~“.mm "flaw", (~o_ Phone 557 of cverythmz “ill V9375 “*5 ml’ - " O . _ _ . ‘and multi-millionaire broker, was could be used in carrying mail. » ‘ .- . ._ ,. J. .. . ) , ' _: . . . 3'~'"°"- by without work being natural-born . - . it on the nut. if is bllhht or lU!'llt ..-ml lollllltl-\li\, lhone 284. nd\. :iljt becomes meaningless.‘ To ¢i‘V¢ ’ ’ born in Richmond. Ity.. and once sold 3. No booze smoke screens. The ' The condifion exists but few real» T186818. 1119 Oil)’ 330758 lhemllfl OP’ - an m { St I - . _ - . ' . , .- - stm . : d - ii ld l - s w . :3 itch ’iguiflcw“' tn: dlumh ‘M :,o:it,:n"i:' gr and JORKDCK (,::i:- di:-uisid fdjdivz-‘rte tl:e oplubligohiinjl cadets must no remain so ' . 3" mo, of his jdion,» “fin” thrbell, two of St. Louis’ most suc- from transportation and conserva- mu been the purpose of an A-‘_ ively indifferent to such a situation. p h ' ' ‘ cessful men in railroad circles were tion of natural resources. ‘ ’ . A , , . 1{ 59¢}, is an ¢.,¢_ jg g-e,,',.§m. oniy “ ‘ _ _ ; , countrybred men. Richard M 4. No more mains to Europe un-, ‘ma °{ “om” ‘ate? "; with an go‘-¢.mmem to pnsent 3 F” “‘k'“3 "‘ ‘ "de ","'"‘°”' he city‘: great merchant‘ less the collateral is protected by |"“°“"°3“5~' Pin’ ft’, “ muom ' - ~ °fl'h‘”d 7°“ luv” me “am batland hilanthro ist w-is ii count ' the w ld urt and a ban"ahle' ’tion. "~‘'"°d3’- 101" wine "¢‘¢‘°€'“1°d 80¢!!! some million times" replied tile; P "‘ ‘ ' " °' °° " pole!‘ Cllfiflmil “lords °°“‘P°t‘ institution is necesnrny required‘ _ _ 'd 1‘ S‘ _ thisjnan and always loved the country. mortgage. 191?‘? PT"-9“ °f ‘"500’ ‘L000 “:2 Certainlv the situation will not be ldérhsorbatpetrli ml‘en.uni.~i-..< City tht-y nrc 4-term NE“ \0RK \hA.\T.\ T0 ‘ - gnorthern icc wastes is stromter to- 0h (M tr“ "2 ts‘ P0 at 3 ‘'5 vally kicking: illyfllll tl:<- t'::t‘.« lu-int: _Sll0“ H0“ 15*”: IT 19 ' Ada)‘ in the heart f D . 1-‘ ‘dz’. 2' ‘ "' newspaper man‘ crowded. They lllL\'(' lici-ft-ti and lid. _ "" ”‘”“ .D.lNG CODE ‘Nansen, fdnio “No r 5.: Cit)’ Ind _(—'0Ul|U'.V Oflllfis _ lowed so much that tho ;.olitiei:ir.s: A“dKT:h:‘ s, ti". ._“!-h"‘_“.o{ Stu." rue ago there was 0 200d . plorer, than his high position of _ "1 W31" bor“ "1 3| 7981 l0“’n§lT|Khl on the city ('ullYlt'll lirivc hail £4) upon. “I” "watt." “Til” e discussion in Columbia rc- world-wide fame as an adniinis. ‘'1 1?! ectnter of u, too; the ell)’ O7,strt-eta and do :1 lul i-I ihir._L'$ H1121 H u-m___e 0 ‘ "faint 3 bugdh,‘ ¢od¢_ The goodtrator, relief worker. humanit ' it, St 14’'-"5-' P7001513’ bill 810071111)’ T9’ have cost us ii pile of money," \\':i: 11,- (‘.,r.....1;.1;;¢..l 1-,... .;-.,,,r ‘fig txnl. l9'."lI ‘.313 of such kgishaon were Noble peace prize winner and world l'lled_U1¢* izrouch. the grout-h's parting: .~.liot. as .0 NEW YORK.—-The secret is out. ,0-mud out ‘mil cansidenue imfl._*P¢'M‘¢ advocate. f life were only "Sl"“(‘ 3'0"‘ 3"’-'1-"0 99"’-3”‘! th‘"'¢‘di-39d hi5 W1‘-." 10WhTtl UK‘ lwlvl New York wants the Democratic . - « . l3 lime ‘W38?!’ the inlerpid Arctic “°“"“'}' P90!’ 1' kl‘ 8 WW" “l "5 elevator. ‘ national convention next year be-_ _ 1 "l ’°‘”'dm‘ such “am” “:5 explorer would go back North. "°'~""~ "W ‘"9" “'50 h“"“ "‘‘d‘’ ‘be , , cause it wants to show the rest of ‘~ ; -—— I . . Nansem who gutted .m,n, 3 in the center of it. too; the citflof 9”‘ ("5 ""}‘”"“, 3“I“_“1“\ , ‘ ‘ __ the country what is TI’l!ll)' finc cits 1 Then seemingly the matter vrzis.Ame'ri“n mm, in behalf of Eum_ vour residence, )US‘-l to see how many "EHWE 513“ (U-\(-R1265 3‘-W. 3-Mk i_“_ 59“. y..,-;; “-,,m,« u, . 0 o until rceentl)'.I'hen a cotln-_pe‘n Mreuef ‘ml wofld p(.m.(,. “.iSt_ ‘ll "11"" “”‘t‘ 50"‘ in 9lll'"~‘T (‘ll}'o" pi", (vaum An, in "“u_.¢, and Om. do something to niukc the rest of e ~ -ilman announced he was prcparinzf fully -,-03¢-ed the wish that he mm}, 9Ui!t¢‘3l“d }h1‘ "°“8_P8P" N3“ in S,m“_yuu, __ N. “om the country like her. - lissplan for introduction in the city‘.once again brave the perils and “Tam. hum” 0”" for (fnlmplel -ouncil. . . . ‘Sew York. It has been imitcd “on excellent ‘hardships of the Arctic night. where -"°"’ ’"°"“"’ b‘"““”' D" “'u'‘'“ S’ -- authority" that the mt of or.- ' in the mmmime attention haslnmn). years ago he won fume. Woods. now dead. came from the II)‘ ljnite-1 l’r:>~.n..~ . V (.0um,.}. ..huu,S.. it‘-0“. 3-“,k_ A N}, ‘on “Bed m we impormme of‘ no pnfermd to um of Arctic small, tumbled down village of . \\A.bllll\(.'TC.).\. ——- Six t'unl('St!‘. “mm” on R New York pamm _ . _ . Me I t. he _ Rocheport, M0. The president of ll’l\'0l\rlrij! tht ri;:h'..~ of llll‘llll>('X'S lu‘ .0umn_ing an hour M “W bpvond ruch legislation in the erection of un ‘pm’ ‘°“ 7*“ 7 thin Of “ofld .. 1 t \- t- 1 ha k h 1,5 m- t . h.d1.1 f . . _ v‘ - . .' ‘ . ‘conditions. The snug. blue,e‘_ed your urges l a iona n K nie eir sea 2:. are sc 1 u t( oi (UH the uarlem riv”. is five“ Cred“ for 1130811151 . ‘ - . ' _' sn 0 Strflct-|1!‘0 on 8 Corner; . 2‘-ld('l’8Il(in in the nor: Congress. Of k- th d- H”. em. (.01. -pposite the state university and in’.E§°Rr°us1d°kim::nl prgglglzdegfzieg City financier, whose name became thes. five are in the House and om: ine0u:::M:it'i(;s h:;“_( Um_ f the best residence. districtstflyin ‘O ‘irphne w the North Pole famous from ‘coast. to coast before in the 'bl‘l‘.'.l.l(’. V ‘ fl his ‘,in_,_ Therefore _\-1,“. . bi‘. should we have they Amundsen. he dedflei will me. he retired. drifted into hansas City The Bluylacld t-aw which pr(il‘.i1S('s York is ..._...-.-g 5 You wouldn't put a radiator in the basement. would you? But naked ' pipes. pipes and heating: plant are about_the same as hating several Radia- worricd. It wants to know I of building code the evil: ceed if he is not forced to land on from "fKms'5 “T: mm’ mm’ ‘° ‘:°‘f°’““ "l""'b"‘*“"‘j pl" "fo"“,‘\', why the country at lni-;:c—thr him- tors there. 'I‘he.|he:it IS! lwadnted hIll3Slh8.lt’S.“ 5'0"‘ %‘:'_’ld. ml" ’ ._ we ice in a {on The trip. if made ager 0 your grea s on in ansas spetts as t I‘. ting. ornvxii-out . u.- erhnd as it wen,_dis1ih.__. in Um. lllt‘ pipe: and hm (‘rs coure “ll 0 ns-. am: e .8 S 009 \9l'll|g. 4 xx“? me can y 3“, We nigh“ however. will m_com_ City came from Columbia. Mo.. berry case, lllV0l\t*.~ the right of and OM}, mnmpoim ,, . fly to beautify their: 9 1: little. in Nansen‘: opinion be. ‘‘'h‘’’'‘’ 5* “'°'‘“~‘d -3 I 50)" to aid his Earle B. -“31)1l1'ld _uf Texas to l't'l’° 1"“ "9 l"~"l’ 5'0" 93"“ “'9' h-" °°"°"l““ -"°‘" h°a“"“ plant “°"" ‘ ‘l 11 se it win furnish no scientific widowed mother. With only one ex- resent that state» in the Senate us‘ - Th . 1 ’ - dn ception the judges in your city are successor to formi-r Senator (‘ulbcr- ll ' _ .l ' . /ls being discussed ‘Shady ta’ country bovs with a college educa- sun one-—nonpz~.i-tisan in theory Li. _ , . — , ‘ ' ' ' . '. ' . ' . . 8 ,' s’ '- l . ' * 9f cm” gnd 1; feggffled‘ ‘_A;";"d:°“ 3"" be “me ‘O d‘5lm' {lot}. at which you have Just scoffed. The case against Miiyficld is based ]f“:‘l- . :" ';('“‘h l§°P:e’€lY‘:“:fikT§“‘:(); . ‘ ° " _ gm’ 8:; ‘"‘ '“"‘- “'3 d'-’°l‘’°d~ bl" With few exceptions your great mer- 53"," T‘ V’ ' 3 . res hi her I th t ‘ d upon allezzitiurts. that his 1-J1-ction ‘ -. - - ‘"9 ,‘ "’ ‘ - "W" ' chants are farm-born and country on.t'tut-d -' 1 i‘ i .f ih»‘ ’l'l‘ _ . . s. . . . . . . a med’ pt-’gre”"c .leglshn°n “Inn ‘mnld f"‘d' "R" h‘' hl"‘5°” had bred bovs The man who established :-]ec‘fi‘on ‘in\\‘\\‘)0'l‘l‘l(;Ul]l1Z1‘l it cl:-D:iv‘t-ll hm’? "Sen up to inquire what 1105- .\.'lnllur_\' Plumbing: Scientific Heating cell as any other city. She has a ' done nbogrd the Frgm long ago, ' I H ‘ siblc viiluc lll(~‘t‘Ufl\‘(‘nll(|fl would be ‘ 'fl O 23 0- -r ' ' ' * . . ‘ . I‘ . _ ‘- I new the we must maintain and nothinz but dew possib1.- i'r‘.‘§..."7.I“.‘r...".‘il’°i'...§'i'..3.°".’...§i.‘.’ ‘i’-‘J33 §3l§....’.’;'1‘.‘i.”’.‘."r‘£{..§?‘...Ti‘i“§§.I.'.ii.i§?§n‘§r to the «W ”‘°'"~' 9°“ ‘ 23 "- 3"‘ 3" aheshould not}lrop important issues d0l1¢‘d with islands.’ ,1e,der,,-_ fg,,',n¢;e,-5, and men of 31. 3 S(.nam,._ -phi. Kn Kiln. K1.mqm___ Joseph P. Day. chairnuin of thc l ike this. - ‘ Nansen, who is 62, said regi-ct- fairs. are almost without exception. tion enters into the C850. although ‘"{"‘~‘"*1 general convention cont-' . full)‘ that he will probably never farm-born. and small town products. 5: {nay not 1... m,,,.id..,.(.d di,.l,(.u).' mittee, aide)’ mad? 799*}? ll" W.“-‘ PROGRESS vs- sTAGNA'n0N ‘be ‘me t° 3° bad‘ W 0"‘ Arcllfr "G8Y'dlM‘T 1-3U‘|T0l‘o 701' 5'93” V9‘ Fix‘; contested cases four of which the “’n"°ml°n would be or m"Um- ‘T __.- - - buying me feconstrudjon pg,-godwvhic threw its spell over him so garded as the foremost citizen of an. from ye“. 3-Mk 'di.‘.h.m:_‘ fun, all» cducationnl value to the coun- tftu‘ the Civil ‘Var, it was not mi- ‘W18 880. AS 8 hObb)'- h0‘*'¢"’¢’F. hi‘ Your 10W“. 2805711 ENOTYWF 0‘ “W the House for scttleniczit. They in- "5' M ["2" and mus of benefit to ‘much to we the fnmcr of therhifi 8dOPl¢d 0 Mud)’ Of 010 “'O!'ld'S Santa F0. D0‘-'~' 8 Wilde“! Of CMCRZO clude Moore. (Republican! vs. Clark. NW‘ fiat.’ '. - , - - . , . ‘'\R- t th I f om the niddle western states. in his h1chl°""'"5' ‘Mb h‘ pursues "' Em’ W" b°"’ m (.:°l"mb"' we 8°!‘ of ‘D°'“°”“"“ 6"‘ (’°""a"' (Rwuh ‘ if wdnw rtetwfsnfe ilere and T ESDAY nob ‘ad bl - d - ~ h- ‘ime""L" wh°"‘ the I-9&3“? °f 33‘ lb? firm» PN‘5ld9"l Of ll"? Un“'9T' liciin) vs. Buckley. (Deinocrzitl lll.; 50”‘ ml, 0,‘ 9 U ue ’°'"'s' nvmg "‘;tions is not demanding his serviceslsity. . ‘-1 , 5"” lh" :""“' Xork ‘5 “ human town‘ ' ' r Ansorge. (licpublicun) vs. “(I _ _ imhling . mules to town as hea, ,, ,9]; f -m, '_5- . _ . . ‘ _ . . . . _ , mhalntedliy human people, who lead houthauuy stroked his flowing 9 C“ m‘ ’°"'~ .‘.(an} From Columbia Famous (I)en.otraticl .\. 3., Frank. olkm- clean 1, ‘OS. , w “, . ,_ ‘ _ . _ . Vt - t th- ti see i 9 ,,¢ pm,” dmde to dud“ ,m._ . . >t- Clair MC1\8lWa). celebrated otrat) vs. 1.. Guardia. tltipublicnnl, Bmdwlgy Md 1:,‘ tgzm "f§';‘ize‘n W HE°D‘ 301‘ BE AN}: GIRUS «HONEY 9 ‘ I I editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, was’N. ‘Y.. and Chandler. tltcpuliliciiiil ‘V01’. 93¢ 1817091‘ 27353311)’ d1’OPP¢‘d .5 N AND OF MISSOURI also born in Columbia and Charles vs. Bloqni (Democrat) N Y "J '1 as clean as their own Main Street] he of priniitirp farming; _ _ _ Grasty, one of An,e,ica-8 be“ known In “W MO(_re_(~lm_k cO£1‘(,:gt-h’()0X'n §t..:-t(.at:;z(i]n'tmt£ic-‘a]:“€£:Dil£3iidhbet‘ wglli .\'o girl was going: to sting: him? No sir! . rtreetahwl gfi‘hed mm on the‘ agltjmgithtvudfiiggguth {0r1y.lEt‘Ft9 ye”: "l,'l'ibm'isl!';'edm'w Chi thb New "bozlnlk al1l‘egeg“u"nlt!l)i5llnal[nC‘l"l':s kfqlwit flllm‘ 'L :9:-w Yorl; believes it is twins: 10 TN" 8 l’'¢‘11U’«l7Ul "1110 "7ziPlK‘T" Chm‘! bUl- //‘A . ‘ e towns. ; - ’ ' 9 118 Hon 0 ‘ imes. iv in um in as ii y t e o it-in a 0, w ic rim or ‘ 1. “Mb M“. ‘:1 N0}, when an. fa,-me, must bctvalwble J3Ck3°" C°l_-ml)‘ ‘$31558. Vial prherc his father was pastor of the in contesting: the election of I’.cpri-- $9‘ ‘h°_i_:::""i't)c‘:':1i1;cinc:i"‘;£th(: aeputh ziniz along: und-Y Adt-':~ best story; { . . lbrought to a close in Kafifias City ‘Presbyterian church. sentativc Sol Bloom charged fraud. -Wm" . . I In avert mechanic to operate hIs.,,_.c,,.,,u,. ~ .. . . F R , , A .. ,, licnns to foregatlier here In 19.28. In \ML,hu“.‘ fines‘ wk. 1!.‘ we bee.‘ mm ‘"303’ 305 l-hT¢3hiD8 mlwhlnfr 3!‘ . —————..__ nsmce you have nhdmukd a 953'.“ w::)m::m d':¥:,:::§N3?-LR(_;;r::f’:t,l’ t at we) cuxbbodzv‘ will knov» htm ' ‘ ' ' ’ " 6 - r ~ t w . . t in ~ ' . A ' ‘ ‘ - - . t - ' _ , h‘:‘p‘le¢i‘:lau'ruderdm kw up m‘hiiecI??.::?i°s:fuf§'i.:‘mem" s°r"',’3‘f”v $3.-‘for: nnarfiifgi coium°§ia'boyr rive R0301 wo1i<~r. expiamui in I-:- “'“‘~ " ‘S ‘° "‘ “ ""“.-}.°”‘°' l ‘ 4 /l ‘ on an prices, a co-o -- . , ’ evemniz 8 rm- . , ' ; ' " ' T ‘ .’ ‘wrmmnrket hisgooda pm{itab‘:"«E¢,.p,. college in St‘ - n s_ born there or who lned there and PTOW“ 9"“ flllllouflh U‘? T“ “"1 Electric Heaters ADOLPH ZUKOR DIES! l r 2:2” »“‘";..:;.**"‘ :*‘*:::f'.*;=;“‘ A W: 533° "“‘ °*‘.‘.°‘::.‘:.:::°z'.:° ?u, ' i not contain . popu ation. ‘ " ‘J’ H 1' h titer, 7. ewman s « .. lepends upon the long-esred. stub-E e hem" illere they are: Fred M. Desring, 954 Broadway, Phone 23-I. adv. ' son animal Yor.liis contact with the _ About thirty patients. nurses and P_Y959m mllllslfl l_0 P0794831. author. The «Ace-r windshield mun“. _Z 15¢ gm;-]d_ 11;. mm; mum"- internes at the General Hospital in diplomat and assistant secretary of ... airs -_~-;-i bth'd..'*''''''—'———#- ‘ , my .d.pub],_. m his needs. _ sas City were ill l'rida)~_ pm, state before he was forty; B. '1'. Gal» ;?_(fOn‘N::.rm:nNg‘:rd:.":‘L2:' Flo°r.Suf‘.cing g Specialty . hi ' - . - . . - ' "‘"’.....°‘ ‘er °' "*° ='.::*:.::.. :2 :.:°;.::::;:::.‘:.°::*:..:.%.*:.r.';. 9°‘ 23+ 3...... ...... .....o . gave as e progressive’ ‘ “Wed . . ~ _ r"""' . id 34 to g5_ W_ W. .. ruin nkszmng Day. « ton; Jonett Shouse. congressman Chi-11 Gasoline for cold weather. P" “l°"°» ° ' iarmer hns—4h<-5' have adopted‘ -_ f K, d - , ‘ . .. W d hone 909 Black or 948. tonstitutiious zlequhtcja fad laid!‘ith::9;“€:gé:D”flt4eC%?::nLlqn of unden:35%_i?Eon’8lS):lf$0l:elltheS9:.r:‘ Taylor Garage. . Ad\._i9-81 __—‘l_::_________________ "um tofu. 18300“ 1“) CC! . ' . _ . 0 ‘en 5 OT’ George Stgikofi’ ‘ ‘ " ‘' ’ .‘ . ,,,_ _ __,A_ - . . . —# -——— v — -~ “"*"‘ ;_ l 7 4‘ ' if _ . ‘ ‘ . Shelia: nrriinged a trade of the ari--,‘.mumm’ mu be had 3‘ Sh I-'°“’5 politician. former head of the sales‘ ‘ ' - i Liqinted mule for modern and more .1: Dt°:°:'b°:d1.1',l2 ""1 13- “°°°'d' business of the International Har-V * isshle methods. The framers of} ‘ D mm") program an’ "3519!" ¢0mP8h)' in EIITOPO Ind . . ' . It ed F 'da . ‘ ,he proposed gmggdmentg for the 1 gqngcnneu :,ai§en:y Thom” y A‘ South America, who came to _Coluifl- . uh-anti mmfimfion repmseme ’ 1 _ bia to school and worked his way ' he mnnmed __* of we , The Gena!‘ undue in the through; Ben M. Anderson. Jr., hew . """-"**‘ '7‘ - York be it a ll In‘! an ‘wk. _ ‘Lgbe cent,-.1 Building in n er, economist an co ege & _ ' ' =st_» Lo - ~profesaqr before be we thirty; M.. ‘flue-question on the day when the'upeu:";“ dog“ «to cm :::E:_‘D. Hudson. advisor of sthe Belgian; unendments are submitted to the;.g,‘.j-‘,,,,..1 (;,,.m,,, mum,“ ., Government: Dr. T. 1 See of San poofilé, Pebrusry 86,wlll be whether. ch5¢,_u,_ 1‘ Md been in st‘ Louis Francisco, greatest living astrof 0 ‘ 1‘, . _’ U 3 | Ilhourhns want to continue to nsefor oeventy-five years, and ‘-35 °"“-'‘’» 5°?“ 0“ 3 “ml in MOMKOIIP ' . .7 the methods of 1375 which still rc- closed only during the no war. .°'¥ °°“*“Y~ M°-= W‘ *0’ * W°m"-‘ ‘ ' m ' ' - .?.._. the late Mrs. John A. Logan. who : . O ‘ Pan in °°”ht"_'ti°u'“_ ‘ Thafez. gsnifel A. Lord. S. J., _a was born ‘north of Columbia and . 9 A 1 mama-use m.....‘;,..:*.:°.:‘:i.....°‘ :.°..";‘:..:::? :.°:::*..°"c.:..'*:.:'.‘.t. _p...,.., v.,t...,,,.,_ L “3'1“°3lv 50°39 “'01- C5016! the pageant for the International ham. Dr. Galloway. Dr. Anderson‘ =1-Jucharistic Couzresscto be held in and Fred Dearingwere born in Co- ghlafli Reverenddumbia. Your -newspaper bunch‘ C . o. . -,. ’ o ‘ V 1-. Lord vi-i _ several pe-ttnate would-not mention his native U A geants for St. Innis productions. with such pride if -you 'had u not sneered at small towns and uni-‘ .. A _..__a_‘ ._ ‘.1 ‘ Uetal Weathetstflp.’ - ‘ ' . - -J1- . ' "-*1-er-vi» ex-*""“’c‘.’.".’.‘ir2”".°.'.'“."??;;"£.‘l. M5 3=15 ‘ ‘d'‘&'n'’‘ ’ “l1iesamehin¢isastrueof'Bt. s ,o.. g... . _ of Vlndovsdmm. "W DC. 11878:. 0? “D311 *3! “IO 1091 Louis, as ofliansas City The man ‘ it Basil Ippliad._Newnaa ~ ' ~ t ' .3 0% 9;‘ Bmn n&»m heads one; . Tickets at the Door 23¢ Adv.:iiap‘ttst ‘ in '10.; *1: . .. ‘ r -;;-_-,—————,,m t ,:mtilhisthlrty- . ..n.- Unrenerved $1 Blue Ribbon polishes for Brasa.l8t_ Loni. come," Nlclul. s‘ . etc. New-ii Haétlfu-m ,...,. . ‘It’: not tho 3!” 'l‘ailor”=with A! St. John A ‘ . . ....v..... ....¢~.. frec. - Go.’ ‘Broadway. ‘_,___,_.